The Syrian Prison & Rescue Mission | Like Israel, There Is A Large Stargate Portal in Syria | There Are Also 2 SSP Military Bases Used For Human Experimentation & Controlled By Russia | The Destroyer (aka Ultimate Black Magician, Gilgamesh) Created A Second Universe Not Part Of Creation Called The Neither-World | He Staked Claim For All Stargates Throughout The Multiverse & Wants To Destroy All Of Creation | Hence, Destroyer Beings Started Infiltrating Earth From The Stargate Portal in Syria | Cyberlife Operatives Working For Gray Link Have Been Helping Since 11:11 | Kim’s Vision of Battling The Destroyer Has Been Happening For Days | To Be Continued, The Story Is Not Yet Finished

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Global tensions rise as Israel and the USA bomb Syria, forcing Assad to Russia. Leaks on secret space programs, 100k prisoners found in DUMBs, and mysterious portals to the Neither-World spark chaos. What’s behind these shocking events?

Another long post folks and this will make your head spin. It just never ends.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



It’s been a crazy end of the year and in all honestly it probably started around the last week of October. The craziest events have been happening and I’m finally just starting to figure out where they are coming from. It’s been a rough month and I’m sure for some of you out there it’s been rough for you too and this weekend was not exception. It’s been topsy turvy up and down ever since.

Q The Storm Poster on Twitter

There have been some interesting events that have been taking place in the world and there’s a real good explanation for that. One thing I found very interesting if you are on Twitter is QTHESTORMM and on that page for the first time he had a Q&A. He was telling everyone he was a 13-dimensional human-hybrid and he is everywhere and is everything, a part of this and part of that. He started giving out this information on alien invasions and yet nobody can see anything.


Well now we kind of can because while it might not manifest in a physical plane, it is still affecting the entire world whether it be from a causal plane or coming up from the 1st or 2nd density. So, it’s been a rough and I mean rough ride since the end of October, but it’s gotten a lot worse in the last 4 or 5 days.

Like Israel There is a Large Portal in Syria and Russia Has 2 Military Bases There

Let’s talk about Syria for a second. There are a lot of interesting things going on over there and there is definitely a reason behind everything and it’s the reason I’m bringing it up. The President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad  has been ruling over Syria for a long time, even in previous conflicts. As you know Assad and the Russians have been good allies or friends for a long time, even during the first conflict when BlackRock, or rather the US was there and they were trying to train rebels and do all sorts of things there. A lot of people thought it was just about oil, and by a lot of people I also mean myself too. I knew there was something in Syria for a long time, I just didn’t realize the extent of what was in Syria. The Russians also have 2 military bases in Syria and it’s the only ones they have outside of the USSR states and there is a reason for that.

For those who don’t know here is some history of Russia and why this is going on behind the scenes. During the time of the fall of the Czar, Russia has pretty much been a Black Sun country. The USSR is ruled by the Order of the Black Sun. There was some intertwining as there always has been between the Black Sun and the Order of the Red Dragon in Russia and by Russia I also mean the USSR. So, there are many different changes going on and a lot of infighting there, but one thing is a constant, their area control in Syria is extremely important to them, it is a territory.

In the world there are unseen territories. When the world is divided into territories it’s done not only by the Trilateral Commission and Council of Foreign Relations, it’s also done by the SSP, the Order of the Dragon, the Order of the Black Sun, and on the higher level it was done by the Parents and Marduk. And these territories are assigned to different sectors of the Order. You could call them countries, but I don’t I call them sectors of the Order. So, for Russia, there is a definitive reason why they have such a strong interest in Syria and are determined to protect their interests there. For about a week now behind the scenes there has been a lot of conflict in the region, Israel and Gaza and now Syria has been the main focus. I know for a fact the SSP has been very active in Israel, Trump is also a big supporter of Israel. They have even said once he gets into office there is going to be a lot of aid and money coming to Israel. Well, they had a plan and I’m pretty sure I figured out what that is now. But there is a large portal in Israel as we know and that was of a lot of interest to the SSP in the US. The same as the one in Syria.

He actually fled quite a long time ago. His wife and family were in London for quite a long time. Now he is quite ill in Russia and under their official asylum. There was a plane that was hit over the weekend and it was thought al-Assad was on that plane, but the Russians said he was not, he’s been in Russia the whole time and they granted him asylum.

