This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered by Sunny on 28-Feb-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim followed up with more detail on her previous update reported by Sunny. The big news is the Silent Circle is not going to be an ally for humanity and help us move forward which was alluded to in Sunny’s update. Rothschild was also in on the scam to crash markets with Meyer Rothschild at the helm. Neither succeeded but where does that leave us? The long way I suppose.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

28-Feb-24 News (
The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond
On Saturday, while listening to an operative meeting on structure and how to move forward now that they are free agents, they appear to be the hottest commodity as it relates to the deep state. If it’s not one group it’s another trying to regain control of them in some way. I was also listening to a meeting between the Silent Circle and Anti-Silent Circle, aka the Black Nobility Families and they all appear to be together having the same conversation with the operatives. Remember the Black Nobility Families were predominantly based in Italy and under their umbrella they were heavily tied to the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, Opus Dei, every mafia and all gangs underneath them, so their downline is enormous and consists of millions of people.
Head of the Silent Circle Head is on Same Program as Black Nobility
The Silent Circle did take out the heads of the Anti-Silent Circle families and then brought their downlines underneath their own umbrella this week, and we assumed there would be some semblance of order and sanity, but that was not the case at all. Listening in on their Saturday meeting left me really confused because the Tables were saying to these operatives, I’m going to give you big money, payouts will be on Monday and here’s what we’re going to have you do. They then talked about the fake assassination of Donald Trump, the crashing of the US dollar, the distribution of Disease X, they are going to continue the war in Israel and war in Russia, all the stuff that’s been going on all along, and they were divvying up jobs and contracts between operatives.
The Head of the Silent Circle who has been instrumental in guiding things along here is kind of a relation to me, and his mom who knows me advised him not to do what he’s doing right now. Upon further investigation the pretense behind what has transpired, a hostile takeover between the division of the two groups, and it appears they thought it would be a good idea to come to the table with us having equal leverage. That’s what they claimed when I heard the discussion between the Head of the Silent Circle and his mother, but that’s not what it looked like to me. It looked like death and destruction and total crashing of the world.
Kim’s Past Dealings with the Silent Circle
I had this experience before. Back in 2016-2017 was the last time I had any dealings with the Silent Circle. Somewhere along the way around mid-2016 they started to flip a switch on me. Everything was fine for 3-4 years and we had no problems. I told you about the dollar deal and everything was okay until that point when something started to flip. It turned out a contract was taken out for $165 billion if they could get me to transfer money into this new bank setup that was being setup on the Bush Ranch in Paraguay. That was the location I came to find out later. The data centers they built on the Bush Ranch were not quantum but they were connected at the time to a huge level 9 omega portal, so there could have been a possibility of a connection to a very deep dark system. I started sensing the conversations were different, and they too installed someone to have direct contact within their group, you could call it a handler, a liaison, but it’s a person I would have contact with daily. Then around 2017 this person started realizing they were losing control of me and they started panicking because they made an awful lot of promises with zero delivery. On Dec 15, 2017 I cut off all communications with this person and I thought it was just that guy who took that contract. I didn’t realize it was the entire Silent Circle and that’s why we parted ways. But there was still a relationship with his mom and myself that there would be no harm.
The Universal Trust
So, when I heard this meeting this weekend I thought where are they going to get the money from? Remember the agreement between the Silent Circle and the Anti-Silent Circle was they would not use their own money. I thought the entire Universal Trust which was about 250-275 years old and based in Armenia was gone. The Trust was run by both the Silent Circle and Anti-Silent Circle and in part it was used for money laundering and had a connection to all Tier 1 and Tier 2 banks. A lot of campaign funds would come out of the Universal Trust for various politicians and after they are selected, they would then say oh look you have a contribution from the Colombian mafia, the Sicilians, etc., so they would be forced to do whatever they wanted them to do. This is why the state of New York in particular is so messed up, because it’s predominantly run by the Anti-Silent Circle. The police force and all the politicians have taken a part of the Universal Trust in some shape or form, and it’s not exclusive the US.
After listening to the rest of their plan I thought, is there any remnants to this Universal Trust that I just haven’t seen? Turns out there was a small (compared to what it was) black server network, which is like a bank inside a bank that doesn’t register as accounts on file, but can be accessed through that bank and the total amount of fake and real money was around $980 trillion. They probably had around $15-30 trillion of their own real money and the rest was fake numbers. But it was enough to show various people they actually had money, so they expected to be paid out and this is where it gets tricky.
