This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 16, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us the latest on the Deep States dashed hopes the solar eclipse was expected to bring them, which actually could have happened. Fortunately, it went the opposite and the agreement between Source and Anti-Source regarding the time dark consciousness could exist on both sides of the multiverse is finally over. She also shares information about a second oath high level operatives take for ascension through the ranks and why it has been part of the hold-up. She also cautions us on manifestation which will be coming into play very soon.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Solar Eclipse Could Have Flipped Us Back Over to Dark Consciousness
The solar eclipse event was not what the deep state thought it was going to be, but Kim said it could have been. There were programs tied to solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and various holidays and there were some connections in the sun and moon that if they had been made would have increased the dark consciousness and flipped the systems back over to dark consciousness systems. This was their hope and why they spent a lot of time and effort trying to make this happen. So once again their craziness was based in something, but fortunately absolutely nothing happened for them.
Order Member Tried to Implement Communications Post in Cyprus
They tried to install a new dark communications post in Cyprus, which is where Kim found disciple links and those types of things several months back.
Note: See related post for Kim’s findings in Cyprus, The Holocaust Was About Targeting the Melchizedek Bloodline Who Are the Purest Souls of Light, To Be Used as Batteries | Melchizedek’s: Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, 12 Apostles Were Buried in Cyprus & in Stasis Powering Dark Portal | They Were Cloned With Different Consciousness to Create the Merovingian Dynasty | Kaifeng Jews Are Also Melchizedek’s & Targeted | They Were Cloned to Create Manchurian Candidates | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
A member of the Order of the Dragon had intentions of running the communications post because remember they had chips in their head and they thought they could make this function, and it did probably for a couple of days to a lesser degree. What she means by that is a lot of people reported feeling sick over the weekend, just spontaneously feeling nauseous, or dizziness during the eclipse. The more sensitive you are the worse you probably felt. But Saturday afternoon she did find this member of the Order and disposed of him and everything he was doing there, so that is over.
The Order of the Dragon Promises Operatives Monday is the Day
By Saturday afternoon the operatives who were putting forth those weapons contracts transported on the come to the Middle East realized they didn’t get anything they were promised, no payment or special access to anything. The Order people then sent out word, for sure we’ll have it by Monday, which means they continued to dangle a carrot and tried hacking. But nothing momentous according to Kim. In fact, they were so far away from her system it did not even alert her because it wasn’t even picking up any frequency of an attempted intrusion.
Last Week Korea, This Week the Tunnel from Israel to the Vatican is Where the Money Is
Last week they tried to get assets from Korea and this week the story is there is a huge tunnel that goes from Israel all the way to the Vatican that is full of gold. And they are using the cover of war to lift out 650 plane loads of gold and then they are going to transfer it to the Treasury Department. But that’s not the case of course because all those tunnels were emptied and moved out a while ago. It is just another attempt to delay the inevitable which is: there is no money today or tonight or any day ending in ‘y.’
Tensions are very high and meetings are going on but they all were doing the same thing it sounds, waiting for the end of the business day on Monday because that was the promised pay date.
Worldwide Operatives Meeting
When nothing happened on Sunday there was a worldwide operative meeting where they spent an hour or two comparing notes and ended up giving the holdouts who want to continue the old way until noon EST yesterday to hack. Then the holdouts were forced to join the call because they failed and they discussed why nothing was working and various ways of moving forward. But Kim said she didn’t see a definitive decision being made because today is the for sure, for sure day they will get paid, so of course they are waiting until EOB today.
Treasury Department
Today Kim saw meetings going on with the Treasury Department as well. There were about 20 or so people who came forward yesterday who said we have to move on. So, they too are just waiting for the EOB today before they are allegedly going to move on.
The same thing was happening at the Pentagon. Some would like to continue with the current leadership and go off the cliff and some who possess that rare commodity called common sense just want to move forward.
Oaths Operatives Take When at Certain Levels in the Order
There is something else Kim mentioned in brief before and she is going to elaborate more on that before she explained what the Black Stone Covenant was about.
Clarification Between Operatives & Agency People
Kim has talked about the Order of the Black Sun and the operatives who work for them, the 15 secret militaries plus all their operatives. But she wanted to clarify that operatives and agency people are not the same thing. Operatives work for the Order and contract for the Agencies from time to time, like the Mossad, CIA and those people but they don’t actually work for any agency. They may do jobs under that umbrella because the Order the Black Sun set up agencies and militaries worldwide underneath their umbrella, but they are kind of a private entity in all countries everywhere. Therefore, operatives are not patriots, they become part of the organization.
Note: See related post about 15 secret militaries: The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me
These people are highly trained, dangerous people. They have caused countries to fall, look how the Soviet Union fell as an example. They have carried out contracts on dictators, started and ended wars and made a lot of money doing it. These are economic assassins and they make people disappear. Kim said people question why she talks to them and she is not a fool. She is familiar with the scorpion on the frog fable. The reason she talks to them is because they can also do a lot of good things for the world and can keep a lot of scientists alive because they know what they would do.

