Rothschild Claims Alien Savior to Arrive on Cloaked Spaceship This Weekend | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Try to Contact ETs in Alternative Galaxy to Help With Trump Bucks | Stock Market Concerns for Deep State as Trillions Come Due Monday | NSA Director Sends Worldwide Notification They Can No Longer Block Global Repository | What Was the Darkness Meter on Planet Earth? | Silent Circle Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen  was delivered on December 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Today is the big day for the remnants of the deep state as it’s the last day of Hannukah and it’s all supposed to happen at 10PM EST tonight. Except nothing will happen. Kim tells us about Rothschilds latest lie and how Trump operatives are still trying to make alien contact. She explains a fail-safe she found around a darkness meter and also gives us some interesting information as to why a faction of the Silent Circle has been on the fence.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


The Rothschilds Lie Again, Claim Alien Savior Is Coming

Kim told us on Wednesday about the Silent Circle, that they are figuring out they’ve been lied to and there are no bad aliens coming. Well in response to that, a small group of the inner circle of the Order of Dragon people, and not just those bearing the name Rothschild decided to knowingly lie to whoever is still listening to them. They told them they reached out and called the aliens and that it’s not going to happen the way they thought it was, meaning they aren’t coming in through the portal in Israel that they have been trying to open for over 2+months, and it’s not going to happen through one of the pillars like at 33 Thomas Street. Instead, it’s going to be a giant ship that is going to arrive here on earth and they are going to give their side help.

Kim and her team had peripheral conversations with one of these people who still whole heartedly believes these Order of the Dragon people and it went like this. He reported that the ship is on its way and the aliens are coming, sometime around the 15th and 16th is what they are estimating.

Kim then asked him if we will be able to see this ship?
No, you won’t be able to see it because they probably have cloaking technology.

Then she asked, if that is the case then how do you know you actually have help?
They’ll tell us when it comes.

So, you’re just supposed to believe that it’s here?
Yes. And then he said they are going to do their part anyway as soon as he’s called upon?

So what is your part?
I can’t tell you.

What she can surmise based on this conversation is that in the next 24-48 hours some weirdo is going to tell them the ship is here with no proof that something has arrived.

In the financial aspect of things, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department, mainly the Fed is expecting a windfall to happen sometime over the weekend. So that is the reason for the release of the news about raising interest rates in 2024 yesterday, but rates just stayed flat. This information comes from the same people who just lied and said the aliens are coming to fund the financial system. Kim said she knows that Powell and maybe 2 other Board of Directors at the Fed absolutely know they are expecting an alien savior to come this weekend. Well, it’s the last day celebration of Hannukah, so of course.

To further this craziness, you have some Trump operatives who are intertwined with SSP military groups and they are also trying to phone ETs in an alternative galaxy somewhere. They tried to reach out and asked them to assist them with Trump bucks. So, the conversation they want to have on first contact with said aliens is, can they assist them with Trump bucks? Now they really didn’t reach out to anybody because that line has been closed for a long time, but Kim picked up on the signal and checked into it. Since Kim is the Ambassador on behalf of this version of Humanity to the Universal Council, when these people pick up the phone and talk ridiculousness, Kim gets a call from the Universal Council. Kim said it’s almost embarrassing to be a human at this point. But it didn’t go anywhere of course.

Kim expects a lot of craziness over the weekend. According to the people within in the Federal Reserve and those within the Treasury Department, both have expressed concerns over trillions of dollars coming due on December 17th. In the mainstream news there is talk about $5 trillion in options expiring which would then lead to a potential market crash on Monday, that is a possibility. They are also talking about a recalibration of the stock market which could actually happen, but probably not in a way they would think. That’s the reason why they are pulling a lot of stock out of the market, a lot of sell offs is going on amongst the elites. All market trading at the highest level is nepotism, they all talk to each other and they all know what they are going to do because they plan with each other ahead of time.

Does Kim see things working out they way they think?

