This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. So we find out that Mr. Nay-sayer decided to make poor life choices therefore he is no longer with us. Other good news is that we reached a 100% light system, and supposedly the Order of the Dragon is now standing down, as is the Black Nobility. Well I’m hopeful but not convinced.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Mr. Nay-sayer Self Appointed Black Dragon Now Dead
Picking up where Kim left off in the last broadcast, Mr. Nay-sayer, the self-appointed Black Dragon guy was apparently angry with his new found information. So, what did he decide to do? Well, that would be to bark out a bunch of orders regarding the Middle East and then he went back to Montenegro where the 5 Black Dragons before him passed away and proceeded with a ritual to contact the Abraxas. Now he’s dead too. Not a surprise and good ridden. He had a command post in Milan, Italy barking out his orders so they are also now dead.
Word got around quickly that he passed away and evidently this news sent a shockwave of epic proportions throughout the Order. Kim stressed huge, epic and shockwave. So much so that some remaining family members tried to reach out to a group called the Watchers which she then explained.
The Watchers
The Watchers were not people, they were neutral beings here on behalf of the Council of 9 and have been around a long time. Remember the Council of 9 worked directly for Source. The Watchers carried out orders on behalf of the multiverse and were not for the light or the dark or against either side. This group would have been an enforcer of the Ages, making sure nobody overstepped the rules during any Age. They have since been repurposed earlier this year after Source made the decision to no longer have Ages.
Because we were in Dark Age, the Watchers often times worked with the Order and news of Mr. Nay-sayer’s demise had the Order up in arms. They were trying to tell everyone this was a violation. Kim said the Order does have some rules that are not supposed to be violated, like taking out a higher-ranking person. I find it comical they have any rules and surely they are only brought up when they have an issue. But I digress. In any case, those rules don’t apply to Kim at all because she is not part of the Order and has nothing to do with these people. But supposedly they were very surprised that he was removed by Kim and that the Watchers didn’t answer the phone.
It didn’t take long for news to travel that the death of the Black Dragon happened and there were zero consequences on Kim’s side. No bad aliens came to take her out and by Monday afternoon it was total chaos in the Order because now they are petrified of Kim. They are wondering how can she remove high ranking people without consequence, which is one of the few things they can understand.
Will Another Take the Black Dragon Position?
The next guy in line for Black Dragon was very scared and he tried to call the Watchers but nobody came. This guy has not and probably will not step up. For some reason the removal of Mr. Nay-sayer was really shocking for these people. Kim said she doesn’t really understand the rules of the Order but thinks they choose successors depending on where they are in the line. The line is determined by certain blood DNA, the amount of purity to the Merovingians maybe. They get a number when they are born in the family and depending on the amount of purity is where you are in the rank in file to ascend the unseen thrones.
She said again his removal was pretty serious for them. It was enough to scare them to the core.
But Kim removed many before this guy, so either this new level that stepped up really have no clue or something fishy is going on and I’m leaning towards the latter.
The Phone Call That Never Happened
To follow up on the phone call they were all waiting for, well no one came. Aside from someone who told everyone the call was delayed that is. The reason it was delayed is because their leader was on a flight to Montenegro where he eventually died and that was the last they heard.
Note: Below excerpt from related post on Montenegro: What Do Juan O’Savin and ‘The Viking’ Have in Common? | Wait! Lucifer Can Still Come by Sept 7th | Wingnuts Attempt New Ways to Create Apocalypse | Kim & The Enforcer Perform More Operations & Wipe Them Out | Just Empower Me

Kim got the sense the operatives were disgusted. They were told there was going to be all these changes and behind the scenes the change was that Mr. Nay-sayer was going to declare himself in charge and King of the World. He had plans to insert a front person as his cannon fodder, but that guy’s ego wouldn’t allow him to believe that. But since Mr. Nay-sayer was a really, really bad guy who killed so many people, this front man would have become the fall guy for him. However, since his death, cannon fodder guy is really scared.
Higher Ranking Operatives Spread the Word
It didn’t take long for the higher-ranking operatives to find out they are no longer with us and then they arranged for a call with all lower-level operatives around the world. They explained what happened and by the end of the day Kim said they had 100% cooperation of operatives worldwide, which is huge.
