The Office of Comptroller of Currency Squashes Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency | 6 Old Geezers In Trump Camp Announce They Will Go It Alone | Kim Lends a Hand to Help, Pulls Back All Money Dispersed During Trump Admin, Including $1.4 Trillion US Debt Payment To China | Meanwhile Cheney’s Failed Plan to Control the Middle East Still In Play | Restoring Earth To A Single Source-Based Soul Takes Time, It Represented Thousands of Keystones

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered 24-Jun-05 News -Broadband High ( on which is available for subscribers. Kim addresses rumors around the National Bank Act because it sounds like the crazy SSP Trump operatives have plans that will never work. But neither will their go it alone plan and their wheeling and dealing in the Middle East. She also finds out more about Earth and its role in the creation process, which required her to work numerous hours. She set up hundreds transmuters all over the place to because we can’t have this dark stuff coming back.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-Jun-05 News -Broadband High (

Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency

There is a rumor going around that Kim needs to educate the crazy old Trump operatives on because it sounds like they are behind this.

The rumor is that the Supreme Court has ruled that state sponsored banks can disband from the Federal Reserve and issue their own currency. Well, that’s not exactly what happened. There was an actual submission and I have not yet found the ruling itself. There is a proposal on the table for a pre-emption, which technically means under national law in the United States a federal law can supersede a state law. That is the actual definition. But in this case what they submitted was the exact opposite as it relates to the National Bank Act. It’s written in such a strange way which leads me to these Duck Dynasty people or Global Headquarters people.

The National Bank Act states if you are a Federal Bank you can operate in any state within the US nationally under a singular corporation if you so choose, and it gives the right to hold people’s money. It applies to federal institutions, which are more stringent than state law is. There are a few exceptions including the National Federal Credit Union Association and a few other ways you can form financial institutions in the United States. But if you are going to be a national bank and operating in more than one state you need a national operating license to do so.

Now I’ve read the articles in depth and looked for the actual ruling but I haven’t found it. I did find the preemptive submission which is a motion to pre-empt the National Banking Act. If this actually did pass all it really means is that a state bank can only operate within your state. You still must have a routing number which tied you to the Fed in the past, and a jurisdictional license to issue debit cards and those types of things even though you are a state bank. But this does not in any way have to do with being able to issue your own currency. The only thing it allows you to do is act under state law.

The only benefits I can see for this might be for certain states like Colorado for example, where marijuana is legal. Then dispensaries and farmers that produce that could deposit money in a state bank, if that’s what the state ruling said. So, it could change those types of things, and there could be different rules for a maximum interest rate in a particular state.

But as far as currencies they have nothing to do with the National Bank Act. It does mention the General Office of Accounting which monitors the number of dollars in circulation. Their main modus operandi is that funds are spent appropriately (which we all know is s joke) and other things that relate to currency. But they just are mainly an accountant. And the Federal Reserve was only ever a regulator and not a law maker of all things financial which essentially means they could do nothing. They couldn’t shut down your bank, but they could turn you down. That being said, once you become a member of the bank of all banks, now you are subject to their rules to do business with that bank. This is often held over banks heads. And the government, which I also use that term loosely, is a lawmaker which means they can pass a law such as the National Bank Law and laws on currency.

Now before that existed you had the Managers of Paper Money which was not the Fed, or governments or banks. It’s been around for around five centuries and precludes anything anyone wanted to do in the financial system, everyone had to submit to the Managers of Paper Currency. They might have seen Order of the Dragon peoples name as the Managers of Paper Currency, but they were not managers, they were the secretarial group. It always went up the food chain for final approval which was Marduk, Enki and Enlil.

On the flip side, now it’s me and it doesn’t matter what the Rothschilds say, the banks or your government laws, you still need to send your stuff up the food chain and it has to be ratified in the Hall of Records, there has to be a new agreement if anyone wants to issue new currency. I’m not trying to be difficult, I am trying to be practical. Can you imagine what a mess just the US alone would be if every bank was going to issue its own currency?

These operatives have no idea what they are doing, this is the reason I call them Duck Dynasty. They compartmentalize themselves that they are all gods, and they don’t think through anything they do. Disbanding the Fed as a regulator does nothing. You still need to be in the routing otherwise you’re not going to have any customers.

