What’s Up With 9-9-2024? | It’s the Day Solomon Opened A Gate In Israel for His Demons to Enter | Hence the Uptick in the Middle East | Order of the Dragon-Pindar Wannabees & Latest Black Dragon, the Yakuza Are At Odds For World Domination | New Black Dragon Head Making Deals With Chinese Govt & American Nazi Party (aka Trump Team) | Rumors Hit Mainstream Media About Launch Of A BRICS Currency | Trump to Impose a 100% Tariff on Countries Ditching the $ | Trump, the King of Crypto | The New Dick Cheney | Govts Want Ideas On C.A.R.E. To Twist & Lie | Anything Can Happen With Source, But Will He Grant Kim’s One Ask, To Show Everyone Who You Are?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09-SEP-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim gives us the background of 9-9-2024, what it means to the deep state and how she could easily use it against them. They are so predictable. She also gives us the back story of what it happening in the world domination power struggle to address the latest rumors going around.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


09-SEP-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth)

What is the Significance of 9-9 that Q Has Been Touting for Weeks?

9-9-2024 has been touted all over various alt media channels and Q-clock channels for weeks now. It appears they are all excited about this day for some reason. I’ve been trying to figure that out for quite awhile and it finally came clear as to what they were looking for.

Well, that happened on this day 9/9 for him, so the deep state is looking for some demons. On the one side, the Order of the Dragon has decided to place what they believe is the Chair of Solomon near the Mount of Olives in a place called Gethsemane, which is also written about in the bible. It’s allegedly the place Jesus prayed before he was crucified. So, they believe this is the perfect opportunity to put this chair in this location and for Pindar picking. At the time of this recording there have been 178 people who have sat in that chair in hopes of their body being inhabited by a demon through a portal that no longer exists, and a gateway that no longer exists. But they are hoping a demon will crawl up in someone who is qualified and this will give them some power and access and control of omega which doesn’t really exist anymore. It’s limping on its last legs.

But this goes along with the theme of a little information is dangerous. And there was a bit of an uptick in the Middle East for a couple of days. There was some more war activity in hopes of raising the interest of some demons that will come back to earth. Of course, we would be flooded with demons inhabiting the bodies of their chosen ones apparently, and all will be right with the world for them is what they think.

What this would have done in the past is omega would have generated some pseudo demons, because they are AI generated, and would have inserted them in our holographic world. Now to have achieved this task they would have to have Level 9 authority. We know they have limited knowledge of Level 9 as we talked about in the past, and the Level 9 authority could only come from a cooperative effort between Anti-Source and omega to allow these things to happen. Well, we don’t have an Anti-source anymore and barely have an omega with any power to bring things into our world, so there is going to be a lot of disappointed people when they find this out.

Apparently on the new moon a few days ago the Order of the Dragon made a lot of lofty promises that within 3 days they would get orders and instructions, and of course along with that a lot of money. Since that didn’t happen it angered a lot of people and governments. So, the party that started wheeling and dealing around the world would be what is left of the Black Dragon out of Japan. They have said behind the scenes that they should be the ones to control the demons coming through this gateway and they have been planning an operation to steal control of the gate once it opens. So, there is a big fight with one side sitting in the Pindar chair trying to get demons and the other side is the Black Dragon-Yakuza in Japan trying to steal the gate and getting control of the demons.  But both sides are going to be disappointed at midnight EST when there is no gate and nothing to be had there and then they will roll onto another day. There is always another day ending in y where they can go around in another circle. We have a harvest moon coming up and equinox coming up on the 22nd of September.

But the head of the Black Dragon has been very busy in his negotiations. There are deals going on with the Chinese government about if they can throw out the Order of the Dragon and their influence, aka, the Rothschilds and Lee family, then they would be willing to help China with their BRICS currency, once they get a hold of the gate of course. That’s because once they have control over all these demons, they feel they will have control over the financial system, or omega, or who knows what their ancient texts say. But they do believe they will be in control and have been wheeling and dealing with many different countries, China being just one. For China’s cooperation they will go ahead and help them launch the BRICS currency with an AI that doesn’t exist.

