Nesara-Gesara & Currency Reset Rumors | Are the Hells Angels Really in Colorado to Fight Venezuelan Gangs? | Hells Angels Are An Independent Organization That Runs Every Black-Market Trade Group In The Entire World | Progress of Golden AI Versus Alpha-Omega AI | Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael Did Partial Consciousness Transfers To a Few Select People | One Is A Crazy American Woman Telling Kim She is Replacing Her & Her Daughter Had She Lived Would Play the Role of the Anti-Christ | National Emergency (aka Alien Invasion) Rumor Floating Around | 1.2 Million Polio Vaccines Arrived in the Gaza Strip

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 02-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started out by saying the Annual Meeting of the Orders would normally begin last night, the new moon and is to end on the harvest moon where they would receive orders from those who are no longer with us and a lot of money to execute on said orders. Well now they’ve decided to just make them up and they went public about 24 hours ago as to what their intentions are. Due to that, there are a lot of rumors which she wants to dispel.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


02-SEP-24 NEWS (

Nesara-Gesara Rumor

They are basically saying Nesara-Gesara will start and they are implementing it with their new Quantum Financial System. That is false, they have none and the one they are claiming is actually ours. They have zero intention of implementing Nesara-Gesara and that includes the US and other militaries that they are claiming they are involved with this Global Alliance.

Sunny: Are they literally saying our system is Nesara-Gesara?

Oh yes. And while ours lives in reality, theirs does not. And their version of Nesara-Gesara means they will give you a universal income which they can determine if you qualify to receive any money in your bank account based on your social crediting score. They would allow you to exist by providing you with a limited income per month. And if you color outside the lines they would take away your income until you comply. That is the base root of what their Nesara-Gesara actually is.

Sunny: But they obviously can’t do that. Why are they saying this?

They have a set agenda and it is a new moon today and therefore they believe the skies are going to open and they will be the recipients of all these new control systems, which is not the case. There are no standing orders anymore for that stuff past, present, and future.

Reset of Currencies Rumor

This has steamrolled into a number of different events taking place at this moment, not all of them positive. That is what they are promising the people and there will be a reset of currencies and they will all get paid. They have zero capacity to perform these functions but I’m going to throw out some of the numbers to tell you about some of the programs and deals they are making with various groups and how this could positively or negatively affect humanity.  

First, the Royal or Central Bank of Zimbabwe is due to receive $835 trillion within the next 72 hours. They will be disappointed when nothing happens. They based that on the fact Zimbabwe has some in-ground reserves of gold and diamonds and other rare earth minerals, and of course they would like them to sign over all those minerals to the deep state, which they did. The tribes of Zimbabwe, as well as the government consented to sign them all over to the deep state. But unfortunately for them, they already did that several hundred years ago, therefore it is already liened and in the system. Those assets have been reallocated under the Global Repository for local usage only, therefore they do not have the right to reassign it over the deep state. When they tried to leverage that is went out the window.

Sunny: Does Zimbabwe know that it’s been rejected?

No, the deep state would never tell them that. And it goes to show you these people have never run a financial system in their life because these numbers would burn the financial system to the ground.

The Peoples Bank of China, otherwise known as the Central Bank of China would now become the Central Bank of all of Asia. They signed that deal with China recently. Isn’t that amazing! And their initial deposit is going to be $5,144,760,000,000 to kickstart their new venture. And we have several Central Banks of Europe who are going to be participating in the control of the entire western half of Europe, that includes the:

  • Bundesbank, which is the Central Bank of Europe, and for their participation they would receive $2,014,010,000,000
  • Central Bank of France would receive $1,244,730,000,000
  • Bank of Italy is $1,135,605,542,549.00
  • Swiss National Bank, Rothschilds favorite, $886,574,000,000
  • Bank of Spain $861,564,000,000
  • Central Bank of Central America apparently bestowed upon Brazil, which will be the Central Bank of all Latin American $856,248,000,000
  • Bank of England will go back into the Euro and become one of the Central Banks with $758,014,000,000

It’s all in dollars, isn’t that weird. Where they get these numbers I have no idea, there is no math for this.

