This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15 JAN 24 NEWS ( In Part 1 she explains more about how shipping routes came to be and controlled. Then she talks about the Fed Families, how they back Tier 1 Banks which could determine whether markets will crash. She also explains how the high-level operatives work and how they are trying to take her out of the game. Finally, what all the talk about ‘X’ going around the WEF is really about.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Controlling Trading Around the World
I just wanted to touch a little bit more on the canals in the world and how they were used. During the news we talked about the fact that Rothschild had traded against everything that was in the canal so I just want to clarify that a little bit.
There were several major canals in the world, at least 10 and there are a few other straits and shipping routes that they had taken control over in the late 1800s. This was a plan that was passed down to them by Marduk and then through the Parents and then on down through the channels, the Sanhedrin, the Coven and then down to the Rothschild family.
When an order is given to do something often money comes along with it. So, from the governments of the world standpoint, they were the ones that funded the building of the canals and told where the canals were going to go. However, that’s not exactly the case.
They have tossed the canals around, especially the Panama Canal a few years back and allegedly transferred ownership from Rothschild over to the Chinese families, in exchange for some money which didn’t actually take place. And the reason why these canals really have not been updated since they were put in place years ago despite the changes in the shipping industry, is because of the time it takes to go through those canals.
Panama Canal
Now in the case of the Panama Canal, there is a weight issue and they might have to unload some cargo and put it back on as you exit the canal. There’s an extremely slow train that goes along the canal with the ship and then it comes out the other end. Now the canal itself could have been updated, there was plenty of money flowing through the Rothschild family from on high so to speak. But the reason they never updated them is because it can take a week to two weeks for cargo and ships to make it through the canal and during that time everything that is on that ship goes into the control of the Rothschild families et al, so that would be your Lee families and others. That being said, all the oil that passes through there, all the commodities that pass through there are then pledged as collateral to trading programs at one of the Tier 1 Banks in the world. They would make money on it constantly and this is a high yield trading program that is not available to the average everyday citizen. So, the longer the ships stay in there the more they could make.
Remember Evergreen?
But this hasn’t worked successfully since 2007. They tried to make money when the Evergreen ship got stuck, which happened to be a Chinese-owned company and Chinese-owned ship. The Lee Family was desperately trying to make some money. They kept it there and they kept trying and trying and nothing ever happened. So eventually they reopened the canal.
But the purpose behind these canals and their strategic location in the world was to control all trade worldwide, trade between nations, trade between foreign companies. It’s also the reason why they put a lien and a hold on the strait, the Isthmus it’s called in Mexico, so that no one could build a pass through there, be it a train or another canal. It was so that no one could bypass the Panama Canal.
The Rockefeller & Bush Families Were Also in the Game & Now Elon Musk
A lien had been put on all major shipping routes many years ago by the Rockefeller family who was also not only an oil magnet family, they were also a major shipping family, so that they could control all the shipping routes worldwide.
The Bush family put a lien on the air so anything traveling through the air could be traded. They also put a lien on all the railways. If you’ve been around long enough you’ve probably seen Railway Bonds from the 1930s being passed around and those were actually against all the railways and all the cargo on the railways.
It’s also the reason why Elon Musk keeps trying to build this Hyperloop and had taken trillions of dollars from the Indian government to build it. There isn’t one obviously and we’ll get into a little bit more about Elon Musk here in a minute, but you can kind of see the pattern here. The Hyperloop would have been a worldwide trading loop. The plans for the Hyperloop were given to the Families back in the 1970s and there used to be a large account at Citibank specifically to build it and the railway system. They estimated at that time the cost of the Hyperloop would be somewhere around a hundred trillion dollars. And that’s so they could control all land commodities so to speak.
