This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 29, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. We are in the eye of the storm as the tomorrow game may finally have come to an end. Eventually their lies cannot perpetuate forever and today’s report is all about panic Friday. Will the operatives finally say they have had enough?
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Today’s report is all about Panic Friday!
Governments Know They’ve Been Screwed & Are Looking to Get Back Kim’s $23 Trillion
The governments are in a full-on panic. Kim heard lots of chatter in the US about all that money she had sitting in the Treasury and now they are asking, can we get it back? Can we work together with her? Meanwhile others, like the Democrats are blaming Kevin McCarthy and want to impeach him which is hardly a surprise. But it’s not his fault, it’s a lot of people’s faults — but not him.

In fact, if we have any ‘known’ public person who could be blamed for this mess it would be Chuck Schumer. Remember Kim pointed him out in a recent broadcast. He was doing the bidding of the Chinese Deep State. Even though they may look like Americans they are Chinese and not working for America and they were part of the that crew of imbeciles who thought they were going to pocket $2 trillion, but that didn’t work out now did it.

The Truth is Spreading Like Wildfire Amongst the Operatives
Since Wednesday the education process continued and it is spreading like wildfire among the operatives worldwide, the political operatives, the financial operatives, etc., and there are thousands of them everywhere in the world. They have gotten real information that they can verify and they are educating and getting verification of files that Kim was right and they are sharing with more and more operatives in droves.
And it happened at a perfect time of year because it is two days before they are supposed to arrive in their respective zones worldwide to collect money and payments from Rothschild. They are arriving at their respective locations and Durango is no exception. They are traveling around the world going to specific locations setting up arms deals for WWIII. They set it all up and put in a lot of time, work, and effort to make these contracts happen so as soon as the money drops, they are ready to go.
The monetary deadline was set for 3pm today and they are waiting to see if Rothschild delivers. Kim on the other hand will be making popcorn and plans to sit back and watch the show on the Key Intelligence & Military System because as word gets out that they were all taken, several things are expected to happening.
Highest Level Operatives Have Agreed Collectively to Take Action if No Money Comes Today!
A lot of the operatives who were involved at the highest levels have taken a step back, in the background because the ‘ghosts’ the operatives who go bump in the night have all agreed collectively that they had enough talk and if Rothschild doesn’t deliver the money by 3pm today they have all agreed collectively to take action.
Kim cannot confirm or deny what she thinks that means, but we will probably end up with a lot fewer Order members and those who follow the Order’s scams and schemes.
Mutiny at the Pentagon
There is also a mutiny going on in the Pentagon right now. We have generals we see and generals we don’t see. Some are still believing in Rothschilds fairytales and some do not. But an exciting and zippy twist has happened.
General Mark Milley is retiring and he was promised by the Rothschilds a golden parachute, which means he retires with his pockets full of lots of money, millions of dollars. Well, he now knows he is not going to get that golden parachute. So, in exchange for immunity from prosecution, he is singing like a canary to all his colleagues. He is very angry and not well and is telling all there is because he has nothing to lose. So, there is a laundry list of people who are now on the chopping block who work for other countries and have continued to work for people in other countries, be it the Chinese or British sector of the Rothschilds or whoever it is.
Here’s an article with an Alt Media spin.

General Mark Milley Arrested! ~ September 25, 2023 – Rose Rambles…
Pentagon Generals Are Flying Around Telling Operatives to Take Orders from Them Again
In addition to that we also have some of the generals who are loyal to the Order, or whoever is remaining on the Black Sun side, and they have been on a campaign flying around to operative land, the different zones in the world and demanding they still take orders from them. They have been to Cheyenne Mountain, Durango and Colorado Springs telling everyone what they are going to do — but nobody is listening. Instead, the operatives are telling them, no money, no work.
Mobius Military and Chiron Inc. Still Trying to Give it a Go
The only operatives who do not seem to be fed up and are still giving it a go are Mobius Military and Chiron Incorporated. Kim hasn’t seen these guys being very active in a while unlike Umbrella Military, but they are now and they are selling them stories like, our way of life will be no more!
Try to Open Portal to Lower Astral and Hack
So, they are trying to open a portal and see if they can get someone from the lower astral to come and help them. They have also enlisted some computer specialist people who are trying to hack into puffy white clouds. But the money isn’t real so they are wasting their time. Meanwhile Rothschild is yelling and screaming about what they can do to get their stuff back which was never their stuff to begin with.
