This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 2, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update the madness continues as the Rothschilds, their representatives and Langley 5 Generals perpetuate lies, make promises, don’t deliver and start disappearing. Congress is totally delusional passing bills without money and then announcing they are asking for more in the next bill. But the great news is that we just experienced a Celestial Birthday and a very old program that was still here is no more! That means we will start to feel different in a good way soon!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
What did the operatives decide to do since last time?
Rothschilds Make More Promises & Failed to Deliver
Since the Rothschilds lost the Jesuits, they decided to go it alone last week. They made a lot of promises and failed to deliver any funding, so their representatives (meaning those in the operative game still talking to them) made a valiant effort to hack the financial system and failed miserably. They then tried to buy time, and time is money these days because they are out of time. So, the operatives promised if they passed this bill in a hurried way, the faster they could get money and then basically hung up the phone. The game now is to blame it on someone else and they figured the politicians were never going to get their shit together, it would take them days or weeks. Except it did not happen like that this time, in fact it happened so fast which just goes to show how desperate they are. When has Congress ever passed a bill in less than 24 hours before? That would be NEVER.
So They Passed a Stop Gap Bill Allegedly?
The bill they passed is small, $16.8 billion, but of course the bill itself is $16 billion and the .8 goes to others pockets. The Pentagon threw their hat in the ring as well. But nothing happened. It was a good try but they really are just that desperate and that broke. They also made threats that if they did not get this money by 8am they were going to call Kim because she can get it done in 20 minutes. But we are past that time now and other events have taken place since then.

Government shutdown live updates: Biden signs 45-day funding bill to keep government open (
No Money Was Found for the Bill
They failed to come up with the $16 billion and they called the Silent Circle who said no, they called several of their business partners so to speak with no luck, Kim does not think any of the Families have that much money just hanging around to dispose of either. They are all in self-protection mode and they don’t want to give up their lifestyle for politics right now and it’s all about them. So, after the bill was allegedly passed (it is not in the Hall of Records) that kind of ended with a giant thud yesterday.
Delusional Congress Now Wants $6.4 Trillion!
They couldn’t get the money for the smaller bill so what does Congress do? They said yesterday that in order to get the government back on its feet they would need $6.4 trillion, which is the next bill they are going to try to pass. That is a delusion. Only if they want to control all the major corporations in the US and bail out BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, etc., would they need that kind of money. Those are lobbyists, aides, and the operatives’ dreams because they get a certain percentage of the money too for pitching to Congress if it were to actually flow. Hum, that would be a no says Kim. If there was a corporation that needs bailing out a conversation needs to be had with them. If their corporation is failing miserably and they are expecting free money to come from government to bail them out it means they have an administration problem. They are not running their company correctly and probably are still following orders from a bunch of crazy people who are driving their corporation over the cliff. In order to fix it, they have to fix the management and how it runs overall. The money is not going to come from Kim or any government, that is a delusion.
Less Rothchild Representatives & Less Langley 5 Generals?
Contracts Flying Around the Operatives’ Groups
Contracts on Friday night started flying around the operatives’ groups. Kim told us about what a marker is in a past broadcast, and they started trading them amongst themselves. It is a currency in their world and evidently there are a lot of people on that list they would like to visit. From what Kim understands, the big thud that happened yesterday is the reps of the Rothschild family are now having an unpleasant conversation in an unpleasant location right now. She thought about giving a warning to people who know those people but decided, nah, she is going to stay out of this one.

Langley 5 Generals Disappearing & Those Remaining Still Making Promises
Sunday afternoon the Langley 5 Generals, which you could say are the anti-Silent Circle for lack of a better term were disappearing. But of course, when one disappears another one takes their place, whoever is next in line. Well, this group now has between 18-20 left and they gathered operatives worldwide and promised they could get it done by end of business today EST. Now they did meet with a lot of opposition and that is what Kim is watching right now. Langley 5 are all over at Peterson Airforce Base in Colorado Springs and she thinks they are hacking, trying to gain some access and control. They always make promises before they find out if they can actually do anything. Needless to say, by the end of the day you can stick of fork in the Langley 5 Generals because there won’t be any money or any big payouts to operatives. But no one, not just Kim thought they would actually come through.
If this had happened, which was a fantasy beyond all fantasies, it would have been a global issue. They would have been in charge and controlled all the militaries globally, all the treasuries, and the operatives. And based on the way they are running operations the operatives should be extremely thankful they are not their boss. But freedom is coming for these operatives.
