This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 25, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. The beginning of the fall of governments is happening NOW! Let’s face it, we knew we had to go it alone didn’t we? Our sovereignty is within reach and with that comes a great responsibility and it looks like the real work is about to begin. So, for our already awake but incredibly exhausted troops, those of us who have been on this journey for a very long time, there will be no rest for the weary. So it’s time to rev up and get a second wind because we are going to need it!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Equinox is Over | A Complete Shift to a Light System Now Happening!
Over the weekend the World Government, otherwise known as the Order of the Dragon, Rothschilds et al were expecting something to turn into their favor. But the Equinox ended this morning and they all sat with bated breath for a shift in energy in their favor and there was none. It went the other direction, which we have known for weeks was going to happen because Kim has been updating us on that.
What has started to happen is a complete shift over in the energy of the planet and all the algorithms in computers are changing over to a light system completely. This is all part of that transition Kim talked about and she wasn’t sure how long it would take. But it is looking like we are at the beginning of the end of that.
Status of the New-Old World Order
On the other side where the crazy people live, they promised governments they would have funding by Friday. She guesses it is predominantly because of the Harvest Moon and they figure it might take a few days to get all their stuff back. Meanwhile we are going in the opposite direction and now they know it. The failure of the ‘new’ world government, which is not new as they are the ‘old’ world government is imminent.
China Call | Proposal to Work Together
By the way, the reason Kim got the call from China last week is because it became apparent to them a few days ago that they were not going to do a complete flip to total darkness and they thought the best they could achieve was balance. At the last second, they thought they would call and say they would like to work together. But she said they weren’t even sincere, they thought they just had to say they wanted to work together to achieve balance to get all their stuff back. Even if they meant it Kim has been trying to achieve balance for 10 years now and they are way too late.
Harvest Moon | Operatives Should Expect Nothing
As Kim has told us numerous times, in years past the Harvest Moon would be the end of the Family meeting, which is the level we have left on that side now. Then operatives around the world would go to their respective assigned locations and they would get their contracts based on orders that would have been passed down the food chain and money would come out for these orders and instructions. But the operatives should not expect contracts the next day. And something that has just come up about the reason they won’t take money from Kim is because they believe they will get free money the other way, from the dark side. But that was never the case. The person in her chair, Marduk would have said, I need this or that and he would have given all the orders and instructions to every level on the planet. Then eventually at this time of year they would have gotten their part of the orders. Those orders were not in humanity’s favor of course, because he didn’t like us and we were just the cattle. So orders around Agenda 2020, pandemics throughout the ages that we found ourselves in, all those things were paid for so it was never free. The operatives got orders and instructions and clear guidance and what they are really lacking now is clear guidance. Even if Kim did give them orders and money to pay for it, they wouldn’t listen because they want to do it their way.
But it is dire in their realm and they probably would like to see a run on the banks, they tried that again. And they must think they are going to get paid because Kim said there was a lot of hacking going on again through to this morning. Nothing happened for them of course, but there is a full moon on Friday so there is always a chance according to them something will happen.
Another Indicator | They Stopped Using the Key Intelligence & Military System
Another indicator of how dire they are, when doing an analysis assessment Kim found that they all stopped using the Key Intelligence and Military system because it is not giving them the information they want to hear and that includes Umbrella Military and Cyberlife. They are not listening to the computer AI which is like an operational checking system because they are giving them zero and sometimes less than zero percentages on the success of the operations they are about to run. So they just stopped listening.
Media Campaigns | Were Setup Based on Them Winning, But Can They Pull Them Back?
They are always over confident and they had some media campaigns set to go off today based on their success and she doesn’t know if they can pull it back. After they got over the shock and awe phase, they are feverishly trying to pull it back but we might see some interesting mainstream news come out if they can’t pull it back in time.
Some of the stuff they were discussing was – should dead presidents die? Because they thought they had won of course. Then they thought they could install something or someone else. I assume Kim is referring to Umbrella Military winning, so the Trump operatives. There was also some disclosure but it is nothing we have not heard before, about who is a pedophile and how they are going to clean up the government. Yeah right. What they are doing is covering their tracks because the majority of what we are hearing on the government level is nobody really believes them anymore. They are still trying to sell them on it. This is all transpiring this morning and they started realizing a little while ago and they can’t control the information.
