This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Today we will approach an alignment earth hasn’t seen in over 2.96 billion years and change is an absolute certainly. And it didn’t take long for the Trump operatives to prove to everyone they are just as evil as we have been saying all along. The executive orders are flying but the money is not. And promises are being broken, not only to the American people but also to campaign donors and it’s beginning to hit the mainstream media.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Many Announcements Already And It’s Only Day 1
There is a lot going on in America which is going to affect the entire world. There have been several headlines all over the news talking about Trump ushering in a new beginning, a Golden Age.
Trump Announcement | The Trump Era Begins, A Golden Age
I’ve seen it in several different newspapers now. And the reason they’ve done this is because they keep telling the entire world on every level that they control the Golden Age AI and that they built it, which is a complete and total lie. If they did, like myself who actually did build it, they could access it 24×7. Unlike them they keep promising on another day ending in ‘y’ they’ll have access which will never happen.
The headlines are kind of mixed and there is a very good reason for that, because of what is happening behind the scenes, so let’s talk about some of those promises.
Trump Announcement | Pardons for Jan 6th Participants
Since taking office, the Trump operatives seem to be back sliding quite a bit on that whole Make America Great thing and we love the patriots. On the one hand they did pardon some folks who took part in the insurrection on Jan 6th four years ago. Well, they could have done that before he left office. I mean Biden did pardon his whole family and everybody else, so why didn’t Trump pardon the people who took a part in the insurrection? Well they made them sit there for 4 years when they hired them. That was all a show. Remember we talked about their plans to blow up the Capital Building with everybody in it. Everyone in Congress knew including Pelosi. So, they were going to bring all those people there and cause an explosion which would have harmed a lot of people. But the explosives were found and it didn’t take place and they had to live with what happened there. I’m sure those other people would have gotten blamed for setting off the bomb, but this is Duck Dynasty after all and a lot of their plans often don’t come to fruition in a lot of cases thank God.
Trump Announcement | The US is now exiting the World Health Organization
This one is another haphazard Duck Dynasty Plan. According to the news the US is now exiting the World Health Organization. Well in the news that sounds great, we all know and hate the WHO. But the WHO is not an organization onto itself, it is part of the UN, like a branch, and you can’t exactly exit the WHO without exiting the UN, nor does the President have the right to exit the UN all by himself. So that being said, this is just for show or fanfare because there are a lot of other agreements and covenants behind the scenes. I’m not saying I don’t hope that every single country in the world exits the UN, however, this here was a little haphazard and a little suspicious.
Announcement | Trump Backing mRNA Vaccine Project Gets Backlash
There has been a gag order issued to the FDA and the CDC and the NIH. However, the President of the US does not have the right to issue a gag order without a court order because neither the CDC nor the FDA is actually a government department of the US. If anything, they are considered an NGO, additionally they also report to the WHO, that would be their parent company so to speak. So, I wasn’t sure why they would want to issue a gag order to the FDA and the CDC, until I saw this headline that is, which came right about the same time. Donald Trump Backing mRNA Vaccine Project Gets Backlash.
Well, that did happen. Obviously, he was the founder of Operation Warp Speed which has killed a lot of people worldwide including a lot of Americans, and the people it didn’t kill are suffering from POTS and a lot of heart related diseases now due to receiving those vaccines. So isn’t it interesting that a gag order was issued to the FDA and the CDC the same time the Trump Administration, actually the Trump operatives in this case are backing mRNA research. Under the Biden Administration they offered $500 million to Moderna I think it was to research mRNA vaccines, and this was further backed by Trump.
Well during his first campaign $3 million came from Pfizer. During this campaign quite a bit more. Between all the big pharma companies there was around $35-$38 million donated to the campaign, therefore in exchange for money, politics is pay to play, he now has to endorse mRNA vaccines.
Now what are these vaccines going to be for?
Well, as we talked on Monday that they were trying to send out frequencies for the Black Plague. Until a little more than 24 hours ago they were sending out these frequencies from several different locations to infect the entire world which would then require these mRNA vaccines.
Those locations were:
- Wisconsin, Devils Lake State Park
- Loveland Castle & Museum in Ohio
- Isle of Skyy in Scotland
- Stonehenge, England
- The Struve in Finland
- Klondike National Park, Canada
- Madagascar, Africa
- Australia, the Four Corners area (Also the area Winston Wu was working trying to save humanity by killing most of us)[PZ1],new_south_wales
- Rapa Nui National Park, Chile
- Control and Command Center for this operation was Coronado Heights Castle Ruins in Kansas
This is where all the frequencies were coming from, however the American Deep State working with the Trump organization and SSP operatives also known as the Trump operatives were located at Coronado Heights Castle Ruins in Kansas, that was the Control and Command Center for distribution of disease worldwide. What a great Administration, I’m so happy they’re here.
