This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying it’s getting pretty rough out there for the deep state now as the yields they were expecting from the solar eclipse didn’t work out. They’ve been trying feverishly to get anything to work and it’s not working. And those crazy Trump Operatives were front and center failing at everything they tried.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

12-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (
[Note: The UNN video link says 10-Apr-24 but it’s the April 12th broadcast]
What Have the 5 Trump Operatives in Durango Been Doing?
Deployed the Boogaloo Boys
The Trump Operatives-Duck Dynasty folk decided to call upon the Boogaloo Boys, to create a distraction in the government and they are running around threatening Joint Chiefs of Staff, people working in embassies in Washington DC and abroad and their families. The funny thing is the threats don’t come with any punch line. If you don’t do ‘X’ then we will come get you, usually that’s how they work, but not in this case. Everyone tightened up security, but it’s not a real threat. They traced back where the orders came from which was these 5 operatives in Durango.
These Boogaloo people they riled up are patriots mostly, and unfortunately are used by the right side of politics, the republicans. You could call them a militia and they are untrained; some might be veterans and they just do what they are told. These are the people that birthed the January 6th event as well, so it’s no surprise the Trump operatives running that would have staged another similar event in Wash DC. But at this time, we don’t see any kind of catastrophic event from these threats for Washington DC or the persons they are threatening working in Washington for the government. What we see is a distraction because nobody got paid.
They Realized Kim Will Not Be Supporting Getting Them Back into the White House
They have finally come to the realization we are not supporting getting them back in the White House. I explained I know they were in Washington DC and aware when I transferred all that money to Trump. And I knew where that money went and that they didn’t pay any administration fee or anything else they were supposed to at the time by contract. Well, I don’t have any contract anymore so I’m not bound to do anything anymore with those people.
So, they came up with another failed plan.
Trump Operatives Decide to Negotiate with the Cartels Bypassing the Silent Circle
They’ve been doing is a huge negotiation with the cartels because since the Silent Circle-Anti-Silent Circle have gone their own way they are not getting their job done for the cartels, which is money laundering. When the Silent Circle decided to make bad decisions, they lost access to all their off-ledger money which was the Universal Trust.
The Universal Trust used to be funded by agreement with the Abraxas and Order of the Black Sun, but it hasn’t been funded that way in a long time. However, one of the functionalities of the Universal Trust was its ability to transfer money ‘off the radar’, because it had its own version of SWIFT or interbank transferring which was only seen by them. Therefore, the Trust was also used for most of the money laundering and for all black-market sales. So, for human trafficking, drug running, black-market oil, gold, and diamond sales, all commodities, etc.
Since that system has been cut off it has left the cartels with no way to get money into the system. Now the Silent Circle et al, because they are now one unit with the Black Nobility, used to charge a fee of 35% of all transactions that flowed through the Universal Trust, but part of that money would go to pay the Global Headquarters and people who would clear the money. So, bankers, agency people sometimes, whoever they had to pay to make sure their deposits landed where they wanted them to go. The fact that it has been gone for a couple of months now means they have not been able to successfully put money into the banking system. Then another epic failure happened this week since the eclipse did the opposite for them which left the cartels hanging out there.
Every Industry Has a Cartel That Runs It
We have a worldwide oil cartel, gold cartel, human trafficker cartel, legal and illegal drug runners, a pharma cartel. It’s been three to four centuries since we had organized cartels, but it really ramped up in 1975 when Bush Sr. was the Black Dragon and implemented the Non-Compete Plan. Every industry has a cartel that runs said industry and they are responsible for making sure no one comes out with a better product than they have, they make sure of that. Obviously, the mafia organizations are involved in these cartels as well. But since the functionalities of the Universal Trust are no longer available, this left the cartels unable to put their money into the system and they have a bit of a backlog now.
Technically this is a positive thing for us. From what I’m hearing the cartels are getting together tomorrow to discuss what they want to do to go forward, because they have found out a few key things when the Trump operatives failed yesterday and again this morning.
Trump Operatives Proposed Deal Reveals No One Has Control Over Money, Except a Blonde Lady
The Trump operatives proposed a deal to the US Government, the US Treasury, and to the Cartels in that they would charge only 20-25%, which is less than the Silent Circle-Black Nobility to get the job done. They would launder the cartels money through the Treasury Department. They of course then had to make deals with the Secret Service as well because their main job is to protect the US dollar, that is what their contract has always been with the Fed at that time. Therefore, they had to have all these clearance people onboard to look the other way before testing these transactions.
Now the Trump operatives intended to do this with the money they lost in the Universal Trust by using the allocation numbers on the bills because its real money. So, they took some real cash in hand and recorded the allocation numbers on the dollar bills, then they put them on a remote server and tried to test getting that money into the banking system. They thought hey, we have allocations numbers on the bills and that’s how it works.