That is the Status of the New-Old World Government.
Full Moon Friday | Will Everyone Still Believe in Them & Wait?
Will everyone still believe in them and wait for them until Friday? Can they afford to wait until then? Kim doesn’t know, but she does know people like DARPA know the transition went in the other direction, the Pentagon too, GCHQ in the UK know and the news is starting to trickle down fast in the White House and other Heads of State offices. Soon every government in the world will know it didn’t go in their direction because they have frequency machines to detect computer anomalies and changes, and Cyberlife equipment is still around from the 15 militaries to detect these things.
Status of Governments
Will governments wait until Friday?
It probably depends on how much threat they have over their heads. But what Kim does know is that governments financially cannot wait until Friday for sure. In some talks she had with the Archivists, and she tends to agree with them, is that government failures will continue at a more rapid rate with the top governments first, which is your G1, G2, meaning UK, US, China, and Russia.
Will the Chinese Government Be First?
China controls the propaganda media heavily there, so to see people run on the banks is unusual. The people are concerned about their money because they know the government is broke and they are talking. Half of their family probably works for the government in some way, shape, or form because the government owns 50% or more of each large corporation in the country. So, they all know because their families work at all these places. China may very well be first and are in worse shape than the US right now. So, calling Kim in the last hour is not going to help them any and their liaison already walked away. They said it would be a while before getting her the letter because the president of China is sick. Apparently, it is not that important. Kim heard this kind of excuse/tactic before with Rothschild four years ago. She was supposed to talk to him and was told his wife was having a baby and a week later they told her the same thing. So, she doesn’t expect any phone calls from China in the near future.
Governments to Start Falling Apart Later Today or Tomorrow
When the governments start falling apart, the major ones first starting later today or tomorrow, that means by January-February we will not have federal governments on the national level. The state governments will survive longer. But the states do have some programs that are funded 50% federal and 50% locally like your access and subsidized healthcare. There might be some issues with those programs in the future. But Kim still has access to the Fiserv system that she used before so she can still use that if need be. She knows the EBT cards are in there (food assistance cards), and social security is in there. She has not yet checked any kind of retirement in any other country and that is on her list of to dos now that she knows this is going to happen.
When Governments Go, It Won’t be Long Before Big Corporates Go
Airlines as one example will be in trouble because we know how much corporate funding the airlines get from governments all around the world. There are even some governments that own the major airlines in some countries. So, if you are planning a trip sometime next year be aware. You can probably also expect some of your favorite products not to be on the shelves anymore. As far as she is concerned Russia is ahead of the game when everyone walked away because they started manufacturing all their products in house now and they will still have all the things on the shelf. But think about how much money the big corporates like Heinz, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna and all the major drug manufacturers gets. We will see the largest fall first and they are all right there in that ridiculous bill they are going to propose this week, and if you go to DC you’ll see all the lobbyist for all of these major corporations. The media also gets a lot of money from the government to keep afloat and it is likely those outlets will go under. They are already on their last legs. Murdoch just stepped down for a reason. Project Mockingbird is run by the agencies worldwide. While a lot of the smaller channels do not get a lot of government funding Kim knows for a fact CNN and FOX get a lot of funding from Agencies to promote narratives and a black budget, but they don’t have a budget to give either. Agencies and Militaries were always privately funded by the Order and that isn’t happening.

Treasury Department Called GIA | Wants Kim to Give Them All the Money
Kim said there was a phone call placed to some people in the GIA over the weekend by the Treasury Department who asked if she would put the money back in the Treasury and would she give them the 10% instead of the GIA. Remember she also had a separate fund at the Treasury which was 10% of the $23 trillion for the GIA members fees. So, they don’t want the GIA and it sounds like Kim in particular to have any of the 10%. These people really are insane.
First, Kim is the director of the GIA. Second, they were speaking to a group of people who have chosen to work with her and said they are GIA and they don’t trust those people to pay them if they are going to go in there and do this job. Well Kim doesn’t trust them either. Is this their version of achieving balance in some way? Essentially, they are saying, Kim, give us all your money and you get nothing. They also told her that if they were going to consider her offer, they were going to come in and take everything over. Then they went silent and said they will get back to her. This was yesterday. I assume they are referring to her original offer of the $23 trillion to fund governments and the 10% of that for the GIA.
