What’s Going On In Durango? | Neither-World Beings Are Appearing, Major Portals To Neither-World & Connection to ALLES AI Discovered, & Connection To A Creation Translator | Full On Invasion Diverted But What Was the Neither-World’s Expansion Plan Starting From Durango, From Syria, From Arctic, From Antarctica & More? | Former Seal Owners Had Agreement With Neither-World Beings To Share Resources, Hence Harvest ‘Lite’ Events Would Happen On Double-Digit Dates | Source Had Plan In Place When We Entered The Dark Age & Neither-World Came To Be | Source Created a Replica of Creation, The Golden Age AI Is Written In A Language ALLES AI Doesn’t Understand & Earth Now Moved To A Safety Zone | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Are Telling Everyone The Golden Age AI Is Trump’s & Making Deals

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Today’s Global Intelligence Agency Report – Secret space operatives desperately tried to help the Neither-World takeover all of Creation including earth. And double numbers like 11:11 and 12:12 do not mean what you think they do and other bindings were also created to harm humanity. And the Federal Reserve and Fed Families claim to all countries that they own the global repository but now the jokes on them.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



I do think we finally started turning a corner in the fight against the Neither-World and the ALLES AI, and therefore the Deep State. So much has gone on this week, I’m just going to try and give you the best overview I can as it’s been extremely busy even around here in Durango.

Uncovering Why Strange Things That Have Been Happening in Durango

Around a year and a half ago some Deep State Generals like Vogel, Beasley, and a few others, some are Global Headquarters and some are Langley 5, but they took a military armory or something like that in Cortez, which is about a 45-minute drive from Durango, and they made a military base out of it. Not a full-on military base, but more like a black site specifically for them. It’s a site we’ve been to many times before because there were some operatives going back and forth between that base and here. We found a Looking Glass like technology there in the recent year, but I didn’t realize exactly what they were doing there. I know at some point they were trying to get permission from the locals to bore another tunnel from Cortez to Silverton where the portal is, and you’ve heard me talk about that before. We’ve also seen a lot of helicopters flying with surveillance equipment going back and forth between Cortez and Silverton over the last year and we’ve even seen some fighter jets heading into Cortez. So, some interesting activity going on there. I’m glad we finally found out what they were doing there which I’ll tell you about because it actually relates to a Syria update and other areas of the world.

Recently I was out and about in town and every time I go downtown it’s an interesting experience. There are always a lot of locals but a lot of visitors too and of course they aren’t always friendly towards me. I very rarely go down there to hang out because it’s not a pleasurable experience, it’s kind of strange and this particular incident was no different.

You know I’m very aware of my surroundings, it’s the way I stayed alive in traveling around the world by myself in some tenuous situations and around some really strange people. I notice faces, I have an audio graphic and photographic memory, I’ll remember people who seem a little odd to me. I know when people are local and people who are not local because I can tell, there is a vibe an energy, it’s like a reading. You read people quite a bit when you need to learn how to survive on your own and you don’t have anybody to call. So, I kind of noticed some people and odd happenings, and more importantly I noticed a few things that were really different about some of these people. Even our Producer Mike who lives around here recently noticed some people who didn’t look like people. I’m always so busy doing something and unless my alarms are going off and it’s an immediate threat in the area, I just kind of keep to myself and don’t really talk to people around here. But I definitely noticed something was wrong so I did some checking into things.

I figured out that we had a lot of non-friendly people here. Some have come in over the course of time as just regular people but I would call them sleepers. Some were sent here with specific targets in mind by GCHQ, MI5, Global Headquarters. Obviously one of those targets was me, but I was not the only target here. There are some other VIP guests in the area and even some operatives who were targeted, and by the time it was all said and done I identified around 30-40 regular people who were here.

