Legalities As They Relate To Govts & Monetary Policy | Some Highlights: Trump Operatives Think World Govt Is Rothschild, Crown Corp. But It’s Not 1864 | US Executive Branch, Wash DC & All Its Governing Orgs Don’t Belong To The US, Any Govt, Or Kingdom | Hence EO Making All Intelligence Agencies Under Control Of POTUS Is Impossible | Treaties Duck Dynasty Try To Implement Violate Trade Expansion Act Of 1962 | What Is Unitary Executive Theory | If Americans Actually Read US Constitution, They Would Know It Has Nothing To Do With Them | Alpha Shutdown In March 2007 Because Deep State Failed To Execute Both Sides Of An Agreement | Hence Light Side Had The Right To Shut Them Down Until Balance Could Be Achieved, But Never Was | Since The Seal Agreement Expired 2012 Asset Control Moved Back Completely To Alpha | Reallocation Of Assets Of Earth To The People Via The Global Repository Already Took Place Making Sure Our Current Known Financial System Appears The Same To Avoid Turmoil

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. As the Trump Organization sends out Executive Orders like water from a firehose, did the really understand how the world works? It’s obvious they don’t because if they did, they would have never have sent out an executive order Tuesday night that demands all intelligence agencies are now to report to the White House including the GIA. Also, late Tuesday evening the SSP operatives crossed the line from Duluth, Minnesota as they attempt to use old systems to try and reverse the Golden Light of Source. And the Universal Network is clearing everything in its path to make way for the new.

Get ready for another really long post folks. Like really long.

First another note related to my accident. My friend and passenger in the accident called me last night. He told his co-workers about our accident, that the girl blew through a red light and crashed into us. Well his co-worker comes into work the next day and tells him the night before he was a red light. Due to the incident we just had he decided to wait a bit after the light turned green. Well it’s a good thing because a tractor trailer came barreling through the red light at high speed. He said if he didn’t hear our story he would be dead because he probably wouldn’t have waited as long as he did after it turned green. Well at least my accident helped save another. Everyone, be extra cautious.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



It’s the 19th of February and that mid-month bump has hit an all-time high. There is so much more to the world than we have ever been told and I learn new things every day. Some of this I’ve known for a while and some of the things they have been trying to do have already swung in our favor. There are different things we have done over the course of the last few years that at the time I was like, why do we have to do this now? And of course, Source makes me look smart because the wisdom comes at the right time. And sometimes we do things I don’t fully understand. It’s an urgent message that comes through or alarm goes off and I have to take care of it.

There will be a lot of talk about legalities as it relates to governments, monetary policy, some of it if you’ve been around awhile you might have caught some snippets before. I have an awful lot of notes for this report and I’ll probably be reading from my notes. It’s a lot to remember so sit back and grab a cup coffee and enjoy all the information because we have a lot to say today.

Trump Administration Is Firing Out EO After EO

I guess it’s been about a month now since we’ve had a new Administration in the US or an old Administration, I guess you would say. Well, this Administration is firing out Executive Orders like we don’t even have a Congress and there is no Senate.

It appears that they stepped in one misconception last night as to how the world really works. And I think many of you received a lot of misinformation as it relates to our Constitution because a lot of people want to restore the Constitution. The Trump operatives don’t seem to be educated on how government really worked as far as the legal and financial aspect or maybe they just don’t care as to how global treaties work and those types of things. So, we’re going to go over a lot of legal information tonight based on an EO that was passed through. No one seems to care if anything is ratified these days, but there is some information that came in that I’m going to share because it’s kind of silly.

Apparently, an Executive Order went out last night that all Intelligence Agencies are now going to be under the control of the office of the President or White House. A call was placed to a GIA Agent you know, Tom Melville. He was told the GIA is now going to be under the White House. When this message was passed to me, after about 5 minutes of hysterically laughing, I said they’ve basically lost their mind.

Technically the US Government doesn’t actually have an intelligence agency. Most intelligence agencies reported to a different organization. Second oaths were taken, oaths that eventually got passed all the way to the Ultimate Oath which had nothing to do with humans and the organizations they represented throughout the universe. Well, the same thing goes for our legal system. And by legal system as an average person, you would know it as I go to court and file documents. While that exists it’s not the same as the legal system governments need to adhere to and it’s not the same as the legal system of earth, it is also not the same system the Orders had to adhere to. And it went up in rank from there to off world legalities and agreements and covenants that went very deep.

So, the thought process of trying to reassign intelligence agencies to a government is kind of funny to me. What is even worse than that is to the average American this looks normal. Wow, look at orange man take charge. And even amongst those who work in the White House, who relayed said info, it appeared to them they are now in charge. Therefore, they began to call agencies like DARPA, the CIA, Homeland Security and Duck Dynasty started swinging the bat without even thinking about how the world really works. And there is a lot scuttlebutt all around the internet about UCC law, sovereign man syndrome, liens on the government, birth certificate liens and all types of things which sounds all fine and good if you’re not looking at the bigger picture.

