This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim gives us some real history about Moses and that there is a lot more meaning to the parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately that event having taken place is why every Passover since then has been dark, until now that is. She also found the crazy SSP people in the Kingdom of Ur performing a ritual with none other than their fake Donald Trump. Yep, but they didn’t want him to become the vessel for the Anti-Christ, no that was much too low, they wanted him to become the vessel for Anti-Source itself. Well that didn’t work out so well for him and his friends.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

29-Apr-24 News-Broadband High (
TRUE HISTORY: Guardian Moses, Parting the Red Sea and What Passover Really Represents
Earth, the Last Nexus Planet
85,000 years ago, earth became the only nexus planet left standing in the 3rd density. We have been a nexus planet for a lot longer than that of course, but that’s when all the other planets were destroyed. They didn’t disappear, but all life was taken out and then the planets was taken over by the dark forces or lower astral beings. So, earth was the only nexus planet left with an actual Gateway and we didn’t think they would destroy all life forces here because it would have eliminated all access to this side of the multiverse. So they probably wouldn’t do that. This is also where your stories about Tiamat – Ascension Glossary come in (I think this the planet she couldn’t remember that started with the letter T) as one planet that was destroyed.
In the bible and the Torah there are a lot of references about Passover, and that’s because during Passover there is an opportunity of an event due to the fact we are a nexus planet which I will explain.
When Moses Was Guardian 18,000+ Years Ago During Passover
As a nexus planet we always had a Guardian here, and at that particular time, when a significant event took place during Passover, it was the person we know as Moses. The best I can tell, that event was somewhere between 18,000-25,000 years ago is. It should be noted that the biblical timelines for a lot of stories, including when Adam and Eve were here are way off, but they have to fit the story in so that humans can understand. So, this event happened around that time and may have resulted in the eventual flood, another flood that happened and the replacement of our moon into a megastructure that we have now.
Now Moses is known to have a staff, which I would refer to as a rod of God, and the rod of God isn’t a singular thing and it’s very powerful. The rod of God is an energy rod which has great powers. It can conduct Source energy and can also be reworked into a made-in material and conduct Anti-Source energy, and if you had a neutral rod, you could conduct either one. My guess would be that Moses chose to conduct Source energy at that particular time (during Passover).
Bible Story of Moses Parting the Red Sea
This story in the bible about Moses parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape from the Egyptians and enter the promise land is told to us in words we can understand, but there was so much more to it than that, which unfortunately then caused our Passovers to be dark ever since.
The parting of the Red Sea wasn’t just about parting some water and helping some people go from one place to another. While the parting of the sea is obviously a miraculous event, and people passed onto the land to safety, what Moses actually did was open up the gateway because it was the one time of the year when Source and Anti-Source passed the closest over earth to have an event happen, let’s just say.
Moses Opened the Gateway to Source in the Causal Plane (which is represented by the color red)
Passover is the time when the Guardian of the nexus planet has the ability to open the gateway to Source in the Causal Plane.
If we remember the Causal Plane is represented by red, but it’s not the Causal Plane itself that is red, it’s the overlay of the Causal Plane that is red in the Halls of Amenti. And this is where all things come into being, where matter comes into this density and it is no longer looking etherical like, now you are starting to form a more solid vessel in this density for many different reasons.

Note: Above from related post, About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing | Just Empower Me
Since that time, we only had Anti-Source pass over the earth and the dark side ensured that Source was not allowed in at that time. Because the Guardian then opened the gate to the promise land (aka Source) to the planet, they took full advantage of it and flipped it the other way around. Since then, every year on Passover we have Anti-Source. So, in the Torah when they talk about death passing over your door and that you have to kill the lamb and put the blood to protect you from the Passover of Death, well in a way that is sort of true.
