Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-14 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Today marks the first day after hell week, but apparently it’s not over yet. Kim said things have been disappearing in rapid succession and then there are things they are anticipating to happen. She heard the chatter about a Russian nuclear attack, but didn’t have any major alerts from KIMS on that or other things they were talking about behind the scenes. But there is a reason why they are trying to do these things which kept her up all night again and that became eventually evident, which also has to do with why we were probably feeling not so good this morning. But she started with regular news first.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-Jun-14 News-Broadband High (

Recent Announcements

They made an announcement of possibly using XRP, which would bring them back to their American partners. They were trying to break free of the dollar allegedly, and looking for a BRICS currency and have realized after some conversations with an associate of mine that they have been unsuccessful in latching onto another system that will work worldwide. Because all payment systems were attached to Omega, without the full understanding on the Light System side they are out of options.

In addition, there has been talk out of Saudi Arabia that they will drop the dollar, but probably not completely because they will still be trading oil in US dollars. But the idea behind this is they will now be able buy and sell in other currencies, albeit a limited number of currencies.

The dollar is tied to supply and demand right now and even if you were able to back it with gold you still need to take into account supply and demand. Too many dollars and you will devalue the dollar. Now additionally, this is all tied to production contracts. The reason why people start to get nervous when countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia decide to sell their commodities in a different currency is that production now goes to back that new currency. So the production contract or demand for the US dollars goes away, but that doesn’t mean the US dollars that came out at that time would be supporting the production of Russian gas or oil, or whatever it is that is being traded from these particular countries.

Deep State’s Failed Attempt to Implement Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan

This leads me to explain the attempted crazy things that have been happening this morning. There has been a lot of chatter from the new Rothschild family head Phillip, Marduk’s 7-currency plan and about replacing the US dollar between people I talk to who are part of Langley 5 or Global Headquarters, that may or may not have been attached to the Rothschilds. The intended currency this time is the Amero. The Amero was originally created to be the new currency for the North American continent out of the 7 currencies. It’s both paper and digital just like the dollar, but they want the Amero to be for both North and South America per the behind-the-scenes negotiations.

Everyone is trying to install the 7 currencies this morning because Marduk is the gift that keeps on giving. Now I’m not going to lie, I did the same thing which is to have my system keep running hundreds of years after I’m gone and I learned that from him.

Marduk had a system that he left in place, that when triggered would pull together a basket of commodities (and respective production contracts) that would then go to back these 7 new currencies. But by twisting around the world to suit your needs you defaulted the program and I didn’t even have to do anything. You don’t understand you don’t control this technology. The motherboards aren’t even on earth. Needless to say, it wouldn’t have worked anyway because we already have the asset pool and it would have failed because it’s not programmed that way on a conscious sentient level, albeit dark and evil.

Now regardless of movement of the 7 currencies, one thing was abundantly clear as each system attempted to launch and then fizzled out early this morning and that is the systems always defaulted to Marduk. They all went into a major global asset fund and major currency control system which was not controlled by human beings and never would be if this plan worked out. Sure, they would have been allowed another management system, but they don’t own it. Marduk always puts himself as the owner and final key or step. When he is absent there is no one left to push the final button but me. I looked at this and said heck no, and that was the end of that. And we already have those commodities backing all the currencies out there. So, my advice is if you don’t like it, you can get off this planet at any time.

They were having negotiations about offering me a percentage of control for the asset pool. I have 100% already sweetheart so what are you offering me? I’m not being greedy here, I’m separating the assets for everyone by area. Their thoughts and theories on how to run a financial system is severely lacking. They will never know how to do anything because they just got handed everything. I can’t talk macro or micro economics with these people. The system is changing and we are not paying for your ridiculousness. The reason why all your new currencies failed is because I’m not interested in this plan. And secondly, you didn’t even follow your own handbook because you thought you were smarter.

Multiple Replicator Earth System

Everything the Abraxas, Draco and other non-humans did to this planet was done in multiples of 9. And it was clear they wanted to be Source or God or use the light to their advantage, but controlling the light side of things and actual elements that exist here on earth is a whole other story. There were some elaborate structures that we found here this morning and the alert letting me know what was happening finally came in around 2:30am.

Earth as you know is a keystone for the universe and contained the entire DNA blueprint, now that blueprint has changed so it’s a different kind of keystone. What they had done is replicate earth but not like the Abraxas had done which we found out a couple of days ago where they replicated humans, I mean earth itself. These replicated earths were not inhabited and not terraformed and they didn’t need to be because they replicated the DNA blueprint for the universe 10,368,000 times, 1 for each timeline. So it didn’t matter which Age we were in, even the Golden Age because they could still manipulate the elements on earth, still manipulate the etherical field, and the use of energy because of Source’s original connection to earth.

That carried over the original connections and they had to make sure it was a one-way transmission. In other words, you could get all the Source energy, essence, consciousness etc., but it couldn’t leave there. So, they installed a reflective prism field around Source itself, so nothing could go back and forth, thereby capturing all that energy, essence, etc. And they used it against the universe, reprogramming the DNA blueprint of earth and of the universe thereby blocking Source’s connection to just about everything, an outgoing connection. But you contacting Source versus Source giving you energy to exist are two different things. So, this entire network is what fired up after we started breaking down the Abraxas fields and other things, but it was the icing on cake to put fireworks on my last week of hell. All the work we were doing here on earth had some standing orders, time released coding for all these other replicas that would then try to influence the DNA blueprint of everything we’ve undone here. I was like are you kidding me.

