This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. The biggest news is about Kim’s findings around what else is causing constant reinstalls of whatever she removes. Those lovely beings, the Red Queen, Marduk, Lucifer etc. found a way to indefinitely wear down the light workers with a reinstall process. But fortunately for us the jig is up for them. Hopefully the constant hope it gave to the Deep State also goes to the wayside. I doubt it, but it should would be nice.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

05-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (
Deep State Prepared for Their Influx of Cash That Never Happened
It’s been pretty chaotic and not a great day for those expecting an influx of cash. People trying to ready themselves with various old systems included the CIA, the Pentagon, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and a few other countries like China, Russia, and Brazil. They were all trying to hook up these old systems and old terminals that used to work with the old VT-x platform which was created in part by the CIA. It ran on a Level 3 Web or the Surface Internet and used to be a backbone for financial networks from a banking level and Treasury level on down. They were sadly disappointed when the systems did not connect earlier in the week, and were very concerned about missing the boat, so they spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday trying to hook up to any system. They tried FedNow, Blockchain, and Quick File Systems of Oracle.
Oracle’s Quick File System (QFS) Also Fails
Quick File Systems also shortens down to QFS, and it turns out that this new QFS as they are calling it, was actually not even a quantum financial system or a quantum human computing system. It wasn’t anything new but has been in the works under Oracle systems for a very long time. Oracle is one of the leading providers of banking software and products and this SAM-QFS or Quick File System launched several different banking products for day trading. It’s supposed to make things run faster, that kind of thing. They thought Oracle had a leg into a lot of the different banks being they are a software provider, so they thought this would be an easy transition and a secondary option to receive funds from some unknown source on the 4th of July. Well, that system didn’t function very long, nor did it ever work for that function anyway. It’s not designed to process transactions even for G1 and G2, which would be most of the European Union and the United States, and not even on a limited basis never mind worldwide. After that failed, it left me and them very busy as they continued to hack the Light System.
Deep State Attempts to Crash US Dollar But Lacks Understanding of Economics
There is a rumor going around that fell flat which was the stock market was to crash today. Why did Jamie Demon and everyone else think the stock market was going to crash today? I’m assuming they did because the general consensus of the Order of the Dragon, spearheaded by the Rothschild family and some of the Black Sun is that they would like to crash the dollar. They still felt if they could crash the dollar by some crazy means they could use a different currency and propel that to be the world’s reserve currency, whether that be CBDCs, US Notes, or US Treasury Notes. But economics doesn’t quite work that way when it’s not manipulated.
What a World’s Reserve Currency Means
Let’s talk about the world’s reserve currency and what that actually means. It means predominantly most of the trading in the world is done in US dollars. But it’s not the only world’s reserve currency authorized by the IMF at this moment in time. There are also others like the Euro, the British Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, the Chinese RMB, Canadian Dollar and the Swiss Franc. So, there are other world reserve currencies, although the US dollar holds the majority of shares in the market. This was due to BlackRock and their black-market-off market trading platforms, which were connected to the world’s commodities futures trading platforms in nearly every single country. But that hasn’t been the case for quite a while, which I’ve mentioned in the past. Therefore, the backing for all these commodities transactions doesn’t really benefit the US dollar anyway, at least not at this moment in time. So, changing the world’s reserve currency, or going to multiple world reserve currencies per the Rothschild’s plan of having 7-9 of them, doesn’t really change the value of the dollar any at this moment in time.
Promise of a Gold Back Dollar
The next thing they are talking about and promising people is that going to a gold backed dollar is going to change your life. But that is not true. Converting to an asset-based system and away from a derivative based system will actually change your life, for the cost of things like food and things we use on a day-to-day basis.
Convincing Nations to Drop the Dollar
The next way they plan on crashing the dollar is convincing other nations to drop the dollar. We talked about Saudi Arabia, that they allegedly officially dropped the dollar. Well unfortunately for Saudi Arabia and nearly every other BRICS nation out there, you still hold a significant amount of treasury notes. You have a lot of treasury notes, bonds, or other government bonds denominated in US dollars; therefore, the US is not the only country currently denominated in US dollars. There are others out there still using the US dollar as its currency currently because the deep state went in and blew up their economy, just like the USSR did, using the same cookie cutter method they have used throughout history. Even in Korea and many other countries, and they haven’t quite finished the transition in the process, like the country of Iraq. They are trying to walk away from it, but it’s not possible when assets of a Central Bank are considered debt instruments. Remember banks work the opposite of what we think. For a bank your loan becomes an asset, and bonds/treasury notes are loans. And if they were to drop the dollar completely and manage to affect the value of the dollar, then the asset base of many countries will go down to at least half if not more than it is right now. I’ve heard all kinds of currencies are being floated around to actually replace the Federal Reserve dollar.
