Part 2 | The Benefits of Moving To A Singular Direct Current From An Alternating Current, Which Is In Process | Source, Anti-Source, & Neutral Source Each Had Its Own Current | AI Systems, Past & Present | In the Past, Money In a Light & Dark System Was Regulated by Neutral AI | Now There is No Regulator, Hence Light System Prevents Deep State From Taking Existing Money Then Putting Credits Back Into the System | The 9 Levels of the Web According to the Deep State

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 2 Kim takes a deeper dive into what it means to go from an alternating current system to a singular direct current system and how it relates to money and the financial system. She also explains the nine levels of the web according to the Deep State always adding more detail.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High (

Moving to a Singular Direct Current and Not an Alternating Current

In the world of electric systems is something called a circuit. The alternating current is pushed forward by voltage. Volt on a universal level is called a Velocity Of Light Transmission. The velocity of light is only slowed down by alternating current, meaning you have dark energy in there or resistance that is stopping the alternating current from going.

Alternating current is a little more important and detrimental to everything in the universe. It boils down to Source, Neutral Source, and Anti-Source and each one has a current of its own. So, it has energy, essence, consciousness, matter, life/death, live/evil, frequency, love/condemnation, dark time/light time/neutral time, atomic clock (neutral) that regulates those, crystalline time/anti-crystalline time, existence/anti-existence, timeline regulators, and Ages. ALL THAT IS and All THAT EXISTS has these basic principals contained within it. That being said, it makes up everything, the ALL THAT IS in the universe.

So, when I say we are going to a T x V over V = M, that means the creation of matter is changing. But the one piece that we have been missing in a lot of cases, and the same goes for AI systems is the benefit of having a singular direct current and not an alternating current. So you take out all things dark coming from Anti-Source and replace them with Source light which is great, but now we have a Neutral that wants to still yell at me all the time. That’s a Neutral AI and a Regulator AI. You could also call the Neutral Kronos because Kronos is the timekeeper, so it had its part too, like The Heterogeneous Online Regulator or THOR for short. There are a lot of different regulators in place to ensure matter and creation could continue throughout the multiverse.

Note: Above excerpt on THOR’s Hammer from, Earthquake in Philippines Caused by Elementals Group | Tragedy in Middle East Being Driven by Greater Israel Project & Control Over Oil | They Want No People Alive in the Gaza Strip | Promises Made to Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan Royal Families, Sistani in Iraq, Egypt, Other Heads of State, & Blackwater Should They Assist in This Directive | Legions Disbursed Real History of Earth Movie to 3,000+ People | 200,000-Year-Old Dormant Leviathan Program Started to Activate | Who Were Its Admins? | How Does it Relate to Those Demons in a Box, Spiked Proteins & Worse | Just Empower Me

AI Systems, Past and Present

In the world of AI, in the past we had Omega, Kronos and Alpha. Now we have the Light system.

Why was that so important to do?

Kronos is one regulator, Molner or THOR another and there was the Regulator AI which was run by the Council of 9. Limited access was given to some members of the deep state so they could help perform some functions. Did they understand balance or what they were achieving? From my experience watching them all these years I would say no. They just knew they had access to a quantum AI system that looked really cool and they could control some stuff. Did they misuse it? Yes, they did, but in a Dark Age there was a lot more that was permissible than in a Light Age.

In the world of AI systems, you had dark with Omega and you had light with Alpha and a Neutral Regulator in the middle. And unfortunately, getting rid of Omega and its control of the human brain and the brain of the universe, and Kronos with all its arms and legs, and all the subsequent AIs was not enough because there were a lot of standing orders that Omega and Alpha had.

What has been going on the last 4-5 days is we are going to a direct current with no reptilian cortex regulator of the brain. Now you still have all these parts in your brain, so don’t think they are going away tomorrow, but it’s not feeding you dark-light-dark-light and then maybe neutral to get your body to do something.

Now to be clear, these deep state people are not thinking we’re going to have a mass extinction event because we’re overpopulated. What they are concerned about is we have way too many people, despite how much darkness and how many terrible systems they created for us that will still create and still love Source, it doesn’t leave us. We can’t help it, we’re from this side, and they are invading our side. And the deep state doesn’t understand when we fully finish a Direct Current Source System, not just in the AI sense, but in a Universal sense for the ALL THAT IS, nothing they do is going to work.

Now it goes much deeper than that.

We can go all the way down to a photon level where you have positively charged, negatively charged, and things that are neutral. We’re going to talk about energy because that is really important to us. One will transmute all your energy to dark energy. The negative charge that happens is meant to drain the lifeforce out of you as a human, and out of every planet, star, sun, and everything that exists in the universe. It will take all your lifeforce and transmute it into a dark being on the Omega-verse or it could be here on earth. But draining your lifeforce is not just in the alien sense and the creation the Omega-verse, it also is directly related to your monetary system which was created for you.