Before that call took place there was quite a bit of education that took place. In Kim’s Zone they had access to the Key Intelligence and Military System, in read-only mode of course. Then the next day after things calmed down, because they were really mad when no one came to the phone, the higher-level operatives explained to the other operatives who Kim is and what she does. They now have a different understanding of what Kim does, just by herself, one person without traveling around the world. She does have boots on the ground, but what she can do from her home with the Key Intelligence and Military System really opened their eyes to a whole new world, and how it could change the face of running operations worldwide. There is less risk for them, being just one thing.
During the phone call there was talk about another option for them. There was a lot of confusion among the Trump operatives. They know it’s the only way forward, but they are concerned about being forced to eat crow. But as of this morning everyone breathed a sigh of relief because there is a way forward. There was another meeting between higher ranking operatives and the lower level operatives going on while she gave this broadcast and she said they are trying to come up with an interim administrative type structure because they are rank and file people. So, some of their own are trying to keep things from getting chaotic as we transition.
More Victories
We Reached 100% Light!
We are now at 100% light Source energy! The Silent Circle knows it too and now they are ready to re-engage. The demise of Mr. Nay-sayer, who wasn’t well liked was putting everything on hold. There were some other nay-sayers but evidently not anymore, and they are now focusing on the failing corporations.
The Families of the Order Have Officially Tapped Out!
The Order of the Dragon are standing down and no longer pursuing any more operations or control. And the Black Nobility are no longer going to pursue any agenda. That is pretty much a worldwide decision. They have no money to fund it anyway, everyone is restless and governments are going broke. There were some SSP, Chinese, Triads and Jades trying to give it a go this morning and they are all gone now. And if anybody else would like to step out of line, you can leave the planet as well.
So this is huge for humanity, if it pans out, which I’m not feeling unfortunately. There are conversations going on with militaries as well today. It’s only been about 18 hours but Kim is now seeing minimal effects and disturbances and she is expecting to see some changes happening very soon.
About the Onslaught of Chemtrails
Another thing that came to light this morning was that a week ago this Black Dragon guy ordered and paid for 45 days’ worth of chemtrails. The agencies got paid for it upfront and then the orders were sent out in those particular arenas. They have been spraying us like crazy for the last few days. And that was certainly true in my neck of the woods. It’s been absolutely ridiculous just how much they’ve been spraying. Kim was able to make a phone call to the agency that handles it and told them to keep the money but stop spraying, and they started putting out orders to stop it. So, these are positive things that can happen when everyone is afraid of you.
The Way Forward
Unfortunately, it is not yet time to do away with governments entirely. The failure of the assemblies is one example. Comments in the telegram threads, which you would think are the aware and awake people is another indicator that Humanity has some growing up to do before we govern ourselves. Therefore, having some type of an interim government would be good, even the Archivists said that, but not with the current management of course. Now that both Orders have decided to stand down, that leaves an open vacancy for us to do what we need to do. And Kim came up a structure that is a good way to prevent a One World Government from ever happening again, which involves a lot of interim structures that have to be put in place to get from point A to point B.
She focused on some examples for the benefit of operatives, because as we know the operatives run the governments and the tensions we see is often because they don’t want to lose their jobs. These people are scared what will become of them. And now that they don’t have people hanging over their head this can be a big and positive change for them and for us. She can then transfer the sheeple who are not awake and aware into a better system over time. And the operatives have not gotten paid since Kim last funded the government in 2019 anyway. They need to wake up and realize that with their cooperation they can actually get paid, and make good money.
If everything goes smoothly and people start seeing some relief, their heath is being taken care of, and decisions are not being made out of fear and lack, then we can see significant changes in humanity in the next 10-15 years.
Real Changes Can happen with 100% Cooperation of the Operatives
The government was always a corporation but with competition from the different factions. The way to change this out is to think about a government with a structure in place that is a cooperative or employee-owned corporation. Cooperatives can share in the profit of government or whatever sector they are in. It will remove the corruption because everyone is getting paid, therefore deals don’t need to be pushed through under the table so to speak, no one has to hide money offshore anymore, and no kickbacks are needed. Who the President is or which party is in charge doesn’t really matter since they are all working for the SAME corporation and are not in competition with each other, and they won’t be members of the Dragon families. Kim believes changing the model will be possible with 100% of the operatives onboard. And changing the model can apply to existing corporations that are currently run by operatives as well, but the structure of them taking a position is different.