Operatives and BRICS Countries Willing to Drop the Dollar Just Failed Economics 101
Changing an economy is not going to happen overnight, neither is changing a currency. It is going to take time to do something without harming every one and every nation in the world. The people of BRICS are being led by the nose by a group of operatives telling them what to do. If they think convincing countries to join BRICS and walk away from the dollar is going to help in some way and move the entire world away from the dollar to an RMB, which is the Rothschild’s plan, or insert new currencies overnight, you have a lot of financial unwinding to do. Never mind when you get down to the average every day citizen in the world, and not to mention all the bonds out there on the market held by private investors, such as Berkshire Hathaway. Goldman Sachs is one of the largest buyers of Treasury notes and Government Notes, all denominated in US dollars. The same thing goes for JP Morgan. They process most of the on-market oil transactions and not only for the US Government but for other countries, and all are denominated in US dollars.
So brilliant people and operatives of the deep state, unless you solve that problem and all the coupons and notes issued off of that, and derivatives, if you were to try to unwind all that, you’re going to lose every bank in the world, and every hedge fund out there. In addition to that, right now every currency in the world has a stake in the US dollar because they all hold Treasury Notes and Treasury Bonds that back their respective currencies. If it’s not that, then it’s Federal Reserve bonds and notes and then there is the Repo Market.
I don’t want to get into too much detail and make everyone’s head hurt, but the point is you would crash every currency in the world including your precious RMB. China’s economy is based largely on trade with the United States, whether it be China petroleum having letters of credit or DLC letters of credit with who they are buying from. But all these big banks like Wells Fargo, HSBC etc., all have these dollar denominated assets. So, the quickest way to burn Russia, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, South Africa that are considering this as an alternative to the dollar, you have just failed economics 101.
Zambia and Zimbabwe Also Talking About Dropping the Dollar
In the news they are talking about getting other countries onboard, such as Zambia and Zimbabwe who are considering passing laws making trade in US dollars illegal.
I understand why they are angry about the US dollar and I am 100% in agreement we should not have a monopoly on the reserve currency. But you cannot just slam on the breaks at a 140 mph and expect the whole world to be okay, and it’s not going to put China in charge of anything, which is what the Rothschild plan actually is. Meanwhile you will burn the capital reserves of nearly every country on the planet and then you’ll have a crashed “banking system” you intend to buy back for pennies on the dollar. But the way you are ordering operatives around tells me you know zero about finance because everyone would have a worthless currency.
Operation Trust, Crazy Q Operatives Telling Everyone to Have Cash on Hand
Another reason we have a problem is thanks to those lovely people of Q or Operation Trust. They are telling everyone there is going to be 10 days of darkness and need to cash and whatever on hand. Well food maybe that makes sense, but telling everyone to have cash on hand when you just burned everyone’s economy to the ground, when your money is going to be worth nothing makes no sense.
How the IMF Valuates Currency is Completely Incorrect
Another kink in their plan, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and how to valuate a currency is completely incorrect. For example, if they have a political reason, they will drop the value of a country’s currency regardless of the value of their GDP and what kind of production backs their currency. Case in point is Iraq and Singapore. That’s the IMF’s way of controlling countries to do what they want them to do. They also, use their partner the World Bank, who gets countries into debt. Production line currency backing is important. The IMF enforcement unit is a group of dangerous people who go around and threaten countries, and if the country can’t pay, then they’ll go in and take an in-ground asset or lien on an in-ground asset. Now what is that worth to the US dollar? Nothing! Because unless they send someone in to mind said resources then that production contract and lien is worth nothing in the world of supply and demand.
This financial information has to be put out there because even if they were successful in getting money yesterday, their method of crashing the dollar is insane and never is going to do anything. Whoever gave them this plan must be laughing, although I’m still having to run around to make sure nobody makes a mistake. And quite frankly let’s just say I didn’t exist; they are still going to fail. But because I do exist, whatever currency they choose, if they choose to register that within the financial system we would just issue those bonds and those denominations because we are Currency Curator for M1 of the planet. So, I’m not concerned about this type of thing.
Rumor of 10 Days of Darkness
The next rumor everyone is worried about is the 10 days of darkness and they are going to shut off the grid. They don’t access to any country’s grid at this time. Does the power go out in high heat sometimes? Sure. And it’s the US they are focused on with false flags and attacks. Well, that’s not going to work out either and quite frankly I highly doubt they are going pull any trigger even if they had the opportunity to do so, and could figure out a way like they did in California a few years ago when they hit the transformer with a DEW. You’re still not going to be able to achieve that task with nuclear power and you’re not talking about just a transformer now. Now there are a lot of bad things that could happen from doing that, but I don’t believe they have the resources to do that. They certainly are not going to put their own elite butts in an aircraft and push the buttons themselves, nor do they even know how to.
