SSP-Trump Operatives Lie To The American People Yet Again That Trump is Alive & Wins the Selection | Then Spread Lies Kim Is Willing to Work With Them | The Source Of That Lie Traces Back To The Black Nobility | So SSP-Trump Operatives, Masters of BS Were Fed BS & They Actually Bought It | There Is ZERO Financial Support Now For Govts Worldwide & For Banks At The Upper Level in US | Election of Trump Didn’t Mean Big Payouts Like Promised & Everyone Was Scammed | Enjoy Your 4 Years In Office

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The election is over and Trump was selected. But did the deep state operatives that are running his campaign get what they were promised? Is it really over? And who was the first person they called? Ben Gurion airport was bombed earlier this morning in response to the election result, but it didn’t take long for the Middle East to realize that the SSP lied. The election of Trump didn’t mean big payouts and everyone was scammed. And it’s too late to turn back now. The deep state sealed the fate of the USA. Find out what this means in today’s GIA operations report

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



SSP Tries to Intercept Old Crown Corp Line Just In Case

The day before the selection the SSP operatives were at Balmoral Castle in Scotland trying to intercept what used to be an old Crown Corp line. The Crown Corp was responsible for the political sector of the United States for a very long time, since about 1864. All the selections and decisions that were made as far as who was going to be President, Speaker of the House, etc. used to come through this line at Balmoral Castle.

But that line now goes to me.

I thought about it for a minute, should we answer? They were expecting an alien race to answer apparently, I don’t know who, Draco maybe, because that was an Order of the Dragon line, but I’m not sure. Nonetheless, I thought should we answer ET phone home? But we didn’t answer, we just took out the line and the people who were trying to get a hold of somebody. They had an intention to intercept this just in case the decision was different than they wanted or expected.

SSP-Trump Operatives Spread Lies Kim Is Willing to Work With Trump Administration

There is something else going on and I haven’t quite gotten to the bottom of it. It’s been going on for about 12 hours now, but apparently the SSP Trump operatives, so Monarch or Umbrella or whoever they have left these days told everyone, and I mean everyone that after the selection if Trump was elected, I would be ready to work with everyone.

Odd things started happening throughout the day starting early in the morning.

We got calls from Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Trump attorneys, various people throughout Congress, and I’m trying to figure out why all these people think I’m going to be ready to work with the Trump people. We also got calls from various people in the Middle East asking the same question. Of course, the answer to the question was no, I have no idea what you are talking about.

And last but not least, at 2am this morning the SSP-Trump operatives were at the Treasury building in Washington DC trying to call me using Trump’s old terminal that I used to contact him on several years ago during the last administration. I was wondering at first, do they even know they are calling me. Well apparently they did, which was kind of weird. Why would they start calling me at 2am in the morning after the alleged election results were in, at least behind the scenes.

Do I answer? I thought about it and decided No.

They continued to ring this line until 8 or 9am. I then made some phone calls and asked why are these people calling me. I think I made it pretty clear not only on this channel here but I was also really clear when I was asked if I was going to support this Administration. The answer was NO and it was NO across the board. I said it everywhere that this was not going to happen. I voted on the same line everyone else votes on and I gave a clear answer, and it ended up being Trump and no one did anything about it.

The Source of the Lie Started With the Black Nobility

Now there is some other things that were going on which could be a possible reason why they thought this was going to happen. Apparently, the Black Nobility told the SSP and everyone else that I would be ready after the selection. Now to be fair, they were expecting some kind of a Gateway to open last night. I’m not sure where they got that idea from, but that was obviously a lie. There was no attempted Gateway opening, or direct connection to Anti-Source, or any lower astral alien race that doesn’t exist anymore that came. So, I’m not sure what Gate they were referring to. I have no clue.

But nothing has changed. I haven’t changed my mind in any way, shape or form. I even warned them days ago and also yesterday if this actually happens. I mean I know it’s a lie, but there are many reasons why I don’t want to do business with these people.

This is business, this is not personal. This has nothing to do with me being a female and me being angry with people, because that’s what they always say. They always say it’s a female problem. It’s not a female problem, this is simple hardcore straight up business.