The 6 Former Regan Now Trump SSP Operatives Announce They Will Go It Alone

In meetings that took place over the weekend in Durango six SSP Trump operatives made an announcement they don’t need me or the Global Headquarters or Langley 5. But I’m sure they forgot that I’m not the only one monitoring things around here. I watched them, much like the local people make phone calls to all those people they allegedly don’t need. So, their go it alone thing was to entice operatives into thinking they can go it alone and be independent of me. They instilled doubt like, is the new really going to be better than the old, how do we know? So they convinced them they are smart enough to go it alone, and just wait. Give us to Sunday they said and you’ll have your contracts.

Sunny: Why are these 6 Trump SSP Operatives in Durango to begin with?

Because there were strategy meetings here about moving on which were going really well. And now everybody is waiting until Sunday for their contracts from them. They sold glittering headlines and sunshine with pre-emptive laws and the storm is coming and whatever else they said, and governments run on rumors these days.

I was listening to them on Monday and then thought I will help them go it alone, then a few interesting things happened. All the funding that was sent out during the Trump Administration was pulled back. Every allocation regardless of where the money was sent. That was well over $5 trillion and that doesn’t include the US debt we paid to China which was $1.4 trillion. So, China lost all theirs. All those people who go bump in the night they paid during the Trump Administration, all the payouts, kickbacks and misappropriated funds were pulled back which led us to something really interesting.

There was a lot of money during the Trump Administration being siphoned out to a lot of places in the world under shell corporations and all kinds of stuff to include operative accounts, including these crazy 6 down the street, and unfortunately for them all that went away too. If they went to the grocery store and bought cheetos, that got reversed out too. Their banks accounts went away, all the stolen campaign funds from the support for Trump for his indictment went away, also anything sent from US Government funding to the Trump kids, Don Jr, Eric and Ivana also went away. Properties that were bought and paid for, wires were reversed. That also includes a lot of bonds issued off that money, treasury notes and otherwise. A lot of interesting money trails came to light. Now they are starting to receive phone calls on the daily from a lot of angry people and countries they paid like Ukraine and Saudi Arabia. I wish them all the best. You go it alone and I go in my direction.

There was a fake operating system tied to the old Paris Climate Control Treaty, this was before the current Climate Change Treaty was out there. This one was from the Obama Administration and there was a clause that said every nation will assign their assets to the UN in order to fight poverty. By poverty I can only assume the poverty of the elite. This fake server assigned every country’s in-ground assets over to the Li Family of China. They were issuing offline bonds, sovereign bonds, and non-descript collateral against assets they didn’t control. The second they tried to do it, if it listed the country’s assets it would be rejected, so they tried to go around it in the gray area claiming the assets under the Paris Climate Control Treaty. This is what they have been trying to attach their US Treasury Coin to. So that fake operating system no longer exists.

The Middle East

When they ran out of money given to the Trump Administration, they put up fake servers everywhere and the unfortunate part of this is they started showing a lot of money in an old account. It contained a bunch of derivatives at Deutsche Bank that were tied to Iranian oil dated back to 1979. There was no cash in that account but they still said they could convert that money 4 (which is a derivative) to money 0 or money 1. The Saudis were convinced they could do this. They also told the Trump operatives they were sending them $28 billion which showed but nobody could spend. The person behind this was definitely a Rothschild. The Saudi Royal family is Rothschild but there is one in particular who manages the family on behalf of the Rothschild family, and this is his brainchild.

The Saudis did manage to get some credit lines at Arab National Bank in order to front a small amount of cash, along with the Bahrain Royal Family and Kuwaiti Royal Family who are all part of the GCC. So, they have put up some money, $200+ million and that money disappeared too.

This goes back to promises of the  Gulf Cooperation Council and re-promising of the pipeline. Remember the Jared Kushner days? Now they are talking about sending that pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Iran. The reason for the negotiations had to do with their alleged control of all the Iranian oil based on the fake derivatives in the account, bonds against the oil. They are trying to convince the Iranians to sell to the Saudis for pennies. In exchange they’ll build this pipeline, then they’ll put their Saudi Aramco stamp of approval and keep the sanctions in place on Iran for perpetuity. That way they must go through Aramco. This is the Trump team and whatever is pretending to be Jared Kushner, and everybody else wearing a mask on that side that is setting this up. Once they have been successful, then they will officially announce Trump is no longer here. But right now, his name is useful for them to cut all these deals with the Israelis and because of the deals they made with the Saudis and deal with Iran, which are a total scam.