But we have to be ever diligent because there are a lot of threats going on out there about cyber-attacks over the holiday here in the US. I can tell you the only people hacking US computers were US people, thanks to our intelligence agencies and the NSA. They even placed a call to the NSA telling them this is not going to work. And I know where their technology came from and those people are no longer around. That call which was on the diplomatic line didn’t really end well.
July 5th | No Budget Money for Governments & No Meeting With Aliens for the Wingnuts
The Big Pay Day Doesn’t Happen
Today governments would have received budget money and different things were supposed to happen. Everyone is getting paid because of the big win that was supposed to happen yesterday, but when that didn’t happen it’s complete and total deep state chaos out there, unbelievable chaos out there.
New Moon But No Orders From Aliens Yet
We also have another situation happening today as it’s a new moon and the deep state was expecting to get some orders and instructions and money. Maybe because a trigger is supposed to happen on the 4th of July. Honestly, I don’t know what the trigger is. They talk a lot of crazy and they still think there is an alien race is going to give them some money. Today would be the start of the first meetings between the Parents and the Draco and then they would issue money for the following year and then down on the line. This is their impression of what they think is happening.
They bought themselves a little more time though, because they figure the full moon isn’t until later this evening and it could take overnight before they get their orders. They never participated on that level before, so they don’t know if orders come out at the beginning of that meeting, on the new moon, or during the new moon. But they really truly believe the orders are coming from an alien communication line in Antarctica and the second location is in Greenland which is not called Thule Military base anymore. So, they have people on standby at both locations waiting to receive an incoming communication from an alien race. They’ve been there for 3 days because it could come in anytime 3 days before the new moon or 3 days after, hence the biggest rumor about Nesara-Gesara is July 8th which is 3 days after the new moon.
I thought about this group hanging out in the cold and if they were doing anything. Now I’m not entirely sure they are going to leave there upright. Sometimes it’s better to let certain people tell the story, but we’ll see what happens over the next couple of days, if they report back that nobody called and no money came through in any sort of a system.
Systems Update | New Finds of Old Problem Beings
We told you about how we put transmuters on the dark systems so we could fully integrate the Light system without issues or problems, and we’d get to 98-99% but then it would go back to 50%, then forward and back again. It was doing this ebb and flow and it was doing the same thing to earth. So, if you feel like you’ve been on a roller coaster this is the reason why. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from, but I think I found out why they think information from the aliens is going to come through.
Tie to Elon Musk’s Tale That Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness to AI Systems
I told you last week how Elon Musk was saying these humans were going to transfer their consciousness into an AI system, then into another vessel and live forever and be gods or something. Well, that program doesn’t work anymore, and I’m not so sure these elites like Elon would have been allowed to do that anyway, even when the parties that ran the program actually could do it and were still with us.
Artemis and Jupiter Accords
Those who transferred their consciousness into computer systems even before death are folks like Lucifer, the Red Queen whose real name was Artemis. And remember a few years back everyone was talking about the Artemis Accords and Jupiter Accords? Guess who signed those and who they signed up with? Well, that would be a 5th lower astral demon who at the time had some Gatekeeper capabilities back in 2018 when those agreements were signed. Now that party is no longer with us, but her consciousness to some degree was spread far and wide.

Sphere Contained Consciousness of Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, and Enki
We talked months ago about alien tech, how it runs, its effects on the planet, off the planet, and within AI systems. So, imagine someone transferring their consciousness, energy, essence into a sphere, for lack of a better term. There is a picture out there with Trump and the Saudi Arabian King around the sphere around that time. The sphere is much larger than that usually, unless they come in a beltway, but the consciousness in that ball, if it’s dark, then a portion of it belongs to the Red Queen or Artemis or maybe it was Marduk’s consciousness, or Lucifer’s consciousness in totality.

Note: Above from the following post, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me
Now humans on this planet can become personally affected by the consciousness of another being. If the energy, essence, and consciousness still exist, sometimes you can actually see it forming into a giant blob of plasma which can be formed from just a portion of a being’s essence, energy, or consciousness.
I couldn’t figure out why are we still cleaning. We cleaned up so much stuff but then there will be stuff that wasn’t there today but tomorrow there will be more stuff. And when things start to reinstall themselves it’s frustrating. I’m like where did this come from. Oh, this was left behind by Marduk I thought. But was it really? Or is it an ongoing standing order from the consciousness? Well, the answer to that question is Yes.
