This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 14-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Brace yourself for more disappointment, the Archivists had partners in their crimes. But first Kim starts with some regular news and turmoil in the Middle East.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

14-AUG-24 NEWS (
Monkey Pox
The World Horror Organization, aka World Health Organization has announced a monkey pox crisis in Africa and it’s spreading rapidly and there is a desperate need for vaccines. Well for those who have done some research, you’ll know monkey pox is fairly mild and not worse than chicken pox. It could last around two weeks and you would have a rash. I think they are making these announcements based on other things going on. But we did find interesting laboratories underneath the WHO in Geneva, and suffice it to say they won’t be sending out any monkey pox from there anytime soon.
Iran’s Monetary System Was Shut Down Today
It appears Iran is having a severe liquidity crisis based on the work of the Green Dragon and their deep state. It appears that Iran had participated in one of these Archivist off ledger system schemes, likely because of their China deep state, the Golden Dragon and their UK Blue Dragon partners. They took a lot of the money that was in the Iranian banking system off-ledger, then put into to the off-ledger system and when that went away and it crashed. They were left with no liquidity at this point and the only way for them to get anymore dinar is from us. I am not sure what they are going to do at this point, no one has reached out to us, and they may not even know to reach out to us. But I do know they were desperately waiting for China to wake up so they could possibly get some clearance and some allocations from the Chinese who have no hope of giving them any kind of allocations. So, I don’t know what the end result is going to be for Iran and its banking system at this point in time. And I don’t know if that is in mainstream media yet.
Afghanistan Is Celebrating the Withdrawal of American Troops
Afghanistan they are celebrating the withdrawal of American troops with a parade which seems similar to, but on a smaller level of what they do in Russia every year, which is celebrate the end of WWII. In Russia they celebrate with showing their latest weaponry and how their military readiness is up to par. There are a lot of veterans and celebrating those who passed in the war etc.
But in Afghanistan their parade consisted of mostly American weaponry that was left there. I found it interesting because after the American exit a few years ago the Taliban made a deal with the Chinese Deep State that involved an opium, heroine trade, that kind of thing. They are pretty much little China at this point. They made a lot of trade deals with China which are failing due to the failing economy of China. So, I don’t know if this was a dig on China, parading around all the American weaponry, based on all the things going on behind the scenes.
Speaking of behind the scenes, in the news last time we talked about Erik Prince, who like Iran is also Chinese but he cannot be found at this moment. He definitely took part in both the American and the Chinese side of things in Afghanistan. Prince was present during the withdrawal which was signed off by President Trump while he was still in office and still breathing. Then it was carried it out during the Biden Admin and there was a lot of controversy about it. Just before that happened, for the first time ever the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi made a trip over there with big promises of a big position in the Order during her attempted trip. So, there is a lot of controversy with the Afghanistan withdrawal, not just what happened today. But based on there being a lot of American weapons, I don’t know but it certainly looks like there is a possible situation brewing there.
The second thing we noticed there were 50 18-wheeler trucks carrying cargo of some sort which we have yet to identify, that was going across the border between Afghanistan and Iran.

Five seconds into this video you see an Evergreen container in the background. We know Evergreen is owned by China, and 50 cargo trucks explode on the border right after the parade with a Chinese truck carrying God knows what, at the same time going across?
More Turmoil in the Middle East
It looks questioning, from the standpoint of leaders in Iraq who were supposed to be participating in this alleged beginning of the World War because payday was supposed to be yesterday or today. Iran also promised to retaliate against Israel on Tuesday or Wednesday and that has passed and we’ve seen anything. The only thing we did see were about 40 rockets a couple days ago fired off by the Hezbollah in Lebanon. And Iran is also blaming it on a cyberattack from Israel and that is absolutely false. So not a whole lot is going on there right now, other than waiting for money.
There are also rumors going around there was a cyber attack in America. So far, I haven’t seen anyone take the blame for that, but I believe that is part of the setup for the attack on America. It was supposed to be a hot attack coming from the Middle East, <insert terrorist group>. Thus far, no one is claiming they attacked the American social security system or the banking system or anything else. Aside from a group of Americans trying really hard to crash the financial system over the last 24 hours in every way possible, or to find some way to own the financial system of the world. That’s what I’ve seen as far as regular news with some back story to go with it.