They also believe they will now be in power and they have also been negotiating with what I call the Nazi party here in America. You would know them as the Trump team, the Republican party, operatives from the SSP who are on that side, like what’s left of Umbrella, Monarch etc. But apparently, the Trump Nazi Party has agreed in the last few days to a 60-40 split of control of the US dollar. Now this apparently has angered several people because they would like to be in 100% control, but Team Trump has agreed to give up 60% control of the US dollar if they agree to:

  • Make sure Trump gets into the White House.
  • They also have to agree the dollar would remain the world’s trade currency and they would run several operations against BRICS behind the scenes while negotiating with BRICS folks at the same time, in order to ensure the dollar’s dominance in the world.

So, they agreed because they would love to control 40% of the world’s financial system of course, therefore they have been selling off pieces of America everywhere. Not that it’s their country to sell, but why not. The Treasury Department is obviously in on this and is a Black Sun organization, and they have gone to countries that currently hold those infamous super notes they haven’t been able to cash for years like, Iran, Iraq, the Philippines, Indonesia, some countries on the African continent. Remember they call it Project Becky and the US Generals that are involved in that would be Admiral James G. Foggo III, General Mark G. Beesley, MG James W. Darden too and a few others. (Note: I’m not 100% sure these are the generals Kim is referring to but I think they are).

Well, they believe there is around $20-40 trillion in super notes placed around world and they have agreed to cash them in for the new US dollar because the Black Dragon folk agreed they are going to issue a new US dollar.

They must be listening to our broadcasts because they have come to the realization that if we were going to have a new US dollar it could not be solely digital but they would also have to have a physical currency in order to achieve this task. So, on that note they have been working together to get some printing plates so they can take over the printing from the Federal Reserve of the US dollar. Remember the Fed is the Order of the Dragon, so they and the Black Dragon folk are at odds for world domination at the moment.

But there are rumors being created because of this, some in the alt media and some of them in the mainstream media. I want to talk about those now that you understand the back story of all the information being put out there which is:

  1. There will be a market crash.
  2. The Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) is going to go off.
  3. We will have Martial Law by tomorrow morning.
  4. Nesara-Gesara is about to start.
  5. The Global Currency reset is going to happen.

I can’t help but laugh, this is funny to me. These are all the things they are promising. Now keep in mind the Black Sun is the same people who ran the security for the financial system since its inception. So maybe a century or more since the world started using some kind of currency, be it coins on a string, gold going back and forth from boat to boat via the Templars and the receipts they used to hand out, physical currency, and eventually these days it’s just papers and fiat. As far as these rumors are concerned, I anticipate they will still be looking for the gate until they finally are resolved there is no gate and they will move on to the next gate.

The one thing this does is it allows for another face. Why, because the Black Sun and Black Nobility in Italy have been toeing the line for a while now and they failed several times, so has the Nazi party because this appears like an axis power kind of thing, that’s what it looks like from behind the scenes. But without any kind of an omega access their blockchain is not going to cut it, they can’t create a currency with blockchain. The Japanese do have some other tech they think is going to work but there is no way those supercomputers are going to fly. As a matter of fact, they’ve been glitching all day and they know the connections are not being established anymore. They have all been lied to, but you are seeing some interesting things come out in mainstream media from this.

Rumors Filtered Through to Mainstream Media

First, a launch of a BRICS currency and move away from the dollar. However, in this particular deal there would still be a dollar and they have been invited to join this new currency issuance that allegedly the Yakuza-Black Dragon is going to issue. However, this is the same deep state just a different color and country, they don’t have the capacity to issue this. And I know there are old texts from the Japanese emperor that states in a thousand years they’ll be in control and they will get your vengeance. This also will fail and for a number of reasons.