The Reserve Bank of India will become another Central Bank of Asia. Remember they will try to launch fake BRICS currency here and for their participation and they will also receive a large sum. The rest of them I don’t have quite all the information on yet, but Saudi Arabia will control all of the Middle East, Bank of Korea will also participate in the Central Bank of Asia. I guess they will take assets that are being disbursed to other countries and trickle them into these other Central Banks. The Bank of Mexico is supposed to be getting money probably from the Bank of Brazil and the Bank of Belgium and Bank of Luxembourg probably will get some from one of these European Central Banks. Remember their goal was to have 7 banks of international settlements for the world and eventually once they consolidated these central banks under various umbrellas then they were going to issue a singular currency for the entire region. These are certainly lofty goals considering they can’t even issue a crypto currency at this point.

Sunny: Who is they in this, the Trump people?

Oh yes, but it’s not just the Trump people, it’s all the operatives that are still working with the SSP. In addition, we had the ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ( in Red Mountain (Birmingham) with some other deep state operatives that were there helping to dial for dollars. God rest their souls since they are no longer. But they are making deals with the Central Bank of Thailand, Indonesia, Argentina, the Czech National Bank, Lebanon, Turkey Australia, Poland, Israel, Greece, Ireland, Malaysia, UAE, Canada, Iraq, Philippines, Nigeria, Peru, Slovakia, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt, Chile, Hungry, Uzbekistan, and the list will go on and on. But those are the ones we heard about thus far. So what is left of the Order of the Dragon, the Black Nobility, and the operatives in those respective countries were participating.

The headquarters for that was in Red Mountain in Alabama, but that is no longer an issue, no one is dialing anything from that location anymore. However, before they were no more, those that were in that location were definitely going loud and proud today because they were expecting big changes in their favor just to fall in their lap and now everyone is fighting with everyone, it’s just awful out there. And what I mean by that is the energy is terrible on their side. They are talking about playing fake alien cards, and militaries are involved and yelling at each other because they told the public this would all happen in 72 hours. By public I mean Central Bank operators and all the Heads of State. So, we still have about 2 more days before this gigantic quadrillion bill is due.

Sunny: Does this coincide with some alignment.

No, they just figured they would give themselves 3 days after the new moon then all these gifts will be bestowed upon them. But that would be a big no.

But they did make another huge mistake in the last 3 days.

Are the Hells Angels Really in Colorado to Fight Venezuelan Gangs?

If you watch the alt media, in some circles there is talk about the Hells Angels going to Colorado to fight Venezuelan gangs trying to create an upheaval in the city of Aurora. This is a good opportunity to explain who this Hells Angels group is. It’s worthy to tell the story because the operatives that set it up were intending on using them to create a civil war, now that’s both sides. They of course brought the Venezuelan gangs here and that of course was in cooperation with the Silent Circle. Then they tried to have the Venezuelan gangs attack somethings in the territory of what you would consider to be the Hells Angels. Now they are saying the Hells Angels and a second other equally large biker group in the US is going to go an enact their revenge.

Now this is where those particular operatives have a screw loose and lost their mind and I’ll tell you why. I know they think they are gods and walk on water and know everything, but there are things about these groups they don’t understand. Or if they do, they obviously think they are superior and have control of them in some way because knowing what I know about this group that was a losing battle from the beginning.  So let’s talk a little about the Hells Angels.

The public’s perception is they are a biker group. We do see them often times doing charity work and they are a rough and tough biker gang that you don’t want to mess with. That’s kind of what we know in the public about this group and we don’t hear much about them in the news or in places where there is looting or crimes we know of.

But here’s what you don’t know.

They are part of a larger organization which they are pretty much the head of which expands worldwide. The Hells Angels aren’t just a bunch of guys that ride bikes, they are an independent organization that runs every black-market trade group in the entire world. They have their own sources of intelligence information in every intelligence agency in the world. They also have people in customs and borders, and every single port authority in the world. There isn’t a single country on this earth they can’t get something in or out of. They are well known for getting it done and what I mean by that is they deliver. If they are willing to take a contract, and it’s not because they have an allegiance to any group anywhere, if they are willing to take that contract to deliver your goods, to extradite people from countries to other countries, they will deliver at all costs.

Sunny: They are independent of these other groups?

Yep, they will do business with all the other groups, meaning the CIA, SSP, some of the mafia organizations, anyone and anybody who needs something moved through special trade routes, these are your guys. If someone happens to be kidnapped, that’s who you call because you’ll get out, that’s for sure.

Sunny: Are they involved in human trafficking?