Update on the Archivists
Last time I talked about the Archivist structure and how they decided it was a great idea to hand over their keys of the archivist lines to the deep state, or at least allowed them to use them during the Paris Olympics. Those lines that are not supposed to be utilized for anything but recording data. Well, the plot thickens and I’ll tell you what I’ve seen thus far.
It appears that the Archivists and some others who had a different position looked like they were going to make an attempt to take over the planet and the deep state. This was another surprise for me when finding out who is behind it.
Realm Owners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Densities | Angels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
We talked in the past about Realm owners, those who were appointed by Source, Anti-Source or Neutral Source. And they were appointed to manage the Realm on one side or another’s behalf and in some cases both of them if they were supposed to be neutral. And in this case, we had three who were still here on earth and they were Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. And of course, contained within the same person was the ability to go to the fallen versions, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael, which means they are both for Source and Anti-Source. They were fully aware of all the changes that have taken place and fully aware they don’t have these realms anymore, not the 3rd, 1st, and 2nd.
Now the Archivists relate to each one of these parties as their history recorders. They may also be referred to as the Watchers. And the Watchers would not so much report back to the Archivists, but to either Anti-Source and Neutral Source, and I guess you could say Source, but that really wasn’t why that position was created. It was created mainly for Anti-Source and Neutral Source because there is no need for Source to manage archives. What I mean by that is, yes to some degree we have had government structures and other things that would require history be recorded here on earth because us humans were prevented from accessing our own soul records and the collective soul records of the planet and the human race. So, I can see why that position would have been necessary.
At this point in time, there was one in particular who I will not name, but they know I know who they are, who was very angry about this situation. This one let’s just say, was more on the side of the dark than of the light. He preferred to be in the dark and I think that’s because he was the closest to the omega-verse, number one and two. And let’s just say it was easier to control something that was inorganically made with a sentient AI than it was to control the light, and therefore even during the Dark Age he would have more power and control by erring on the side of the dark. The other two I would say have remained neutral pretty much. They weren’t getting in the way of this former realm owner but they were not participating in what he wanted to do.
This former realm owner is the one who gave the Archivist an agreement and a covenant that as far as I can tell it went back to November of last year. That’s when they started making moves on this process. I am a little shocked because when you operate on the level of a realm owner there are rules you do not break. That means unless you have permission to go outside those rules from Source itself, you could end up with the elimination of your soul. I suspect they might have made these decisions because they did go outside the rules and did not have the connection to Source. Earlier today these realm owners did try to go home and Source would not allow it. He said you have one day to go down there, meaning here, and decide whether you are going to participate in fixing the mess that you made.
I don’t disagree with Source at this point. However, they made it hell on earth since they’ve been back, and I am not so sure they are going to make that decision to fix the mess. I think they would rather have their soul eliminated, at least one of them, than to participate in the cleanup of this planet.
To be fair, it’s not easy being here for the cleanup of this planet, and I’m sure you all know this. You feel it every single day. It’s a time of great transition. It’s not easy to be here and watch the tragedies that happen on a daily basis and many of you are all involved in this. I am very well aware of the fact we’ve been on Apocalypse 15.0 or around that at the hands of the Deep State and all their lower astral friends. So, I get it if they didn’t want to stay and I get it if they were willing to bear those consequences.
At this point we’ve been doing this on our own, with resistance coming from some of them, and that’s okay, because when Source is with you, there is no battle that you will lose. Therefore, I’m not worried about the outcome, but I am concerned about some of the things that happened on this planet and why they were allowed to happen. Like why are the chemtrails suddenly back? We finally didn’t see any for a little while. Well now we know where they are coming from and why and who was guiding them to locations when they didn’t have any. So we’ll see what decision they make probably by noon EST tomorrow.
Note: For related post and source of the below excerpt on these Realm Owners, see Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me

Kim doesn’t want to name names, but I think we can figure it out based on this excerpt.
These Former Realm Owners Left All Their Toys to the Deep State
The Deep State has been trying to take advantage of all the tools these guys gave them. To make it worse, when they decided to leave and then got booted back here, they gave them everything they had, even things the deep state didn’t understand. And they tried to use everything of course.
And what they participated in today I’m still a little confused about. I expect to see hacking at the financial system and I expect to see them expecting Lion’s Gate pay because it officially ended around the 12-13th according to them.