Now since that time there are many rebel groups and these aren’t the typical groups like Isis that you hear about in the Middle East. Well Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (I’m not sure this is the group that Kim gave) is there and there is another group called the White Helmets that is there and these are mainly just civilians. Maybe some have served in the military before, but a lot of them have been against the al-Assad regime and there have been many different reasons for that. But one of the things this has brought to light in the public is about the treatment of ‘prisoners’ in Syria. Now I do know many people who have been imprisoned in Syria did no crime. They were just people picked up off the street and get taken somewhere.

There is a well-known fact there is one particular prison in Syria and it’s called Sednaya Prison and it’s known for people going in and never coming out. This facility is known to have many levels, meaning many basements and the rebel groups have been working very hard to free people from this prison, but this goes a lot deeper than they thought. I’ll give you kind of a clue. A whistleblower who worked in there said the prison was in Cyprus. When he reached these rebel groups he told them they turned off all the air vents underground and a lot of people are going to die. He also reported there were approximately 100,000 prisoners or more there, and if they were going to save them, they had to start now. This was about 48 hours ago and in part they have been trying.

There have been a lot of videos out there talking about rescue operations and how they are having a hard time finding the entrance to these deeper underground facilities. Now they’ve gone down to about the 1st, 2nd and possibly 3rd basement but they are having a difficult time getting down to the lower levels. The first few were easy and we have some footage of what they’ve been doing down there.

The other one is going to be a lot more difficult to find. The actual entrance to the deeper underground part is actually over under the Tishrin Dam near Aleppo. This facility here is in Damascus which led us to a lot of discoveries as far as this base. They show the cameras and they can see there is more to this facility but they just don’t know how to get to it.

We do have some people that are in Syria reporting back that they need help to save these people or they are all going to die. But maybe based on what we saw happening in these facilities when we looked into it a lot more, it would probably be a lot more pleasant than what they were going through.

I’m sure many of you are thinking, well it’s a Middle Eastern prison and it’s bound to be less humane than prisons in other countries, maybe in Europe and the US. But that is absolutely not true, this here was actually a facility that performed a lot human experimentation. When you get down to some of the lower levels, those people, and I use that term lightly, are barely even human anymore and it’s not because they were beaten or kept in the dark or anything like that. It has to do with the fact that this was an SSP base and has been for a long time. The Russians who have been participating in it and al-Assad have profited heavily by granting people access to this personally. There has been a lot of wheeling and dealing because it does cross borders and it leads you straight over to Cyprus. This facility was one of 33 like it in the world.

The reason why I included part of this video is because this shows some of the rebels underground taking videos of everything they did, which I guess was kind of nice because this is first-hand account. They are being very transparent in what they are doing. But packages were flying off the shelves there a few minutes ago and there was no one there throwing those packages. So, they are observing paranormal activity going on which is 100% true. There is a lot of stuff going on down there.

The video also showed these machines where they would actually take the people and put them on a stake and drain all their blood out. Then they would put them in a compression machine and crushed them. My guess is they were making them easier for storage. This is once they passed away if they didn’t make it through the torture or eugenic experiments they are doing on them.

The people brought here are not just Syrian, it’s just whoever serves their purpose in this particular area. There are other areas in the world like this one, like in Utah and the Mormon Church is definitely involved in that facility. The Amish are also involved in other facilities as well. These are just the humans participating. Almost all the Trump operatives are involved in these situations.

The rebels did manage to get into this facility and get a lot of the records and the history. They also had all the video tapes from the underground facilities because they did go down to some of the other levels they had not been able to reach earlier. What they are showing in the video is that someone left the facility to get more information and when they came back all of the hard drives had been pulled. It was like those parts of the facilities never ever existed. So it’s not exactly like nothing is going on there, it’s very suspicious.

About These 33 Facilities

There are 33 that we have found in the last 48 hours in different parts of the world and plenty of others we found in the last few days.

This facility is kind of shaped like a crescent. It does extend just a small amount into Syria but it basically goes under the sea and over to Cyprus. It’s enormous and the main access point to the deep, deep underground facility would be up in Syria, but the prison is down here, so they are a little far off from where they need to be. But they have saved a lot of people, so that’s a positive thing and I’m glad to hear that. The whistleblower in Cyprus was right, he came out in Cyprus which is another entryway or exit to the facility and a lot of the workers who live and go in from Cyprus go all the way underneath Damascus and everywhere else. This is a very large underground base and this whistleblower said there are around 100,000 people, but I would say there were about 175,000 that have been stuck in this underground facility.

So why did the vents go off and why did this guy report a lot of people were going to die if nobody goes in there and saves them? What were they trying to get these rebels to do?