We live in a culture, especially in the western world where everyone wants everything to happen now. But these are big changes that have not happened in thousands of years, if ever. We entered the Dark Age for the first time ever and we exited the Dark Age for the first time ever and we are in uncharted territory. Some of these people are recognizing things are changing and some want to change while others want it to go back to the way it was, which is not going to happen. There is a very real change that is happening in the multiverse and due to these changes people must make some tough calls.
By the way a good movie to watch to find out how they treat their own people is American Made.

American Made (film) – Wikipedia
The Order of the Black Stone Covenant
If you are on the level of operative, at a level of General or Colonel (and these are not necessarily people we would see on TV, but some are), there are two oaths these people take. The first oath they take is to their country and the second oath is to Anti-source.
The second oath is an ancient practice going back thousands and thousands of years. It has to do with an oath that an organic human being takes to Anti-source, an oath to serve anti-life forms and it is called the Order of the Black Stone Covenant.
Along with taking that oath came many, many implants. Some of them crystal implants and some etherical. Therefore, the threat that looms over their heads is that they were told those switches can be turned off at any time by their masters or whoever their handler is.
And there is some truth to this.
There was such a thing as a Black Stone, a very large one in the Omega-verse. It is not there anymore though, that is first thing. The second thing is the implants and chips no longer function; therefore, they are not tied to any computer system, AI, Black Stone, or consciousness. So, she wants them to understand it is not a program anymore and is an empty threat on their people. They cannot just shut them off, that is not true.
The reason she is emphasizing this, is because this has been part of the hold-up and something that is being discussed among those who took the oath for ascension among the ranks. If you are concerned about this and questioning if what Kim is saying is true, they should contact the Archivists office and see these agreements and programs have been terminated. So, they are free to walk away.
That’s her update on them in the deep state.
Dial of Destiny | Time Permitted for Dark Consciousness is Over!
Remember Kim talked about the Dial of Destiny a few months back. There was dark pool and a light pool of consciousness which showed which way the universe was going to go as it tracked how much consciousness was going into this planet.
Well, the time for permitted dark consciousness to exist on this side of the multiverse between Source and Anti-Source is over! This started on Saturday.
What does this mean?
It means the time for having an angel on one shoulder and demon on the other shoulder for organic beings is ending. If you are super sensitive you probably would have felt a sense of freedom, dissipation of fear of doing things, things like that. But this will take some time for it to completely dissipate. Kim knows for sure the plug was pulled so to speak.
This means dark consciousness will no longer exist not only on this side of the multiverse but the other side of the multiverse and that includes dark consciousness in computer systems.
It did cause a little bit of a death rattle to happen yesterday, but that should dissipate. It will take some time for the battery to run out, so to speak. This also means a consciousness change in members of the deep state because there are no dark consciousness chips in their head and no dark consciousness feeding their obsessions and compulsions anymore. But that does not mean these people aren’t just evil unto themselves and Kim is under no delusions. However, their control and ability to affect us as a person, psychically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through a lot of these programs is dissipating now. The swarm of dark consciousness that was involved in the creation of those programs and frequency, that fed all things electronic will finally completely dissipate and never come back.
Kim & New Earth Council Used This Eclipse Against the Deep State
In part Kim and the New Earth Council used the eclipse, the alignment of the sun and the moon against them to make this happen. It was a cooperative effort as there was a decision made between Kim and the New Earth Council to place certain very light beings (not humans) in specific locations at a specific time of day to anchor in that light. They also put specific mechanisms in the sun and moon to kind of reverse out how they used to use it.
She said they were also fully prepared for what the deep state was hoping would happen and they found the culprit. He was the same person in Cyprus who decided to continue the war in Israel for at least 3 more weeks. That was the order he put out before his untimely death. Three weeks can’t possibly have anything to do with the second eclipse with the moon that is to happen at the end of the month, could it?