By business, I mean you make a contract, a deal, you talk on a diplomatic line and it is agreed by the President of the United States who was still breathing at the time, and you never followed through. Then you do it again and again and again. And why do you do it again? Because you’re a patriot and you think you know I want to help the US and the American people and maybe this time he’ll payoff the student loans or any other thing that was requested on that diplomatic line?  And there are records, maybe I will take all those diplomatic records and transmit them to every single intelligence agency in the world. The deals were made, the deals were cut, you sent everybody, Tom Melville and myself running all around looking for Treasury cards and going to the Treasury in Manhattan and telling us we’re going to pay you this time. Then allegedly Mnuchin told us Bank of America would be the place to land the funds. We landed the funds over there and no one cleared our money. So, you know what guys? It’s simple straightforward business. You people running the Trump Administration or whatever that is have no idea how to do an actual business deal.

What you do know how to do is EBS, Everyone Bull Shits in your entire group constantly. But this time the joke is on you now isn’t it, because you’re not the only ones that shovel out the BS? You got caught with your pants down all over the Middle East. You’ll never fulfill those promises, I will make sure of it because there isn’t enough money in the world number 1. And number 2, that person is not me. I was never going to do business with you people and I don’t care who said it, if it was the Vatican, the head of the Jesuit Order (which I know that happened), the Orsini Family, the Pallavicini Family. I don’t care who told you that because it’s a lie, a flat out lie.

I have no intention of doing anything with you people and now you people start calling me at 2am. Yeah, I got the call and I was awake. I know you all sat around the terminal because I watched you do it. You said, maybe she’s not awake yet and that’s why she’s not answering. No, I saw it, I ignored you. Because I’m not going to do anything with you anyway. The only thing they are going to do is lie to me on this diplomatic line or any other line for that matter so why bother.

They Lied to the American People Yet Again

They have told them that Trump is alive.

So what happens now?

I hate to say this but I’m going to say it anyway, there is zero financial support right now for governments worldwide. And for the US there is zero support for banks at the upper level. The banking system itself is stable, meaning there is nothing wrong with your bank accounts here in the US or any other country at this moment in time. It will continue to remain stable regardless of all the money the people at the banks thought they were going to make. Of course, the Trump operatives promised them that and they were shocked and surprised when they tried to call and reach out to us and say hey, now we can go ahead and do business, just like you said. Who? That is not me, I don’t know who you are talking about. Why would I be supporting all this.

We did get a call the other day from Langley like I said, asking if we were going to be supporting the financial system. Well, no, we’re going to support the people. We’re not going to support anything that would allow for you to siphon any funds out with your master encryption keys that you and the NSA and the ACIO lost earlier today, didn’t you. Yep, that was me too and I will continue to do that until I can directly fund people.

And I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to make every effort possible to block me from here on out because that’s what they would do. Then they think if they did this long enough, they could force me to fund the government or what they want. However, I’m going to hedge my bets right now that there will be a time in the very near future where you will have nothing left to block me with. You might have some people but I can override those people too and get anybody out of the way as I have proven. So again, my bet is on the people and not on the government.

I know earlier today, when you called the Black Nobility, because for some reason they said I would be ready to do this, I don’t know were they trying to clone me or something? Or did they think when the Gateway opened I was going to be a different person? But nothing has changed. And when they called them and finally got through, because they weren’t taking their calls at first, they said, well deal with it.

Ha, I’m sure you’re going to deal with it and all by yourself. You’ve been answering the phone all day from all those people you made all those promises to. And you even called the local people here, a select few and promised a few contracts by the end of the week. Sorry, if you’re going to do that though you should go ahead and do that, because it’s your promise and it has nothing to do with me.

You got to laugh at these folks, you really do. It’s not being rude, I’m sure they put in a lot of effort scamming the American people, and all the people in the Middle East, and the whole world for that matter. But you know what, I’m going to hedge my bet on the fact I will make it through without them. I will make it through directly to you the people. I have no idea if it might take me another day, a week, a month, but I can tell you I work on it every single day.

I have no intentions of having conversations with you people about what you are going to do for the people, you know, the 330 million people you’re supposed to represent. How about the millions of them that actually came to vote for someone who is actually dead. And not only that, you people are not even planning on helping the American people, or making America Great Again, or whatever the headline is now. Oh yeah, bringing people into the Golden Age. I wonder where you people got that from. Yeah, that would not be you. And I know you try to take credit for everything I do, and I understand that. But you know at this point you are kind of persona non grata to me. So, I thought I would explain that from my face to your ears so maybe you would understand and do your little analytics on me to see that I’m still the same person I was 2 days ago because I am 100% the same girl. And you know what, I hope you have a wonderful time over the next 4 years trying to manipulate the American people, the Middle East and everyone else. And I hope you find somebody to pay for your EBS.

