This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 02-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Oh boy, it’s been an all-out war and today Kim gives us the back story as to what the deep state is trying to achieve even if they don’t know what that is. Skynet is the big topic as well as diffusing the situation escalating in the Middle East should all of the Northern African continent join in the fight.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

02-AUG-24 NEWS (
“I’ll be back,” is the famous quote from the Terminator movie in 1984. In the movie they talk about Skynet being a revolutionary AI system that’s being built by Cyberdyne systems for the SAC-NORAD. They talk about it being a powerful defense network computer hooked into everything and trusted to run it all. It got smart, a new order of intelligence. Even in the US it said it didn’t become AI and start to think for itself until 1997. In the movie Skynet saw all humans as a threat, not just the ones on the other side, and it decided our fate in a microsecond, which is extermination.
It began with the nuclear war which destroyed most the population and initiated a program of genocide against survivors. Skynet used it resources to gather a slave labor force from surviving humans after the nuclear war. And we thought ECHELON was bad. We actually had an AI, when it was attached to Omega able to just switch off any human it wanted to.
Well Skynet is not a fictitious thing of course; it is a US National Security Agency program in part. And China has their own version of Skynet which they attempted to take to a whole other level.
Skynet in the United States
In the US they claim Skynet is a learning and analysis program to locate terrorist threats and suspects. They claim it was used as a US strategic defense initiative. On the internet, they posted that on Aug 4, 1997 Skynet began to rapidly learn and eventually becomes self-aware. Meaning it’s making decisions on its own, based on information that it is put into the system. They claim it officially became self-aware on Aug 29, 1997at 2:14 am.
Skynet in the US is a heck of a lot of more than a terrorist threat detector, unless they are saying all American citizens are terrorist threats. It also makes different types of strategic defense AI assessments based on who they put in as their enemy. But it was also a program to run anti to omega and they are still using this program to detect terrorist threats and any type of data for anyone who wanted to use it. That’s what the internet short version is.
This is a reference, but not necessarily the one Kim is referencing. NSA Leak Confirms Skynet Is For Real : ScienceAlert
Skynet in China
In 2005 China created its mass surveillance system which they also call Skynet. Allegedly it is not a part of what the US uses it for, but here is what China uses it for according to the Internet. To track feminists and LGPTQ members to increase scrutiny. They claim they used it to take over the entire region of Tibet and anyone who went against taking over the Tibet region would be considered a dissonant and closely monitored, then once identified way more than that. So, it was something that was used for anyone going against China’s agenda.
And we know they are very extensive lately. They use Skynet heavily to monitor mobile phone apps, and they will locate and arrest or report citizens who are violating whatever they consider to be a violation. They have also partnered with some other companies over the last several years like Megvii, which specializes in facial recognition and is a part of the social crediting program. They even state on the internet that as of 2018 the most notable surveillance mechanisms were mass camera surveillance on streets, internet surveillance, and newly invented surveillance methods based on social crediting and identity. They even admit in 2018, a year before the pandemic, that they were already using a social crediting program on all their citizens. They also talked in 2018 about the launching of surveillance drones which fly throughout major cities all over China to monitor its citizens, especially those known to be violators, and robot police are targeting social media platforms. It sounds like sci-fi movie because it is. They talk about testing a larger market in some of these articles. They estimate by the end of 2021 there will be around 770 million cameras all over the world tied to China’s Skynet program.
We learned a little bit from what they have been putting out on the internet around what China is currently using it for. They deployed drones on its own citizens if they step out of line or are in violation of whatever China thinks is a violation.
China Attempted to Launch Skynet, But Kim Ensured They Failed
And now that this thing has started to learn on its own, and has been for quite a while China tried to launch Skynet the next phase. Imagine what the reintroduction of ARCHON programs and a connection back to omega could have done if it was following China’s guidelines. Could they have used Skynet to interfere with your cell phone, cause cancer, do all kinds of things to US citizens, and eventually if they had their way to all citizens around the world? Yes, and they have done that.
But that didn’t quite work out, not without the power of omega behind it, and the attachment to ARCHONS, so it was a complete and utter failure, and I’m proud to say I participated in that failure. So the failure to launch China’s aspect of Skynet on Thursday fortunately was a huge win for the world.
Their Hope Endures During Lion’s Gate
They still think omega will gain some power during this Lion’s Gate and that their demon friends are coming back. That’s part of the reason they tried to launch Skynet on Thursday. Technically the information they got from Skynet said the appropriate time would be the 6th of August, but China was running out to time so they decided to try to launch it early and tried to attach a social crediting financial system to it. When it failed, they tried to hack into an old system that was a remnant of Omega, which belonged to Marduk. A human never had access to it, it was his Nibiru ARCHON Control System when it was around.