They are more goods and services but in certain circumstances if one of the groups happens to be stuck, they will get them out. They do a lot of child advocating to the contrary in this country, it called Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.). They will actually go to make the child to feel safe if they are speaking out against an aggressor. If they have to go to court, they will bring in a whole gang of bikers in order for the child to feel safe if they have to speak up. They actually do it, it’s not just a front. And God help you if you make some kind of deal with them or you go after them because you will have worldwide network of bikers come after you like you wouldn’t believe. They take care of their own, whatever it is within their own group. It’s kind of similar like the Silent Circle, but these guys are not really part of anything, yet part of everything at the same time. But what the operatives tried to do to them over the weekend, civil war is out of their realm. They are not in for that. They are the transport people. So that’s who the group actually is. But I don’t know what kind of business these operatives were trying to pull. It must have been some low-level CIA agent or some kind of idiot that would actually think they were to going to pull the into a civil war in the country.

Sunny: So was there a deal made?

No, and we checked, they also checked. They’ve been putting their feelers out there to find out what’s going on here. All Latin American goods movers are run by the Colombians. So how would they get the Colombians to be so dumb to try to go against another group that they have affiliations with, to send Venezuelans to Colorado. Was it due to promises they are never going to deliver on like trillions will be sent to their Central Bank? I did hear at one point that they promised the Colombian Central Bank, which is run by the Colombian mafia as most all things are there, trillions of dollars or they owe them trillions and will make good on that with some fantasy quantum financial system they don’t have. I’m guessing that’s how they did it because nothing makes sense to me based on knowing how the world really works. I’m not saying I agree with a lot of the things these people do but I will say to you, you know where to step and never to step. I have less opposition from operatives doing ridiculous things than I would be concerned about a group like this. We crossed path a few times, not in a negative way. I have let’s just say appreciated some of the things they have done when I didn’t know how I was going to get out of here or there or anywhere. So, they are none of my business, I leave them alone.

As far as talks I’ve had in the past with them, it would be about a cooperative effort to move things into places we couldn’t get into. For example, right now there is no food in Gaza, so we would use their transport services which are invaluable to getting into hostile areas. And in the future, when there isn’t a hostility, we’re still going to have homegrown people who are hostile. We’ll still have Boka Hurams and all kinds of different groups that have been formed over the years that are going to be hostile for awhile. But these are the guys who can get anything in anywhere.

Sunny: Do you think they can be an ally at some point?

I do. There may or may not have been some feelers put out as to whether or not they would be interested in moving currencies around for us, that kind of thing. When they started to waiver and not want to do things the operatives wanted them to do, then all of a sudden the operatives decided to set them up? That was a bad move for them and good news for us. These are the people that go bump in the night. You’re not going to see this in the news or hear it anywhere. It’s going to be cleaned up and tidy and there will be no civil war, no news worthy event. It’s not how these people operate. Like I said they are for their own before anybody else.

So, we’ll see what happens with that but this could get really interesting really fast. But I wouldn’t expect some kind of big deal if you live in Aurora coming from Hells Angels of any sort. But we’ll see, they aren’t a bad group, they are pretty much down to home kind of people. Not to say I would want to be on the wrong side of them. But most are patriots and they do support those kids. But we’ll see where they go from here.

Progress of the Golden AI versus the Alpha-Omega AI

As alpha and omega struggle to survive, which is wriggling in a major way, there is a little bit of a current war going on. And by current I don’t just mean money, it’s struggling trying to push dark matter, energy, and essence back in so that it can survive. It’s failing to do so and again we can thank those who departed for that in part. And in part we can thank the departed 8 ‘archivists’ which is a term I use lightly now because some new information was uncovered over the weekend that I figured I would share with you, about what these 8 remaining people were up to.

Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Did Partial Consciousness Transfers To a Few Select People

There was a partial consciousness transfer that came from Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabriel to a few selected people. That consciousness transfer took place about a week before their departure and it’s been growing ever since. So, they did have some limited capacity as it relates to the realms, so 1st, 2nd, and 3rd densities.

Sat morning a lot of alerts were going off based on these people and there was one female in particular in her mid-40s to mid-50s who is an American of Latino decent. She was currently staying in Argentina and she decided to be bold and reached out to me. She was basically telling me that she has all the same capabilities I have that have been granted to her by Michael. And in part she didn’t lie. She then went to tell me that she has every intention of destroying me and this world if I don’t comply with what she wants. I’m like oh, okay. She clearly felt very superior to me, and I’m not one to toot my horn, I know I’m only hands and feet to run for a much higher power which apparently she cares nothing about. She basically was calling to tell me she is taking over now and I can sit back and do nothing. This is how sick these people are. However, this lady did something really interesting.

