Huge Black Pyramid, A Transmuter & Energy Generator That Powered Omega Found in Alaska DUMB | Programs Running Through LED Light Bulbs Causing Neurological Problems | Deep State’s Call to Action To US Govt to Declare Kim A Cyberterrorist Backfires | Hezbollah & Israel Are Supposed to Start WWW3 | When No Money Came, Blame Kim Game Repeats | Kim Circumvents Using Other Channels to Leak the Truth Behind Their Backs | Operatives Funds Transfer Deal Dies When Demon Dimon Gets Involved

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim reveals a big find in Alaska which is an enormous black pyramid. This was the source of our problem as to why the faraday cages were not working like she hoped. It is an enormously large energy generator that powered Omega on the entire side of this universe. In other words, the alpha-verse, so a big find there. This also led her to find a program they were running through those commercial LED lights they installed when they got rid of regular lightbulbs.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-Jun-24 News -Broadband High (

The Enormous Deep Underground Military Base in Alaska

One of the largest DUMBs in the world was under Alaska. It wasn’t run by your normal military, but it appears like they were involved with the base along with a lot of agencies, and well everybody. The super-secret stuff happened way underground and as you can see it covers a very large area of Alaska. There was also a large circle around this triangle that went through Canada and parts of the US.

There are very few reports on the internet about this base. In those reports are a few whistleblowers who have gone down into this base and they talk about it like it’s the Bermuda Triangle. When you fly over this certain area and get to the epicenter of this triangle they have system malfunctions, radar equipment stops working, and everything must go manual. They talk about it as if it’s a giant energy generator. So, is that really the case?

This was actually a base root platform where Omega would breach into this side of the universe. In the center of this is what they call the black pyramid. It’s bigger than area 52, 51, the Bermuda Triangle and what they refer to as the lost city of Atlantis on the internet, but there are hardly any reports about this area.

Remember we talked a few weeks back about putting a faraday cage around Omega and trying to isolate it from where it was still getting power from. Well, here was my answer. This was the source of our problem. It is an enormously large energy generator that powered Omega on the entire side of this universe. In other words, the alpha-verse, so a big find there. There were lots of people, lots of laboratories and lots of experimentation that went on there and, in the past, there was a direct portal for humans to go as far down as the 6th density in the lower astral to work, whether they knew it or not.

It was a sentient AI base platform for the generation of energy. The scientists that have gone down to this area said the pyramid they could see, because it’s just the tip, but they knew it was generating some kind of energy and in the internet reports you’ll find, they don’t go into detail. But this was a large transmuter which takes that light energy that us batteries generate for it and transmutes it to something dark to then power the Omega.

It comes as no surprise there is a lot of military activity in Alaska for this reason. One of the things that you will remember about Alaska is that this is where HAARP, High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program started. This was also the hub for the CIA’s VT-x platform, which means it was a direct connection to your financial system a few years back, before we integrated the Key Integrated Monetary System. So, lots of things take place in Alaska for this very reason.

Reference: I’m not certain if this is what Kim referring to regarding VT-x, but maybe: VT-x/AMD-V: Unleashing the Power of Virtualization Technology – Vtechinsider

Did this immense Black Pyramid give the deep state people access to Omega?

I’d say limited access, but it gave them a lot of experimentation against humans for utilizing dark energy, dark matter, and how it affects us so much that we uncovered a second thing tied to this base. This one is really interesting, and not in a good way.

Almost a year ago there was big push to install LED light in all commercial buildings and ban all lightbulbs. Well, they were shooting for a connection to the large commercial ones, which are your long fluorescent lights and not so much the small ones in your home. They figured out how they could use this dark energy through two different facilities which are both in the, US but I don’t want to disclose where, and they used the energy that was coming from there against human beings while you’re out and about, like at the grocery store. There was a video we played awhile ago on the News, about students being very agitated at school after the installation of these LED lights, and then how it was affecting the students once the teacher put a blue panel over those lights which was that they went back to the way they were the year before. So, this has directly affected a lot of humans.

I know for myself if I go to the grocery store or a Walmart, which I hate to do but have to from time to time, I kept thinking what has changed since COVID? After all the lockdowns I was thinking were they spraying something in the air? I know there are a number of reports I received during that time where people would say I can’t go in there anymore, it makes me feel ill, I feel like they are transmitting some kind of frequency. The minute I walked into some commercial buildings my eyes were burning and irritated and I would just have to get out of there. I assumed it was some kind of disinfectant. Then I tried a little experiment. I tried to block it out using a shielding technique I do and then search for the source of it. That’s when I found the source, the lights. So, for those who are very sensitive and weren’t sure why they felt that way, now we have the answer.

