This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 of the broadcast where Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Trustee for Omega | Charinthorn Rodcharoen-Nystrom
Now I’m just going to briefly touch on a woman, her name is Charinthorn Rodcharoen-Nystrom. I don’t know if she’s still alive as she was quite old at the time. She was a citizen of Thailand and she spent a lot of time in Japan with various Rothschild installed Japanese Emperors and whatnot. She spent a lot of time in Europe and her husband was Swedish, hence the name.

She was a trustee for the Omega system, remember three keys to get out, two keys to get in, so technically there needed to be a second Trustee of the Omega system and at that time it was Putin. I didn’t know that either, but those are the two to get in and there was me to get it out as the Principal.
Sunny: How does one become a trustee Kim you know we know your story but like for her like was she from a bloodline or like how do they do that?
Yes, bloodline probably, and no offense but this was probably the nastiest woman I have ever dealt with in my life. She absolutely was part of some kind of agency training. She could have been part of the Black Widow program; I’ve met another Black Widow which we’re going to talk about here in a little bit.
I spent quite a bit of time with her. I was finally allowed to get together with her, after the whole ‘separate, divide and conquer’ thing went to the way side, and what I realized having talked to her is that she absolutely thought she walked on water and parted it. This is another agency trick too, the one where we looked up your bloodline and you are the chosen one. Did you know that you are Ra incarnate, you are Jesus Christ, you are Mother Mary, you are special. Well, this woman fell for that hook, line and sinker. The Russian trick worked on her because she literally thought she owned the world. She went from, I’m the trustee and signatory, just kind of a normal person, I just want to get a little bit of money for myself and my family and my kids, to I own the Federal Reserve! I own the United States! I own you! From her photo she looks like a nice old lady you might m see in the grocery store or something like that, but obviously the real-life version is a little different.
This is before I knew who the Treasury actually was, before I knew it wasn’t actually government, but I have a letter here that was to the Treasury Department.

It obviously talks about the fact that we were trying to, or I was trying to repair the economy of the US because we had just gone through a market crash a couple years prior. So that was the purpose of this exercise when I ran into the crazy lady and thought that I could make that actually work, and I didn’t know anything about the Black Sun. I knew about the Rothschild family; I knew about the Illuminati because I had already been to London previously. So, you can see the whole intention here was always to try to do the right thing, not only by this country but by all countries. I never intended to do anything wrong. If I had to do it with this lady then fine let’s just get it fixed, get the job done.
I just thought I’d let you know I no longer feel this way about this person if she’s still alive. And I no longer feel this way about the government, I no longer feel this way about Langley 5 Generals and we’ll work with everybody and sing Kumbaya.
Mr. Lee | Dr. Lee the Dry Cleaner Hidden in Plain Sight
I’ve also had some dealings with someone who you know by name but now you’re going to know by face, let’s put him up here, the next contestant Mr. Lee the dry cleaner that passed away last year! Mr. Lee hid in plain sight, but when I met him, he wasn’t there he was over in Asia.

Mr. Lee was also trying to hack into some lines of credit that he couldn’t get any access to on behalf of Mae wa at the time, one of the ladies there and we’re going to meet one of Mae wa’s little friends here in a moment. But yes, meet Mr. Chuck Lee, well trained Black Sun General, 5-star General in China. Even though he wasn’t born in China he was also related to Mr. Parks? who was part of Langley Five who also passed away this year. Mr. Parks was also from Korea, so not all Langley 5 are Americans so don’t think they are, they’re from all over the world.
I just ran across him and I was like oh my gosh, I forgot about this guy, so I just thought I’d pull him out to talk about the dry cleaner and have a little fun.
Handler | Jesper Ellerman ($1 Deal with Silent Circle Guy)
Next Handler up is Jesper Ellerman who has been running all over the world with documents that I have, most likely for discrediting purposes. I haven’t spoken to him since 2017.

Jesper, who’s his real name is Peter worked for his father Jesper who was also known as The Jack which is a title in the Tables of the Silent Circle. The first time he ever met me was in 1998 in the Bahamas, but I didn’t know that at the time. We met in 2013 by phone and the first thing he says is, I’m an assassin. I said okay. He then says, you’re not afraid? I said, well let me see, if I get really afraid is it going to stop you from coming after me and trying to kill me? He goes no. And I said, okay, then what’s the point, you obviously called me for a reason, what is it you want you know?
It turns out he’s Handler number whatever now. We met in person in 2014, he came to Tucson, Arizona at the time and we spent a number of hours talking to each other about security plans. He wanted to be a part of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and he was for a time. He also is responsible for making the $1 deal with the Silent Circle so you can give him that.
