This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim explains the delay on the Trump death announcement is not forever and in the meantime the Trump operatives, arrogant and ignorant are proving to be predictable and therefore useful at the moment. Kim also shares that we are being flooded with Light energy directly from Source and she gave us all a homework assignment over the next two weeks which is to help anchor in this light.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Hanukkah 2023 Marks End to Covenant Extension for Line of Solomon That Source Never Granted
Remember Kim told us numerous times that Solomon was a Guardian at one point in time and that Hanukkah is a celebration of the building of the second temple among other things? On the internet you can find out about people looking all over for Solomon’s Temple, but they don’t understand the story behind it. She didn’t want to get into too much detail, but just said again that the Line of Solomon is the Order of Dragon, so your Blue Dragon Rothschilds all around the world. She also stated that it was about 4 years after Solomon fell from God’s grace, when he picked Anti-Source rather than Source, and that birthed the Luciferian Movement. Then 4 years later came the Order of the Dragon. Solomon then had a covenant with Source and Anti-Source that he and his bloodline would remain Guardian for 3,000 years. That time expired at the end of Hanukkah in 2018. There was another covenant that happened at the same time between the Order of the Black Sun and the Order of the Dragon and it’s debatable as to whether the Order of the Black Sun existed before or after this time.

Well, the crazies were told it is written in the ancient manuscripts that the Line of Solomon had a 5-year extension to the covenant, and they were granted this alleged 5-year extension by Marduk. But that was a lie because if you make a covenant with Source, only Source itself grants the covenant, renews, or gives you an extension and that extension was not granted by the original covenant holders. But they only believe things that favor themselves, and that brings us to now, Hanukkah 2023, as Friday was the first day of Hanukkah, the end of the alleged extension and they were in need of a renewal of the covenant.
Order of the Dragon & Black Sun Driven by Hope of Renewal for Their Expired Covenant
And both the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun believe they have until December 15th to get it done, whatever it is. So, on December 8th, which was the first night after Hanukkah they were hacking like crazy and the Legions went into full swing because they were causing all kinds of problems everywhere. Clearly, they were not adhering to the expiration of the alleged extension to the covenant on Friday and nobody knew why, including Kim which is why she did not deliver her Situation Update on Friday. She could not figure out why they were going crazy killing people, doing all kinds of stuff, and submitting agreements to the Hall of Records, which were all denied.
But it turns out that is the reason why, this is their time to get a renewal of a covenant that expired 5 years ago, based on a lie told to them by Marduk. She is guessing Marduk was expecting the Primordial Lurker would overshadow Source and Anti-Source by this time and he could come out clean. Being able to see both the past and the future maybe he thought he just needed to keep it going for a few more years. Marduk was a deal maker and there was a partnership between Marduk and the ‘humans of the future’ and their synthetic creation of the Primordial Lurker which was also not a Source thing and Kim explained in the previous broadcast. But there is a whole bigger picture behind it that is not there anymore.
Kim Strategizes
Since the crazies are clearly still looking for this Primordial Lurker stuff, Kim created a strategy and she leaked out some of it to us so that we can understand how this works since the time has passed by now. Her goal, let them throw the book at her because she needs to get rid of everything they got at a faster pace. We can’t have them trying to do this ID2020 or digital currencies, or Agenda 2030. We can’t have this anymore. So, throwing bait out there allowed her to see who is still on the program, even after watching the movie distributed by the Legions last week on Earth’s True History, even after being visited by the Legions. Even after everything that has happened, they are still on the program, and this ties into why there was no Trump announcement. Everything is a strategy and timing is critical.
What’s the Bait?
They are looking for signs in quantum computers and other ways to indicate the Primordial Lurker is doing his thing. Some of these signs are giving them back access to the system, a renewal of the contract with the new artificial Sources. So, Kim thought she would throw them a bone and by Saturday they thought they saw something coming back, some fake money being shown, some alleged almost lines into the financial system and then later she started running some test transfers. But in actuality, they were only in the outer perimeter of the financial system, and in the spaces in between, they couldn’t actually touch the financial system. However, the bait she gave them was enough for them to think they were back in and they were all high fiving each other and excited. When they saw they had an alleged in, that’s when they threw the book at her, which she said was around 30-40 times over the weekend.
What does this do strategy-wise?
This is about winning the game. In their mind it has to do with control of earth. However, for us it means the game for life is about the entire universe and changeover of the Age and we have some non-repairable humans in the way. By creating a fake worker like line and having them throw the book at her she wins faster. And if they didn’t take the bait and the money goes through, we still win because it ‘s all about dropping dollars to a human being. So, this is a win-win situation and a strategy that has to take place.
