This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15 JAN 24 NEWS ( In Part 2 of this broadcast I cover Kim and her conversation with special guest, Agent M, from the GIA Middle Eastern division. They talk about past and present situations as it relates to the Middle East and how they met and other characters they have in common.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

To help understand some of this conversation keep in mind that Kim and Agent M Are Both Melchizedeks. Agent M is the one who assisted Kim in transferring money via CARE to Iraq. It happened shortly after she was telling us about the Prophecy according to the Mechizedeks. Agent M alludes to the vision he had and the numbers early on and that is what he is referring to. Remember the Najaf scholars saw Kim and another man in the ancient book of the Melchizedeks and the amount Kim transferred in dollars and dinar were identical to the numbers recorded in the ancient book. Also, there are more copies of the ancient book that the enemy has which is why Rothschild’s first question to Agent’s M was about his family line.

Note: I have a few posts on this Prophecy and it starts with Kim’s broadcast on June 19, 2023, this is the first one, JASON Society Busy Impersonating People, Moving Troops, Perpetuating Lies to Discredit Kim | Planetary Alignment Gives Deep State False Hope | The Battle on Earth for the Gateways Between the Melchizedeks (Angels) & Merovingians (Fallen Angels) is Officially Over! | Kim’s Vision 9 Years Ago of Iraq Coming True | Ahwar Marshlands, Iraq is The Original Garden of Eden | The Prophecy Has Begun! | Just Empower Me
Introduction of Special Guest, Agent M
Kim: Let me introduce you to my Middle Eastern contact, he is with the Global Intelligence Agency. We’ve known each other for probably five or six years now and I am going to refer to him as Agent M. Obviously there is a lot going on in the Middle East and we need to be very careful here, and this is going to be on YouTube and Rumble, and in our social media channels, so I want to be very careful about how we address this person so that we don’t cause him any harm. So, without further ado let me introduce you to Agent M.
Agent M: Hello ladies and gents this is Agent M from the GIA Middle Eastern Division. As-salamu alaykum, peace be upon you all and good evening.
Kim: Well, it’s nice for everybody to meet you too. Tell us a little bit about yourself. I guess you can start from the beginning.
Background, Growing Up
Agent M: I come from a family that you can say is blue collar but both of my parents were very ambitious, very leadership oriented, stubborn headed too, but always goal driven. Both my parents attended the same college. My father basically was the President of the Student Union there and my mother had a similar role. Like I said they always were very popular, loved by people, but also very stubborn like I said, so I guess I inherited that.
In the 1980s took my father joined the Intelligence and a lot of my family members from both sides were also in these kinds of positions, Intelligence, Interior Affairs, Army. Some of them were in very senior positions. So, I grew up in a family where every male figure is either Intelligence or Army and I opened my mind to politics and these kind of things from the very early age. But I was always good as a child, I behaved very well, but I was rebellious, I didn’t like authority. I didn’t like even my parents’ authority and they didn’t like that very much. In our heritage you always say yes to your parents and I was the no guy. But over the years, right before I hit puberty I suddenly was woken up by my father and he told me I need you to go downstairs and sleep by the phone because there are some important people that might want to pass a message. I want you to write it down. So I did, I got the message very very late at night and the message was basically, our friend is leaving at 2 am. I was supposed to write it down and wait for my father. But I decoded the message and decided to call my father and tell him the message. And to his shock, after I told him the message I asked him, do I alert my family members? He paused for like 5 seconds and then he said yes. He realized I understood what the message was. So from then on I was treated differently. It’s always the bad times that I always carry the flag of the family. So yeah that’s basically what it was, the beginning.
I lived through four or five wars in the Middle East, most of them are in Iraq, including the one in Syria, also the current one.
Kim: You had an interesting experience in Syria too.
Agent M: Yeah I lived there and Syria is a beautiful place, I always felt at home there. I have tendencies to learn languages and accents very quickly and I learned the Syrian accents very quickly. Even the Syrians themselves sometimes don’t believe that I am not one of them. So yeah, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that was during the uprising in 2011, that’s how it started. But there is an interesting thing before I tell you about this, I want to share a secret, I guess. During the Arab spring in 2011 is when the governments were funded trillions of dollars, the 10-year contract and they started to topple the regimes, the governments and the entire Middle East. It started with Tunisia, Egypt and then it spread to Libya, Yemen, Syria and even Iraq and other locations, even in the Gulf States.
Note: He may be referring to that 10-year extension, see related post, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me
But an interesting thing is that it started very peaceful protests in Syria for about 6 months and then suddenly the free Syrian Army came in supposedly or rose up supposedly to help or to protect the protestors from being killed by the Syrian Army. At that time, I had a Syrian friend who managed to put a group or a body, an entity made of all the assemblies. They didn’t call them assemblies, but that’s what they did locally, like neighborhood by neighborhood to organize protests, get to people’s needs, do security and all of that, and it was very impressive what they did. Now regardless of whether it was outside operations, clandestine things that were done, people were very organized. So, what he did was make them all fall under one Umbrella. He wasn’t connected, he was just trying to look out for his people. But then we were like this is not going to work, too many people are dying. This guy Assad is in power and he’s not going to leave. So, we came up with a plan, just the two of us managed to actually find the whereabouts of Assad, and at that time we were talking about whether we can we take him out. We made a plan, but what was missing was the weapon, so we contacted the political entity in charge of overseeing the free Syrian Army. We said, hey this is the plan we have; we know exactly where he’s going to be next Friday, can we take him out? Can you help us? And the answer was no. basically you will be hunted down if you do that. So, we understood this was a big game and would be prolonged for a reason. We didn’t know what the reason was, we thought it was maybe the Greater Israeli project. And all of us who have been following Kim know exactly why that place is targeted and why that many people had to die. So yeah, that’s one side of the story.