Remember Nibiru, the Giant Floating Petri Dish?
Nibiru is not a planet, it was a giant ball of ARCHONS and there were 9 Nibirus, each one contains a giant ball of ARCHONS. So, it’s not a planet where aliens hailed from and certainly not benevolent. It was a program and if it did crash into the world we would have been in big trouble. But that didn’t stop a company called Wei Laboratories based in the US, although they were a China based company from hacking into this line to try and gain control of ARCHONS within humans.
Note: For related post in 2021 see, Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish? | Just Empower Me
They thought it could try and reboot this Skynet program which they hoped was going to happen in the next few days so they could try and relaunch it. Over the past few days there have been a lot of things that have gone on and a lot you are even seeing in the news, but nothing in my opinion was as scary as the deep state getting a hold of Skynet, and fully launching its full capability if it attached to omega.
Anytime they saw an influx of darkness, which there are still remnants, although it’s minor because Lion’s Gate used to belong to the dark. And there was also a push from some demons from hell to add to the program to relaunch omega, not for the benefit of the dumb humans, but for their own benefit to take over this planet. Skynet would have been part of that program, which is why they were told not to launch it until Aug 6th. But everything that started to activate pretty much is taken out within an hour of activating.
War in the Middle East
That failure didn’t stop them from coming up with a plan to ramp up a war in the Middle East, to try and transmute that light energy into dark energy and open up various portals around the world, like in Russia, Israel, and the US. That would include the Mormon Temple, but not the one in Salt Lake City, it was another location, and a portal in Idaho, Nevada, and Arizona under the Grand Canyon.
I’m really trying to make sure we have as few people as possible lose their life in the Middle East right now and have spent most of my day doing that. It’s been me and a few against the world right now because they are pulling together everything, and it’s no surprise they are doing it this weekend because Sunday is a New Moon. And they are hoping this Lion’s Gate will catapult them into a world full of darkness where we are taken back over by Anti-Source or Satan or Lucifer or insert demon name here. I
t’s not really working out, so they had to try to do something, which are to tell lies. They told NATO it’s over the pipeline near Gaza, and Russia and Ukraine were told a bunch of lies (the audio was disrupted so couldn’t make out what lies). At the top of the deep state these days, or whatever is left of them probably have more knowledge of why they are doing this more than anyone else, especially since the SSP was manning all these locations hoping for some glimmer of hope their dark ones would come back.
Avenging The Not Dead Leaders of the Middle East
One of the things I’ve been telling you is that the President of Iran didn’t die in a helicopter crash and these Hamas leaders are not dead either, it’s all lies. And not all their military generals were read in that their people who they are still avenging their death for are still alive. Well during the last 48 hours Iran took many calls from the China deep state and they were informed that the Skynet program was going live and they’ll be a part of it and in control of all their citizens. They chose to believe them I guess because after watching Iran this week they offered to provide one third of the African continent weaponry in order to join the fight against Israel.
Why Would Non-Islamic Countries Join Fight Against Israel?
First, pretty much every African country is aware of the Anglo American company.
Anglo American plc is a British multinational mining company with headquarters in London, England. It is the world’s largest producer of platinum, with around 40% of world output, as well as being a major producer of diamonds, copper, nickel, iron ore, polyhalite and steelmaking coal. The company has operations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.[7]
The second reason is that everyone on the African continent is pretty much aware the Mossad is more prevalent there than the CIA. And they are aware of the Europeans that came in were sent on behalf of Rothschild/Oppenheimer.
Ernest Oppenheimer, a Jewish German émigré, founded the Anglo American Corporation (AAC) in 1917 in Johannesburg, South Africa, with financial backing from the American bank J.P. Morgan & Co. and £1 million raised from UK and US sources to start the gold mining company; this fact is reflected in the company’s name.[10] The AAC became the majority stakeholder in the De Beers company in 1926, a company formerly controlled by Alfred Beit, also a Jewish German émigré.[11]
They are still sending bars of gold on KLM flights straight to Germany on behalf of the Deep State and not giving the African countries anything. And if you are from Angola, you are aware your diamonds are still sitting in Dubai, so, it was pretty easy for Iran to dial for dollars, and it wasn’t just Iran, other countries were provoking and promising a lot of different things to join in the fight.