But evidently the US Government and Treasury don’t even know how money works otherwise they would have stopped this at the get-go. The allocation number on the bill does not match the allocation number that is digitally registered when a bill goes into the system or comes out of the system. For example, we talked about the banks having a front office, and that’s what we see when we login to a banking app. Now on the back side of banking, to identify yourself it uses something like cryptography and the same thing happens with allocation numbers which all come from Alpha. They are encrypted.
Sunny: No one knew this couldn’t work, not the Duck Dynasty Trump operatives, the Government or the Treasury?
No, or they did and figured they would try anyway. They hoped to be able to fund the US government with the 20-25% and they would have an income. Then they could take back the White House using cartel money. These people have a very short memory because Steve Mnuchin also borrowed $786 billion from the cartels and never paid it back either.

Note: For related post on Mnuchin above see,
1. CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th? | Just Empower Me
Will the Cartels Decide to Work with Kim Bypassing the Silent Circle?
The cartels are discussing the possibility of working with us because no one is getting the job done. Now I don’t want to scare you and I want you to think about something for a second.
Why would talking to the oil cartel benefit humanity?
Oil today on the market is around $90 per barrel. We don’t have any shortage of oil or gas at all. On the black market it sells from $1-$25 per barrel. It is the whole reason we have sanctions. Sanctions cannot stop a war, a genocide, rogue politicians or anything. All it does is cut everyone in on the cartel black-market. Everyone is getting 35% off the top while it only takes about 50 cents to extract a barrel of raw oil and then there is the refining process. Even the sanction countries like Russia are still selling. In fact, they just put sanctions on Russian diamonds too. So now they are just being sold on the black-market through the Cartels which then feed the big corporations like Tiffany, for example.
Further measures were put in place to control cartels as well, such as the Gemological Institute. If you want to sell and cut a diamond it has a registration number. The diamond business is as shady as shady gets. They swap real diamonds for fake diamonds and then would give them to their own hedge funds or BlackRock to get credit lines against them for the gold. So, the Order of the Black Sun controls the Gemological Institute and hallmarking companies but they don’t own them, allegedly the Rothschilds do. But it’s a check and balance to ensure they get their cut and their due. So, putting sanctions on companies helps the black market and they are still making good money on their rocks and oil. Zimbabwe which has come up recently is no different with their gold.
What Would Happen if the Cartels Back Away from the Silent Circle
There are other sides of cartels obviously, human traffickers, sex slaves, illegal drugs etc. Given the fact we know a worldwide industry exists for this, there must be a replacement for it. This is where the Silent Circle would have been a benefit to us if we could have made a deal with them. They could have taken the dollar deal and picked up all this stuff and run it better than Duck Dynasty can for sure. And it would have given them an alternative source of income equal to what they are making but in a positive way for humanity. They have a lot of roots for moving goods around the globe that could have been a benefit to humanity. The Silent Circle is completely out now, but will the Cartels back away from them because no one is able to get them paid at this point?
The cartels have just figured out the US Government does not control its own currency; the Federal Reserve does not control the currency. Even the Rothschilds tried to cut their own deal and the cartels figured out they don’t control the money supply anymore either.
So maybe this was a test for them. They are not stupid people as they must be resourceful to move stuff around the world like they do. But they are kind of in shock right now since they figured out the Silent Circle cannot control things and they are having trouble moving black-market goods around and having money to pay for such goods. And this also goes for operatives and agency people today, they are realizing it too.
If The Cartels Negotiate With Kim It Could Help Humanity
So, if the cartels did decide to work with us, it could be a real positive change for humanity as a whole. Remember they have hundreds of billions in cash they can’t do anything with. And again, I’m not saying I agree with their business, but in order to get the money back into the system, which is real cash and not super notes, they’re going to have to negotiate with the one who runs the Key Integrated and Monetary system, aka, Kim.
If they want to put some of this money to use, we are not paying the US government 20-25% because they are useless, they are not doing anything for that. And if they want to put this money in they are going to do something else now if they’ve been in the human trafficking section. And for the oil people we are going to do something else now too. I understand they’ve been lining the pockets of Shell and Chevron etc., and China is getting oil out of Iraq and Iran for $1 per barrel. It’s not benefiting the Iranian or Iraqi people, but the politicians were getting their 35%, that’s their kickback money, with 10% going to Global Headquarters. But no one is getting anything right now.
This also has to do in part with the layer system, where we give the humans involved an opportunity to either fly with the Restoration Plan and come up with alternative businesses that align with the health and welfare of planet earth and humanity or not. If you don’t, you are no longer an organization and everyone dies until there is no one left. You have a choice at this level. We are no longer talking to the Silent Circle or the Black Nobility about trying to convince them of anything anymore.