No, but these are some of the things they have been doing:

  • More hacking attempts and installing fake servers mainly on the http level which is your customer and internal bank portals.
  • They have tried to put in mirror systems and various other things as well.
  • They have tried to insert themselves into the VTN which runs the Key Integrated Media System which has to do with the internet, possible blackouts are what they are talking about.

However, the NSA Director admitted they tapped out today, which is a big deal. He said no more blocking the Global Repository because they have nothing left and no way to succeed, which is a good thing for us. And so far, there have been notices that have gone out to Command Centers worldwide.

Note: The NSA is not a US agency as it is portrayed. Originally it was based out of the GCHQ in Menwith Hill. They are considered the 9 eyes organization that used to be tied to a system called ECHELON.

Kim verified the notification has gone out on that level and said there was a little resistance here and there, but they realized there isn’t much they can do.

Kim said that the blockages we’ve been experiencing financial-wise are things that were left from times past, from non-human beings. So, this is a good sign for us and probably an even better sign when these people realize there is no mothership showing up thinking Rothschild is their leader. She expects many will still try to keep hope alive and mess around, but the blast of light we’ve been getting is now at 87% and she expects it to increase by 1-2% per day. The more she clears things out of its way the faster it will move and by next week we’ll see a completion that cannot be unwound. We are moving on into our own world and there will be no more hiding us anymore, the Global Repository is large and in charge again and visible for the world to see. She is focusing on that aspect of it and not allowing anyone or anything past or present to try to mirror us or hide us in the background. That’s what’s been happening when she tried to launch the Global Repository several times before. They have been able to push it back.

Agreement with Source and Anti-Source | Governor or Darkness Meter

The other thing she wanted to touch on, that she found during the course of cleaning to allow this light to come, was an agreement with Source and Anti-Source. There was always a ‘governor’ on Planet Earth for lack of a better term, and mainly because we were the gateway planet. What she means by the ‘governor’, which also goes for computer systems, is that they never made it past 79% darkness on this planet because every time they passed that point or tried to pass it, a governor would kick in, which is a meter. It would trip the meter so they would never be able to completely get rid of all the light on earth.

This is also the reason why Alpha had 20% control of the financial system even during a Dark Age. The financial system is a giver of energy, so even though they overshadowed us with a Dark System, Alpha still had 20% control, and we had control in many other ways too, which is why most of us are still standing here. They would have gotten rid of us a long time ago if they could have. But the governor would kick in so it would never surpass 79% and it would have been that way throughout all the Ages. Well, the governor was finally tripped by Source because there is no more Anti-Source and no more covenant there. We tripped that governor about 48 hours ago and that’s when Kim had permission to remove the governor and move past it, which is how we got to the 87% as of this morning. So, we will be allowed for the first time in the history of the Universe for the Earth to go to a 100% light system. And now when Kim says we are going into a forever Golden Age, it’s not really an Age, it’s an existence because of the refusal for balance on the other side.

Now we will still have genetic issues to deal with. And we still have people who want power over earth and to phone aliens. But as dark consciousness affects this planet less and less, we will see less and less craziness, although we still have the non-repairables.

The Deep State Will Hobble Through the Holiday Season

Kim told us the deep state was going to struggle and struggle through November and probably make it through the holiday season and in January go back to work even worse than where they are now. There are some sane people in their world who are jumping ship before the Titanic sinks, which is the real reason why you see people resigning in the House and Senate, and we will probably see more.

But today is the last day for many government officials until after the holiday season and this is global, not just the US. Most senior level management and the Treasury Department take off, and there is a growing concern of someone coming in there and messing things up. Kim said there is a very real possibility of them trying to do something, but she locked things down pretty tight, so she doesn’t think there will be any issues. Sure, they might try to issue more fake treasury notes on offline things, but she does not see a whole lot of what they would be able to do, and she has a plan for that anyway to keep things secure. Why she is still trying to secure the government she admits she doesn’t know, aside that it’s good for the people, so why not it doesn’t take very long.