Governments Will Need to Abide By Kim’s Demands If They Are to Exist
While Kim has taken a firm stance with governments, because they tend to be full of baloney and the people behind the puppet politicians are backstabbers, in order to turn those ships around and make them actually work for the people she has some very serious demands. The Treasury department was the first to call Kim after the Rothschilds failed and said, wait, wait, wait we can do it!
Kim’s Demands Are:
- CARE and GIA get paid first. They have a fee for doing this job and will get paid first. That means all the operatives who worked very hard to restructure things for a few weeks a couple of months back will be employed and paid.
- She needs a spreadsheet with real numbers, not a 5,000-page document with fluff and stuff. This is a funding thing. When you go to a bank to get a loan they do not need War and Peace, they need to know what you are going to do and the numbers associated with that. There will be transparency this time. No games.
- There are bills that are about to come out that will pass. No games. She understands its pay to play in Wash DC and in every country’s government and she will help get these people paid but every bill she and her team puts forth will pass. It will be ratified in the Hall of Records and they WILL announce it on international television.
What kind of bills is she referring to?
- The entire student loan program will be revamped and revised. Any loans that are more than 10 years old should probably be written off, otherwise we will be trying to pay student loans with social security. That is how the system currency works. There will be merit-based programs. In other words, if you have to take out a student loan and you do manage to get a certain grade point average, then at the end the loan it can be written off. Eventually in the future, once humanity understands and respects the new way of living there probably won’t be a need to pay for university and education will change completely anyway. But that takes time, so in the meantime these are things we need to do.
- Disaster relief programs will be completely revamped and revised. They will include new things and take away some things and she isn’t sure she wants the managers at FEMA and their managers because they are horrible.
- There will be a lot of talk in the future about Assurance and other programs that will be offered and other things will go away because we won’t need them anymore. Assurance and Essentials will take care of the entire human health care section of government and the national health services in other countries.
- We do not need to fund private corporations.
- We do not need to have third party entities producing military equipment. Especially as it relates to highly sensitive projects because if you know how a military jet operates, how it moves and maneuvers you have all that backdoor information, and that is sold to every country of the world. That is not security. Boeing and Lockheed Martin make other things not military related and can still have contracts, for example disaster relief programs.
- We need to change air travel. There will be money for research and development grants because we are not going to travel like cattle anymore.
In other words, there are a lot of things that need to change.
Dependency on government for everything, which was structured like that on purpose by her predecessor to have total control must end.
Other countries complain about American capitalism but we don’t have that here. For example, that would imply if you create a widget, you can then market and sell it on the global market. That is false, we do not have that here. We live in a tyranny, every country does and we are going to end that by restructuring, making an investment and seeing how it goes. If there are games being played, she is out. If anyone takes a call from Rothschild, Chinese Elders, Generals, etc., they are fired immediately. And if the GIA and operatives are involved, they will all have protection, so we will not have to worry about a threat. All the reasons why these people cannot walk away are being taken out of the equation.
We have a transition period we have to go through and most people in the world don’t even understand that. So, in order to make it as seamless as possible, this makes sense to her. We’ll see how it goes.
That is where that world stands.
Good News | Happy Celestial Birthday!
Now the good news about all the changes that are really going on in the universe. Today Kim wants to wish us a Happy Celestial Birthday. Last night a very, very old program that was still here went away. It had nothing to do with agencies or anything, but to some small degree they were allowed to use it, but mostly it ran on autopilot. It was programmed to do so.
Soul Fusion to Addiction Program, a Binding Between Angels & Demons is No More
It started out many, many years ago and it was not just an Earth thing at that time. It’s called a soul fusion to addiction, and by addiction she is not talking about eating or drinking too much. Not that kind of thing. This has to do with a binding so to speak, between the Angels and the Demons because it was a fight between good and evil and a fight to sway you one way or the other. The side you feed wins right? But that kind of gets into a program about you, while this one had to do with the fact there were rules in the fight between good and evil.
You could not kill each other as there were a lot of things at stake if you did. For instance, for every one that one side intentionally harmed, 10 on the other side would go away. There were a lot of consequences to all these actions. Then it morphed into a program for all organic life, whereas you have the angel on one shoulder and the demon on the other and they are both fighting for you to join their side. This was part of the Dial of Destiny program but on a whole different level.
