This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the back story to the uprising in the Middle East and why she knows they are using the American Book of War package. Unfortunately, the psychopaths running things still believe war pays and their ego will not permit them to see truth. There is a glimmer of hope that cartels may come to the table and do a turnaround. But no one has before them, so I won’t get my hopes up. Although, it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised for a change.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

15-Apr-24 News-Broadband High (
Uprising in the Middle East
My phone started lighting up Friday night about Iran and Iraq and I spent several hours having conversations with Agent M and several others in the area trying to get a grasp on why this is happening.
The players in the game appear to be the following: The Cartels, Langley 5 and some operatives they have been able to recruit to continue to work with them and for them, and the Global Headquarter people who also are refusing to do anything but what they’ve always done. What happened in the Middle East is directly related to what was supposed to happen over the rest of the weekend. And word did trickle down through the ranks that the oil cartels of the Middle East were not getting paid as there was no successful laundering of money.
Now, I will repeat the following story because it’s related.
Trying to Repeat History
In 1979 during the Cold War Iran partnered with Russia in order to utilize Iran’s Heidelberg Press, which is a printing press for US dollars. These presses could be found prior to a global banking system and several countries that did a lot of business with US dollars had them, including China, the Philippines, Iran, Russia, Africa, Brazil, and Venezuela. The plates are the key for these Heidelberg Presses because for every allocation number the sequence on the Notes changes and therefore only the plates are transported.
The idea behind putting these presses in different places was for the ease of spreading the US dollar in every country in the world and to do business with the US Government a lot faster. Well, it was during the Cold War when Iran partnered with Russia, and in order to utilize their Heidelberg Press to print trillions of US dollars from that location, they had to flood the market with US dollars and crash the economy, just like the US allegedly did during the Cold War with the ruble. It was the same type of strategy.
At the same time there was a lot of turmoil in Iran with the Shah being overturned and a lot of alleged US involvement in that. For those who don’t know, this coup had to be pre-agreed because the former Shah and last Shah were both from the Order of the Black Sun and members of the Pallavicini family who now along with the rest of his family reside in California. So, at the time Iran is blaming the US, but in actuality it was all in agreement in order to install an Order of the Dragon member known at the time as Ali Khamenei, whereas before we had Ruhollah Khomeini as the Imam, the alleged head of state there. It has been so ever since, even though the current one passed away.
So just like in the US when a POTUS passes away you put a mask on someone’s head and the operatives around that person pretend he is alive, just like Biden and Trump, and Khamenei is no different. I had no idea all of Iran leaders have similar sounding names, I’ve probably been referencing the wrong one in past posts.
The parties and families around Khamenei are also members of the oil cartel, the same goes for Ali al-Sistani in Iraq because Iraq was also hit this weekend, and Muqtada al-Sadr, an Iraqi Shia cleric and political leader. So, two very prominent religious leaders who worked together with Khomeini are members of the oil cartel and for decades both countries are no strangers to all kinds of sanctions.
Note: Below excerpts are related to this story and from the following post, The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market | Just Empower Me

Oil Cartels Business Model
Now that brings us to the oil cartels business model to launder 20-25% of black oil money and move black oil around the world for sales. By black I’m talking about black market sales. So, part of what erupted this weekend had a lot to do with the failed transactions that were happening at the Treasury Department and them being lied to. In addition to that, we have the Iraqi Prime Minister in Washington DC meeting with other masked men. I heard he was told to come here by the same operatives who created the mess in the Middle East because he was going to be on international TV with the fake dead US President. Why? Well, he is supposed to announce that the dinar has revalued. But the Prime Minister is still just waiting in Washington DC somewhere. They are constantly dangling the carrots.
By the way Ali al-Sistani is a masked man as well. I’m not sure about Muqtada al-Sadr though. So, this failure to launder oil money led to an uprising there. This was all being orchestrated true to form by the book, by operatives working for Langley 5 and the SSP. I would say they work with both.
War By the Book
War by the book means these are the ways you create wars. You do this and that and then this happens. It’s cookie cutter and it’s done the same everywhere on purpose because no war is actually real.