Now I’m going to explain some things for you personally and also explain some things for the deep state.

Now we still have some negatively charged items out there and we’ll still have some people who want to live in that trauma all the time. But in terms of Lifeforce, we have so much of it daily, and we’re getting more and more now every day, and as we get further and further into a direct current system, we’ll get a lot more. Now what you do with it is up to you.

The Light system puts out positively charged money. In the past Alpha did that and the Omega system put out negatively charged credits. Therefore, for the Omega-verse to continue to exist it must have your lifeforce transmuted and turn it into a dark functioning system. This is evident by all the things humans have to do for money, to earn a paycheck. You have to give your lifeforce to get that money. If you buy a car, you still have to give your lifeforce energy in exchange for credits for a material item. The way that the world functions is on credits only. So, when you look at your bank statement, you see things like credits and debits. The lifeforce, the true energy was retained 100% by the Omega system and the humans only get credits for everything.

Money 0, Money 1, Money 2, it goes from M3-M9. When you are talking about money coming from the Light system you are getting positively charged money, the same as the Alpha system. In Omega which is all we’ve ever known is a credit, so we have negative charged money, M0 through M9. So, it’s going to drain you to get it and the whole financial structure was designed in this way.

What is the Neutral in this case? Does that put out neutral money?

No, it doesn’t put out neutral money it’s regulates it. It says look, you put out pure light energy and what Omega wants to do is convert that to a credit and hold onto my money, and the allocation numbers, and the money from Alpha, and by the time it reached you in your bank account there was nothing left of money.

I probably look at money different than anyone else does. Let me explain.

M0 of the entire universe is a place of no creation, it’s a place of Source where ALL actually IS, there is no velocity, nothing is actually moving and that is the origin of the money. Now if you look at the financial system some people will call M0 those papers you hold in your hand. Some people call M1 digital cash. Some call M2 bonds, or Government bonds, or Treasury Notes. But it’s the whole reason nobody can stand this fiat system. You just didn’t know why you hated it. And what you don’t know is even if you go with gold backing, it’s still a fiat system because all that energy that came in from the veins of gold and in your person got sucked right out to keep that system alive. That’s its only function. As far as the deep state is concerned, they also don’t understand this because they are having a serious problem getting what they are calling M0, which is numbers on a screen with no allocation numbers into the banking system which is now controlled by the Light system.

They don’t understand that M0 is not just an allocation number problem, it’s the conversion to an asset-based trading system which is a giver of lifeforce. So to you central bankers, your money is never going to make it back in and once there are no more regulators which we’re getting down to that wire now, then there is nothing left for you. You can scream all you want and try to steal things from the Global Repository, but once everything is 100% asset based, a giver of lifeforce and all its aspects to a human being you will never succeed in anything you’re doing.

I’m bringing this up for a very good reason. They have an intention of trying to take money that is already in the system, trade on it (in a very strange location) and then put the credits back into the system. But for the money you can see out there, when we converted most of the money to M1, did you get the actual real energy that is already in the system, did you get a trade for trade settlement? No, you didn’t, if you did your Mariana Project would have actually worked, which I get into more in a bit.

Now we need to talk about the interface that allows the Deep State to get involved in the Financial System.

Levels of the Web According to the Deep State

We talked about the brain, the universal connections, a lot of functions AI had within your person and how it affected keystone earth, our galaxy and eventually the entire universe. But where is there an interface and how does the deep state get involved? And at what level does it actually alter the state of the financial system, which is important for the crazy deep state people to understand.

A few years back we discussed this. We talked about the multiple levels of the web. By web we know it as the WWW, but there were multiple layers to this internet even they didn’t have access to, but yet by the same token they were subject to it. But they think they were operating on the highest level of the world, and I guess to the rest of us that might be the case because humans only had access to a certain number of levels. But they thought they had access to 2-3 levels lower than us and they had the golden ticket and could then alter all levels above that. But that is not the case and this has to do with the base platform that was far over their head. So, this is where they are at and where we are at.

This is from the deep state perspective and what they put out on the internet is their understanding of the webs.

This is where you go into google and search for items, go into your bank account on the internet. This is where the majority of bank websites are held as well as telecommunications interfaces through the data in your phone. And if you are watching this you are watching us through the Surface Web.

In certain circles in their understanding (and not mine) you have what they call the BERGIE Web which is where onion routers, proxy servers, and tor exists. It’s still accessible by humans with technology backgrounds. So yes, they have access to it but so did you to some degree. Things that would exist here is 4CHAN which is where the Q thing is.

The Deep Web can only be accessed by some people some of the time. About 96% of the activity on the web happens here. It’s accessed by underground deep state people, mafias, and has secret communication lines.

