This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. This was a very long and detailed broadcast, therefore I’m splitting it up and still have a lot of work to do, despite YouTube’s transcription feature. In Part 1 I’m just including a couple of news items that Kim started us out with. The bulk of this broadcast has to do with the big picture of how we were enslaved, the evolution of the Financial system once the Federal Reserve was created and the jobs of the Order of the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon protecting and managing the collateral (aka the humans). So please bear with me, there was a lot of information and it will take me some more time to organize it so it’s easier to follow. But I wanted to a least get these news items out.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin Likely Dead
The rumors behind the scenes right now are that Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense was in the hospital and that he had passed away. Other rumors are going around that before they make an announcement, they would like to find a doppelganger, anyone that looks like him. Here we go again, more masked people, just what we need. And this new someone has to want to work in accordance with their agenda of course.

We haven’t seen anything publicly happen yet, this just all transpired in the last 24 hours, so it’s not actually 100% confirmed yet, but Kim is about 90% sure that we could possibly see another masked man in the government. So, we’ll see what they decide to do.
What is the Real Controversy Behind the Shooting in Miami?
If you’ve been on social media there are all kinds of videos out there where people tried to videotape very tall beings, between 8 to 10 feet tall and Kim wanted to give us the reason behind the shooting, why it happened in Miami, and who that was. Firstly, the reason for the shooting is underneath the facility were some DEW like weapons, actually much more sophisticated than that and they could have caused a lot of damage. These were plasma like directed energy weapons powered by what she calls energy balls. If you’ve ever seen a crystal ball or anything like that, imagine one 100 times larger being utilized as a power source for weapons like this. So, there were five dark energy balls and five weapons associated with them, and the reason why they created a shooting type event is because shootings create fear right in that direct location, right where they were located. They hoped to fill these with enough dark energy to trigger those weapons to go off.

Miami Police Respond to Viral Mall ‘Alien’ Video (
The Coalition Was Preventing Potential Devastation
Now the intended target could have been far worse than the shooting and the craziness that happened there, but that was quickly shut down. The other beings you were seeing there purposely semi-showed themselves because they wanted the SSP to know that they are present. These are not the Legions; these are what we call The Coalition. Remember, The Coalition is a group of beings from other worlds that have come here to help clear planet Earth because planet Earth is a Nexus Planet, what happens here happens everywhere throughout the light side of the Multiverse or the Alpha verse as we call it. The Coalition has been here for several months now and growing in numbers and that’s what you saw, because of the devastation that could have happened at that time. So that’s the story behind it. They seem to have everything cleared up, it all worked well.
What was their intent, to detonate these weapons?
What kind of damage could that have caused? Were they just trying to harm as many people in the Miami area as possible?
Kim said it wasn’t that type of a weapon. It would have been more aimed at for example, trying to open a wormhole in the sun, some kind of a weather program, something in Earth’s atmosphere that would have caused deoxygenation. She didn’t get into that much detail with these beings as to what they were designed to do at that time. But usually, weapons like this are much more destructive connecting to the veins of gold in Earth as a hyper-conductor creating earthquakes and those types of things. That’s what that type of weaponry is used for, it’s not used to shoot humans or cause a fire.
Comparing Miami and the Maui Incident
A similar smaller type weapon was used in Maui during the Maui fires, to give you a general idea. They could also have created the hurricane at the time, they could have then created the fires to go along with it and those types of things. Kim did report that they were coming from underground and they were being utilized by a group called Arasaka Military. Just in case anybody is unclear on who Arasaka Military is and the rest of the Secret Space Force militaries, you can go to the ACIO website and find that information, they have a pretty good layout there.
Note: See ACIO Database – ACIO Official (
Kim’s Opinion of the Secret Militaries Differs from the ACIO
The difference between Kim and the ACIO is that she disagrees with them on the 15 militaries saving Humanity. The ACIO sees them as positive, as good, as protecting us.. Kim sees them as causing death and destruction worldwide, especially now. The difference she thinks between their opinions is the definition of saving humanity and the recognition that we are not in the Dark Age or the Kali Yuga, as is pointed out in Vedic Cosmology. So, the difference between then and now for Humanity is that we are now in a Light Age or a Golden Age forever more and we’re not going back. There’s a different fabric of the universe now that didn’t exist before, but there was a time during the Dark Age where our Gateway was predominantly utilized by Dark Forces so to speak. These were beings that would come up through the Gateway in zero-point Earth or the center of Earth and inhabit the planet and walk amongst us. This is the original origin of people you call the Khazarian Mafia or what she has been calling the Order of the Dragon Families. This is also the origin of the Order of the Black Sun, the Jesuits and all kinds of people on this planet. So, if this is new for you, Kim is giving some background.
During the Dark Age, The SSP’s Role Was to Keep the Peace with the Negative Aliens
In order to keep the peace with the negative aliens so to speak, or the negative beings that would come up from the lower astral, they had to do things like feed humans to these lower astral beings. They would make sure that they were appeased so that they didn’t attack the rest of humanity. So, there was a certain allocated quota of humans to feed to these people, but that was not all. We know we have pedophiles and we have a lot of different beings on this planet like that, but that would in part be the reason for the beginnings of human trafficking. And the origin of this actually stems from a Gateway that was in Indonesia. On the flip side of that, they would leave the rest of humanity alone.
This is also the reason for all wars on this planet, because more death, more destruction has to do with your birth and death records which circulates through alternative media too, and Kim is going to explain that in detail today. Also, the way a human dies is very different when it’s a trauma based situation versus a non-trauma situation. An example of a trauma situation would be someone is shot in the line of duty in a war. That is an unexpected abrupt death of a body, whereas death by disease, the person knows mentally, spiritually, emotionally their vessel is in trouble and usually it’s not like an abrupt death. (And she’s not saying disease is natural either). But the same thing with other types of disease in the body, it resonates through your mind, body, and soul, whether you know you have it or not. The body and the soul is prepared for an inevitable death of the vessel and a transference of the soul and the consciousness to another place. They also like the energy that produces. Therefore, it’s almost like feeding them, but in the form of a different type of loosh, or a different type of energy in essence they’re getting from humans.
The SSP Would Get Payment for This Job, Hence the Q Clock
The SSP militaries believe that if they continuously did this that number one, there was a payment that would go out, and it did for eons. That payment would have been due in part, depending on which level of society these people were on, meaning were they part of a coven, the Dragon family, a Rothchild family, you know all the way up through the ranks. But most of the Black Sun people had recognized that their security payments would go out on or around January 12th, that’s why we’re seeing on the Q clock that Revelations will be here by Friday. According to them you better get ready and saddle up because we’re all going to be gone by then. Now that won’t be the case, and they haven’t recognized the fact that we have changed Ages.
And for your entertainment we have a new update on the Q-Clock.