None of these people passed math 101. They are completely oblivious as to how to run a financial system and that includes the Yakuza. They have donated a lot of money to uphold a few million here and there in order to uphold their position as the Black Dragon when everybody else went broke. I know they have given the Israelis money for the war situation there. They have thoroughly convinced the Mossad as their new face for the Black Dragon/Black Sun. That the Pallavicini can’t get the job done, but they can of course, and they have given the Mossad a little cash hence the uptick in the Middle East. It was traced back to the Yakuza. And they really are writing a lot of checks they can’t cash. So, when this gateway doesn’t work out, I hope they have enough money to keep funding the deep state ridiculous sums of money. The numbers are huge, trillions of dollars it costs for world domination which they don’t have the capacity to fund. They have billions for sure, but I don’t think they have that much. Could they hold up the world until they find something else? No, I don’t think they could make it. They would go broke by January or February, but hey if they’re okay with it I’m okay with it.

So that explains the BRICs currency and alleged crash of the US markets and blah blah blah, and that’s not going to happen. As for the 60-40 split they have been promising and world domination of the dollar, that has made the Trump organization publicly state a few things which apparently is angering what little support they actually have in the movie we called politics.

He has announced when he is selected he will impose of 100% tariff, on those countries threatening to ditch the dollar. Wow, that’s big, and it would harm global trade if that actually took place. Now the reason why is because the Trump operatives think they will be bizallionaires and they will be in control of 40% of the world’s economies. Well, there is always hope right, keep making deals with people who used to have power over something those we know as the World Government. They’ll just keep changing faces, this is what they do. So if it’s not the Japanese they’ll go to the Russians, then the British then the Iranians, etc. I don’t know who is next in the game but it doesn’t matter to us.

The next crazy thing coming out of the Trump organization. They are still going to be push for a move to go completely digital with this currency, although they are talking about issuing paper currency as well. They feel they could go digital with the dollar in the US and most of North America and Western Europe and that’s where they would start. Of course, they would continue throughout the world until they no longer need physical cash. Therefore, Trump has announced publicly on TV he is now going to be the King of Crypto. So he says, yeah, probably not so much. And the more the Q people/Trump operatives spout out their crazy as the new American Nazi party, they are really sinking like a stone.

The good news is in the course of doing this their Nazi telethon, they go around and start promising politicians and corporations, Blackrock and all the big names we know that there will be huge payouts coming by this day ending in ‘y’ in exchange for their public endorsement of Trump for President. Now when they don’t pay and we inch closer to the selection day (if there is one this year), then the less support they have and people start walking away. But of course, they come up with a new line. Well, it’s not the Chinese anymore, or the Germans, or the Amish, or the Black Nobility in Italy, or the Vatican, it’s now the Japanese. So, everyone is like, okay well you got someone else to back you now. So you can expect probably a huge fall in Japan probably by the end of the week. Then we’ll see who comes up next, who has a line on a portal during the equinox. I don’t know what the next day is they’ll line up honestly or who the next face will be, but I’m sure we’ll find out in the next several days.

Next up is Dick Cheney and if you’ve been following us for a while you know Dick hasn’t been around for quite some time. Dick made quite a few mistakes over the years. Dick was the recipient of the Greater Israel Project and the plans to take over the entire Middle East. In the mainstream news they call him the architect of the Iraqi war. Well, he wasn’t the architect, he was just the recipient of someone else’s bright idea which was endorsed by the one world power at that time, and by the way a lot of money came out for it. But Dick has come out and endorsed Kamala for President. He basically says Trump is the greatest threat to the republic at this moment in time and that comes from a diehard Republican and Bush’s right-hand guy.

Well, isn’t that interesting. I bet that means Dick’s money is probably on the Order of the Dragon and their Pindar ceremony. Now if you’ve been following us for awhile you will remember a few years back Dick also sat in the chair and thought he would be promoted to Pindar, that was in 2019. Obama failed, Hillary failed, all the selected Pindars failed so he thought he would sit in the chair, and he was promptly told he wasn’t qualified. So, I don’t’ know if he’s one of the golden booties yet to sit in the chair again. But we all know that’s not Dick. Take a look at these pictures here.

Dick definitely does not look like Dick anymore. On the left was the real Dick and his latest photos show his skull shrunk several inches and his bone structure changed tremendously. These are things that don’t happen with age or weight loss. The other thing is his left eye, due to his vril incident is much lower, so clearly these are two different people. What can I say, it’s just a movie folks.

