This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim gives us the scoop on the Silent Circle and why she hasn’t reported too much on them lately. Apparently lies are hard to shake when you have a $900 billion investment at stake. She also explains how the heartbeat of matter worked before and how it’s changing which is a great thing not just for us but the entire multiverse.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Kim Shares Story About an Operative She Knows in a Predicament
Back in February 2020 this person asked for a meeting with her. She knew he was a double agent; he was CIA and another place she doesn’t want to disclose. The reason he wanted to meet was because he wanted access to the Alpha system. He was looking for where this room was and how she does what does. But Kim’s world and the Alpha system world is very different from the world of Omega and they just don’t understand that. In any case, she had this meeting and someone else with her at the time. But she told him he was never getting access, that he would never make it out of here alive if she did that, and neither would herself and since she is not that stupid, it’s never going to happen.
She gave the following account of what transpired at the time he went there. He was given $10 million dollars to bargain with but he spent that money on himself eventually and instead offered to give Kim an older car of his because at the time she didn’t have a car. He also offered a lot of other small things if she would give him access. He then proceeded to tell her that he had an American passport and a passport from another country and once he got access, they were going to come and pick him up here on a Langley jet and fly him somewhere, but that he must use his American passport. This guy was egotistical and didn’t understand the reason why they wanted him to use his American passport versus the other country is because they probably intended to kill him, and they didn’t want it to be an international incident. But his ego wouldn’t permit him to see that.
Kim of course declined his offer of the car and other things and told him she wouldn’t be alive anyway to drive said car if she gave him access. In any case, he left without access to anything. But he continued to call her to ask her how she was doing whenever the deep state failed to provide funding. She hasn’t talked to him in over a year because she doesn’t take calls from them anymore.
Same Operative Tasked Again to Get Money from Kim
Recently this operative received a call that sent him on a mission again to try and convince Kim to fund the deep state’s agenda. They did not offer him anymore money but was told to use the money they already gave him to convince her, which he no longer has. Not that it would be useful in convincing her anyway, her moral compass won’t allow her to do that and she said she doesn’t want the stuff they try and entice her with anyway. But I guess he’s in bit of a pickle is what she was getting at.
The people in the White House known as the CIA-aids that he was in communication with saw that Kim blocked him on her phone yesterday which obviously means she is never taking his call ever. So now they want him to pay the money back. And it gets worse for him because this person is from one of these three countries: India, China or Pakistan and they all had a meeting last week to discuss other funding sources other than the IMF and the World Bank since trying to leverage all the UNESCO and World Heritage Sites and their assets again on Sunday didn’t work. That’s when Kim’s name came up, except they still don’t want to participate in C.A.R.E., or help with anything we want to do. They basically wanted to continue on with the Agenda 2030 as that is probably the last orders they got from the ‘Others’ decades ago. And the other important thing to them is that Kim receives no money, or just a nominal amount of money because evidently, they came to the conclusion she is not going to do anything for free that could hurt them, which mad Kim laugh because she is hurting them all over the place for free now. She doesn’t need money to cause them harm.
In reading between the lines of this story I am assuming Kim is sharing this story because she may be trying to send a message, especially in light of her explanation about her phone that she talks about next. But that’s just my guess.
When Kim Makes or Receive Phone Calls, Thousands Listen
Kim explained that her regular phone is pretty special in her world because when she makes a call or receives one, she can bet there are a few thousand people listening. When she calls Tom Melville for example, she will get every agency in the US and maybe a few from China, some other local people and she is guaranteed to have the entire US Government and Military listening. If she uses it to call another contact, she knows she is talking to every single member in the Italian Nobility Families. If she calls another contact, the entire Russian Government, all the KGB, and the entire eastern European countries are listening. Another contact she calls in the Philippines will get her everyone in this region, the same goes for Australia, the Middle East, and Israel. In other words, she knows for sure at a minimum a group will be listening depending on whose phone she calls and then of course those who always listen on Kim’s phone are in addition. So, the entire US Government, Agencies, and Military.