Then he too lost his noodle around the end of December 2016 to December 2017, sometime within in that time frame. Now part of the reason why he started to lose his noodle is because I had just got to Durango, Colorado and “Mr. Johnson” was my Handler here, a member of the Johnson crew in every way. That was not his real last name when he started this gig and Jesper realized he was losing in this separate, divide and conquer kind of thing. So he knew he wasn’t in control, but I still learned some things during that time span on who these people were and why this town existed. Jesper would say some things like, your people are my people. You need to tell him that. So, I told him that, I said Jesper says his people are your people. He responded, well, we don’t have any of those people there and you know that type of thing. I said well, I don’t know, he says your people are his people. But I had no idea that they were all part of the Order of the Black Sun at the time. A term like that came along about a year or so later, but I kept all of these things in the back of my mind as I moved forward, all the things that Jesper had taught me about.
Jesper and I made another trip over to Russia together in 2015. We stayed at various Airbnb’s around the city. We were there for probably about three weeks and that was the time when I met Marduk. He did not go to that with me and it was an experience that’s for sure. But they had been there since I was there the last time, so four or five years later.
Jesper had a lot of connections around the world, he had connections with the Hell’s Angels, Colombian Mafia, IRA, Russian Mafia groups because there’s plural, the Yakuza, the Jades, you name it he had those connections. As you know all these different groups are just different sides of the Order of the Black Sun, so that was that story. There’s a lot I could tell you about that in between but probably for another day because we’ve been going for quite a while now.
Black Widow | Sim Sin Yee
Let’s talk about China’s Black Widow program and the first time I learned about that would have been in about 2013. Here is Miss Sim Sin Yee.

She worked for the head of the organization which was Madame Zhou (or Wu), not sure how to spell it. She also called them the Seven Sisters, not to be confused with the seven sister oil companies. But there were Seven Sisters that predominantly ran it and inbred people from all over Asia for the program.
Note: For related post on Madam Zhou, see The Great Currency Reset Agreement is Buzzing Again but All Parties Will Surely Be Disappointed | What is the Bigger Story Behind Those Recently Deceased Chinese Masterminds? | Who Was Madam Zhou? | Pod People in the Matrix Movie Were Real | American Operatives Still Going the Course, Create Makeshift Closed-loop System | Who Are the Secret Circle People? | Just Empower Me
I was having a conversation with this lady about potentially funding the China government and projects. There was a deep-sea port they wanted to build and a few other things. I thought that sounds great, let’s do that. I didn’t know what a real Black Widow was until her husband called me one day. He got my phone number I guess and said that she has lost her mind. I still have notes to this day which I kept a copy because they were Skype conversations I had with her. She starts telling me things like I’m Prime Zero, I’m the Absolute Zero, I’m the nothing. You are One, I am Zero, all this kind of crazy stuff. How are the Prime Wars going? Do you still have your tetrahedron head? I’m using the Yellow Channel right now to contact you.
We now know what the yellow was, it was a plane between the plane of existence that existed for the Asian families. We now know what that would mean if you were talking to somebody and they had an issue and an interruption in the yellow plane of existence at any given moment which could be done with or without a computer system.
She’s saying this stuff because they had implants in their head from Omega at the time. All the family members did. You remember me talking to you about the structure underneath Washington DC and also the one under the Kremlin and there was one in China at the Bronze Temple. So, I learned lot also from the crazy Black Widow lady. I started learning about what is the yellow plane, what is the yellow channel, what is the Prime Wars. That was why she was calling me of all people, telling me this whole story and I had subsequent emails from her and they are a little crazy.
Note: For what was underneath Washington DC, see related post, The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then? | Just Empower Me
I don’t know what ever happened to her, she stopped eating, I think. Whatever it was that was trying to kill her, the Omega system or whatever was talking to her in her head was trying to kill her. I don’t know if it was successful or not because after that crazy conversation, I didn’t have any further talks with her.
She also worked very closely with the Smiths. You’ve probably watched The Matrix. Well, here’s the Smith for this, a MI6 agent with the last name of Smith.
Handler | Roger Smith
Mr. Smith is not just MI6, he’s an agent, he’s an operative. There are many Mr. Smith’s, this is just one as an example. I can prove to you they work together very closely. I don’t know who was who, which one is the Handler at the time, but when you talked to one you would talk to the other because they would both be on the phone. They didn’t want to not permit you to be on the phone with the other people. So, I thought I’d introduce you to a Mr. Smith.