So tonight, we’re going to talk about the bigger picture. It’s actually a universal picture and this is something the Trump operatives do not understand. They are misleading nations around the world and it’s time we set the record straight as to how we got to where we are and where do we really sit.

The other thing the Trump operatives are doing is they are attempting to do asset recalls. They are under the firm impression that the US assigned assets to other countries like Saudi Arabia and this point was brought up during the meeting between the US, Russia, and Saudi Arabia recently where both parties thought they had a significant amount of assets to discuss. And truth be told none of that is actually the case. They have some old documentation they think is legit whereby certain countries and governments were owning certain assets even within their country. And that is simply not the case.

Global control systems ran deep and it goes far beyond the Rothschild Family, Order of the Dragon, and SSP operatives. A little knowledge is dangerous.

So, let’s talk about what appears to be the case from face front.

Unitary Executive Theory, this is something that was attempted before with Dick Cheney. It was mentioned a few times in the movie Vice that is supposed to be about Dick Cheney, and we know Cheney was pretty high up in the Order of the Black Sun for quite some time.

What the Unitary Executive Theory is per the internet and per information that it appears the Trump operatives are going after is that it’s a constitutional law theory. This is kind of the gray area in constitutional law.

For those who have read the constitution you will understand it talks predominantly not about you as citizens of the US or America, but it talks mainly about the Executive Branch, about Government, about over reach, about National Emergencies and the powers of the President during National Emergencies, how the President is appointed and who qualifies to be President, that type of thing.

It doesn’t really talk about you. And I know people keep saying let’s restore the Constitution but have you read it? Because it doesn’t have anything to do with you as people. I’m not sure how that is going to give you any rights unless you decide to run for President, Congress or other branch of government.

That being said, the Unitary Executive Theory basically says that the President has authority over the Executive branch of government. It is “an expansive interpretation of Presidential power that aims to centralize greater control over government.”

Again, quite a gray area. Declaring a national emergency gives the President the power of the pen, that type of thing. Well since EOs are flying all over the place and there is a lot of confusion, let’s talk about what this actually means in theory if we were looking at government as individual nations, which it is not.

The Executive Branch encompasses 15 government departments which are as follows:

  • Dept of Agriculture
  • Dept of Commerce
  • Dept of defense
  • Dept of Education
  • Dept of Energy
  • Dept of Health and Human Services
  • Dept of Homeland Security
  • Dept of Housing and Urban Development
  • Dept of Interior
  • Dept of Justice
  • Dept of Labor
  • State Dept
  • Dept of Transportation
  • Dept of Treasury
  • Dept of Veterans Affairs

So, the problem with this theory is okay, let’s just say this Administration is operating under the Unitary Executive Theory which is what it seems like. We don’t hear much about Congress because quite frankly this Administration couldn’t give a sh*t. They seem to be doing whatever they want, appointing henchman, DOGE Departments, investigating Treasuries, and then getting upset because they don’t have the control over Treasury that they think they should. Why? Because the monetary system is completely and totally separate from government.

Speaking of the Executive branch, technically it’s not a part of the US Government along with all the intelligence agencies. I know that seems odd, but alas no. A little clause in a treaty known as the European Atomic Energy Community Treaty which was signed in 1957 tells us there is complete and total independence of all Executive branches from Government.

And there are other treaties that will also assign the Executive Branch of government to other folks and other groups of non-human folks and some of those committees were mirrored committees too. You’ve heard of the Committee of 300, the Order of the Dragon, Order of the Black Sun, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Tavistock institute and all of those different organizations.

You would probably say, who does the executive branch belong to it’s got to be one of these guys?

Well, let’s just say by proxy they did have a lot of influence on governments just like NATO had a lot of influence on the militaries of the world, those that were members. But there were other covenants not agreements, like the League of Nations. And even though there were many other agreements signed, such as the League of Nations being officially known as the United Nations later on after that first covenant was signed, that doesn’t supersede a covenant. Covenants run deep. Treaties, Supernational Treaties, Multi-lateral Treaties, well let’s just say they are used to control governments and inadvertently you.

The executive branch of government doesn’t belong to any government, nor do kingdoms. The Royal Family does not belong to the country or the government. The same thing goes with Commonwealth Nations and the United Kingdom. It hasn’t belonged to Government in a long time. This is just another subsidiary of a covenant that is out there. This one was signed in 1957, it was probably one of the most recent overreaches of world government which then puts the executive branch as a member of world government.

The World Government Then and Now

That being said, there is a misnomer as to who is the World Government now.