History | Marduk Gains Control of Sea(s) of Consciousness
16,000 years ago, that all changed with Marduk. Mar (means Sea) and Duke (means royalty) and there were many different parties that played that role over the years. They have come and gone from this planet many times. They were pushed out a couple of times and the last time they returned was about 16,000 years ago by the request of humans, so in other words, with human consent. Now to be fair we had lost our moon which caused the event of the Great Flood in the Bible, and the surviving humans were in dire straits. They were looking for someone to come and save Earth because they thought Earth was going to be lost as well as the human race.
Sea Control is the sea of consciousness and at that time the humans (although not all of them) consented to Marduk’s control over the ‘Sea of Consciousness’. How your consciousness worked in the past will again work in the future which means it will allow for you to create and manifest in your life. We can create good and bad things in our life, thoughts really are things. But in our case, we really did not have much of a shot because we had a fusion to the dark consciousness which allowed for a lot of other programs on the daily to work. Such as media programs, 40–80-hour work week programs, tax programs, getting money by working and the dark then taking it all back via corporations. Then if you do manage to keep some and put it in a bank, they had custody over it anyway. So, you really don’t own anything and that is how the world is run. It keeps that consciousness erring on the dark side so we have a lot more darkness in our life than we had light. All they did was designed is to keep you more on the side of dark consciousness. And when you managed to have more light going on in you, the program was then designed to bring you back down. It would cause a health concern for example. It was part of the overall governing system of Disease AI, etc.
The Chords that Kept Consciousness Erring on the Dark Side Were Cut This Weekend!
So, when those chords were cut this weekend, you probably felt the real full extent of the light that is hitting the planet. If you have not felt it yet you will. It is more energy and you will feel healthier than you have in a while and you will see a big change in yourself. Kim said she felt it like a crazy wave last night and then she found out it is the Celestial Birthday which makes sense to her because Earth, the Sun, and the Moon do not have this problem anymore, and now we don’t have it anymore either. It’s just going to change.
Well, I can’t say I’ve felt it yet, but I surely welcome it! And next time we will get Kim’s update on what happened after the Generals were unsuccessful in their hacking attempts in cooperation with NORAD today.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Good news.
Thankyou and God bless you ❤️
The earth is preparing for cleansing. Morality is a measure that is the same for everyone. For those who are very attached to the control of darkness, there is an unlimited field of work. There are many planets that have suffered from countless wars between the forces of Light and darkness. There matter is in a low-organized state.
The earth is preparing for cleansing. Morality is a measure that is the same for everyone. For those who are very attached to the control of darkness, there is an unlimited field of work. There are many planets that have suffered from countless wars between the forces of Light and darkness. There matter is in a low-organized state.
Земля подготовливается к очищению. Мораль, это мера, которая одинаковая для всех. Для тех, которые очень привязаны к управлению тьмы, есть неограниченное поле работы. Имеется множество планет пострадавших от бесчисленных войн между силами Света и тьми. Там материя находится внизко-организированном состоянии.
I want to thank you for taking the trouble to convey to us the information (and organize and structure it) that Kim transmits, to whom I also deeply appreciate this information and her dedication.
I recently discovered your blog and everything related to Kim. I did know some things about Lisa Renee.
It really is information that makes the mind explode, although I have been prepared for many years to try to assimilate it, although I still need to fit many pieces of the puzzle, even give some of them a new shape. I am reading previous articles thanks to the cross references you include in your articles. And now it turns out that I am eagerly awaiting the news. Thanks, again.
Ric (from Spain)
Hi, I’m new to your blog. I’m very grateful for all the information you are sharing and all the hard work you put in. Thankful to Kim as well. I was wondering if she would be saying anything about what they did with the recent EBS!? I know two people that had their phones in their hands and got shocks. One friend has been feeling hot since and I’m worried about her. Thanks again for all you do.
Yes you can feel the changes. Notice the birds. They are joyful. Playful.
They tell you exactly what time it is. And suddenly this great confidence
as they move through the air. As if there were kind of natural energetic arteries
guiding and protecting them. It’s happening . . .
Thanks for the update. Most appreciated.
Gracias por compartir
Priorities. Things way better than money returned to people at this time.
The scale of this thing is unbelievable.
What about Rudolf Steiner’s “Threefold Commonwealth of Social Organism”?