Agent M’s Vision During His Quest for Truth (Prophecy Related)
Agent M: After that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time or the right place in the right time, it depends on how you look at it, and I was taken, incarcerated by the Syrian Intelligence for about one year underground in very horrific situations. All types of torture that comes to mind and I managed to survive it. I got out, I guess you can say a thousand folds stronger, I almost felt invincible right after that, and I tried to live my life as a normal person. But, with my experiences I don’t think I could live a normal life and I went on a quest for truth, I locked myself in my room and then decided to embark on some things. Kim knows I had a vision about this and the vision was so surreal or real I guess you can say that I decided to act on it.
When Agent M First Met Kim
Agent M: We’ve known each other for quite a while now, actually we met in 2016 or 2017, we had a call with our mutual friend in London. I didn’t know what you did or who you are then. I didn’t know what you looked like but I could tell from your accent you’re American. All I knew was I was gravitating towards you and I didn’t know why. I started telling you about that time Isis was taking over about a third of Iraq and a third of Syria too. I don’t know but my gut instincts was like Kim, can you help me help the people? At that time, I guess Kim was having her own issues as well, she was dealing with a lot of things, but she did say some things that were very profound and although I know these things it’s very nice to hear those things from someone else and especially from a woman because men usually talk in condescending ways sometimes. So, a female is always encouraging and she said something like this, it doesn’t matter what you do, no matter how big or small, it can have a ripple effect and it can change the course of history. Which is right. I’m like oh my God I love this woman!
So we did meet right when I first arrived here and when I first arrived here there were some people that were not really very nice around me. There was the whole situation with Isis that had gone on and I knew for a fact that it was Blackwater at the time, and a number of other private military groups were involved. And those private military groups I knew were driving it and it happened to be let’s just say somewhat related to where I was sitting at the moment. I knew it and in 2016 there was a call that took place between myself and these people and representatives of Blackwater. As a matter of fact, the guy’s name was Greg. I don’t remember his last name off the top of my head, but Greg is the one that handled all of the finances for Blackwater which has changed names and is now Academy Frontier. I think Greg passed away, which is why I can say who he was.
And it was on the last night of the final debate between Trump and Hillary and they waited until the debate was over before they called me and wanted to verify if what I was saying was true. Now Pelosi at the time had been touting all around Washington dialing for dollars so to speak, to fund this $14 trillion contract in which I was told from these people that they were to plant a ghost flag in the Middle East, which means that they now own it. Some of this information to a lesser degree is in the movie Vice which talks about Cheney. You can kind of see where the situation was a little bit touchy and I didn’t want to put him in any danger, so, I said well, let’s see what we can do.
So she (Pelosi) claimed that it was going to be tied to a bunch of oil derivative accounts at Citibank. Now we know the Clintons were involved because it’s Citibank, so I verified that for them, this was October of 2016. Then they went ahead and verified that the account didn’t exist and that money didn’t exist and who actually signed for what did exist there at the time.
Things have changed a lot since then and I proved to them that I could open up the system. He looked and they tried to leverage it and do all kinds of things behind my back. But at that time in October of 2016 what happened in the Middle East shortly thereafter, do you remember? It started in 2014, that’s when Isis came in and I could tell that this was planned because full army battalions that tens of billions of dollars was spent on for training got a call from the Prime Minister to vacate their positions and leave the weapons and it’s an order. Then an entire province is lost, 40,000 trained troops against 300,000. I guess they’re trying to reenact that 300 movie or something, but that’s basically what happened. And initially it was accompanied by a campaign, they’re coming, they’re flooding, they took over this. Nobody was there but that’s basically how they did it. It went on for a couple of years and it was about four years until they were gone.
When the PMF Was Organized
Agent M: Then I remember a situation and some people were playing both sides, that led to the formation of the PMF. The PMF did not exist before Isis. It gave them I guess the premise to be created.
Kim: I don’t mean to cut you off but not everybody may know what the PMF is.
Agent M: Okay, the PMF is when the Army basically collapsed. The morals of the rest of the Army and the forces also collapsed, but this was by design. Then basically a religious calling was issued by Sistani or supposedly Sistani, which is the Pope figure for the Shia Muslims. For everyone who doesn’t know, the Shia Muslims are about 20% of the entire almost two billion Muslims. So, although they are 20% they can be very organized, they have a hierarchy while the rest are decentralized. So, this calling to issue and create Public Mobilization Forces (PMF), which is basically something similar to local militias in America, in case the forces collapse. Then they would act as the resistance and that’s what happened. They were funded by the Iraqi government fully, and in fact they were given superiority in rank to other Iraqis. Since then, they’ve been in control of all of Iraq and big parts of Syria. They are definitely part of the Iranian proxy, Hezbollah and other factions. So that’s basically what it was, the PMF was organized do a lot of the depopulation agenda in the area. This resulted in about 10 million Syrians fleeing the nation to neighboring countries or to Europe. A similar number of Iraqis as well fled and this caused an influx of refugees to places like Europe especially, and it’s all by design. It’s to try to create at a future point something like a clash of the civilizations, that type of thing.