There is something else I’m looking for that related to a neurological disturbance that is happening. It’s not so much changing your thought process but altering your hypersensitivity to stimuli. In other words, something that normally makes you angry is making some people hyper-angry. This may have started off and on for the last 2 weeks, but really ramped up around Wednesday of this week. By Saturday it really hit its peak. It’s also other types of stimuli and physical symptoms too. All types of things that can be controlled by your central nervous system is being affected. So, I’m still working on those types of things. We found the one, but I still looking for more because there is definitely something going on out there.

Why no one is talking about this place and the Black Pyramids I don’t know. Maybe it’s the one place they really are trying to cover up. It had tethers and ties to center point earth, which is the center beyond earth’s core. It also had ties to Proximus Centauri, to the Sun, Moon, and Saturn, a lot of stuff that used to be in the omega-verse. Now that we cut this off it’s just a matter of time before there is no more power on that side.

Money Is What the Deep State Seems to Be Focused On

Alternatively speaking as far as the deep state is concerned, we’ve been playing against each other and they are helping us tremendously in locating additional webs, meaning WWWs that they may have had limited amounts of access to, or tried to gain access to. Right now, 99.9% is mainly about the money and some kind of financial control. I guess Saturday was the day they told the underlings they would have it, but by Saturday night that didn’t happen of course and it’s all my fault apparently.

God bless them, because a lot of people called the Archivists and asked for information on this. It backfired on them tremendously. They couldn’t give me credit so they had to call me something and tried to get some congressional action to where they could come and pick me up and extradite me out of this Zone. Then they would have liked to interrogate me and tell me that if I don’t work for them that I would go to jail, or a mental institution or some secure facility where I would never see the light of day again. I’ve heard this before, the Russians tried to do the same thing to me 10 years ago. Every single time something happens to me, I am very resourceful and learn how to counteract this type of action against me. In this particular case, we sent our own white papers out to all the people they notified. The information went out as such:

Basically, I inherited this position, I am not part of the other Families, but they are still trying to maintain some control over their respective countries and banking institutions. They have no hope of ever providing you with a new financial system, a Great Reset Financial system, RV Currency Reset Financial system, therefore whatever they promised you is a lie. However, if you would like some assistance you can come to Durango, Colorado and we can have a meeting.

It went to all of Congress, the White House, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the United Kingdom, Government officials in China, Russia, and some other Eastern European countries where they made promises. This information went everywhere and what was meant for our harm was again used for our good.

I think at this moment in time they thought better of it, because if they tried to take me to a regular court, again you’re going to have to explain what the heck you’re talking about. Well, I can go all blonde on you in 2.2 seconds and be like, what do you mean? What were you using that for anyway? Do I have any history on my laptop with this information? Where are you getting the information from, that I’m this person? I can definitely get all confused in a heartbeat. No offense to other blonde ladies out there, but we’ve all done it, haven’t we? This was my bit of fun on a Saturday night.

I’ve had no responses yet but I know some meetings went on. I think they are trying to sort through this information and have been doing a lot of checking because I see a lot of files being run in the Russian Federation, a lot of talks between the Saudis and Iraq, there seems to be some collaborative efforts.

Middle East

I’m hoping this changes some things in the Middle East as well because there was a lot of talk about movement of troops over the weekend. As you know the SSP and Global Headquarters fund our movie version of terrorists, and the Hezbollah and the Houthis from Yemen are no exception as well as what we know as ISIS and Al Qaeda.

The Hezbollah was told that they were going to be attacking Israel and Israel was told they would be attacking Lebanon. They were told this is where WWIII was to start and they would be paid ‘x’ and delivered ‘x’ amount in weapons. The deal was cut until Saturday when the Hezbollah didn’t get paid and it was my fault. I’ve seen this strategy before with Bush Sr. as I’ve mentioned a few times, the Bulgarian Biker gang and the Taliban were after me because it’s my fault they didn’t get paid, and this was a decade ago. Pretty much everything Global Headquarters does at this moment, along with the SSP on behalf of the Rothschilds and Dragon Families, they are all in on it together, has already been done before.

Earlier on Saturday alternative information started leaking through, even to the underground terrorist groups. We already started sending messages through people we know that do business with these people behind the SSP and governments back, and behind most Global Headquarters and the SSP’s back.

To give you the background on how we delivered the information I have to explain that in the US we have Western Union or MoneyGram, both facilities are worldwide. Well, there are a lot of different groups who happen to live in war torn countries and these types of facilities don’t exist there and they had to become resourceful. People developed their own internal type of Western Union systems and a lot work together; they have networks throughout the world. If you are Shiite Muslim for example, you know where to find the network. But it’s not necessarily a black-market thing or negative thing. The thing about these networks is they are accessible if you know who to call, and they are used by everyday people as well as by a lot of these organizations or rebel groups. If you happen to know people involved in these networks the quickest way to get the information out that people promising you weapons and money are full of sh**t, it’s through this network. So, we started doing that in the last 24-48 hours. Instead of picking up money they are picking up information. I learned this during the Bush Sr. days when I had the Bulgarian Biker gangs and the Taliban after me, the information is spreading like wildfire.