All wars are orchestrated and they need to know where everybody is going all the time, which is why it is not permitted to start a war that is not by the book. Now there are a few different scenarios to choose from, War Package 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. And the US, Russia, China, the UK, Iran, Iraq, Israel etc. all have the same playbooks so they know where to go, because again all wars are cookie cutter.
Which War Package Was Selected? | The American Package
A war package was selected the middle of last week and my intel from the ground tells me they murdered a Christian leader from Lebanon in the last 7 days and deposited him into a territory that is 100% controlled by the Hezbollah in Lebanon. Then they report this person is dead and was found in this territory. So, who else could have possibly killed this Christian leader but the Hezbollah.
Once you have a copy of the war book it’s really easy to understand that this is the American operatives and likely the SSP also. Why? Because if you don’t have a passport to plant like 911, you kill a guy and deposit him in the region, just like they attempted to do by a bridge in Canada not long ago. So, we know they are the same people.
This has not hit American news yet, but what has hit American news and the worldwide fake news is the bombing happening in Iran. If you had been questioning things a long time you would remember Netanyahu a decade ago standing at a UN General Assembly meeting with the giant hand carved cue-card about how Iran was going to bomb Israel. So, they have been talking about this for a very long time.

Now this was all orchestrated prior to the fact they did not get paid. It’s been brewing over a week, the Lords of War have chosen the war package, so we have the Christian leader in Lebanon, situations with the PMF in Iraq, allegedly several Hamas leaders died but didn’t actually die. That was also in Middle Eastern news. So, there are a lot of setups here that led to this escalation on Friday. The Lords of War were trained under Dick Cheney and Bush 100% because you can tell by their technique, therefore it absolutely came from some Americans.
What Happened When They Delivered But No Money Came Out?
This is what it appears to me, these SSP people believe there is still an automated call payment where they start a war and the money would come out from the Alpha system whether I like it or not. But that only works under old programming of the Alpha system. I’ve been reprogramming Alpha to be in line with what humanity wants. In fact, my first time really getting into it by myself was the end of 2015. It’s been about nine years of learning how to program a quantum system with zero computer experience. I might have programmed a few websites but this has been a learning process for me and I had a lot of help from Source in understanding quantum computers and quantum physics and things these people clearly don’t understand. Wow, Kim never programmed anything until 2015. That’s interesting.
By Saturday morning the SSP, which is Cyberlife mainly, some who worked with the Treasury Dept, Global Headquarters, the US military, and Langley 5, the ones who told the American operatives to orchestrate the war in the Middle East were livid when no money came. My alarms starting going off around 2am in the morning and I listened to them have a chat about how they are going to handle me. We have to get her under control and have to get her to give us access to the Red Book.
The Red Book Reference Surfaces Again
Now I’ve shown all of you the Red Book in the past and it was tied to a portal under the Library of Congress which the movie National Treasure describes. But the biggest thing I noticed, and for some reason I skated over it on that page, was the name John Trumb (which was spelled wrong on purpose) so it meant John Trump, the scientist and uncle of Donald Trump who came to the US under Project Paperclip. He was listed and had an account in there. So, could that be a reason why all the Trump SSP operative were planning on windfalls and installing Trump bucks for the 9,000th time on Friday and Saturday? I couldn’t figure out why they were so determined to get that particular account. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep the last few days. No one actually approached me though, and they had another meeting planned for later in the day.
Note: Kim has mentioned this movie National Treasure a few times. You can search my site for other posts related this this movie about the Golden Hord and US Constitution. This related post is about the Red Book, US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real | Just Empower Me
Cartels Meet on Saturday and Seem to Exhibit the Rarest Asset of All, Common Sense
It appears they have something their former leaders don’t have, which is common sense. They are not waiting for an alignment with Uranus because none of the alignments in the past decade have proved fruitful. The only time they had any success is with me behind the scenes and they realized they would have had more if they could cut out the middleman. So they discussed, what does Kim want?
Kim Wants New Technologies and New Ways of Living For Humanity’s Benefit
The general consensus amongst the cartels was, we can live with that. We can profit from that and we don’t have to do this crap anymore. So, they believe I am reasonable in my requests and this is doable. They said they were going to wait until today before taking ultimate action due to what these SSP folks said they could do, which is launder their money properly by Monday. They didn’t anticipate them coming to the table though and word starting getting around because most of the agencies have people inside working together with the cartels so they know the end result of this meeting.
