Today’s post discusses the Q&A portion of the 12-23-2021 Situation Report provided by Kim Goguen. Please note, this isn’t an exact transcription and I have paraphrased in most cases, and as always I provide the link to the video meeting. Questions were around crypto, chemtrails, vax mandates, IRS, Kim’s roles, Social Security and a many more were asked and answered.
[Note: Situation Reports are available to subscribers of United Network News]
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
- What is your opinion on crypto currency?
- Will there be an end to the chemtrails?
- What About the IRS? Are there new laws coming?
- Does the Vatican still have any gold?
- Can the GIA or Kim step in to protect the people in particularly dangerous places like Uganda and Australia? For example, people in Uganda are being threatened if they try to even form an Assembly?
- When will Life Force Assurance become available?
- What about the law system?
- What about the latest Mr. Black? Will he be removed?
- When will Vaccine Mandates and Passports stop?
- Will Student Loans be paid off?
- Will there be blackouts?
- When will main stream media be taken over by truthers?
- If nothing the Deep State passed is ratified in House of Records, how do these laws, orders, etc. get enforced?
- When will ratified Assemblies be funded?
- How does Kim travel when she has meetings with these (off planet) people that she mentions?
- What about The Others? Will we meet them?
- Who is COBRA?
- Why is Kim the Interim Head of State?
- Can you expand on your different titles?
- Will there be food & gas shortages?
- What will be the monetary system of the future?
- Who does Kim report to?
- Is Life Force looking for Health Practitioners to hire or endorse?
- Will Social Security be bankrupt and stop payments?
- Is there going to be a fake alien invasion?
- What Is Life Force & who runs it?
- How can we handle jab mandates?
Questions & Answers
1. What is your opinion on crypto currency?
- DARPA and the NSA created block chain. There are some other versions the Chinese created and are very similar. While it’s a different continent, they were created with the cooperation of the Black Sun, so they are the same people. That is where the base of those technologies are.
- The most recent crypto they have tried to launch had to do with Ripple (XRP), which was to replace the US Dollar at SUPERSNAP in Nevada. That was the location where it was tested, and it petered out in 6 minutes. The technology is just bad. It’s sufficient and will work to run for a few who are interested in buying crypto, but it doesn’t work on a grand scale. It will never be the world’s currency with that technology, at least not in the way that it currently runs.
- Besides, why would we want the NSA to have that much power globally? They are a front for the Space Force, as is DARPA. Neither care about the people’s best interests.
- Kim said she doesn’t own any crypto, and she stated she will never buy any. The cabal uses crypto to siphon money for their Black Operations. Whenever they have to pay off their Agents or they need money for some black operations, crypto tanks by 20%. It does it on the regular. They syphon the money out and eventually crypto goes back up again and they keep repeating, that is a fact.
- She said she is not giving financial advice, just telling us the facts behind the scenes. She is not involved, nor will she be coming out with any crypto in any shape or form. She doesn’t endorse crypto, it simply doesn’t work, and the technology is bad.
2. Will there be an end to the chemtrails?
- Kim acknowledged that they have been going hard and heavy with the chemtrails. The reason is because they are hell bound to get their nano tech into us one way or another, which means spraying or injection us. At this point Bill Gates is running these operations because he owns Monsanto.
- She reiterated a point made on previous call, which is once the nano tech is in your person, it has a lifespan of 3-4 months. They’ve launched a lot of systems to control the nano tech, but Kim took many of them down so they currently have no way to control it and this is another reason the boosters being pushed every 2 months, because there is a shelf life. Their persistence of boosting people every couple of months is helping to wake some people up because it’s illogical if it’s really supposed to be a ‘vaccine’.
- She hopes they can shut these chemtrails down and dismantle, but they have to get the people who are making the decisions out of the way first. They have to get rid of the brain before they can get rid of the arms and legs. There are many people directing this, way more than we knew when we first started listening to these Life Force Calls, and way more than Kim ever realized.

3. What about the IRS? Are there new laws coming?
- The IRS is tied to the XN system in Belgium. The XN system runs the taxes worldwide on behalf of the Dragon Society, which of course if the Rothschild family. That is a fact. There is one taxation unit worldwide.