Silent Circle Issued $9.8 Quadrillion in Bonds as Leverage
Once I found that black box network I started looking further because I knew they were told pay time was noon EST. Well, it turns out they issued about $9.8 quadrillion in bonds against that money as a leverage and that is a whole lot. The Silent Circle issued the bonds to the Treasury Departments and Governments and Heads of State in an attempt at a hostile takeover. They knew if they could rip these bonds out they could crash the banking system, which of course would be a threat that would be over everybody’s head. Those bonds were due on 27th of February which was yesterday, so the collateral would have expired and they would have to reissue the collateral if this is what they were going to do.
And I knew this.
I found all the bonds and I could see clearly an attempted hostile takeover of all governments and militaries worldwide. This was pretty much done by the Anti-Silent Circle, but the Silent Circle was going to take the opportunity to create their own hostile takeover and take over the entire black box network, then they were going to come to the party after everything had blown up and have a negotiation.
What does this prove? They don’t care about humanity either.
So, I waited until 5 minutes before noon EST on Monday and I pulled all of it. Their $980 billion disappeared, all the bonds were disappearing out the market like crazy. The banks were basically in crisis at that point because there was no asset base and no backing for currencies. Everything they attempted to do fell apart in about 15-20 minutes.
Where did that leave the financial system?
Their intention was crash everything and buy it back for pennies on the dollar which would then make their $14-15 trillion worth something because everyone would be broke. In addition to that, there has been some attempt to fully crash the market and not show real numbers. There was some experimentation going on with backdoors not only to the US markets but markets around the world. But the rumors floating around about the US government potentially shutting down Friday and then we would see a financial crash as soon as this weekend were based on this plan of the Anti-Silent Circle and now the Silent Circle.
Reports on Q Clock
The reports on the Q clock, that 100 countries are on high alert is in part true because the Anti-Silent Circle and Silent Circle have been telling countries to prepare for a financial crash coming this weekend. It could be as soon as 3am tomorrow morning.
What Was the Dollar Deal Really to the Silent Circle?
Remember 10-11 months back we talked about the Silent Circle going into all the government institutions and it looked like they were finally going to take over and the dollar deal was finally going to happen? And it probably would have, but then they thought this would bring them closer to being equal partners, which was a lie. Both parties coming to the table with something to offer is fine, I understand how business works at this level, but they lost me at Disease X, fake assassination of Trump, war in Israel and Russia, a world war, arms sales increasing and the contracts they attempted to hand out that didn’t have payment is where they lost me.
The Silent Circle is just like everybody else I am sorry to say. We’re trying to formulate beneficial relationships that could assist humanity in moving forward, but again it’s like the story of the frog and the scorpion. We never made it all the way across the river, me being the frog and them being the scorpion in this instance. They made the mistake of stinging the frog halfway across to the finish line. Maybe they thought we wouldn’t hear them; I just don’t know.
Where Are the Operatives On This?
The operatives weren’t really happy with what the Silent Circle was proposing and at this point they told the deep state that if nobody is paying us we won’t move, if you pay us we move. This kind of kept them separate from the rest of the deep state as they were banking on the fact they are were never going to pay. It’s been 17 years they haven’t paid. Although they have gotten some money to some degree when I transferred to the governments, but I haven’t transferred anything to the government in 4-5 years. They weren’t really happy with this meeting I could tell and things went quiet over the weekend.
Where Were the Rothschilds on This Scam?
When the Silent Circle’s operations kind of went belly up the Rothschilds were obviously aware and in on this scam too. I’ve been hearing this rumor since 2013, that they are going to crash the world’s financial system and buy it back for pennies on the dollar. They were going to use the Anti-Silent Circle for this, but it’s never too late to make a big mistake if you are Rothschild.
Mayer Rothschild’s Plan for Flooding Market with Iraqi Dinar & US Dollars
If you remember my talk with Agent M, he mentioned a man named Mayer Rothschild. He has been 3rd in command in the Rothschild family for awhile, but he has stepped up, perhaps due to the recent suicide of Jacob Rothschild which we’ll talk about in a bit. So, when the Silent Circle’s failure became apparent on Monday, Mayer Rothschild decided to pick up a very old Heidelberg Press, which is a printing machine for currencies including US dollars. Back before we had a worldwide financial system these press machines were distributed to the areas where all the colors of the Dragon families were present, and it was for the distribution of US dollars based on the fact they started trading commodities in US dollars. The various countries included but was not limited to, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Russia, Iran, and the UK. Because it’s too heavy and complicated to put all that paper on a ship they transported the printing press and manufactured the paper locally to do the printing. Well, the press they are using for today’s event is from Iran and Mayer Rothschild thought he would move this singular press to India and rapidly printed enormous amounts of Iraqi dinar and US dollars.
History Repeats Itself in Russia
To explain why they thought this would work, here is another history lesson.