Kim and Agent M Are Both Melchizedeks
Kim: You could say that Agent M and I are kind of related so that should tell you something. Obviously, I’m not of Middle Eastern descent and he’s not of Russian or American descent, but you could say that, and I’ll let you fill in the rest of the gaps. People like us often get targeted by very high-profile people that you never thought you’d ever speak to. Why are these people calling me, like when I went to London and was being invited to the country club by Rothschild. I’m googling online who are the Rothschilds, I don’t even know who these people are at this time. So, let’s talk about Mayer Rothschild a little bit, your special handling friend.
Iraqi Dinar Revaluation
Agent M: Okay. Well since the Isis thing in 2014, like I said I kind of locked myself in my room based on my vision. Then I started to make a lot of contacts worldwide and the core engine to that was basically the Iraqi Dinar’s revaluation because someone sent me this offer. You are in Iraq now, we need Iraqi (IQDs) because they’re paying this much money. I was like these are ridiculous astronomical numbers for dinars, that doesn’t make any sense. So, I guess you can say I entered or fell into the rabbit hole and I started finding the people who had these assets boxes of new Iraqi dinars issued by the Central Bank of Iraq. They were very special sealed lots of billions and not trillions. I didn’t understand what it was, why but I decided to follow the money.
So, I became basically like a power of attorney without the power of attorney, a representative of the asset holder and I tried to find the buyer and I gave myself three years. I thought if I can do this in three years, I’ll be a billionaire and it matches the numbers I saw in my vision and that’s what it was. So, I did and I made probably three to four thousand contacts, all of them intermediaries, very high level. And by the time I was done in 2017 I thought this is not it. This is also when the Dragon families appeared and suddenly, they’re going to help the world. Now the word Dragon itself is kind of scary so I don’t think it’s gonna help anyone. And I was very well versed I guess since 2007, 2008, 2009 because I went and found out about the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, all the plans they had. I knew about Project Blue Beam, all the things that were leaked either purposely or either way. So, I knew a lot about all of that and through these three to four years when I spoke to someone, I always try to know who their contacts are. I let them brag so I would know that this person knows this guy, etc. And I was trying to not be in the circle, meaning not to be discovered. I didn’t know why but I just didn’t want to be around Masons and things like that.
So, it stayed like that until I guess October 2019 and at that time protests started happening in Iraq and I thought one day it’s going to be off. Three days went by and people were still living in the streets and people are getting murdered. I was like this is planned; this is another Syria situation. I’m not going to let that happen. But what am I going to do? So, I decided to dig into my contacts and find who knew who. I remember I had a mental map so I called a few friends.
Kim: One of them is also a mutual friend of ours or contact I I’ll leave the name to you if you want to mention it. A British ghosty friend let’s call him, that what I call my ghost friends, they are the ones that are everywhere and nowhere, names don’t really matter because they all have different names. They are not MI6, they are not MI5, they are not those people, these are operatives so I call him a ghost.
Agent M: That is one of them, but actually the other one is the one that came through because remember some of these people listen to you and if they don’t like what you’re doing they’re not going to help you and assist you in any way. They’ll play dumb as well. But I’m referring to the man they call the blonde girlfriend.
Kim: We could we call him that, he used to work this particular guy. I used to work directly for a man who’s dead now, but his name was LWR is what he used to refer to him as, and Papa but they were not related. Grandpapa which if you’ve been in the RV world you know what that means. But he was actually a double, his original name was Robert Ferrera and he was originally from Arkansas or Alabama I don’t remember off the top of my head. He changed his name many times as he was promoted to General. And by General he eventually worked his way up in the ranks to be one of the Generals in the planes that don’t land and the ships that don’t dock. We’ve talked about before. That was who he was and this guy worked directly for him. So, I actually spoke to this Papa guy, the General a few times. We had conversations about if you’re not white you’re not right. If you don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes you don’t qualify. We also talked about his foundation which was Lion Heart, we talked about his involvement with the issuing of Sovereign Guarantees against all nations inground assets during the Obama Administration. We talked about those types of things so I’ll let you continue. So, the blonde girlfriend is who we call this person.
Agent M: Yeah, he’s like a character out of the White Chicks movie. I gave him a call and he was like yes brother I’m willing to help. I was telling him many people are dying in this and he said I’m going to introduce you to someone. So he did introduce me to two contacts, one of them let’s just say is someone in the military UN and with the other one I suddenly find myself in a group with someone named Meyer Heram Rothschild. Oh no I’m thinking, I’ve been trying to avoid these people for a very long time but now I’m already here. So, the first instinct I got was he called me. I was asleep I had my phone on mute apparently and he was sitting right nearby, next to the President of Iraq at that time. It was around midnight that he called which I found out when I woke up the next morning and saw he was calling.