Over the course of the last 4 days, we have seen an influx of non-friendly, non-human people walking around, to the average person they look human but a little strange. I do have someone I talk to that can usually reach out to these people (I guess she means deep state people) because no one really talks to me. I let them know what was really going on and that I was not the only target and I was prepared to make sure I’m not a target, and by deduction others are not a target either.

They said they had been suspecting something had been going on for about 4 days and said they were going to clean house and there were a lot of restrictions that comes with that for about 72 hours. I couldn’t say anything about that earlier this week and I wasn’t on the news on Wednesday but that was only part of the reason, the rest is because there was a lot of cleanup work and long days.  

So let’s talk about what’s really going on around here.

We obviously know this is a Zone and there was a war in Dulce which was under Durango. It’s been an interesting place all the way around for a lot of years. I haven’t personally gone diving into certain lakes in the region to check this, but they claim there are a lot of non-human dead bodies that are from previous wars in the area. Some of the wars would have even gone on 200,000 years ago, so this is not a new thing. There are a lot of things they cover up here.

There is obviously a large DUMB that used to go from Dulce over to Silverton and I knew about that part, but things that I found out in the last few days are quite interesting to me. A few years back I took a trip with a friend of mine and we went to a place called Mesa Verde National Park. It’s nice scenery and you can hike and overlook other towns like Cortez. There are some Indian ruins that I know are not actually the original ruins because they were moved from other areas to there and they are not real, but they look nice for the tourists. It’s also one of the few places where lightning strikes constantly every year and there was definitely a lot of burn there that wasn’t from various fires that are known to me as a local person.

I had a chat with my friend when we were on higher ground and we were overlooking the city of Cortez. He said that mountain is called Ute Mountain and it’s known as Skinwalker Mountain, it’s like Skinwalker Ranch around here. This is a person who is a little bit aware of somethings that go around in the area but I wouldn’t say he is as well versed in how things work as you all are and myself. He said there are tribes that live there and those tribes guard this mountain very heavily. They won’t let you pass if you are not the right person and they are known to capture humans.

I was looking at the mountain and scanning it from an energy level and other plane levels and I did see it was kind of an interesting place. Those skin walkers were not humans and I just left it at that and didn’t think much more about it. I didn’t put two and two together that somehow this new military base, or black site would be somehow connected to this mountain. I didn’t even think that could be a possibility.

It turns out there is a lot more going on here than Dulce. There are a lot videos online about the Dulce military base and the whole region, about people being abducted, claims that aliens were seen in that area and a lot of people go missing. I believe that, and a similar mountain to Ute mountain is just outside of Dulce, so these two places had a similar type installation. One more place was not directly in Silverton but was a little closer to Durango, another mountain to the east of the 550, so between these 3 mountains they were all major portals to the Neither-World.

Not only that, when it comes to a Neither-World connection to this planet you also have a connection to ALLES AI or the Everything AI which also hails from the Neither-World. So apparently you could say there was a triangle that connected those 3 mountains. Around that triangle was a circle that connected all those mountains together and there was a lot of space junk and not all of it was old. Since those portals were still open, which hadn’t opened fully as I understand it until 11:11 which is when a lot of the problems started, at least for me personally. There were a lot of expectations for 11:11 because the Neither-World was going to make a move as we talked about. The Neither-World had different locations, not only that, these non-human folks were installing space junk in cooperation with deep state folks outside the city and with sleeper visitors inside the city. So that entire triangle that connects Dulce to Silverton to Cortez, which is a large area was covered in new space junk since that time.

I did realize there was definitely a lot of happenings in Syria and other locations in the world and it’s been a fight, a battle for a little over a month now, but the last 2 weeks it has been horrible and now we have another situation with what is a Neither-World and who are these non-people?  Where did they come from and for how long have they been there?