In part I almost think it was a trap because they already experienced paranormal activity, even in the regular basement, so not even down into the deep underground base level. Things were flying off the shelves, people were attacked by nothing they could actually see, or things they can’t understand, and I know the feeling after this week. We have a big problem Houston, but first I’m going to talk about the facilities that were found and dotted on another map.

This facility was here in Austria and if you drew a circle around through Portugal, Norway, through Russia over to Kazakhstan you would find in the outer rim of this circle 32 facilities just like this one. Austria here in the center was number 33. Gee, I wonder why Hitler was doing what Hitler was doing and why the Russians were doing what the Russians were doing, and why does everyone want to control the one in Syria.

Wouldn’t they want the one in Austria?

Well no. For some reason a lot of these facilities that were dotted through this area were not human accessible. There were a couple but a lot of them didn’t have a DUMB at the facility where humans were permitted to enter and exit.

Now in some cases the humans were allowed to bring other humans as sacrifices I guess you could say to an entryway. There was definitely one near Rotterdam that connected through Denmark and then through Germany and Austria. I can see why they would have wanted control of this particular one, simply because there were humans going in and out of there and these were permitted to be there for a particular reason by agreement which is no longer enforceable. Technically I would call most of the human workers who were SSP operatives in this case cannon fodder, because they were being used.

Used by what? –Well, here’s where the rest of the story comes in.

What is The Neither-World?

This area in Syria here is what you would call a stargate portal area to a place we call the Neither-World.

This facility in Syria is unusual and these 33 that circled around are unusual. If you were in there, the room looks round and you would have doorways that would appear randomly. There are 2 or 3 doorways flashing all the time off and on at different places in the room. And there is a control and command center of that room where you can control where the doorways open to. Essentially you could walk through this doorway and end up anywhere, including the Neither-World, but you could also end up in Mars, the 5th density, the Aldebaran and go visit the Abraxas I guess at one time when they were there. You could go anywhere and you could dictate and direct where these doors go.

What has happened, which really started ramping up since the 11th of November, is that something definitely exploded on Thursday or Friday of last week and we started seeing these alien beings here.

I’m like who the heck is this? We have no one left in the lower astral.

I would describe these beings as extremely tall. I would say the rulers are probably 20-25 ft tall and taller in some cases. If you were to picture in your mind the Devil or Satan, that’s what these things looked like. They had horns, are very muscular with 2 arms and 2 legs, reptilian-like skin, and red eyes in most cases. I’ve seen these beings before only once in a vision, which made a lot more sense in the last 5 days.  We’re definitely taking them out and trying to close all the portals and doing all the things we need to do as fast as we can.  

Kim’s Vision of the War in Heaven 10 Years Ago

The vision in brief happened during one of my trips up to Source for all my instructions. It’s a direct connection to Source and there are others that can do this too. I’m sure there are and we know a few of them. We talk to other people in different places who help us, so there is a definite collaborative effort as I explained to you before.

I might have told you this story before, but in one of these visits up to Source over a decade ago, before I met anybody that you’ve seen come and go in the last few years, I was getting my instructions and there was a war going on in heaven. As there was a war up there, there were beings that looked just like these that I described. There was a leader that was much taller than the other ones but they all pretty much looked the same, just shorter versions.

There are beings that live up there and I would say they looked like floating balls of light. Of course, this is when you get out from the center of the ALL THAT IS, and those floating balls of light beings were fighting these other demon beings because the demon beings were trying to take over Source’s position. That I knew.

I wasn’t sure how this was going to happen when it actually took place, but apparently it actually did take place. Now remember there is no space there and no time like we have here.  So, this could have been something that took place in what I consider the past because I’m here, and human, and on earth. At the time it obviously looked like it was happening right now to me. So everyday for 3 days when I went up to there, after these demon beings were ‘defeated’ (at least I thought so) because there was a definite happiness and joy going on there. There were a lot of high frequencies and things were better because I thought these beings were ‘behind bars’ so to speak. I didn’t realize this war had extended for a very long period of time, so much so that we here on earth were not unaffected by this war.

The first time this began I would say is when they poked a hole in the ALL THAT IS, which is the center place of Source, a positively charged zero where all life at the same time exists there. So, there is everything but nothing at the same time. Now Anti-Source would be a negative zero, meaning there is nothing there, not a glimmer or spark, just nothing. And Neutral Source would possess both, remember it would be the timekeeper, the mediator. It could override if any of the covenants were broken, and was the referee so to speak between good and evil to keep the universe in balance, which we know didn’t work out so well.