Agent M’s Conversation with Rothschild & Lucifer
So I called back and the very first thing Rothschild said was, where do you descend from in your family tree? So, I guess you can say I camouflaged it a bit and he played along. My first instinct and this is going to sound crazy for people, but my first instinct was, this is Lucifer and I approached with caution. But now he knows who I am and he knows that I’m trying to avoid war. So I already know he’s involved but I played the cards and one of the cards I played was I pretended to be a secular atheist, agnostic that type of thing. I wanted to be kind of like an easy prey if he wanted to try something. I wanted to know because I was trying to get information. And I did. He spoke to me for about eight hours straight.
Kim: God bless you. I spoke to him for how long that time that we were together on the phone. It was about two hours, but that’s the second time I came and reconnected with you also.
Agent M: So yeah, for eight hours he spoke about what he and I wanted to do and I pretended to be or to do or want to do the things I think he would want to happen, except with less bloodshed. He talked to me for about 8 hours, I guess he enjoyed the conversation. He didn’t have many how can I say this without praising myself, interesting conversationalists in a while, especially from the region and he made sure that he said that. But after that he told me, there’s nothing you can do, we’re going to burn Iraq to the ground it’s going to take us 6 to 10 years and then after that maybe we’ll give you a call and we’ll see if we can work something out and he hung up.
I was sitting in the same chair I’m sitting in right now and I lit a cigarette and I was thinking, what am I going to do. And by the end of that cigarette, I already decided that I’m going to take them on. So, I made some calls, grouped some people, infiltrated the protests, took over leadership positions, and started to give them information and persuade them to do exactly the opposite of what he wanted to do. Plus, I started to do an international body a political body kind of thing, where I gathered Iraqis that have been 30-40 years abroad. They established connections, and I created an entity, a logo, a website and everything. Then I started handing those letters to these people where they would hand deliver them to key people in the world and Trump is one of them, especially him. So, I had my letter delivered to him by hand from three different people, from his closest friends.
Kim: And how’d that work out?
Agent M: Within two weeks Meyer Rothschild called me back and he said let’s work something out. He was impressed. I was a guy nobody knows and suddenly is on everybody’s desk, how did he do that. At that point he asked for my passport, before he didn’t know. So, I gave him my passport. I guess he wanted to run me through the system. I knew this, but there were things that I felt were hidden, things he knew about me I didn’t know about myself. I didn’t know what that was, but I tried my best to know and that’s how my relationship with him probably lasted about 100 days, until he gave up. He knew he couldn’t get to me.
Kim: And let’s tell him about the conversation you and I had with him. That was a funny conversation.
Agent M: I think that was mid-November if I remember correctly the 16th of November 2019. He was talking to me daily between five and eight hours every day. I knew all the operations he was running. From what I understood he was a Mason, he was a Grandmaster. From the level of things he was doing. I understood that he could be second or third in command on the Illuminati side or the Rothschild, or the Dragons because him alone was in charge of running the protests and bringing countries down in about 12 different countries. And all operatives, even though I didn’t come across any person from his caliber before, innately I knew what to do. It’s like being trained by Source I guess, if you want to say that. Sometimes he would pretend that he would give me information that he would know I would not believe and see if I would pass the thing. When he would bullshit me, I would basically say oh yes. And when he wanted to test if I’m playing him, then I would say don’t dare you play me. So, I was very in tuned with myself when I did this. So, it came to that time where him and I and then I brought our friend in London, the ghost you call him. That guy in London, he knew what was like the poster child of Rothschild, like Evelyn.
Kim: The favorite son.
Agent M: Yeah, and those guys. So, it was interesting to him and I guess our ghost friend wanted to check this guy’s credibility. Is he really a Rothschild or he decided to put you on the call. That’s what happened, you joined the call. I remember your voice it had been about three years or maybe more since our first call and I was like hey Kim, remember me? I’m the guy from Iraq. And you’re were like yeah, I do remember that conversation. That’s how it began. During that time, based on my knowledge I thought that they were still in control, I thought I was alone and then Kim was kind of like handing it to him on the phone, and I was wondering who’s this woman. So, I learned a lot of things and during the call Kim talked about how we need to restore things, we need to have balance, we need to do things according to Natural Law, we have to avoid things like the war that happened 150,000 years ago in North Africa and Morocco. I was like, oh my God she knows about things 150,000 years ago, I need to talk to this woman after the call. So, during that time he was texting me, don’t listen to her, this is a crazy blonde blah blah blah, all these things.
Kim: I’ll admit that I’m a crazy blonde, full on crazy yeah
Agent M: But I played the card and I already know a lot about this stuff. I know what you guys are talking about, I was not really but my intuition was like, okay what’s she’s saying is true. After that Kim was talking about how she took out the Destroyer and all of that, and she told him you can call him Satan or Lucifer or whatever but the Destroyer is gone. And that was during the call. So, he pretended to have another appointment or something and then he ended the call.
Kim: Do you know what that other appointment was?
Agent M: Yeah I think he was having a baby.
Kim: Yeah, and he said he would call me after he had the baby. I think you and I had been talking a little bit off and on after that, we never really lost touch after that point. And after years had gone by, I had gotten rid of my local Handler at that point and now I can talk to people, so every once in awhile I’d pipe in, hey did you ever have that baby and is she still pushing? How many kids did you have. We just laughed and joked about it. He’s apparently still having babies to this day.