Kim doesn’t think the operatives will change course. They will probably reset the Q clock and leave everyone who still listens to them waiting. They will do more videos and nothing will happen. They are telling everyone now Trump will be back January 1st as head of the Military under Martial Law, probably due to the fake alien invasion they are trying to put out there. The Trump operatives are still working for promises and baloney but they still make some money off the patriot community selling paraphernalia. What’s really driving them though is power not money. These guys are known as ‘fixers’ and in the past made very good money over the years for ‘fixing,’ whether they are political fixers, military fixers, economic assassins, etc. So they can probably afford to work for free.

Silent Circle Update

There are several families at the Silent Circle table and others that are an offshoot of those. Approximately 25% were on the fence because they believe maybe there is possibly aliens are still out there because that’s the way it used to be. And there is a faction of them who just don’t want to accept the fact the way the world worked is over, but now it’s more of a concern about what if I’m wrong. What if there still is an alien race that is going to take revenge on us if we don’t do our job?

When you get to a high level in the world, you are aware of the fact that aliens used to come and go from the lower astral to this planet all the time. Earth is a gateway planet and they would walk amongst us looking like humans but they were not. These are the zombies in the zombie apocalypse movies, people that don’t act or look quite right and they don’t make actual decisions. They are AI driven and AI run and they existed amongst us. Not all looked like humans either. If you ever saw the movie Goonies, the guy with the weird face, Sloth is an example.

Some of these lower astral non-humans resided on the planet for quite awhile, it wasn’t like they just came and left. So, they had to take human beings to them to feed them. The reason they needed to do that was to preserve the human species on this planet because the looming threat over their head was if they do not comply with their requests, then they would destroy this planet in totality or wipe out the human race. So, in their mind they were preserving the human species as a whole by sacrificing a few here and there.

It was also in part why they launched human rituals, to show their allegiance to these non-human people and lower astral beings. There is a lot of stuff that goes along with this, as to why they are so crazy that we’ve never been told, but that was what they witnessed. Once you witness that, you are definitely going to question whether the gun is still loaded, in other words, could they possibly come back?

They have been taking humans to their regular locations but no one has showed up for awhile now. But to them, does that mean it’s truly over? They probably have a lot more knowledge than most and have some similar equipment to the SSP which they are using to verify what Kim is saying is true. They have been doing that for the last few days. And they also recognized that the heartbeat of earth has changed, thus confirming Kim was right. So they are checking things out and starting to recognize Kim is doing exactly what she says she is doing, so the gun may not be loaded. And they are going to find out this alien ship won’t show up.

Well, that explanation certainly shed some light for me.

Wrapping Up

Kim said she is expecting a tumultuous weekend but not energetic-wise. This is just them trying to ring the bell announcing the aliens have arrived and it will fall flat. The governments will still all be broke on Monday and minus a few people at the Treasury Department. No major decisions will likely be made from today through the holiday season and this is worldwide, which will bring us to after the 1st of January through the 15th at the latest. Then what?


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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5 thoughts on “Rothschild Claims Alien Savior to Arrive on Cloaked Spaceship This Weekend | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Try to Contact ETs in Alternative Galaxy to Help With Trump Bucks | Stock Market Concerns for Deep State as Trillions Come Due Monday | NSA Director Sends Worldwide Notification They Can No Longer Block Global Repository | What Was the Darkness Meter on Planet Earth? | Silent Circle Update”

  1. Thank you for the Kimfo. Glorious sunrise this monday a.m. after days of aggressive c-trailing. You can see it all playing out in the sky. One day at a time. Thanks again.

  2. Reading the comments on the updates it is clear to me that many people who listen to Kim still think she is the savior of this planet. No, she is not. She cleans up the mess and the rest is up to the people.

    Your own subconscious is the fountain of your individuality and personality and from it springs your talent. When the ego becomes too concerned with daily matters, with worry in other words, then the works of the tool become clogged. It becomes ineffective

    I get the impression that most people with their negative whiny comments looking for proof have no idea about the nature of reality and their being. They keep whining about a proof that Trump is dead. They seem to have absolutely no sense of the power of thoughts and at those thoughts determine the nature of their reality.