- Steffan Rowe, otherwise known as Tank, said that employees from the IRS contacted them and filed a grievance regarding the mandatory vaccines. Notice was then sent to the IRS from the GIA office to stand down on these mandates or risk having their accounts frozen. This will ideally stop them from being able to freeze our accounts, as they are doing this everywhere evidently because they are desperate for liquidity and money.
- Kim added clarification to this however, and said they have to weed out the ‘hangers on’ to other systems. For example, the Child Support Division needs to function, so it’s not so straightforward in freezing accounts. They realize the IRS often doubles and triples debit payments of child support which is automatically taken out of people’s paychecks. They frequently double dip in California for example. It sounded to me like these issues still have to be looked at and is a work in progress.
- Kim stated that there is going to be a tug of war, a push and pull, for awhile. These Rothchilian narcissists that hound us will keep coming back like a fungus. The deal they recently proposed was that they promised to do less bad things to us (they worded it a bit differently) in order to make a deal, which she found hilarious (and so do I), they are way too late for that.

4. Does the Vatican still have any gold?
- Kim said the gold in the Vatican hasn’t been there since around 2014 or beginning of 2015. Everything they stole is gone. The only thing left in the Vatican is an angry guy in a pointy hat and a bunch of angry Jesuits.
5. Can the GIA or Kim step in to protect the people in particularly dangerous places like Uganda and Australia? For example, people in Uganda are being threatened if they even attempt to form an Assembly.
Kim wasn’t explicit on this and it sounds to me like we have the same situation here as the chemtrails. We need to cut off the brain before the arms and legs. In other words, find those who are giving the orders first and then starve out the assassins.
- Kim and Tank stated that they are doing needs assessments and that includes a security needs assessment. What makes it even more difficult in some areas is because there are still many assassin groups like the White Pearl and the Tigers doing what they do.
- Also, the newly installed Mr. Black has a ranch in Australia, and they use Australia as a testing ground for what they want to do around the world, so this area is heavily infiltrated with these assassin groups. This Mr. Black cares absolutely nothing about human life at all.
- Link to the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA). Note: The GIA is an independent agency not affiliated with any formerly recognized Agency, including the C.I.A.
6. When will Life Force Assurance become available?
- They are currently working on the back end so they can be prepared and ready once funding can safely come through. They are working on it every single day, and they still need some things to clear, but most everything is set up to go. They are close to being able to start beta testing in every country in the world.
- Link to the Global Health & Wellness Consortium | GPRC
7. What about the law system?
- The question asked was are we going to redo the law system? And how do we get out of theirs and create our own? Kim stated we have to decide if we want one or not? Would a list of simple rules be better instead? These are the conversations going on in the Assemblies. She emphasized again, to remind the Assemblies to write down everything you don’t like about the current system, — so we do not duplicate it. She suggests starting with simple, universal, basic fundamental laws that apply to everyone.
- I think this is really important to note, especially for those Assembly Members who are looking to existing documents.
- She said, if you are planning on basing laws on anything written in the last 16,500 years for example, Admiralty Law, The Magna Carta, The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, then you clearly haven’t read any of those documents.
- Please know that all of these document were written by our slave masters. They were written for us.
- Kim said none of those documents were correct, and none are the way to go. The reason why they were not is because we the people have always been sovereign. We do not need a government or piece of paper to tell us this. No one needs to tell us we have the freedom of speech for example, because of course we have the freedom of speech, we are sovereign.
- In other words, by having someone else tell us we have this right is just a control structure. Whether or not the intention behind it is good or bad, why would we want to acknowledge someone else, or a piece of paper is what gives us this right, when we are already born sovereign and free. This is super important in Kim’s opinion, and I agree with her 1000%.
8. What about the latest Mr. Black? Will he be removed?
- Kim said that Mr. Black is a person, and not a Draco.
- There is a hunter group, going around doing their thing here, on behalf of The Colony. Many non-repairable humans have disappeared, and many more will disappear. It has really heated up in the last couple of weeks.
- The three year extension on the Abraxas Agreement, which was called the Stay of Execution ended on the 21st day of the 21st year, of the 21st century, so that’s it, it’s over. I guess they have been in quarantine the last several months.