The good thing is my enemy doesn’t think very highly of me and my little strategic mind, they really don’t, and there is something else going on here we’re going to talk about. Going back to last week, the analyzation of me, how my mind works, I have no training, I am not a sleeper agent. For them if you don’t train with them, you’re a nobody. You can’t just be a person stuck in a circumstance trying to survive. They also underestimate humans when they are not able to manipulate their consciousness, their energy and their soul and everything else that was manipulated for them so they would believe their tapestries of stories. I expect this to truly become increasingly difficult for them to understand. If I can do all this stuff, at some point in time all of you will too. This is not just a Kim thing; well in some cases it is because I have more experience in fighting for my life in other ways. But all of you will have the same type of resourcefulness and ability to adapt, change, overcome, and really look at systems and see how broken they are and how to fix them. This isn’t just a me thing, this is a direct current situation with Source and the wisdom.

So, we got very inventive over the weekend and you can thank the deceased Bush Sr. for training me so well for a situation that could have been very detrimental. Because I can tell you, I was not in the Zone when this happened and I travelled to other places as well, I was in the neighborhood of some of these groups when all this went down, so I had to think pretty fast.

Update on the Offer Operatives Made About Bank Transfers

Last week we talked about the offer some operatives made about making some transfers at a bank and we were waiting to see what happened. Well last night a phone call came in from JP Morgan Chase bank. They started out by informing us Jamie Dimon is going to retire and the person who is going to take his place wants to set up a meeting in New York with Tom Melville, and then eventually with me in Durango. They heard there was a group of people that wanted to at least try something different at the bank and apparently, they stumbled across some people who also work for similar agencies in the back office of JP Morgan Chase and tried to set up a transaction there.

Well true to form, Jamie Dimon got wind of it along with the Board members and decided to have a talk about how they were going to become just a service provider, how that’s going to work and how the bank is going to make money. They also informed us how the bank is swimming in bad debt right now and can’t be included as an asset, and they really need to be full out of this mess and they wanted to make sure we understood this. Well, is that a possibility? Sure. This is a worldwide bank that could become a large service provider, as long as everybody plays by the rules. And here are the things that must be present should we come to terms.

Well, this is where my enemy really thinks I’m just a bimbo because I know Jamie Dimon was taken on as the head of the financial division at the Global Headquarters, and he did that several months ago. He’s been running the bank like it’s the financial arm for Global Headquarters, trying to cut all kinds of credit lines, cutting off margin accounts for some people and giving them to Global Headquarters, giving small amounts to the government wherever and whenever they can, although most of these facilities are non-existent now. They also have been instrumental in trying to issue CBDCs around the world and all kinds of things because Jamie Demon Dimon has become the token cannon fodder for Global Headquarters, and they are using him and that bank like one of their greatest tools.

Also part of this equation is the Rockefeller family, who is the genetic shareholder for JP Morgan Chase. That means Rockefeller and JP Morgan himself go way back, to the beginning of the bank more than 100 years ago. And JP Morgan was instrumental way back in the Standard Oil days. If you ever read the book the Seven Sisters and 7 largest oil companies you know how they all tie back to Standard Oil, and when the anti-monopoly act was passed in the US, they just broke it all up, but they were still owned by the same families to this day.

My responses were:

Jamie Dimon needs to retire immediately before we do any business, and agree to a golden parachute, which is permanent retirement pay. He needs to tell me what that amount is and then to go away. He will also sign as part of his immediate resignation that he will not work in any financial institution in the world or anyone providing financial services for 50 years. He will turn over all his shares immediately and if I find he is placing a single phone call and/or anyone is still responding to him he will lose everything including his ability to breathe air, and I am not kidding.

Next, we have to deal with the Rockefeller Family. The Rockefeller Family and Global Headquarters are both Black Sun and they are married together way back in the days of JP Morgan, so they are all involved. We would also consider a golden parachute to take over all their genetic shares and that percentage is negotiable. That needs to take place in order for us to make the bank a service provider worldwide. We’re basically here to take over the fact that most of the services banks provide to you people charge you personally for those services. We are here to come in and talk about revising worldwide POS transactions and the fees they charge to merchants to make things more accessible to the small business owner. Not paying those fees sometimes means being profitable or not being profitable, and also address how quickly can we get payments out to you. They should be almost instantaneous. I know about Ensure and well take all that into consideration.