Even with this failure on the deep state’s part, Kim said she is not counting on them to make any common-sense decisions and is still planning for us to alone it alone.
Kim Cautions Us About Human Manifestation Abilities
She wants us to consciously think about programs and traps that are easy to fall into when assuming labels for ourselves because without dark consciousness muddying the waters anymore, we will be able to manifest while in the theta state. Then she used a medical example to describe the dangers of labeling ourselves.
If you go to the doctor and he tells you that you are a diabetic, he is kind of telling you that you are no longer a human but a diabetic, a walking disease. Before you open your mouth, think about how you are defining yourself. I am a diabetic, I am an alcoholic, I am whatever. But that is not who you are, you are not defined by that. The medical world wants to constantly remind you of your label so every time you eat something if you are a diabetic you need to take an injection. Then you have the symptoms of it which is really a way of tricking yourself so that you self-collateralize yourself. You are actually self-inflicting these things on yourself and then the dark consciousness feeds on it and it gives you what you want, a dark manifestation.

In the near future, help from people like Michelle Anne Phillips and others like her will come forward and teach us how to heal ourselves. And without counterbalancing, conflicting consciousness it is going to become easier and easier, and Kim she is talking about the generations that are alive now. All children will be born this way and they will all be doing it by the time we get to Kim and Sunny’s great grandchildren, to give perspective on the timeframe.
Note: Earlier in the broadcast during Sunny’s portion they talked about manifesting when in a state of Theta with Michelle Anne Phillips and I found her website.

We have some technologies to aid us with what we should be doing naturally. In fact, we have had technology since the 1940s that could 3D our organs from our own stem cells so we do not have to have any of these conditions or diseases. And there are programs that utilize things that do cure disease. For example, during COVID there was hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and it was all over the Alt Media. What they then do when something comes out that cures and they do not want you cured, they may try to take it off the shelves. Remember there were some countries handing it out while other countries were banning it. If news gets out about something that can cure and it comes out in the world, they try to turn it around. They will put something in it to make you sick because remember they own most the companies that make this stuff. These are the programs that they run any time you are dependent on a medication. The average person will go to the doctor and get a pill and they will become dependent on it which increases the anxiety in the person. It could even be a placebo, but the medical industry will put something in it so if you stop taking it you will have symptoms. It is a money-making scheme and a daily reminder of who you are labeling yourself as. So, remember, you are not a walking disease!
Be very careful how you label yourself in every respect. Kim is cautioning us now because our ability to manifest is going to become greater and greater. More teachers will appear to assist us in doing this and more and more teachers will appear to assist us in travelling through the planes and densities and visiting other places.
Removing Limiters
For the generation that are adults at this time there were be a lot of removing of limiters. There were programs that would limit maximum brain capacity at 32%. The average everyday person is at about 10%. The geniuses are between 20-30%, but if you hit 32% you hit your limit. However, your limiters can only do so much when you are in a flight or fight mode as it fades away a little bit. So you could have crazy strength when you need it for example. Just imagine if your mind did not limit your body. Imagine what you could do if your brain capacity was at 100%. These are things that are going to change and it will happen rapidly. There will be teachers for this and online things and you are going to start changing your own self. Again, Kim wants to caution us on the tricks of labeling ourselves as lesser than <insert whatever is appropriate for you>. Just remember that as we go forward because this will be a game changer for you personally and infecting people will no longer be possible.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thank you Pam, kind regards…
Gracias por compartir, y dedicar un poco de tu tiempo en el blog, deseando de corazón que tus ingresos personales hallan mejorado, que la Luz Infinita de tu Corazón se Active al 1000%, rumbo a la.5ta. Dimensión, nos vemos en los planos superiores.
God bless humanity with that rapid increase brain function percentages.
Thanks Kim and team and God bless you all.
Thank you for this positive update. Progress is being made. Much appreciated.
Thank you for the post and for the theta healing website!