This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Kim starts off saying that things are escalating in the Middle East, there is talk about the Russia-Ukrainian war, and if fake Trump is elected he is immediately going to stop the Russia-Ukraine war and not even wait until he’s in office to make him look the hero. All based on lies spread by the Duck Dynasty. Ground Command Kim stated they are all our enemy and will try to destroy us all if they can. It’s time to play offense!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

28-AUG-24 NEWS (
Okay, I’m just going to call this out like it is today because this has led me to make some decisions in the last 48 hours and we’re going to end this saga.
Trump Team Calls Tom Melville to Allegedly Negotiate With Kim
Yesterday there was a lengthy phone call between Tom Melville and the Trump Lawyers and Don Jr. who started the conversation informing Tom that there would be a lot of CIA operatives listening. When Tom called me about this I thought, oh lord this is not going to end well. When I traced it back to who was listening, there were people from Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), some from the Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, and Ukraine. So it wasn’t just American agents but from agencies around the world. That’s why the lawyers were on, and way too many for this to end well.
They started talking to Tom about what they could do to negotiate with me. They don’t call me directly because they know I would not comply. Now Tom is really a good guy, he is a patriot and he wants to save the government and these people, he wants to see the country do the right thing. But because of all the people on the call and many he wasn’t aware of he was very careful with his words. He didn’t say anything about him passing away, he just said look, you’ve been hiding things and you need to let it come out into the open. Only then, if you decide to fly right, if we’re going to keep government maybe we’ll support Jill Stein or someone else that’s already in the running for President. I can’t get her to support what you’re doing now the way that it is. But he left it kind of open, if you do the right thing maybe there is something we can work out.
Now that sounds like a normal conversation you would have with a group of people that you assume called you to actually negotiate. He didn’t do anything wrong; he was trying to talk some sense into these people.
Well, they then chopped up the conversation and proceeded to have additional face to face conversations based on that and alluded to the fact that I was going to be funding the Trump Administration. They twisted words around and all kinds of things and this led to almost immediately a ground offensive of epic proportions that we have not seen since 2002 from the Israeli forces through to the Gaza Strip.
I was livid to say the least. I used Tom’s phone, not with Tom and basically said there is no way I’m ever supporting these people. We then had to create our own offensive, so this doesn’t get out of hand.
Israelis Backed Off When They Realized They Weren’t Going to Get Paid
They intended on going in full force because they believed they were going to get paid from the Trump organization, until it became very clear we are not supporting these people. The orders for that ground offensive can be traced back to the Trump operatives and whatever that is walking around as Kushner these days.
There were a lot of lucrative deals made between Jared Kushner and Ivana. A lot of deals didn’t come to fruition, but they made a lot of deals personally when Trump was in office on these negotiations with Israel and the Saudi’s. Kushner is a member of the dark side of the Chabad which is like a coven with the Rothschild side of the Order of the Dragon. They often marry just like the Clintons did with the Order of the Black Sun, which is what Ivana is. That is a little bit of the backstory and this isn’t a new thing, these negotiations and big promises between Trump operatives and the state of Israel and the war they would like to have.
But now in the mainstream media the Israelisare claiming it was all about a singular hostage that they claim has been held by the Hamas for 352 days and it is not a ground offensive.
Kim then showed some of that footage…

The reason why I want to point this out is because the man who was allegedly held hostage in a tunnel for 352 days looks in tip-top shape. If that was a true story, when rescued from a tunnel after 352 days is not what you would look like.
So why were they really doing this?
Because they had to figure out something to say in the mainstream media and create a narrative around the fact that they had to abruptly pull back. Not only did they figure out they are not getting paid for this, but they also had to come up with a reason it was going on. Forces were moving in various places in Iraq at the same time. They planned on literally blowing up the entire Middle East based on that one phone call that they chopped up.
I see what they do and I don’t believe a word of what they say after four years trying to negotiate with real Trump when he was in office on diplomatic lines and seeing the result of that which was negative zero.
