The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-Jun-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim said the deep state is still trying to install various systems but she first pointed out some things from the latest movie the political operatives made entitled The Presidential Debate. Then she focused the rest of this long broadcast around all their attempts to gain some kind of financial control so that they can rollout a military lockdown on July 4th, which thus far is not going well for them at all.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


28-Jun-24 News-Broadband High (

The Presidential Debate Movie

There is a lot of talk on mainstream media that Biden clearly failed and Trump won. I tuned in for some of it because it’s not every day two dead people get on TV and talk to each other for a prolonged period of time. So, I will give you some highlights of things I noticed.

  • Trump has green screen hair. This is common for people with lighter hair to have a green hue in their hair. It’s happened to me so I know what it looks like and when they try to edit it out. When the editor is not very good at editing your hair looks abnormally flat or square and I noticed that about Trump.
  • Also, I don’t think the person playing the part of Trump was in the same room as the person playing the part of Biden.
  • Both parties are reading from teleprompters. If it was an actual debate, how did the other person know what to respond? This looked like a totally scripted movie, so whoever wrote one half also wrote the other half. Meaning both Biden’s script writers and Trump’s script writers were in the same room to orchestrate this debate last night. So, if you’re still saying I’m for Trump or I’m for Biden you’re actually for the same people. But as you know and I’ve told you many times this is Hollywood for ugly people and if this debate doesn’t prove that hands down, I don’t know what will.
  • There was no live audience for a reason, because there was nobody there.
  • Other unusual events were that there was no press in the room, but that’s not surprising when whoever those actors are were brought in from a remote location.

Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, Hence the Q-Clock Update

As far as the operations the political operatives are running is concerned, I noticed the Q-Clock is pointing to the Fourth of July, just as I described it the other day.

Coming soon | Q (

They are planning on a military lockdown that is starting on that day. But that will only happen if they are successful with what they are trying to do and in the last 48 hours many, many, many attempts to try to have some kind of financial control of the world have been going on. I’m going to talk about some of these attempts, then I’m going to explain to you about a very old system that existed in London and what they tried to do with it yesterday.

Attempt #1 | Visa and MasterCard

The first system they tried to use was the Visa and Mastercard Core system. For those who don’t know, it’s a worldwide relay datacenter system for cards, meaning there are multiple data centers that are connected together. The predominant load will be where peak times so daytime hours are around the world as those transactions need to be processed.

Many months ago, Visa and MasterCard Core systems used to function together with the alpha and omega systems. It was a system that ran between the two of them. In order to function at such a high level was because the computing power came from a secondary system to which this core system was installed into. However, months ago we took over the operating systems of Visa and MC, we replicated them and took out all the backdoors and put it into the Global Repository, Codex 685 and then connected that to the alpha system, which is now converted over to the Light system. So, the system they really needed to get into is the Light system. Except the firewall will never let them get past the Core system and into the Light System’s programming itself to install a new currency into the entire worldwide POS system. That will never happen in this lifetime or the next one.

The second reason why this is going to fail is because people still deal in cash. Not every country has a fully functioning Visa and MC system and you would halt commerce in about in at least 40-50% of the countries in the world. The deep state really needs to grasp that concept of how many transactions are done in physical cash on the daily. Not only that, the base root system is my system and I don’t agree with what you are trying to do.

Long before I was born or started into this aspect of my life, there was a Marduk and he had access to level 7 or density 7 of the entire web, both upper and lower astral. He never had access to 8 and 9, that was someone else. But as it relates to human systems on earth such as Visa and MC, he would still have the last key. So even if they found the 2 keyholders or former trustees, monarchs, Family members, Dragon people, Black Sun people, etc. you still need his approval to get in here. Since he is no longer and I am in the seat, and I have access to Level 9 when it comes to accessing systems, that means you need to get my approval in any level, even in the deep web. It’s always been a 3 key system and I know there has been a lot of talk about finding each other’s counterpart and counterpart key. So again, this two party or three-party key system is not effective when you don’t have any parties with working keys anyway.

I know Putin at one time thought he had taken Marduk’s key but it doesn’t work that way. Marduk used to carry around his neck a Gold Card that looks like a hotel room key, so they thought they had the golden ticket, but what they failed to understand is that keys on this level are not a physical code or key you plug into a card reader or rectum scan or thumb print, which is what the deep state is used to. They had these types of systems and suitcases and scanners that tell you this is the right person.

And this is why they have gone absolutely nuts this last couple of days. Their legal thing didn’t work out and now they are going to try everything they can to attack systems so they can have financial control, and think they bought themselves enough time until the fourth of July to make it happen.