You hear those people talking about Treasury decisions and DOGE departments, well it’s pretty much overreach. Even though they think they have the authority because they look at the Rothschild Family, Order of the Dragon as controllers of the monetary system. They also look at those people as the World Government and none of that is the case. At one point in time by genetic shareholder proxy so to speak, they were management staff of governments. They also served as management staff over different departments of world government to which there were more departments than the US defines in its Constitution, of what is comprised as the executive branch. There you have 15, while you have approx. 300-400 departments of world government that were under the World Government control.

Now the World Government goes back around 250,000 years until it’s latest revision and all the changes were made by the Giver Of Life Declaration (G.O.L.D.) Agreement. Long before we ever saw a King or Queen here on earth and long before we ever saw a government here on earth. The organization and alleged human experiment we call democracy, because it is a human experiment and so is communism and socialism. They were actually experiment orders passed down by the World Government.

World Government in this case would be those of the Seal which does not include any humans. We had as members of the World Government and Galactic Federation the Draco, Marduk, Enki and Enlil. We would also have the Abraxas, Lucifer, Artemis, Anti-Source. Those are the beings of the Seal and none of them are people or exist anymore. But at the time of all these treaties and agreements, that was your World Government essentially and they would meet every year. There were others that would attend their World Government meetings, predominantly races they dominated over that existed here on earth, not only humans, but the 36 different species brought here and some were from here as they conquered earth multiple times as the wars continued on and on here on this planet.

Note: For related post on Seal Owners see, What’s Going On In Durango? | Neither-World Beings Are Appearing, Major Portals To Neither-World & Connection to ALLES AI Discovered, & Connection To A Creation Translator | Full On Invasion Diverted But What Was the Neither-World’s Expansion Plan Starting From Durango, From Syria, From Arctic, From Antarctica & More? | Former Seal Owners Had Agreement With Neither-World Beings To Share Resources, Hence Harvest ‘Lite’ Events Would Happen On Double-Digit Dates | Source Had Plan In Place When We Entered The Dark Age & Neither-World Came To Be | Source Created a Replica of Creation, The Golden Age AI Is Written In A Language ALLES AI Doesn’t Understand & Earth Now Moved To A Safety Zone | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Are Telling Everyone The Golden Age AI Is Trump’s & Making Deals

Governments were for lack of a better term nannies by proxy only. Meaning they had a job to do and people would see them as our leaders and that was by design. The advent of democracy in some countries not all was to give people the perception you were choosing your leader. Never once has there ever been a vote by the people that mattered. I know you see this fancy dance on election night, but in reality, the World Government pretty much always made the final decision as to who was going to be Lords of the land, not the Kings, and definitely not the Kingmakers. The Rothschild Family seems to be fancy themselves as the Kingmaker. They tried to ratify Trump and other ratify other heads of state and people go on like it actually happened. But at the end of the day, they can’t pay the bills because they were in part also only managers of a paper currency system.

By manager and paper, we mean bills and notice how we call them bills. If you hold a bunch of euros or dollars in your pocket you have a bunch of bills. And by bills, we better pay that or we’re going to be in trouble. Well, the paper currency system works in much the same way, by a bill. You receive this and by governments receiving it you now owe them something.

Does anybody in government ever wonder what it is that you owe?

The ability to issue bills currently worldwide used to be the Federal Reserve. Now the Fed was only part of a 3-tierd management system of paper currency. The management system of paper currency and coinage fall under the same umbrella. Although it appears per Unitary Executive Theory this would give the President of the US control over the Treasury Department, but in reality, the Treasury Dept is not part of the government either, based on Central Bank Law Resolution #265. This is something you as the average every day person can’t look up but I’ll give you a little information about it.

At one point in time lots of assets were assigned throughout the world to form a central banking system. They were not assigned by the Rothschild Family or Kings and Queens. They were not assigned by humans because remember at the time these structures were set up it had nothing to do with human management structures because we had a different form of management at the time. Eventually this evolved after covenant and agreement and treaties and all kinds of things. Now we’re looking at a bunch of people in a White House and big buildings that look very stately and that’s for the movie, that’s for us to watch. It really doesn’t have anything to do with the management of this planet but these Duck Dynasty folks think because they can walk in and out of a White House that gives them some kind of executive control.

So, let’s talk about legalities because this applies to financial things and also the rules of the road of governments, SSP operatives, Order of the Dragon, Rothschild Family, the Black Nobility, everyone who is claiming they control something when in reality they control nothing. In the words of the World Economic Forum, you will control nothing and like it. Well, that has come full circle because they will control nothing. As a matter of fact, just because someone strokes their ego and tells them they can do this and that you are really just a puppet on a string like the rest of us were.