Agent M Participated in the Money Transfer from CARE to Iraq (Prophecy Related)
Kim: Alright in the form of that’s going on in the Middle East, I want to talk about one other thing to touch base on the adventures of M and Kim. So, few months back I transferred some money to the Central Bank of Iraq, but before I did that, I called Agent M up and I said are you ready to do this because your name is going to be on this? Now that you have a little background about Agent M here, you can get a little feel for him and he’s like yes! No hesitation whatsoever, put me in coach I’m ready. So shortly after I gave him all the account numbers, confirmations and all of this and I believe you called a family member. If you want to say who you can or not it’s up to you, and you explained what you were doing and the whole thing. So, a little bit of time went by, a couple hours or so or was it a day before that person called you back?
Agent M: That’s okay I can say it. I know my phone is tapped anyway so all the agency people know who I am, the account has my credentials as well. I called my father and I was like hello, just a heads up in case anybody calls you from your old colleagues, but this is what I’ve been doing, without because secrecy that’s how I work, I work alone the term is Lone Wolf and I’m a Lone Lion, hence the logo I have, the symbol or the emblem. So, I gave him a call and he was like there’s no way you can have that much money, who possesses that much money. So, I tried to tell him but my father was skeptical, he’s old school, he’s like if I can’t taste it I’m not gonna approve. But I told him because Kim was tapping into what’s happening in the intelligence agency and all the gathering was feeding me information live, so I told him some of your colleagues are actually there, they praised you and all of this, so just in case I’m giving you a heads up.
Kim: He had this group of about five people that stayed in the country and as I understood it that is who he called because he didn’t believe you at first. And how long did it take before he called you back and told you to run?
Agent M: Well basically when Kim called me, I think it was the day before the transfer she asked, are you ready to do this? And I was like yes of course let’s do it. What’s going to happen, what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen. I’ve already been through all of this so I have no fear, so let’s do it. She said give it three days and think about it. I was like no, the next day I think I texted her and said I’m ready. So she did it and so from then when I called my father and told him and I guess heard it. And during that time Kim was monitoring the conversation.
Kim: I’ll never forget it. He talks about his father’s codes. So, there’s a message that corresponds between him because now I’m watching to make sure everybody’s okay and seeing what’s going on. So he calls his friends there and his friends basically told him the price of an ear of corn just went up by a trillion dollars or something and I was like, what? So, I texted him I’m like, well your father’s codes. What the heck does a price of an ear of corn just went up by a trillion dollars mean?
Agent M: And even prior to that Kim was on the phone texting me while I was on the phone talking to him and immediately after I told him you can call your buddies. He thought about two names so she said to me oh he’s thinking about two people to call and I told him. He was kind of stunned because he hadn’t done that yet he was only thinking about it. And when he did, he came and he asked how did you know that I called two people. I said no, no, you thought about two people but you called three, and that’s when he was like, oh my God I’m dealing with something else.
So, from then I guess you want to continue what happened at the Intelligence agency?
Kim: Did he call you back the same day I can’t remember? After he called his friends he called you back.
Agent M: Yeah after about 2 hours he called me back and he said run! Get out of the country! I know my people or that realm and you’re a sitting duck basically. I said nope I’m not leaving. He tried for days to do that and his intuitions were correct because remember what happened a few days after that.
Kim: I think the black truck tried to pick you up off the side of the road.
Agent M: That’s when basically those assassins tried to come and take me. My phone was tapped. I went out of my house to get something and they tried to grab me. But I guess I had heightened senses by that time and I picked up on that frequency and I was like nope not happening today. I walked back right home and then told Kim and Kim took over and was very good at cleaning up.
Kim: I cannot confirm or deny any of that, it must have been a hurricane yeah an act of God something like that. I was feeding him live Intel because you’re in a place where tensions are high, that’s a lot of money despite all the oil money and the black-market oil money that flows through there and all kinds of stuff.
And I’m not a scholar by any means in Islamic prophecy, I mean I’m just not. And I just pick the number and do the number that I’m told to do, and I was told a specific amount in US dollars, and a specific amount in Dinar to send. Well turns out we had uncovered a man that was living there because the number I sent unbeknownst to me, was significant. When he sees the number, he just about falls off his chair and he wasn’t the only one that fell off his chair. Apparently, the amount that we transferred was the right number.
Now even though in the world they tried to get most of the Muslim population to follow Khomeini who is no longer with us, we have a masked man there, everybody plays a part in the movie, and he actually is like the false prophet. He is the Green Dragon; he is a member of the Order of the Dragon for sure 100% so was Khomeini before him. I guess you would call him the false religious leader of the Muslim World essentially.
The Najaf Scholars (Prophecy Related)
Kim: On the flip side of it you have the old Scholars that have the real knowledge and they’re in Najaf, we’ve talked about these folks before. So, the Intelligence agency, although there are some people who probably follow Khomeini they know if they want to get real information you call the scholars. So, the scholars went rushing into the intelligence agency with their book in hand because now Agent M’s name is out there. With the book in hand which is over 250,000 years old and both sides (Melchizedeks and Merovingians) have that book which is why I believe that Meyer Rothschild asked for Agent M’s passport, they wanted to see his picture, they wanted to see if he matched the person in the book. Because who the heck could raise an army like that in such a short period of time? And no one goes against the Rothschild family. So, they compared my passport picture because my picture is on there too and Agent M’s with the book and they have recognized that. Number 1, the amount was prophesized in this book 250,000 years ago. How did I know that number? I did not know that. They explained to them that we were both in the book, they explained that there are events that are to come and some of it had to do with a positive change in the Euphrates River, the Flower of Life returning to the region, all of these things that have happened continuously. They told them it all was going to happen and they sent people over there to verify. At that time we talked about that in the news a while back, all these events that were taking place one after the other after the other and it was us, myself and Agent M. And it wasn’t because he told me about the right numbers or anybody, I just basically call the direct line to Source and the direct line tells me what to do.