Well, she was having a conversation with someone on an app called SIGNAL, which is a CIA application so you know you’re talking to the CIA, but she knows she is also talking to a bunch of people that maybe involves the Silent Circle. She hasn’t mentioned them too much lately and there was a reason for that. For new readers there are a multitude of families and business owners who are part of this interesting Silent Circle group.
Silent Circle Update
The reason why we haven’t heard from the Silent Circle and why they have kind of been in neutral mode to some degree, is because there are some families who don’t want to move forward with us and Kim found out this morning as to why that is. These particular families, namely the ones in Italy were told Kim will not make good on her dollar deal. To refresh your memory, the dollar deal she made was in cooperation with the Silent Circle and all their businesses, and the Deep State’s failing businesses, where they would go in and take them over and Kim would provide funding. They would fix the companies and change the products they manufacture, and the ingredients they put into these products so they wouldn’t harm humanity. Well, we were moving right along a few months ago until there was a conflict.
5 Italian Families Still Believed the Lies
Kim found out that the Order of the Dragon convinced the 5 families from Italy that Kim would never make good on her word, her dollar deal which is a lie. Her word is always good. It might not happen tomorrow and she can’t give them exact dates, but she does what she says she will. In any case, they were also told that the Order of the Dragon is still in charge because they are talking and getting orders from the aliens, and they believed them. Therefore, they still thought there was a higher force on this planet that could cause consequences to the Silent Circle.
So, Kim has been having conversations with these people, telling them most of these ‘Others’ are dead and not here anymore, there is nobody for them to communicate with. This did leave them with some questions in their minds so they did a little bit of research and were in contact with the Archivists, which they have access to, and they have checked some of their own records as well. They also have the ability to walk into what used to be underneath the Vatican to see if what used to be was still there, and they checked some other communication portals they have access to. After doing all this they have determined what Kim has been saying all along is true, that the Order of the Dragon were not in charge, their contract with the line of Solomon was over, and there was no extension granted. Then these few Italian families in the Silent Circle that were listening to the Order of the Dragon and not believing Kim went berserk.
Is Realization is Setting In?
They started calling up the Order of the Red Dragon in Russia, the Chinese, and the Rothschilds and they let them have it because they have been spending a lot of money doing a lot of different things. Now they were still limited in what they could do without violating the rules with the Silent Circle, but they were still to some degree perpetuating this lie waiting for a day ending in ‘y’ to get their money back. Not the sharpest tools in the shed I take it, especially after the last episode and I assume it’s the same families.
This is the second time they allegedly have seen the light. I am assuming it’s those same 5 families we heard about before who made a bad deal this the crazy deep state people. Why don’t they watch Kim’s broadcasts! Maybe the Silent Circle needs to thin their own herd. Just sayin!
There is also a lot of arms floating around that haven’t been paid for in Israel, Gaza, and Jordan. There are a lot of things happening around the world that have put them in a great loss situation. They still collectively as a group have a lot of money but not enough to help every government in the world to survive, like not even close.
Kim also explained to the person on the phone (which I assume is the Nobility families phone she referenced above) that governments were pretty much bankrupt and there will be no funding for them at this point because nobody is listening. Therefore, she is preparing for a world where they don’t exist anymore.
Now remember way back when Trump was still in office and Kim stopped funding the US Government? They borrowed almost $900 billion from the Silent Circle’s various groups, so they are owed money and these Nobility Families just found out their $900 billion investment is never going to pay out as long as they are still following the agenda of the crazy Order of the Dragon people.