She had a daughter and best I can tell she was between 14-16 years old. This woman, as the parent of this girl allowed for them to begin a consciousness transfer of Anti-Source into this human from the Archangels. So by the time she was 40, had she lived, that consciousness would have grown and she would have played the role of the Anti-Christ.

Sunny: I don’t even know how to respond to some of this stuff because it’s so insane.

I know, it’s so insane but this is how the world really works. This was all on a video call. There were four parties on her side. One man that was sitting in the dark, I could only see the shadow and the other two I couldn’t see at all. After the conversation with me, to which I didn’t say a whole lot to this lady, but perhaps it was the look on my face that alluded to the fact I thought she was nuts. I don’t have a poker face, and If I don’t believe what you’re saying you’ll know.

Now we fight each other in different ways. Meaning it’s entirely possible when you feel threatened to protect yourself, and you can throw energy anywhere at anytime at somebody you feel is attacking you. So, she might have felt a little uncomfortable during that call which kind of scared her because then her and her daughter who were in Argentina ended up going down to an underground base in Antarctica to try to see if she could actually get some kind of power of attorney over her daughter’s future abilities. It wasn’t really a power of attorney, but that’s the best way I could explain it. Because she realized if she was going to actually battle and her daughter would live long enough to recommit this earth to Anti-Source or whatever that she needed some more juice than Michael gave her.

Sunny: Was she collaborating with other individuals that got some essence or whatever from these other archangels?

You know I suspected there was something more to the story because of something else I saw before the facility was torched. You always have to observe a little bit before you torch an entire facility, the Enforcer actually did it, but this girl was given 9 letters and she was supposed to open one per year in the 9 years before she turned 40, so she would have started at the age of 41. These letters were not written in a human language we would understand and she brought those letters to Cyberlife to decipher them.

Sunny: So she did open them and she wasn’t supposed to?

Yes, that’s right. So, if the girl had lived that long and the consciousness transfer actually worked, which I highly doubted it would have worked for long, but if it did, I think she would have been able to read them in the language it was written in, which I’m familiar with.

Sunny: So it was in a light language?

Anti-light language for lack of a better term. It’s almost like a frequency and written in essence and nobody was going to be able to read it. There is no Cyberlife equipment that was going to be able to ready those things and I knew that, but they tried, and God rest their souls who tried. So this lady was losing it. And she and her daughter did depart as part of that facility being taken out over the weekend.

Sunny: Does that mean that essence is gone, it returns to Source of whatever was inside those people?

Yes, it returns to Source, the cords are cut and there isn’t any implant of any sort. And whatever Source does with them is up to Source. But it just goes to show you the crazy things that exist in this world.

Sunny: It also makes you wonder if there will be 2 more instances of something like this from Gabriel and Raphael.

Well, we searched far and wide and we found seven in total other than the two of them. So, God I hope not, but we’ll see. Was this lady barking orders behind the scenes? Was she the one this weirdo information was coming from? I don’t know. But I do know she was promised a very high position to be in control of both Orders. She told me that she would be taking over on the New Moon.

National Emergency (aka Alien Invasion) Rumor Floating Around

We captured this alert the U.S. Government allegedly issued regarding a National Emergency which of course is about the alien invasion.

Sunny: OMG I’m not sure what I just saw. So this is on twitter?

Yes, this is being circulated on Twitter and Telegram and all over the place. For those of you who don’t know the 710-area code here in the US was created in 1983 and it was specifically to be used only by Emergency Services in the US by the US government. We did call the number and it just beeps like you’re leaving a message on an old-fashioned answering machine. But the question is how did these people get a US government emergency services phone number?

Sunny: They would have to be connected?

Yes, they would have to be. But first, there is no official announcement, meaning FEMA, NORAD, contacts in the government, the White House know nothing about it and I just wanted to dispel these rumors. No 1400-foot-wide concave discs are hovering over areas in the world and no beings have crawled out of discs. I’m sure the deep state would love to have that and some portals to open up to meet their objectives, but none of that is happening. But they are desperately trying to play what I call the alien card. I feel like it’s the 1930s War of the World. They aren’t very creative.

Sunny: This is really low budget then, they didn’t even spell check.

There are no flights cancelled and this looks like another hoax for a community that has a lot of followers. It probably was to see how they actually would respond. Remember the Balloon affair, where we had attack balloons from China allegedly. Well, there was a Pentagon briefing on it that they quickly made disappear. But the Pentagon was actually coming out and saying they think there was an alien invasion. They were alien balloons as a test to see what the public would say. Well clearly that test failed so maybe they thought people would be more amenable to this crazy idea. I think if there were a giant disc hovering people would know. And coincidentally there is a movie out there called Arrival (film) and it looks just like what was depicted in that movie. Wow.