The Ancient Book & Transfer of the Money (Prophecy Related)
Kim: I was not in a position at the time to open said ancient book and really take a good look at it. I saw a little bit of it and there are several copies on this planet of that book. They have one and most of the other copies are in the wrong hands. I believe there’s one in Russia that recently fell into the wrong hands because I traveled around a little bit while I was there, I wasn’t just a Moscow thing. So, I went and saw places and people that no one would know were actually there. They look like paupers in the middle of nowhere, but those are the people sometimes you want to talk to. I’ll leave it at that because I don’t want to put anybody in danger.
But they brought the book down there and explained to them about all the prophecies. Well it was working and everybody was happy, everybody kind of got together until the Rothschilds et al came in and basically told them that CARE was them. But then you had Monarch military try to do a hacker technique called screen scraping. They tried to steal the money. They told the Russians who had just paid for the BRICS conference the billions of dollars that they could come and collect their money on a certain day ending in y because they had promised everybody, they were going to get paid. That’s the day I think I talked about it on the news about everybody going on an elite scavenger hunt using private jets a few months ago and that’s where it was from. They were all in Iraq and then they were sent to the UAE and then the Russians dropped off and said look, you owe me money not the other way around. You pay me and so some did continue on I think to Africa or Egypt and then everybody kind of figured out it they were just wasting their time.
So that kind of ended and we left it there for a while in hopes that things would turn around. He had some visions about what was supposed to happen and of course then the British came and the Americans came and then everybody came and the False Prophet people said don’t take it! Don’t touch it! We’re waiting for some other event in alignment with Uranus or something and it didn’t work out. We ended up pulling it back because I just got tired of sitting there while they were screen scraping. We will try again at some point in the near future with my friend Agent M and we’re in very close contact as it relates to all the events in Yemen. How that’s translating to the PKK, PMF, the Syrian Army, the Americans everything that they’re doing over there? We know every single plane that flies around, we knew about the Hamas and the Israeli situation. Go ahead.
Translating to the PKK, PMF, the Syrian Army, the Americans etc.
Agent M: Well two things about me that I think you guys should know or the viewers should know is that even though I’m not religious per se I’m very well versed on an academic level on all religions and especially all prophecies included in Judaism, Christianity and Islam both sectors Sunni and Shia. I was 15 when I started reading those and I guess now I know why. So yes, besides that I monitor very closely every single civilian and military plane across the Middle East and sometimes other parts of the world, in addition to a lot of the ships that go through. So, a lot of things I would tell Kim. Hey this is happening, this might be happening and then I started to basically understand which plane is operatives, which one is a special plane, which one is the plane that they send when they’re trying to open a gate, and things like that. Every time there’s an alignment they get a set of orders in the region, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, all of them. Suddenly they’re all very busy and the sky is clouded with planes moving arms and things like that and we prevented a lot of things. Sometimes I would get tips from casual talks with people that they witnessed things. Remember the boxes that were dropped for Isis by American Military American Air Force, that was probably two years ago. So that’s the situation, you have the PKK, basically you can call them the Kurdish extremists group. They are the militant militia very well trained that go across Iraq, Northern Iraq, Northern Syria, Southern Turkey and North Western Iran and they operate between all these regions. They get the Kurds to clash with the Turks, the Turks retaliate with air strikes and then you get the Arab tribes in East Syria to clash with those. You get the PMF divided sometimes between themselves and try to kill each other like what happened about two days ago as well. So, you get those clashes all the time and it’s always during certain alignments, full moon, 3 days before and 3 days after equinoxes, blah blah blah, like Kim says a day ending in ‘y’.
And recently, I think it was 24 hours before I said hey Kim, I think I got information that there’s a meeting in London and another one in Israel. They’re both discussing about air strikes on Yemen and about 24 hours later it happened. Now this is all orchestrated, nobody actually hates anyone else from that standpoint, everybody’s playing their part, it’s all a show. And now the PMF, they call themselves the Islamic resistance is not doing this publicly, so they’re also targeting American bases in Iraq and Syria and they’re targeting every now and then Israel directly, usually with cheap drones. It’s not going to hurt or do any damage it’s just for the show.
Kim: And it was a little bit more than the show here because I’m going to go into something. The orders actually came from American soil underground actually from Mr. Saif, from underneath North Dakota and the Canadian border. Right after the strikes or shortly after that, early Saturday morning I guess you would say EST, the military per the orders of the same person that ordered the strikes actually went to the US military and told them to be at DEFCON 1 which means a nuclear strike is imminent. So, can you tell me if the Houthis have nuclear weapons?