Note: I believe the below excerpt from my referenced post may be related because let’s face it, the Silent Circle is a nicer name for the mafia: News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator! | Just Empower Me

Nobility Families Now Lashing Out at Langley 5 & Operatives
These 5 Nobility families then proceeded to call Langley 5 Generals and the operative people and asked, did you know this, that they are never going to pay us out? Kim said this conversation was ongoing when she jumped on the news today, so she doesn’t have the end result of the conversation and she doesn’t know if it started leaking into the remaining few who have been walking around with the Secret Space program. Nor does she know how this will affect the Trump Operatives. But she did catch some background chatter coming from a bunch of operatives and it pretty much pertained to a lot of 4 letter words.
So, they have basically figured out what Kim has been saying all along is true, which is good because we may see some more positive movement from them that we haven’t seen in awhile. There are a lot of changes going on right now, and in the words of the Arkansas General who also tried to tell them, you have hitched your horse to the wrong wagon, perhaps they are coming to the realization this big thing they are waiting for on the 15th and then again on Christmas is never going to happen. Again, this is an ongoing thing as she is talking to us right now so she doesn’t know the end result. She knows everybody wants this fast, fast, fast and it would be great if we got a little holiday present, that would be really nice, so we’ll see. In the meantime, keep anchoring that light and we just might see some big changes.
Earth and All Matter Have a Heartbeat
Speaking of anchoring the light and doing everything during our day out of love, what we are starting to experience is something a little bit different than we have ever experienced before. Earth and all matter have a heartbeat to it. If you listen to a heartbeat, you’ll notice it has a higher sound and then a lower sound and depending on how fast it is beating determines how quickly it repeats itself, but it’s a constant. Now earth also has a heartbeat, we have an energetic heartbeat, and inanimate objects such as rocks have a heartbeat as well.
How the Heartbeat Used to Work
The heartbeat is the exchange of energy which used to happen between dark energy and light energy. That is what creates matter. This was created in an alternating current of Source and Anti-Source energy, matter, essence, and all sorts of things. for lack of a better term. And what is happening now during these couple of weeks, is that the heartbeat has changed.
In the world of energy, the more dark matter you have the longer the space is, or the frequency between the higher and lower beats. The more light energy you have in your body, you know when they say raise your vibration, that means you have more light within you than dark. In this case you will have more ups than downs in the heartbeat because it goes right back up to the lighter part. This is why it was very important we raise our frequency, to be able to connect right to Source.
How the Heartbeat Now Is Working
But now we have a returned to crystalline time and we don’t have that alternating current anymore. We have a change in the heart of Source because it no longer holds both dark to light, it’s just Alpha now. What Kim is seeing at this time is that direct connection to earth no longer has the same downward tone between those sequences and it’s closing until there is no space in between, and this is happening within us too. Obviously, this is a good thing for all earth’s inhabitants and it’s also happening throughout the multiverse, and within computers. The things that were hidden in the shadows are going away in all planes of existence. So positive changes abound!
Kim also explained that this is also how people can walk through a wall to help explain how energy works. If you knew how to adjust the rate at which those particles vibrate throughout your vessel/body to match the ones in the wall, then you could pass through it seamlessly. We have no idea how powerful humans really are. We had and will remember again the amazing skills we had. Everything is a bouncing ball of light and has a vibration and a heartbeat. By the way, this is how they parted the Red Sea. We have a lot more communication with nature and things that are naturally organically formed than we think we do.
So, we should all be very much looking forward to the changing heartbeat of earth which is positive for all of nature and all that she hosts on this planet. There will be an amazing change of events over the next 2 weeks or so as the space in between will be getting smaller and smaller, until there is no space and the heartbeat will remain constantly high. There will still be a heartbeat to some degree, but it will just sound different and look different if you understand what Kim’s saying, if you can hear the heartbeat of something with your ears and your mind by connecting to those particles that are within you and within it, then you can witness personally the change of the heartbeat of matter on planet earth. Kim he saw a significant increase in the energy and heartbeat in computer systems yesterday. Our enemies thought it was for them, but no it went the other way. Of course it did, we are finally in the Light Age!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou everyone and God bless us all.