The USSR and Iran had a similar thought, that they would flood the market with the US dollar super note and then crash the US dollar in a Cold War tactic because they claimed the US crashed the ruble. There are a lot of overzealous operatives claiming they crashed the ruble. I’ve had at least 10-15 people tell me they were responsible. One is Leo Wanta who did it on Reagan’s behalf. Juan O’Savin also claimed in an interview online he single-handedly crashed the ruble. Well, it was actually Marduk who crashed the ruble by agreement. It was all pre-agreed to divide the Soviet Russian countries, except they still aren’t divided so you could still say there is the Soviet Union and communism, it still hasn’t gone away.
Note: For related post on Leo Wanta see, Juan O’Savin (#107) & Jared Kushner Orchestrate Rothschild’s Plan of Civil War in US & Financial Crash | Except Solomon’s Bloodline Curse Agreement Expires | Trillions Expected from Leo Wanta Falls Flat | Now Martyred Trump (Operation Cash Machine) on Turbo | Part 1 | Just Empower Me
But the fight between the USA trying to install democracy all over the world and the KGB trying to install communism was really both the right-hand and left-hand clapping to achieve an end result. Many different things resulted in the Soviet Union in a hostile takeover at that time. Rothschild and the Order of the Dragon became very active in the oil industry in Russia and there were a lot of embargos on the sale of diamonds. Russia has an enormous number of diamonds, it’s not just Africa and the embargo lasted for about 20—25 years. That contract which was with DeBeers (aka Rothschild) just ended. There were a lot of different industries that were affected by the fall of the Soviet Union and then the allowance of foreign ownership happened, which would have never been allowed before. The structure was more like what you see in China, even more so to a higher degree, everything was owned by the government. I’m telling you this story so you understand this has already happened before.
Lenin got his marching orders from Rothschild in Switzerland when he was in exile. This is how you install communism on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia, aka fake Jews, aka Bolsheviks. This history repeats itself in Russia and is one of the most heavily attacked countries in the world constantly. The reason for that is because of gateway control (remember the Gateway to Heaven is in Moscow) and tremendous amounts of resources and trinkets everyone wants to have. So, these coups that happen and the attacks on Russia are about the Black Sun control and Rothschild Order of the Dragon control on behalf of their masters.
Back to Current Day
Because they believe America was at fault for crashing the ruble, they thought they would crash the dollar and today Mayer Rothschild thought he would fire up the same exact printing press in cooperation with Iran and started printing enormous amounts of super notes, thinking we’d forget the same serial numbers already exist. So, he intended on flooding the market with fake currencies and fake dinar preparing for a full crash.
NSA Is Pulling Out All of the Stops
They were expecting a soft crash starting today. That indication came when we watched the NSA on behalf of the Rothschild clan attempt to hack the Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) and insert fake serial numbers. They didn’t get in, but if it worked with these countries, they were going to print every other country’s currency. Then after registering the currency, it would have devalued the currency at a rapid rate because of supply and demand, that’s the first thing that happens, their version of a financial collapse and we would have seen hyperinflation overnight.
The NSA was trying to use a backdoor into Airbus? (not sure I heard that right) in Paris France to gain access, that was on behalf of Rothschild as well. The NSA is pulling out all the stops because they got the same speech, you’re incompetent and you used to work for Marduk! But I was the one who told them they worked for Marduk and I do things for a reason. When I say things in the news it’s because I know they’re listening. I give them just enough rope to hang themselves and I know based on the war I have been in against the Black Nobility families and the Rothschild families what they are going to do because they are extremely predictable. I knew when I said out loud the NSA used to have a direct line all the way up to Source and all the way down to Anti-Source, afforded by Marduk, that of course the remaining Family members were going to say we need to get the NSA onboard. And it was a week ago today they started hacking our telegram, doing slander campaigns, etc. It’s okay, I’m actually flattered because unlike me you don’t see many alt media people getting attacked. I am the most heavily attacked human in both the alt media and mainstream media.
Rothschilds Attempt to Crash the Banking System Failed Too
The attempt to install the super notes into the banking system to crash the system and then buy the world back for pennies on the dollar failed. It didn’t even work in the 1970s, but what did work as a direct result at that time was a coup in Iran and fall of the Shah which is the Royal Family there, and the installation of the Rothschild family in Iran, the Green Dragon. So, people like Khomeini and installation of a false Imam to take control of the country happened, and to this day they are still listening to those people. And if they are not listening to them, they are listening to their Chinese counterparts the Lee Family and the Golden Dragon, which is eventually going to end very badly for Iran. If you enjoy being under their control then continue, but I assure you the promised crash is never going to happen. You will never get the money into the system.