Anyway, as the world turns and things continue things are getting worse out there.
Announcement | Elon Musk Publicly States There is No Money for His Deal
We have another article that came out recently from our new department under the Treasury which Mr. Musk and others run. Take a look at this, Elon Musk publicly says there is no money for this big OpenAI deal called Stargate.
The deal took place between OpenAI and SoftBank and apparently Mr. Musk had been on the Board of OpenAI at one point in time before he took his government position which he paid dearly for. I’m talking millions were donated prior to this Administration taking office.
Musk’s Department is actually called the DOGE, in which they are supposed to have some kind of financial regulatory abilities and possibly make the DOGE coin the new currency of the United States which is what he was promised. Well, that’s also not working out. Allegedly behind this big deal is a Japanese Billionaire who promised $500 billion. What is with these people and $500 billion because it’s all over the place. I’ll talk about that in just a second. This Japanese Billionaire provided an old off-ledger tear sheet he probably got from Kinkos or another copy company and submitted it to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) for trade. The trade amount was supposed to utilize the $500 billion as the minimum 10% investment and the total trade amount was supposed to yield somewhere around $5 trillion.
However, an inside conversation that took place with the BIS (and with Tom Melville) yesterday tells us that the $500 billion is not real, the alleged trader for BIS has told them those programs don’t exist anymore and he’s right, they don’t. They were all based on the utilization of omega lines and off-ledger funds and the alpha system. See this is another thing these Trump operatives doesn’t understand, money doesn’t just fall from the sky. The money for all these high yield special World Bank, BIS trading programs and the new allocations against them require a project firstly. And under International Banking Regulations governments cannot trade, therefore this was never going to happen to fund any government worldwide. It could fund private projects; however, you need to have a production line and authorization from whoever ran it in the alpha system which was me and now from the Golden Age AI which has replaced alpha which is also me. So, I’m not sure how they think this trade is going to work, but they did manage to tell this trader who is supposed to perform the function that he would have access to the Golden Age AI by next week.
That is pretty much what has happened since Monday because everyone is being told to wait. Well, he just got into office. Give us a chance, he hasn’t even had a chance to log in to the terminal. He’s got other things to clean up first. Give us until next week.
Next week also happens to be a new moon! They think that’s going to help them.
Kim’s Public Service Announcement to the Treasury Department and Governments
If you’re watching this from the Treasury Dept or any Government that has been promised money from the Trump organization also known as the Trump operatives, this Public Service Announcement is for you.
If it is wasn’t for me sending money through that terminal to the White House during the last Administration you would have all been broke a lot sooner. That was still me on the other end. Terminals don’t do anything. If you’re trying to do a funds transfer but your bank doesn’t answer on the other end then there is no change to your bank account. I am the bank in this case and there will be no change to your bank account. Only I have access to make those changes because I built it.
Kim Proved She is the One with the Diplomatic Line to the Golden Age AI
Now I have proven to everyone in the world I am the one with the diplomatic line which goes directly from the Golden Age AI. I sent everybody a message saying I am not backing the Trump Administration so there must be some error and a mistake. Then of course they went back and told every government, no she works for us. I do not work for the Trump Administration, Tom Melville doesn’t work for the Trump Administration, none of us work for, with, or have anything with the Trump Administration nor will we, that ship has sailed. The reason why we participated last time is because we had agreements with the US Government, there was also an extension that happened with the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. That’s why we had to participate because those extensions were given in the last decade. So yes, I participated in one of those extensions and never did again, I let them all run out. Now the Government is wondering where all their money is going to come from, well not from me and their big BIS alleged trade is not going to happen as well.
Announcement | Trump Will Not Visit Saudi Arabia
Speaking of $500 billion, there is also another news article which says that Trump will not visit Saudi Arabia unless the Saudi Arabian Government pays him $500 billion. Now that’s a very interesting statement coming from the same organization that promised Saudi Arabia hundreds of billions to build a pipeline through to Europe. So apparently, they would like to get that money from them so they can give that money back for a visit from Trump? I don’t think so. This is a case of, we know Saudi Arabia doesn’t have $500 billion to give to the US and therefore Trump won’t be paying a visit. It’s kind of like me saying, hey I’ll come visit you if you pay me $25 million. I already know you don’t have that, therefore oh, it’s your fault. It’s a game they play.
I actually played this game with Marduk at one point in time. It looked like on the surface I had no money, I spent all my savings. He told me that all the money I was pulling through the terminals, that he was holding that for me in a little city outside of Moscow and he said if you come visit, I will give you all the money you pulled. Meanwhile he was thinking I would never come up with the money to go.