So, here we are and nothing has really changed in these last years.
It’s still dark at night, so the darkness is still here, there’s still good and bad, minus and plus.
It’s still a duality.
Like kim once said, we are all parasites in a way, yes that’s is one of the most awful things about life, needing to eat.
Because of that, you’re actually forced to hunt, work for it and so on.
In our almost unlimited imagination, we can do so much, but in this reality, we can only do so much.
And in the end, everything gets boring, no matter what you do.
No matter what kind of being you are.
And what is the purpose, the end goal? Just being?
Wauw, what a creation?!
If that’s the best source could create, than I’m sorry to say and experience, that that’s not so great.
Seriously, our mind, the way we can think is the poisson, the forbidden fruit.
It maid me realize that all is for nothing in the end, repetitive boringness.
So if source is that great, Than I dare it (because normally it can’t be female or male if everything comes out of source), to stop being, stop existing.
Than, automatically, everything would stop to exist.
No more suffering, maybe also no more joy, but also no more suffering, real peace.
Because even if everything would be wonderfull, also that would become boring after a certain point.
Guess that’s why duality is a thing, to make it less boring, to let excistance last longer.
To not figure out to quickly, how wastefull being is.
There is no end goal, and there will never be.
No matter what kind of beings that are out there, what kind of powers they hold, stop being selfish by wanting to excist.
Minus and plus is a thing, and they have to add each other up.
So one’s suffering, is one’s joy.
The world is full of empty promises, never to be fullfilled.
If you talk about your friends, kids, boss, government, and even Kim.
I haven’t seen any changes so far, and I don’t expect them to come.
There is this woman called Rita Von Reitz, I think it is, or close to it.
She claims to be the real appointed guardian of the earth, and saids Kim is a biological artaficial intelligence, created by Marduk, but she doesn’t even know, because she is programmed to don’t knowing it.
Or maybe Kim is just a matrix figure, trying to please souls who are really fed up with this existance, and are on there way to leave the matrix once and for all, once the die in this live.
Bad news for the energy sucking parasite of course.
So we make up a thousand of different stories, one for every different type of human, so that almost everyone has something that the long for, therefor stay in the matrix.
Because that is what keeps you in the matrix, longing.
Or she could be telling the truth, but just let me say, in that case, source took the wrong person to handle this mess.
I would have resolved it far more quicklier.
Honestly, I don’t know what to believe anymore, because no one is able to give me any kind of sign, signal, proof, whatsoever, that changes are there.
So if what I’m suspecting is the case ( that is matrix, false god, parasites or what not), have some selfrespect and just die, just leave, just stop excisting.
Really, there is no end goal, there is no reason, only your fear of not being is there.
If the thing that is pulling the strings, is as grand as it let us seem it is, than show how grand you are and drop your fear of not being.
This comment won’t be posted, I know how it goes, all the more proof that fear is what drives the creator. ( again meanig matrix, parasite, source, whatever)
And don’t give the explanation of the process has to go slow, because everyone wouldn’t mind to be in a perfect place in a split second. Who would mind that!?
And if source is a real thing and was able to create all of this, it would be able to do it in a split second to.
So no excuses, but actions.
And if that’s not possible, than I know source is beatable, And when I leave this physical live, I will beat it, with much pleasure, because enough is enough.
Take it as a final warning as well, because if I must do that in order to get a change, it’s gonna be very messy for the thing that rules and abuses everthing right now.
My imagination is unlimited, so I can do whatever I want, once I leave this physical body.
I know the truth, so be prepared, change, or enjoy your last days if you don’t want to change.
But if you don’t change yourself, you are going to regret it until eternity.
Thanks for the transcript.
Now it has become clear to me that the Silent Circle is the MAFFIA.
I thought so when Kim introduced that SC for the first time.
I don’t care because I assume Kim knows who she is cooperating with and who she is not.