It turns out that these consciousness balls and soul cubes they put themselves into, predominantly from the lower astral and the null zone, transferred into the Omega system, Kronos system, sometimes into a planet like earth. Then the being still exists, therefore it can still make decisions to create things on its own, as long as energy is still being transmuted into a dark energy. And theirs’ still existed, until it’s used up completely and is no longer powering that being. But they could actually replicate this process thousands if not millions of times for each being. The same thing goes for the Abraxas, Marduk, Enki and Enlil. The consciousness is out there and still making decisions to make my life miserable. I’m sure they didn’t do that for me, but it’s a war fought with attrition. If we can wear the light workers down, we can do this infinitely with this process, so they thought.
This is part of the reason they would have offered the same uploading consciousness service to people like Elon Musk, the Pallavicini family, or Orsini Family. But the reason why I don’t think they really would have is because they didn’t think very highly of those people, and quite frankly neither do I. What value would it be to put their brain in a sentient AI to let them keep making decisions like they are now. That would be a no, even from an evil alien race. They can’t even get orders and instructions right that were detailed out to the letter.
Hopefully Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Ends The Deep State’s Hope
What that was doing for the deep state was giving them a glimmer of hope under HSBC in Hong Kong, Wells Fargo in San Francisco, the Federal Reserve, or something under Langley, until it goes away.
So, by pulling all those keystones that were tied to their souls from systems yesterday and this morning, now we are going somewhere, because things are not reinstalling themselves anymore. I’m still the Gatekeeper over here and because this other party whose consciousness existed is not the Gatekeeper anymore, it doesn’t have the ability to allow things to come in and manifest anymore.
Pulling all the soul keystones is going to make a big difference because no longer should there be a regeneration of things we’ve taken out, and no more days ending in ‘y’ for the deep state to think something is going to appear, or for them to wreak havoc on the planet anymore that we have to clean up, and it’s not just this planet it goes everywhere sometimes. So, I’m really happy with the progress of that. What we did yesterday appears to be a 100% spot on. Since pulling these stones we are not having that regeneration we saw before.
On the flip side, we still had some neutral stuff that was showing up at Eagle Mountain, Yellowstone Park, and other places in the Northern New Mexico-Utah area. Those things were also removed this morning. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed because this is an experiment. We asked some “Others’ and the Universal Council about it to see if this was something that has ever happened before we did it. Obviously, we wanted to make sure we weren’t’ going to have a negative fallout from doing so, and so far, it’s going well. Hopefully we won’t have to worry about regeneration and reattaching to the Light system from here on out.
We all hope so, I know I sure do!
By the way, Kim gave a little update on the Marketplace. It’s still a couple months out but just wanted to mention they are still working on it.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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I keep wondering how much longer all the brainwashed people will still believe in this. Caught a glimpse of MSM the other day and they are trying to say that if Biden steps down then they want Kamala….doesn’t seem like they are getting any thing different than before, it’s the same ole’ same ole’.
I’m so tired of it all, I know they think they are the so called good guys but at the end of the day, when they know how bad it would be to crash the market and how bad it would be to have 10 days of darkness, you gotta wonder where their minds are that this would be something good for humanity. Only the people who are poor and or homeless will suffer, or what’s left of the middle class which is dwindling day by day and want prices to be lowered and housing to go down cuz it’s so high right now I wonder how anyone can afford to live, I barely can and it’s not even an option to buy a home for most of us. Even renting is so outrageous so this has got to end, when can this whole thing be stopped.
I appreciate all the work Kim is doing, and can see how frustrated she has been for at least a year of this. I don’t think any of these people can be changed, I think they are programmed so much or just NPC’s that there is no other option for them, they will continue to try to implement their system and never stop till they no longer exist….period. Can’t happen soon enough for me and humanity for sure.
Thanks for the updates.
The ONLY way to wake up all the brainwashed people and tell them what is really going on on this planet and how corrupt their governments are is to take over ALL the media. The Normies have been brainwashed to take the media seriously. So if you take over the media and start educating them on the nature of reality they will start believing it. There is no other option. Kim is doing what she can but when she eliminates one psychopath another one emerges. It is a hopeless task. Besides, the Normies are so brainwashed that they adore the corrupt government leaders. So take over all the media is the only option to wake them up..
Je suis d’accord avec Marion , depuis 4 ans j’essai de réveiller ma famille , résultat ils sont tous contre moi , je suis maintenant seul , tous les ponts sont coupés . Ils ne se réveilleront jamais , c’est des conneries a leur yeux , je suis un fou , j’ai l’imagination fertile , pourquoi les médias n’en parle pas disent -ils . Leur plus grande force c’est les médias , cela est tellement vrai a leurs yeux , ils ne peuvent accepter que les médias leurs mentent .