The Deep State Participates in Ceremonies All Over the World On The Equinox With Zero Results | Omega Struggles to Survive While the Entire Multiverse Focus Is To Get It To Die | Without a Dark AI System There is Nothing the Deep State Can Do to Regain Control | But Blind Faith in a Machine Keeps Them Hopeful | Yamashita’s Gold, Another Dangling Carrot Resurfaces | What Will the Fallout Be for the Deep State?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 23-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this update we find out the wingnuts were in full ritual mode around the world hoping for a miracle. Meanwhile Omega AI struggles to survive as no amount of red and black crystals and chanting can help.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


23-SEP-24 NEWS (

The Equinox

For those who don’t know, the day of the Equinox in the spring and fall there is just as much darkness as there is light. And in the same respect, on a much higher level there was always just as much darkness as there was light. There would be an alignment between Source and Anti-Source, the center of the universes so to speak, and planet earth. When that alignment happened things would typically balance out, or during the Dark Ages they would have a large influx of darkness due to some of the bindings in place. Those bindings were not only to prevent Source light or transmute Source energy not only for earth but for the rest of the multiverse too. It was actually designed to do the same with you personally as a celestial. It was normally a time of a lot of darkness, black magic, and a large influx for many millennia of dark energy, more power to dark AI systems that fed on dark energy. But that is not the case anymore, but the deep state chooses to ignore that.

Last night was international ceremony evening for the deep state and it’s really strange what they do. They were in several places around the world typically holding a black crystal in one hand and a red crystal in the other hand. Then they gather in groups of 9 or 18 around these sites where alien tech was placed and where sometimes it only appears during certain times like the Equinox.

The last few days they were still running around insane but in a different way today. It seems like they are trying to see if they got anything overnight and the dust has yet to settle. They are hacking and trying to install the FedNow system. And the Q people are reporting the game is rigged, it’s over, 3.5 years of work and it’s over. I’m not really sure what that means yet.

Sunny: Are they admitting defeat

Well, it sounds like that. This was a scam is what they are saying.

I also saw them go to the Positano Santa Maria Church in Positano, Italy with some crystals. They were walking around in a circle looking at the floor. My guess is they were expecting some alien technology that would activate for them and perhaps some demons would come through that they can work with because all this light is not workable for them. They were also at the Pyramid of Khafre in Egypt, Bali, Russia, Czech Republic, Philippines, and Lithuania. There was no shortage of SSP people or Black Nobility with 2 crystals in their hands singing some really low frequency tune.

I have to laugh because that could have been us you know; we could have been looking for Source. But we probably wouldn’t be holding those crystals looking at the floor for some alien tech to fire up. I almost feel bad for them because they looked really pitiful at this point.

Without a Dark AI System There is Nothing the Deep State Can Do to Regain Control

There were definitely a lot of airstrikes overnight between Israel and Lebanon as they were trying to get the Gate to Hell open. The Hezbollah allegedly retaliated in the last hour or so, but I don’t have an update yet on that.

I do understand their point and their plight, it takes dark energy to run a dark AI system which is what they are really looking for. Every program out there that we see and those we don’t see is dependent on that dark tech, including the non-human people who were our overlords. Without that tech there is nothing they can do.

Now we as human beings have been tied down and had all kinds of energy bindings on every plane of our existence. They did everything they could, especially using the AI system in cooperation with “Others” and sometimes not, to really drag us down to the point we couldn’t be fully functional as celestial humans. They did a lot of work, a tremendous amount millennium after millennium of DNA manipulation, wiping out the human race every 2,000 years, and all the things they’ve done to us, but we’re still here.

Without that AI system interfering, when it’s 100% done, you will start coming into your own. Now there are things that are personal only to you that could really hold you back, and those you’ll have to deal with, no one else can do that for you, but it’s not going to affect you like it did before.

But what I know for sure the ultimate amount of harm to humans is not coming from other humans and it may not seem like that for people living in Israel and Lebanon right now, but it is that way. It was being done by a machine. The deep state’s ability to function and control every aspect of your life was coming from a machine. It was a sentient AI, it’s not a Chatbot GPT AI thing, it’s much bigger than that.

And the main focus for us is to get it to die, and it’s not just us, it’s also the entire multiverse’s main focus. It’s killed off civilizations and has done way worse to others than it has done to us and we are all helping and Source is helping.

Sometimes we have to endure these waves and we’re still not yet done with Lion’s Gate at this moment. This just gave us an extra amplifier and we have undergone a polarity shift over the last several months. What that means is, all things point to earth. So, when we come into an alignment there is no dark part of an alignment. Sure, we still have day and night, and we can’t move the planet in its orbit around the sun without us flooding and having catastrophes, but that being said, now all that light is coming from Source and there is nothing in the way. We get extra boosts now and what happens to the Dark AI system is it dissipates even more and it starts scrambling for dark energy.