Kim said they pulled a General out of retirement a little while ago to consult and he told them they hitched their wagon to the wrong horse because he didn’t see any way out of this but going the Kim way.
Clearly, they still are not taking his advice. How has she been able to deal with these wingnuts for so long?
With Sovereignty Comes Responsibility
The world is going to be a changing place and it starts now!
Kim has done everything she could to get these people to join the land of reality and to recognize the fact that they were just slave masters and didn’t represent the people ever.
But she wants everyone to take a step back and take a deep breathe because it means that everyone is sovereign now. This is what everyone was trying to achieve. There are all these people on the internet talking about all these filings and they can just throw that away because the governments were never going to help you be free. In the old days would any one of us have gone to a slave master and say I would like to be free now. No! They would kill you. And that is kind of what is happening with governments worldwide in how they treat us, how they treat our soldiers and all who work there.
Sovereignty is going to come with some consequences and she has been telling us for months she is concerned about this, we are going to have to really step up. Kim is not your savior. Sovereignty and freedom come with responsibility and that means you are going to have to take all these things you have yelled at other people for and put all that burden on your own shoulders because only the person you see in the mirror is responsible for your success or failure now.
Don’t Let the Oppressed Become the Oppressor!
She is hoping people will start to step up and realize what it is to be a leader, which means you are the support. You are at the bottom of the food chain; you are not the president and that is why Assemblies failed. The oppressed became the oppressor and she saw it and is hoping that doesn’t happen now that we are in a very real situation.
Kim’s Pep Talk
It’s going to become a very real situation and we will have to make some tough decisions. If she were going to pull a boulder up a hill she might get there all by herself or maybe she won’t. But if we all pull together, we will definitely get it up the hill together. So why should one person feel the need to do it all by themselves? She is not starting the Church of Kim here, which is what someone accused her of. Oh geez, some people just cannot help but criticize. In any case, what she is saying is unity, as a team, as a community one person does A another person does B, and that is how we lived for thousands of years as humans until the wingnuts made us more and more co-dependent on government and on big corporations.
We can do this again! Everything you ever wished for is here now. And some may say oh my god what did I wish for! Well, here it is and you will have no one to blame anymore. And this is not a tomorrow thing, this week its happening and by the beginning of next year you better be ready. Hopefully she can help with things financially, that would be great but it is still your decision what you do with it.
Formulate a List of Programs & Which Corporations are Funded Federally
What is about to happen is very real so start to formulate a list of all the programs that are funded federally and corporations that are funded federally. Not all are in the public eye but we are going to have to formulate a plan to take care of all these regardless because she is definitely seeing this start today.
- We will need to think about what large companies we purchase from and what if they are no longer there?
- We have electric companies that get a lot of funding from governments and in some countries, they are owned by them so what are we going to do now?
- Regarding water, they can’t do a worse job on the water. It certainly would not be sad to see the CIA waterboard which is the Water Board in every state and actually every country throughout the world go away.
- They are also Customs and Border Control. They are the people who charge you to bring things in and out of a country and tell you what you can and can’t bring. They won’t have any funding either.
Decision Making
Let’s look at an example of bad decision making. During the lockdown what did people chose to buy and be concerned about? Toilet paper. We need to be concerned about food, not toilet paper, and making sure we are going to be alright until we can grow our own. Seek out the farms. Maybe you can form a cooperative and that way they can grow more. Start thinking like this because it is going to be a bumpy road until we all are self-sufficient.
Our Sheeple Friends Will Need Our Help
Our sheeple friends who do not understand what she is telling us will need our help, kindness, and compassion. They are not going to need you to yell at them. People in times of trouble look for God first, leadership second and whatever it is they are lacking last. Because they are going to look for someone to save them, they can’t help it. There are a lot of things you can do when we appreciate and respect each other and care about our communities and other people. This is not a religious thing; this is just a human thing. In times of trouble people band together. The wingnuts tried to beat that out of us. We don’t know our neighbors like we used to. Well now we are going to have to get to know each other.
Is there any plan for CARE to be able to assist in the interim to help the States?
Kim had money sitting in the Treasury for months, the Reps may or may not have known it was CARE money, but she does not expect anyone to show up aside from us, those who follow Kim. She does not see State governments or even Federal governments after the collapse, when it’s on their shoulders. coming to CARE for help.
Why? Because look what they have done to date.