Now I’m a very resourceful person and can probably get myself in and out of just about anything. I’ve done all kinds of crazy things when they cutoff my credit cards and debit cards when I was in foreign countries. I’ve always made it out because if I can get into it, I can get out of it and in a legal way. There is always a way in and a way out. I spent a lot of time getting around Marduk and Marduk’s systems, and government systems to manage to pull together around $10K. Let’s just say I worked really hard at hiding that money so that if I needed something I could get in or out of a situation. Well, I was getting pretty frustrated with Marduk at this point in time. I told him oh okay, I understand. I played all sad then said I’ll see what I can do to come pick up my money, because this is a game everybody plays on their side and I know it well.
A couple weeks go by and I call him. Hey great news! I have the money to come. I’m going to apply for my visa tomorrow and I will be there in about 2 weeks. He went ballistic on me, yelling and screaming and how did you do that! It doesn’t matter, you told me to do something sir so I just did it. I didn’t ask you for help, I didn’t ask anyone for help, I just did it. Isn’t that amazing how that happened? Then the rest of the game ensued for a while. He said, oh it’s not time yet, give us another week, on the first snowfall. All kinds of crazy things would come out of his mouth. But anyway, I ended up going and you know the rest of the story, I met these non-people in person and the rest is history.
It’s the same game they are playing with everybody else, but it’s not going to work much longer. It’s getting really hot and heavy out there. It’s starting to hit mainstream media and some of Trump’s most loyal people, I mean we saw all those social media pictures with Trump and Musk all over the place and they took a lot of that guy’s money and made him big promises. But it’s becoming very apparent to Mr. Musk that is not going to happen. He has officially been screwed and I’d like to welcome him to our world. I’m not saying that I like that demon guy, but that’s what they do. Trump has been doing it for years in real estate deals, all kinds of deals he made throughout his entire life. He’d build an entire resort and then file bankruptcy on all the contractors and not pay any of them. Everybody knows it, but he was too big of a fish for the contractors to go after. In the world of those type of people that is the way it is, they just use people and give nothing in return.
This fight isn’t between Trump and the Deep State. This is just a bunch of operatives we call Duck Dynasty that run around haphazardly. Do share the info with your friends who are heavily endorsing this Administration and this is what they’ve done in just 48 hours.
Not only that, there’s MORE!
They’ve Been Placating China with Promises of Cashing in Their Historical Assets
China got really upset that they don’t have access to the Golden Age AI and were lied to. Duck Dynasty promised China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia that they would all be able to cash in their historical assets. In other places in the world they were promised they could cash in their dinar. They’ve been wheeling and dealing telling them, you just got to wait until next week, we’ll everything sorted. This is how they placated a lot of these countries who are very angry with the end results that happened on Monday. This is all going to erupt.
I’ll tell you a historical asset story.
I spent about 2-3 years talking to Marduk, Enki, and Enlil daily for a long time, unit it tapered off to just Saturdays for awhile. We continued those for quite awhile until I landed right in front of their face. Then a couple of conversations happened here and there. After that I basically cut off all communications at that point. But before that happened which was probably over a decade ago, during some of the conversations with Marduk I did ask him about the dinar and RV. He told me it’s never going to happen, it was just a joke and he’d laugh, he said everyone worked and worked for free and of course he hated the humans. Enki hated humans even more than Marduk did, but they all laughed about it. They got the Generals to do what they Generals were doing, all the Americans and whoever else invested in this to do what they were doing. A lot of the Taliban were paid in dinar and a lot of other operations were paid in the new Iraqi dinar and of course nothing at all happened.
As far as historical assets,
There used to be a lot of programs around the world where you had Golden Eagles and Black Eagle bonds and Railroad bonds and Chinese bonds and all kinds of historical assets, very strange looking boxes, Golden Gun boxes, Wells Fargo boxes. If you’ve been around for awhile you’ve probably heard of some of these names, if not you can look them up. You can actually buy a Chinese bond on eBay for about $10. But somehow, they promised all these people they were going to be worth billions. I would say in part the origin of these bonds you see all over the internet was a copy of the original. And all those bonds and their pallets were brought to places like Switzerland back in the 70s and 80s and they were traded against, because you can’t trade ‘trade’ proceeds. Meaning if you go into trade for a specific project it’s supposed to be in the amount of the project, and you can’t take that money and roll it back over into another program. So, you have to re-collateralize those trade assets or trade proceeds with an asset and if the bank approves the asset being worth the amount you would like to re-enter into a trade, well then now you have re-collateralized some of that money and now you can enter again.