The one group in this world the banking world respects, aside from the Order are their genetic shareholders, which no longer need to be there because the banks are insolvent, and under bankruptcy there are no share payouts anyway. But what if the sane members of the Federal Reserve Board, who were trying to move forward with Kim, can make money by transitioning banks to become service providers with their fee to be paid by the Global Repository, so the burden doesn’t go onto the customer. Then there is no need to have custody rights. So in other words, those in the Fed, the fixer operatives can just get a different position and still make lots of money in the form of service fees instead of raping and pillaging humanity. Their main service will be to Kim per the Global Repository.
The Global Military will morph into something else too. They will have a lot more sophisticated technology and will be trained to secure this planet as a whole. Public Transportation in all its forms requires safety and security from a technical and mechanical standpoint. We need to make sure crazy people don’t get on planes, etc. There are lots of forms that need security where they can make money from the private industries and sectors. And in a cooperative model, when a trillion dollars goes missing, it’s going to affect their paychecks, so they are going to want to know where it went.
The way it is when Generals retire is they go into business for themselves, meaning they provide services to the Order. They buy and sell weapons, handle movement of things that are not entirely legal, oil trading as an example, and they make a lot of money too. A cooperative structure allows them to have a hefty retirement and allows them to continue business, but above board this time. It takes the corruption out and no one is hanging anything over their head.
Everyone has a place is what Kim is trying to get across. If you are an operative, you can still have a job and you no longer need to be in competition. It’s an interim way to transition society. She just wants to fix it. She really is tired of eliminating people and things every day, she just wants to build something or retrofit into something that works. If we have 100% operative cooperation, we can make this work worldwide.
So she’s expecting them to be reaching out to her soon and deals to be made. Hopefully she’ll have some good information by Friday.
Frankly, I don’t believe the Order has conceded and 100% of the operatives are turning around. We’ve seen it way too many times. And the chemtrails are all over again today. But I really hope I’m wrong.
Note: Kim gave some more information on the Durango Safety Zone to give an example of how the operatives are lied to. I moved that information to the Safety Zone entry in the Glossary if you’re interested. Also, during the Q&A section someone asked who is the Order of the Golden Sun? Kim’s answer was the Melchizadeks, which I also included in addition so some other details.
See: Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Hello – thank you for getting this report out so fast. I agree with you I do not trust these people they should not be trusted ever. Everything they do is a tactic to keep going forward with their agenda and that will never change so they need to be stopped if we want that to end. The update was that the Jesuits are still going forward with their plan to destroy us and the planet – they believe that the aliens they are waiting for will come pick them up and then when we are all dead they will bring them back again to repopulate the planet with their bloodlines. That is not going to happen either. I was not surprised that the Jesuit order were the ones not willing to go forward because I believe that the Jesuits created the Illuminati and not the other way around and all the other Satanic secret society’s are just off shoots. Kim now realises humanity will still need a government for another 75 years I agree and think at least that. It is going to take as long as it takes there is a great deal to surmount but we will get there. Merry Christmas and thank you for your type up of the reports it is very helpful in getting out the information .
Битва реально будет длительной, но нам которых лгали так длительно, потребность в надежду дня, чтобы отрасти веру и восстановить качества бойцов за Истину и Свободу. Мораль, это мера одинаковая для всех – говорил Учитель Беинса Дуно около 100 лет назад. Если смотреть на небо, там тоже происходит невидимая для наших глаз битва в етерном, астральном, ментальном, каузальном и будическом планах. После окончания Золотой епохи, говорил Учитель, счастье было возможно только с ментального плана наверх. Ожидаем восстановление Золотой эпохи или возвращение (поселение) в Миров гармонии, где будем работать на Целое.
Силы тьмы поставили сами себе индикатор влияния на планету, это химические следы в небесах. За ним последуют СМИ и правительства, которые населены каиновцами во всем мире.