How I came to learn about MI6 and how they work internally and all that kind of stuff was not only from Mr. Smith here, it was also from a man by the name of Colin Armstrong Bell, at least that was the name he gave me. He also went by other code names like Johnny Applebard. He was from Scotland and well I would say, poor Colin. MI6 often hires people from Bloodlines, so chances are you could be as dumb as a box of rocks and work for the MI6 because your daddy did, and Colin was one of my first MI6 guys that I met.
You have to remember I had already talked to the Russians, I had The Jack’s son over here, I have the CIA people over there, I’ve already dealt with all these different groups of people, so you learn their little techniques and things that they do. They are not all the same by the way, they’re all very different depending on where they were trained or cross-trained. It used to be everybody would go to Israel for training at one point in time, it didn’t matter if you were an operative, so you can kind of recognize people from different levels. But when I met the MI6, I was like, oh dear. I even got into an argument with them recently. Somebody from MI6 reached out to me just two days ago, during the kerfuffle. (they want to slap you around and they must think I care that they know Lord Brian or something). I don’t know, I don’t even know who these people are. He’s like, oh I thought you’d be dead by now. I said nope, not dead, no such luck. Then he started talking kind of crazy telling me about money I transferred to Commerce Bank and I told him I never transferred money to Commerce Bank ever. Then I said I don’t know who you are and of course I got no answer. Well, that’s all I have to say.
MI6 should stop hiring inbreeds. Really, it’s been a couple centuries of that happening and you really need to start rethinking that program because it just didn’t get any better. I thought maybe it was just this Colin guy that isn’t all that bright, maybe that’s what it was. But then you start getting other ones and they’re all about the same. So those stories and movies about James Bond being MI6 that is a lie. They’re all these people missing something in the head.
Handler | Let’s Call Him “Mr. Johnson”
Okay let’s talk a bit about locally here, and I’m going to give you this for a reason. We don’t have a picture of this guy and if I did it probably disappeared off my computer, but I’m just going to call him Mr. Johnson, and he is not the Speaker of the House. Mr. Johnson is highly trained and works directly for the Langley 5 Generals as I had stated recently during the news we did with Tom Melville.
Now let’s talk about what this person taught me every day for two and a half years. At 8:00 AM sharp we would have a meeting every single day for two and a half years. I learned how the programs worked underneath Langley, the high-level programs. I also learned about Dulce, I learned about Silverton from this guy. I learned how all Umbrella Corporation operatives on that level are trained. I learned about facilities, where they do organ replacements and 3D printing and have for a long, long time which is underneath Guantanamo Bay. That is how I learned that Guantanamo Bay was a health spa, a med spa for Elites and Elite operatives. So, people going there to sit and rot in jail is baloney, they probably just need a heart repair or another body part or something like that.
I learned a tremendous amount, and then of course the interactions you have are priceless. You know, the lies, how they lie, how they manipulate, how they divide and conquer which is a little bit different on that level, that’s a pretty high-level operative. The way they would do some of the transfers I had done to Trump. They definitely stopped the meeting from happening several times here in town, I know that for sure. They turned the plane right around in midair, those types of things. It was because they had to maintain the illusion that the Order of the Black Sun was the one that was funding everybody because they were preparing themselves for a full takeover of the world and to take things away from the Khazarian Mafia.
Now they liked me from the standpoint that I was taking out the Khazarian Mafia and Rothschild and a bunch of other people, and their control systems, and their Fed systems. And I had the power to do those things by creating new VTNs, which is kind of like a VPN on steroids, new internet protocols, the Intelligence Systems, Monetary Systems and all of that.
Well, Mr. Johnson and I had gotten into a lot of fights and it started going really far downhill by March 30th of 2019, really far downhill. There is only so much baloney that you can take in before you just can’t take it anymore. One night at midnight he starts to feed me the biggest line of baloney I have ever heard. Maybe I was just tired or maybe I was just sick of it, but I just let him have it about everything he had said for two and a half years to me that I knew was a lie. I just kept going rattling them off one after the other after the other for hours. And of course, he would tell lies to me about other people in the room as well that night. I’d say, okay tell them what you told me when you went down to such and such place, don’t you remember? And this other guy’s like laughing. It’s funny because I called them on everything for years. But still every morning like clockwork at 8 AM he called and tried to recover.
The American trained ones will try to beat the person down because they obviously got a little too excited with themselves. So now you must beat them down until the only thing they can do is believe you. Americans typically will start with a flirt, that’s how they play you. Then if you don’t buy it, you go the threatening part, let me scare the crap out of her so she’ll do what we want her to do. If the threatening part doesn’t work, then they’re going to beat you down so you’ll accept one of the two, like physically. But they start emotionally first because physical harm makes people angrier and when you’re trying to manipulate them to do something you’re not trying to kill them, you’re trying to manipulate them to do something. So physical harm makes people angrier and they will come to hate you, so they could do other things like poison you, which happened twice since I’ve been here. They make you feel ill so you can’t move, you don’t want to do anything so you become a little docile.
Other things they do with women is very atypical. Here’s an example of one thing. I had to renew my passport while I was here so I went down to Walgreens like everybody does here in America to get a passport picture taken, normal stuff and the picture didn’t look that bad. When I get the passport back finally, I’m like, what did you do with the picture. The guy says to me, well you kind of look like a bulldog so we thought we’d make you look more like a bulldog so you didn’t come up on facial recognition. I’m like but facial recognition is done by bone structure and he says, well you know does it really matter. But they kept driving home the fact that you’re ugly, you’re this, you’re that, it’s part of the beating down process.
13 Navy Seals Were Sent to Take Out Kim & “Save the Financial System”
We had 13 Navy Seals come in once because they were told by their commanding officer that I was basically going to crash the entire American Financial system. They were told, go save the financial system. One of them was actually born here in town, therefore they of course came in under the guise he was coming see his parents with a bunch of buddies from the Navy. But they were actually sent here to get rid of me essentially, playing on their patriotism, just like they do with all these other people that get online and say I’m the most horrible person in the world. Then others jump right on that bandwagon, you know who I’m talking about, there’s a couple of patriot people that jumped on me recently. I could care less, but you can kind of see how they do it.
Contracts on Kim & 24×7 Surveillance
Hillary Clinton put out a $10 million contract on my head trying to send people in here. Dick Cheney at one point in time had Bush Senior because this is Black Sun town and they had people occupying houses Bush owned. They had surveillance facilities underneath those houses so they pretty much knew everything that was going on here at all times. The person that was manning that on behalf of him, the caretaker of the house and all its contents tried to grab me once on the street here. He was supposed to take me back to that house and then take me somewhere else from there on out. That happened since I’ve been here. So, there’s been a number of incidents since I’ve been here that were real situations that really happened.
Coming Full Circle With the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA)
Anybody can tell you stories about what they saw, but I just gave you all the passport information on purpose. Now let’s talk about part of the reason why I told you all of this. I mean in part for you, but in part so you understand the rest of the story. We talked about the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and who they were. We talked about who they are now, who we are now, I should say with myself as the Director.
Now we’re down to some operatives on the SSP operative level, these are Monarch and the remaining SSP operatives, and they told the whole world the reason why that Q clock is counting down about the Gateway opening by January 12th, or the first full moon, or first new moon after the Solstice time is of critical importance to these people who still think they work for the GIA. But you don’t!
They were under the impression, because they knew lower ranking people got paid around the 15th of January on their level, but they didn’t know that this hadn’t happened since 2017. So, they took the Treasury for a ride, they took the Governments for a ride. That’s the reason why Congress signed the budget saying that they would get paid money by the 19th. Remember two different payouts, the 19th and another one in February which is not going to happen.
Now the reason why they were under this impression is that on this day what would actually take place is when the Gateway for travel would happen, a Gateway between the Alpha and Omega systems used to open also. But this happened when we were in a Dark Age and we’re not in a Dark Age anymore.
The next thing is they don’t run the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) anymore. Sorry, you’re not even a part of it actually. The money would always come through to two different places, a Development Bank of Singapore also known as DBS Bank and the other place would be HSBC in Hong Kong, which is why you constantly see a bunch of what I call alphabet soup there on the 13th floor, I think. But anyway, it was full of agencies from all over the world and it was part of the place where a lot of high-level trading would actually happen. So, these guys got all excited because now they’re are “claiming they’re in charge”. They’ve got the clock counting down because the Gateway was supposed to open by midnight China time.
Gateway to Source Started Opening Instead
Something actually did happen about midnight last night China time. It’s actually kind of a funny story really.
We’re in the Light Age now, which means the only Gateway that ever opens ever is a Gateway to Source. We don’t go down anywhere, there’s no elevator to the bottom floor anymore. So, the Gateway started opening to Source today which is amazing for us because it’s a time of abundant energy coming directly from Source. In the past we got some really nasty stuff which is what they were expecting, so they were like yay the Gateway is open woohoo! They even put it on the Q-clock thing and after about an hour or two goes by and as it gets further and further for that direct connection there, they realized it wasn’t their Gateway. But hey, if you’re with the Treasury Department, Government or you’re an operative waiting for your money, it’ll all work out by 3 PM EST, don’t worry we got this. Just another day ending in ‘y.’
