Will the Russia-Ukraine War Finally End Next Month? | Will the UN? | Will NATO Too? | New Currencies Causing Confusion for Deep State | Fighting Happening Between the Red Dragon & Black Sun in Russia | Delusional Pentagon Still Trying to Maintain Power & Get a Promotion | Lion’s Gate Used to Belong to the Dark Side, Controlled by Astaroth With Help From Sidekick Anubis | Some Deep State Participants Hoped to Raise Anti-Source, Died Trying | The Golden Age System Going Very Well & Earth Now Reconnecting to the Soul Plane Too!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-JUL-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim shares what’s happening behind the scenes regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, the United Nations, NATO and the deep state’s confusion with the new currency. Duck Dynasty is still crazy but many ended up dead, so that’s a good ending. She also sheds more light on Lion’s Gate which is now Source’s Gate, and it started on July 24th.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-JUL-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth)

Russia-Ukraine War May Finally End Due to Lack of Funding

Russia and Ukraine have been in talks, in conjunction with the Chinese Government and some with the US Government to end the Russia-Ukraine war. This was prompted by lack of funds. It’s now come to both Russia and Ukraine’s attention that China’s Deep State was backing both sides financially, whether that be directly from China or be that indirectly through the US.

China has been in control of at least 80% of the US Government when the war first started a couple of years ago and they have been in control for quite a while before that. But in this particular case, the China Deep State was the force behind prompting all that crazy funding, free weapons, and all the US support for Ukraine, including but not limited to the alleged bust of Zelensky which was supposed to go up in the Capitol building, and the dog and pony show Zelensky did for the US Congress not that long ago. China was the one prompting this, making the deals behind the scenes as to how much money was to go where and why.

A lot of this control had to do with the Federal Reserve and their alleged former stake in the Federal Reserve, and their ability to provide funds through Marduk and other ways. They claimed they were the ones who provided funds in 2012 and through other ways a few years after to the US. They also said the Trump funds actually came from the Mei Wa in China which is not true. I’m not Chinese and my name is not Mei Wa, which is just a title anyway. So that is good news for the Russians and Ukrainians and all countries that have been bleeding out the ears spending money creating this crazy show over there on behalf of China’s deep state. Hopefully we’ll start to see this trickle into mainstream media, I’m being told no later than mid-August. Of course, they are probably waiting for a celestial event to see if something comes their way. But by that point it will be too late, and with today’s shenanigans which we’ll get into shortly, it should be extremely obvious to these deep state people no one is coming to help them. But you never know, they could be waiting for a full moon in August.

United Nations May End by Mid-August

The next bit of interesting news is there is a lot of buzz going around the United Nations and within the walls of the UN power sector. Evidently the UN Security Council agreed to disband the UN Security Council due to their lack of power and the fact that hardly anyone in the world is listening anymore.

This is no surprise because they built a system based on fear and greed and right now the UN and NATO cannot provide either. They spent a lot of money in the Middle East, in the Gaza Strip, and Ukraine. And if you remember a few months back we were discussing NATO’s big operations from Armenia all the way through to Albania and Turkey, and movement of a lot of weaponry into Jordan and Yemen. They spent a lot of money they did not have trying to get this WWIII scenario underway. There has also been a lot of talks about nuclear threats and China and Taiwan, and that’s very expensive. So right now, everything seems to be at a standstill. NATO is wondering why there is no money coming, especially today because it’s another one of those days ending in ‘y’ where they were expecting to get money. The Global Headquarters Group, Order of the Black Sun, and the Trump Operatives and everybody else were also expecting money today.

They are getting increasingly aware behind the scenes that there is a new currency and they don’t really understand it and why we did it. Quite frankly from what I’ve been hearing I don’t really care they don’t understand it. We have been getting a lot of calls from various countries wanting to own their own currencies. By the way that call came in from one of the countries that wants to end the war and it isn’t Ukraine. But I have to be honest, when it comes to Russia, I’ve personally been to and spent a lot of time there off and on over the years, and I know what is going on behind the scenes because I looked into it. This is my impression right now.

There is a big fight going on between the Oligarch Clans in Russia. They are either loyalist to the Order of the Dragon, and in this case are those with the Order of the Red Dragon which originates out of Russia. Then you have other clans that would be loyalists to the Order of the Black Sun, which would be people like fake Putin and a lot of the old KGB agents and are the ones that want to revive the USSR. They would love to have no God; their god is death, while the Red Dragon folks would like to have another Czar because it’s easier for them to control. Back in the day they saw themselves as the Kingmakers of Earth, but they were never that, in reality they were just the town crier for the Kingmakers. They passed down the orders and information from on high (the non-humans) which would give the information down on who was going to be the king of each country, and Russia is no exception here.