About the Delay of the Trump Announcement
Therefore, the reason why the Legions have not yet announced that Trump has passed away is because sometimes you have to let your enemy think there is still something that is going to happen and you have to keep it going. Otherwise, they will do things like call her and ask if she would endorse McCarthy for POTUS again, which happened anyway.
Trump Operatives Are Trying to Make Deals Based on Fake Lines They Have Access To
The Trump operatives have been making deals with those people in the White House behind everyone’s back, aka behind Kim’s back so they think. They must think she is stupid and doesn’t hear anything and doesn’t have an intelligence system far greater than they have. But in any case, they are making deals again on a McCarthy run after they announce Trump has passed away. They are making deals with the Biden operatives based on fake money they thought they were seeing coming through on Saturday from the fake Primordial Lurker, when in actuality it was just Kim. Yep, it was just their enemy Kim faking them out and they bought it.
But that’s why reports of McCarthy stepping down and ‘going away’ are out there, it’s for when they won the game and got all the money before December 15th. It is also why we are hearing of a banking crash by Friday. It’s for them to take this money and further the plan once they are back in charge again. So, the 15th is the last day of Hanukkah, and the Q clock, it’s the End of Time as WE Know it (to quote the Friends theme song), the catastrophic event that they need to have, the preservation of artificial humans or ‘humans of the future’. It’s also the reason why Mike Johnson is announcing he is Moses in the US. He gave a conference over the last couple of days and told everyone God wants him to be the new Moses. Oy vey!
Kim does not expect the Trump operatives to really make the announcement of his death, not with them trying to get her support for McCarthy. And there have been new developments as she just stated above because the covenant expired, but everything has a strategy to it. And the Legions have been very busy doing things that mean more to us than Trump’s Death announcement, but it will happen before any funding of the government. And they won’t be coming to Kim this week for any money for sure because their big day is on Dec 15th, then they have the 10 days of darkness; then they are going to push the government off until Dec 25th just like they did with all the operatives and political operatives and keep the war going.
Trump Operatives Now Controlling War in the Middle East
Speaking of the war, the main party that appears to be controlling this war in the Middle East right now are the remnants of the Secret Space Force and Space Force. There is lots of activity out of Peterson Airforce base and Cheyenne. These are your Iranian terrorists posing as potential terrorists here in the US. These are the same people who are delaying the Treasury Dept from going anywhere else for money. These are the ones deterring bankers, namely your compliance officers the back-office people from moving forward in any other direction. They just feel like they need to hold the line until the 15th of December and everything will work out in their favor.
She also knows some people who deliver the weaponry have shipped things like ballistic missiles to the Middle East but they did not include the one piece that turns it on. That’s happening, and they are telling them we’ll give you the key as soon as you pay us. Everyone is yelling at everyone as they keep promising but delay paying. So, she sees them pushing the announcement off until sometime in January as it doesn’t look like they are going to change their mind, but they are going to make a mess.
Kim Has the Book They Are Reading From, Because It Was Written by Marduk
Meanwhile Kim is taking this as an opportunity because the book they are reading from, which they think is from ‘humans of the future’ is actually a strategy that was written by Marduk, which also happens to be on record in the Alpha system. So, she knows all the things they are looking for, therefore she can pick and chose which ones to deliver to keep them very busy and take up all their time and she can fake it. They think all this money is coming to pay for all these operations. The war dogs are all expecting big payouts, but now they are telling them to give them until Christmas and for some reason everybody buys it.
She can tell us all this now because it’s pretty much done. Although she could probably continue to play the game and they would still buy it because they still think the Primordial Lurker is coming back no matter what she says, they don’t believe her anyway. But it helps her speed things up for us and therefore gives us a potential for an alternative payment source for operatives and for we the people.
That being said, Kim and the Legions have to pick and choose their battles and the right time for the Trump Death announcement hasn’t yet come. And given the fact she just talked about a portion of a strategy, there are a few things they are looking at. For example, the Trump operatives are over at Peterson Airforce base and she and the Legions are watching everything they are doing, and right now they are helping her dissolve any remnants they may have had from before, from the JASON Society, MITRE, or NORAD. They are assisting her in many ways, so she might as well let them be happy for a minute while they just keep helping her along the path here. By the way, these are the same people who convinced Mike Johnson he is Moses incarnate. They preach fake biblical characters all over the media which is all a lie.
Her strategy is coupled with something else she knows is happening right now.