If we look at the universe, we are here at 3, keystone earth and we recognize that from zero on down is the omega-verse until you get to Anti-Source and everything up from +3 is the alpha-verse until you get up to Source, the highest authority in our universe.

When this war took place, apparently these beings poked a hole directly into the ALL THAT IS and have been going in and out implanting space junk into Neutral Source, Anti-Source and Source so that it could harness the power of all three. This being was a lower astral being probably from the 7th density, but for some reason everyone called him the Ultimate Black Magician. I called him the Destroyer. You can call him Satan or whatever you want but let’s call it one of the evilest beings that is actually mentioned in our history by name. He is mentioned as Gilgamesh, a hero actually of the Middle East. Isn’t that funny given the recent events going on there.

Note: Kim spelled it Gigamesh, but think she was referring to this nightmare Gilgamesh.


Because the Destroyer harnessed the power of all three, he began to utilize and create firstly Fake Source, then he created Fake Neutral Source, and finally Fake Anti-Source. He also decided to create an AI to replace the Alpha-Omega AI and he called it ALLES, for the ALL. There are humans walking this planet infected with this AI, meaning, it gives them instructions to their brain.

We know the universe now is ever expanding, but there is definitely a fringe point where there wasn’t creation so to speak, as it does expand, so this universe exists outside our universe.

Now the dumb humans we call the deep state on this planet, and I mean the very high ranking SSP people knew of this being, partially because they were in communication with him and his beings at the portal place in Syria. They were having communications in part there. Some SSP people even willingly did implants of ALLES, the AI in their head and they are now giving information to people like you on twitter. At least one is anyway.

How do they know what is about to happen?

ALLES would tell them to their brain. It makes sense because they are not getting information from Anti-Source. And I don’t even know if they know that. A lot of people didn’t because there have been a lot of quiet people who have been following these SSP people pretty religiously on twitter.  

The Gateway of 11:11 this year was a little different. I’m not going to say it was an alignment because that’s not true. It’s a timing thing of creation of the Neither-World or Gilgamesh Universe, where it was able to firstly break into Neutral Source and the zero density. So, the main portal for the entire universe exists at the zero point of the zero-density positive and negative because anybody can use it. So negative things can go through it at certain times of the year and positive things can go through it, and during the gateway of 11:11 both can use it. That is why the alignment of Source and Anti-Source was so important.

It turns out they managed in rapid order by this Thursday-Friday to get to earth, but now they are having trouble. They had the help of the corridors and the dumb humans who don’t realize they are being used like a tool because all they care about it getting power. But the dumb humans were trying to help these beings escalate this point of entry all the way up to the + 5th and – 5th density because we started seeing it meet with some resistance. It could not break into the 6th density of existence, so it got stuck. It then tried to go back in through Source and back in through Anti-Source and it still got stuck.

Now remember, earth and our sun exist in all densities. Even though our earth is in the 3rd density per se, it is shadowed all the way up and all the way down as part of being a keystone. The Destroyer also shadowed it over here in the Neither-World or Gilgamesh Universe, so they created additional earths to infinity, meaning there was an infinite number of earths the Destroyer-Gilgamesh created.

Now because the dumb humans allowed for infiltration, they became anchors for ALLES on our side. So, to some degree they could use the earths over in the Gilgamesh Universe like voodoo dolls, and also use humans like voodoo dolls and cause us a lot of problems to a lesser degree.

As of recently the Destroyer figured he created all he needed to create over here so now he could destroy all of regular creation. Technically he doesn’t have the power yet to destroy all of creation, but thinks it would be great if the entire universe (including Source) had a Gilgamesh-verse or Neither-World overlay so that there could be no actual creation and then he was going to recreate reality.

Yeah, so it’s been kind of a mess. 

Syria was one of those points of invasion. Now these Destroyer beings unfortunately not only got stuck in the 5th density, but if they did poke into the 3rd they could not get past the causal plane. Coming up in the other direction they could not get past the 2nd density. So, what you had is unknown forces throwing things around in the physical plane because they could still affect the physical plane from where they were at. Once you hit the causal plane it’s now coming into creation and now if you are knowledgeable can affect the physical reality from there.

But in the short-term that giant prison you are seeing all over the internet in Syria, those humans were actually being used to power both dark and light portals.