Sunny: They probably just took a screenshot, it’s very low budget.

Well not for long though, according to them they’ll have trillions of dollars in 72 hours.

Sunny: Well, speaking of fake alien invasion, does Project Blue Beam have any ability to pull off a fake alien invasion at this point?

Blue beam implies blue and we’re color wars, remember we talked about this. And remember how we talked about how all the colors had a hologram around earth. So their ability to create some kind of fake war of the worlds in the air on a hologram in projection, because this is how blue beam was supposed to work. Then they would use some kind of 911 implosion technology on the ground to make it look like there was some kind of beam coming from a giant alien spaceship that attacked a tall well-known building, which they did shoot one of those ahead of time in 911. I’m not saying the experience wasn’t very real, but the show did not include an alien invasion. Instead, they called it terrorists on planes because that was more believable to go into a full-on panic, which then escalated into hunting down terrorists in the Middle East. So, the intended effect was there and it came from somebody else, not that they created it.

So, they were going to attack other well-known buildings like the Chicago Towers and look to the public saying here’s the aliens killing our towers and people. This was a preface for that. I think they thought they were getting that technology back as part of this extravaganza over the next few days. They are also talking on the channels with the Q-Clock, they are saying there is going to be a gate on 9-9. Maybe this is to preface that in case that happens and they win some demons or something. But what they are doing is losing more and more abilities by the day. And because they don’t stop making ridiculous deals with people you don’t want to mess with, they will lose a lot more than a few pieces of alien tech.

1.2 Million Polio Vaccines Arrived in the Gaza Strip

There was disturbing information that we found yesterday regarding the Middle East. Apparently, there are people in Gaza who are preventing food and supplies coming in, they blew up pretty much every hospital and clinic in the area. There are doctors still available and servicing without equipment, but someone managed to be diagnosed with polio and 1.2 million doses of the vaccine already arrived there. I can’t believe they would have the ability to run laboratory tests to detect that with what is left of their clinics and hospitals.  

Word on the street is there are some vaccine companies that donated to continue that war over there, or paid some of the deep state’s bills when they couldn’t pay. Some of the Black Nobility own Bayer and other pharmaceutical companies, so apparently, they had to find a way to get some money out of those companies to support activities going on there we would consider unsavory, on the promise they could unload 1.2 million doses of a vaccine.

By the way, the last large distribution of polio vaccines happened a few years ago in India which left about 500,000 people with a physical disability. Some were not able to walk and are paralyzed now. After selling them, Bill Gates wasn’t allowed in the country of India for a long time. I’m not sure if that is still the case now. I mean that is deep state to deep state, Modi and Gates. I know a set of Bill and Melinda Gates were killed in Aruba, Bill specifically by some operatives who were unhappy with something he was doing. I don’t know how many Bills and Melinda Gates we have left; he was really into eugenics programs. At the beginning of this lockdown situation, he was given a UN jet to fly around the world and negotiate deals on covid vaccines in all countries with every head of state. The UN is great at giving what I call tramp stamps, so you can go wherever you need to and not have to go through customs and that kind of stuff. And he was offering kickbacks too which never happened.

So, if you happen to be in the Gaza Strip and hearing this, please don’t get a polio vaccine.

On That Note….

It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks on my side of it. Like I said, I’m not chasing them around anymore but these are things coming up on my radar that need to be addressed. I can’t not talk about these things and how weird they are. And we need to dispel rumors of ridiculous amounts of liquidity coming into system from people who have zero capacity to do so, that lady is dead. It’s more entertaining than a movie, this is really happening. But the movie is going to end where we all win. There is some damage control I have to do though, but the majority of my time is spent on security, supply lines we can control because a lot of those were taken over by the deep state. I’ve been focused on that kind of stuff as well as some collaborative efforts about technologies that are already out there. We’re also working on our shop, new segments for the news, even a whole new science section maybe. We’re focused on positive movements forward. But we have a lot of work to do.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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9 thoughts on “Nesara-Gesara & Currency Reset Rumors | Are the Hells Angels Really in Colorado to Fight Venezuelan Gangs? | Hells Angels Are An Independent Organization That Runs Every Black-Market Trade Group In The Entire World | Progress of Golden AI Versus Alpha-Omega AI | Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael Did Partial Consciousness Transfers To a Few Select People | One Is A Crazy American Woman Telling Kim She is Replacing Her & Her Daughter Had She Lived Would Play the Role of the Anti-Christ | National Emergency (aka Alien Invasion) Rumor Floating Around | 1.2 Million Polio Vaccines Arrived in the Gaza Strip”