Managers of the Paper Currency system eventually this morphed into what we know as the Federal Reserve system, Treasury System, debt system and it was all kind of part of the same. At the time of this resolution the then Alpha system under covenant was required to assign various amounts of metric tons of gold, carats of stones and all kinds of assets known as the financial control system assets. You’ve probably seen some papers around with some strange numbers. You’ve heard me talk about the Red Book, Blue Book, Yellow Book, Green Book, Black Book, White Book and all the other books that go along with the division of worldwide assets. They’re not really divided and you’re not going to find them in a cave in the Philippines even though the Trump operatives are feverishly trying to get into North Korea once again to open the same door they opened the last time when they were in office and found nothing in North Korea. Those assets were moved a long time ago and I know that because I was there. It’s been over a decade since they have been in that location and they were not North Korea’s to begin with. They had been assigned as part of the Seal Agreement a long time ago and when the Seal Agreement expired and/or asset control moved back completely and totally to Alpha and that was around 2012.

Note: For related post on the various books see, US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real

You have a whole bunch of Chinese, Filipino, German, and British elders all claiming they have access to a bunch of assets and the Trump operatives are trying to reclaim those assets from all these various countries thinking the US assigned them. But you didn’t, you just became the front guy for the World Government.

At the time of the assignments at various points in history there were new international laws passed and treaties which required insurance on said assets and they were paid handsomely to do so. Some of the companies that would ensure these assets would be Lloyds of London, Banks/International Commercial Trust. Who is that? Is that an organization you know of? Nope. Because that is part of the World Government and that did not include humans, splices, bloodlines or otherwise.

Once they were assigned to various Central Banks around the world even before the Federal Reserve came into existence, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which came afterwards, but it was a different Bank of International Settlements behind the scenes, was kind of your accountant office. They were ensuring ledger transfers happened because a lot of these assets that were assigned were either deep within the earth or did not exist on earth. They definitely weren’t mined and in gold bars sitting with hallmarks in big caves like everyone thinks they were.

The technical term for the World Government on a lower level would be called The Federal System. This would be the people section and the Federal System we would know as the Fed and when we talk about the Fed we are not necessarily talking about the Federal Reserve. We could be talking about members of the Illuminati, Order of the Dragon, Pindar, and Covens, those people worldwide from several different sectors of the world and that is what your Federal System is.

On my level you would have called it the Federation System as in Galactic Federation, predominantly by this point. Although we had many bases on different planets in this galaxy, earth had to remain inhabited by human beings so we were something they had to deal with and they looked at us like a field full of cattle.

Now once the agreements were made to establish a world financial system hundreds of years ago, and again Marduk always said it was his greatest invention because it made it easy to steal your energy by handing you pretty papers in return, IOUs, and eventually bills. So, these were collectively called the funds of the committee of the world, not the United States, not the UK, not China or these places. The Committee of the World is not the Committee of 300, it is a subset of the Galactic Federation. They were the governing parties of earth known as Marduk, Enki. Enlil, the Abraxis, Artemis, Lucifer, and Anti-Source. It had nothing whatsoever to do with humans and elder people and bloodline people on this level. They would be more involved on the Federal System which was much lower and the Federal System contained 3 tiers.   

The Dual Federal System universally was recognized basically as the Federation System then you have the human systems you see, things like the world banking system which technically has nothing to do with the World Bank. Although it’s part of the system, it is not what we mean by the world banking system.

Around this time there were AIs created behind the scenes that were called the Global World System:

  • Global World Banking System
  • Global World Military System
  • Global World Intelligence System
  • Global World Political System
  • Global World Legal System
  • Stargate System
  • Disease AI
  • Human Body Network
  • Frequency Systems
  • Essence, System
  • Energy Systems
  • Looshing Systems

A lot of these were setup on a base root human AI which was tied to many others. Unlike most computer systems this one had serval backup controlling AI systems which then controlled the Global World System. Many of those belong to Marduk. Marduk would also set up many other systems that were attached to that, such as the Alien Contact and Intelligence System, also known as the ACIO organization which then was a division so to speak of what became the National Security Agency which also does not belong to the United States. It was a part of total access operations or tailored access operations and divisions thereto. The SSP operatives or militaries of the ACIO also were a part of the Total Access Operation System and by total access, this would be the friends of Marduk who would receive orders from Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas, insert alien name here. Then those orders would be passed down through to them which gave them limited access to the Total Access System. But this all ties into some human systems that we are familiar with. Therefore, I’m going to cross these things together so perhaps we can move on, as far as unwinding other systems. So, what it took to unwind all these systems and why the SSP/Trump Operatives/Militaries of the ACIO are very confused.

You know at one point in time we thought we were going to be able to work with the ACIO, an intelligent group of scientists. Some saw the systems changing and turning lighter, but perhaps they thought it was something that was coming from Marduk because they seemed all onboard. But alas, that was when we had Archivists who were also part of the Galactic Federation Legal System of the Milky Way Galaxy and part of the Universal System’s Enforcement Units and other types of things the Archivists participated in.