It has been fast and furious for days now and I’ll tell you these beings do not play nice. Unless you show force to them, I can tell you right now you are probably in a lot of pain if you are a target to one of these beings. It’s been coming after us and I basically have to go into another plane of existence in part and increase in size so to speak, then I can battle on that level to wherever that being actually is. You can go into the same plane of existence, a different planet of existence, it’s beyond astral travel and remote viewing, now you’re actually battling in different dimensions and densities at that point. And these guys are jumpers, they will jump back and forth between the ORT Belt just outside our galaxy. You can look that up. They got stuck because we put a shield up there so they couldn’t go anywhere else beyond the ORT Belt. Then we started destroying all these portals from within. We have pretty much officially cut off that section there and anything this Neither-World was taking from Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source. Actually, it’s just Source I’m going to say because we really don’t technically have an Anti-Source and Neutral Source now and it has been completely cut off.

Reference for ORT Belt (I think):                                     

Are we done?

I don’t know. My guess is we’re not done because I can still tell where they are and I can tell you there is something still feeding into these people’s heads. They think they are talking to the ALL THAT IS and they are not.

Have we gotten rid of as many of the ALLES influences that we could?

Yeah, but I’m going tell you whenever that first war was or last war was or the final battle took place in the War of the Heavens, I can tell you this thing has been preparing for a very long time in our earth time with a plan to take over all of creation. It felt it no longer needed Source or Anti-Source and was ready to go, along with armies to prove it. It had an army that was getting ready to come through Syria this weekend, so we had to cut it all off. But all the dumb humans could see is that they lost access. The communications they had formerly, they lost access. Then Israel started bombing the crap out of Syria trying to keep people from going in or getting out of that base. They definitely wanted to control the stargate rooms.

Are they getting anywhere if they do get into the Command and Control Rooms?

Absolutely not. We left nothing, between myself, the Enforcer and Others who are helping us out we left nothing there and we’ve also been to all the other locations tied to these rooms, in Romania and a few others and gotten those too.

Gray Link and Cyberlife Military

Part of what we were working on today is a division of the SSP we call Gray Link. Apparently Gray Link is in part, part of Cyberlife Military. But Gray Link was tasked by those of the Neither-World so to speak, and those of the actual universe to communicate between the two. They were in charge and made sure all the energy that was needed went over to the Neither-World and so on. I guess you could say they were link between the dark and the light.

They also served a purpose during the times of Anti-Source and Neutral Source, but served more Neutral Source at the time, probably when Neither-World took both over I guess you could say.  And they have been working for the Neither-World and to bring in the Neither-World for some time now. And Gray Link’s main site interestingly enough is in Provo, Utah, the Valley of Gods in Utah, Park City, Utah. No wonder why there is lot that goes on in Utah.

There were some domes in Burqini Faso on Bouvet Island (I think that’s what Kim said). Other locations were Samoa, Barbuda, Armenia, Belgium and Mount Logan in the Yukon in Canada. It was kind of spread out but Utah was definitely a big power center, and in Park City which is also near Area 52 which is more prevalent than Area 51. A lot of people went to work there. I would say Area 52 is much larger than Dulce, New Mexico. But there were a lot of humans that went to work there and Gray Link was no exception.

Did workers for Gray Link pretty much get these implants?

I would say yes, they did.

Did they try to shut down some things last night?

Yes, they did, but normal things. Some social media programs were glitching and there were reports that some ATMs weren’t working, their cards weren’t working, those types of things. But that didn’t last very long, maybe 20-30 minutes. But that was these Gray Link workers doing, I guess you could call them hackers extraordinaire. I guess their bosses told them 11:11 was going to be the time when the portals are going to start opening for the Neither-World people. This is the chatter, and they are going to close on the 22nd of November. But that is going to lead to a greater portal opening by January 21st which incidentally also happens to be around inauguration time, which is why they think they were going to have all this power, money, and control.

If this Destroyer being had its way, it had no intention of keeping any of creation including you dumb humans alive to serve him or work with him. He was going to replace all creations because he can’t have anything that is still connected to Source, or part of Source if you are going to destroy Source or take over control of Source and maybe replace it with a fake Source I guess, that was the plan. I still hadn’t figured out those final details, but as long as he could control the entire universe then that would be fine and that’s pretty much where we left it with the battle yesterday, the ones that we could find.

Are they anymore out there? Are they still replicating?