    If you think clearly you will understand that all those negative comments on the Internet and telegram metatronic (satanic for those who do not know what metatronic is and who might want to go read Energetic Synthesis’ website more often to update their knowledge) are brainwashed. Very sad.
    The very fact that Kim’s info is so hard for most to believe should be proof that no one just publishes such info unless it is true. And yes IT IS TRUE dear unbelievers.

    If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results. Expectation is somewhat influenced also by past existences, and yet not enough to be binding upon the present personality. An expectation of danger will indeed create danger. An expectation of success will create success. This is put very simply and yet there is nothing, in practical terms, more valid, since expectation has behind it the motivating force of the personality, and utilizes on a subconscious level strong abilities and comprehensions. Expectation is the force, then, that triggers psychic realities into physical construction.
    Emotional power behind your expectations powers your expectations into physical reality. Emotions, or emotional energy, can be transformed rather easily from one to the other. The energy in hate can be utilized in love, for example. However, aggressions can be turned into constructive terms if care is used. Aggressions should be, as soon as possible after their recognition, turned into constructions. If not, consciously you forget the aggression; the energy stores up until it explodes in what we will call an unsupervised construction.

    The subconscious, as you call it, represents a tremendous raw power that triggers forth into construction according to the expectations which you form from the emotions. The intellect should help you understand this power plant, so that you can switch your power where it is needed. The intellect should operate like an x-ray, enabling you to see inward.

    Stop crying, judging, blackening people and if you want to change the world, change yourself first. instead of insulting others
    Educate yourself

    1. I wonder why MUST it be called whining! I find it comical that some people feel it’s their duty to label people who hold kim to her word as whiners. So…. human beings are passionate EMOTIONAL beings. First of all. And it’s always intrgued me when another human being feels called to shake their finger at those who aren’t afraid to speak out. Those who feel the need to lecture those who may not yet buy into all that kim says.
      ESPECIALLY when she is claiming that 100,000 of SOURCES ANGELS are here Per SOURCE’S request, and WEEKS later still not a single sign of their presence. SOURCE…… our Creator…… has sent this massive army of angels here , hostile takeover were Kim’s exact words. They have taken over the media…….yet, nothing and I mean nothing has changed!
      I think its well within our right to question EVERYTHING at this point. Kim is no exception.

      This is not whining.

      When kim literally just made fun of the operatives for blindly believing some alien ship carrying dark essence was coming to save them. And she pointed out the fact they were believing this with no evidence to back it up!!

      Please explain to me how what she expects us to believe is different from what the other side is doing.

      No disrespect but, at this point taking people at their word is foolish. And honestly I am so tired of having to defend the fact that yes, I’m sorry she needs to show some kind of proof. After the Q bs ….so sick of having to battle people in comment boxes because I’m not thanking kim and kissing her ass.

      No one EXPECTS her to save the world. But when you put yourself out there claiming to have all of these important positions……when you announce yourself as guardian, and assume certain roles…. .
      Why isn’t it common sense that this will come with questions, and scrutiny.

      She is literally painting a picture that indicates our Creator isn’t capable of stopping all of this nonsense!
      100,000 angels…… let that sit in your head for even 30 seconds… 100,000 ANGELS….. and there isn’t any sign of their presence! ….for weeks!

      I’m sorry but if people like myself and others DON’T speak, if we don’t question these obvious discrepancies then we would surely be the mindless, idiots they are trying to create!

      Stop trying to force people into what you consider acceptable behavior. Stop labeling people. Just stop.

      Many of us have supported kim for a while now. And it’s time for her to STOP protecting people by not saying their names. Why does she do that????? And we need to see proof of what she is claiming..
      How can Trump have died from prostate cancer when he isn’t even a man?

      These questions are valid. It’s not whining to want answers.
      Kim has put herself in the position she’s in. And if she wants people to support her she needs to follow through. She’s said she keeps her word…….so far all we have heard is talk.

      It’s not about picking on kim. For God sake. ITS NOT. It’s about making sure we aren’t being lied to again!!!

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