We Are Getting Bursts of Crystalline Energy for 2 Weeks Leading up to Christmas
Christmas day has been perverted over the years. We know its origins to be of paganism, and that’s what they want you to believe, and for a time she would say it wasn’t a lie. The birth of Christ or crystalline or Christ energy is what used to happen during a Neutral Age. When we went into the Dark Age everything went bad. Every year around this time we would get a burst for two weeks leading up to Christmas, meaning starting today and now that we don’t have interference from the Lurker and a lot of other things, we are starting to receive this energy which is very positive for us. This is the same energy directly from Source. She went on to explain that two forms of energy cannot occupy the same space at the same time and that Source is the only other one who can take out those dark energies that are remaining here.
The White Out Started!
Also, starting in Australia and Asia on Saturday afternoon Kim’s time we started to receive what is called a whiteout.
A white out is where we get a tidal wave of white essence, white plasma, light energy directly from Source. It already started rolling in but it won’t start hitting the density we live in until today, probably by this afternoon we will start receiving that direct energy from Source. We should start to see things getting better by today, but we have a responsibility and a part to play in this too. Bringing in that energy, calling it in, anchoring it in here is very important because these other people here are trying to create mud.
How do they create mud?
Well, the war is one way. There are only two things that control energy at the base root of everything they do. One is fear and the other is love and you can choose which one. Choosing love and acting in everything you do out of love, self-love, and love for others is what we need to do. Consciously think of everything you do in a day and do not act towards other people or do things out of fear. Instead, do it consciously out of love for yourself, especially over the next two weeks because that is going to help bring that energy to you, the planet and throughout the multiverse, because what happens here happens everywhere else.
Leave the World Behind Movie
This Leave the World Behind (film) the Obamas have something to do with has gone viral, which in Kim’s opinion has some of the worst script writers on the planet. By the way, Obama was Black Sun even though he was a Democrat and is likely not alive anymore (although she didn’t confirm that). She said for an action movie where we are all going to die, it was really horrible, but essentially, it’s about everything they are telling us in the alt media. The internet is going out, there will be 10-days of darkness, which happens to be 10 days before Christmas. It debuted on December 8th the same day the deep state really went nuts.

In the beginning there is a ship called the White Lion and there is definitely symbology for the deep state for the White Lion. The ship is painted black and red just like the Lurker stones and it lost its navigational system. Also, in the movie are all these deer, and about a month ago they started releasing on tik-tok hundreds of deer running around the Statue of Liberty and in London they are roaming around randomly. It’s not real, it’s just CGI images, but you are supposed to tie that into what is foretold in the movie. She said she couldn’t watch the whole movie because it was so bad, but she found out in the end there is a little girl who could not access the internet and she was freaking out because she can’t watch ‘Friends’. But it comes back on and she can watch Friends again, so she’ll be okay now. Kim said that’s probably supposed to be the feel-good part of the movie.
It’s ridiculously comical but there is a lot of symbology and of course it’s all about the fall of America, which Kim has been talking about for a long time. This was their attempt to let everyone know we’re all going to die soon. You cannot go anywhere without seeing something from this movie. Every militia out there and all the preppers are all telling us we’re going to die. It’s really going viral so they did a good job at that.
Remember the way to tell an effective lie is to tell it to someone that the person who is their mark would trust. That is what they did effectively with the whole Q Movement/Operation Trust, which was already run during the beginning of the Soviet Union by the same people. There are even people in the Alternative Media who have actually told us they participated in the fall of the Soviet Union; therefore, they would have participated in Operation Trust. They knew all about it and just recreated it in another country.
The Trump operatives messing around with Space Force over in Cheyenne and Peterson actually acknowledged they created the largest propaganda machine ever and they are very proud of it. They have hundreds of thousands of fake people, meaning people promoting a false agenda and truly believing it, both in the alternative media and the fake media all worshipping the same guy.
But everybody is going off a cliff, just wait for it. They are expecting their 10 days of darkness that they are orchestrating by the 15th, the last day of Hanukkah, but nothing will happen. Plus releasing this movie, this is how the game is played. She does appreciate them telling us what the plan is though. It looks like they plan on using CGI for the aliens and it’s all about fear of course. These operatives running this crap show think they are so smart but they won’t figure it out. No matter what they say about the banks don’t believe them. Kim will let us know what we need to know. But they are leaking news about all the Treasuries being down by Dec 15th. All these things would involve quantum physics which they should understand but they are just reading old books and think some alien race will come save them.
So, she reminded us again, for the next 2 weeks, do everything out of love and she means everything. Eating dinner, brushing your teeth, spending time with our family, just make it up, as long as you’re feeling it. This helps her from a quantum computing standpoint, attract that energy because it’s love energy and not cursed money anymore.
This is a really important time for us and it started Saturday afternoon Kim’s time. Don’t buy into the fear of things, not even emotions, remember it affects all the planes of existence, therefore think out of love on all the planes. We are co-creators and will have extra help this week so be hyper-vigilant and create everything in your world out of love. Stay grounded, walk on the earth barefoot if you can. This is critical to your personal restoration as well as the planet, that’s up to us, not Kim, she is just doing her little piece.