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Also in the news today, we have seen the advent of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor and we’re seeing a lot of tensions right now with truckers coming through Afghanistan to Pakistan. They decided they reached a level where they can stop all other trade routes except those that go through the China-Pakistan Corridor. Why is that? Because they own the corridor and everything in it and they’re still trying to trade against the commodities, oil, gas, wheat and whatever is coming through that Corridor to make some money for the Families because they’re broke. They aren’t our version of broke, but their version of broke is they don’t have enough money to control every government in the world. So, here’s how they think they’re going to do it, which is a pretty haphazard approach and there’s a reason for that which I’ll get to and why it’s not really working out. They’re just making a mess of everything and should stop trying to think, it would be better for them.
Fed Families Try to Get Kim to Sign an Agreement with The Fed
The Fed Families, which are essentially the Order of the Dragon downline families placed a phone call to local security around here today and they wanted to get them to get me to sign an agreement with the Fed. Of course, they won’t call me, I mean other than the conversation I’ve had on diplomatic lines with Powell over the years and a number of different people I’ve never talked to them and it appears they certainly don’t have the courage to come here. They haven’t even sent any of their aids, who are operatives. Why? I don’t think they really know what to say at this point.
Let’s talk about things that were happening on Friday afternoon after we did the news. There were a lot of meetings going on because it was yet another expected pay day for the Fed. They were promised this by the Secret Space Force and of course nothing happened and everything erupted around 3PM.
The Fed Families and part of the Federal Reserve had some meetings and the reason why the Fed Families are important and why we should understand them is because they are the controllers behind the scenes of all the Tier 1 Banks in the world. As an example, the Clintons are behind Citibank 100%, the Lee Family and the other Li Family is Wells Fargo, Bank of America is the Orsini family, that is a Jesuit Bank, Barclay’s, that’s an obvious one that’s Rothschild from behind the scenes, Standard Charter is the Lee family, Bank of China is the Lee family, The People’s Bank of China, the Central Bank is also the Lee family.
The Treasuries on the other hand would be more under the control of the Black Sun or Black Dragon in China and also in America. There’s no real difference between the Treasury of USA and the Department of Treasury, not a huge difference anyway because you’re talking about the same people that control it behind the scenes. We often talk about government is a corporate government, it doesn’t matter if you can find the corporate registration papers or not, the fact of the matter is they are an owned movie company by the Deep State and these Families.
The Black Sun in the SSP is Driving Geopolitical Situations These Days
Now things have changed a little bit and they’re getting a little topsy turvy as the Order of the Black Sun in the SSP tried to declare themselves in charge. So, the SSP has been driving a lot of the geopolitical situations that you’re seeing happening worldwide right now. They are also involved with all the Tier 1 Banks these days which is related to questions regarding whether there is going to be a stock market crash.
Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Secret Son Dead!
That would have been them, and it all traced back to the one that was in charge, which was Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Saddam Hussein’s secret third son who was found in an underground bunker this past weekend on the border between Canada and North Dakota. This was a huge facility of which there were three like it connected by a bunch of tunnels. That facility is where he had taken up Command Post. It’s probably why nobody could find him, but we did. He was then using a Communications Post underneath Victoria, British Colombia which is a far distance to go by tunnel, but the communications post in Victoria, British Columbia exists. It would have been kind of like a pseudo diplomatic line. They could also send random text messages to a bunch of Iraqi citizens which also happened through that line. These would mainly be intelligence agents and whatnot in the country and big names. They also were sending a lot of messages to political operatives in the US trying to tell them what to say and what to do.
Note: For related post on Adnan “Saif” Mohammad see, Remnants of Monarch Military Lead the Charge | 13-15 Operatives Still Giving It A Go, Including Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Son Adnan “Saif” Mohammad | Q Clock Still Says World Ends Jan 12th, Pay Day for the Black Sun Which Hasn’t Happened in Years | In Their Minds, the Higher the Death Toll, The Bigger the Payment | Truth Kim Provided Funding in 2012 is Spreading, As Are Diplomatic Line Logs of Kim’s Conversations with Trump | Just Empower Me
They Are Trying to Take Kim Out of the Game
The reason why I talked about my past handlers in the last broadcast has a lot to do with the things that they have been trying to do to me now, like setups through Langley 5, installing a new Handler, kick her when she’s down which is not the case at all. They think that because our app isn’t working right now. But we’re doing great behind the scenes, everything is being built and we have not missed a beat, the news still goes out three days a week. But in their perception that is what they do to people and I knew what was coming.