Again, one of the world’s largest gas suppliers in the entire world is in that area, discovered by a Russian scientist back in the 1970s. So, you can see the Trump operatives are trying to pull off what they deem the perfect storm, the complete takeover of all the resources of the Middle East as Cheney outlined in his plan. Once they finish and fund all the deals, they were going to take over that which they felt was enough to go it alone. But to go it alone and win the game of world domination they need $120 trillion per year to fund the entire world. Who is going to buy $120 trillion every year for oil and gas?

A lot of the Trump operatives are so old they were Regan operatives. This is the plan they were talking about when they said once they were successful in completing it they were going to then announce Trump passed away. And they are using Kushner and his Sanhedrin-Chabad connection for making it happen. But once they are successful they will probably announce Trump’s passing in a way that would cause a civil war to erupt in the US and they said they have 2 or 3 other parties they are taking into account to play the operative roles in the eyes of the public. So they have the next Republican President lined up, which is why the debate about the Vice President, because they will pick that person and put whoever that one is going to be in the office. That is if they manage to do it before the selections.

But the plan they came up with is not their plan and this is the problem. They have forgotten even Cheney’s plan involved the Black Eagle Trust, Marduk and the Managers of Paper Currency. I saw the $14 trillion contract passed around by Pelosi years ago. Tom Cotton was involved too in trying to get someone to fund it to take over all the assets of the Middle East. But the problem then was no one had $14 trillion to give them.

I asked Marduk once about the Iraqi Dinar way back when I used to have those weekly Saturday meetings with him, Enki and Enlil, and that’s when he said it’s never going to happen. So, what became clear at that point was they were not backing what the plan that Cheney and Bush had for the Middle East. That is why they spent almost three decades trying to execute on this plan and it never works, because they were not behind them on that plan, they had other plans. It would have been done 20 years ago if they were behind it.

In the last 48 hours they no longer have their fake servers in Bangladesh that they were connecting to Saudi Arabia and Houston, Texas with fake money that you couldn’t spend anyway. After this went down on Monday I started getting phone calls from people I haven’t heard from in a decade asking for money, like I don’t know you are a Rothschild? And people from the Treasury asking for money as well. I told them to go find me some stuff because the way I calculate it you owe us billions in stuff. I know exactly what’s going on in the back deals and you need me to help you pull this off.

But it’s always a positive when your enemy underestimates you. So, there will be some very interesting changes in the Middle East. We have friends there on the ground, you met Agent M, well have more friends there and we have some plans.

All in all, unraveling where all this money went was very fruitful for us. And they will never have enough to rule the entire world. They would have to control an awful lot and then would still have to go through me. So, if you want to go it alone, you’re going to have to find a way to get around me and good luck. So there will be no contracts for operatives from them this week.

Restoring Earth to a Single Source-Based Soul

We talked about earth being a keystone and the importance of earth as a co-creator with Source and why humans were brought here. But earth had a lot more individual keystones based on covenants that happened over a very long time because it was the beginning of all creation. As part of that, earth actually represented Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source. Originally earth was only a co-creator with Source, and eventually in order to create a balanced universe became creator of all 3. This became abundantly clear when I couldn’t figure out why things would be reappearing. We would have this ebb and flow and things that would disappear but would then reappear and be back.

One of the most important parts of restoration is the restoration of earth to a single source-based soul, so clearing out all those things was another thing I was doing while chasing down money all over the place. That should help us as humans because Earth also anchored a lot of negative programs tied to computer systems as well and locations on earth for certain anchors and portals for certain things they would do to us. We talked about disease being gone, chromosomal, DNA, and RNA manipulations, and those types of things. Frequencies stilling coming in dark, light, and neutral which manipulates matter. This is all part of restoration and doing our part as celestials for the light side.

In know there are a lot of things still going on in this world that are uncomfortable and things we don’t want to see happen and I understand that. But now more than ever you have the power to change it, it’s a process, and I’m probably just as frustrated as you are, I’m tired of being a constant sanitation engineer. But one day at a time and hopefully we’ll get to the end of the restoration of earth. And getting humanity to understand a different way is all that money is going to do. Earth is going to be able to repair itself, just like you are going to without interference. Hopefully that time will come really soon.

