This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim finds an old artifact in the NYC and explains its history. She provides the status of the fall of governments so we can better prepare ourselves. She explains the Jesuits latest hare-brained idea that has been done repeatedly but their bag men bought it and are now in bit of a quandary. Meanwhile our package from the Arcturians is coming through and cleaning out more from the Quantum Flip.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I'm a decent writer, so I'm trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Loom of Fate
This week’s interesting news is about the Loom of Fate which is depicted in some video games and movies. It is a real thing, it did not originate from here but exists in the Garment District in New York City, that is where Kim found it this morning. It looks kind of like a loom, thus its name. It is about twelve to eighteen feet long and several feet wide and it was utilized once a year to determine the fate of Earth for the upcoming year.
History of the Loom of Fate
Originally the Loom of Fate was meant to be read by the Angels and the Demons, so upper astral beings and lower astral beings and its purpose was to maintain balance on Earth, not in and of itself though, there were other mechanisms in place like we talked about in the previous broadcast. Those mechanisms would monitor the amount of light and darkness on this planet and when things would get out of balance, say we got too dark then monetary assistance and other things would go to the light. Conversely speaking, if we got too light then monetary assistance and what not would go to the dark. That information would eventually be passed down to those people we still have left on this planet.
The language of the Loom is not in a language that exists on planet Earth. It is the oldest language ever and is based on frequency and not something the wingnuts who showed up today at the Loom could translate even if a message came through, which it has not done in the last 7-8 years.
The Manipulation of the Loom
A few thousand years ago it was manipulated by ‘Others.’ A program was put in place to register the amount of darkness required during the Age of Darkness, which ensured we pretty much were always living in a dark time. And the descendants of the Fallen Angels; the demons would be the ones who would receive money and orders and instructions that eventually passed down to them.
There is to some degree a depiction of this loom in the movie Wanted (2008 film). The movie is about some assassins who get orders from the Loom. In the movie it looks like a fabric but that is not correct, it is a filament made of specific crystalline material that allows the made-in materials the Loom is made of conduct the information to something that was in the Moon and in Saturn and eventually from the lower astral.

Wanted (2008 film) - Wikipedia
New Year’s Day for the Dark is When Information Would Come Through
Today is New Year’s Day for the dark, which also happens to be the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, so they were expecting instructions from the Loom. A minimum of 3 and up to 9 Fallen Angels or lower astral beings would have come up through the pillar on 33 Thomas Street in New York. Oh, the Dark Tower again! They would have then read the information which would be written in their language, not ours. So even if they had decoded the cipher, it would have been a jumbled mess and no Sumerian or Vedic texts would have helped them read this anyway. Without people to arrive to read it for them they would not have gotten anywhere. Kim is the only one who could have read if for them but since she is not about helping her enemy that would be a No from her.
The Book of Leviticus
In the Jewish religion today, New Year's Day is a celebration of the second temple’s destruction and allegedly it is written in Leviticus of all these crazy things they want you to do. If you read the rules and the laws, they sound kind of outlandish. Well Kim said that whole section is a lower astral section. This day on the ‘X’ moon of the year so to speak, actually marks the day that we changed Ages in the past. We changed into the Dark Ages and then we had an infestation here on Earth. Our current calendar does not really go by the calendar per se, it goes by the moon cycle in those days, eons ago and it was even a different moon when that happened. So, if you read the Torah or the Bible and look at all the crazy things they wanted us humans to do, now we know why. We think oh, it just happened a long time ago and that is just what they did in those times. But does anyone do those things they say anymore?
Note: Related post on the Dark Tower at 33 Thomas Street, The Deep State Still Not Backing Down | Capitol Building Was Targeted for 911 Type Event & Failed | Generals Were Taking Orders, But From Who This Time & How? | Is the Dark Tower the Keystone to Travel Between Hell & Earth Real? | Hundreds of Thousands of Humans & Lower Astral Beings Stuck in Wormhole Between Worlds Now Dead | Silent Circle Continues Taking Out More Deep State People | Just Empower Me
What Happened with the Loom This Year?
The machine did to some degree turn on today but there were no instructions that came out. Although that didn’t stop them from getting all excited thinking they were all in charge and were then going to get instructions.
The whole thing has been dismantled and it does not work anyway, not for years. But they had to give it a go because all they think about is money-money-money. But no death payments or anything like that happened.
So just when you think this world cannot get any weirder, there you go.
Status of the Fall of Governments
Kim will continue to keep us informed as to the status of the fall of governments so we can better prepare ourselves. Right now, there is a lot of infighting going on in governments and Kim was getting yelled at a lot this morning for not being a good patriot by people in and around the Treasury Department. Yep, the nerve of her for not playing along with their latest hare-brained idea they have tried repeatedly. This made her a bit angry as you can imagine, and she cited a laundry list of what she has done for the United States and other countries in a very strong and loud manner. She is not involved in their schemes and it has nothing to do with her anymore, she is just watching it happen. Clearly, they do not want her money and to do business with her. What they would like is to steal money from us, steal her system and a lot of things from her, but they definitely do not want to actually do business. By business that implies one is providing a service and one is paying for said service.