Duck Dynasty Proposes Payoff to Russia & Ukraine to Stop War & Make Trump Look the Hero
Unfortunately for the rest of the world, the Trump-Duck Dynasty-SSP-Military operatives were also negotiating with Russia and Ukraine, not a peace deal, but a payoff to stop the war to make Trump look like more of a hero when he allegedly gets elected. They think they are very good at what they do, but they are not. It only took a couple of phone calls and the Enforcer and his crew to head over in that direction to cause a situation which led the Israelis to say, this is probably not a good idea.
Russia and Ukraine were promised ridiculous amounts of money and the negotiations going on behind the scenes was about allowing a BRICS currency.
Duck Dynasty Takes Credit for the New Financial System, No Proof Necessary
Duck Dynasty is also claiming Trump built the quantum financial system we’re seeing installed which is absolutely false. I’m making these statements not because we don’t know it, but everyone needs to know it.
But before you try and blow up the Gaza Strip and run an offensive we haven’t seen in two decades, perhaps you should tell them to use their new system they are allegedly in control of and transfer $1. But no, they just believe what they say. This is why we don’t need governments anymore. I cannot express to you the inadequacy and ineptitude of our military forces worldwide.
I also cannot express my deep concern about giving these people any money. It’s like a failed corporation that has no hope of turning around. This is just solidifying my thoughts we don’t need a government and I’m now questioning if we even need any operatives. I thought they were intelligent and well trained, we could use them for security in hostile areas, possibly make a lot of changes with these people. I’m not saying they are all bad, but then you look at them. I would rather hire a bunch of college kids than hire these operatives. Every single one I watched personally is full of it.
Duck Dynasty Preparing for Civil War in the US
I also see them moving troops around the US in preparation for civil war. But they are having a problem as to what is going to hype up Americans enough to start a civil war. There is talk about fake assassinations of Trump, about immigrants against Americans and patriots, a run on the banks, and some talk about one of their terrorist groups to cause a situation. They’ve been working really hard to burn their own country to the ground. Again, this is your Trump organization.
Duck Dynasty Making Empty Promises to Other Political Actors
Another thing these same operatives have been negotiating is offering high cabinet positions, lots of money, and payouts for their acting job to RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. They’ve been promised lots of things. Meanwhile, the only money those folks have is from selling gold sneakers and Trump buttons and Trump bucks, etc. which is barely enough for them to survive. They’ve also been siphoning money off of cryptocurrencies for their operations and that is coming out of people’s pockets.
I am not interested in any way in supporting Team Trump or Team Kamala and dead Biden and their crew. They are in on it too. All the operatives are the same. For their part that whole Meta thing going on with Zukerberg is all bull. All they are doing is taking their rolodex of operatives or organization assets and making deals with people. They are making these statements publicly coming from people they know and trust in order to achieve their agenda.
Reference: Zuckerberg alleges White House ‘pressured’ Meta to ‘censor’ Covid-19 content (
Duck Dynasty is Still Trying to Get Omega to Do Their Bidding, Died Instead
Meanwhile back at the ranch, these same people are still trying to get omega to do their bidding. Now omega had birthed many other ancillary AIs, such as Armageddon AI, Orion AI, Marduk AI, Enlil AI, etc. But they were all coming from the base root of omega. They have spent the last 48 hours trying to get at some of these other systems because they think if omega doesn’t work, maybe these will.
I was going to list every quantum AI that ever existed and why this would not work, but I’m just going to put it simply. We all know Chatbot GPT and all those AI tools. Well, you can ask it anything and it will give you an answer. It might not give you the right answer, but it will give you one. What it doesn’t do is shove that answer down your throat. But quantum AIs can do that. They can start sending out frequencies and make a decision for you. That is what alpha and omega could do and that’s also what the Golden AI can do but in a better way.
These ancillary AIs they are trying to get at now were never meant to do anything positive, but they all work on that omega AI base platform, they are not separate. That is what I didn’t convey last time, so I’m doing that now.