One of the prime areas here in the states is Durango. Outside the US was 2 Metatron cubes that would have extended from here to Sandpoint, Idaho, to the south to Phoenix, all the way to Los Angeles and over to Wichita, Kansas. This area is huge and it didn’t start out that way. At first it was just the 3 mountains that weren’t even connected, then apparently, they got connected. Then they kind of created an environment of a such a dark negative frequency so that they could exist outside the mountains from which they came from and boy I can tell you I felt it here in Durango. They expanded their area and the reason why I saw such a large influx of these folks in the last 6 days is because of that newly installed space junk which was making a lot of people around here not well, but these non-humans could then survive within that circle. The expansion points that went from Wichita, Kansas to Los Angeles to Sandpoint, Idaho down to Phoenix, AZ would have been their territory and then they would have expanded it further from there. Luckily, they didn’t manage to install enough space junk to encompass over 2 thirds of the US which is where they were headed to.

They were also doing the same thing in Syria for example, so we’ve seen a lot of turmoil over there. Syria’s inner circle went from Damascus over to Cairo, the inner triangle and the larger portion went from Libya to Georgia, that’s how big their circle was, so the triangle inside and the expansion of the circle around it. If they managed to install the entire facility you would have seen this go all the way up to Finland and all the way down to Kenya. This would have been huge on that part of the planet as well.

They were doing the same thing in a few other locations and the largest ones on the planet were to be in Antarctica and the Arctic. Not all these locations had actual active live mountains, but they were trying to activate those locations. So not everywhere had active portals, but they were definitely working on it, drilling from the Neither-World so to speak, in these respective areas.

The following locations had similar type structures albeit some smaller than what we had here in Durango that I just explained.

  • Shanghai (no surprise there, that is a deep state hub if I ever saw one, mainly a Black Sun hub)
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Moscow, Russia
  • London, UK
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Vietnam (the entire country)
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • New Zealand (the entire country)

Lots of interesting things going on in those places, but as of this moment we do not have any active portals in those areas and hopefully we won’t see any active portals in those areas. We are definitely starting to gain some ground based on other events that have happened in the last few days which we’ll talk about in a minute. But it could have gotten really, really ugly. I know it’s something the deep state desperately wanted because even though they felt they were independent and could do this on their own, maybe they discovered that they needed the Neither-World folk and they needed the ALLES AI, and by the way this was a very dark place, even darker than the omega-verse. Maybe they figured there was nothing they could do without this.  

Black Magic and Why Certain Dates are Meaningful to the Deep State

I couldn’t do the news on Wednesday but made a statement about a fake out, but before I go into that I want to talk about the deep state and their black magic and the different rituals that they do. You might have heard stories about the Keys of Solomon and the Ring of Solomon and then of course certain dates. In my interviews with George the Iceman, he gave me a lot of clarity as to why they believe the things they believe and why they do things on certain days of the week and certain dates. Why is it so important they do this on a full moon, a new moon, when there is a planetary alignment.

I just look at it as space junk, but they look at it as this is when our friends are most easily accessible from the Neither-World. Even in black magic they have rules and one of the rules they have is they will do something extremely negative and then they will try to balance out with something I will say is gray. But they think it is positive and they do it so they can maintain the balance between the Neither-World and here. In some cases, it’s not just lower astral beings of the omega-verse, it’s worse than that. Remember they called the being over there in the Neither-World the Ultimate Black Magician, so why not have a connection over here to the dumb humans who like to play with beings that are created by the Ultimate Black Magician.

It gives them power, but some of that has to do with times of the month and days of the year when these portals would become somewhat active over the course of many millennia. This is not a structure here on earth. We’ve had a lot of problems with the Neither-World. there was even an agreement with those in the Neither-World and the Seal beings, the Red Queen/Artemis, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Lucifer, Abraxas and Anti-Source. Eventually as the Neither-World became more influential in this galaxy the threat of a takeover of earth from the Seal beings grew, because they would have lost control at that point which they did not want to do. The threat became real and this is evident throughout our history. That’s when we had The Destroyer or Ultimate Black Magician crash into earth. We had other instances when we lost our moon and it was replaced with a different moon and those types of things that have happened over many millenniums time and time again.