Coming soon | Q (
No matter how many times their quantum physicists etc., have explained this to them, it just doesn’t resonate in their head. She doesn’t know what it is with them, if it’s programming, a fractionated personality, all those things that they go through to be in that program. But something is wrong because there’s only about 15 of them or so right now that just don’t want to stop. It’s the reason why we’re not seeing them stop in the Middle East, they’re hoping for this big payment to come out on the 12th. Nothing will happen, Kim does not see Revelations or anything else happening on Friday or any other day ending in y. She said we kind of skipped over those parts to where we just move into a Golden Age.
More in Depth Information on the Quantum Financial System to Come
The other thing they keep talking about is a Quantum Financial System and she doesn’t think they really understand what a Quantum Financial System is based on the actions they’re taking. But she is going to tell us in detail today how the financial system was created, how long it’s been going on, why we went off the Fiat system, and why putting us back on a gold standard means more than just getting rid of non-asset-backed money. She will explain how our money is actually asset-backed, and what she means by that is you the human are the asset, not the gold. And this goes into that same thought process about feeding the aliens and why you’re an asset.
So, without further ado she is going to get started here, but for me that will start in Part 2.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Very interesting….
I thought they were doing this sort of thing, feeding a few humans to these aliens to keep them happy and they’d leave the rest alone but for those few humas how is this ok? It reminds me of the movie ‘The Cabin’ where people book a cabin in the woods and it’s always 5 people, different sort of characters, and always one is a virgin…not sure the reason for the 5 different characters, only this time in the movie all the characters were not killed and fed to them, one got away, and it pissed off these beings who lived underground and then they ended with them going after the rest of humanity.
So bizarre, and when I watched this movie, I felt like there was some truth to this scenario, and here Kim talks about how they sacrifice some to save the whole. Crazy, and how SSP gets paid to kill them….just wow.
I look forward to the rest of the video and see how that all goes….I love how Kim helps to connect the dots on things I suspected but wasn’t sure, but now…of course my suspicions were correct.
I suppose most of the people on this planet are not going to believe any of this till they remember who they are which Kim said would happen this year. I so hope this is true. So weary from all the drama and try to stay out of the constant MSM and even supposed alternative truther news because it’s all just a bunch of crap.