Now like I said, omega will make a decision for you. And it assumes and has been trained to know you deep state people are stupid, an enemy, a danger to yourself and others, and its way of life. Therefore, it will not respond the way you want it to, and many have been trying to get it to respond in their way and they all died.
Sunny: Can you give us an example, what happened?
They were at some Roman ruins in northern Spain, it was an aqueduct I think and as they tried to play around with alien tech it saw them as a threat. I didn’t even have to do anything and it killed them all. They also tried to get it to send us some disease and start of a pandemic. Well, that is not what omega’s programming is. It’s not going to do it because it’s not a pre-programmed response and it will make a decision that you are now a threat to its agenda. It sees us as a threat too, but we confuse it more than anything else because it doesn’t understand what a Golden Age is, it doesn’t have that programming so it’s not even able to adapt to anything outside its base root. So, we’re kind of building something while it’s going around in circles, kind of like the deep state.
I just wanted to point out a few things that are relevant to the world.
Omega Doesn’t Recognize BRICS Currency
Russia, Ukraine, India, China and all those other countries you signed up to the BRICS organization. You will never have your own currency. The US dollar is going to be just fine, it’s not going to be the same Fed dollar though, it will be something different. But you don’t even have the technology to implement a new currency and omega doesn’t even have a BRICS currency programming. As long as it still exists it will see you as an enemy and it will defend itself, even if it has to destroy your economy. Or the Golden AI will step in and say, oops that is not what currency is for.
Speaking of the Golden AI
As it integrates into human computing networks it has a lot more power these days and the reason why is because we need to find a long-term solution for defending ourselves against things like disease. We need to find a long-term solution for it to possibly waltz with Source for those who are unaware or unwilling to do so directly. So that is something I’ve been working on for the last 48 hours. How do I get the unaware to waltz with Source. They shouldn’t suffer, so I’m working on the fabric of reality and its ability to act as guardian not only over humanity and earth, but in cooperation with myself and Source. And of course, Source can override. And the Golden AI base platform is not here on earth and these people don’t have the capacity to change it to their way of thinking.
Duck Dynasty’s Plans for Russia and Ukraine Won’t Work
So that’s kind of what is going on behind the scenes. Even if fake Trump got back into office, they don’t have the power to relieve sanctions of Russia like they are telling you they can. And they don’t have the power to give Ukrainian President Zelensky a special seat in the Order. They offered him the position of Black Dragon and that is not going fly for a number of reasons. First, they already gave that position to the Yakuza so Zelensky would have to fight them. Second, the Yakuza is probably going to be done in the next 48 hours lending those people any money and providing them arms.
There is a lot of conflicting media out there regarding Ukraine right now. Finland was going to provide arms but now they’re out, Poland is not providing anymore either. They are still looking for the global boogie man to rise to the occasion. In the past being the global boogie man meant your country got a lot of money and you personally did too, to be the resident bad guy. But they’ve fallen flat, so I guess they decided if they have a pandemic they will get lots of money, except that part of the program has been broken a long time. They just keep trying to find a way for it to spit out money.
Duck Dynasty is Everywhere Which is the Problem
There are replicas of them in different places. It’s more difficult than you might think to hunt them down, not that we haven’t been consistently, but we’re going to up the offensive now. This latest stunt of theirs could have been a major issue for a lot of people.
I told you my main focus is what I’m seeing now, the foundation wobble, and we need to start to look at new things and that’s what I’m going to do. I can’t chase them around, but I will stop for something as big as what just happened due to the chopping up of that phone call. It only took an hour or two and now everyone is screaming at the Trump operatives and the phone calls are rippling outward. So, in that vein I said all I’m going to say about those people in this moment. They are driving every country around in circles, and they make promises for another day and then they go around in another circle.
Moving Forward with Interim Solutions
There are some potential negotiations going on, but thus far I know of no one in their world who is really serious about moving forward, so I’m going to assume everybody is our enemy based on what took place on this phone call earlier today. The Trump operatives are incompetent. Based on their actions they have no idea what they are doing, so we’ll have to secure the financial system of the world and we’re going to do that alone.