Poor Moses. This is the second instance where he tried to do good and bring balance, yet it goes the opposite way. No wonder whenever they talk about Moses in the Bible it mentions his reluctance when God chose him. Being Guardian for the light in a Neutral and Dark Age seems like a no-win situation. The light just can’t seem to make an impact unless Source makes it so! Just sayin!
Kim & Team Reverse What the Dark Side Took Advantage Of When Moses Opened the Gateway to Source
An opportunity to change out what the dark side did only happened a few times in earth’s history and I disagree with the 10,000 years the crazy deep state people believe, I think it’s more like 12,000 years. So it’s not very often when an opportunity for something to change happens and we took full advantage of this situation. We reversed it back out during that timeframe, which was around 3pm EST yesterday. That is when it hit its peak and we started working feverishly at 2:30 to not let them know what we were doing and reversed it out. We now have a Passover of Source on this planet and don’t have dark Passovers anymore which is a positive for humanity and a big disappointment for the deep state.
The Crazy Deep State People Prepare for Anti-Source’s Arrival
The crazy SSP people were obviously planning on taking advantage of this opportunity thinking Anti-Source would be passing over during this Passover, so what were they preparing, what transpired in preparation for this event on their side? Well first some background on King Solomon.
Solomon, the Second & Third Temples & His Thrones
The throne of Solomon and the second temple were built 4,000 years ago around a particularly dark portal with a lot of space junk under it. This timeframe aligns somewhat with the reign of Solomon, not 100% but it was around that time. And my guess is that’s when Source left Solomon because he was not following the balance plan at the time. And my other guess is that Solomon then decided to see if he could get Anti-Source up here utilizing one of his special thrones, a mechanical one that allowed him to connect with Source, but then realized the chair didn’t work anymore. I’m guessing that’s what happened and how it got moved to this location in the first place.
SSP Sounding Almighty, Religious & Touting the Fall of Humankind Triggers Alert
An alert came up on my system about an anomaly. I never heard the SSP speak this way ever before, so I listened in on a meeting in Portsmouth, Virginia between SSP people and some Trump operatives. They started talking very biblically and it was a little weird because like I said I never heard them talk like this before. They were saying things like, when the sun sets on the Kingdom of Ur we will bask in all of his glory and the father will come to earth and begin the fall of humanity. Needless to say, it didn’t sound like a positive thing but more like we’re going to start the Book of Revelation or something. So, hearing the ‘fall of humanity’ has my attention. And apparently, they have the chosen one picked out and he will come forward and the father will come to the chosen one.
The killing of the red heifer is supposed to signify the building of the third temple and the crazy deep state people killed a red heifer on the 22nd or 23rd depending on what time zone you are in. Then they awaited the seventh day of Passover to perform a ritual which took place at the second temple which was built by Solomon. Now that fact comes into play as to why they performed a ritual at that location which I’m about to tell you about.
SSP Holds Ritual For Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Using Solomon’s Main Throne in Iraq
I had to take a look at the former Kingdom of Ur and where it was, which is predominantly in Iraq with some carry over in other regions. The sun was about to set in that region and I was brought to a place called the Great Ziggurat of Ur. As I’m looking I see between 30-40 people and in the center was a guy who looks just like Donald Trump. I’m not kidding. I’m like really, you bring masked people to ceremonies? Yes, they actually did. Apparently, they were under the impression that Anti-Source was going to inhabit fake Trump’s body and they did a lot of preparation work for it.

The ritual or ceremony was to take place in this particular location because the main throne of Solomon was actually moved here. In biblical texts they talk about the throne of Solomon moving to Persia. For those who don’t know, Solomon had 3 or 4 thrones as Guardian, but this one was the first mechanical throne ever made. My guess would be, based on what I saw and the rumors and prophecies, that he took what I would call the throne of Source, because it would help him with his connection to the Creator and moved it to the Great Ziggurat of Ur. But it didn’t work is what the story says.