The interesting part about this replicated earth is not only could it manipulate some of the elements but when earth stopped responding to dark energy, because remember we put those transmuters a week ago, maybe that’s why these replicated systems got triggered. But apparently this replicated system still responds to that dark energy and will act accordingly to make a disruption on the original earth. Now when I go back and look at it, I’m asking myself what triggered this to happen. Well, it was a liquidity risk, meaning not enough energy, so then these replicated keystones kicked in. The shields we put up around earth didn’t hold because this got right through. There were probably some implants for these too that went straight to that program. But at least we all know why we’ve been having weird death thoughts etc.

Then the following morning we have the Great Reset Currency program that also didn’t work. But it’s been real fun, never a dull day. So that system is no longer with us and I’ve been cleaning up after this Marduk mess. Everything is a process. What is meant for our harm can be for our good. I was going to use the old POS but it was time to fix that anyway, so we replicated some of the Swift and IBAN systems and then I needed to convert to the CODEX 685 which is what the Global Repository runs on and is a LI-FI system, so they had to be tweaked and fixed. Now the POS was meant for the Amero currency and not for Brazil and South America, just another example and reason why the deep state shouldn’t rule the world. They have no idea how anything works, yet they think they are going to tweak an alien technology. And now they are disappointed because they were supposed to announce this at the G7 Meeting.

Is this the last system? I have no idea. This is cloaked alien technology. It’s locked down until it’s ready to come out and fire. We’ve done a lot of different things to hunt more down faster but maybe I need to reverse engineer some of their cloaking technology. Maybe I can find a piece of it in Alpha to Omega. I’m thinking out loud. Like in the last broadcast I wasn’t expecting any of this either.

By the way there is also talk behind the scenes of an alleged attempt to assassinate Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. Won’t you feel sorry for him? He’s working so hard for you, sniffle, sniffle.

This is so depressing. It seems like these programs are never ending and are set up for perpetuity. I certainly don’t feel these latest ones cleared for me yet. And Kim’s right about turning 55 and getting on the death program, at least in my case. I had no health issues aside from lifelong allergies until I hit that magic number this year. I’ve always worked hard at staying healthy too, but now I have a plethora of issues from both my maternal and paternal sides despite my best efforts. What a joy. And to round out this week of fun is the absolute assault of chemtrails which sucked any joy of being outside today. I hope this too shall pass, as I drink my heavy metal detox smoothie, for all the good it will do.

God bless Kim for keeping up the fight. May we all get some relief asap.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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9 thoughts on “Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work”

  1. Thank you, I unplug from the 55 plus program, and have already been swarmed by family to sign up for the retirement death program that is medicare when I want nothing to do with that system….sure they count on your being greedy and wanting the money you put into the system via paycheck of social security taxes but I’m not falling for it, I’ve held out and they don’t understand why I do. They want us all dependent on the system then they will have more control over everyone. They definitely don’t want you to live long enough to collect it, but hey, it’s long gone before you get old enough to collect it.
    I hope this can be over soon. I bide my time by trying to find some joy and being in my own little world, I’ve stopped paying attention to the echo chambers of the political world till now it’s barely a glimmer of noise in the background. You know how easy it was to just delete delete delete every email that had any fear porn, or anything to do with this group that claims to save the world and that military is the only way….I’m over it. Just mostly detox and do our best till it’s stopped completely and we can be free of it and in peace. Hopefully that is soon, and by soon I mean this year. I sometimes really hate the word ‘soon’, and that is what they have said for a very long time.
    Keep up the great work, This aired on youtube yesterday by the way, it seems they are putting out the news but like a radio show, no video of Sunny or anything else, just audio and a picture which I’m glad cuz it needs to come out instead of the 7 day delay they had going on youtube. Start the campfire, we’ll be there shortly.

    1. Actually it aired on the 15th which is when it was online….anyway, my days are all screwed, some days merge into others! LOL, thanks for doing all you do.

  2. Gunther Hospotka

    Schaltet bitte die Medien aus. Wir brauchen den Scheiß nicht mehr. Verhaftet die Chemtrail – Initiatoren und Piloten. Räumt die Chasaren weg.

  3. Difficult to interpret from an ordinary news perspective, because Kim’s reporting is from a very esoteric non-material perspective. It’s about advancing and protecting humanity’s sovereignty going forward, much of which involves dispersing all the layers of non-human control. We are so used to the global control hierarchy- just think of the control system currently in decline, namely the British royalty and the Vatican in the West, and the corresponding Chinese black sun nobility in the east. It’s only recently that humanity has begun to understand that the system of slavery includes all knowledge and all information–for the first time in thousands of years we’re learning that we, enslaved humanity, live in a hologram within a hologram reality that is controlled by evil extraterrestrials–
    So Kim’s work is at the level of liberating humanity’s global mindset. This is a process.

    Thank you Pamela for your assistance in communicating Kim’s news. This stuff is really hard to understand. And chin up about your health issues and the whole age 55 instigation of the death programming. Fight it with all your strength and determination, ask for help every day from Mother Earth herself. We can break through the Old Earth slavery and we will. Have courage, even while you’re tempted to feel defeated, insist!

  4. I came across some videos of people taking – I believe large pots of boiled water and adding vinegar and setting them outside on their property on days when c-trailing happens and in a couple hrs-ish ther is a clear area in sky above them. Ive not tried it myself but a friend in my county did- wher they usually get lots of fog and they said it worked for them. The only clear spot all day was above them. 🤷🏻‍♀️may bbe worth a try. Thank you for everything 🙏🏼

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