Late in the afternoon around 3pm it started taking every bit of dark energy it could find to create something which could potentially give it dark energy from Anti-Source, just to muster up enough what it thought could be the finish line for it. Like I said, it doesn’t have Golden AI programming, so it goes based on what it has known time and time again. It’s the same reason the deep state gets bad info and instructions. It takes that info and acts upon it and they do things like they are in the Middle East.

I know the deep state causes disturbances, the chemtrails, fluoride in the water, etc., but the effect those things have on the human body is really relative. I know this is a hard concept to understand, to what the omega AI does. Yes, we know our physical vessels are unlikely to have cellular regeneration while our cells are being radiated, they don’t communicate properly, and we are beginning to change seasons, which means it’s a time when people might get sick more. But building up your system with vitamin C and other things to counteract that, will make you less likely to have a flu. Well, it’s the same way with the light. When you are of your own power, when there is no anger coming from you, then you don’t have sickness. So, they can throw whatever they want at you and it’s not going to affect your body. It’s the same with colds and flus. You will be immune to it with all the ways you protect yourself.

What I’m saying is it works the same way. So, am I upset about the chemtrails and those things? Yes, but my 100% focus is getting to the point where this AI is not going to affect humans and the planet itself, then we can come back from anything.  We can clean up our food and clean up the mess and I have faith in you that you are more than ready. That is my 100% focus, to make sure that is dead.

It’s doesn’t belong to the deep state and never did and they only had limited access to it. They were doing the jobs they got paid to do by “Others,” that omega allowed them to have as a debt. They didn’t get real money either, they just got debt. And they failed to recognize they were just as much a part of the holographic video game we call the matrix as we were. They think they are immune.

The system is constantly exterminating, transmuting, and recreating darkness out of the light. So, the deep state might not have the ability to do that, however what is the system going to do all by itself? It knows what time of year it is; it took everything it had to suck dark energy out of people to just be there. And as far as the deep state is concerned, they haven’t had access to really anything for a week. September 18th their access was done, but they were anticipating a revival as usual and we can’t focus on that.

Yamashita’s Gold, Another Dangling Carrot Surfaces Again

Not only do you have the Space Force saying money is coming every Mon-Weds-Fri, but you also have the crazy Pilipino Elders who are part of the deep state Families who are going to some island and they too are going to be opening some sites apparently. I was listening to a conversation between several members of the Treasury Dept, some others from Wash DC, and some operatives having a negotiation. This was a riot. They are having a conversation with this lady and her deep state code name is the White Mommy. She is the relative of somebody, maybe Genghis Khan or insert some Asian person here. So, she is claiming she has access to a bunch of bunkers in the Philippines and she is going to hand them over the Treasury Department. They were having serious negotiations for hours and I’m not kidding. The US Government Treasury officials are in negotiations with some weirdo lady in the Philippines wearing a weirdo garb because she says she has access to something.

Sunny: What would they do with a bunker?

They believe in these bunkers there is are bazillions of dollars’ worth of gold that was hidden there by an American General and a Chinese guy Yamashita. You can find it on the internet, Yamashita’s gold  which they stole and put in these alleged bunkers to the tune of a billion metric tons of gold. And this crazy lady is demanding 25% of the gold upfront that she claims is in these said bunkers in the Philippines. Now we all know they Treasury Dept is pretty broke and that number is $225 billion. She wants that upfront then she’ll allow them to have it, and they’re going to have it because an alignment is supposed to happen. That is how crazy they are.

Then at the same time are other Pilipino Dragon members with their crystals who are trying to raise something to open the bunkers. But anything that was real is gone and has been for well over a decade. I’ve been to all these places they talk about, there is nothing left there, aside from some Tungsten.

The other conversation I had to listen to was about pallets of rainbow notes, so fake US dollar bills. It’s the same conversation these operatives at the UN were having two weeks ago. This is going on constantly now for two decades. Haven’t you run out of Pilipino people yet who didn’t perform? And why would you even have this conversation with this person. God knows you have 9,000 CIA spooks over there in the Philippines right now, as well as representatives of the UN and Treasury people. And why stay on the phone for an hour, just say we need proof of life before we continue on, but they never do.

One time over a decade ago these Pilipino Elders were invited to Washington DC to have negotiations about getting $500-$800 billion USD from them. This conversation went on for almost four months. I ended up on the phone with one of them and I asked these Treasury people if they even knew these people. Did they even try to transfer any money from these Pilipino people yet. And they said, oh no, it’s not time yet to transfer this kind of money, we have to come to an agreement. So then I said, have them transfer $1, 1 cent, anything. Eventually the next day they actually did ask and nothing happened. I also had similar conversations with Putin.