Agent M: From my understanding no. All their equipment and weaponry and expertise come from Iran. And due to my prior calls with Mr. Rothschild told he me the Iranians have basically took a line of credit on their nukes because they had nukes they bought from Israel in 1984 which shows that they’re not really enemies, that’s number one.
Agent M Finds Saif, 3rd Secret Son of Saddam Hussein
Agent M: Number two is through Rothschild as well because I confronted him, I said I don’t believe Saddam Hussein actually was executed, so can you tell me where he is now. He tried to dodge the question about three or four times and at the end he said I have a lot of NDAs and things that I have signed but I can tell you there is a certain Iraqi family that live in Buenos Aires. He understood that I knew a lot of information, and I said listen, don’t play the games, I already know he’s not executed. I just want to know if he’s still alive now. So, he confirmed that and they speak regularly. That’s when he confided to me that he has a third son and that son was named Saif and he lived in Canada. But I guess he was sorry that he spilled the beans and he told me, but don’t worry about him because he’s more of a softy, he’s not interested in clandestine work or political careers, he would rather enjoy hockey and video games. I didn’t buy it.
Kim: I guess by video games he means the one he was playing against all the people in the Middle East and us here in the US over the weekend.
Agent M: I guess you can say since 2019 I’ve been trying to hunt this guy alone, that’s even before me and Kim joined forces and I always follow the leads wherever. I know where he is, I know his name, I just don’t have a face, I don’t have an alias, what alias does he does he operate on. And about three weeks ago I got the alias and I was ecstatic. I said Kim do you want to check him out because I have information that he works with that SSB on an offshoot project that we later understood was called The Shadow Group versus Umbrella.
Kim: He may have been working under Umbrella at the time too because Umbrella would have been the head, the top operatives of the SSP and then you would have had all the others underneath for various areas. When Umbrella was mostly no more, this guy jumped up and said now he’s in charge.
Agent M: I knew this was going to happen eventually because that’s how it works with these bloodlines. They tried to cover for him you know playing video games and hockey. I didn’t buy it at that time and I kept at it.
Kim: He’s got quite a sorted history. It starts from a very young age. Saddam Hussein was good friends with Bush Senior, they planned the entire first Iraqi War together, and he was actually the one that got him the meal ticket with his buddy because Bush Senior was probably good friends with Hitler and we have provided you with documents to show you. Also Prescott Bush was actually involved in the starting of World War II, and the splitting of the money. We actually put those on our telegram channel for you to see the sorted history of the Order of the Black Sun and how everybody pretty much works together. There would be no chance of a son of Saddam Hussein playing hockey and eating bon bons while playing video games. He went to camp in Toronto, he was sent to Canada for that reason. He had definitely been highly trained to do what he did. He worked with the SSP his whole life probably, starting around the age of 11 years old, which is probably why you had such a hard time finding him M.
Agent M: Actually, I understood that he was there the first day he was born because Saddam’s wife was told by Saddam that her son died while she was in the hospital. He was taken that same hour on a plane to Canada and she didn’t know about him, his other siblings didn’t know about him either.
Kim: I didn’t know about that either. You’re very good at what you do and you alone have done a lot for the people of the Middle East and us together. It has been working out very well in deciphering what’s really going on over there.
By midday Saturday they were no longer at DEFCON 1. The purpose behind the strikes going to DEFCON 1 was so that they could potentially declare Global Martial Law and I want to reiterate something that I’ve said before but I’m going to say it again, to the US military, SSP or any other human walking this planet does not have the ability to file Global Martial Law. Global Martial Law came about and existed until just a few years ago, but it started 16,500 years ago. So, issuing Martial Law from a country would have had to have come, prior to my tenure and as Guardian, but would have had to come from Marduk. You couldn’t have gotten it from anywhere else. These people thought that by declaring Global Martial Law, him (Saif) had the impression that he was the highest-ranking officer on the planet, which was not the case. As a matter of fact, even Agent M has a higher clearance than he does, but he thought that that would give him the right to control the entire world and the entire political structure of the world. So, they fired some missiles and declared DEFCON 1 claiming that there was a potential nuclear threat. Nothing actually happened, the financial system didn’t change and go over to any reserve server and we’ve all done this before. How he didn’t know we have done all this before is probably because Umbrella Military Corporation never told them. Why they don’t write anything down, nobody at the Pentagon either, I don’t know. Everybody’s too afraid to tell them we did this six months ago and it didn’t work out.
Agent M: One of the reasons is because they are all very compartmentalized. That’s one thing but the other thing is that the Deep States on both sides whether it’s Black Sun or the Dragons, they have hive brains. They go back to the book whatever is in the book, that’s what they do, they go back in the loop and they stay in the loop. They keep doing the same things over and over and over again. Then the next level of people think we’re in charge and then we do it again.
They Were Planning a Fake Assassination of the Fake Sistani
Kim: Hopefully there’ll be nobody new. This gentleman and the other two this morning are no longer with us so we’ll see what happens today, it’s still early in the day here so you never know. Next, we did get wind also on Friday afternoon I believe that they were planning a fake assassination attempt of Sistani. The importance of Sistani as Agent M just told you in the region and the upheaval in the war that would have ensued depending on who was blamed for the “assassination” but here’s the rub. Agent M, how long ago did Sistani die of natural causes?
Agent M: About 18 to 20 years ago.