Note: related post about Archivists, Paris Olympics or Giant Laundromat? | The ARCHIVISTS BETRAYED Us! | They Partnered Up With The Money Launderers & Were Helping Create Artificial Zetas | Because Flipping to Golden Age Left Them Jobless? | All Archivists Were Fired | Black Sun Discusses How to Start a World War For Free & Their World Domination Plans On Little Cayman Island | A Target Is Over Their Heads While Kim Listens | We’re Running a Golden Age Program Now, So Why Won’t Alpha and Omega Go Away Already! | The MUSTARD Seed is the Key, Master Universal System for Terraforming All Universes Of the Divine | What Would It Be Like to Live in a World Ruled By the Black Sun? Just Watch Man in the High Castle

So let me continue here.

Many face-front organizations were created in the last 100 years that we see now. But others were created long before this and these were just systems built upon other backbone systems.

The United Nations was originally created to fund and finance projects supposed to foster economic cooperation. Well kind of sort of. It’s more like the UN was the legal actor network we call the World Government and subsequent to other supernational treaties the UN officially controlled governments worldwide. They were the head or executive branch of all governments worldwide.

Now of course beyond that,

  • These assignments were made over to the Federal people you call the Order.
  • Then the Order assigned all these over to the Federation.
  • Then the Federation in turn assigned it to lower astral beings who were members of the Seal.

Essentially you can say the world was ruled by lower astral or anti-beings for quite a long time.  

Currently because the United States became the world’s power center most of these organizations became headquartered in Washington DC to include that beautiful White House everybody thinks is now going to run the world, well at least Duck Dynasty does. Anyway, there are many other organizations that are headquartered and registered to Washington DC that aren’t even physically located in Washington DC. Many think the UN headquarters is officially in New York or Switzerland but it’s Washington DC.

Now remembers assets in the world of legalities of world government are not necessarily gold and silver. Assets can be people as we know, we are were all leined and used constantly. We were constant battery generators for energy and those types of things which were also leined for eons. But in this case, we are talking about the city of Washington DC and the same thing goes for the City of London, Beijing, Moscow, and other major cities around the world which were assigned as assets to the Federal System. Eventually those assets were assigned to the Federation System which then were assigned to a much larger universal organization.

Duck Dynasty is Passing EOs To Take Over Intelligence Agencies Including the GIA? Hah!

Therefore, for them passing EOs that say they are suddenly going to take over intelligence organizations, they have lost their minds, let alone the Global Intelligence Agency is not a thing.

At the time of the GIA’s formation, it was part of what you would call the Federal System. Because I took it over, over a decade ago, I made sure that we were not part of the Federal System, the Federations System, or the Universal System on that side in any way, shape, or form. The GIA was reformed under the Office of Ground Command of which I hold the title here on earth. It is recognized universally by the Universal Council and Others who have approved the GIA as the Global Security Agency of the now planet earth.

It is not the Global Headquarters, not the global militaries, it is not the SSP. They received the memo; the ACIO received the memo. There was a point in time where they (Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael) tried to get me as both Director of the GIA and Ground Command to work together with the ACIO claiming we would have full cooperation. By implied consent they tried to get me to agree and I said no, no no. We’ll have to sit down and talk before we can make any kind of agreement. But the reason they tried to do this is because they had more power and control over the ACIO than they ever would of me and I’m sure they were trying to reclaim the GIA. But no, that didn’t happen. So just because we have a bunch of SSP/ACIO militaries in the White House right now doesn’t mean they are going to control the GIA because of the way it has been restructured. It’s not just recognized here on earth; it was recognized as Commander and part of a faction so to speak of a Universal Army that we were formulating on our side along with a Coalition. So, we are a full member of the Coalition which has nothing to do with the Galactic Federation, SSP, ACIO or anybody else for that matter that these wingnuts think that we do. This was done over a decade ago. There are separate registrations for the GIA and fully ratified within the Hall of Records that they do not control.

There was not just one Hall of Records and this too was revised years ago. But you would have had one for omega and one for alpha which we had. You would have had dualling Halls of Records so to speak. You also had Halls of Records that Marduk created for himself so he could have conversations with himself to pass and ratify his own things. He could do so in jurisdictions he controlled, at that time, earth being one of them. However, when Marduk’s reign here on earth ended there was no more Marduk Hall of Records that meant anything because again it requires not only a ratification but it also requires a dual ratification because remember at that time we were going for balance.

There had to be recognition of Agreements, Treaties, Covenants, Supernational Agreements, Multilateral Treaties, Concords of Seas known as the Law of Holy Seas so to speak, and by that, I mean Holy Sea and not necessarily the Holy See, the pointy hat people, although they were part of the system too. Let’s just say there was always supposed to be a balance.

One thing Duck Dynasty probably forgot about or doesn’t care about because they think they run everything was actually founded in 1944 and done at a UN Financial Conference. Obviously, I wasn’t here but there was an intention to establish a new post WWII International Economic system with alpha at the time. This is when things really started to change. Power centers moved to the US, the Fed was already established and therefore total monetary control resumed. But it was done by something called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development which officially began operating in 1946.