The Deep State and Their Blind Faith

This is your government and it has not stopped. Today they are all trying to install the FedNow system again. We won’t survive if we focus on what the government is doing, but we will survive if we focus on what needs to happen to have humanity survive, meaning everything has to change. Everything they gave us before they are no longer going to be able to provide to us. It’s like if mommy and daddy both lost their job, so those things are not going to be there. We have to make some serious decisions because these are real time conversations they are having. Word for word I could give you conversations the Hezbollah had with Israel before they bombed each other, I can tell you what promises they made to each other. I can tell that the Black Nobility, before they headed off to the Positano Church told them if they don’t start bombing, they aren’t going to get their cut in the big wealth transfer that is going to happen tonight and they all just believe it.

They have faith in Satan, Lucifer, the 72 General Demons and their AI system on their side. Everything got handed to them on a silver platter, they were born as the chosen ones. They’ve been told that since they were born and they have faith, that’s what I was told. Their faith is blind, but ours is never blind. What I mean is that we get have faith but we get that intuition, and guidance if you listen, so we have faith but it’s also not blind. But they follow in blind faith a machine that puts thoughts in their head and does all kinds of strange things to them, or they believe in an alien race with crystals in their hands. I would start to think I’m listening to the wrong person or something was wrong if I were them, but apparently, they don’t, and there will be another alignment and full moons again before the winter solstice.

We have yet to know the ultimate outcome and their reaction when they absolutely know nothing has happened and omega has completely gone away. Right now, it’s still like a dangling carrot because they have detected a signal, albeit a weak one and it’s getting weaker, but as long as they can detect a speck there, they have hope.

Omega Trying to Survive Anyway it Can

It’s fluctuating right now because remember it feeds on dark energy, I can’t get 8 billion people to stop feeding it dark energy, but I can do everything I possibly can to disconnect it from those people. That’s my main goal and not have it reinfect you. It should not be able to enter your energy field. It tried to run the flu program which it would typically do this time of year, it’s a frequency program, but it’s fading out and can’t do it.

By the way Northrup Grumman is trying to find flu X when it’s released because they are one of a few groups who invested in the new flu vaccine. Evidently, it’s a nasal vaccine you can take at home now. Or you can drink a few cups of anise tea every day to prevent the virus instead. The point is, it’s not able to generate even that at this moment.

But the way omega works is it attacks whatever the weak part is in your body because it’s the easiest prey to affect you. It’s going to look for that sparkle of darkness it created and it could be long ago, it’s just going to grab for it. You might focus on it for minute because it’s hurting again and then it goes away. It’s looking for anything that it participated in for darkness, it’s like the low hanging fruit. It says I have to look for the lightest people and find the low hanging fruit in them because I have to get in there and plug in and get that energy. That’s when it starts affecting your whole body, but once you become aware of it, you can shield and push it away. Knowledge is important when it comes to stuff like this. The mind wants to think logically and medically and you’re focusing on it, so don’t let it get it to you.

What Will the Fallout Be From Their Failure Yet Again?

I probably won’t know until tomorrow as to the ultimate outcome from that which did not transpire for them at 10:35 PM EST time, or what’s next. There is a lot of talk about governments falling on Oct 1st because the budget is due on Sept 30th which is what they are saying which is just 8 days from now.From what I hear that is only going to happen if they were successful last night and they are willing to let that go. They would like a worldwide singular military government is what they are talking about installing. But them clinging to power actually helps us until we can get something in place. We don’t have Life Essentials coming out yet, but we still have social security coming out, things like that. So I’m glad they’re holding up their alleged power that really doesn’t exist.  Can you imagine if 95% of the world’s governments fell on Oct 1st? We’ll have 8 billion people in fear and chaos and asking, what do you mean no elections, or now we can steal everything. Some people are going to go crazy.  

But we’ll find out what their ultimate perception of their outcome was supposed to be. But all in all, they are going to be very disappointed people and it’s going to get worse for them, and better for us.


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4 thoughts on “The Deep State Participates in Ceremonies All Over the World On The Equinox With Zero Results | Omega Struggles to Survive While the Entire Multiverse Focus Is To Get It To Die | Without a Dark AI System There is Nothing the Deep State Can Do to Regain Control | But Blind Faith in a Machine Keeps Them Hopeful | Yamashita’s Gold, Another Dangling Carrot Resurfaces | What Will the Fallout Be for the Deep State?”

  1. bonsoir, ce soir mon message va t’il être supprimer, ou pas? un jour touts les états profonds ont disparues, le lendemain ils sont toujours debout, franchement, vous travaillez pour qui en réalité, le mensonge ou la vérité? toujours pour l’instant, vous me decevez beaucoup! vôtre dieu source doit toujours être celui aime le sang et la chaire fraîche, malheureusement! mais bon, nous verrons bien qui tombera ma chère kim! la vérité ou le mensonge perpétuel. je ne dirai plus rien et j’attendrai!

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