The SSP and Black Nobility Meetings Yield Screaming and Threats
Come Saturday afternoon the SSP had their short meeting which included the Black Nobility and there was a lot of screaming of just get it done. Their next meeting was on Sunday which included a small select group of Global Headquarter people, SSP, Black Nobility and Langley 5. They compared notes on what they did, what else they could do, and it came to a head because there just wasn’t much left they could do to be successful in time for today, pay day.
SSP’s Backup Plan is to Kill as Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough
This angered the SSP people quite a bit. They feel they are superior and know better than everybody else as their organization has been around 5-6,000 years. They had interactions with non-humans and lower astral beings, direct messaging coming to their brain from lower astral beings, therefore they are in contact and superior. Yet their key to success is to get control of Kim. They are very unhappy and unwilling to recognize the fact we have been directly participating in the destruction of all things dark on this planet. They have recognized I run the Alpha system and that I’m not letting them in anywhere, that their automated triggers did not trip, and they would like to get control over me which is what they’ve always done with people like scientists, etc. That was their plan yesterday.
Meanwhile as a back-up plan, if I don’t do what they want me to do, they will murder as many humans as possible on this planet until I’ve had enough.
More specifically the SSP, “would also like to be in charge of the fall of humankind.” That was a direct quote.
SSP & Black Nobility’s Tries to Get Their Downline Onboard
They had conversations with their downline which includes Langley, the Pentagon, Iranian Groups, and Iraqi Groups who are all expecting big money today. As one example, they told Langley that the cartels would like to be in charge of humankind, and they know this because they had a phone call on a super-secret line with super-secret technology. It did not happen of course, but their intel tells them that the cartels would like to be in control of humankind because the elite is not getting the job done. Therefore, if humanity is going to survive, they need everybody onboard to save humanity, for free of course.
What is the real reason they decided to have this rah-rah session for all their downline?
The cartels are many in number, they have many arms. They trade nuclear submarines with many people and if you would like to buy one you can do it through the cartels. They can get you a passport in any country in the world, they can do a lot of things just like any intelligence agency can and have a lot of the same privileges.
They know the cartels have more nuclear capacity right now than Iran has for sure. Iran actually purchased them from Israel in 1984. Further to that effect, because Iran was running out of money, they leveraged those same nuclear weapons over to Russia to get a credit line against them just recently. Just like during the Obama Administration when the US Military leased back all their equipment to China.
The reason why this was important to them is because they don’t have enough of a downline at the moment to protect themselves and the governments of the world from a collaborated, coordinated effort of cartels worldwide. They will not survive.
After that phone call I explained in detail what I just explained to you to the cartels (at least it sounds like that is who Kim meant). I explained why the SSP, etc. said it and why I knew there would be no money to fund this. Listen, you guys have all been released, why are you going to jump on this bus?
A lot of phone calls were then made to see if this was true, if there was going to be a war between cartels and agency people and governments. Remember you also have plenty of oil cartel people and drugs running through the Middle East, and China is the biggest proliferator of legal drugs. I’m not saying this is good or bad in anyway. So as far as these people are concerned, the intel the SSP tried to feed their downline couldn’t be further from the truth.
The Cartels Now Have to Take Action
It looked like a complete underground network of people passing notes in study hall with orders and instructions and information, nothing passed on the telephone line. But the info got around worldwide very quickly. These people are organized beyond belief. I’m impressed actually. I’m not saying this going to work out or not, but I do know they had conversations about coming here locally and sitting down together, very transparent, both local people and them to hash this out.
Now so far, the SSP has met with a lot of resistance from their downline regarding their plan of bringing about the Fall of Humankind. It sounds like they are losing their power.
Kim’s Commentary
There is a bigger plan and all I can say is this, these SSP people swearing my name, they should be looking for another planet to live on and the same for Langley 5. You have all failed miserably and the world does not want to wait until another alignment and we are sick of their ridiculous texts. It’s been 17 years of the same thing. The person who gave you those books of war wrote them, my predecessor and in his absence, you get no money to fund your war and this has happened continuously.