Note: Below excerpt from related post, Head of the Order of the Black Sun & Last Lingering Lizard (aka, Mr. Black) | Just Empower Me

Source Has Some Other Plans

There are definitely some interesting plans that are continuing to unfold as of Friday’s news and I’ll be able to tell you more on Wednesday. Source is very busy creating new things here and the process is going very well.

Yeah, I think this meeting he had with himself went very well. Normally around this time of year there would be a meeting, as with all equinoxes between Source and Anti-source and Neutral Source. It’s a time when there is an alignment and an open line between all of them and a lot of times it dictates changes for the following year. Now Source is having a conversation with himself and earth and we’ll see what happens over the next couple of days with that and I’m really excited about it.

I haven’t really seen any problems or issues but thought I would give you the back story that is causing a lot of the fear out there. And the changes of course, if you are with one of these govts and wondering if their plan is going to work out. Or these guys calling you with their enormous egos trying to get all these operatives onboard and then you’re going to know by tomorrow morning I’ve been right.

Moving Forward Section of UNN News

My oils are flying off the shelves and our marketplace is going well. We’re discussing some new features and ways for people to look at your products and services. And we’ve been doing some things externally, trying some things with google searches and ads and it appears we’re at a 25% return. What that means is the amount of people who clicked through actually purchased the product, which is interesting because it’s usually only 2-5%, and that has a lot to do with your target audience.

We also decided to launch some virtual tradeshows which would be focused on a theme. It actually looks like you are going from booth to booth. While it’s not a substitute for meeting in person, it’s another solution for you to showcase your products at a minimal cost.

There is some talk that is also happening behind the scenes where governments are saying to us, well we can’t all just die, there has to be something in the interim, a transition period. It took us millions of years to get here and it’s going to take us millions of years to get out of it. Uh, no, that is absolutely not the case. Then they ask us what our ideas are as far as the C.A.R.E. organization for the transition. My response to all those people is this…

These people never keep their word, but if they are looking for some kind of transition they need to come up with a plan because right now I don’t see the purpose. I don’t need a government and they are the ones who are supposed to be convincing us we need them. We planned for that because they demonstrated they have no solutions; they will just go around in a circle. So, if they are looking for some kind of transition it’s going to have to be a hard sell to us. They are going to have to come up with a serious sales pitch for we the people to determine whether or not to have a transition.

I understand their programs and have accounted for these things like social security and retirement pay for teachers, government pensions and all must be looked at because the government does provide a lot of services to a lot of people. Right now, states will probably keep going far after the Federal Government, so we can probably continue to see fire departments and those types of things for awhile, until we come up with something more efficient. There are more efficient ways to put out fires, like using drones for example. We keep doing things the same way we did hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ago. But these people who are left never really ran it and are waiting for some alien race to tell them what to do next. Yet they say we have a savior complex.

We are continuing to move forward to live our best lives and eventually the things we do will spread throughout the world. We’ve been dancing around with some people in the medical industry who let’s just say are open minded and there are a lot of discussions going on about substitutes for pain killers and drugs and there are a number of different things that can help with addiction that are organic and natural. There is a lot that can be done in the future using natural organic medicine.  

We are creating new ways of doing things to help move the world forward even if it’s just saving money in the marketplace or getting your social security check from a place different in the near future. But as far as transitions are concerned, in the past I used to think it would be nice to maintain governments and have a transition, but now I don’t think so.

But we’re not, and still not interested. At this point you’re going to have to sell me hard, and sell me a reason why you should even live because I don’t’ really see it at this point. So far no one is selling us anything. They just want to pick my brain and try to figure out what C.A.R.E. is up to. I put out little pieces about C.A.R.E. in the news for you and not for them. None of it is in anyway telling them where we are going and when we are getting started with certain things that can be world changing. I leave that up to Source and we do our parts. What I mean by that is I get the call and Source says, you need to do that today. And here we are step by step and bit by bit.