Jacob Rothschild Committed Suicide
The truth is Jacob Rothschild died a couple of weeks ago in a shuffle behind the scenes amongst the families and his death was actually a suicide based on their failure and his failure as the head of the family. For the first time in the history of the advent of this family they are losing everything. In the news though they named a woman as the new head of the family, so I’m not entirely sure who is. But behind the scenes, one of the top people underneath Jacob is Mayer Rothschild and he decided he’s going to get the job done. He wasn’t able to either. Maybe he will commit suicide as well, we can hope.
By the way, Jacob probably wasn’t alone in that skin suit of his. He was chipped and likely managed to do the switcharoo as that is what those over 40 in that family do. Remember the pyramid in Balmoral Castle which was tied to where the Queen and King Chuckie went.
Is King Chuckie on Life Support?
Speaking of King Chuckie, he is on life support because they want William to take the throne, they still think it will help them because he’s half Melchizedek on Diana’s side and half Merovingian on Chuckie’s.
Note: Here’s a link for a Reuters (Rothschild owned) article, King Charles ‘reduced to tears’ by support after cancer diagnosis | Reuters
Is Kate Middleton Really Sick?
Kate is also in bad shape because the Rothschilds think she is too much of an influence on William. I don’t think it’s a normally occurring disease process she is going through in any way and William knows it too, but he can’t say a word. They should have walked away when Harry and Meagan did.
Custom of the Royal Guard Riding the Pure White Horse
The cultural understanding is they have the Royal Guard riding on horseback and they never take out the pure white horse unless the King, or in the past the Queen is present. They knew the flag not flying over Buckingham Palace means the King was not present, yet why was the pure white horse being ridden. This little event comes days before the announcement of Jacob Rothschild’s death. What are they trying to say? Who is the King? Is this some kind of a 4 horseman of the apocalypse story? It got kind of rough between the family members over there the last couple of weeks. Did one of the Rothschilds automatically think they were going to be chosen behind the scenes as successor of the family and basically declared himself the Crown and King of England?
Note: Here’s a clip of what Kim is referring to (I think), Fact Check: King Charles’ guards display not linked to Jacob Rothschild’s death | Reuters
Sunny: So will they announce when and if Chuckie is dead?
Who knows, they will do it when it’s convenient for them. For that matter, we’ve had a dead president on ice in the White House for 3 years just so the operatives can make some money, and another past president running again who has been dead for 2 years, so who knows. They are just trying to cling to some kind of political control long enough until they can figure something to pull off. But I guarantee we’ll get to Friday and nothing will happen and no payouts for these people.
No More Partnering with the Silent Circle
We need to be prepared to not take anyone with us. There will be no more partnering with the Silent Circle and they know it. They called the locals and told them to get me to give their money back and that was a rough situation.
Sunny: They know you just took all their money so why don’t the operatives’ partner with you?
Common sense is not all that common. You can’t expect people who have been living their life one way to change. The Trump operatives again were told they would be the 13th seat of the New World Order, so some are still working on their Q website. I don’t see them wavering, they don’t see what is actually happening, it’s a disease, they only see that it’s their turn.
Moving Ahead on Our Own
The safety and security of you and your money and the planet is of utmost important to me. At this stage you can see where the world is at. The Silent Circle is angry at me, Rothschild is angry, meanwhile the financial sector is getting weaker and weaker. What happens when money is transferred to a single person, a few thousand people, then a few million? You have to look at the safety of people. Some are of interest to them, such as some scientists. Is there safety in numbers? Possibly, but possibly not, so we have to look at all angles.
I really hope they have a suicide pact. Last I checked there are about 5 people on the inner circle. The 5 seats have rotated consistently, but as far as someone who is still breathing and 3rd in line of the Crown, (Mayer Rothschild I think is the one she is referring to) is one of the longest lasting parties, but probably not for long.
Sunny: With all the money and the bonds that were pulled from the Silent Circle, do you expect governments to fall faster?
I believe the Families will do anything they can to kick the can because they believe government gives them power and control. I don’t think they will allow a crash this weekend, but that’s my thought for today. If Rothschild’s plan was to crash the banking system Friday and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar, well hypothetically, if the operatives agree to work with us and they are in the financial sector this could be a possible scenario. We pay the operatives Friday, then who do you think would be able to run everything in the world?
On the flip side, if somebody doesn’t do something soon, will the Families spend their personal money to keep things afloat? Maybe they will crash too, on the same day operatives got paid? These are all hypothetical situations. We don’t know. I didn’t expect this zippy twist this weekend, you have to take it in, think fast and play the hand.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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