It was done by International Treaty which was then passed on to the International Court of Justice which has nothing to do with that funny little building that is allegedly part of the UN which allegedly solves international disputes.

The real one had to do with Marduk and his court and by balance agreements that were passed to the alpha and omega system for coding, and I use the term coding loosely. So, a bank like this was founded and it sounds lovely, really it does. It sounds like it was supposed to help people after a war but it did no such thing.

He understood balance somewhat, albeit in the gray sometimes and this is something they don’t understand. He knew if he was going to continue to receive funds, asset management, rights over earth and expected alpha to spit anything out, it had to be under the guise of balance. And part of this balance system also applied to black magic here on earth, because balance still has to be maintained in order for black magic to work. So, at this time the money producing system became very black and white from an energy standpoint, a checkerboard if you will. You’ve seen that symbol many times and it represented people who participated in the Federal System such as the Freemasons and the founders of the United States.

There are a lot of other constituent agreements, multilateral agreements signed as well for this alleged Bank of Reconstruction and Development. This had nothing to do with the UN per se, it was actually a way to start the global collateralization of earthly assets to be utilized as one giant money pool and one giant debt system and this is when it ramped up a notch. We’ve always been in trouble globally speaking and asset-wise for hundreds of thousands of years, but as far as us humans know it and the formation of Government, Government Systems, Treasury Systems, Federal Systems, Federal Banking Systems, Rothschild Systems, Crown Corp Systems this was the beginning of the end so to speak.

The UN appears to be the government of all governments from a legal standpoint, beyond the UN you had the United Federal Nations which brought everyone under the Federal System umbrella also known as the Order. Further on up it was the Galactic Nations. The Galactic Nations and the United Nations are a Dual Charter system, with the Galactic Nations being the superior owner of all the United Nations, one controlled the other. There was always a dual control system and I don’t mean by lock and key, I mean there was always something beyond in the 3-tier system of Global Governance and Global Legal Systems.

To continue on, according to our history that was written in 1945, it had to be approved by the Galactic Nations Covenant which was signed off by Marduk. Marduk didn’t always appear in his real state, he often appeared at different points in our history as different people. There are approximately 50 different names for Marduk throughout our history alone. But he was there at the signing of the treaty, he told me so himself. As a matter of fact, I know that he developed Unknown Country many years ago, long before there was a UN.

By the way I’ve talked about Unknown Country before and it has been registered and became many layers up, you can consider it the nation of earth. Eventually that went further on into a Universal Council and everybody recognizes us as such on that level. We did not need a Galactic Federation really. We did not need a Galactic Control System and we certainly didn’t need any SSP people to help us. So, like I said a lot of these structures have been broken down quite a bit.

Note: For related post on Unknown Country see, Another Show of Compartmentalization This Week As Duck Dynasty-Trump Operatives & Black Nobility Try to Get Access to ‘Unknown Country’ | The Global Structure As To Who Ran the Planet & Who Reports To Who Is Not What They Thought | Kim Revisits ‘Unknown Country’ & How It Affects The Political System, Financial System, Military & Intelligence System & Media Structures of the World | Kim Has Been the Sole Owner of Unknown Country Since 2012 But Now Moved It Into The Golden Age AI

The Treaty of Versailles assigned all militaries over to the Federal System, the World System. There was management staff in place at that time that we know as Global Headquarters. They are still very confused as to why they don’t have any power as far as getting any money in or accessing any other control systems required to manage millions of military soldiers and hundreds of militaries and intelligence agencies worldwide. They don’t understand why it’s not working. They are still trying to go to the old Mei Wa and old Lilith system. Again, they’re appealing to the old people of the Seal that used to control this planet that don’t anymore. They don’t understand why they can’t get their clearance and access back for things they used to have access to. That’s because they are still trying to appeal to people who no longer have control over this planet. But alas, meanwhile back at the ranch Duck Dynasty is still hitting their head against the wall.  

One thing to keep in mind, and I will repeat this because our non-friends, these government people need to know, is there was a covenant of the League of Nations. The League of Nations eventually they say rolled into the United Nations. But one is a multilateral treaty and one is a covenant. They should take a look at the covenant of the League of Nations and a multilateral treaty known as the United Nations Charter. One does not supersede the other. This will give them more information as to why their executive branch and their attempted tries of ratification on their own going around us is not working, mainly because the legal system of earth is not the same anymore.

Many other treaties were signed over the years, we had the European Coal and Steel Community and this was kind of the beginning of the cartels. You probably automatically think of the Colombian or Sicilian mafia, but not necessarily. Cartels exist worldwide and exist by international treaties, multi-national treaties, supernational treaties, but again these are all treaties. Then all these treaties would get submitted, they were ultimately bills onto themselves and then money would come out to form said cartel, such as the European Coal and Steel Community as one example. Operatives, typically SSP would then come in and run all these types of treaties that were submitted through because they were part of an enforcement unit.