Celestials are of Source and then omega created its own version of synthetic celestials and planted them here in stasis in different places in the world. You could almost call it a cyborg because it’s a computer-generated unnatural thing. They looked like blobs, but it was a being. There had to be over 100 here, so I was back to Yemen, Canada, Mount Kailash in the Himalayas, different mountains in Russia, Mongolia, England, Germany, the Matterhorn in Switzerland, Italy under the Vatican, Tanzania, Ghana, Nubia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Brazil, Chile, Machu Picchu, Ecuador. You name a country and we were probably there. I am focused on getting everything possible so we turn this ship around. I probably worked 18 hours yesterday.

Over the course of this cleanup process, I cleaned up hundreds and hundreds of transformers and transmitters to send it out because once a particle is dead there is not a lot of charge left depending on how dark it actually is. Then I thought I could speed it up by creating fields of transmuters going the opposite way. I’ve been working on that since 3am this morning and hopefully this will speed up the process. We are putting them everywhere, and in earth’s orbit, in the galaxy, zero point of the universe, and the omega-verse because we can’t have this coming back.

Ultimately, the deep state people seem to understand what is happening already because I overheard a meeting with the Global Headquarters where they feel they have less than 24 hours left of power. So, we have taken away the electric grid and all the dark energy that is going to exist is in the universe by changing that matter into something else.

I want to give you a resource to understand this. This guy seems to make a lot of sense to me and his information comes from Source, so I wanted to point you to research by Walter Russell. He was a former colleague of Nikola Tesla. He was pushed aside by the scientific community and Nikola Tesla told him Humanity will not be ready for this information for at least 1,000 years so lock it away.

Related Resource: Nikola Tesla told him: “Bury your Findings until Humanity is Ready” (

Everyone talks about Tesla but never Walter Russell because Tesla complied somewhat with what they wanted from him. They wanted money making technologies or SSP technologies and some of which they did get. And a lot of information about Tesla isn’t true either because some of the main labs of Tesla were underneath Hoover Dam and they don’t even mention that when they talk about Tesla. The same thing goes about Walter Russell, there is a lot of information in there if you understand what he’s saying. Not to say all the audio books that are published are 100% accurate with is information, but there are a lot of them you can look at and analyze as to the science on this planet.

Related Resource: Forgotten Geniuses – Dr. Walter Russell and Nikola Tesla (

I never even heard of him until I ran into a friend of mine this weekend and we got into a debate about Terence Howard. You can tell the difference between someone who knows the information and really understands it as opposed to someone who got the info from a 3rd party source and tries to relay it, which is what Terence Howard, the hired actor who messes it up did.

Related Resource: A physicist dismantles Terrence Howard’s nonsensical “theory of everything” (


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “The Office of Comptroller of Currency Squashes Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency | 6 Old Geezers In Trump Camp Announce They Will Go It Alone | Kim Lends a Hand to Help, Pulls Back All Money Dispersed During Trump Admin, Including $1.4 Trillion US Debt Payment To China | Meanwhile Cheney’s Failed Plan to Control the Middle East Still In Play | Restoring Earth To A Single Source-Based Soul Takes Time, It Represented Thousands of Keystones”

  1. I watched one video of Terrance Howard and totally disagreed with what he was saying, it’s old dark esoteric information he is giving out about this reality and the flower of life aka the daisy of death. I didn’t finish watching it because I know what he was going to say like many who seem to believe the flower of life is actually a spiritually good thing and the secret to life on this planet but is more like a view of the closed system frequency humanity has been held in for thousands of years. It’s the metatron’s cube, it’s a net….so seems his videos are very popular right now and people are being fed more lies thinking they are learning esoteric truths. When can we all the the honest truth with the whole situation? I know Kim is tired of it but also we got MSM and the whole Trump theater and even they admit it’s all theater but still want to foment civil war. I want no part of it all with the NPC’s and the other unaware brainwashed people who believe Trump is a savior and we are in end times and Jesus is coming soon to save us all. And also the people who believe in CONvid and wearing masks, even to the point it’s in children’s shows and wearing masks to make you healthy, it’s so wrong.
    I hope this is all cleared up and gone in my lifetime because the word ‘soon’ seems to be told to people constantly from beings who have no concept of time or in relation to our life spans on this prison planet.

    1. Un petit message que j’envoie, car je n’ai que l’amour comme dit la chanson de Jacques Brell quand on a que l’amour comme unique chanson comme unique raison, amis nous avons dans nos mains le mondes entier. Idir

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