Kim: They have been parading somebody around in a mask for 18 to 20 years. You think the thing we’ve got walking around in the White House is bad, yeah so quite a long time ago they’re still parading him around. An attempt to show the false religious leaders are the ones with the knowledge when really the ones with the knowledge are the ones in Najaf and they discredit them every single chance they get. Then they kind of go back and do what they normally do. But they are the keepers of the knowledge of pretty much the world, not only the Middle East.
Agent M: If you look at the Shia clergy, all of them you’ll notice that some of them are wearing a white turban and some of them are wearing black turbans. You can now understand Black Sun-black turban that’s what the turban represents. So, it’s always the higher ups because they choose to wear those things after they conduct rituals and I believe at one point we did send one of Khomeini’s tapes to all the agencies in the Middle East because we didn’t want him to be able to pull anything, even though he was dead.
Kim: Operation movie night.
Agent M: Yeah that’s what I called it, operation long list. We only got one out and that was heated enough. Then we were like, let’s wait, let’s continue because we don’t want too many enemies at once. Let’s do it one by one. So the clergy, the white turban ones most likely is part of the scholars Kim refers to. They refuse to go and do the rituals which usually involves bestiality, child sacrifices, and rape and other things. He’s already dead but before he died he was a Jesuit and that’s why the Pope visited him, or the fake him. I think it was in 2020 because they were trying to create this new religion or what they call the Abrahamic Accords. That’s why the Rothschilds fought very hard to get a hold of Iraq during that time. I didn’t know that the contract broke between the families and the Black Sun at that time, in 2018-2019 so they started to fight over territory. But I knew from when I was talking to Mayor Rothschild he was running out of time and out of money. I just didn’t know why. I just knew.
Agent M Talks With Lucifer
Kim: There is a story you had told me once and I thought it would be interesting for them to know. Didn’t he once call you and he wasn’t himself and he actually told you he was Lucifer?
Agent M: Yeah, that happened after the call that you and I, him and our friend in London had. He called me after and he was telling me, no she didn’t get the Destroyer because who else was she talking to. So, I paused for a second and then he said, who else was she talking to on the phone right now. So, he was implying that it was him. So, I stayed silent, I wanted him to spit it out. So, he said I am Lucifer Morning Star and this is and his voice, although it was the same it became more eerie, so I understood it in my gut feeling that yes, he was telling the truth, Lucifer was channeling through him. And at that time, I had a mix of emotions like a roller coaster for 5-10 seconds because I was like, okay he’s on to me now. He’s talking to me in person, but that very last emotion I remember I had was a happy emotion. I was like okay, now I can infiltrate him, his group and I can pretend to be on his side. But then I was like no, I don’t want Source to think ill of me or misunderstand my intentions and then at that moment Source spoke to me in the loudest voice. He was like don’t worry, I know what’s in your heart, and I was like Source is that you? It’s was like I am with you; I hear and see. So, then he showed me a vision and the vision I understood it to be the mother of Moses leaving her baby in the Stream. In Islam in the Quran that’s what it is, God protected Moses by telling the mother to leave the baby in the crib in the stream and he will take care of him. So, he showed me this and I saw it vividly and I understood it, that I’m here, I’ll protect you. And so I had high morale at that time the highest I was king of the world at that moment. I was like yes, my side because I was ready to tell him, F you Lucifer blah blah blah. But once I got the confirmation I played my part and I was like oh really? Oh so what’s your problem with Source? And I became I guess you can say Lucifer’s therapist.
Kim: How many people can say that? Do you put that on your resume or your CV, you were Lucifer’s therapist for these months?
Agent M: Yeah, I definitely had a lot of experiences, that’s for sure.
Kim: And I do appreciate you coming on the news and sharing some of those experiences and hopefully you’ll be back and we’ll have some more positive things to share as developments and things change in in the Middle East. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up for all the people and you’ve got a friend here that’s for sure.
Agent M: Well Kim I want everybody to know this. I know this, but people who are watching or listening or have been following you for years don’t actually understand and comprehend the sacrifices someone like you would endure on a day to-day basis for years. We, you and I both started I guess a similar timeline. It’s been what 10 years or more and people need to understand that it takes a lot of tenacity and sacrifices and you’re giving up your social life, your real life for the people. So, coming from me, someone who is in a very similar situation but less than what you actually have done for Humanity. I’ll always take a bullet for you.
Kim: And me for you. Thank you.
Agent M: So yeah, I guess my message to the people is the same message you gave me. Don’t underestimate yourself, you alone can change the course of history. All you have to do is stand up for what’s right.
Kim: And we have and I agree with you. Everyone watching this, you can make a change, just carefully think it out, think it through, there’s some planning that would have to take place if you are going to go up against these people. Obviously, we’re talking to someone with a lot of years of experience, who grew up in these types of situations and it was an easy fit, like a hand and glove to work together. We understand each other, we respect what each other says, and his experience is in my experiences. I’ve come to learn a lot from him and we know it’s not an easy process, that’s all I’m saying. But you can make a change even if it’s just in your community, your areas, different areas of the world. Hopefully you’re not going to go guns of blazing at the Deep State and whoever’s running the Pentagon behind the scenes and all those people, but you can make a difference yes.
Well it’s nice to know there is another good guy out there and Kim has some help. Thank you both for all that you do for Humanity!
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