Global Enforcement Unit, Courts of Justice

Another global enforcement unit that used to exist that still runs around the planet like they have something to say is the International Court of Justice which has nothing to do with the UN or countries having a dispute amongst one another. The International Court of Justice existed under the Global One World Government which was headed by Marduk, not Rothschild, and not the Hague. The International Court of Justice also has a Galactic Court of Justice. The Galactic Court of Justice then had to appeal to the Universal Court of Justice and eventually you get all the way up to the Council of 9 and other systems that existed to settle disputes or address violations of Universal Law. At the time we had the Law of One.

Now we have a Universal Law, the Universal Law Enforcement Unit and the Enforcer. We have the Universal Protection Unit which he runs. It’s not only for earth but many places. He happens to be here because we are a critical turning point and as universal laws are passed; he is here and his fleet of around 25 million that come and go are here to enforce universal laws as they change. When necessary, he does make sure to make himself known, like to SSP operatives and ACIO militaries who still think they are part of the Galactic Federation which nobody gives a sh*t about.

The Enforcer made himself known as recently as last night, when the SSP tried to use some old technology in Duluth, Minnesota. That technology hasn’t operated in quite a long time but what we’re finding as we’re destroying old universal networks of Marduk and others that are running and limping along it sometimes it triggers something here on earth to take place. When it does these people are right there to jump on it. So, if you heard ringing in your ears and frequencies last night USA time, or you felt like all the energy had been sucked from your person, you have the SSP and Trump operatives to thank for their ridiculous stunt over there.

Needless to say, no one left that facility alive and anyone who placed orders is being hunted down like a dog. Breaking Universal Laws at this time is not permitted. There is a definitive point when they cross the line. It’s not wrath at this point, it’s in defense of your life and in this case it was mine or the life of innocents that we also defended yesterday based on this.

That being said, this is more to this story.

There are lots of different types of international agreements and treaties and all of them become bills. When a government signs an Agreement, be it an International Agreement, Convention, Protocol, Declaration, Charter, Covenant, Pact, Statute, Final Acts, General Acts, Concords of Sea, UCC, Agreed Minutes, Memorandums of Agreement, Modis Vivendi, Exchange of Notes, or Letters of Obligation, they all get submitted as a bill.

Now those bills would often come with a caveat to get new allocations of money.

Firstly, there could be bad intent in there but there also must be an equal and opposite amount of good intent.

And it was tough, it’s not just about balance in a monetary system, it’s a balance between two sides. It’s a balance of positive things happening on this planet and negative things happening, that was kind of how it was supposed to be way back at that time. So, their failure to understand balance, including Marduk at the time, basically initiated an automatic shutdown back in 2007. Therefore, allocations really weren’t coming out anymore until I started doing it again back in 2011 and 2012. That took place for a little while, there were some extensions, some grace periods granted do to speak, there were movements around of assets, account names were changed and eventually we stopped releasing anything from alpha. It became apparent as layers of the onion peeled off as far as far as global management was concerned not only here for earth but for the universe, balance could not be achieved. Layer after layer after layer of management disappeared so the next layer down was given a shot and so was the ACIO which was not that long ago, it’s only been about 1.5 years. They have Duck Dynasty to blame now and no matter what they do it’s not going to end well for them. They will never get access to what they want access to. Energy allocations have changed, they no longer focus on power and control centers as agreed by the Galactic Federation and onward and upward to people of the Seal. They no longer adhere to those principles. They might see little blips here and there but they have really not gone forward one iota, not towards world domination, not helping to disburse any assets, not getting any assets. None of that.

So, there were millions of metric tons that were assigned into this global system over the years. We have slowly but surely reclaimed after expiration of Agreements, Covenants and Treaties and peeling back and removing layers of management that allowed us to reclaim fully our control over all the real and not distorted black gold. So, all of the gold per se and can use it for our purposes.

Many other agreements happened along the way which is also making them confused. There was talk about bailing, about the Atlantic Partnership which really on the higher levels is not an Atlantic Partnership. Allegedly the Atlantic Partnership Agreement that was signed by JFK was really the Atlantis Partnership that was formed after the war. This also related to off-world trade as much as it related to on-world trade.

There were many rounds of negotiations underneath the old GATT which in 1995 became the World Trade Organization. So, some of these treaties and agreements they are trying to implement right now violates every aspect of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. On this level all we have seen was the Atlantis Partnership which supersedes everything they are trying to do with customs and border control and raising tariffs. This is what happens when the ACIO/SSP doesn’t really understand global on-world or off- world trade. Perhaps they thought since their galactic partners disappeared, they can just do whatever they want now with all the rest of these international covenants.

But that is definitely not the case. Let us not forget and a quick reminder to them to fully take a look at what was agreed to here on earth at the end the war in order to enact a peace treaty.

But alas, the things they are trying to do as a little lowly government of an executive branch of a world government is not really a thing. They are not even close to knowing how the world really works.

