Trump Operatives Who Set The Fires Aren’t Sure Why The Money Didn’t Come | Their 2 Manufactured Disasters Yielded Nothing But Will Take A Toll On Insurance Companies | BlackRock Filed Bankruptcy | The House Of Cards Is Starting To Fall | Clock Is Ticking, Only 10 Days Until Trump, The First Convicted Felon Is Inaugurated As US President | Kim Expects Turmoil & Is Staying Vigilant As Monday Is A Full Moon & January 15th Is Another Expected Payday

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. As fires rage in California set by the Trump operatives, they try to plan another disaster in today’s meetings because no money came and they don’t know what’s wrong. And the clock is ticking as there is only 10 days left until a convicted felon takes the office of US President. Right now, it looks like this Administration is the captain of the titanic.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



Trump Operatives Who Set the Fires Aren’t Sure Why the Money Didn’t Come

It’s been an interesting week to say the least. We had the Carter Funeral which seemed to go off okay, everyone was on alert and what they wanted to do didn’t quite happen. There have been some interesting meetings we’ve listening to this morning which mainly had to do with the fires in California. As you know there has been a lot of aid promised from the Federal Government and the Trump operatives who actually set the fire said they weren’t sure why the money didn’t come. This was the discussions they were having in this meeting.

So, they were contemplating maybe creating another disaster, maybe a 911 type event, something bigger than just fires where they could maybe declare a National Disaster all over the country. Something like the World Trade Towers going down or maybe some other towers they would like to take out. But there were people in the meeting saying couldn’t they afford to create another disaster. What they mean by afford it is not just monetarily, but how much is the American people willing to take. And they have a very short window to do it in because there is only 10 days left until the inauguration allegedly, if it does go off on time, and that’s not a whole lot of time to plan disasters.

Fires are cheap but very expensive in the long run. There was a conversation between Aon Insurance Company  and Tom Melville and they were saying they were going broke anyway. Part of the reason they are going broke has to do with the issuing of pools of bonds and those types of things on a larger scale, but paying out millions of dollars to homeowners, land owners and business owners is not going to go well for these insurance companies. There is a lot of talk in the mainstream media about increasing the cost of home insurance policies, making home owners pay more, and maybe people won’t be able to get homeowner insurance in parts of California, but that’s not really going to solve the problem. The problem is they already insured all these homes and they will need to pay and that will happen even if these insurance companies go bankrupt.

Reference: (I think this is the company Kim is referring to:

Just as an FYI to you all, something that definitely hasn’t been made public and definitely not made public to consumers when you buy insurance is called a Guaranteed Fund. You might be able to find some information online but I’m definitely aware of it.

All insurance companies are required to pay into this Guarantee Fund and what it does is in the event an insurance company goes bankrupt this fund will kick in and handle the consumer business. It’s kind of like FDIC insurance but it’s not really a federal mandated thing, it’s more of an insurance association thing where they all pay into this fund.

Therefore, I am sure the homeowners will end up getting the insurance payouts eventually.

We’re two disasters in the last several months now and this is going to be tough for the insurance industry. Maybe it’s something that needs to change anyway. Obviously, people are going to be very stressed out if the insurance doesn’t pay on time and it takes months to get payment, that kind of thing, but there are ways to do things and everything has its own timing.

Behind the scenes BlackRock actually went bankrupt. Officially what you saw was a little kerfuffle in Louisiana, unofficially they filed bankruptcy and are trying to wipe out a lot of their debt behind the scenes.

Like I said, this is all steamrolling because people are not going to be able to wait another six months. There is talk about certain intelligence agencies looking at contingency plans, other ways of working, and they say by the summer. I don’t think it will last that long.

The House of Cards is Starting to Fall

It’s really starting to wobble and the house of cards is starting to fall. If they create another disaster, is that going to make money come out? No, and this is already two down. There isn’t a whole lot they can do to yield themselves money. The problem is we are down so low in the food chain I don’t think they get the fact that there was always someone who pushed the money button, ALWAYS, or would convert those numbers on a screen to actual cash with allocation numbers. No one else is left here but me.

I know they would love to get me to do something but that’s not possible, and that was proven earlier this week when security measures kicked in and local people also declined to work with them. So, I’m not seeing too much coming out for them.

What I am seeing is Americans will have the first convicted felon as a President apparently. As of today, they went ahead and did the conviction but there are no consequences, no nothing, just that he’s a felon now. I find it really strange that you can become a President as a convicted felon when people can’t even work at the DMV if they were a convicted felon. So, this is a job option for them apparently for as long as we have a government.