So, Israel is not an enemy of Iran. Israel is run by the Rothschild family and has been run by the fake Jewish people forever and so has Iran, since 1979. The Saudi Arabians are also together in that family, and Iraq and Syria. It’s the same with the Russian and Ukrainian governments, they are members of the same family, the same people.
Do the cartels have the ability to do what the SSP and all those looking to kill us do? Do they have the capacity to do what the SSP can? Yes, they do. That was where the power was behind the Silent Circle-Anti-Silent Circle, Black Nobility around the world, that was your power center.
I had the same conversation with Langley and the Pentagon Saturday. They want me to get them out of their tenuous situation with the cartels. Except thus far, I have definitely been screwed by Langley, the current POTUS, the previous POTUS and the POTUS before that, by the Treasury Dept, the Federal Reserve, the country of China, Russia, Putin when he was alive. I can list off the countries, agencies, I tried to help and not one of them has actually done what they said they were going to do.
My experience thus far in and around the cartels is I’ve never really done any kind of serious business with these people. The exception is when Bush Sr. tried to set me up with the Bulgarian Biker Gang. He got weapons from them during the Odessa situation, the first Ukraine uprising and fight with Russia, and he didn’t want to pay. So he tried to blame Kim as the reason, which was corrected pretty quickly. But other than that, I haven’t any involvement in business, so why not give them a shot. That’s my plan at this moment and we’ll see if they come to the table, and if we can solve a lot of the world’s problems. They are standing on their own now so we’re going to give them a chance.
Sunny: Are the cartels the last group that could make a positive change?
There are a few other groups I can think of. Some in the Africa and then there are the Freedom Fighter Children. During the Cold War that’s what they called them. All the communist countries recruited younger children and their parents consented willingly, to train them to become a group called the Freedom Fighters. This was a program initially started by the USSR and those children still exist worldwide, although most were recruited by agencies and central banks and other places. But they kept in touch with each other. They are decently large, so the Freedom Fighter kids are actually a force to be reckoned with as well.
As part of this program there existed another program for a millennium, prior to the Cold War, another group. They attended special colleges around the world in the past and were trained in all kinds of arts. Lots of scientists come out of there in order to be trained and utilized. They would search out technologies and try to steal them or assess whether they are a danger to their people. So, a lot of those people came out of certain schools in Asia and they could be helpful if they decide to go against where they came from, which could happen with the right protection. You never know. There are a lot of scientists in hiding.
Other Rumors in the News
I want to address some other things because now that we don’t have the eclipse to panic about anymore so there are other things to panic about. We talked about the Middle East already and we’ll have to wait and see where this thing goes and if Israel actually retaliates because the Mossad has been contacted, and they of course are very close to the US Agencies. We’ll leave it at that for now.
The Military Controls the Weather Program Rumor
It would only have been possible for them to control the weather if the SSP had access to the Armageddon program or the Storm AI. It is no longer possible when they do not have connections and because human beings on this planet do not have the capacity to create a system to control the weather at this time. Even Northrup Grumman’s Sun Shield and all the stuff they do in the Skunkworks program cannot control the weather. Remember these are the same people who said there is a spaceship coming to save them after the harvest thing happens on the eclipse. Yet Kathy J. Warden is still sitting in the same desk and no one came to save her. Honestly, I didn’t listen too much to this because I can’t stand listening to them, but it’s good to know where the next fear porn program is coming from so we can head it off at the pass. For the most part they just need to give the alt media something to talk about.

Is There Going to be a US Presidential Election in November?
I have no idea, nor do I really care. At this point it’s not going to help us any or hurt us any. I could care less. It’s Hollywood. But since we’re on the topic of dead people running around, Klaus Schwab really died and I thought they were actually going to announce it, but I have heard rumors by the CIA mask program people that they may let him die in public.
Status of the Cleanup Since the Solar Eclipse
The cleanup that needed to take place in order for the quantum entanglement to begin unwinding was completed on Saturday. I am sure it will take some time and I don’t know how long.