So the next few items reflect what is contributing to the inevitable fall of governments:
The Unoriginal Hare-Brained Scam that Blew up Yesterday
The Treasury Department cannot legally or officially issue treasury notes anymore. Therefore, they cannot put treasury notes into the financial system and technically they are not registered as a legitimate financial institution, government or other at the moment, neither is any other central bank for that matter. So, they would first need to handle that issue. While they can issue IOUs on napkins and if someone is willing to buy the IOU good for them, but they cannot deposit the IOU in a bank.
They then came up with this idea to create offline treasury notes similar to historical bonds which are no longer in the banking system either. There is no registration for those things. They were sealed up and we were done with them in the 1980s. There are no assets behind them, yet people think they are going to cash them in for billions of dollars and that is not the case. It is just part of history now, of liens that used to exist but don’t anymore. It is like looking as savings bonds from 200 years ago, you can’t go and cash them in.
Well, they decided to issue these offline treasuries anyway, against – okay wait for it ---- yep all the in-ground assets of the planet, AGAIN! Because we have never seen that before. We have not seen the Chinese do that against the Shanghai Exchange before or seen it at least 300 times now. But at least there is a funny part which we'll get to soon.
They handed hundreds of billions if not trillions of these offline treasury notes out to various terrorist groups they would like to help start a war. They gave them to countries to calm the politicians down, and people they owed money too and the treasuries (aka the Jesuits behind them) thought they were going to run the world with these things. They were going to create a completely different currency with the electronic ink we discussed. Let’s call them fake Jesuit monies. They tried to issue fake money by going to the company in Switzerland that manufactures most the ink for the world and they tried to issue a new type of ink with new allocation numbers and the whole thing.
Have they forgotten they do not have the ability to approve said fake money from the inside out. In other words, the ink company cannot change anything within its closed loop that attaches to the financial system that does not exist anymore. They just think you enter these things and everyone can then print money. But the way it worked in the past is this: You had to get the allocations numbers from the person in Kim’s chair which would then have trickled down to the Fed, which then would have been logged into the financial system of the planet, which then would have matched what the ink company was putting in. If no match-match, then no money. That is the way it works but clearly these Jesuits do not understand this. But when you are trying to achieve the lofty goal of world domination you should actually understand how and what you need to dominate the world! So that is why you failed Jesuits.
The same thing goes for bonds and ABCorp and their ability to print them. You must also have a matching allocation in that currency, and the registration to the debt, and in order to attach it to the entire in-ground asset base of planet earth you also must have permission to do that.
Kim has all of that registered in the financial system because she had a conversation with herself and decided to back currencies with gold. Yep, that is a good idea so then she did it and she didn’t need a Jesuit, a Family or Government to make that happen because that is how it’s always been done, unbeknownst to them.
Convinced Their Bag Men (Berkshire Hathaway and BlackRock and George Soros) to Buy the Fakes
Not only did they do that, they convinced Berkshire Hathaway and BlackRock and George Soros, all their bag men to buy them at 10-20 cents on the dollar and told them they would be good soon, they will be able to cash out. Since they needed liquidity, they sold a few that conjured up enough money to make some payments that were way past due in the form of salaries, like the Pentagon payroll, and to keep the government running, those types of things.
So that money is gone, they cannot take it back and the bag men all found out these are fake treasury notes and not registered in the financial system, therefore they cannot call them an asset on their portfolio. Now they are in trouble, except it is worse than that, because for these companies their only liquidity right now is from things like pension funds, large pools of investment funds which includes many consumers and they took that out and put these fake bonds in. Rather they tried to but that didn’t work out for them and now they incurred a major SEC violation. That money is not coming back and they are going to have to find a way to replace it because they are going to have thousands of angry investors who are not going to have a balance in their trading account now or are wondering why their pension fund looks different.
Well, they can probably fudge the numbers for a little while and she wishes them all the best.
So now the bag men are all yelling at the Treasury Department because they cannot even put them in their portfolio. From a legal standpoint, in order to issue a bond against assets you need to own said assets, which they do not. They committed so many counts of securities fraud in the last few days. It is illegal to change a currency for planet Earth too. She can read off a plethora of reasons why that wouldn’t work.
- You cannot register Jesuit monies into the banking system because it has no valid allocation numbers for the ink you are trying to alter.
- It is never going to be usable for the general public. Their POS systems would not be able to change, the machine reader thing now goes into KIMS so those machines is not going to read it.
- Say they decide to have POTUS declare their new money is official, but once people go to Walmart and use said money, Walmart still has to deposit said money in a bank and it’s not going to be accepted because it is fraudulent, so then you are going to have massive losses of all their corporations.
They do not understand how the system works which goes to what she said on Wednesday when they wanted access to the financial system. They do not know what they want because they do not know how it works. So, they were yelling at her because she would not go along with all this. They want her to do it their way. They think they are going to find a way around her but they never will because she understands how the quantum system works and more about how their systems used to work than they do.