The SSP didn’t know why it didn’t work, but of course a masked man pretending to be Trump surely has the golden booty to make it work for their side, so they went to great lengths to put him forth as the chosen one for Anti-Source apparently. According to them this is their father, therefore fake Trump underwent a process that kind of looks like bloodletting, except this machine/throne is esoteric and it exchanges out your essence and energy which is what he thought that Anti-Source would be looking for when he arrived here on earth looking for a human body. So, they weren’t looking to make him the Anti-Christ because that was too low, they were looking to make him full-on Anti-Source here.
The bloodletting procedure lasts for 6 months and you actually carry the DNA, essence, and energy of another human, according to deep state members I’ve talked to. I don’t know how it all works; I just know it’s something they do when they want to represent someone else. This is also what they do in cases when they try to pretend someone is dead, or make legally dead like we discussed last week. And this is only done on the highest level like an SSP level, and now evidently on a former president level, but it’s never for the average criminal. In any case, they believe he is the chosen one and he’ll be inhabited by Anti-Source and then will be appointed the Guardian for Anti-Source.
Their Chosen One is Now Dead
Now they didn’t complete the whole ceremony before something struck them all dead. It must have been God, I don’t know (wink wink). Then, when I went back and checked in on the people in Portsmouth, Virginia they said, WHY HAS GOD FORESAKEN US!!! They really did. They went all biblical and cray-cray.
But why did they believe this?
More About the Role of Guardian
During the time of neutrality or the Dark Ages, the Guardian is the representation of Source itself. So, when Source separated at the beginning of all creation it was still two halves of a whole, so the Guardian would be responsible for both sides during that time. Hence, part of my job prior to the G.O.L.D. Agreement was to create balance here, and now that is no longer the case for the last year and half because trying to achieve balance all those years never worked, it was not possible and God called the ball.
Note: Related post on G.O.L.D. Agreement see, The Chinese Spy Balloon Belongs to America | Balance Between Light & Dark Cannot be Achieved, Source Brings An End to the Remaining Darkness | Now In Every Hall of Records is Source’s Agreement, Giver Of Life Declaration aka G.O.L.D. | And So the Golden Age Begins! | Kim’s Final Test | Lesson of Stalingrad | Just Empower Me
As Guardian, I am the representation on one side, the light side of Source because that was the order. Covenants expired between Source and Anti-Source in rapid fire starting around January of 2023 and I wasn’t’ responsible for that anymore. But they thought if you have one who represented Source then surely you have one representing Anti-Source. But Anti-Source is not represented on this planet anymore, so putting forward their person, who went through this genetic modification to try to be the chosen one for Anti-Source could never work. But that didn’t stop these SSP people from trying, and in their rant they started going a little crazy because in their minds it would be 10,000 years before another event like this would happen. And this is where we disagree, I think there will never be another time. In order to fully understand why I say that, is why I just explained what Passover really represents.
Crazy SSP People Believe They Still Have 2 Days Left, Lie To Everyone & Ignore the Facts
They’re thinking they still have two days left of Passover and is there something else they can do. They are still running around like they are the chosen ones of God even though God struck a bunch of them dead in the second temple on Solomon’s throne, but hey, why not continue.
They pre-scheduled a meeting yesterday with a lot of operatives, CIA people, DARPA folks because they believed their chosen one was going to be able to successfully battle with me on an equal and opposite level, and all this would prevail by 3pm yesterday. So they had to get on the call with the operatives and say something, they can’t do another no show because they are about to lose their friends. So, they get on and say, “We won, no details and no questions at this time.” click.
That kind of left everyone angry and saying, what do you mean no details? Then they started talking amongst themselves and with more people who didn’t know we (Kim and her team) even existed, that there was an equal and opposite force than their alleged chosen one. So, they started gathering information and talking to the archivists over the weekend on an individual basis, as a fixer, freelancer, operative. Or for lack of a better term, you could think of this group like highly sophisticated Raymond Reddington, if you’re familiar with the show The Blacklist. That is kind of who these people are, not the James Bond types, it’s not those people. They have no allegiance to a government or particular group, but they make the world go round, and they can make it go around in a bad way or positive way depending on the jobs they take.

