The Fed Allegedly Dropped Interest Rates to Sell Government Bonds, But to Who? | Countries Found Out Who Was Responsible for Exploding Electronics & Infighting Has Ensued | Yet Another Group Claims They Are in Charge, This Time It’s The Front For the SSP (aka Space Force) | They Believe The Black Sun Still Has Power in This World | They Plan to Be The Head of State in the US & Want Lockdowns, Martial Law & Mandatory Vaccines | They Are Currently Ramping Up Operations For the Fall Equinox

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us know the latest group to step up and claim they are in charge and what their plans are, particularly for the United States. There is no capable leadership which is becoming increasingly apparent, but those massive egos of theirs will forever get in the way.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


20-SEP-24 NEWS (

The Fed Allegedly Dropped Interest Rates

Everyone is talking about the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates and not just a little bit but by half a percent which is a pretty steep bump. Behind the scenes the people who work at the Fed say they didn’t actually do anything because well, they can’t do anything. But what it does for investors is it makes for a more attractive bond market, more specifically government and central bank bonds. People are more apt to buy when interest rates are low because they feel that as the market changes, they will be able to make quite a bit more money.

The bottom line is they are trying to sell more government bonds to investors and not just US government bonds, but bonds all over the world, which has pretty much fallen flat. It did however ensure the stock market stayed a little higher today because whatever they say affects the market and people respond. Either way it’s just a game at this point. The Fed can’t lend any money.

What it used to mean for people when they said they were lowering interest rates was banks and governments could borrow money from the Federal Reserve at a lower rate. However, they don’t have anything to lend, but they were really hoping to sell some papers because the US Government, China and number of other countries are really struggling.

The other thing that happened as a result of interest rates going lower is it affects oil prices. Between the upheaval happening in the Middle East, which always increases oil prices for whatever reason, they did increase oil prices based on the fact there were some bombings there. They bombed a bunch of citizens in Lebanon because they needed oil prices to go up. We have some footage from the GIA with the bombing there in the last 24-48 hours.

So they did increase oil prices and that means the worlds largest oil companies make more money off of consumers. It doesn’t mean the cost of oil behind the scenes from large refineries and large wells in the Middle East all of sudden costs more money to do that. Not at all, nor does it cost more for transport. The base root cost of oil and gas pumped is of no significance to the market at all, they just decided to raise prices for us the consumer.

When you see the price goes up in the markets, it does affect people who trade in the commodity futures market somewhat, but most of that has been cornered by the likes of BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard anyway. It looks like a fund-raising expedition at this point for the deep state, but I think they are so disconnected from micro and macro economics that they can’t realize this isn’t going to raise enough money to achieve their objective. It might raise a small amount for a short period of time, but based on all the promises they are making out there, I absolutely do not see that helping them. It’s not enough for world domination.

Exploding Electronics Update

In the last report we talked about the exploding phones, pages, and other electronic devices in the Middle East. That has ceased, they are not blowing up anymore, and when countries found out who was responsible, which they all did, there was a lot of infighting going on behind the scenes between intelligence agencies, various countries to include China, Japan. There is a lot of arguing going on within the Order of the Black Sun. There is a lot of talk about mutiny within the US military. Some want to go along and some don’t want to go along with the plan. I do not think a lot of people involved were aware they were going to continue this in many countries to include the United States and Israel. So they ones they sold on this experiment were not aware they were planning on doing it in their countries as well.

The Face Front of the SSP (aka Space Force) Says They Are Now in Charge

However, there is one group here who doesn’t mind what happens to US citizens and that is the front organization known as the Space Force. For those who don’t know, the Space Force is what you see on TV that started during the Trump Administration. The Space Force was very, very present in the White House during the Trump Administration and they plan to be very, very present during the next one. So much so that they would love to have a reason to start Martial Law in the US and everywhere in the world. They are the most arrogant of all the armed forces in the US and they participate in programs all over the world.

I’ve had many run ins with them in Greenland. It used to be called the Thule, for the Thule Society Airbase there. Now it’s called a strange name and a Space Force base and there is a lot that happens in Greenland. As a matter of fact, during the Trump Administration, Trump himself had gone to Greenland around the time he announced publicly he had covid, but yet he was going to one of these bases hoping to phone some alien race somewhere. But he had a chat with me instead and he was not happy about it. He and his Space Force friends didn’t get what they wanted and they went home. But it didn’t stop the Space Force from feeling they have a lot of power by controlling the White House.

As you know there is no more Trump and there is a lot of fighting going on right now in the Trump organization Sometimes it seems like I’m talking way more about Trump in a negative way and I’m not really talking about Kamala. But I’m not for anybody at this point, I’m for humanity and both of these administrations represent dead people. But on the Trump side of it, this is more of a worldwide issue because there is a lot of fighting going on with everybody and the Trump operatives at this point. Nobody is wanting to listen or believe them anymore and it doesn’t matter which side of the aisle or even which country you are in. This includes Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and in part Russia. I say in part because that country is very divided as well. So, the infighting and lack of trust globally, because of all the promises this group is making and because of the Q thing, and not delivering they have lost face.