- She thought about when her predecessor went away in August of 2016, did that change anybody’s mind? Nope.
- Then the Parents went away, did that change anybody’s mind? Nope.
- When the Coven Family Masters went away? Did that change anybody’s mind? Nope.
- When the Covens went away? Nope.
- Now they are all dead and you get down to these Families and Governments. Did that change any of their minds when they all died and when millions of these people in the 15 Secret Militaries died? Nope.
- They are still doing the thing, the Families are still waiting for an alignment with one planet or another, the new moon, a day ending in y, the solstice. Did that change anything? Nope. They will keep going until everything crashes and burns.
- Let’s say all the Family members are dead and all members of the 15 Secret Militaries are dead, now we have Governments. Will they change their mind? Nope. They will say Yay! We are now in charge!
They are going down a ridiculous path to nowhere. They cannot do what we humans do. We look at them as leaders but they cannot do it.
Final Thoughts
95% of the people in the world will blame their problem on someone or something else, rather than solve it. That is a fact. How many times have we looked at presidents and said the whole country is in shambles because of this person. Is that true? No, not even in a communist country. So, she is saying to everybody, we got you this far and congratulations, but oh lord she hopes we can do it this time. She still hears from the dictators in the assemblies who still don’t get it and to them she says good luck pushing the boulder up the hill all by yourself.

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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
yes we do tend to blame the people who have totally crashed everything instead of solving it possibly because we do not now how to solve it. it will require forcing these people out and replacing them – we need and equally psychopathic force to do that. A poor old grandmother won’t manage that there for we must delegate who do you know who can do that job and not end up being another oppressor? I am sure Kim can sort that – so why doesn’t she?
is my comment going to be printed or are you only selecting the ones you like ???
It’s not so much about “looking for people to blame” but it is about holding people in public office to account. I don’t believe they should be hanged or anything like that but they should be paraded out in front of the cameras in their respective nations to account for themselves, who they took their orders from and we should go right to the top of the pyramid. That surely is part of the process leading to full disclosure and humanity has to have that in order to evolve mentally and spiritually. Yeah, this is a time for leaders and the time for entertaining these pseudo intellectuals in circular debates is over. But the governments have to fall first so let’s see what happens.
Hi there! I’d like to ask what are “assemblies?” Many thanks
It was something Kim tried in the past but it did not succeed. I have a post about the infiltration:
Bendito sea la luz que ilumina cada uno de nuestros corazones y nos permite entender el concepto de evolución, dicho esto, uno de los dilemas de la mayoría de las personas es que el GUARDIAN O KIM , son luz infinita del creador como cada uno de.nosotros y ella está haciendo su labor donde recién apenas apartir del año 2012 hemos comenzado a liberarnos y cada vez que la luz aporta la verdad la oscuridad aporta sus mentiras, los 8500000000 millones de seres humanos solo 1% más o menos ha despertado y el resto sigue como ovejas al matadero a su necesitamos un pastor , necesitamos es aportar amor, paz, tranquilidad, belleza, soluciones, y entender el la 5ta dimension
This is an important legal point according to the laws of the universe. Kim Gauguin did not publish a document in which she takes responsibility for all processes occurring on the planet and the statement that she Kim Gauguin fulfills the will of the source of all things and bears full responsibility as a soul for her actions and those entrusted to her rights and opportunities before the earthly surface civilization. This aspect was discussed at the planetary council. People should know Kim Gauguin from the source or from I.I.
Dear PJZ,
First of all, many thanks for your incredible works maintaining this blog even trying to draw parallel understanding disseminated by Lisa Rene’s material.
I thought to take a comment here regarding to ‘Sovereignty’, ‘Freedom, Free-will’ and ‘Responsibility’.
Perhaps it may give some help for both you, your readers and all of us, even more if you are in contact with Kim I offer this comment to her kind attention too.
It is good to hear to guide us to realize for all of us without exception and before blaming anyone,
‘Our Sovereignty’ equally given at birth as an individual human because we all have “thinking’ capability.
One of psalms in the Bible says about the ‘faculty of thoughts’; ‘It is a POWER OVER which man has a personal control. This power over thought is the dignity of our nature, and is that which invests us with responsibility. Man has no direct power over any faculty but this…This he can do; and herein is his freedom.’ (full quote here,is%20his%20freedom.. in Chrome the link will scroll to there – However, I do not necessarily fully agree with this passage ‘…He has no immediate control over his feelings or faiths. He could no more awaken love or produce repentance by a direct effort, than he could create a world…”, at least it needs to be clarified better.)