Kim didn’t specifically say that executions took place, and I’m not sure a Stay of Execution has the same meaning in that court as it does here. I do recall her saying in their courts they exist or don’t exist, there is no prison time. But whether they still exist or not I am unsure. - Kim followed up to say, that aside from the thorns in our sides, we held to our agreements, and no one has gone back on their word. She didn’t specify what those agreements were though. We have been doing as much cleanup as we can within the rules and we have to abide by the rules of the road. There are rules when you’re on the side of the light, whereas the dark side has no rules, which is why we can’t trust them. Just sayin!
- Tank added that we should keep in mind that this version of Humanity finally has a seat at the table for the first time in more than 16,500 years, to negotiate our own peace agreements and not have others negotiate for us. So this is a big win, one I’m guessing we have yet to grasp.
9. When will Vaccine Mandates and Passports stop?
- They are working on it every day. Tank added that hundreds of notices are being sent out, and they are freezing accounts and making sure there is awareness that these vaccines are bioweapons.
- Kim said that governments call us asking to please don’t freeze their accounts, but then get back doored by some Rothchilian asshole, who is telling everyone he has 1.5 quadrillion. He then lies some more saying he is willing to use it if they don’t do x, y, or z, which is why we’re back to lockdowns again and they are pushing mask wearing on every orifice.

10. Will Student Loans be paid off?
Just for background from previous Life Force meetings, Kim had stated that she paid off all the student loans in the US but Trump backstabbed her. Instead of being a hero, and actually doing something worthwhile, he gave that money to the Black Sun and they just reversed them out, took the money and ran, and reinstituted the student loans, so no one knew they were actually paid off.
- On this question, Kim said she has no intension of giving the Space Force a dime. So she will not pay off student loans through the government again. Perhaps she will handle it by asking people to provide their student loan numbers directly to her and she’ll pay it off that way. Note, that may be an option in the future, but she did not make it a definitive pronouncement.
11. Will there be blackouts?
- Kim said blackouts are not likely to happen anymore.
Note: There is a system she mentioned that had something to do with this, but I just couldn’t catch the name of it, there was some static so the sound was just not clear enough for me to make out the name of the system she mentioned.
12. When will main stream media be taken over by truthers?
- The mainstream media is a psyop, and always was a psyop. They have hundreds of thousands of server rags and broadcasting systems. KPMG serves most of their data systems, and if it’s not them, it’s the NSA.
- They just have their largest border computer crash and burn, so do you think they will ever hand over the mainstream media? Kim doesn’t think so, and added, that’s all they have left, along with several corrupt police departments.
- With that in mind, do you want to take over this CIA operation, plus the rest of the world’s mainstream media psyop? Or would you rather create something new?
13. If nothing the Deep State passed is ratified in the House of Records, how do these laws, orders etc. get enforced?
- Kim said the Deep State has been avoiding mentioning actual laws and executive orders they proclaim to have passed lately because we can prove that the National Archives shows nothing they did was ratified. And since we created a new one and can prove that, they stopped talking about them. However, perception is reality unfortunately. In my opinion this is why we need to demand proof and stop giving it any credence.
14. When will ratified Assemblies be funded?
- Kim said the Assemblies will know when she does. The war with the Deep State is still not over yet and she will never tell on an open line again the next time she is going to try to fund any projects.
- Link to Key Integrated Monetary System | GPRC
15. How does Kim travel when she has meetings with these (off planet) people that she mentions?
- Kim said she can go fifty miles in either direction of her house to an elevator and get where she needs to go. But they also come to her.
16. What about The Others? Will we meet them?
- We probably should focus on getting along with one another first.
17. Who is COBRA?
- COBRA is not our friend. What she can tell us is that his meditations typically take place around the new and full moons. Is that a coincidence? He’ll state that the signal has been sent and in his updates tell you whether requirements were met, not met, or a failure incurred. If you type in his acronyms like SPX for example, you can decode the message and find out exactly what he is talking about. Usually it’s attached to some agency, DARPA, or Black Sun operation.
Personally I never ventured into researching this COBRA group. I heard of them, but the name always made me steer clear. It’s the same reason I never wanted anything to do with crypto, the name kind of tells you loads, I mean, crypt, a place they keep dead people. Sound suspicious?