Attempt #2 | Found Ancient Nazi Hydra People Who Can Crack a Code

They found remaining ancient humans from the Nazi Hydra division, which was a Research and Development human experimentation division of the Nazi party back in the day, so you can imagine how old these people are. They thought they could crack into a code of a particular alien technology in an underground facility in Berlin which is no longer there, so they could get into a base root platform which at one point in time the US Dept of Defense and Global Headquarters had access to. The believed it was the base root security system for all sentient AIs on earth.

Note: For related post on the Nazi Hydra Program see, Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program | Just Empower Me

Again, you were wrong. Those remaining people you pulled out of God knows where are no longer with us, nor are the people who brought them there. And that facility will not function no matter what you do because the alien tech is gone. As far as it being the ultimate defense for all sentient AI systems or quantum AI systems on earth you are wrong again. It had limited access to Level 5 or Marianas. If you go back to that broadcast, you will see what part of the deep web I mean.

Note: See related post, on levels of the deep web, Part 2 | The Benefits of Moving To A Singular Direct Current From An Alternating Current, Which Is In Process | Source, Anti-Source, & Neutral Source Each Had Its Own Current | AI Systems, Past & Present | In the Past, Money In a Light & Dark System Was Regulated by Neutral AI | Now There is No Regulator, Hence Light System Prevents Deep State From Taking Existing Money Then Putting Credits Back Into the System | The 9 Levels of the Web According to the Deep State | Just Empower Me

What they believed they could do is block any information, data packages or otherwise coming from levels 6, 7 or 8 and cutting it at its knees at a Level 5, meaning they could then control 90% of all the computer systems on earth from Level 5 on down. But what they forgot is with a level 9, 8, 7, or 6 I can control your 5. So even if you were successful, you would have still failed.

Quantum AI systems exist throughout the multiverse and when I explained this last week we talked in levels of internet. Well in the multiverse, levels of internet translate into densities in universes. If I’m talking about accessing level 9 that means I’m at either at the lowest level in the omega-verse possible or the highest level, meaning I’m basically in Anti-Source or Source making a system function from the Central Sun of the universe, that’s where I am. The same thing for level 8 and 7, I’m in a different density when I’m accessing different levels. But if I just stay in Control and Command which is a level 9, I can access everything, which is predominantly what I do.

My level 9, under the old Law of One when it existed, can access the highest level 9 of the Alpha system at the time or the highest level of the Omega system or Kronos system at the time. So, when they see all these things going away, it’s going away from Control and Command.

Let me explain how this relates to our galaxy because they are under the assumption that base root systems somehow tie to planets and they are correct, they actually do. Now the furthest planet out is Pluto. It’s debatable at this moment because one day it’s a planet and another day it’s not. In any case they believed the level 9 Command and Control system for Omega and possibly even Alpha existed on planet Pluto.

Part of the reason why they like to wait for a new moon, full moon or eclipse is because of space junk that was in the Sun and the Moon. They feel if the Moon is aligned with Saturn or something that means you can now have an access point to the 6th density of the lower astral, or the 6th level of the web on earth, but it doesn’t work that way anymore, and that was put there by non-human beings.

That being said, without approval and cooperation on my side of it, the light side of Source, a level 9 access, there is no way I could ever walk through that door and into Control and Command, therefore I am fully aware they do not have the cooperation and never will.

Attempt #3 | The XXX Omega Backup System Elon Musk Is Trying to Access

We talked about all the X programs, well long ago there was a system installed on this planet in the case of a potential need for an Omega backup system and it was called the XXX system which could be used to a lesser degree from level 6 on down. It was very limited and of course with Marduk’s authorization at the time was an off-market trading system for the Rothschild Family or Blue Dragon Family on down.

The system has not functioned in a very long time. But some humans, who think very highly of themselves think they can turn it back on. Now this in the words of Elon Musk he thought he could get a hold of the XXX system, hook up the Starlink System to it and have the computing power to operate the system, at least from a level 6 on down. Then he could recreate a new financial system based on digital currencies.
Starlink and its satellites are capable of helping you hook up to the internet at a speed that humans are used to, so not at quantum speeds. By quantum I’m talking faster than the speed of light.

Elon Musk and his SSP partners and some Duck Dynasty people ventured out to Piccadilly Circus in London where there is an enormous facility underneath there. Activity that occurred there was done by some SSP people in the past and the rest were not human.