Kim’s Contact in Africa Confirms Middle East Leaders Not Dead
I was tracking a particular plane going from Iran to North Sudan who had already agreed allegedly, to avenge the death of these leaders. So, in the course of tracking these weapons Iran was sending out, I was checking with some contacts of mine and they called me back and here’s what he had to say:

There you have it folks, from someone who is not me. A person heavily involved in affairs throughout the African continent in at least 20-25 countries now confirmed that tidbit of information. The rest I left out simply because a lot of operations are in process and we’re trying to keep the northern part of the African continent from participating in China’s deep state shenanigans.
So that’s what the American Deep State promised them, passports to terrorists to come into America.
Act Blue Was Dry So Millions Extracted Out of the Market for War Effort
A lot of this has been arranged between the China deep state totties here in the US known as the entire White House Administration, most of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and three quarters of the operatives, and everyone else who is trying to implode the economy here in the US.
And the reason is because they’ve been propping up the war over the last couple of weeks and they failed to get any money from Act Blue because they don’t have any anymore. So, the next thing they could do is drop the market so of course Berkshire Hathaway, Soros, and a few hedge funds would surely donate a few million dollars to their war campaign here in the Middle East, and that they did. That’s why you saw a drop in the market today. Approximately $70 million was extracted which will buy them 48 hours’ worth of war in the Middle East, if they even spent it on that. They probably gave people down payments and promised them Skynet is still set to launch, and it will be the new system on all of earth and we will be used as human slave workers.
China Deep State and Rothschilds Now Fighting
As this situation progresses everyone was due to be paid today, big money was to come from China. But now China and the Rothschilds are fighting because neither one achieved this task. There were also various US treasury officials flying all over Europe and the UK, some were being forced at gunpoint to get any money to fund this and get control over the financial system. They failed, but they still have to go because these people obviously are not nice. But wherever they go they fail to raise any money and that’s because these people who are left never ran anything before, it’s their first day on the job for world domination, and they have no backing from the aliens, and without help of a major AI system they will never succeed.
Weapons Tracking & Help From Universal Protection Unit
As all this weaponry moves into various countries, we track it and terminate it, that is myself and my contacts, the Universal Protection Unit (UPU), and Sky Command otherwise known as The Enforcer. The Enforcer is watching everything that is going on in the Middle East and firing when it does not cause loss of life. We are trying to prevent that as much as we can. Hopefully when Lion’s Gate ends there will be no point for them to continue to do this.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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It’s always something….and if not after Lion’s Gate, it’s gonna be September 11, their ritual day, and then Red october which they are already starting to hype on alt news. I wished they could just shut it all down and make them stop with this charade. And also a new stupid virus they are pushing, New Zealand told it’s people they’ll all be mandated to get the bird flu jab that is the next cure for a plandemic.
I don’t know why Kim thinks they’ll just pack it up and be done because they couldn’t get their skynet going. Skynet is probably the lowest they could go on tech for now but also it never seems to deter them when they fail at everything they try. So still we are paying outrageous prices for food and for rent and nothing is happening but I suppose that is a good thing because they’d want full on war.
On Farsight news, they said it’s gonna be a Catastrophic Disclosure because the good ets are tired of the secrecy and had warned them that they must disclose the ET influences of this world but they have not, still beating the EBS, Nesara/Gesara medbed crap, it’s so nauseating.
Well, I hope Kim can take a breather after Lions gate but of all people she should know they will NEVER give up and we’re just trying to be patient to keep alive and survive till this thing is done for good.
I can see from several comments you made over time, that the truth is very important to you, but a lot of things aren’t what they appear to be.
To know more, check out telegram group under the he following link.
The point is, NOTHING is going to change. Waiting for Kim to fix something is complete nonsense. All that needs to happen is for people to start realizing that they themselves are maintaining this system. Because of their co-creative power that the aliens are so eager to eliminate in humans and through which they have corrupted our DNA and injected a large portion of humans with Alien technology and erased our memory. Those people will never ever wake up and realize that they are living in a prison and need to free themselves. And that is never going to happen. What Kim is doing is solving something and then after that is another problem she has to solve. I appreciate her efforts but rehabilitating the earth and its inhabitants? No way. .
People who do know about the negative alien agenda’s know all this. That’s why she has few followers in that group. These awake people do know that they need to heal themselves in order to escape after death from this quarantine prison system we are in.
Kim’s August 5 2024 situation report hasn’t been summarized by Pam yet, but is really excellent and hopefully everybody will get a chance to watch it in full, as it explains the structure of the dark age and our recent transformation into a golden age in practical understandable terms, including Kim’s whiteboard notes.