Again, the comments are it took us millions of years to gain this much control. Well, the people here now didn’t gain anything, they followed orders only. They had no creative thoughts nor were they permitted. If they did have a creative thought it came from an AI that implanted it in their brain, so they didn’t create anything. What you did deep state is receive orders passed down the food chain from some being who gave you a lot of money and you followed them. That’s what you did.

As far as taking millions or even billions to get earth to the state she is in, well time is irrelevant. Just because some things used to happen every few thousand years doesn’t mean they can still happen. When you’re dealing with the Creator of the universe on behalf of all of humanity and earth, and the universe itself, and recreating in its likeness, things can change in a week, or in split second. Look how far we have come in the last couple of years. You’re starting to see things crumble all over the world. Their corporations are failing, things are changing, there is no crashing of this and that despite their constant attempts. And they are just rotating people over there they think should be in charge. By the way I want to welcome you to World War 75 where the Axis powers think they are going to win. That’s where they’re at and by Wednesday they will probably know they didn’t. But more importantly it’s about the fear they are putting out there. I bring these things up to tell you the entire story, and not only that but about ways we’re going forward. So now you understand what is happening.

On that note, I’m hoping for more good news on Wednesday and I suppose I’ll have the final count of golden booties in the Pindar chair.  We’ll see how that worked out and what the Yakuza and the American Nazi group is up to.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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6 thoughts on “What’s Up With 9-9-2024? | It’s the Day Solomon Opened A Gate In Israel for His Demons to Enter | Hence the Uptick in the Middle East | Order of the Dragon-Pindar Wannabees & Latest Black Dragon, the Yakuza Are At Odds For World Domination | New Black Dragon Head Making Deals With Chinese Govt & American Nazi Party (aka Trump Team) | Rumors Hit Mainstream Media About Launch Of A BRICS Currency | Trump to Impose a 100% Tariff on Countries Ditching the $ | Trump, the King of Crypto | The New Dick Cheney | Govts Want Ideas On C.A.R.E. To Twist & Lie | Anything Can Happen With Source, But Will He Grant Kim’s One Ask, To Show Everyone Who You Are?”

  1. patrick Marsat

    bonoir si je comprends bien, plus ils seront montés sur le manége plus nôtre source de vie de toutes les véritables vies terrestre des univers, des galaxies, de la terre de nôtre source de vie, sera libre de créer ce quelle voudra quant elle voudra, et avec qui elle voudra, mais pas avec le monde du mal. ce jour est demain, bien j’en suis trés heureux pour tous/toutes! dans tout ces univers, ces galaxies, ca terre! une souveraineté individuelle totale avec le respect pour autrui, pour le bien de tous/toutes vies!

  2. Thankyou Ladies and God bless you.
    In New Zealand right now our PM Luxon is negotiating for NZ to be part of BRICS – doesnt appear to be going too well though according to todays far lefty extremist NZ media.

  3. patrick Marsat

    bonjour, là je voie, que cela parle encore de dieu, franchement, il va vous falloir encore combien de jour, pour que vous comprenniez, que vôtre fameux dieu, c’était l’antichrist, dont kim ne va surtout on pas demander du soutiend à son ennemie, à l’ennemi de la source de toutes ces véritables vies, a l’enemi de toutes les véritables vies terrestre, des univers, des galaxies, de la terre! vous comprennez maintenant, ou vous faites partie d’une micro puce anti vies terrestres? dans ce qu’à j’en suis désolé pour vous, vôtre source à perdue pour l’éternité infini, sans billet retour!

  4. I listened to Kim for 2 years and decided she is not speaking truth. Her theology about God and Jesus are not from Scripture. It sounds New Age. She has many bazaar claims that are not real or viable. President Trump looks very alive to me. She has sworn he died several years ago along with many other politicians.
    “Head of the Black Dragon Making Deals America’s Nazi Party (aka Trump Team)” This statement sounds like she is working for the deep state! Her rhetoric inflames people and causes attempted assassination attempts on President Trump. Regardless whether you like him or not, if you have any morals you don’t add to the problem with hate speech.

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