We talked about the manipulation of dark matter by using machines and it’s also how humans have lived for a long time. Everyone has been affected by everything dark because it was manipulated in your person. Now, the lack of control of that dark matter puts you in control of your own matter dark and light. The requirement for your physical existence to include dark matter as I understand it could be upsetting, but the important thing is manipulation of the dark matter in your person is going away. Are there physical symptoms that could arise? Possibly. There are a lot of things we’ve learned to live with, injuries for example and not having those random pains is a positive thing, but when you don’t have them anymore you begin to wonder about how to function without that dark matter. So how is it going to be when you don’t have any dark matter quantum entangled in your body at all and your person is created in a different way. Some people may be very attached to those pains and it’s going to take awhile for people to recover in general.
Human beings have learned how to survive in an environment not conducive to human life and we still have people who want to see the fall of mankind. This is why security is still going to be extremely important. I can’t say what I’ve seen on the cartel papers passed in study hall, or if they will make it or not, but if they do it could help us out because when we roll out new technologies security will be integral. Anyone rolling out a new technology will need protection. And I understand everyone thinks they are terrible people, but unless you have visited some areas of the world that are super dangerous, you really don’t understand how important security is and how helpful they could be.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Secret Space program (SSp) @1:08:00 Around 5-6,000 years ago, SSp has interacted with non-humans and lower astral beings, direct messaging coming to their brain from lower astral beings, therefore they are in contact and superior. — KAG 2024-04-15
Royal Bloodlines @1:22:40 Israel is not an enemy of Iran. Israel is run by the Rothschild family. The Saudi Arabians are in that family, and so are Iraq & Syria. Russian & Ukrainian governments are members of the Rothschild bloodlines. — KAG 2024-04-15
Tri V To
What happened when they delivered the goods but didn’t receive the money?
Here’s what I think: These SSP people believe that there is still automatic call charge when they go to war, and the money will come out of the Alpha system whether I like it or not. But this only works within the framework of the old Alpha system programming. I reprogrammed Alpha to conform to humanity’s desires. In fact, I first really got into it at the end of 2015. About nine years passed as I learned to program a quantum system without any computer experience. I could program a few websites, but it was a learning process for me, and Source helped me a lot in understanding quantum computers, quantum physics, and things that these people clearly don’t understand. Wow, Kim had never programmed anything before 2015. This is interesting. OK. AND SO the SSP people believe there is still automatic call billing when they go to war and the money will come out of the Alpha system whether I like it or not. But this only works within the framework of the old programming of the Alpha system…AND HOW COULD THIS BE – THE SOURCE AND KIM GOGIN CREATED AN ALPHA SYSTEM SUPPORTING AUTOMATIC WARS? TO WHOM IS THE AI AND KIM GOGIN TRYING TO IMPROVE LIES? AND IF THIS IS TRUE, WHO IS THE SOURCE AND WHOM DOES IT SERVE? AND HOW COULD KIM GOGIN BE THE CREATOR OF THE ALPHA SYSTEM IF SINCE 2015, SINCE 2015, SHE HAS BEEN TRAINED IN WORKING WITH THE ALPHA SYSTEM?
There is logic in this SSP and related cartels being at the top of the previous pyramid. Britain’s elite have usurped 6,000 to 8,000 human patents and are using technologies that are 1,500 years more advanced than the ones that threw us under the table. A great cosmic Teacher had said about 100 years ago that the Cainites had proliferated excessively and occupied all the leadership positions on the planet. I think that the black brotherhood creates on each enslaved planet, a formation with a foreign self-awareness (renegades). Through them, they introduce a monetary (banking) system and corrupt political and institutional management systems. Humanity would be liberated in a day if people were united. Naturally the greater part of mankind is accustomed to slavery and still fights on the side of the enslavers. Therefore, the superior hierarchies have no choice but to release us by force and take us to heaven (restoration of the Golden Age).
Vadim, you’re not paying attention to what Kim is saying. There was a previous Alpha system, and now there is a new Alpha system programmed in a new way. Apparently those in the SSP aren’t paying attention either, and think it’s the old Alpha system, and that everything is the old way. Apparently it isn’t. Now everything will be in a new different way.
Pam, thanks so much for making Kim’s reports available to us.
Secret Space program (SSp) @1:08:00 Around 5-6,000 years ago, SSp has interacted with non-humans and lower astral beings, direct messaging coming to their brain from lower astral beings, therefore they are in contact and superior. — KAG 2024-04-15