Attempt to Withdraw All the Money in the Banking System
There was an attempt to try and withdraw all the money out of the banking system and put it in a ‘hole,’ that was the order. In other words, put the money in a place where Kim cannot possibly take it back. Although Kim said sarcastically, she does not know if there is such a place, such a planet that could do that, given that she has been to hell and back and has access to everything including what they had. It looks like time has finally run out for the deep state, and there are no more tomorrows they can give to the Treasury Department.

Note: Above excerpt from related post, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me
Treasury Department Intel
Speaking of them, intel coming out of the Treasury Department in New York is that they have explained the situation to all their partners at a worldwide meeting yesterday (because of course there is a lot of pressures on treasuries plural right now to find money and there is none). They provided all the documentation proving they have used the money that came from those documents Kim circulated again and that the money always came from Kim. They actually acknowledged the fact there was money and gold there for them to use for budgets but that is all gone now and the agreement expired. The gold is no longer there anymore, the assignments are not there anymore either and they pretty much said the only way we are going to fix this right now is with her (Kim).
So, they have now gone back to all their respective governments about what is going on with proof, with documentation and word is spreading like wildfire. The smart people are now saying there is only one way out. However, Kim hasn’t decided yet if that way out still exists, that is her and her team’s decision. She isn’t holding her breath but is waiting to see what happens after 3pm EST today.
Other Indicators They are Failing Miserably
Operations in Middle East Quieted Down
A lot of the operations in the Middle East have quieted down to a trickle. But there have been some explosions in Crimea and Tehran and a few poisonings of a larger scale at weddings in Iraq. They were done on orders from Rothschild trying to get WWIII going.
No Baby Eating Ceremonies on Harvest Moon (Thank God!)
They did forego their baby eating in ceremony of the Harvest Moon though. They thought the risk was too great to all gather in the same place. So they do listen to Kim’s broadcasts.
The Media is Looking Worse Than Usual
In the Media we are seeing people who never controlled a narrative before, just perpetuated it, try to carry on. The debates are about to happen, all the presidential election stuff is being talked about and they are looking really bad, even to the average everyday person who knows nothing about what Kim is telling us.
The Calm Before the Storm
It’s been a great learning process for them which has given a lot of credibility to Kim. It is trickling through DC and everywhere where the political operatives are waiting for contracts too. We are sitting in the eye of the storm; it is about to explode and this is what we have been waiting for. Everybody is just sitting back now because come later this afternoon some of the operatives are going to retaliate. There are no more days ending in ‘y’ that the Order can promise money to governments. That means the operatives who run governments worldwide know they are going to have to find something somewhere else. And we know all roads lead to Kim of course, and they might finally get it. So, it’s going to be a very interesting weekend to see if they are finally fed up.
All the Archivists Go on Vacation!
It must be a game changer coming up because the Archivists collectively decided to go on vacation this week and will not be back until next week sometime. They figure they did all they could do, supplied all the documentation and proof so now they want to just let it all happen. They anticipate when they come back a lot of changes will have taken place.
Monday’s report will be very interesting to say the least.
I just wanted to mention that I am planning on documenting some of the Q&A that was recently introduced but I will probably create a separate post for that. My hope for awhile now has been to eventually create a kind of glossary and I think the Q&A will be really helpful with that. For example, Who is the Enforcer? Kim’s answer really filled in some gaps. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to organize it yet, but it’s on my To Do List. Finding more time is a challenge, especially since my steady paying contract work dried up and I’m on the Job Search, which sometimes requires more work than an actual job. I definitely prefer working on this blog and work on it pretty much full time, but it doesn’t pay the bills. I’m still baffled that I’m only writing about all the things Kim does and it takes a lot of time, how the heck does she do all she does in a day!
In any case, if anyone wants to buy me a coffee I would be so very grateful.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
I don’t know how I should buy a coffee for you because I don’t have a credit card and in the netherlands payment is made with the ideal system.