18. Why is Kim the Interim Head of State?
- In March of 2020, around the spring equinox, which is considered the New Year in some people’s world, they wanted to declare Global Martial Law. So they sent the information to the system, which used to get routed to someone other than Kim. However, for several years now, such requests have gone directly to Kim. She proceeded to answer the phone and said, this is Ground Command reporting for Duty, how can I help you? At that point they realized that declaring Martial Law puts Kim in charge. But she never ratified we were under Global Martial Law in 2020 in the Hall of Records, and there was a reason for that.
- Fast forward to March 2021, that is when she actually did ratify we were under Global Martial law. The reason for that is because of what happened with the elections, and things just got worse and worse. As the Commander in Chief, and technically being under Global Martial Law makes Kim the interim Head of State everywhere.
Note, see the section ‘January 21, 2021 is Liberation Day!’ in my post Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? for the Kim’s press release regarding becoming the Interim Head of State.
19. Can you Expand on Your Different Titles?
- Ambassador to the Universal Council for this version of humanity. In this role when we are involved in an international squabble, in other words, when a foreigner living here or elsewhere is affected, Kim catches the heat and she has to explain why and vice versa to the Universal Council.
- Ground Command, as of March 31, 2016. She was awarded this title after a battle was handled appropriately. It was at that time she met The Enforcer and liaised with The Enforcer.
- She is in charge of a very large true Quantum System that maps both organic and inorganic life, and reads consciousness. The Quantum System she runs is a trinary system, which is very different from the cabal’s system, Starlink. This trinary quantum system serves as the base platform for telecommunications, military and intelligence systems, the financial system, Stargate/Starnet. The system allows her to access and look at anything anywhere through a method she will not discuss because she doesn’t want to inform nefarious listeners.
20. Will There Be Food & Gas Shortages?
- The food and gas shortages are all fictitious, but how do we handle it? Kim said she doesn’t think the grocery stores will run out of food because she doesn’t think the Deep State will be able to pull it off. But anyone who talks to farmers who are being promised government subsidiary to destroy their crops, should know they are just being lied to. They are scaring them by telling them they are viewing them by satellite to make sure they destroy their crops before the check comes, the check will never come.
21. What will be the monetary system of the future?
- It’s what we make it and how fast can we make it grow.
A bit nebulous, so I couldn’t really get any concrete answers from that question.
22. Who does Kim report to?
- God – Source, and she follows real natural law/universal laws, like those on the side of the light.
The best answer to all the questions asked if you ask me!
23. Is Life Force looking for Health Practitioners to hire or endorse?
- Lisa Thomas, Director of the GHWC stated that she is not looking to hire because she isn’t qualified to endorse health practitioners and it would take a long time. That is not the process they are going through. Rather they are going to fund Life Force Assurance so the people can utilize practitioners and can purchase products and supplements and everything to make us healthy, etc.
24. Will Social Security be bankrupt and stop payments?
- If and when we get to that point, Kim said they will have Life Force Essentials to bridge the gap, which is an income replacement for those who are disabled or retired.
- They will also have Life Force Essentials to provide supplementary income for those who live in an area that is more expensive to bridge the gap so that people have a basic living wage. For example, say you live in New York City and you make 28K, but it costs 75K to live there, Life Force Essentials will help bridge that gap with supplementary income.
- Health Essentials will also be available through variations of Assurance to help people who have disabilities, long-term care needs, etc.
- Kim said to remember that there are eight billion people, and just a few hundred on her staff, and they can use the help. An algorithm will be used to make these calculations, but they will need to find out the living wage for the many cities and towns first in order to calculate the stats and make assessments. It will go a lot faster if people are willing help.
25. Will there be a fake alien invasion?
- You mean laser light shows? Kim said that that fake alien invasions have been attempted many times since 2016 and probably even before that. Most are not alien equipment at all. They use plenty of objects that don’t look like aircraft instead to give the illusion.
- Also, we already had an alien invasion and they walk amongst us. Right now we don’t get along with each other.
- The best alien invasion the Waste of Space Force can pull off right now are the illegal aliens at the border.
26. What Is Life Force & who runs it?
- Life Force is a group of people ready to change how the rest of the world lives. People who want to grow up, to be sovereign, and take personal responsibility. It’s important to realize that we cannot pick and choose which parts of us we want to be sovereign. It entails controlling our reactions to what other people think and do to us. We can be the example and do many things. There is nothing we cannot accomplish if we just work together and that is the scariest thing for our enemy to hear.