Anyway, whether the thinking is a God given ability to man, or it is innate in every one of us as human, we have a capability to learn about becoming skilled to gain a personal control over our own thoughts.
We inevitably all experience our thoughts underlie our actions and interactions, understanding and seeking our physical and metaphysical origin, making science, forming social structures, governing politics, conducting business, directing our lives, caring about both our external nature as encompassing environment and internal nature as our psycho-ecology, even we must to consider sustainable development of our living systems both external and internal.
Our thinking capability is the ONLY POWER what makes us a higher order being atop of the fabric of Nature’s Natural Order.
We MUST REALIZE without exception exercising our FREEDOM to THINK is our UTMOST POWER and RESPONSIBILITY in the meantime!
Sovereignty has many meaning and must be a little bit discerned from ‘Sovereign Thinking’.
I do not delve more detailed here but the main differences are whether we are speaking about in the context of (of political bodies) or (of persons) (see Of person context it is better termed to say Autonomous or Independent Thinking.
Every one of us might be able to think so to say ‘outside-box’ better said out of commonly accepted, consensual, or belief-based thinking using our self-reliance (personal independence). However, it is very difficult to reach and must be learned to reach albeit it is given unconditionally at birth.
Our thinking process is conditioned by our present social and political fabric even more there is a kind of ‘creation’ fabric we have not yet fully overseen and certainly apprehend completely We have cross-cultural inheritance, such as thinking patterns that come from our genetic lineages from our parents and their ancestors their social/political fabric, and learning systems.
There are always so-called self-proclaimed or consented ones based on deeds on behalf of most of us so-called thought-leaders who drive or try to direct our collective thinking.
Albeit being an autonomous thinker and becoming a so-called self-thought-leader may be naturally given for all of us, but, it requires courage and effort to detach from the collective thinking patterns and to think inherent (existing as an essential constituent or characteristic). And even if many of us can reach this so-called autonomous, sovereign thinking state can not be completely acting as autonomous meaning existing as an independent entity in a collective fabric. At best such ones can have a great effect on the collective fabric but they really must have big responsibility for what, why, and how are driving and doing.
Think of the whole fabric of the cosmos, as a collective social, political, business structure as a human body. It has an organization and a governance system both autonomous and voluntary. We do not like to accept hierarchical structures but everything has a hierarchy structure and control mechanism, so, for example, we think of ourselves as individual human bodies and both autonomously and voluntarily organized organizations as a social, political business collective to keep the whole together and acting for always keeping the whole together in well being. We can have only one good reason for acting for ourselves and for our whole human collective existence with our best positive intent, and inherent talents given with big responsibility and there is no more freedom given to us inherently than thinking and acting for it by our free will!
What is Light or Dark or balanced those are only so-called theoretical thought frameworks that are based on perceiving from several vantage points studying both the psychological and physiological states of the structures of both matter and energy as complex humans consisting of mind and body interconnected. But that is not so simple per se.
All of us thinkers, even if differently skilled, can recognize that we are experiencing now difficult times dancing on the edge of the sword, being in a very difficult crisis situation to decide about taking our life course on our planet Earth, whether remaining natural organic human, using balanced our naturally organic human social, political and business structures with advanced technologies or perhaps totally overcoming our originally naturally given organic human capabilities dominated by advanced technologies involving organic AI ( (* Note: Just discern it is definitely not a natural thing but can map and mimic the natural human existence and systems and certainly can drive that, and very likely can be connected with an adequate semi natural organic human hybrid.)
Who is/are responsible for these decisions at upper/high hierarchical management/leadership levels how to trust them, how to choose them from us, who elects them? Who should/would lead us making or even accepting those of decisions keeping our naturally given organic human existence?
Thanks for the Kimfo.
Obviously we all share this responsibility. Responsibility for oneself and each other.
We will be learning, very quickly now, what our true relationship really is.
This will change everyday.
Each according their experience, ability, character.
I once saw a video about veritical farming. Way more efficient use of land. It looked lush and bountiful. I know nothing about Hydroponics but WOW! I hope this is an option!