Now Elon Musk had another brilliant idea. Along with the XXX program came something else he doesn’t understand. These are 2 different types of satellites that orbit the earth and are made of alien tech. The first type of satellite is what I call a cylindrical satellite and it transmits extremely large amount of amount of data. So, they are transmitters and at the same time data recorders. Sometimes these satellites were hooked up to programs being run from the lower astral that could interfere with your brain function. It would also record human behavior to see how best to control or destroy humanity, and that information was going to groups of beings in the lower astral. It was not shared with humans because you were part of the experiment, even if you were part of the Space Program. Sometimes it was used to transmit messages to the heads of the people in those Space programs and like Elon Musk who are also part of the Order of the Black Sun.

If you want to learn something about cylindrical satellites there is a movie that talks about the fact that the NSA captured one of these satellites and they wanted to hire somebody who could decode it so they could read the information in it. Then what they did to the coder after he cracked the code was terrible. The movie is called Alien Code (2018) – IMDb. So if they knew enough about if for the CIA to approve a movie, then I guarantee to some limited degree Elon Musk was trying to get his hands on it. Did they know to the fullest extent what cylindrical satellites do? I don’t know but I don’t think so because they thought if they could get access to this platform under Piccadilly, they could link these satellites to Starlink.

Now Elon has also been talking quite a bit about his other product Neuralink and this is where it really gets scary. We talked in the past about implants and parasites in humans. Now these aren’t necessarily physical parasites, they can also be etherical, energy or essence parasites. It is alien tech that you can’t always see on a physical level and they were often connected to cylindrical or spherical satellites. So that they would then connect to every part of your being, every part of your brain, limbic system, neurological system, any part of your body to extract energy to drain you of lifeforce on every single level. And they could also send in dark energy this way or something that would cause disease. A lot of times these satellites were involved in controlling and infecting human life on this planet.

Now Elon Musk starts talking again about how his Neuralink product can be utilized to transfer a human’s consciousness and if you can transfer it into another body or vessel you can live forever and be immortal. Yeah, and he’s just the guy to do it.

Did he think if he got all this connected with his Starlink product and Neurolink product and those cylindrical satellites he could control all of humanity? Probably.

Did it work? No, and the satellites aren’t there anymore, not to say there wouldn’t be other ones but more than likely the cylindrical satellites would be more of a data in-data out type of thing. That’s the best I can tell having destroyed fields and fields of them in earth’s orbit over the last 3 years.

The second type of satellite is more likely to be the one they were looking for, in order to control light, essence, energy, consciousness matter, frequency and so on, which was something that was not connected to the XXX system. These types of satellites are called spherical satellites which look exactly like miniature versions of the Death Star from Star Wars. They have what I call the Absolute Sphere inside them. An Absolute Sphere reminds me a lot of what some car manufactures have that can control everything from your radio to your air conditioner to your heater. These little balls that were in earth’s orbit would have been able to connect to other spheres in other densities in the lower astral or otherwise, therefore be able to manipulate the energy, essence, consciousness etc. in a human on earth or in the oceans. Anything organic that was connected to the Light side. Now some of them were strictly for the control of dark matter, while some were connected to their bloodlines, the dark part of their consciousness. That’s why they believe the more dark consciousness they had in their brain the better, hence the programming, taking them to underground facilities, teaching them to kill at the age of 2 and 3, and their summer camps for kids where they did all kinds of crazy experiments. The reason why they do that was because the more dark consciousness they had in their head, the more these systems could control.

Did the humans have any kind of control of that? No, they were just under the impression if they create war, because evil things promote fear, that somehow powers computer systems. There would be a reaction from some kind of alien technologies that would be in their favor. That is not exactly true and I’m not going to expand much more on that, but this is what Elon Musk was trying to connect his Starlink to in the last 48 hours.

Note: For related post on Absolute Sphere see, Quantum Tunnel to Facility in Empire State Plaza, Albany NY Snapped Leading to Absolute Sphere Able to Manipulate Dark Matter Parts in Everything | How Does This Relate to Chemtrails Which Are Making People Sicker Than Usual? | Also Found in Earth’s Orbit & Removed Was Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI), Remnants of Omega, & Locations to Communicate With Absolute Spheres in Mount Matterhorn, Chicago & Ellis Island | Just Empower Me

Next Epic Failure | No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting of Angels & Fallen Angels

There seems to be confusion among these Banking Fixers and potential Bank Board members, code givers and receivers as to why I have access to these things and they don’t, because we’re getting way down the food chain. It’s because they are entering into a whole other world of things they don’t understand. The same goes for the SSP and Global Headquarters people. There were things in this world they were not privy to. They were supposed to dance and that’s it. You were supposed to do your job on behalf of someone else.