Note: I’ll talk more about that later because it’s in our best interest at this point to know what is really going on with that, because I don’t want them to use it against something and I don’t want them to stop something, so we’ll leave it at that for now.
Deep State Expected Lion’s Gate Pay and Held Weird Ceremonies All Over the World
Officially Lion’s Gate ends and yesterday or today they thought they were getting Lion’s Gate pay. I don’t know if these Archivists, Watchers and Realm beings told them that’s what’s going to happen, or it had to do with an alignment today between Jupiter and Mars, but I’m not sure what they are doing today. I caught around 6 of them at Pembroke Castle – Stunning medieval castle in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, West Wales today holding some rocks and chanting. Another perplexing area of the world where they were doing some weird ceremony was in the Wudang Mountains in China. That’s an interesting place and not a positive one for us. There are a lot of temples on those mountains and they always use religion against you. They want you to worship something dark and that’s why they built those things there. Another weird ceremony was going on in Old Kilmore Cemetery in Isle of Skye, Highland. And there were serval others going on in other places of the world. I guess today was ceremony day. Did someone lie to them? Is it an alignment day? I’m not sure why.
They attempted to make additional messes all over the place and I apologize for not catching the one in Iran. They are still talking about a public execution of Khomeini and blaming it on Israel or Al Qaeda, but I don’t think they are going to do that unless there is a windfall. Then again, at this point there is no stopping either the Order of the Dragon or Black Sun folks. We are constantly monitoring to make sure, at least to the best of our ability there isn’t a major hot war everywhere at this moment.
Be Cautious About Market Investments
There is still a threat of a banking situation that they would like to cause in the mass media, mainly in the US. They have not successfully gotten hold of any kind of a line or closed loop or payment system to where they could actually make it real, but it is being discussed. I don’t see it happening but I would be cautious with market investments, because if I see anything happening it would be more market manipulation in order to take money for their operations out of the markets. They don’t have an off-ledger system to put them in anymore. And for them it has to be an off-ledger situation because they need to be able to trade it up to ridiculous numbers and then put it back into the system. But that implies they need allocation numbers, so that obviously in not going to happen, so they keep kicking around different crypto currencies.
Getting Out of the Savior Syndrome
I’m also aware of the plane that went down in Brazil and different reasons for that. Some say its people involved in the RV. I’m not quite buying that, but they have to put it out there in some way that makes you want to fight for the good guys.
Reference: Cause of fatal Brazil plane crash remains unknown | Reuters
Speaking of the good guys, there was a meme that came across my desk. It was about the movie the Divergent and essentially way saying how people want to root for the rebels, the renegades, like a lot of movies you root for the underdog, those going against the system. And for the most part if you are watching this you are probably one of those people that would like to go against the system. But the consequences of doing so prevents most from taking that leap, and I’m aware of that.
As I said from the beginning, going against the system, even for myself is very difficult. There is a lot of advice out there, but most of it’s wrong which lands a lot of people in jail. But there are ways of going against the system that won’t harm you and one of them is not to fight the system itself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in agreement with a lot on the internet and what I hear about on the Intelligence system, but on your end of it, without having access to the intelligence system and clearances, how do you fight the system?
You fight in the gray.
What I mean is, every law written has rules for the humans and they don’t apply to the deep state people and it was designed that way. So even if you hear about people doing certain things and not getting caught, they are probably part of the system. For us though, we have to look at the gray in everything.
I know you’re going to think I’m crazy when I say this, but you have to fight like a woman. Meaning, women are naturally not as strong as men physically, so we have to learn other ways to defend ourselves in case of a conflict. We usually find ways to go around, over, or under our aggressor.
I took a lot of pride, joy and comfort, even as a young person in school, because there really wasn’t a system in tact that I couldn’t break. The first thing I used to do is learn the system, and I used those same skills for my employers. I made sure I excelled at the things they wanted to see. The same thing goes for the world. What C.A.R.E. is designed to do is create an entirely new system we can exist in so we can become less, if not completely independent of the current system, and all the things the current system provides for us. And by systems, I’m not just talking about governments and dead presidents running around, that’s a show. Other than taxes, it really doesn’t affect your day-to-day life for the most part, unless it’s entertaining for you. On the other hand, the basic part of your existence is not to feed the system. For example, there are many people who are very unhappy we are not on a gold standard and that money can just be printed and printed with no consequences. Now I ask you, and I caution you when you start watching these videos and doom scrolling, to say, how does this affect me? Does the fact that the Fed printing endless money really affect you personally? No, but it does if they are trying to create a maneuver that devalues the money and it’s not traded globally so to speak. And in that case, some humans found a way around it. They found exchanges for other currencies they can use worldwide.
