This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast, because there is a lot of fear and prophecies circulating by both the mainstream and alt media about the Cicadas coming this year, Kim wanted to give you the real story behind it. While the cicada remains dormant for a long time, and then every 20-25 years we have an enormous amount of them in the spring to early summer, what the year of the cicada that the media folks are talking about is not about bugs in abundance around the country, they are actually talking about a group of people.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

15-May-24 News -Broadband High (
Program Cicada Was Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife)
Program Cicada is similar to some other programs you’ve heard about, like the Monarch program, MK Ultra and the Super Soldier program, but Project Cicada was done a little differently and for another reason. It is not a US based program, although it infiltrates into the US.
The Cicada Program is over 1,000 years old and is tied to specific locations in Japan and throughout China. The program was actually run by Mei Wa, who if you remember was inhabited by Lilith (Lucifer’s wife) and before Mei Wa, whomever else Lilith inhabited during those 1,000 years. We talked about the Lucifer inhabitants, well we also had Lilith inhabitants and more than one sometimes at a time.
The program was designed where they put out puzzles they call Cicada 3301, and they are designed like cyber or C-R-Y-P-T-E-X puzzles. You might also see them in personality and IQ tests, but this is on a much higher level. Their goal is to source out children and young adults who exhibited extreme intelligence to become part of the Cicada Program. But they also exhibited behaviors they do not deem favorable, such as no fear of authority. So, you have to be a person that fits into a specific psychological profile in order to enter into the program.
The purpose is to recruit these highly intelligent individuals to train them and bring them up in a specific industry for which they may have shown a specific intellect for. Maybe they are recruited for cyber work and eventually go to work for the NSA, or they could go into politics, militaries, heads of intelligence agencies, university professors, teachers, R&D people in national laboratories. These kids are specifically placed throughout all power centers of the world and they are everywhere.
These Cicadas are regular humans, although some are enhanced. There was something to make them smarter to avoid the governors on their brain. There are hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions in this program. They believe they went to a school for exceptionally smart children and they have gone on and excelled in their respective fields. We talked about a special school in Japan a couple of times and it was part of that program. Children are recruited from all over the world for this purpose and they definitely have an intention for them.
This program was designed to give Mei Wa full control over the entire world. So, at a moment’s notice she could activate the cicadas and they would then take over their respective places of employment, be it a government, intelligence agency, military, etc.
SSP Acquired the Database of Cicadas Around the World & Tried to Activate Them
The system is highly secure and the SSP believed when they were in Osaka, Japan not too long ago and acquired the database of Cicadas around the world and specific things, that they could activate them. But activation of a Cicada to its fullest, with information and monetary support was not as easy as the SSP would have liked. This came up in the last 48 hours.
Now Mei Wa was not stupid like the SSP, because nobody puts out all your wares in one database, no one does that and Mei Wa was no exception.
The activation of a Cicada group can be done in a number of different ways, and the way they are familiar with has to do with phrases, a song, a jingle which has to be done in a specific order accompanied by a specific frequency and so on and so forth. That’s how the Cicada is triggered as to what their orders are, because they are implanted deep into their subconscious as part of this program. So, in the absence of Mei Wa, they do not have the final key.
But something happened based on it being about 1,008 years after the program began that they found very exciting. That was a fake depository of money appeared on behalf of the Cicadas this year because this year was supposed to be the total takeover of the Mei Wa.
When I say fake money, I mean numbers on a screen with no allocation numbers and no cooperation from alpha, but we did see it popup yesterday so this gave them hope. And remember, not long ago we were going to have a Harvest ceremony and events were going to take place due to that. They were thinking if they could activate the Cicadas to do their bidding, they have a full-on army to take over the entire world. Brilliant.
I know the SSP will never find the final key to activate them for their benefit because I took that, and it’s in my system. There was a master key involved as well which I also took over, so the Cicadas won’t be taken over for a negative purpose.