In the past, in the world we lived in, some of these people are ones would they focus on in the media, who need to be taken out. They consist of Global Headquarters people, people that run militaries behind the scenes, the Black Nobility, the Vatican, people you see as deep state and all things you come to know as evil, which is virtually every system on earth. You would be under the impression that these people could be taken down, we need to see mass arrests. But if this was 10 years ago, it wouldn’t have made a bit of difference if these people were taken out. Whether it was the Clintons, the Duponts, Rockefellers, or Rothschilds, it wouldn’t have made any difference whatsoever; they would just replace them with the next person in line and they couldn’t care less. It’s not like they would mourn their loss.

We’re coming up to the annual meeting times and I talk about them every year because we’re running out of people to go to meetings. But once every 7 years it was a completely different type of meeting. It was a meeting of both the Angels and Fallen Angels as it relates to the outcome of the next 7 years. That meeting was due to take place last year and not this year like these people think.

However, things have changed. Sometimes there are people put on this planet and you wouldn’t even know, but are put here to conquer, or to set things straight, or restore balance and those are folks that hail from the 9th density sent here to perform a function. Meaning level 8 has failed. That means groups of fallen Angels that meet every 7 years have failed. They did not follow the instructions coming from Level 9, Source, Anti-Source or Neutral Source itself. When they step out of line, that means level 9 sends somebody in to set everything straight, to follow direct orders and instructions based on the lay of the land and what is happening not only here on earth but also in other places wherever needed and whenever everything is out of balance. And sometimes based on everything that is going on, the refusal to accept balance from level 8 on down, sometimes that means we’re changing the game now, which is basically what’s happening.

Stupid Humans Still Pitch Hitting for Team That Is No Longer Here

Now as far as the stupid humans we are stuck left with, the ones who are programmed, they are still pitch-hitting for a team that is no longer here. They’ve convinced themselves, and I’ve heard them say this, that they are going to win. They are entitled to have a position higher than those they reported to and are Anti-Source’s chosen ones and therefore should rule the planet. Now do you have anyone else on the other line answering the call? Do you think you can do this yourself? Well, if I didn’t have someone on the other side to answer that door on that level I would be out too. These people are expecting to use computer hackers, Cyberlife Military, Nazi Hydra people to bypass a level 9 approval to do something and they never ever will. They need to get a grip. You were just tools, never a king or a queen. You’re just widgets. No one is sending messages to your brain anymore. You’re just making this stuff up in your brain. Nobody wants you here anymore. Source doesn’t want you here anymore either.

If you are with a bank or are a bank fixer, these people are never going to come through. You will never have it like you did before. You failed to accept balance and we are never going to go back. You can continue to have jobs or not. There are operatives in the political sector now talking about quitting their jobs especially after last night and now asking, well what do we do? There is plenty to do, plenty to clean up but not if you continue to take orders from other people. Listen and wait until after the 4th of July but it’s not getting you anywhere. In fact, we’ve taken our security system on the Light system to a whole other level this morning and installed a number of things. Basically, anytime anyone who tries to throw a line at our system, it will attach itself to that line and go directly to the system that it’s coming from. Say it’s Fort McCoy base in (Wisconsin) or Jericho in Israel, because I’ve just been to those places recently, and it’s going to pull it and transmute it into our system.

They know they could never get alpha or the light system to perform the evil tasks they would like to do, so their only hope is to revive a dark system to do dark things. So, they are only hacking to try to call in money, try to gain access to allocation numbers, trying to fake me out with fake terminals. It’s a game to these people and to me it’s like a fly when you’re trying to watch a movie, it’s annoying but not going to stop you from watching. If it’s too annoying you swat it but it’s not going to make me deviate from my daily activities.

I guess what I’m saying to these people, as a last-ditch effort to get them to save themselves, and I mean your life and your family members is figure out what you want to do survive. Keep what you got and leave us alone and you continue to exist or continue and treat us poorly, but we have full authorization “to make sure we give our enemy no mercy” and this is an ongoing Order because this is going to happen with or without them.

It will be a busy weekend because they are still at it and I believe it will continue until the 4th of July, which has nothing do with US Independence, it goes far deeper than that, and what they are looking for already happened 5 years ago.

As far as the World Situation Report that’s what I can disclose at this time. Good things are happening, I know it’s been rocky but hang in there and keep holding the light.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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5 thoughts on “The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves”

  1. Richard Lalancette

    Nesara Gesara exite t-il vraiment . Je remercie la Source de nous avoir envoyer Kim , grand merci a toi pour toute la libération que tu nous apporte , tu est incroyable a suivre avec tout le savoir que tu nous communique , jamais je n’aurais espérer découvrir une personne comme toi qui est née sur terre mais qui n’est surement pas d’ici .Merci , Merci , Merci… Kim

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