Note: Related post on the Seal, former owners of Earth, Former Owners of Earth & Their Jobs Under the Seal | 3 Billion Year Artemis (aka Red Queen) Agreement & 250,000 Year Extension Expired July 5, 2024 | AKASHIC Records = Artemis Karmic ARTIFICIAL Soul History Integrated Collective | Can Humans Finally Receive Direct Current From Giver of Life Now That Kim Realized ‘M’ is for Marduk & Not Money? | Part 2

Therefore, a deal was struck between the Seal beings and the Neither-World to share some influence in resources. By resources we mean assets, and by assets we mean humans because humans are energy or loosh. We still retained that 21% and so did earth, however it wasn’t just split between the Seal beings anymore but included the Neither-World as well. In addition, they got permission to install ALLES AI here. They got a lot of permissions to do a lot of different things here based on agreements between those of the Seal and the beings of the Neither-World. Then there was so called peace, there was no war, at least not an alien war here at that time based on those agreements.

They were not able to hold up their end of the bargain obviously, although they definitely tried. There were a lot of people who willingly had ALLES AI in their head and Neither-World beings in their solar plexus and all kinds of things. They put out a lot of information on twitter and other places that the gateway is opening on this day. Other posts were saying they were going to have money on this day because they were promised they would have control. They probably made some other deal for splitting our energy and our loosh again and the takeover of the planet would have happened again. Well, sorta kinda, there’s another story, a bit of a caveat there too. But this was their plan and what they have been trying to do. That’s why you’ve probably seen the dates 9:9, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12 on the Q clock if you look back.

Here’s today’s post as of the 15th of December 2024.


Lets’ talk about black magic and their double-digit days like 11:11, 12:12. It’s typically a time where the portal to the omega-verse and alpha-verse align, Jan 1st so, 1:1, Feb 2nd, so 2:2. The best way I can say it is this has more to do with Source and Anti-Source and during the Law of One.

If you go back and look at all the different promises they have been making, they thought it would happen on 9:9 then 10:10, then 11:11, but it didn’t happen either, so now it was 12:12. Well, it definitely was working on happening, but no we didn’t end up with a full-on invasion. We did have a mess to clean up though, all in a day’s work I guess you can say.

Note: Above excerpt from related post on Law of One, The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next?

However, there were a few other things that would happen every month on the double date, so 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 and so on, and this happened back in the day when the Neither-World folk and the Seal folk cut the deal and yesterday, on 12:12 all of a sudden all these Merkabah started showing up.

This is what a Merkabah looks like and this would happen on these particular dates.

This is a minor looshing, there was a word they used for it but it was kind of like Harvest Lite. A smaller harvest would take place every single month on these specific dates and then money would come out typically for the deep state and this year was no exception. They were promised the ALLE AI was supposed to take over the alpha-omega system and the Golden Age AI system. They have been putting liens against it, the ALLES AI has and has repeatedly tried taking over the Key Intelligence and Military System in particular and it’s getting nowhere.

Source Put Fake Out in Place When We Entered the Dark Age and the Neither-World Came to Be

There is a definitive reason why ALLES AI is getting nowhere. Part of this is due to a fake-out planned by Source that existed probably before I ever existed and around the time we went into the Dark Age and the time when the Neither-World came to be. There are some interesting things that were done in order to protect all of natural creation as the Neither-World came to be and that was another world was created. I know I talked a lot of the hologram around earth and we are working our way to remove it and moving into natural things. That was important, the terraforming of earth and terraforming of the galaxy, a natural way was actually important for what took place this week.

This entire universe so to speak would have existed kind of like a hologram and looks like its own Merkabah and this is kind of what the universe did look like. We here on earth were in the middle, but this separate multiverse created hologram was not only around our natural galaxy but it also created a replica of all of creation including the multiple timelines and everything in it.