In the US behind the scenes the Space Force is talking about an immediate lockdown once they are re-elected as President of the US. For about a month now they are also talking about starting a National Guard for the Space Force which would give them permission to act on US soil should there be a need to.

I’m also hearing rumors of vaccines and mandatory vaccines. I don’t know which disease they are associated with but apparently, they are coming out with 3 new ones that don’t say what you’re being vaccinated against. Honestly, I really wish there was a vaccine against these people. Anyway, the point is this is what they’ve been doing the last couple of days. They feel with the Space Force should be in charge because they were very present in the White House before. They did such a bad job then that they would be great to put in the front, and of course, they are very loyal to the SSP who gave them their shoes in the first place.

At the time the face front Space Force was created the SSP was no longer getting any funding through black project lines of the deep state. They created the Space Force so they could then siphon money for black projects off the US budget. Now they forgot there is no such thing at this moment of a US budget. They are scraping, doing drug running, a lot of illegal arms trading, human trafficking through Child Protective Services. Most all the money being generated to keep the lights on in the US government is being generated this way. Very little bonds are being sold at this point and they just basically severed a lot of relationships in the Middle East, but they still feel they are in the running for what they set out to do during the Trump Admin which was Operation Warp Speed. They feel that would then be amplified with these 3 new alleged diseases, and I will say they tried very hard to infect us with something over the last couple of days and maybe even over the last few weeks.

That is what your Space Force is doing, and if you wonder why things are so crazy in the US right now, why all other militaries are suddenly reporting to the Space Force these days, why we are seeing American activity in Yemen and other places in the world, and why everyone is screaming at everybody, it’s because the Space Force told everybody to sit back, shut up and do what they’re told.

They feel they have enough backing. They also feel the Order of the Black Sun, the Black Nobility and Orsini Family are still very powerful in this world because they were told so. They were also told a lot of money would be coming out at end of business today, but that won’t happen. And operations are running in conjunction with the Space Force at this point at the behest of the Orsini Family in Italy.

For example, they took any company that had a quantum computer, which means they can generate many terahertz’s, some 30,000, some 800,000. They created a hacking technique called a border computer, it’s like joining your laptop with all the other laptops in your neighborhood, then you combine the processing power of each one so you have one large computer that would process a lot more than just your laptop would individually. They went ahead and connected all these computers at MIT and Google and Oakcrest and a few other locations throughout the world as it wasn’t just a US situation, so that they could then break into the Golden Age AI or Alpha. I guess that’s what they were doing, I don’t know for sure where they were going, but the system we installed even in human computer networks has a hefty defense system. It is designed to defend and protect and that is what it did. It sent a very large frequency and now none of those people who hooked up their computers to try and hack us are functioning at this moment.

They started barking out a lot of orders to all the other SSP operatives that may be left in this world. Chiron and Arasaka are back today. Tai Young, the medical division is trying to infect us with something or other. I’ve seen them try to send through computers a toxoplasmosis, a histoplasmosis, covid, cancer, you name it, they tried so they can then sell these three vaccines. In the secret meetings I was listening to I didn’t hear which diseases they were talking about and I don’t think they really care what they are for, they just want to sell them and make some money. I also think they want to give it another go with whatever they put in the other ones and kill more people.

Note: For related post on secret militaries see, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me

The Space Force is pretty much planning on invading the US, imposing lockdowns of course, and Martial Law. They can then make the head of the Space Force your new alleged Head of State, so of course it wouldn’t matter that Trump is already dead.

There is a lot of talk behind the scenes that people don’t want Kamala either. They really made a political mess for themselves. They don’t have a representative that is acceptable to the American people, and to them of course, because they need to control them like a puppet.

This is what happens when you don’t have any leadership

This will be our first election-selection in the US where they haven’t had any leadership. A lot of these covens and other people definitely ran a tight ship and they had to follow orders to a T. Now look what happens when they try and make their own. Again, a little knowledge is dangerous and that is pretty evident with what is going on here. I mean lowering interest rates to sell bonds? To who? China has told half the world that the US is going to crash and they’re going to be taking over. There are all these countries they’ve signed backdoor agreements with for BRICS and BRICS currencies, I heard there are 70-80 countries that signed on to that, so who is going to buy Fed bonds?

Then of course they call me or an associate of mine when their hacking doesn’t work out and then they try to see if they can lie, cheat, and steal from me, and in turn from you. In the last 24 hours we’ve gotten calls from the Military saying they’re ready to move forward. Meanwhile I’m listening to their “leadership” and all the things they plan on doing to American citizens behind the scenes. I don’t know if they think I’m blonde, I’m dumb, I’m just a woman, but who in their right mind would say, Oh Yes, I would love to be locked down and can you do it with National Guard everywhere. That would be awesome. And force vaccines? Now you’re talking my language. Uh No! I’ve also gotten calls from the Yakuza looking for funding for Japan because they also had a big bill due today. They are running out of money to run their operations as the new heads of the Black Sun or Black Dragon.