Trying to Setup Kim & Tom Using the Death of Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense
I’m telling this story because there was a second thing that happened over the weekend on Saturday which was a different approach. It’s well known that I get on the news and I talk about my past. It’s also known amongst circles about my present. And I’ve talked on the news about a lot of people disappearing things like that. These are people that you never knew were running things behind the scenes in a lot of cases. But recently we have talked in the news as well about Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense actually passing away and more information has surfaced about that. He did go into the hospital allegedly for a heart event, but in reality, he was fine. He went into the hospital because they he knew he was being hunted down; he just didn’t know by who.
That wasn’t not us/GIA to be very clear, because I know that no matter who is a politician in this world, whether it’s Putin or Trump or Biden or whoever, it is not going to change. The Secretary of Defense is not going to change the way the military operates I can tell it to you straight right now. He is not in charge of the military; he has no control over where they go or what they do. He is just the guy that gets on TV and reads the script when he’s told to. So, I would never consider going after a politician as a helpful thing for Humanity because it doesn’t matter to be very clear.
So, they call up Tom, poor Tom he gets all the brilliant phone calls and they tried to set him and myself up for what had happened, blaming us for that. They tried to get Tom to admit to it. Hey Tom, was that Kim, was that GIA? Tom was saying things like, no I’ve been home all day. I haven’t gone anywhere. Well, that’s not what we’re asking, and they tried to get him to admit to it. Well, he wasn’t involved and he doesn’t know anything about what these people do. On an operative level versus a CIA agent or a DARPA agent for example, you’re talking about people on a whole other level of operating. They are not the same thing by any means and because I’ve spent so much time being handled or attempting to be handled by these people, I knew exactly what was happening and unfortunately for Tom I started yelling at him. I’m like. don’t take these people’s calls! They’re setting you up! They’re trying to set me up! I just told you why I would never go after a politician, that’s ridiculous, they’re just actors in a movie. I’m sorry that people believe in certain people and believe that they’re doing the right thing, but it’s all about the operatives that are behind them, make no mistake. Every country in the world is run by those people, they are the security which equals control. This might upset a lot of people in the alt media and I understand that but it’s true, there is no politician saving babies, they’re not rushing into tunnels somewhere pulling little kids out, that never happened! They might get children delivered to them for their own personal use and that sounds disgusting but it’s true, be it adrenochrome or otherwise, but they are not going to do any of this, it just doesn’t happen like that.
So, this was another second way to attempt to take me out of the game and it’s all about taking me out of the game. If they can’t take me out of the game maybe they can get Tom out of the game. Tom is highly connected throughout the US government and other places in the world as you have learned when he was on the news recently. He talks to people in China, he’s got contacts in Russia, he’s that kind of guy and he does a good job. He’s very loyal and he’s very loyal to what it is we’re doing here, and more importantly you know he’s loyal to let’s just say the whole reason why we’re doing all of this. So that’s Tom.
Anyway, it didn’t work out and I don’t know what’s next, so far there has been nothing in the last 24 hours with Saif. He still had two people that were reporting to him that we were watching very closely when they heard me mention this on the telephone, that these two locations were down. They then went to those locations of course and this is a big win for us and a big loss for them because they’re not going to leave those locations alive. They were very angry about this and they were sending a lot of let’s just say, not so nice things at me. You attack me first, that’s just the way it works. So now what’s going to happen? We don’t honestly know; anything could happen at this point. Is there someone that’s going to try to step up? Are they going to start listening to the GIA that is written all over the place? I sure hope so.