Your blog lends a huge amount to Kim’s credibility, CARE or at least UNN should be paying you a stipend for every Report you release imo. 🙏🏼
I completely agree
Time well spent, for sure. Light essence on the way 🙂
Gracias por compartir, definitivamente todos los que vibran hacia la 5ta dimensión estamos en un proceso, bien emocional, personal o material , siendo.hij@s del infinito creador nos permite conectarnos con nuestra verdadera prosperidad, sea pues la luz del infinito creador tu guía para encontrar un excelente empleo y que los lectores de este blog sean luz para ti , amor, paz, entendimiento y prosperidad material.
Dear one!, You are a blessing to many people. I’m thankful for your channel because I sometimes do not have the money right on time to pay my prescription to UNN. When that happens you are always there and I know The straight up truth will be posted with the up most integrity! For that I am forever grateful to you ❤️! Does Kim even know about your blog? If she did and seen how much integrity you have in helping her spread the truth. That would be grounds for her to find a place for you at UNN. You are a fabulous writer and have the ability to keep things real and you need to be working with kim. When I pay my payment this month I am going to make sure you are mentioned and the wonderful ability you have. Blessings will come to you dear one with the best intentions it has too love and light to you . From a great full person for your writing. Sincerely Tamera
Thank you so much Tamera. And yes Kim is aware of my blog as I got her ok to continue doing it. I offered my help and hopefully when the time is right her team will contact me. I need to contribute somehow and for now this blog seems ideal. It’s like writing a history book in real-time, learning on the job and being of service all at the same time. Thanks again! PJZ
Looking forward to seeing some real change to begin soon..props to you dear one for your dedication to Kim Goguen and her work. I’m still on the fence about her. It’s not that I don’t like her. Or feel threatened by her. But her continued lack of real transparency , the fact she doesn’t even allow her subscribers to share the info unless they subscribe……& some (not all) of the things she has said instantly set off my caution alarms.
I had requested a q&a where real people could ask real questions. Not pre-picked. An actual live q&a, and she accused me of throwing hate. (my words not hers) NOW, there is “Connect with Kim”…. and the questions they have picked so far are exactly what one would expect….generic, and ridiculous.
But, honestly, there are more questions than answers. How can I say this without sounding like I’m picking on her?
At the end of the day, the goal here is to innerstand what is happening. To discover the truths about our history.To remember who we are. Anyone who is able to critically think is questioning ANYONE sitting in a seat that has power. Kim has announced her seat. She’s put herself in front of the people. And she’s said some pretty controversial stuff.
So why in the world does she get so defensive when she’s fully aware of the fact we cannot trust anyone?
I’m here because I’ve been blocked from the UNN telegram care chat. For requesting this q&a. Because when I started getting attacked by people in the chat I respectfully and lovingly defended myself. That’s the truth. I’ve since heard from others that had the same experience as myself. Even though I already knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. It helped to know this has happened to a lot of people. For asking the wrong questions. They were accused of spreading negativity. And I’m sorry but there is no difference between them doing that than the cabal censoring free speech.
My intentions have been genuine from the very beginning and remain so today. This q&a is meant to satisfy the growing # of people that aren’t getting real answers.
According to her she has many enemies. And from those I’ve spoken with regarding Kim none of them want anything to do with her…..that’s a lot of people. Why? It seems that most (not all) of those who do like her/listen to her have similar mentalities as the Trump Cult. Desperate for someone to save them. Blindly defending her position but unable to defend with credible facts. So they accuse their target of being negative and promoting fear. Ultimately blocking them in other words silencing their voices.
These actions do not mirror a loving creator. And I firmly believe that ANYONE who speaks to our creator as she claims to do……will carry themselves in a higher manner..We would sense the connection.
So many things she has said, I’m sorry, simply do not resonate with all source. Something is off. It just is.
Why do I continue to listen to her?
Because like I said I do believe a lot of what she tells us…..she claims to be in a very important position. So of course I’ll continue to watch her…..that doesn’t mean I don’t questions. If you dont……why?
I’ve the same issues and questions.
I visit this site only to check out the comments, the content focus on Kim as the main driver of world events doesn’t resonate. It’s interesting that Robyn has been blocked from the UNN telegram chat.
I visit this site only to check out the comments.
I visit this site only to check out the comments. I’ve tried to post this comment twice and twice my comment has been erased. Interesting.
Lately I visit this site to check out the comments. To find out whether this can be a space where meaningful discussions can take place.