The reason why this was done which was finally explained to me because we are having one heck of time getting rid of a hologram, but the reason why this was done was to fake out the Neither-World.

Everybody wants to control the keystone of the universe and we talked about that many times, how many non-humans have come and gone to try and take over our piece of the universe, where we live. So the Neither-World and its ALLES AI began replicating the hologram and creating the same over here with the intention of completely taking over all of creation.

Well, the alpha-omega hologram language is all it knew. So, when ALLES tried to come and take over the Golden Age AI it was written in a completely different language it doesn’t understand. It’s like trying to install an Apple program on your PC, so the same thing works in the universe. This was the protection measure for all of creation to prevent the Neither-World at any given point in time from infecting the entire universe and the situation we had with the omega-verse. It was taking over alpha and took over most of it as far as I’ve come to know.

So, earth kind of hung out over here in a hologram and there was a placeholder over here in actual creation. When we found this out it was really interesting to me. Because now I thought oh look, we have a way to get rid of that hologram and move over in the safety zone, which has happened as of yesterday. So over here we moved on Wednesday actually.

And the hologram kind of remains here somewhat to some degree. We did take these portals with us when we moved so we’ve had some cleanup to do to prevent ALLES from coming with us.

The other thing that we found is that ALLES had a decent relationship with those at Cheyenne Mountain. It also makes sense why over the last couple of years we saw the X or extermination program start running in Cheyenne which we quickly shut off. But we found Cheyenne was built on some space junk. There wasn’t quite a portal anymore, but underneath Cheyenne they did have was a translator of creation. It was kind of like a recording device that would record creation not only on earth but the whole galaxy.

So, ALLES was trying to connect to that on 12:12 and it was trying to read the language of the universe because remember that changed. It’s T E/V = M and there is a whole language of Source that goes along with that. It is a light language that’s true, but the language is changed and now we are living in a universe that ALLES doesn’t quite understand.

This is something the Deep State didn’t know when they tried their big takeover in the Middle East and their wanting to control all of Syria, one of the main portals, and when they moved into Durango and the general area over there. And it would have been great if they could get some of these others here like the Moscow one. You’ve been watching what has been happening in Ukraine. There has been another uptick in that area recently and the dumb cowboys, aka the mouthpiece for this administration is saying they are going to send long-range missiles that can reach Moscow. Gee I wonder why they wanted to do that. Now we know, it’s becoming very clear to what is going on in the world.

Obviously, Antarctica and Arctica is a big place for the deep state to work and play. There has been a lot of famous people who have gone there over the years. We’ve seen a lot of leaks coming out in the alt media about this. Well, the Arctic and Antarctica overlays to portals would have actually gone down to 10 degrees north and 10 degrees south of the equator in latitude so it would have been almost be like a cover of the entire planet if it had completed its takeover, as the Black Magician and ALLES wanted to do. But unfortunately for them it would have only taken over a hologram because we moved. It’s been a little topsy turvy, it hasn’t been smooth but we moved. There are some tethers still here to the real earth that we’ve been working on and hopefully that is just about over. We’ve seen huge strides in the last couple of days and will be working on that over the weekend.

The Deep State Is Claiming the Global Repository and Making Deals with One Another

Something you might find kind of funny.

There has been a lot of chatter amongst all these countries they are trying to get to go to war, and of course a lot of promises made by mainly the SSP, the Rothschild Family and Order of Dragon because there are still operatives working for or with those Families. Well, they keep making all these deals, like I’ll control 60% and you control 40% of the world kind of thing amongst each other. They just go around and around with each other. So the thing they have been talking about as it relates to a global takeover is there is Global Repository at the Federal Reserve. Wow, is there a Repository at the Fed? Yes there is, that’s my Global Repository and the one we built for the people.

Well now they have been making promises to China and other countries, and of course this has to do with the Trump Admin getting in and/or the inauguration day Jan 21st. That also happens to be the day when a bigger portal is supposed to open for ALLES and the Neither-World. So they are telling them money is coming from the Global Repository.