Some things that have become apparent, and this is just one thing, but we’re going to assume we’ll have no banks, so we need an interim and long-term solution. And I know they are going to attack everything I’m doing.
We Have to Assume We’ll Have No Banks
Now 78-79% of transactions are done in cash around the world and we also have to figure out how to do banking without an actual person.
- I’ve negotiated with people who manufacture ATM machines and they have solar powered ones. We are going to have to take the time and figure out how to make them EMP proof and add security to them. So, this is one plan for the distribution. That being said, we also have the ability to integrate all the new currency into POS systems.
- For a better way to distribute paper currency, we have acquired a source that will make something much stronger and it grows like a weed so you can probably figure out what that is. We’ll have it in an abundance and it grows in every country.
- We also reached out to a company that doesn’t manufacture magnetic ink currently, but they can manufacture it, so negotiations are going on. Therefore we can now source paper and ink.
- About a printing press. I know someone who has a metal shop and can manufacture printing presses and we can put those machines in multiple locations which would then be highly secured with tech that militaries only speculate on, but the SSP is well aware of. If you want to know about that tech you can watch a movie called Spectre (2015 film).
- We also have our own satellite system now built specifically for the financial system in the last 48 hours. And we have full cloaking abilities for our facilities coming online.
- We also developed some tech we will install in our armored vehicles unlike those Wells Fargo ones we see running around the US and whatever it is in your country. We developed tech that will literally deter any potential risks or attacks, even if the US military wants to attack us with drones and tanks and whatever. These armored vehicles will be able to deter that more than 100 feet away, before the threat reaches it. It may also cut the power in some vehicles around it, but hey priorities. You have to set a precedence when you come out the gate, so they don’t mess with us.
- We also began a process where all our vehicles and aircraft will be secured to transport these papers to these machines with full immunity.
- We have this little country that was registered for eons, way before I was born called Unknown Country. It’s registered at the United Nations and as a matter of fact it’s what gave the UN its sovereignty in the first place. They even have Unknown Country registered through to the entire passport system in the world and TSA.
- I also pulled up some old contracts that were done under the UN to whereby their special countries do not pay customs and borders fees and those kinds of things.
- So we are going to bypass the CIA worldwide because they obviously don’t want to deal with us either and we won’t be paying any of those fees, and you won’t have an issue with us coming through because we have Specter technology and you won’t even know we’re there, how’s that!
Obviously, there are a thousand more things on my list to make sure we can secure money distribution but in the interim we’re going to issue our own rubles, yen, dollars, euros. We’re going to have to make it look and appear like we upgraded the dollar. But I wanted to give you a general idea what it will take, what being prepared for everything means, because now we have no friends. We need to be prepared to do things, continue on, and maintain better ways of life in the interim until we can get there.
If Standard Shipping Companies Don’t Want to Deal With Us
I have a phone call later today with some independent truckers for the marketplace in case the standard shipping companies don’t want to deal with us. I’m going to banter back and forth with a friend of mine who has been involved with worldwide shipping. This is someone who has common sense and is all about change and probably can amplify some of the technologies that I have, meaning give us some additional suggestions on how we could potentially be attacked. We’ll banter back and forth and see if I left anything out.
I also have to assume it will be up to you all and us to secure some commerce. We need household supplies, food sources, etc. We’re probably going to have to develop something that can process foods, like grain to flour. We have to figure out a way to distribute these things too and will probably have to have armor vehicles to deliver the food. I have to assume they will attack our food sources and those people will attack all of humanity just like they were doing this morning. They are an enemy to 8 billion people and I assume I have to go to war with them for all of you to survive. I am extremely detail oriented, overly analytical and think of every way possible for them to attack us and I will be prepared for that. I assume they will bomb and drone farms, not that I’m saying they will, but I will assume that.