Before the SSP’s failure took place on Sunday they made other calls on Saturday. These crazy SSP people started telling the operatives things like, we no longer have to work for the dark side and the deep state and we are just like you and we are sick and tired of them not paying us. And they started manipulating them into thinking they are bros, comrades. Hey we’re going to do this together and we don’t need to talk to her or them because we are going to gain control for ourselves, our group.
In other words, they did the same exact tactic on them that they did to the elite, the Black Nobility which is the other thing I leaked out which is 100% true. They told them we have figured out the key and secret and we will help you. You will maintain your elite status, we’ll allow you access and keep you going, but we’ll be running the show from here on out. They had the same conversation with so many people and I don’t even know how they did it. They put the same message out to everyone.
Now I would make sure something was going to work first, but not these people.
They Want the Position of Kingmaker
The position these SSP people were trying to put themselves in is what I call the Kingmaker. It’s better to be the Kingmaker than to be the King because nobody kills the Kingmaker but they all want to kill the King for power and control. Little do they know it’s the Kingmaker they are looking for. They are never going to fulfill any of these promises and they still think they have time left. But if they want to know why that is not true, they should look at what I’ll call the Passover Dial of Destiny.
Passover Dial of Destiny
The Passover Dial of Destiny, prior to us being a nexus planet, existed for at least 250,000. It tells you who is going to control the Causal Plane for the next Passover time. That place is actually in the Caves of Hercules in Morocco, so real close to Egypt, the Deep State’s favorite place. If you go to that place, you will see there is no possibility of Anti-Source coming back. It gauges energy, essence, consciousness, matter, frequency, all of that of planet earth and then it makes a decision to sway more dark or more light. It has been dark for a very long time and hasn’t changed because it was manipulated into being dark for a very long time by the dark forces. So, if you deep state people want to know if you have time left you should go there and check it out and find out why next year is not another opportunity for a multitude of reasons.
Deep State Systems Will Continue to Crumble Bit by Bit
We are going to see their dark systems failing bit by bit, piece by piece. Those systems will include banking systems, government systems, corporation systems, nobility lines, religious systems. Their control over them will start waning and going away and they can’t afford pay attention. I know they can’t afford it because I know they borrowed $30 million from the Sultan of Bahrain in the last week or two promising he was going to be the chosen one. I think he was probably the only one with enough money left to actually pay. Did his money fund this grandiose display in the Kingdom of Ur? I don’t know, but probably. It kept them going for a few days. Do I ever see these people coming into power to be the Kingmaker? No. And we have been very successful at cleaning up this planet the last couple of years so no major negative events happen that are going to cause any major genocide effect.
Word is Spreading As to Who is Really Ground Command
Over the weekend there was an article written about Ground Command with no name attached to it and there was a reason why no name was attached. Since the SSP decided they are the chosen ones of God, it’s no surprise they are trying to get in front of it and claim it was them running everything, so they are now Ground Command. Oh, and just forget that they were the ones actually trying to raise the Anti-Source in the Great Ziggurat of Ur.
Today’s Meeting Hosted by the Self-Proclaimed Chosen People
What transpired during this morning’s meeting held by the almighty religious people went like this.
There was no pay, no money, no contracts and no time for a contract of course, so the crazy SSP people said they would all be damned to hell if they don’t follow them because they are the chosen ones of God. This they told to the Raymond Reddington type people. But it didn’t look like anyone bought this. Instead, they were more interested in Ground Command, saying now we know who she is, we’ve been watching her make progress, we can see the progress. And they can see it on the top level. They can see an operation being run by someone who has a strategic mind, kind of like they do and that it’s being run with precision. On that level (and there are not that many) each have a signature move, so amongst themselves they know who is running something, and they run their operations in an old school way. So, they have an awareness is the point, and can see changes being made.