We have 10 days now until the inauguration, we’ll see if it actually goes down on that day. I say that because they are starting to come to some realizations behind the scenes. Who knows, are they going to go through with it or fake a death of fake Trump and say, oh those were Trump promises. They are definitely having these discussions right now.

Are they thinking of going in a different direction, doing something positive for people?

No, not in any way.

Are there many countries waiting for Trump to be inaugurated?


Are there any terrorist organizations they promised to pay waiting for this to happen?

Yes, you have the Houthis in Yemen, a couple of groups in Iraq, some Iranian groups. Lots and lots of people are waiting for payment right now and it’s almost better to just let them go through with the inauguration. As a matter of fact, force them to go through with the inauguration and let them deal with the consequences of their big mouth and cowboy talk. There are some people in the government saying we might not go through with it; we don’t want them in office if they aren’t going to fulfill their promises. I’m actually hearing this from higher level government people here in America. Well, that was my advice to them, let it go through and then we’ll see what happens from there.

Kim is Staying Vigilant As There Will Be a Lot of Turmoil

At this point I’m really watching because it could cause people problems. I’m also watching it from a security standpoint, are people who will receive funds from CARE to do a project going to be able to spend them and live in a way that is comfortable, that’s my main concern. For me, I’ve been stuck here at Hotel California for a number of years and I don’t want to see that happen to anyone else. So, I do watch this for that reason. I am listening to all the promises in other countries.

Regardless of that they still end up with me, there is no more Marduk or other people, there is only me. So again, it doesn’t look like it’s going to go anywhere but there is going to be a lot of turmoil.

I am hesitant to say some things right now because these meeting are happening now literally as I am talking to you, so I have information coming in while I’m talking to you. But I would say right now they are almost at a point where there isn’t whole lot of directions they can go in and they aren’t sure how to get out of it. A disaster didn’t work, using someone else’s plan is not working. I don’t know if they know who they are trying to appease at this time, but the only thing I do know, at least as of this morning is that no one was discussing turning in our direction, meaning walk the walk and take a marker which would be required. I don’t see that; they are still scraping the bottom of the barrel seeing what they can do.

Monday is also a full moon and I’m sure they are waiting for something to happen, and on the 15th, they are waiting for something that hasn’t happened in years. I talk about financial things a lot because that’s pretty much what they are missing. They are also having trouble running normal operations. And as far as fires, we might possibly have something to help with that over the weekend because it’s a mess over there.

It’s going to be a hot January and by the 21st everything is supposed to happen. So, until then through to the end of the month and possibly the beginning of February you’re going to see a LOT and I mean a LOT of turmoil and there isn’t anything you can do about the dying animal. There is nothing I can do and nothing I want to do to help the dying animal. Just remember to breath and know, if he brings us to it he’ll bring us through it.

We’re still dealing with some remnants that are causing some disturbing frequencies, high pitch and low pitch tones. This is not something the deep state is doing but what the main enemy we have is automatically doing in an AI kind of way as it tries to regain some kind of control and a foothold here on earth. That’s not happening, we’re not having any kind of an invasion situation but a lot of attempts for AIs to reinstall themselves here and Deadman switches and those types of things have been happening. So, it’s been a little uncomfortable here the last couple of days, but it’s getting less and less. There is a lot less now than even two months ago.

As far as the deep state is concerned, they are more concerned about saving themselves than causing us more harm. I don’t believe they are going to create another disaster at this moment. It looks like saner heads are prevailing in this meeting right now but they are looking for something else and the meeting is not over.

Other than that, there really isn’t a whole lot else I can release right now. Hopefully these fires will start to recede and not continue to grow. If you have the ability to help those in need of it in California, I hope you do, just like you always do when people are in need.  We take care of each other, no one is going to come in and save us, especially not these people. They would just like to blow something else up and see if money falls out of the sky.


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2 thoughts on “Trump Operatives Who Set The Fires Aren’t Sure Why The Money Didn’t Come | Their 2 Manufactured Disasters Yielded Nothing But Will Take A Toll On Insurance Companies | BlackRock Filed Bankruptcy | The House Of Cards Is Starting To Fall | Clock Is Ticking, Only 10 Days Until Trump, The First Convicted Felon Is Inaugurated As US President | Kim Expects Turmoil & Is Staying Vigilant As Monday Is A Full Moon & January 15th Is Another Expected Payday”

  1. They should blow up that hideous Washington Monument Freemason oblisk if they want something really fun to destroy!

    Thankyou Kim and God bless all humanity.

  2. bonsoir, les véritables fous destructeurs de la terre, l’univers, la galaxie, sans oublier ces differentes vies positives qui la composent! oui aujourd’hui ses fous doivent disparaître jusqu’au dernier! merci pour ce rapport

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