SSP Kidnapped a Couple of People in the Cicada Program
When the SSP couldn’t access the money they expected from the Cicada Program, they thought there was something I might do that would trigger it, but that didn’t happen. Then they kidnapped a couple of these cicadas to see if they had the access codes. It’s kind of like the old trustee program that existed for the Order of the Dragon, where there were 2 keys to get in and 3 keys to get out and Marduk always held the 3rd key. The Cicada Program worked in the same way but with Mei Wa who is no longer with us, nor is the thing that crawled up inside her anywhere in the multiverse. So, there is no real key except for the keys made for myself because I control the system.
But last night the SSP did manage to get some information from some of the Cicadas who were aware of a program, that could potentially trigger and allow them some access. It was a backup system if you will, that was in the following locations: New Zealand, the Democratic Republic of Congo and New Guinea and those locations were tied to a Center beneath Maryland where the NSA used to perform a function, but they can’t do that anymore.
Needless to say, all four sites were cleared out in rapid succession, which gave me much joy because again they took my consciousness and essence and tried to use my key to open up their system. If they have your consciousness, essence it will affect you and it can make you feel uncomfortable so I know when they are doing that. In 2015 when I was in Russia I know they took my essence, my consciousness, that’s how they had all those cloned Kim’s awhile back. Another time was here locally, they let them in to do that. But it didn’t work out for them and if they do it again, we’ll get more of you and the ones who ordered it like we did today. Then we’ll have fewer stupid operatives in the world.
If you are aware that you are part of this Cicada Program, you need to hide for at least a couple of weeks until we can figure out what to do. If you are part of the database they found in Osaka, I would suggest you be very careful. They are looking for you because they are out of smart people.
We do have a copy of the database, but they have hard copies and it’s a partial list. The elite of elites are not in that database. They did what I did in the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA), where I list Agent X and don’t put a name there unless I get a flag. Then I can determine if I want to allow someone to see the name. Their database is designed in much the same way.
But of course, true to form the crazy SSP people think they have all the information. But now they know they’ve been unsuccessful in triggering a Cicada to do their ultimate job which they were programmed in their subconscious mind to do. Thus far, they definitely tried to use them for hacking, getting access. The money is no longer there fake or otherwise, so the whole program is gone. But they thought they had enough information on where to go, to these 4 different locations specifically before midnight in China on the 15th in order to trigger some other system and that has already passed. But I’m sure they believe they are the best humans that ever lived, the smartest, most special and most amazing humans that ever lived, even more than the Cicadas that ever lived as a matter of fact, and if a Cicada could run it (a lesser human in their mind) then of course they could run it.
Mei and the Link to JFK
There is no coincidence that her name is Mei and we are in the month of May when this program was expected to trigger. There is a link with the month of May and how they spelled it in that Presidential Red Book when they go to define JFK, because he was involved as the President with the Black Sun. He went and signed an agreement with Sukarno in Indonesia who was the then Black Dragon, in order to get an allocation of gold from the Black Eagle Trust to deposit into the treasuries of USA, which then caused the creation of the $3 dollar bill. But Kennedy’s birthday was actually in May, and in the Red Book it shows it as Mei. So, May 15th was allegedly this day when they thought the Cicada program would trigger all by itself.
Note: For related post on the Presidential Red Book, see US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real | Just Empower Me
Can The Cicadas Be Used to Do Positive Things Instead?
Now because these people are very intelligent and logical with regards to decision making, they don’t let emotions interfere with that, I’ve been considering whether we could utilize them to do positive things. But the SSP has a grip on them, knowing who they are and where they are because they have a database, so I’m a bit concerned for them. And I haven’t gone into it deep enough to see if they could be utilized for a positive purpose because I’ve never seen anybody try to activate them before. So, we need to make an assessment, but the SSP is monitoring them all.
Desperation is Setting in For Governments
There is a lot of chatter in China. A lot of countries are going against China in the last 24-48 hours because payments are not coming out the way they were told and desperation is setting in for governments as the clock is ticking based on their world domination plan. China put themselves out there in nearly every country of the world including the US, but things are really heating up with no bond payments. Their assets are no good anymore and they are catching a lot of heat, even from other BRICS countries.