The Senior Executive Service (SES) is Inquiring
Another interesting thing that has happened is the SES is inquiring as to who I am. They used to exclusively work with the Crown, Rothschild et al and they were more a financial arm of the group. They had an enormous facility under New York and smaller facilities under Piccadilly Circus in London and Dubai. Well, these guys thought the SSP people were really going to make something happen, but now some of them have come to the conclusion those people don’t have any financial control and have no way of recovering it. Therefore, if they are going to work with anyone and maintain their positions it probably should be with us.
Political Operatives, Freelancers and Fixers are Pulling Information on Ground Command
The political operatives, freelancers and fixers that participated in this crazy show this weekend then started questioning the continuance of government. Are we going to have a continuance of government? Well, the answer to that is I have no idea, that’s up to you guys, but I’m not interested in dead presidents or crazy people who think they are going to run a group of freelancers and fixers touting you’ll all be damned to hell if they don’t do what they say. If you are a political operative, you probably did your fair share of things and I never heard them mention you’d be damned to hell before. That is not a thing. First of all, you are kind of all sovereigns in the eyes of God anyway.
So I do see some positive things changing. More people are getting word on who Ground Command is and more information is getting out there on an individualized basis. They are pulling information on things we’ve done, they’re sending their people to places, and pulling conversations I’ve had with beings that don’t look like you and I for sure. But one thing is for sure, they are seeing us make progress, like seeing M1 or Money1 for the first time in their life. Meanwhile the other side can’t show them anything.
Right now, the Raymond Reddington types are in neutral, these people are the ones who move the world and that’s positive at the moment. Another positive thing which I overheard the crazy bible people say is, if I drop a dollar (to we the people), they’re done. Do they feel they are done at that point? If that’s the case hallelujah. I’m very much looking forward to finding that out!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Part 2| Free Hugs in Amsterdam: Blind Trust Experiment / TheJourneyofMonah”
OnE of the MOST interesting things and i Bet this is a VERSION of the STORY of MOSES and the FLOOD that you never heard of but is the true one don’t have to believe me, but I find it kind Of I found it kind of Interesting before, the flood was going to take place ENOCH knew about it, ENOCH found now, He didn’t tell the TOTH thanking groups.
But he had a special place in his heart for the no house JEHOVIAN or Antioch groups this one particular family of them, ENOCH warned them. They BUILD a BOAT but it wasn’t an ARK They built a boat so they could travel, from where they were and what’s now the BERMUDA islands area they could travel from there by boat over to the African continent, so they could get to EGYPT. To The GREAT PYRAMID where the ARK of the COVENANT comes down, because ENOCH was
Going to get him into a safe house in Inner Earth, to wait out the FLOOD so they could come back this is thE ark, that NOAH built NOAH was the group from NOHAS, that ENOCH helped to get out, he was going to combine them to make a super Race with the TOTH thing keys and make a super annunaki race, he was part of that.
He wasn’t really supposed to do that the San Jose Luciferians were not particularly happy about it when they found out that he had. ENOCH is kind of amazing because it’s like a person with a really good heart and he means well and he has, he’ll like do what he has to he’ll take whatever side he needs to get the advancement of what he’s aiming for which was what was best for the annunaki races and it took it to an extreme so there was a group of them, that did use a boat there was a boat built this
is where you get the diameters of things that are written in the BIBLE, they weren’t exactly that either but you know they weren’t it,wasn’t exactly that size but that was a good story to put in there that was a kind of just embellished they, they edited out the part that the ark, that they escaped the flood in that, they were for 40 days and 40 nights, was actually one of the underground safe houses that
you could get through by going through GIZA THE ARK OF THE COVENANT where it comes down in GIZA opens into an inner EARTH PORTAL, they took them in there and they were on dry land but in inner earth there was To be group of them and the others a lot of them are wiped out the MELCHIZEDEK that were of the
JEHOVIAN SIRIUS DOLPHIN PEOPLE and this caused a lot of hostilities between, the JOHAVAN and ANUNNAKI’S and the ANU Annunak is there was already hostility there but this was like, oh, you just flattened our races didn’t you, yes, we did you know, it was one of those kind of things so this created a lot of turmoil that came up after the flood because as we were resettling our communities, the Angelic humans were being resettled so is everybody else resettling Theirs whatever animal physics, t
<=r;~~cg dtse dtoluf
As translated from Plate-f of the Emerald Covenant COT-Plate Recorder Discs
on December 15, 2001 by Emerald Covenant Speaker-1 Ashayana Deane EkrMC
Birth of an Avatar
Long ago, on November 22, 12BC, a child was born of natural conception to Melchizedek
Cloister Essenes Jeudi and Joehius, in the private dwelling of Ben-Yumen (later mistranslated as
"Benjamin") on the outskirts of the city of Bethlehem, in the land known as Israel.