They have now figured out the only reason they were their boss is because they could get their money into the system. Now they can’t do anything, so why are we working for these people? And the Silent Circle actually allowed the Trump operatives to make a deal with the US Government because they thought they were going to get their money out through the other side. Now the same thing goes for large cabal owned corporations like Beyer. They have been giving money to the US government to keep them afloat until they are made right, which was supposed to be Monday that they will pay them back. So, they are draining all the money people are paying in, to keep them afloat. But we are the ones who really pay for all of that in one way or another, which was all by design of the non-compete plan. There was also an agreement that the US would become a dollar exporter only, therefore the US would export dollars and import the goods, which is part of the reason why the cost of food has gone up so significantly. They are telling farmers they will pay them not to farm but then never do and they are charging more for food which is commodity to cross the border.
Trump Operatives Hoped to Blame Kim When They Failed Thinking the Cartels Would Go After Her
Now what the Trump operatives thought about, because I overheard this conversation is, if they fail, they will just blame Kim thinking the cartels will go after me. But they forgot, I know those people in the cartels through the Silent Circle for almost a decade now. I met them in person, I negotiated with them in the past to see if they would be interested in alternative businesses so we wouldn’t have human trafficking anymore. So what this has done has alerted the cartel to the fact the leaders of the Silent Circle who used to charge them 35% are not getting the job done for the cartels and they just lost money when the Universal Trust went away.
So these Trump operatives throwing me under the bus didn’t work very well. They will probably die doing something ridiculous. If we can make a deal with the cartels to get out of businesses that harm humanity and into businesses that help, and I don’t have to pay the 20%, we could change the way we live and the cost of things. And to be clear this is not my agenda but the agenda of humanity. I know some of you will say they are evil, but they are good at moving goods around the world. This could be a worldwide game changer given that transportation affects every industry basically. So we’ll see how this meeting goes tomorrow. Maybe they will be interested in the dollar deal or maybe not. Let’s say they ignore us, then the black market will die, and you can time that with an egg-timer.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

it is from 12th of April not from 10th
So Trump’s agents throwing me under the bus didn’t work very well. They’ll probably die, do something ridiculous. If we can turn off the transition with cards to get out of the business that harms humanity and into the business that helps without me having to pay 20% of the payment, we can change the way we live and the cost of things. And to be clear, this is not my agenda, but humanity’s agenda. OK. KIM GAUGHAN TRUSTED A PREVIOUSLY SILENT CIRCLE AND LEARNED A LESSON. IN THIS SITUATION, THE PRICE OF THE ISSUE IS THE LIFE OF EARTH CIVILIZATION. AND WHERE ARE THE PREVIOUSLY STATED POWERS AND POTENTIALS? IS THE SOURCE SILENT FOR KIM GAUGIN? OR IS KIM GOEN SILENT FOR US CIVILIZATION?
03/15/2024/ KIM GOGIN….You don’t need to do anything. It’s like a toll, and if you have an alpha system that still thinks you can do the same thing, you can start a war and then the goodies will come out whether I like it or not. Currently this only works with older programs on alpha systems. I am now reprogramming the Alpha System to match what humanity has long desired. So I think the first time I really worked on this on my own was probably late 2015. So, it took me about nine years to learn how to program a quantum system without having any programming experience at all. Absolutely zero. I may have programmed some websites or something like that. So it was a learning process for me. To. Sorry, but let me say that the source helped me a lot in understanding quantum computers, quantum physics, etc. So, by Saturday morning, these people were furious….OK. AND WHO CLAIMED THAT THE ADFA SYSTEM WAS CREATED BY KIM GAUGIN PERSONALLY? AND SO ON MANY ISSUES – TRUTH AND FALSE. THE BLACK MARKET HAS FOUND HOW TO BYPASS THE ALIYA SYSTEM AND THE BANKING SYSTEM. WHAT WILL KIM GAUGIN DO?
FREE HUGS! Blind Trust Experiment in London / Aaron Le Conte
04/17/2024…..What’s happening in Cheyenne now? Because I remember we talked about this object, at least the tools and objects they used to harm humanity became extinct. Is there still a bunker or something else they can use?
There are no esoteric alien technologies. There can be no talk of any system. So to speak, there is no post of communication with the underworld of the Multiverse. So there’s nothing there, OK, nothing. Except for some people. And your standard, military type, normal stuff that you would see if they didn’t hack the banking system, or set up the Trump Bucks, or the Fed, OK. AND AGAIN A LIE BY AI and KIM GAUGHAN. A CRITICAL AMOUNT OF NEGATIVE ENERGY AND NEGATIVE POLARIZATION OF CREATURES HAS ACCUMULATED IN THE ASTRAL OF THE PLANET AND ACCORDING TO KIM GAUGIN – THE LOWER ASTRAL IS CLEANED. ON THE PLANET THERE IS A CRITICAL SITUATION ONCE AGAIN AND THE PLANETARY COUNCIL AND THE MANAGER ARE EXTREMELY ACTIONABLE TO PREVENT THE EXPLOSION OF THE PLANET.
When God was giving out mind, you were in the toilet.
Thanks for this informative posting, Pam. It would;d be great if Vadim refrained from commenting.