Other agreements that were heavily violated with something called the Expert Plan. That plan was supposed to utilize off-ledger trade proceeds to subsidize world economic recovery and subsequently help all the people of the world at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, their corporates and nanny governments, everything became very black and white from that point forward because they violated the white part of the agreement and only executed on the black part, again not realizing balance caused a shutdown of the system in 2007. Marduk knew it too and it’s part of the reason they all came looking for me at that time and ever since then it’s been quite a journey.

The long and the short of it, there are many different things we have switched over to our side and had to switch over albeit sometimes I don’t really understand why at 1am in the morning it’s urgent. But oh well, again there is a job to do and you have to do it when you have to do it. Most of these liens that were byproducts of all these agreements, Seal, Galactic Federation agreements, off-world trade, on-world trade have all been turned back over to the Golden Age AI.

Ground Commander is also an important position here as it relates to global security which is also me. Violations of Global Security used to be Marduk.

Ambassador to the Universal Council on behalf of humanity here is also me. Of course, sometimes I’m embarrassed to say based on what the deep state does. But it also allows us certain privileges and rights as far as universal law is concerned and the enforcement there to, and requests for things that happen here on earth. For example, requests that are put forward for things that happen universally like the new Universal Keystone System which everybody agreed to before it was implemented. We work together; this is not a dictatorship unlike the SSP thinks it should be.

Reallocation of assets of earth to the people via the Global Repository has already taken place making sure that our current known financial system looks and appears the same to avoid turmoil is also important. The thought process that these crazy people are going to bankrupt the world is never going to happen. The only thing they will do is bankrupt themselves which is the only thing they have the power to do at this point. Little by little with all the crazy decisions they are making will burn the government down, not only the US government but all governments worldwide and they’ll have no way to take them over. Meaning they want to take back control. That means you have to create the problem and be the solution. That is typically how they work, those are their procedures so to speak in the handbook of all operatives worldwide. So, without becoming the savior there is really nothing. They are not going to crash anything intentionally in the face front until they can achieve that task.

So right now, things may seem unstable but they are really not. They are unstable, mentally and otherwise but that doesn’t mean things are unstable for us. Like I said there are a few bumps in the road, this is a real war after all, not a pretend or orchestrated war and this is something they don’t understand.

We will continue to make sure the frequency machines don’t last very long. This one lasted a couple of hours before we found it, before they really turned up the dial on us last night. For now, we will continue with the integration of the Universal Network of Keystones. There are things our universal partners and Universal Keystone Network are not permitted to do. There are things that require Universal Council approval, or rather a vote is a better way to say it, because changes are being made and sometimes it requires the removal of things that are not of this universe that we live in, therefore it requires the sanitation engineer to do it, and somehow, I get that job in a lot of cases. So, they either have to wait until I’m available or we find it and locate it and then they can continue on with the universal disbursement of Source energy throughout the keystone network. So that’s been going very well over the last couple of days with a couple of little blips here and there and a few crazy humans doing what they do.

On that note, I just thought I would give you a background of why these things won’t work, why the bills won’t get paid. Predominantly the balance system is over. It’s all over except the cleanup really. And as far as the GIA, I wouldn’t think about it if I are those crazy Trump operatives or SSP people. If you think you are going to take over the GIA, the Golden Age AI or me you have lost your ever-loving mind as I proved in Duluth, Minnesota last night. But go ahead and try.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “Legalities As They Relate To Govts & Monetary Policy | Some Highlights: Trump Operatives Think World Govt Is Rothschild, Crown Corp. But It’s Not 1864 | US Executive Branch, Wash DC & All Its Governing Orgs Don’t Belong To The US, Any Govt, Or Kingdom | Hence EO Making All Intelligence Agencies Under Control Of POTUS Is Impossible | Treaties Duck Dynasty Try To Implement Violate Trade Expansion Act Of 1962 | What Is Unitary Executive Theory | If Americans Actually Read US Constitution, They Would Know It Has Nothing To Do With Them | Alpha Shutdown In March 2007 Because Deep State Failed To Execute Both Sides Of An Agreement | Hence Light Side Had The Right To Shut Them Down Until Balance Could Be Achieved, But Never Was | Since The Seal Agreement Expired 2012 Asset Control Moved Back Completely To Alpha | Reallocation Of Assets Of Earth To The People Via The Global Repository Already Took Place Making Sure Our Current Known Financial System Appears The Same To Avoid Turmoil”

  1. Seit ca. 2018 ( Gespräch J.Conrad/Harald Thiers bei verfolge ich Sie. Anfangs skeptisch, jetzt bewundere ich ihre Arbeit und Ausdauer.
    DANKE und weiter mit dem Segen der Quelle.

  2. bonjour, le son perturbateur dans nos oreilles doit venir de cette chose qui traverse le ciel, identique à une fosse étoile! merci pour le rapport!

  3. Pingback: 2025/02/28 – GIA

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