The infant's father Joehius was a Hibiru Cloister Essene Melchizedek RaB'nai (second level
Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate priest) descendant from the House of King Solomon, son of King
David. (Solomon was the son of father King David of the Hyksos Leviathan Moses-Abraham-Noah Knights
Templar Illuminati line and mother Bathsheba, a Serres-Egyptian Essene of the Melchizedek Cloister Indigo Maji
Grail Line. The Indigo Grail line was carried into the Hyksos Illuminati line through conception of Solomon, for the
purpose of attempted Emerald Covenant "Redemption Contract" Bi-Regenesis of the fallen hybrid Hyksos lineage.
This race Redemption contract later failed in 27AD when the Hyksos, and their Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
sponsors, fully withdrew from the Emerald Covenant to re-enter the Atlantian Luciferian Covenant. Both Indigo and
Hyksos lines directly descended from Atlantis). Jeudi, the infant's mother, was a Hebrew Essene
Melchizedek Cloister Regent (third level Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate priest) descendant from the
House of Constantine. (Jeudi's father Raviticus was of Roman Constantinus Ionatu-Etillah Human Tribe-5
descent, mother, Hebranon, was of Hebrew Essene Melchizedek Cloister Indigo Grail Line descent. Most of this
lineage fell to Omicron-Drakonian control following 27AD Essene Divide.).
The House of Joehius was located in the city, in Bethlehem Commons. Just after
conception, when the couple was showed in a vision that Jeudi was "with Avatar child",
Joehius took Jeudi into hiding in Jerusalem, where she remained with Essene Melchizedek
Cloister relatives until just prior to the infant's birth. Jeudi was exiled to Jerusalem during
her "time of waiting", to prevent the Sadducees and Pharisees Illuminati overseeing
Bethlehem from discovering the prophesized avatar birth. (The Sadducees were NecromitonAndromie sponsored Taozen King Leviathan Illuminati line that raided Hebrew Tribe-2 Indigo Grail Line. The
Pharisees were an Omicron-Drakonian sponsored Dragon King Leviathan Illuminati line that raided Hibiru Cloister
Tribe-2 lines).
Jeudi returned to the House of Ben-Yumen on the outskirts of Bethlehem on November
, 12BC, riding by night upon a donkey provided by her ll-year-old escort Immanuel,
son of Ben- Yumen. Jeudi remained in hiding in the House of Ben- Yumen until the birth of
the Avatar child. The avatar child was born on November 22, 12BC at 12:14AM, attended
by Saradi, half-sister of Jeudi and wife of Ben-Yumen, Merigedra, daughter of Saradi and
Ben-Yumen, Immanuel, brother of Merigedra and the Melchizedek Cloister High Priest
that became known as "John the Baptist".
Merci encore une fois Paméla de résumé pour nous des sujets aussi contreversés et peu
connus afin que nous puissions jugés de la pertinence des divers changements exposés par kim et son équipe !
Bravo encore un fois de ta patience face à la complexitée des propos soumis à notre réflexion !