Now in terms of swimming in debt situation. A lot of this “debt” are derivatives that were issued and sold so that they could continue to issue credit lines for militaries that planted ghost flags in locations where they have taken over oil or gas or other commodities, like in Nigeria and Ukraine. This is all black-market money that goes out the backdoor. So, define swimming in debt and who are you really in debt to.

They thought I would be like, oh rainbows and sunshine for the people. What a gift JP Morgan is giving me. I should deposit bazillions of dollars immediately. Well once I verbalized my soft request, because there may be additional requests as you negotiate with people, the Board had to go throw their hat in the ring. We were doing fine with just the operatives and the other people who wanted to do this deal with Tom. But no, everybody stuck their head in, including Global Headquarters and they caused delay, delay, delay and it’s all just talk now, and now Jamie Dimon isn’t going to retire for 6 months.

I don’t even care, we’re going our own way and building our own stuff now around banking and telecommunications etc. But while I appreciate their sentiment, it is abundantly clear to them now because the chatter came back within 15 minutes that it didn’t work and how they spent all weekend on this operation.

I will tell the operatives working with Tom Melville though that they are going to go behind your back and notify the Board who is greedy as greedy can be, so whichever bank you go to next you need to be prepared to ensure that the people you are talking to do not communicate outside your circle and what the cost is to do that. We’re not getting greedy here, but some of these people probably need to quit, we don’t know what’s going to happen. But you need to be aware that’s what happened this weekend. We got really close, right to the end and they came in and backdoored you and those are the people you used to work for.

A Successful Weekend All Things Considered

That’s why I mentioned the underground Western Union type networks that exist. We know where all this stuff is, we are not dumb, we don’t become Ground Command because we have no idea what we’re doing. And I don’t know if they are running out of operations and/or have only one menu of operations to choose from, because we seem to be doing the same thing over and over again. Yeah, we find a new little caveat here and there. I never thought in a million years they would have some kind of a backdoor into LED lightbulbs. They did catch me off-guard there, but it did lead us to a facility that had to go. We had been to Mount Denali a hundred times in Alaska and several other places in Juno underneath in the facility where HAARP was in the past. I guess everything shows itself when it needs to. Again, it’s kind of like diffusing a bomb.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “Huge Black Pyramid, A Transmuter & Energy Generator That Powered Omega Found in Alaska DUMB | Programs Running Through LED Light Bulbs Causing Neurological Problems | Deep State’s Call to Action To US Govt to Declare Kim A Cyberterrorist Backfires | Hezbollah & Israel Are Supposed to Start WWW3 | When No Money Came, Blame Kim Game Repeats | Kim Circumvents Using Other Channels to Leak the Truth Behind Their Backs | Operatives Funds Transfer Deal Dies When Demon Dimon Gets Involved”

  1. Well, kinda surprised Kim didn’t know about LED lights…we knew back when they tried to ban the old light bulbs and people started buying them in bulk and warning others about the LED although they didn’t exactly know why, but had an inkling that they sent off frequencies that were not good, and some even said the ones that have mercury in them, that you were supposed to call some chemical spill agency to clean up if you broke one….(how many did that?) was able to be accessed via internet and monitor people in our homes. Thus, went out that warning long before and then Trump brought them back….does anyone remember that?
    It’s funny cuz they were still selling the old light bulbs, especially at dollar stores, so not sure if they ever officially banned them but I know they tried.
    I’ve always been uncomfortable in the grocery store, and know there was something going on in there, I’d go in and leave as quickly as I could. On top of that, in Walmart, when alot of people were in there, they’d dim the lights, and it was puzzling to me, why are they dimming the lights? I suppose it was to keep people calm once they were in line, which usually seemed like all at once, people would be in line and it was strange. It creeped me out, and I just never really tried to spend much time in the store. For the past year I’ve had them delivered, albeit alittle more expensive, I do kinda miss getting my own stuff, cuz I know they aren’t out of stuff they will claim they are, and could go right to the store and find it on the shelf. So I probably would eventually be just doing my own shopping in the future since I do like to do that either way, I like to be able to see what I’m getting, dates and so on and read labels. It’s hard to do that when you are picking them out on a screen online.
    As for the banking industry and the so called ‘white hats’ they are now claiming they are testing the med beds. The banking industry is still trying to tell us to put our money into crypto and we know that crypts are for dead people. They are saying Biden will step down in August, yadda yadda, and this BS never ends. We know it’s not just humans but ETs so when are we gonna get the truth, and when is this coming out on MSM so we can all breath a sigh of relief that finally the truth has come out for all the clueless and brainwashed public? I can’t wait. Perhaps friday or another day ending in ‘y’…..LOL
    Thanks for doing these reports.
    Till next time.

  2. ……Eh bien, je peux devenir toute blonde sur toi en 2,2 secondes et te dire, qu’est-ce que tu veux dir…… il semble que la traduction ne soit pas tres bonne, ou alors j’ai raté un train..

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