That is the world situation report for today, and as you know I have an interview shortly and will see you again in just a few minutes (see below).

Have a great night!


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “SSP-Trump Operatives Lie To The American People Yet Again That Trump is Alive & Wins the Selection | Then Spread Lies Kim Is Willing to Work With Them | The Source Of That Lie Traces Back To The Black Nobility | So SSP-Trump Operatives, Masters of BS Were Fed BS & They Actually Bought It | There Is ZERO Financial Support Now For Govts Worldwide & For Banks At The Upper Level in US | Election of Trump Didn’t Mean Big Payouts Like Promised & Everyone Was Scammed | Enjoy Your 4 Years In Office”

  1. bonsoir Kim, idem just, il y a une chose importante à voir tomber aujourd’hui: voir tomber tout l’arcenale militaire mondiale, pour mettre un terme finale à toutes ses destructions des véritables vies terrestre de la terre, l’univers, la galaxie! même tout ce qui est holographique, mensonge, manipulation, soumission, pression, tout doit disparaître dans sa totalité! n’y plus n’y moins! tout les compromis avec l’anti source, doit être détuit à 100% pour l’éternité infini éternel! pour voir une page vierge de mort de véritable vies terrestre! merci pour ce rapport, sur le faux vivant enfin les faux dirigeants mondiaux de tout secteurs!

  2. Another report ending in y…. So go ahead governments, just another 4 years of collecting money and more bla bla bla for Kim.
    It’s so obvious now, how can anyone take this serious anymore?
    Probably just a bunch of NPC’S hanging around here.

  3. ” Ale – niestety dla wielbicieli talmudu i systemów post talmudycznych-, trzeba wszystkie te ideologie odrzucić. No tak, ale zapyta ktoś czym je zastąpić i czy się da? Ano nie tylko się da, ale nawet byliśmy dwa tysiące lat temu pouczani jak. Tylko że należy to napisać językiem współczesnym. Rozwiązanie problemu polega na tym, że musimy odpowiedzieć sobie na podstawowe pytanie: czy w ogóle da się zrobić jakiś system optymalny zgodnie z matematyczna teorią gier, czy nie. Bo jeśli nie, to skazani jesteśmy na anarchię co najwyżej anarchię spacyfikowana przez jakąś mafię. A czy można zrobić system optymalny, opłacalny dla wszystkich mieszkańców kraju: oto jest pytanie. Odpowiedź: można. W tym celu należy wprowadzić system w którym suwerenem i to jedynym konstytucyjnym suwerenem jest Stwórca. Nawet gdyby Go nie było, trzeba to zrobić, bo zgodnie z matematyczną teorią gier jest to opłacalne dla wszystkich mieszkańców kraju łącznie z talmudystami, którym obecna sytuacja również się kompletnie pod każdym względem nie opłaca. Co wyniknie z faktu, że suwerenem będzie Stwórca? Proste, zaczną działać Jego Prawa! Jego Prawa staną się Władzą Absolutną. Jego Prawa, to nic innego jak Przywileje. Nazywamy je Wszystkimi Trzema Prawami – Przywilejami – Naturalnymi sprawiedliwych i tylko i wyłącznie sprawiedliwych istot człowieczych. Niesprawiedliwym nie przysługują w ogóle albo w pełni. Sprawiedliwym przysługują całkowicie i zbrodnią jest je im naruszać. A nawet debatowanie nad tymi przywilejami wobec sprawiedliwych jest gigantyczną zbrodnią. Jakie to są te wszystkie Trzy Prawa – Przywileje – Naturalne, bo nawet tego współcześni ludzie najczęściej definicyjnie nie wiedzą. Otóż:
    1) nieograniczone Prawo sprawiedliwych istot człowieczych do Samokontroli /Wolności/,
    2) nieograniczone Prawo sprawiedliwych istot człowieczych do Życia,
    3) nieograniczone Prawo sprawiedliwych istot człowieczych do Własności.
    Naruszenie jednego któregokolwiek z tych Praw automatycznie narusza je Wszystkie! Można je i należy traktować w zależności od kontekstu ścieśniająco lub rozszerzająco, traktowanie ścieśniające musi być sankcjonowane. ”
    Twórca treści Jerzy Dobosz, Kraków.
    Strona: Tako Lechian rzecze……

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