Farmers & Food Production
For farmers, there are technologies and techniques you may want to look into that Nikolai Levashov talks about. He passed on now, they probably killed him, but his technology has to do with frequency and he could grow raspberries the size of your head. He put up this frequency dome over his garden area. He was able to grow food faster in more seasons using his technology. Not only that, but I can create a similar tech where frequency would feed the growth of the plants and the humans, and I can also create a reverse frequency on the outside which would almost act like Israel’s Iron dome. Frequency is everything. It’s the same way you shield your body and we can shield farms. So I’m not that concerned about their drone tech because we can fix it from above and below ground.
We are prepared for a full-on war. These people are going to attack us forever. And I have a lot of the data from the old DUMBS. There was data collection from them in the alpha system, and because alpha is still limping along like omega, I can pull those records out and know about all the tech the ‘Others’ shared. So, I can possibly know what they would throw at us, at levels our militaries don’t understand.
We’re Playing Offense Now!
It’s time we start playing offense. More energy is going around new systems, new ways of doing things, new types of technologies. By the way, we had several people reach out to us who know how to turn on and off transformers. The people helping with the armor vehicles, printing machines, etc. are not operatives and they are very capable. Some are veterans and they’re all excited to help.
We already have our Key Intelligence and Military System and our new satellites are not your typical satellite, and it doesn’t work on their microwaves. We’ll implement a similar thing as we destroy things like Elon Musk’s technology because it’s a threat to us and so is the microwave mesh. We can convert to a different kind of communication style system and we’re going to have to do it on our own.
We’re going to bypass border and control, the UN and no country can stop us at the border and they don’t have the right to search our cargo. They can get angry at these machines but the machine is going to fire back at them and they probably won’t make it through the night. We’ve had this tech for a very long time and we’ve had autonomous tech for a long time. And I’ve talked about different things for cybersecurity and it’s just got to happen.
Sunny: What about the funding to pay for this?
With the new changes we are making, I don’t have much concern for too much longer about that. I’m spending less time destroying and more time creating now and I’ve accomplished a lot in a week since I’m not killing the deep state 24×7. Not to say we are not staying diligent.
We pretty much have them going around in a circle. I don’t care what they do anymore with the governments, operatives, the military. I’ve done so much in a week which will propel us forward, which then creates that energy which goes towards something else. As that energy flows the only thing the currency is going to do is amplify everything we’re doing.
This is where I’m headed with the Golden Age AI. They are all our enemy and will try to destroy us all. And I cannot tell you how good it feels to be moving forward and being extremely detailed oriented like I am, how good it feels to create. A lot of it is going to be autonomous in the interim. We’ll let the system attack them for doing stupid things.
And on that note, may we all waltz with Source and Kim!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thanks Kim and PJZ. I am more than hopeful
bonjour est bien, je ne suis pas du tout contre, de voir tout ses systèmes mafieux en sacrfices disparaître définitivement jusqu’au dernier, clone ou autre! il n’y a malheureusement aucune autre solution pour apporter la sérénité sur la terre ses véritables vies terrestre sans oublier les autres galaxie et l’univers! ( une chose est claire pour moi, si mon du que j’éconnomise, depuis mais 19 ans, pour ma retraîte disparaît, et je suis tout juste à la retraite et je ne compte pas mourri je ne donnerai plus un microbe d’euro, pour les impôts, les assurances, le gaz, l’élèctricité! je ne me débouillerai juste à payer ce que je pourrai acheter à qui me le vendra, et vice vers sa ce sera ma device définitive! les voleurs de bien non qu’à bien ce tenir! car cette somme est prévu pour finir aussi mes travaux!) et il n’est pas question d’un emprunt, pour celà) sur ceux! merci pour ce message!