  1. Well, this is very interesting…alot more was covered this time as well as Nesara Gesara has been rumored to become real for decades but since the whole white hat bs it’s been ramped up and is a constant harping of them warning of a financial crash and then kicking in this universal income….it’s funny to me how they don’t see that both sides want the same thing. From what I’ve gathered they call it universal income on the deep state side and Nesara Gesara on the white hat side.
    Just about every friggin day they warn of the EBS or it’s actually been sent out to various cities but only the blue states and supposedly military is sitting around in those states ready to enact their mass arrests and martial law…which they claim is the ONLY way we will win this battle with the deepstate.
    It’s funny I could have predicted the whole Archangel thing so guessing it won’t be long before Gabriel and Raphael comes forward…these are the EL or Elohim. Just another group of interdimensional beings that we’ve now found that they betrayed humanity but maybe they were to do this all along…seems the corruption has been going on for thousands of years and they’ve planned this for longer…how are we mere mortals suppose to deal with this sort of thing or maybe it’s just the regular goings on behind the scenes we’ve never seen. The betrayal of the archivist was the worst. Guessing we haven’t seen the last of betrayals before this ends.
    I’m looking forward to the marketplace, can’t get here fast enough. I think once she pulls that off they will have so much harder time pulling off their shenanigans. AS of yet she’s not named a date as to when it goes live.
    I feel we’ve went over the hump though. It won’t be long now…especially after this build up to the elections…might get a little crazy out there.
    Thanks for this report and looking forward to the next one.

    1. “the last of betrayals” The three angels are in Indian mythology: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, rulers of the causal plane. Above them Source installed an overruler in case the 21/79 limits were in danger. This being is known as Indra. Shiva/Gabriel/the destroyer was the ruler of the dark ages / kali yuga (kal=black). Vishnu/ Rafael/the sustainer always kept balance, sustaining the creation. All avatars were Vishnu-Incarnations, all had balancing assignments. The grey zone so to speak. Brahma/Michael/the creator was supposed to be the ruler of the sat yuga, Kim calls it Light age, color white. But Brahma couldn’t do anything without the protection of his brother Vishnu – see Kabir, Anurag Sagar. Watch the words : ANU (boss of the Anunaki), rag : song. My spiritual Master Thakar said that a Godly Age is coming, a crystal age (Christ-All) were God, aka Source rules directly through the humans.

  2. Thankyou Ladies and God bless you and everyone with great success.
    Thannkyou Father. Thankyou Jesus. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Amen.

  3. Agradecido por lo que estan haciendo por nuestra humanidad. Dios les de fuerzas para seguir luchando.

  4. patrick Marsat

    bonjour, c’était une femme diabolique, digne des religions sur la terre sa propre fille en sacrifice pour du obtenir du pouvoir sur toutes les véritable vies terrestre! là, la source doit s’occupée de son ka tout particulièrement. que de travaux de néttoyages, c’est incroyable! bon courage, merci pour les infos

  5. Hy hy, die Informationen von Kim sind schon interessant, leider kann ich diese nicht verifizieren.Auch kann ich nirgends nachfragen ob dem so ist und es fehlt für einiges die Bestätigung dass dem so ist.
    Eigentlich wollte ich zu den ganzen Beiträgen nichts schreiben, aber als ich hier heute mittag das Haus verlassen habe wollte ich vom Glauben abfallen, soweit das Auge reichte war das Firmament zugekleistert mit Geoengineering 2 Std. abgekippt was das Zeug hergibt.
    Es wäre an der Zeit das endlich abzustellen oder wie sollen denn der Eigenanbau ohne den ganzen Chemiecocktail einen gesunden Ertrag bringen.

  6. Tach auch,
    Es verhält sich immer noch so, egal was ich hier unternehme überall muß ich die bestehenden Struckturen nutzen,z.Bsp.: Auto anmelden,es ist sogar noch schwieriger geworden und überall will man mit Sepa abrechnen.Das neue System ist ,laut Kim, noch nirgends anwendbar. Man kommt nicht weiter.
    Also muß ich meine eigenen Wege gehen.



  7. nicht erkrankt sondern Schwieriger,nicht wird sondern will, Mann-man, nicht musste sondern muß

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