The battle will really be long, but we, who have been lied to for so long, need the hope of the day to grow faith and restore the qualities of fighters for Truth and Freedom. Morality is the same measure for everyone – said Teacher Beinsa Duno about 100 years ago. If you look at the sky, there is also a battle going on there, invisible to our eyes, in the ethereal, astral, mental, causal and budic planes. After the end of the Golden Age, the Teacher said, happiness was possible only from the mental plane upward. We expect the restoration of the Golden Age or a return (settlement) to the Worlds of Harmony, where we will work for the Whole.
The forces of darkness have set themselves an indicator of influence on the planet, these are chemical traces in the skies. It will be followed by the media and governments that are populated by Cainites all over the world.
Thank you for the transcript.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a good and healthy 2024.
I also agree with you that there are still chemtrails everywhere, in any case the weather here in the Netherlands is massively manipulated with those chemtrails, the covid agenda is back in full force, and they do something in the chemtrails that makes people cough for a tremendously long time. I also don’t believe the Order has conceded and 100% of the operatives are turning around.
Only time will tell
I do remain hopeful and also grateful for all the work Kim and her legion and team do for us.
And I also understand that it doesn’t change overnight.
Changing 8 billion people who have been brainwashed, pffffffffffffffffff
That is an almost impossible task.
Besides, I understand that there are quite a few soulless people walking around here. Things in a human body.
Never mind the 8 billion, they have not been accounted for. What we need is a global no-fly zone and the demolishment of HAARP and the weathermachines. To STOP the massive poisoning by air, food, water, injections, pills&powders and ether is the main thing. It’s a start to normalize the organic people. You will never be able to normalize the soulless. They will dissapate soon enough without us even noticing it.
The battle will really be long, but we, who have been lied to for so long, need the hope of the day to grow faith and restore the qualities of fighters for Truth and Freedom. Morality is the same measure for everyone – said Teacher Beinsa Duno about 100 years ago. If you look at the sky, there is also a battle going on there, invisible to our eyes, in the ethereal, astral, mental, causal and budic planes. After the end of the Golden Age, the Teacher said, happiness was possible only from the mental plane upward. We expect the restoration of the Golden Age or a return (settlement) to the Worlds of Harmony, where we will work for the Whole.
The forces of darkness have set themselves an indicator of influence on the planet, these are chemical traces in the skies. It will be followed by the media and governments that are populated by Cainites all over the world.
One important issue that is never addressed is the bioweapon/mRNA/zombie kuru virus, and the blue tooth tech that has been unleashed on humanity. FEMA is doing something planned with the 5G towers in two separate tests incoming in the next couple of weeks. I’m not convinced that we are out of the dark because of these latest developments. Please elaborate. Thank you.
Universal law suddenly becoming very real. Fascinating.
Up to each of us how we adjust to this.
The world needs to feel safe, it needs to feel kind.
Then recovery can really happen.
Thanks for the transcript. Great posts.
a quote from the dec 20, 2023 update:
About the Onslaught of Chemtrails
Another thing that came to light this morning was that a week ago this Black Dragon guy ordered and paid for 45 days’ worth of chemtrails. The agencies got paid for it upfront and then the orders were sent out in those particular arenas. They have been spraying us like crazy for the last few days. And that was certainly true in my neck of the woods. It’s been absolutely ridiculous just how much they’ve been spraying. Kim was able to make a phone call to the agency that handles it and told them to keep the money but stop spraying, and they started putting out orders to stop it. So, these are positive things that can happen when everyone is afraid of you. end quote
at chemtrails hotlines still plenty of images of chemtrails, chemtrail movies at strange clouds page on FB so apparently this hasn’t really helped yet. Here in the Netherlands also every day those chemtrails.
Hola Pamela
Despues de 10 dias de cielos azules y limpios (sin chemtrails tal y como dijo Kim), hoy ha amanecido con estelas de fumigación.
Voy al canal de Kim (united networks tvclips) a ver si hay alguna noticia nueva y veo que han eliminado los vídeos de Kim!!!
En tu blog tampoco hay nueva información al respecto.
Sabes algo?
Qué ha pasado?