Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-07 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us the update on the crazy Trump operatives who are still waiting until three days after the full moon for something to happen that will benefit them. Not many are buying it and holding meetings without them. Meanwhile Kim uncovers and squashes their Nazi Hydra Program which sounds horrific.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-Jun-07 News-Broadband High (

Status Trump Operatives

The deep state people had plans to regain something on the new moon. I’m not sure what that was, but whatever it was they didn’t get it. And there were supposed to be some decisions made today based on the failure of the new moon by the rebel group and lots of military worldwide. The meetings started about 3 hours ago. They appear to be comparing notes and about events that happened and have not happened. I don’t have a firm commitment on which direction they will go in.

The one thing we know for sure is the Trump Operatives are not invited. They were made to feel extremely uncomfortable based on information they found as to where they were supposed to be getting their contracts from. Calls to them escalated and came in from all their Middle Eastern partners. A lot of falsehoods were found out, money disappeared and there a lot of angry people in the GCC. So, I don’t see the Trump operatives participating in any of this. However, they are not expecting a result of their actions until Sunday because of course they believe they have 3 days within the new moon to achieve whatever task they expect to achieve in their go it alone program. It isn’t really go it alone though but a continuous situation where they get something for nothing.

The have been attempting to screen scape the Global Repository, which is similar to cloning a website and they tried to install new currencies, none of which as worked. It looks like they are just kind of trying to steal and they want to me. It’s a very haphazard attempt to do something. There were attempts to use old system keys, Marduk’s remaining trojan horses in systems we no longer user. So just a bunch of hacking really and no actual movement on their side of it.

Lawyers representing the Trump organization made a phone call to us and they wanted me to cease and desist on putting out negative information on Trump. I told them they need to legally serve me. If they do then I’ll have the right to go into court with all my proof, including recorded conversations with his kids saying their father died back in January. There are a lot of things on our side that could be used as evidence. There is also a lot of stuff acquired by Tom Melville, a lot of us have conversations, proof, documentation about transference of funds from government departments. The movement of that money to non-friendly people of the US to include and not limited to Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Oh yes, the plot thickens. The lawyers ended up backing down.

Kim Gets a Call From an Operative

I had an interesting conversation with someone I hadn’t spoken with in 10 years. They were told to call me and revive the communications with no specific instructions but during the phone call I knew he was getting instructions from someone else and I took it as an opportunity to discuss a few things. He wanted to know if we could work together, meaning what was left of the Order of the Black Sun. I knew who he was when I met him 10 years ago. I was still learning then and still having conversations with Marduk at that time.

Well, I changed a lot since we last talked and I had a conversation of what we’ve done together and how we got nothing, the opposite of nothing, worse than nothing. Then he said, well they want you to give everything and you to get nothing. So, I explained to him that the system is going to run 100 years after I’m gone which will destroy whatever they have anyway with or without me. I also explained doing anything to me won’t matter. Meanwhile they were playing some games with fly overs during this conversation so he said, shouldn’t you get in the house you want to stay safe, don’t you? To which I responded, they do this every day. So, he was a little bit surprised it seemed.

Then he started taking about a number of lies, like about the war in Gaza. I asked, how many people have you lost on your side? Oh, you can count on one hand the people we lost. So I went around the world naming all these locations where we found their people, including Montenegro. I stressed several locations where particularly bad things happened, like the Atlanta Airport in Georgia. Wow really bad things happened there, and Croatia, and Berlin. And true to form they took the 5 locations I stressed and went to them within 24 hours of me saying it. Thank you so much for corralling all within one location, now there are less of you. So I’m very pleased with the conversation from that aspect.

There were a few other things that came out. He said a lot of the elite people you see in the news like Warren Buffet and Zuckerberg are selling a lot of their stock, and the reason why it’s happening is because they plan to shut down the financial system by the 1st of August.

Internet Article: Berkshire Hathaway Stock Suffers Worst Loss In 15 Months Day After Glitch In ‘Surprise’ Selloff (

I asked do you think they have the capacity to? Well, I don’t know they control an awful lot. I asked, do they? Then I reminded him of something that happened a little over a decade ago. There was a group of elite people in the US in the financial sector who started buying properties in Macau. I heard that directly from Sheldon Anniston in 2013 and that they were planning on crashing the financial system and then moving to Macau. But that was the first time I heard it and then a few months later heard it from Rothschild. Then eventually they realized the US was not going to crash, at least not at that time and nobody ended up moving, and it’s now been 11 years. So I explained to this person the same thing that happened then will happen now. There will not be a crash of the financial system, there will be a transition but not a crash. A lot of them will have sold off a lot of their stock and then nothing will have happened. So, is there going to be a sell off? Yes, it’s looks like it, it’s already happening.

Will they yield anything from it? I highly doubt it. So, are they selling a lot off because they are predominantly run by the SSP, DARPA and the deep state and they are trying to collect some money to continue to run operations until they can figure out what to do? Or are they buying time until Lion’s Gate in August hoping something is going to change? Will they collect enough money? Well as long as they can hold on to it and I’ll leave it at that.