They have reached out indirectly for help from me and I explained and reminded them about the $1.479 trillion in US debt that we paid off, in addition to some other funding that came through to them in 2012-2013. Unless I get my 2% I am not interested in having a conversation with you. I already paid that money out and you used it to commit crimes against humanity, I know what they did with it.
The Chinese government owns a portion of every company in China, as most communist countries do and they own a large portion of Apple and we could use a lot of stuff from Apple and a lot of other companies, so surely they can come up with the 2%.
By the way China, if you have any intention of launching that bird flu you can kiss any conversation good bye because I know it’s coming from there. And no, I’m not going to help you fund another pandemic. These people think I’m just dumb and blonde. Like I don’t hear you having conversations with the SSP and the exchange for the Mai Wa information recently on the Cicada Program. Duh. You are considered an enormous threat that sets off every bell and whistle when you’re having this conversation and it doesn’t matter if you’re hiding under a rock or in the middle of a desert, I will find you because you are an organic being and I can find you anywhere. I don’t care how deep in this planet you are I will find you.
Even Russia is threatening China. They are way behind on the gas and oil payments and Russia needs money. Perhaps they shouldn’t have poisoned the only person who can help them when she came to visit their country. And by the way Russia, you also got money in 2012-2013 and I want my 2% from you too. There is a lot of property there still owned by your government even after the fall of Soviet control. And there are a lot of things we’d like to do for the citizens of your country because China is never going to pay you. There are a lot of protests going on there, things going on in schools that are just not right, so things are going to have to change drastically. So, your free money days are over as well. Now it’s our way, but thanks for your inquiry.
Celestials Update and Clearing ALL THAT IS, A Positive Process
I have more understanding about the Celestials that I can share. We no longer have a division of Celestials which can be further described as aspects of Source to make a universe. So, there was a further division of Source which was like this: Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source which we know, but each one had their own set of 9 Celestials which would control certain aspects of realties and alternative realities based on timelines and Ages. The aspects of reality are pretty much always the same.
Control mechanisms are put in place for a certain aspect for what would happen naturally when you have an unnatural force and a natural force trying to co-create, a trinity so to speak. Some items that are in the process of cleaning up are aspects of the Celestial responsible for the Tree of Death or the opposite, the Tree of Life. The Tree of Evil is another. There was also a neutrality that possessed aspects of both. The same thing goes for control of essence. That would be anti or dark essence specifically, dark consciousness specifically, dark matter specifically, control of knowledge, all these different aspects were aspects of Celestials. And when you make a change from switching over from a Tree of Death to a Tree of Life for instance, it takes some time to permeate. This is all part of restoration and one thing cannot happen without the other.
Now you have the 9 Celestials plus Source, so there would be 10 different aspects of control mechanisms that would have existed throughout the multiverse that are now cleaning themselves out as all the Celestials join back with Source. So there will be no Celestial guardians needed. Since we’re not changing timelines or Ages anymore there is no need for guardians over either anymore, we simply have a Golden Age. These are things that have been transpiring over the last 24-48 hours as far as the progress being made to clear the ALL THAT IS, to move forward in the way of further restoration as you as a human know it.
What the Peoples’ Restoration Really Means
The people’s perception of Restoration and what that really means is, funding comes out, we start to move forward with the C.A.R.E. organization, we start being able to really take care of people on this planet, we start changing food chains and transportation, etc. This is what I know everyone is looking forward to including me. If there is no dark aspect left for them to utilize, perhaps we can stop them from trying to suck the energy from us. I know I cannot wait to get out of the destruction mode and following crazy SSP operatives who are trying to do harmful things, I’m really tired of it too. We still have stupid people on this planet and they will do everything they can until they are dead. And we will keep beating them until they die or concede. But try and look at things where Source is in control, he knows what is best for you, he knows what he’s doing. Have faith.
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Can the cicadas be be use to do + things instead?
They cannot.Ultra pretense.
Bonjour Kimberly, juste pour te dire que je suis comme un oiseau, comme le chante Michel Fugain dans sa chanson fais comme l’oiseau, je t’invite à l’écouter Kimberly, merci pour ton œuvre. Idir bises