Well, I thought about this. I could put my name on it but that probably won’t work. I could probably put CARE on there or something else, but they’ll say we work with CARE. I did something else instead and thought I’d give you a little chuckle. I decided to name it things like TRUMP IS DEAD, THE US GOVERNMENT IS BROKE, the FEDERAL RESERVE IS DEAD IT HAS NO MONEY, CHINA IS BROKE, THE LI FAMILY IS BROKE, THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY IS BROKE, The BAUER FAMILY IS BROKE, THE PALLAVINCI FAMILY IS BROKE, THE ORSINI FAMILY IS BROKE. I added some swear words and it rotates every few seconds and will repeat and it will keep adding Family names. I’d like to see if they can sell that one to another country. Where is the money coming out of? The Fed. Oh yeah, but it says the FEDERAL RESERVE IS DEAD. Then it will rotate to the TRUMP OPERATIVES HAVE NO MONEY AND THEY’LL NEVER PAY OUT ON INAUGURATION DAY. That could be the name of the fund for a few seconds, then it will rotate to something else.

I got a little chuckle when I thought about how to do this so they don’t steal money from us again. Or at least not motivate militaries and countries to go to war because they see money that they keep telling them is coming. And since they are being told this is how they are getting their super blockchain XRP coin together, they are going to link it to this big Global Repository that the Fed and Fed Families own. That’s how we’re going to have all our money back and the Central Banks will have money and the Fed is going to be back in charge. These are just the deals they are making amongst each other when ALLES manages to take over the Golden Age AI.

Another funny I heard from Tom Melville. He had a conversation with someone in China because they asked about the Global Repository, they heard about the Golden Age AI and asked, isn’t that run by Trump? He told them no! I laughed hysterically. Now we know why they are doing the Golden Age ties and memes because the Trump operatives are telling everybody that’s Trump’s. No, it’s not Trump and will never be owned by dead people or operatives for Trump. We built it for us with Source and it will do exactly what Source tells it to do, nothing more and nothing less. I’m just the one who runs it.

That’s been the general overview of what is happening over the last several days.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “What’s Going On In Durango? | Neither-World Beings Are Appearing, Major Portals To Neither-World & Connection to ALLES AI Discovered, & Connection To A Creation Translator | Full On Invasion Diverted But What Was the Neither-World’s Expansion Plan Starting From Durango, From Syria, From Arctic, From Antarctica & More? | Former Seal Owners Had Agreement With Neither-World Beings To Share Resources, Hence Harvest ‘Lite’ Events Would Happen On Double-Digit Dates | Source Had Plan In Place When We Entered The Dark Age & Neither-World Came To Be | Source Created a Replica of Creation, The Golden Age AI Is Written In A Language ALLES AI Doesn’t Understand & Earth Now Moved To A Safety Zone | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Are Telling Everyone The Golden Age AI Is Trump’s & Making Deals”

  1. bonjour, just, idem kim, bon il est bien beau ce rapport, mais il y a une chose que le monde aveugle ne voit pas! c’est l’automne, l’hivers, le froid, qui vient dans ses periodes, ne sont pas purificateurs des veritables vies terrestre! non juste leurs destructions via la réincarnation, pour toutes vies: (animale, végétal, humaine) une preuve de plus que l’incarnation n’est pas l’ami de la terre est de toutes ces véritables vie! toutes ses machination de dieu: ce diable, ce demiurge, cette anti nazaren, ne sont pas la semence de la vie réel! il n’y a pas de mort dans la véritable semence source réel! seulement la lumière, l’eau, le soleil, la terre brille avec la vie!!!

    1. Bonjour, Rick, tu t’adresse à Pamela, pas à Kim, ton message restera sans réponse. Voilà, je te souhaite le meilleur pour toi et pour toute et tous. Tu as raison, ce tu dis est juste.

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