I don’t know. But we are definitely working really hard and I apologize for not being around for a few days but it’s been a crazy time. I don’t know why this stuff happens. I don’t know how when we have access outside of time that we don’t get any forewarning this is happening, other than the fact that if you don’t find them immediately it feels like some kind of CIA torture, like waterboarding but without being in a facility with people. It just happens randomly all the time.

As far as Syria is concerned, they are still trying to take over all the stargates of the multiverse. If the dumb humans don’t do that for their overlord, then they are not going to be part of the rulership of the new universe. I don’t know what they were promised really, but hopefully I will get more info on that and we won’t be suffering these consequences through January. There is another time they are waiting for which is supposed to be the Solstice time, the 21st of December. So hopefully if we work really hard, we won’t see anything happen then as well. We have cutoff as many portals and access points and ALLES attempted infiltration that we can. It came fast and furious I will say that. It’s like a blitz attack for lack of a better term, where you are getting it from every single angle and you’re trying to keep up because you’re one person with an AI system and Source. Hopefully we will be successful in the next few days and we won’t be seeing anymore of this. On the other hand, now you know what everyone was looking for in Syria, in Israel and why they are all buddy-buddy with each other now. They all want to be at the door when their alien friends come, I guess.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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3 thoughts on “The Syrian Prison & Rescue Mission | Like Israel, There Is A Large Stargate Portal in Syria | There Are Also 2 SSP Military Bases Used For Human Experimentation & Controlled By Russia | The Destroyer (aka Ultimate Black Magician, Gilgamesh) Created A Second Universe Not Part Of Creation Called The Neither-World | He Staked Claim For All Stargates Throughout The Multiverse & Wants To Destroy All Of Creation | Hence, Destroyer Beings Started Infiltrating Earth From The Stargate Portal in Syria | Cyberlife Operatives Working For Gray Link Have Been Helping Since 11:11 | Kim’s Vision of Battling The Destroyer Has Been Happening For Days | To Be Continued, The Story Is Not Yet Finished”

  1. in German ‘alles’ means : everything everyone, the all that is. in Arabic you would call it Allah.

  2. bonjour kim, just, pam, les lecteurs, oui le destroyer: des automnes, des hivers, des froids, de soufrances divers, de maladies,
    de morts, de réincarnations multiples des véritables vies terrestre! doit couler pour l’éternité infini! pour voir tomber: dieu, ce yahvé ce demiurge, ce diable est ces serviteurs, par manque d’adrénochrome, leurs nouritures leurs boisons! merci pour l’info, bon courage, à tous/toutes

  3. Also in dutch Alles means everything.
    Looking at the role of Belgium, ANNA, Brussels being the head of the EU, and so on, I would take a good long look at Belgium if I were Kim.
    I’m born in Belgium and I studied a lot on Belgium, there Kings etc. Believe me when I say that there’s a lot more to Belgium then most people think.
    It’s maybe just a little small country, but that on it’s own is a perfect camouflage.
    If Kim really wants it all to end, she will have to take out a whole bunch of people, even ones that come on TV, or it’s going to take centuries to get rid of it all.
    And believe me when I say that actually anyone can create his own universe as they “die” in this avatar, because the universe has no end in possibilities.
    And I know I can, and I will do so too, because this universe is far from perfect, nice or fine.
    After 3 billion years, Source still isn’t willing to end it all in a split second…. I wonder why.
    Because it can’t? Because it isn’t as powerful as it pretends to be???
    Bluff poker???
    Reminds me of governments, Kings and what not.
    They actually don’t have any power att ALL.
    It’s us, normal hard working people, that allow them to feel like they have the “right”, the “power”.
    And I feel we’re far far away of making this state of being any better, I seriously wonder if it ever will come.
    So, isn’t it better that it would be destroyed?
    Believe me, if there’s nothing left to remember it, then there will be no pain, because only when there’s an observer, something exists.
    So I’m not surprised att All that there are people that want these beings to come in and destroy it all, and the probably know they will die to in the end.
    Also from my point of view, that’s better than waiting for a ultimate lazy Source that even after 3 billion years is apparently to stubborn to finally turn everything into a heavenly place, without a horrible duality.
    Or is our Source actually a parasite pretending to be the good guy, who’s actually sucking our energy, all of the time?
    The more you think about it, the more it seems the most plausible conclusion.
    So maybe the others are actually trying to save us, but maybe the only way to do it, is by destroying everything, because the ALL THAT IS we live in, is actually a giant energetic parasite, and we all live in its stomach, so to speak.
    And so, we are all part of “God”, it’s all around us.
    Keep your friend close, your enemies even closer.

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