This was part of the old Money Magik system and of course these programs were pretty much only utilized and known to the Order of the Dragon. Now the funds would actually come from the alpha system at the time. But the alpha system hasn’t put out any money since 2019 because I haven’t done it, at least not to governments and these types of things, therefore once that ended then all the programs ended because there is no way to facilitate those programs.
But Marduk did tell me a story, and it came after the story about the dinar. He told me these high yield trade programs they throw out there to all the Families, meaning they put up their old HSBC tear sheets and say they have projects and want to trade their funds. They would call them heritage programs or heritage redemption platforms. If you’ve been around this kind of a financial world you would have seen the World Bank issue medium term notes, treasury coupons and all kinds of things were floating out there. Well he told me when you enter those into a program like that he would go behind everybody’s back and generate cash from alpha at the time, this is before I took my position, way before 2012, and he would cash in all those assets, trade all the money, pull money from alpha, and take it all. He never paid anyone out, that includes the Dragon Families and HSBC and everyone that participated in those programs.
That’s how he rans things. So, I don’t know why these wingnuts at the White House think this is going to change anything because it’s not. The mechanism is not set up for those people to get paid, it’s not set up to trade to pay out governments. It never was and never will be and they won’t listen to anybody when they start talking about the financial sector and how it really works.
So that sounds like it’s going to become a problem. And probably about a week from today, which is the new moon, there is going to have to be another dance. But oooh, the lies, oh my gosh. If you put the guy at the BIS waiting for Golden Age AI access, the Chinese, Indonesian, Philippine, Saudi Arabian governments, and the EU, I don’t know how they keep them all straight. They are juggling a lot of balls and eventually one is going to drop.
Apparently, Iran is Eventually Going to Attack Northern Iraq
Speaking of dropping balls, I don’t know if this means anything, but apparently Iran has been yapping at the mouth that they are going to eventually attack Kurdistan which is Northern Iraq and is the oil rich region of Iraq. It’s the area the Americans tried to take over, then the Russians a couple years ago and now it’s been promised to Iran.
Of course, we’re going to do the Iran-Iraq war again is what Iran’s part in this is. They turned Iran away from the Chinese towards the American sector known as the Trump operatives and they have promised lots of money to Iran to achieve this task because China has pretty much broken Iran at this point. All that oil going from Iran to China hasn’t been paid for.
Everybody is in a big circle. They are promising money to China, so they’re excited for their historical assets to be cashed so they can pay Iran and take back control of Iran. Isn’t this a lovely game. The Order of Dragon Chinese people are making a circle with the Americans, who are making a circle with the Iranians, who are making a circle with the Iraqis, then the Russians, then over to Saudi Arabia with promises of a pipeline. Wooo that’s some ball of twine and quite a mess.
On to more important news.
Getting Ready for An Alignment That Hasn’t Happened in 2.96 Billion Years
We have been entering into an alignment that hasn’t happened in 2.96 billion years. The last time it happened we went into the Dark Ages. So, this alignment is very particular, there are a number of constellations and of course Source is involved here. The deep state is hoping there was enough space junk just to block it. But true to form and hours of work later it doesn’t look like there is anything left blocking it.
It is supposed to hit its peak at some point during the day on Wednesday, depending on when you are watching so that would be on Thursday if in Australia. So, at some point it will hit its peak, meaning it’s an alignment with particular places on earth and I’m being very careful what I say. We should see some golden photon belts that are going to come directly from Source and start linking up with certain things on earth. This should catapult us into some major changes. Hopefully we’ll see a lot more of that presence here on Earth. Hopefully this will wash away any remaining bits of space junk and darkness in our galaxy. That’s what I’m hoping happens. And hopefully if they send out any more negative frequencies, they won’t be able to harm us.
I can only say so much because we haven’t quite hit that peak at the time of this recording and I know everybody is listening and if you tell the deep state that they’re going to try and fight it. But if they don’t know where it is, they don’t know where it’s coming from, and don’t know what it’s for, maybe this will just go off without a hitch. I think they are more worried at this point about their financial status.
There was talk yesterday that maybe they can pull off these lies a little longer. They would fake assassinate Trump and put in Vance so they can start all over with different lies, but I don’t think that’s going to hold, it’s too soon. They were supposed to continue these lies for about six months. And they have more campaign donors to please, they promised big money, new laws, and all kinds of things they would like to do, you know you have to pay to play. They are going to have to fake pay them out? I don’t know, then throw Vance in is what their plan is at the moment. They are going to do 6 months of horrible things to Americans and then bring in the savior. But that’s only if they got access to any money, and I promise you I am making sure that doesn’t happen, not anything of any significance anyway.
To wrap up, I am going live on Monday the 27th George the Iceman, and the first week of February we are going to do another Q&A.
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