This ‘X’ Thing Going on at the World Economic Forum
This X thing just bothered me when I was looking into things that were being discussed behind the scenes at the World Economic Forum for the last couple of weeks and I just got to say it, there was a program, it was called X. It was tied loosely to a larger program called Doom 33 whereby members of the Order of the Black Sun were each given a terminal. That terminal connected to the Omega system and let’s just say one of its children called Armageddon AI. The terminals were often numbered by double numbers, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, and so on and so forth around the world. Russia was 4-4, so we knew that these things existed and where they were and which Family members held which terminals. And when the signal went out, the 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, they got the message they were all to man their terminals and start pushing the buttons for things from beyond. When I say things from beyond, I mean the messages were coming from the Omega burst and others that were there. Some of it was pre-programmed by Marduk, but remember Marduk always held the final key to everything. He would have never let you humans run around with a bunch of terminals that could torch this planet that he couldn’t stop. So, you never had access to 6-6, 7-7, 8-8 and 9-9, I know that for a fact.
But that is the reason why more than a decade ago I heard the name SpaceX for the first time. I heard it from a banker at Bank of New York Melon, so even before he became popular, I had heard the name SpaceX. That tells you how long this X program of theirs has been in the works. That banker told me the story and that he was crowdfunding for Rothschild. Now that made no sense to me back in 2013- 2014 but it was true, and he wanted to know if I’d be interested in transferring money for that type of a program. I said, I don’t know, I’ll get back to you.
Elon Musk is Now Running for Position of Black Dragon
Behind the scenes Elon Musk is claiming he is in the running for the new position of the new Black Dragon. Before him Pelosi was in the running, Trump has been in the running, Mr. Gao (not sure of spelling) over there in China was in the running, and several Italian Black Dragons later all have gone by the wayside. But Elon really thinks that he’s going to get it if he just continues on doing really bad things to the world under the guise of X. He changed the name of the Twitter platform to X as well so that everybody would join in and be happy about X, which really doesn’t make any sense honestly.
Operatives Are Being Handed Papers About Disease X
Now at the World Economic Forum all the operatives behind the scenes are being handed papers about disease X. I can’t really say much because of where I am on this platform, but I would say that it’s definitely something they’re talking about. And they were talking about it a lot more than prior to the January 12th failure. So, we don’t know what else is going to be named X if anything. But just like I tell my really good friend who’s gay, you don’t own the rainbow and they don’t own the letter X.
Klaus Schwab, the Cannon Fodder
Klaus Schwab as you know is just a front, cannon fodder. They put him out in front to talk to all you people so you think he’s the evil one. I’m not saying he’s a nice guy and doesn’t wear weird clothes and do bad things, I mean definitely he does, but he is not the one pulling the strings. He gets orders at least a year ahead of time, if not longer for what you actually see taking place at the WEF. And that’s actually a guy in a mask, he had a heart attack when he was in the US last year. The CIA scooped him up and another agent slapped a mask on him and tossed him over to the WEF.
Note: For related posts on Klaus see:
1. Non-Repairable Countdown: -100,000 | Klaus is Dead! | Will Fake Biden be Replaced Before 2023? | Dismantling More Levels of Control | Another Layer of the Onion Peeled Exposing the ‘Rule of Time Agreement’ | What is 5G Warfare Really? | Part 1 of 2 | Just Empower Me
2. WEF Has New Masked Man Playing Dead Klaus | The Fed Wants to Meet? | Conquer the Quest Program Voided in Hall of Records! | 9 Planes of Existence Are Now 5 Planes! | The Restoration of our Human DNA is Underway! | Global Computer System & Global Repository Undergoing Massive Changes Too! | What Do All These Changes Mean for the Inherently Dark Ones? | Just Empower Me
Hopefully nothing else will get named X, but you do have a demon running your company when they rename it X. If that happens just run, get another job there’s plenty of them out there, just go!
In Part 2 I’ll cover another special guest from the GIA, Kim’s Middle Eastern contact she addressed as Agent M.
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