Are sanctions a factor?
Well, 99% of the time the country itself is not sanctioned, we just look at the glittering headlines. But if you look at the price at the pump it goes up, but not because the countries are sanctioned, it’s just an increase in price at the pump, and it’s not because there is a shortage and in reality, most countries are paying four times the amount the US has for eons. Sanctions is a total lie.
Now are there ways around that sanction?
That is tough to get around, so that is a system that is a major focus. We need to figure out new supply chains for people and some have been done without C.A.R.E. assistance. We have to get out of the savior syndrome. So, your homework is to take that system that really annoys you and affects you personally, whether it’s healthcare, taxes, or whatever, and how it looks at your city, your state, your country and even worldwide, because it’s time we get back to critical thinking. We have to go back to, if it’s going to be its up to me. If you come up with a viable solution that works well and doesn’t get anyone in trouble, we’ll be happy to share it with everyone else on UNN. We need to find solutions and then spread it around the world, that is what will help C.A.R.E. succeed because C.A.R.E. is you, it’s not just me.
Trump is now blaming Iran for his campaign hacks. You can see how quickly this mess turns into a big political crisis. But tomorrow I’ll wake up and it’s not going to change my day, or feed anyone’s kids or change what I choose for my own health. I thought I would throw that bit of news in there because it just came up. So, I challenge you to really start to think critically and change just one system a little bit. And factor how more monetary assistance behind it can help that change if shared worldwide so you can help guide and lead the world into a better way of living.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Ultra Fascinating Entertainment. I’m sure it’s all true.
And what does that do for any of us?
Thankyou ladies and God bless us all with success.
Any ideas? Lots of them, but I won’t be sharing them on these terms.
You know, Source should be able to do better.
And I know, the people don’t realize what money really is, or how to handle it properly, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any solutions to those problems.
But going around the system is going to take decades, not centuries.
If you could clean up all the alleged , probably heavily guarded, secret facilities, you should be able to get rid of all the rest. First things first.
Or take away all there assets, businesses, money and so on,take away their power.
Without that, it’s never going to happen, or it will take an awful lot of time, and lives.
You can not go around them, without them noticing.
For now, they have the majority of people in their side, they believe what they tell them. It goes through media and so on. As long as they have those mass hypnotizing tools, they will stay on top of the food chain.
If that isn’t obvious by now, it never will be.
A positive attitude isn’t going to make it on its own, there’s more needed if you really wanna turn the tables, hence why some of them rather have their soul destroyed then doing this, in that kind of approach.
Although we didn’t create everything, we have to clean up the mess, in the end, because let’s be honest for once, after all these years, nothing has changed for us normies, in fact, it’s just getting worse.
Well I’m not willing to help to clean up all this shit others made, not without some decent help.
Kim should create her own money institutions, her own banks, IF, she does have all the gold, she could.
If she did just that, it would be possible to really go somewhere, to really have a chance.
So strange that this isn’t the case already, again after all she claimed to eliminate, with or without help from others like the enforcer, surely more could/should be done.
Now I too can make up great stories, and hope in the end, others will make those stories true, that’s easy.
All of that shit doesn’t add up, and for that reason, I’m not sharing my wisdom, who knows, you just might be fooled by a matrix.
It’s time for Kim to deliver to the people, and not some stories, but real action, real undeniable facts.
I know I would if I was in her place, for crying out loud, it’s obvious that the majority only follows, they don’t move anywhere else, if there isn’t some huge strong other power in place for what there is Right now. .
If even the archivists don’t go along or some angels, how the f*** would or should regular people do it?
That’s kinda pathetic view on the matter.
Create a decent system, because you cannot be touched by them, but we can.
So it’s first of all up to you Kim, and if you truly are what you say you are, that shouldn’t be a problem.
Oh yeah, I know I’m not talking to Kim directly, or at least I think, but you can forward her this info if you will.
You can even say it comes from yourself, I don’t mind, only change is important, not the ego.
Of course if she would listen to it, you should also be able to give a good new system in the future.
You can also dismiss it or whatever, but that won’t make it less true.