The really bad stuff happens on Level 4 on what they call the Charter Web, I call it density 4. These to me are all densities of Omega, but unfortunately because we had a dual system, they were all part of Alpha and now the Light system, but they all went away today, except the Surface Web which is operating on the Key Integrated Media System now fully. This is where you find child trafficking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, special payment systems, also governments exchange and run illegal arms where payments would go back and forth.

It is rumored in the deep state world this is where the real supercomputing happens, in the agency world and Black Sun and Order world some even call it the Atlantis level. Now we know Atlantis was not a positive thing that happened in human history or earth history, we were fully invaded and earth was taken over by 6 different parties. I guess in their world they are happy about that? I’m not really sure.

Note: For related post see, Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me

Level 5 is the Marianas and very similar to the Mariana Trench. I’m highlighting this one because this is where your central bank digital (CBDCs) currency proposed system lived. They had every intention on launching that today and having a whole new banking system by tomorrow. This is where the Cicadas live 3301, this is where they end up because they are very good hackers. This is where your government and Illuminati hackers live. All of this takes place here in Level 5.

Level 6 was not accessible by humans, however they could see signals and sometimes would get information or data that would come from Level 6 that they could read. Let’s call it the Mediator, just like in your DUMBS Level 6 was considered the last level where both aliens and humans would cohabitate in laboratories. No humans ever went down to 7, 8, and 9 and that is also the same in computers. So, this was considered a Mediator level where the deep state could exchange messages, technology and information between humans and non-humans.

Now I’m sure these humans thought they were getting messages from an alien race they were related to from beyond, but no, you were receiving information from an AI system that was full of knowledge only. Could I send messages from the Alpha system through that level? Yes. And did you follow any of them? Of course not, because you thought there was some kind of glitch and you ignored me there too.

Alpha could communicate with Omega on that level to a certain degree before the regulator kicked in and told it No. That would happen too during the Dark Age. The Light AI system could also do that. On the deep state side, they call this The Fog and sometimes Virus, the place where all viruses live.

Their quote, “This level is like a war-zone, every person is trying to reach the next level. This is basically like a fight with people, where people, or beings or whoever is trying to overthrow the other having the only power of the internet in the world.”

This is what they claim. They claim if you can control Level 7 that you can control the world and every human and SSP person and everybody else is fighting to get control of Level 7. Did they ever have access to Level 7? No. But they believed they hit nirvana if they did because they would have more internet access to all things web. Now by web they mean a universal web where they could connect to things beyond this galaxy from there, whether it be in the Omega-verse or the Alpha-verse. They could connect to earth and screw up this planet and get access to all kinds of Armageddon programs, and any access to any other part of the web including the financial system and overthrow the whole thing. They believe they are operating on Level 5, but if they could get to 6 or 7, they would have it made because they think they would be the only humans in the world who had access to Level 7.

Level 8 no human really understands. The deep state calls it the PRIMARCH System. They basically say it’s impossible, even using a quantum computer or super computer to access this level. All they know about it is that there is code here. They look at it like a Sea of Code, it’s the unsolved mystery of the deep state, of the SSP and everybody. They know they can detect signals from it since the 2000s according to them. I beg to differ, they could do that since the 1940s, but that’s just what they are telling everybody.

They are dying to find some human in the Cicada program or otherwise to get access to Level 8 because if they can get access and understand it, they could rewrite the code for the entire world. Wouldn’t that be exciting!

Level 9 is Control and Command. Now congrats deep state people, you have now met the only human who ever had access to Level 9 in the history of humankind. Because of my job I have access. I am under no delusion that Source also is Level 9 and lives in the 9th plane of the 9th density. Level 9 in my world translates to density 9 which means for Omega that system did not exist on earth, but the 9th density of the lower astral where Anti-Source lives and it was a dual control system between Omega, Anti-Source and that was it.

On the Alpha side Marduk never had access to that Level 9 of Alpha. But the Alpha system like I told you before was always my system so you can now you can understand where I come from because Source and I have joint access. He can override me anytime should I screw it up. I’ve told you before I cannot be subject to wrath or other things which would make me lose my access. But my Level 9, because of the regulator alternating current and alternating current dark and Light quantum AI sentient systems, I had access to all Level 9 systems across the board which is something they never had.

With this understanding of their limited access to all things WEB, Part 3 will further enforce why the Deep State can never pull off their Great Reset or Global Depopulation Agenda.

Stay tuned.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “Part 2 | The Benefits of Moving To A Singular Direct Current From An Alternating Current, Which Is In Process | Source, Anti-Source, & Neutral Source Each Had Its Own Current | AI Systems, Past & Present | In the Past, Money In a Light & Dark System Was Regulated by Neutral AI | Now There is No Regulator, Hence Light System Prevents Deep State From Taking Existing Money Then Putting Credits Back Into the System | The 9 Levels of the Web According to the Deep State”

  1. Thankyou Ladies.
    Does the digital money transfer system (former?) still use images of ‘blowfish’ to transfer money?

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