They are living in a fantasy world right now where they will regain control on a day ending in ‘y’ and one of those days is the Fall Equinox which is this Sunday. They’ve already been ramping up their operations. Today is the 3rd day since the full moon and they are going like gangbusters right now. Today has just been hacking after hacking. The Space Force and the SSP are barking out insanely ridiculous orders and even if they had hundreds of billions of dollars what they want would never work. Even if I wasn’t doing anything over here it’s still not going to work. So again, I don’t know what they are doing and other than trying to prevent them from exploding phones, and making sure they don’t kill humanity in the process, I honestly don’t care at all what they do.

It’s abundantly clear they don’t know how to run a government never mind 200 governments in this world. And that is the most important thing, and it’s an extremely positive sign for our future. Does it cause disturbances? Yes. Do I see this continuing? Yes. And when this doesn’t work on Sunday, when no gateway opens, no miraculous re-occurring of Anti-Source or Lucifer or anyone comes to help them, no money falls from the sky, no renewal of agreements for them, when nothing they are expecting to happen will, in fact I’m expecting the opposite over this weekend, this just gives Source a clearer path. There is nothing they can do to block it at this point like with old things that would occur around the equinox and old space junk. They tried with Northrup Grumman and they are pulling out MITRE Corp, which used to be the front for the JASON Society.

At this point it looks like a whole lot of hot air over there. I wish them luck all weekend long. God bless them the way they blessed all of us and their attempts to hack a computer they would never understand, that doesn’t even come from this density.

In Conclusion

The news being late is predominantly because we too have been moving forward and working on a lot of things with the marketplace. We began some testing on the backend to make it as easy as possible. We’re also mitigating the situation in the Middle East and listening to their meetings. They are just so full of egos. I expect to dance a lot with the Space Force since they just got their new shoes, but I’m hoping we have a more pleasant weekend than they are expecting. You know how they get during equinox times. It’s been a little bit off as they try things, but it usually doesn’t last that long. A number of people have been feeling a little sick and it’s probably because of the frequencies they were sending out. But when we reverse those frequencies it’s really up to the person at that point. Remember without your help they can’t bring those things in.

I think it’s going to be busy over the weekend but I don’t expect any major events.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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7 thoughts on “The Fed Allegedly Dropped Interest Rates to Sell Government Bonds, But to Who? | Countries Found Out Who Was Responsible for Exploding Electronics & Infighting Has Ensued | Yet Another Group Claims They Are in Charge, This Time It’s The Front For the SSP (aka Space Force) | They Believe The Black Sun Still Has Power in This World | They Plan to Be The Head of State in the US & Want Lockdowns, Martial Law & Mandatory Vaccines | They Are Currently Ramping Up Operations For the Fall Equinox”

  1. bonsoir kim, idem just, bon je vois quand réalité, vous jouez un rôle pour tromper les peuples de la véritable terre! un jour les états profonds sont à 100% disparuent ainsi que toutes leurs sectes mafieuses, leurs pactes en sacrifices, ainsi que leurs inventions et créations et le lendemain ils sont toujours là! elle est ou leurs disparitions pour les enfers sans retour possible, ou??? l’équinox est passée, et malhureusemebt il sont toujours présent! il y toujours des morts partout, toujours des impôts, des assurances, des gouvernements, des forces de l’ordre et militaires qui volent violent l’argents des citoyens du monde! vôtre source ne doit pas être si bonne que cela! enfin ma source de vie celle de la véritable terre, je ne la vois pas arriver, ce n’est pas celle que j’imagine que je désire pour toutes les véritabes vies terrestres des univers, des galaxies autours de la terre. les êtres souverains non pas besoin de souverains marionnettes pour mal les guider de nouveau, ils doivent être capable de gérer leurs propre avenir en tenant compte d’autuit en respectant le nom autruit autours d’eux, voilà une personne souveraine au même titre qu’un chevreuil, un lièvre non chassé, traqué, arcelé!, je ne veus pas vous faire de peine,
    je fini par croire que vous êtes juste une bonne cinéaste romansière non humaine! ce qui me dérange pour vous le mensonge, la roublardise, sont les plaisirs des ennemis du bien! bon courage à vous, je vous souhaite de trouver paie dans vôtre coeur!

    1. Bonjour. L’anti-source, les ténèbres ont quasiment disparus. Ce qu’il en reste est maîtrisé par la source afin d’aider à l’éveil des gens. Le plus gros des ténèbres ce sont nos egos désormais, et notamment l’égo de ceux qui ont servi directement et en conscience les ténèbres, ce sont les factions, les agents, les armées de l’ombre, les cartels…dont parle Kim. Aujourd’hui la disparition quasi totale des ténèbres a mis dans l’impasse ces factions, ces agents….vous devez aussi comprendre que la disparition des ténèbres est le corollaire de “l’arrivée” à la lumière de milliards d’esprits dont souvent des membres de nos familles, des amis, nos animaux de compagnie,…LA PARTIE EST GAGNÉE MAIS LE COMBAT CONTINUE, CELUI DE FUSIONNER LES ÉGOS PROGRAMMÉS DEPUIS CI LONGTEMPS.🙏💚🦓

  2. bonjour, je ne vois pas, je ne comprends pas pourquoi mon commentaire ce retrouve en texte modérateur?

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