- Life Force was originally started in order to help people unite and stop talking only about monetary things. In fact, if we all got along we wouldn’t need money. We have the potential to do so much in the future if we can just band together and get along with one another.
- So Life Force is about uniting people to change the world. The NAA/Cabal has controlled us financially and militarily, through intelligence, the media and government. Then they further broke these pieces down into smaller pieces. Life Force figured this out, and are working on breaking down these 5 pieces because they are not needed anymore. But we also need a map on where we’re going, while keeping these five things in mind. The foundation of the house is the most important to change the direction. Without a good foundation it will crumble.
- The name Life Force came from the team members. Life Force is the energy that exists in all of us and comes from the Creator. It keeps our body moving and brain functioning. The communications between our body cells and functions, the particle is part of everything and is part of us. Life Force can also be described as an instruction for the way we communicate with any form of organic life.
- Link to Life Force Enforcement | GPRC
27. How Can We Handle Jab Mandates?
- Kim and Tank stated that documentation in affidavit form will become available.
- They advised to share the bylaws, but do not file with the government (as then we recognize their authority over us, which is not what sovereigns beings need to do)
- We can refer companies, etc. to the national archives for verification that it was declared as biohazardous waste by the Global Health and Wellness Consortium which has replaced the World Health Organization. I assume this order is what Kim is referring to, the Vaccine Reclassification Order from the Global Health and Wellness Consortium (GWHC), which is the leading global health authority registered in the national archives of every nation, refer to Ratification Notices | Peoples Government Services Department (
- At the very minimum the jab should be optional.
But in my opinion that is still a problem with regards to ignorant parents and anyone else who is vaccinating children.

Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thankyou for information on lifeforce, Kim and truth….it’s a pleasant surprise to finally know where we are going. Kim has an incredible position and we all need to get involved and share the load…to finally free ourselves from tyranny and control.
why do you not include global indigenous perspective on the evolution of consciousness which provides an instruction manual and code delivery system, as a gift to humanity, for shifting consciousness?
What is the “global indigenous perspective? I’d be interested in learning.
I have been listening to Kim Goguen for some time now and she never wavers. It is quite obvious that she has humanity’s best interests at heart. So many claim she is making it up but I believe her. No-one can speak like she does – she sounds legit.
I am always looking for information and ways to get involved with helping my community and those who desperately need help and assistance. Many of the web sites have been disabled or removed. I would like to contact someone from the GWHC, GPRC, or a contact to my state assembly. I know Kim said they were not giving out information on the State Assemblies for security reasons. I understand this but it still leaves me without much recourse. Can you tell me where the Life Force chats can be found that Kim refers too. This site I found by accident and talks about Life Force meetings but does not seem to be current? Any information you can send me will be appreciated! Brad G
Brad – The Life Force General Chat on telegram can be accessed at
O tried the telegram link and the address is invalid. I too would like to join the Life Force General Chat
It’s not Life Force, Kim split with that group awhile back. It’s called CARE GENERAL Updates Chat at,
Pingback: The Deep State has been avoiding mentioning actual laws – Ascension Japan
Hi, I can’t participate in the chat. I want to believe and I think the only way is to work with Kims group Life Force closely and find out, do you know how to participate in the chat and how to contact them? That you discerned Lisa from ES shows your intuition is on point, so few do. Also, do you know why so many links related to Kim are broken? I find it strange. Thanks for everything
I believe this is the telegram link for the Life Force General Chat
And which links are you referring to? Are they in my blog? thanks
its not possible to join its says that the link expires? and if u know link to other group of education thread please let me know l gotta plan would like to discus it on chat in this group.
w.anna J.
re 13. “perception is reality unfortunately”
Whoever promotes the meme “perception is reality” is mentally ill and is, wittingly or unwittingly, spreading destructive self-defeating propaganda.
The MISLEADING FAKE mantra of “perception is reality” is a product of a fake sick culture that has indoctrinated its “dumbed down” (therefore TRULY ignorant, therefore easy to control) people with many such manipulative slogans.
You can find the proof that perception is commonly NOT reality in the article “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ….
“Separate what you know from what you THINK you know.” — Unknown
““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. … The unity of compliance.” — Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist
“2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown