This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26-Jun-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim provides an update on her progress with the LED lightbulb program. She also lets us know bankers descended on Durango anticipating negotiations, although it doesn’t sound like anyone wants to talk to them. She also explains more about the Farms, and that since the 22nd US President, which would be Grover Cleveland, they all had a Farm of super loyal, programmed operatives raised and trained specifically for that. All Presidents except Biden that is.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

26-Jun-24 News -Broadband High (
LED Lightbulb Program Update
First an update on the neurological disturbances we talked about on Monday and the additional sites we found. Most have been disabled now as far as we know we disconnected what was left connected to the LED lights and other electronic systems in the world.
The following sites:
- Jackson Hole, Wyoming
- Riddarholmen, Sweden
- Sacred Grove (Osun-Osogbo) Nigeria
- Temple in the Sea in Trinidad and Tobago
- Liberia Reconciliation Monument (
- Sefa-utaki place of worship in Okinawa, Japan
- Kasubi Tombs – in Uganda
- Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia
- Iglesia y Convento de las Capuchinas, Antigua Guatemala
- Freedom Park Johannesburg, South Africa
- Channel Islands California,
- Mount Shasta, California
- Atatürk Memorial in Wellington | New Zealand
- Tombeaux des Phéniciens, Tangier, Morocco
- Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Fiji
- Sigiriya Fortress in Sri Lanka
- Schloss Vianden Luxembourg
- Jelling stones, Denmark
- Mitad Del Mundo Monument in Ecuador
By the time we hit all these sites we didn’t have anymore signals coming from anywhere. Hopefully that will take care of it and there is nothing else. To be clear these sites were ongoing and predominantly alien tech and running on standing orders from Others. Is this something the deep state used? Yes. Did they create these mechanisms to connect to everything? I would say yes, to increase the number of disturbances in people. Without the technology can the deep state recreate this? I would say no, at least not of this magnitude.
Preliminary Conversations With JP Morgan Update
On Monday we talked about the bankers’ preliminary conversations with JP Morgan. Well preliminary conversations did take place with the potential new Chairman and it seems like the bank itself has been running around chasing rabbits. Is this the genetic shareholders doing? I’m not sure, possibly in part it is, which would be the Rockefeller Family. The Fed, the Fed Families and a significant number of operatives from various sectors are running the banks around looking for assets.
Some of the information that has come out is as follows:
The people running them around in circles are telling them there is gold left in this world that has not yet been leveraged by the banking system and they need to try to get it into the banking system. Then they were told this is how to do this. You need to go to Congress, then the Federal Reserve, oh they can’t do it. Oh, now you need to go to the General Office of Accounting. Now you need to go to the Treasury Department, then the military etc. etc. So, they are just running around in circles. What it looks like to me is they are just trying to buy time to see if they can find out a way around the Light system.
Additionally, we also see them trying to push this digital cash outside the system which is no surprise. They told the bank this digital cash cannot be entered into the banking system but has to be outside the banking system, which of course is no good to the banks to use for liquidity or assets because they also don’t have allocation numbers. So, a lot of lying is going on in the banking industry.
Banker ‘Fixers’ Who Work for the Genetic Shareholders Descend on Durango for Negotiations
But word has gotten out that negotiations have begun because today in Durango, Colorado are bankers from JP Morgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon, and a couple of other banks. These are not the banksters, those I call the genetic shareholders of banks. I think of bankers on this level as fixers or operators and they report to the Families. They run around doing their bidding. It appears there is definitely a conflict with the local people who don’t want to talk to them.
Again, if the banks want to survive, they have to figure out a way to work as a service provider for the people and not a custodial institution as we discussed earlier this week. So in order to gain assistance from me, those conditions would have to be met and they should also introduce themselves as a new member of the Board of that bank. Because if they don’t think we’re not going to put somebody from our group there as a member of the Board in order for us to fix it they are seriously mistaken. Perhaps we need to take over the genetic shareholders position in that case, because they are just running everyone around in circles.
Deep State Anticipates Something Prompting Megvii to Install Social Crediting System
The deep state was expecting something to happen at sundown last night. I looked everywhere for some kind of signals, gateways, portals, computer systems trying to reintegrate. As of this morning I’m still not sure what it was they were waiting for or where they got this information from because there was absolutely nothing that happened in their favor today. But it led them to do some crazy things in the last couple of days.
Megvii is a large AI company that specializes in facial recognition and it was designated as the lead platform to initiate social crediting programs on behalf of the Great Reset. So, whatever they were waiting for last night prompted the social crediting people at Megvii to try and install their stuff everywhere today. The program failed, it cannot run on its own without the computing power of Omega or Starlight which was a Lucifer program, or Omega Project Stargate. This has no hope of ever becoming a thing. It doesn’t have the computing power to do it. It would literally have to monitor every health event in the human body every second of the day for every human. Do you know how many health events you have in a day? It was supposed to record every health event that you do and combine that with your POS, tap and pay, credit and debit cards, and even cash which has a MICR or magnetic ink in it that could be recorded by the Omega Project system. None of that is going to be a possibility. I’m positive they were extremely disappointed with this failure. Surely they’ll have the banks continue running around looking for deposits to buy more time until the next thing, which we’ll get to here in a second.
The Farms
You probably heard me talk about something called the Farms and I’m not referring to where they grow vegetables. A Farm is a group of operatives that run black operations. They contract with intelligence agencies like Langley, MI6, the old KGB which is now the SVR, the South African SS and they are everywhere and span all nationalities. They are highly trained sophisticated operatives and they are born of the Farm, meaning they were bred for this. These are people who would be given medical enhancements and different medications necessary to allow them to be super soldiers. So, these are the people who go bump in the night.
These Operatives Are EXTREMEMLY Loyal to Their President
There is a Farm that was created for every US President since number 22. The only one since then, who didn’t have a respective Farm is the current one, Biden. And there is some kind of program they do which makes these operatives extremely loyal to their respective head of state. So much so, it’s almost like an obsession and it’s an ongoing thing that really never ends. I think this is why your Trump operatives are kind of not okay and more out there than most of them. And I think they took some who were loyal to Regan and moved them over to Trump, but I’m not really sure, but there is definitely something different about that Farm than the others.
The reason I’m bringing up Farms is because at one point in time these operatives who graduated from each respective Farm were also controlled by a program in computers in Omega. Langley did have a small amount of control and access, and it would be more the lower basement levels of Langley where the Black Sun black operative programs and conditioning take place take place. This is what you see in the Jason Bourne movies.
These Farm programs were also connected to their respective spoils
When a President takes that position, and this applies pretty much to any country, they only do that in order for him/her and his/her respective operatives to become power brokers. They make all kinds of deals for assets, resources, trade agreements, even treaties would yield them money which would come out for that. So, each one of these control systems is tied usually to a Farm account and each Farm Account would have liens in it, also M4 or derivatives which are bonds issued against the asset itself. Most of these Farm accounts are not actual cash they can spend, therefore somewhat irrelevant. The control systems to some lesser degree each had their own web and internet so they could tap into these people’s brains and do crazy things.
I bring this up because Monday evening they tried to gain access to the Farm Monetary System hoping they could install it and connect to some digital currency system, I think the Megvii platform. Needless to say, we have no more Farm systems now, no more fake accounts or backdoors for Langley. Thank you for pointing that out because I forgot about the Farm.

Other than that, things have been relatively quiet. Of course, we have angry deep state people and there is chatter about things they want to do when they get this money regarding the war and are telling people to hang on, and driving other people around in a circle.
July 4th Is the Next Big Day for the Deep State’s False Hope
The next big day for deep state expectations is July 4th and this is worldwide. The reason is because every year whomever runs the Alpha System (now it’s the Light System) is the one who used to put out the allocations through the Federal Reserve for pretty much every government every year. So, the proposals are out there and the orders go out as the same time. Governments are supposed to do whatever the Alpha System says they are supposed to do, however no one ever listened to me, therefore there’s been no money since 2012. That was the last time I did the allocations and then there were a few more during the Trump Administration, but it wasn’t the July 4th big one. But it’s the time of year when the majority of the allocations would flood into the banking system injecting new liquidity. Governments would get annual budgets through this and so on and so forth.
Now most of this money would go through the genetic shareholders of the Federal Reserve and all of the money would then head over to HSBC of Hong Kong for trading. That money would trade from the 4th of July to September when the budgets come due. Imagine how much money they made with well over $100 trillion every year for every government in the world and new allocations of new currencies in the world that came out at that time. So can you imagine how much the deep state makes behind the scenes for their black operations.
Note: For more on how the Annual Budgets really worked and the trading at HSBC see related post, The IRS Expired Under the Federal Reserve Act & Was Already Disabled by Kim Goguen | The Global Structure of Taxation and Causation System Expired! | The Monetization of Leveraged Assets Expired! | Congress, Check the National Archives! | Swapping out Rothschild People for Black Sun People (Treasuries of USA) Will Not Happen! | Is the Tax Authority a Better Solution? | US Govt $197 Trillion Debt Wiped Clean by Kim Years Ago | Just Empower Me
Now the deep state must have been hiding under a rock since 2012 because July 4th allocations have not come out since then. The last time allocations came out it was small in comparison and it came out during the Trump Administration in July of 2019 but not on the 4th of July. That is not happening anymore. I’ve written all that off and the Federal Reserve just like they’ve written me off.
Those of us who have been following Kim for awhile know she has mentioned this NUMEROUS times. I can’t remember how many times I referenced this post.
Before that, was there any large allocations that came out?
Yes in 2018, that was also me and I pulled it back. Again, the last time the major allocations came out was done by me personally in 2012. I have proof of that. So, without the cooperation of the person running the Light System which is me, with no obligations of contracts to anyone, there will be no allocations next Thursday. I have no reason to pay those people. I can also confirm for the bank that if there is any gold anywhere it’s already been leveraged, we have it all. There is no super-secret gold anywhere that we don’t know about.
The ego is a terrible thing and lies are even worse because they have created wars and killed a lot of people on this planet. They are going to tank their entire world, but maybe there is a purpose for everything on their side.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou Ladies. Good work : )
Dear Kim
The ANZ Bank New New Zealand have this week advised their customers that they have a ‘security company’ (undisclosed who this is) who is now monitoring how you use you computer/devices – as in how you swipe your screen, social media interactions, typing speed and general online habits etc to secure our bank accounts and keep them safe. They refuse to say the name of this ‘security company’.
This is already active here in NZ and we werent told about it until it was already underway.
Ive told them i dont have any contract with their ‘security company’ to gather this information so what do they think theyre playing at. Imagine the power this unknown and uncontracted with me and every other account holder will have in their AI world.
They can generate a digital you and open the gates to a 2nd portal – one being you in the living breathing reality, and another (hidden behind the front screen you use) to use the AI version of you to carryon business as usual for themselves with all their thieving shenanigans.
Is this anything to do with what youre setting up at your end Kim or is it a problem?
Hope you will see and answer this question please.
God bless you
Kim don’t come onto this website, this is a blogger who does transcripts of all the News reports from Kim from United News Network or whatever she has going on after leaving the other site.
I know Kim’s intel is from her side of things, as for what they are doing or not doing, pretty sure they cannot access our real light portals or being in real reality without it going thru the light system and Kim would be notified. So while they are probably trying to do this in your country, pretty sure they are trying to do this all over. They have been working on this social credit score program some time which she mentions here in her news that they did try to install this in the banking system but they were unsuccessful and will not be able to do this, plus connecting it to some new currency outside the system it just won’t work. They system Kim uses isn’t even on this planet. These people are clueless about what they are doing, but yet they continue to try, gotta give them credit for trying….I don’t believe they will ever give up. Best bet is to wait and see……it’s not like these banks ever told us that they were doing what they have been for a long time. I don’t think it’ll be long before they will have to either commit to Kim’s new system of just a service provider or be gone.
I’m over it all, I’m just waiting to see the whole thing become public knowledge and Kim can get this message out to the world somehow, pretty much she needs to have her own TV channel. perhaps then she’d have better coverage to get to the public instead of this form of news where you must be a member to get current situations or wait a week and see it on You Tube. They have been posting things pretty current only it’s just audio and no video till a week later.
Hang in there, don’t be afraid, do like Kim states, it’s all up to us to create this.
Great job Kim 👏 👍
For those who still believe in Kim
Here you can watch the videos a little more recently