We’ll see what the Q-clock resets to next. But they’re not with the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA), therefore they did not get any money. If anything, you know we just got more stipend on our end of it for the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) which is very few people, and at the exact right time we’ll make it happen.
Now what does the exact time we’ll make it happen mean?
You never present something happening on the same day that they have promised something happening because then they’re going to claim that they did it.
Oh, look that’s our goal, remember the Quantum Financial System and Global Reset is happening and the gold-back thing, we did that. Everybody needs to follow our orders and instructions. But hey, why did you end up paying Kimberly Goguen over there, I thought you said she was nothing. Why is that the only one you paid? You see the point here. It’s going to get a little rough by the time this airs, but that’s pretty much the World Situation Report. Everybody was waiting with baited breath for their big whopping payouts. The 12th was the big day but they haven’t had a contract to actually do security for this planet for years now, like over a decade. And the last time that system paid out was January 12th of 2017 and that was because in 2016 Marduk was still around and he liked you people. I actually don’t, I don’t really care.
Remember they signed, The Gatekeepers, and it was a pretty negative comment. They thought that they are the security of the Gate because during the Dark Age they were. But now that’s not you that’s me, Director of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA).

Sunny: The last time we talked you said there were a couple meetings going on can you update us?
You just got a hold on, you work for the Fed now, just hold on, by Friday everything is going to be okay. We know you had to shut down the United Nations building in Geneva due to lack of funds and not being able to keep the lights on, but you’ll be back in business by the 12th. You’ll be able to reopen on the 12th.
But what I’m telling you is the backstory behind it, that’s why Congress said by the 19th they’d have money, they’d figured they give them a few days to trade against some bonds, you know the whole thing. They even set up bunch of money and Monarch Military Bankers to trade it and none of it worked out, not a thing. I just knew about it last night, but you won’t find out about it until 3 PM EST today which isn’t too far off, it’s a couple hours from now.
Meanwhile all the rest of you can enjoy the Gateway experience!
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Kimberly Goguen Blows A Gasket
Kim’s blown a gasket – calling the FBI 😮
The lady that wears all the hats is not happy. She is a self proclaimed sovereign lady on the planet, trustee of the former MWHT, a diplomat on behalf of our planet that attends ET councils. Sits in meetings with President Trump, Putin and other world leaders, including the Rothschilds and the 300 families. But is absolutely rattled by a group of EX THI & Cosmic Voice members that have been attacked, bullied and lied to for years by Thomas Williams.
This group of just 50+ finally had enough of the slander and lies, and set out to investigate Thomas Williams and Kim, after making the most preposterous stories, from UPU aliens, to ‘a save the world trust’ with all of the planets resources. And the lies built up with Thomas Williams’s fantasy of 2 worlds, lower realms wars and his cult controls.
This group Team Bubba discovered much evidence that contradicts Kim & Thomas’s fictional stories.
We asked them for proof when we were members, but all we received was an aggressive response. We have asked for proof after finding proof of their lies in past begging for donations for made up projects, foundations, and scams.
We have been accused of being FBI, Langley agents, retards, and others. Which we just laugh it all off. 😂😂😂
But ALL of our requests for proof were rejected
They didn’t think their latest move out very well. Now They are going to raise a case with the FBI about us. 😱😱😱 The same FBI that Kim & Thomas claim to have been blocking the trust funds from being transferred. The same FBI that Thomas claims to have fried all of the servers as punishment for that. The same FBI agents they have been calling cabal and are corrupt. But all of a sudden, they call for the FBI’s in stopping a few members investigating them. Poor Kim and Tiny 😢😢
Now we are over the moon that Kim is to raise this case, but it’s them in panic mode. They are upset because we have exposed much and hitting them hard with evidence from their past. Also the latest new members, which must have made him reach for the whisky 🥃
Now they have calmed down, And let it all sink in, and processing it properly, instead of them acting on impulse.
This was Randy’s comment. ————— “Threatening me with arrest and prison. Being accomplishes to an online stalking and harassment ring. After a botched effort to get me into their little circle. This has gone on for years now, and the FBI couldn’t care less that I’m targeted in a slander Bot scheme. Extortion, slander, and online harassment is illegal, so now I’m just going to make a public record”
Time to have a little UPU meeting and gets some help from them I think 🤔
Thanks for the entertainment any way Kim & Thomas. 👍👍
YES! Thank you team Bubba!!!!