So again, same plan for the Middle East and the same as the plan for the US. They plan on planting a ghost flag here in the US, which they already have essentially and then transition power over to China. Or divide it up into 7 sectors. It doesn’t matter which of the plans they were trying to execute on because without Marduk they will never finish their plans. He did have an agreement with the Council of 9 and said he was neutral but that wasn’t true. We do not have the same mindset and I have more control over Alpha than he ever had. He had limited access and probably more access to Omega at the time. So these people will never finish those plans and they will run around until their end of days trying.

Governments do have an opportunity to walk away from them and work on this side. But we don’t operate the same way as their systems. So, they need to figure out what they are going to do. And that’s what the meeting seemed to be about, and it seems to be more military people involved.

Nazi Hydra Program

Other things the Order has done is revive the Nazi Hydra Program which was way above Project Paperclip’s head. They were the original scientists who participated with “Others” to genetically modify humans, to create the perfect human. They were orchestrating certain things that would be to their benefit, like disease and vaccines, the creation of hybrid humans, which is what some of the bloodline people are. So Project Paperclip was part of it, but down the ranks, they wouldn’t have all the information the Hydra Program did. They worked mostly with the SSP in some cases and the ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ( in other cases. They did a lot of work in Pine Gap Australia, a lot of work in Berlin, Germany, and Croatia which is why I mentioned these places in particular during that conversation with the operative, because I wanted to see if there was anybody left. And there was, but no longer.

They were working quite a bit all last night due to the new moon. They tried to run some programs through a new type of wi-fi called li-fi which failed. Then tried running some 5G and frequency programs, and old programs for biowarfare tied to the Hydra Program. But it was very fruitful from our standpoint as to what they had left which is dangerous. There were things planned from these things which is my main concern.

The only reason why the Order has successfully run the world is because they had alien technology and alien help who knew how the universe worked and were in support of them, and they never had any opposition before. So, I can see how they got into that position and stayed in that position. But the backing in no longer there. Besides the Order of the Black Sun and Rothschilds never had the right to control the world, the gave away the rights to folks that were not human on both ends. That was part of a deal made 250,000 years ago that we already broke and the second we broke it is the second we claimed it. It is meant for all the humans on earth and its your God given right to use the earth’s gold to generate Source energy, essence, and consciousness. All the things you need to co-create earth and a universe together. For these people they think gold is for financial wealth because they don’t know any different or understand the bigger picture. And there is only one way to co-create now, their co-creator is no longer here anymore. And the reason they feel entitled to earth is long gone.

Wrapping Up

I’m 100% certain there are no contracts coming from the Trump operatives and I anticipate there will be a lot conversations over the weekend. And I am sure there is nothing left of the Nazi Hydra Program. There was some more information acquired from the Hydra program and I’m glad we got that info. It was bad. If you could only see yourself, the way your physical vessel looked 3 million years ago you would be shocked because we’ve been going through this soul program. We are so much shorter, we do not have the physical capacity we had before, there wasn’t a degeneration program. We didn’t pro-create the way we do today. There are other ways of creating out of love. And I hope you continue to look into the work of Walter Russell. Once you truly understand what love is and it’s not just loving another human being, it’s so much bigger than that. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with a physical act, it has more to do with the choice to bring another human being into this world. It’s more than just manifestation too, it’s creating that life. The co-creation process that happens with or without a partner, of putting that love into the universe for the being you don’t even know yet is so strong. And you can also do that with inanimate objects and opportunities out of love, even out of self-love, love for Source, earth or yourself. But Walter’s work talks a lot about how we are all one while the cells in your fingers are different than the cells in your brain but you’re one system. We’ve been separated so much but what happens when there is nothing in between? You’ll feel a lot more for the people around the world and for folks who are many light years away.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program”

    1. Bonjour, merci pour le rapport, je vais donner mon avis sur le côté obscures qui signe et persiste. Tant que ces gens seront sur terre, les choses iront mal, car ils ne changent pas leurs habitudes et leurs méthodes, mensonges manipulations contrôles, corruptions et planifications malveillantes. Donc pourquoi perdre sont temps sont énergies avec eux. Les extraires de la Terre serait le meilleur moyen pour que les choses aillent bien pour tout le monde. La question qui se pose, c’est est ce que c’est possible sans qu’il y ait de dégât collatéraux pour les populations et la planète. Ils faut reconnaître que nous sommes tous épuisé des contres énergies, et des contretemps pour notre liberté, notre libération du joug des règles et des lois scélérates. L’amour que nous envoyons ne change pas de façon radicale le monde,et la transmutation non plus. Le côté obscures est radical avec les êtres humains de lumières et les attaques sont de plus en plus fortes. Nous sommes là pour accomplir notre mission, ok, mais pas pour être perpétuellement en souffrance,et dans la survie quotidienne. Alors conclusion je ne vois qu’une intervention musclé pour les éradiquer de la Terre etc…. Comment ??? Qui le pourra à part la Source et la compagnie du ciel, je ne vois qu’eux, les galactiques ???. Voilà gratitude infini pour le bon travail de toutes et de tous, Amour Amour Amour. Idir votre frère.

  1. Amazing report, very encouraging! Gives another perspective on things, especially about love. Thank you ladies! You are all wonderful!

  2. Joseph Germond

    Love, Peace and Light to Each and Everything! Blessed Are We To Have a Father Like He! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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