The Legions Remove 878,000 Non-Repairable Humans
To end on more good news, we are down another layer to various military generals around the world, not just the US. The Archivists have been traveling a lot with the Legions and they removed around 878,000 people worldwide. They could be rebels in Africa, people in the Middle East causing issues, heads of various rebel groups disappeared. There were a lot of people in America who disappeared and they definitely made rounds in Colorado Springs on Friday and those still with us were warned sufficiently, but they will likely ignore the warnings and unknowingly continue to help Kim. So, the Legions are making a lot of strides in unison with Source.
Final Thoughts
Don’t forget what your homework assignment is…

By the way I put an entry about the real death of Trump in the Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me since the details around his death keep coming up, as it did again during the Q&A.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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” Legions remove 878,ooo” -Never mind who is good or bad, you can feel this.
You can??? Seriously?!
Thankyou everyone and lets receive all the love our creator sends our way.
Love and blessings to all ❤️
Gracias por este gran mensaje. Realmente llevo unos días sintiendo un gran Amor y muchísima Paz y alegría .
Gracias Kim y a todos aquellos maravillosos seres benevolentes que trabajan activamente por la restauración del planeta y la Vida.
Seguimos!!! 💪💞
878,000 Non-repairable Humans? There Must Be Much Much More. There Are >100 Millions Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Members. Would The KIMS’s Enforcers And/Or The Legions Of Angels Help A Victim Of Stolen Identity? The Name Is David “John Jr.” Quigley Who Claims He Is The Real John F Kennedy Jr. Which I Also Believes He Is. His TG Channel Is
Please Assist Him To Regain His Stolen Real Identity.
I Am Sharing & Helping Out Of Genuine LOVE.
So here it is 3 weeks later NOTHING but more talk has happened. We have legion of angels here on Source’s Behalf and we are still accommodating crazy people?!
I’m sorry! I am! But, after being led around by the nose for 2 yrs believing Trump was a good guy and the military was secretly saving us. .. i found Kim 2 yrs ago after seeing through the Q bs….. she gives this amazing report telling us about the legion, she told us they had control of the media ect…..
And every since it’s back to the same crap I’ve been listening to for the past 2 yrs. Chemtrails are in full force. I’m not the only one losing their hair, fighting major depression because of this never ending roller coaster of bs.
Of course no one is allowed to express anything but positive fluff or they are blocked.
You guys, I cannot stop crying. I believed her. I really thought when she announced that trumps death would be announced that finally this would begin to end.
Sunny knows it. It’s so obvious.
I just do not know if i can live this way anymore. The people need this to end. I believed in God. I believed in Good. And that Good wins. But my faith has just about disappeared. In God, in people, and in living a life away from these lies.
This is where so many of us are…..if there is a God that loves us, if there really are angels here fighting for us, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING on this planet will be able to stop them. And I MEAN NOTHING.
I don’t know.about any of thr people that read this, but this is not complicated. And I don’t think we should let anyone try to complicate it. If OUR CREATOR, is really working with Kim Goguen do you really honestly believe He would TOLERATE any of this?? Do you?!
Do you think.He would be on board with making a deal to LIE about who!
See, I’ve been paying to watch these updates, having to watch Kim, give back handed remarks about people, having g to listen to her lecture US about EGO! I’ve given Kim Goguen a lot of my time, my support, believing she was actually different than the others.
It’s been at least 2 wks since she announced the legion was here. 2 WEEKS people! And WE HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING CHANGE.
And now she’s all but stopped reporting on any of it. Are you kidding? Still bawling my eyes out.
Hell yes I’m upset. Hell yes I want answers. And I cannot imagine anyone who doesn’t feel like this !
She said her self. Trumps death must be announced. It needs to happen. People need to know.
She says she always keeps her word. She said she always does what she says she’s gonna do.
It’s been weeks. Nothing. How long are we going to keep listening to her?
Who is the best qualified candidate to replace Kim Goguen as the Ground Commander and Earth Council’s ambassador (to Universal Council & Source/GOD) to get the job done effectively and efficiently with legions of 180K angels and millions of UPU enforcers?
That’s harsh. Do you really know what she has to deal with on a daily basis? 3 Billion years of being in a Dark Age and we’re still standing. Maybe we can take a pause and feel some gratitude for that. Divine right timing is at play and I’ll be the first to admit I’m exhausted and tired having been on this awakening path for decades. But the Creator is ultimately in charge and we can’t possibly see the big picture from that vantage point. Just my 2 cents. PJZ