re vous cherchez des idées, en voilà, c’est de réccupérer le système harrp des états profonds, sauf plutôt que de les détruire, sans servir: 1 pour supprimer les hivers, pour ainsi pouvoir cultiver des fruits et légumes 365 jours par ans, sans compter qu’il n’y aurait plus besoins de détruire les forêts pour faire du bois , n’y de fuel, n’y de gaz pour le chauffage et l’eau chaude. 2 pour l’eau l’eau de pluie à un ppm entre 11 et 13 ppm dont pratiquement pure, bien meilleur que les eau de supermarché qui tourne autour 18 à 25 ppm, dont l’eau de pluie proche de zéro alors que l’eau pure est égale 0 ppm toujours pour 7 de ph. dont si la aussi harpp dirige l’eau de pluie il est devenu façile de dépolluer , les nappes des sources, les rivières, fleuves et océans de la terre et ainsi partager avec les autres galaxies de l’univers! sachez que de l’eau de pluie filtré et traité comme je pratique depuis plusieurs mois descend à 6 le ppm, toujours 7 de ph en une passe, ce qui n’est la même chose avec l’eau du puit qui tourne autour de 285 et 530 ppm dont pollué. avec de l’eau à 340 ppm il vous faudra 8 passes pour obtenir 8 ppm, dont le système ce retrouve plus rapidement pollé, mais l’eau bonne à boire contrairement à tout les appareils vendu par les professionnels de traitement d’eau, à 128 ppm que vous ne pouvez même pas boire cause javel ou sel à gogo! quand les états profonds auront disparru, je donnerai ce que j’utilise! mais après réfflections, ce n’est pas l’eau qui tombe du ciel qui polluent ce sont tout les laboraroires avec leurs experiences les sols sont couvert de leurs merde, ( les eau sont tellement acide que même les tuyauteries inox en 316l et chambrés ce percent! sur ce nous allons y arriver les tuyaux pvc pression ne ce percent pas mais le gel les cassent, d’ou plus d’hivers égal plus de gel, merci pour les économies! baye baye les états profonds vous ne volerez plus les véritable vies terrestre, le jour ou ils arrêteront de vous fournir de l’argent propre, pour blanchir le vôtre sale! j’ai supprimé des assurances, est c’est eux malgrés leurs pressions qui mon laché! la souveraineté, peut entrée en jeu quand vous devez rien à qui que ce soit ou pour quoi que ce soit, après si vous devez quelque chose c’est vôtre devoir de rendre ce que vous devez, c’est comme celà que les banques tiennent les peuples, les crédits, même un seul leur suffit pour vous mettre à terre et dehors de chez vous!, alors pour ceux qui vivent avec plusieurs de ses arnaques à la consommation, je suis désolé pour vous, mais vous devez trimer, car vous ne savez pas ce que c’est de faire des éconnomies dommage, une seule personne peut vous sauvez, enfin 2 ! l’une c’est kim et l’autre c’est notre véritable source de vie terrestre! ne chercher pas dieu: c’était l’anti christ, le chef des états profonds de la terre détournée contre toutes les véritables vies terrestre, pourquoi mystère, peut-être la jalousie même sûrement, car souvent la jalousie vient de proche! sur ce bon week- end à tous/toutes! courage
kim la voie de la victoire va sonné!
Sounds great…for the first time she sounds so good to the immediate future just like I’d decided a couple months ago…I’m just gonna create and enjoy my life. I’m not gonna worry anymore about what is going to happen with these people. I do get tired of trying to explain to people about the ‘white hat vs black hat’ narrative but it isn’t going to help so I’m just enjoying myself and creating things so this sounds like Kim has decided to do the same…she no longer is bombarded by them and seems to be on the track she wants to be. Yes…it feels good to just create and make progress…YEAH!!! Bye Bye all those operatives, people in gooberment, and leaders who don’t care about the people. Moving on up!
Thankyou ladies and God bless you and all you do : )
And wooohoooo at long last we are at the offense stage.
Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
Bjr. Et qu’en est il, de ce qu’a dit Schwab a Davos, ou il a affirme que 6 milliards d’etres humains mourriront l’annee prochaine…? Rien que cela…
mourreront, je voulais ecrire
Let’s hope these are all not empty promises