But the one thing they are doing is draining their own bag men which is good for us. They will probably not use public funds anymore to do that. She could pull their trading licenses based on that. But she doesn’t work that way because she knows they will never pull their favorite bag men’s license. So, she would just freeze them out of all the security systems is what she would do, because that is the only way she can do it on her side. If they don’t want to comply with her that’s fine, they don’t want a golden parachute from her that’s fine, she will just take away their ability to trade in the next 24 hours if no one pulls their head of out their ass. But there is not enough liquidity in the market even if they come up with another fraudulent bond of some sort. And how many more people are going to buy it now. They sell them when they are half baked and then governments lose all confidence in them.
Negotiations at UN General Assembly is All About Their Fake Jesuit Monies
We know the operatives and agencies go early to these meetings before mouthpieces arrive because they run things and they are having negotiations about this crazy hare-brained idea. Well guess who was invited under some agency? That would be Tom Melville under the GIA, but as friends of course, of an agency who promised the wingnuts tons of money. They invited him because they are falling and they need to recover and everyone knows the GIA is the Administrator of their bankruptcy and Administrator under Martial Law. They think they are going to march Tom in and parade him around like he is their friend. Uh, that would be a no. Why would Kim want to go to UN and fix their mistakes? They negotiated that deal now, so have at it. Let them come up with another hare-brained idea until they torch every government on the planet in accordance with the Jesuits absolutely ridiculous financial plans.
But Kim was thinking about having the GIA setup in a large room at some hotel around the United Nations, even though she/we own the UN now, but they found their way back in and are running around like they own the joint again. But that’s okay, she will put up a CARE banner in said room and invite anyone who is broke can come over here. She will have some CARE personnel in there and get some people who actually know how to run governments. The goal is to do it all by ourselves. There is no point in trying to save governments, and eventually we will start seeing: ‘xyz’ was built by CARE. The roads are being repaired by CARE. Eventually CARE will make a name for itself by walking the walk and not just talking the talk.
In any case, their latest hare-brained idea is a direct indication to us what is happening in our countries.
Turmoil in South Africa, Syria, Libya
She heard about the turmoil in South Africa and Syria. Israel took one of these bonds as well and the Mossad then droned Syria the very next day. There were issues in Libya as well. Unfortunately, their hare-brained idea does kill people and that is what she is trying to stop. But she is sure they are probably going to come up with something else and these countries will take it and nothing will happen and this will probably go on for a few more weeks, maybe another month or two. They will come up with Biden Bucks, the Kevin McCarthy Reserve Bank, who knows! But it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t work and then everyone will get mad when nothing happens but then will say thank you, can I have another.
Secret Service is Frustrated
Kim is starting to get calls from the Secret Service who are very frustrated. Remember the Secret Service’s job is not to protect politicians, their primary job is to protect the dollar. They have the contract with the Federal Reserve to protect the dollar, but moreover then that, they are now in the White House, other places in California and so on protecting dead people. And they know they are dead.
Their Narrative is Terrible Everywhere
The aides are talking about disclosure and all this but Kim’s point of view is, okay let’s make it simple, let’s not bother with who did what because everybody did, they all committed securities fraud, violated the stock act, taken bribes, started wars for a fee and all this stuff. They have all done it. So why don’t we give the people what they want? And according to the Secret Service what the people want is to not be embarrassed to be an American. But it is not just the Americans. How many Prime Ministers did the UK have last year? They are playing musical chairs, blaming other people for their failures. There is a Prime Ministers quitting in Hungry as another example and many countries because their narrative is terrible. They can’t even run that part and they have the capacity to do that.
Have we heard about the uptick in the Plandemic? Kim said she isn’t seeing it get hot and heavy so much in mainstream media. They are going for the fear porn on Alt Media though, on Twitter etc. but mainstream not so much evidently. But maybe they will ramp up soon.
More Fear Porn to Come Regarding September 23rd
There is a lot of fear porn going around about the Equinox, the last of the 4 super moons on September 23rd. To them that means in whatever text they are reading we are all going to die again and the Emergency Broadcast System is going to go off or whatever. But like she said they want to create fear hoping for a different outcome probably from the Loom of Fate in the Garment district of NYC.

We Got a Tidal Wave of Light that Came in the Last Night
The light sent from the Arcturians came in big last night and that made a lot of the wingnuts crazy and angry whether they know it or not and we are well on our way to full restoration. We should be done with the remnants from the fold over and Quantum Flip by Wednesday, the 17th or 18th.
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the three norns weaving the threads of existence: Urd / fate / presence – Verdandi / nascent / future – Skuld / debt / past. The three kinds of Karma: presence – future – past. when the human being realizes that God is the only doer (light and sound in each atom is from God) karma stops. the egotistic belief to be a doer creates karma. as we are entering a timeless creation karma has to and will stop.
gracias por compartir , la luz es infinita en la totalidad del Ser , seamos pues libre como el viento , la oscuridad no soporta la luz , seamos luz en la inmensidad del Ser…aportemos nuestra luz a nuestra Madre Tierra , así como los Asturianos envían su Luz Curativa y de Amor Incondicional y para aquellos críticos sin luz en su corazón, gracias por compartir su punto de vista.
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