But the one thing I see happening quite a bit now, not only in the UN, the US, Russia and China but around the world, is that the operatives are getting tired being promised a bunch of this and that with zero delivery, and that includes the UN operatives. So, you would be looking at Monarch Military and whatever is left of Umbrella, if there are any left. They may have appointed some more and those would be your Trump operatives. Russia and Ukraine are no exception here, they are also part of the SSP and of course everyone on paper in the mainstream media is part of the UN. So, there is a good chance over the next several months we will see there is no more UN. There is no support for it anymore, countries are not listening to them anymore. I have no idea if anyone is going to show up for the UN meeting come September, but at this point in time that looks like a card that is definitely ready to fall.

In these meetings that were taking place behind the scenes they were definitely questioning the validity of their leaders and their ability to perform. Keep in mind they are the UN Security Council and even though they might be with a military in a different country, they are still more loyal to the Order of the Black Sun. So, if the Order of the Black Sun says they want to dissolve the UN because they think that might make them look like the good guys, that could very well happen.

As for the US military at the Pentagon, they are also struggling to maintain power and have said so to people in my inner circle, of which they aren’t many, so they probably know who that is. Both sides would like to talk, although not to me of course. They just want me to hand out money so they can go back to their respective gods, either the Order of the Dragon or Order of the Black Sun and say hey, look we did it, can we have a position now? Because that is what they are offering at this point. Both Orders are telling them they are stupid and if they can’t get anything from her and weasel their way into some money, they are worthless to them, and no you can’t have a promotion in the non-existent Order. It’s like getting a promotion at ENRON at this point.

NATO Confused By the New Currencies & May End Too

NATO is also talking and is very confused by the new currencies. They are talking about all their operations around the world and how they can’t afford to do it anymore. If you didn’t know, NATO is the Rothschilds and the Order of the Dragon’s private army and always has been. But NATO was founded by Bush Sr., the Head of the Black Sun or the Black Dragon, at least on the Human sector even. Although I don’t think that information about Bush Sr is on their website anymore. In any case, they have had Global Headquarters and what’s left of the Black Sun whispering in their ears, when Trumps gets back into office there will be huge amounts of money that’s coming in.

They are already saying, well if she goes and supports <insert banana republic country here>, because they decided to move away from the Order, then we’ll just go and do contracts with those people. So essentially, they are talking about going behind my back to take money from those countries.

I’m telling you right now we’re splitting it up to millions and millions of people and those people will have your names and your pictures on every telephone pole in every country to not talk to you. If I have to do that, I will do that. And I have your entire roster. I know what everybody looks like and I tell you if they run another season of Duck Dynasty you could fill in because that’s what you all look like. On our side of it, we’ll make sure no one in the world touches you. You have a perfectly good opportunity Trump operatives to do two things.

  1. Do the right thing. You basically tell the truth to the American people. You can spin it anyway you want, but you will tell them that man died of natural causes like you know he did.
  2. You will have no business trying to run financial anything in the US government because you have no idea how to run a financial system, that is evident and clear. I watched you at Wright Patterson Airforce base today, in Texas, Spain, Portugal, Project Odin, Project Poseidon, Project Hercules, and Project Apollo. I watched you try to use Abraxas systems and you think they are yours. You think it only connects to a financial system and you couldn‘t be more wrong. And money never came from the Abraxas in the first place.  I watched you make total jackasses of yourselves for several few days. If you want to do politics or something else you will do it my way end of story, or I will insure no one in this world will touch you. Not anyone in this world will touch anyone in those 15 militaries. Everyone will have everything in your files. So stay the heck out of my way and stop trying to raise alien gods!

And please tell people when your political actors are dead. This is not 1913 and this isn’t Woodrow Wilson. Get your crap together people, because the world is moving on without you. So, you can promise NATO anything you want, but you will not perform. You will not perform when Trump gets back in office or ever. So you will spend 4 years going back on your word that you gave to any terrorist organization. Yes, I watch you. How is Yemen and Hezbollah these days? And by the way, you have a whole little sector of Ukrainians who aren’t Ukrainian at all are they? And what about your dealings with Blackwater or Frontier or whatever they’re calling themselves these days. We know about that too.

I hope you guys know that these are just little tidbits I have on you people. So, either you get up and fly straight or get off this planet. We’re more than happy to oblige your departure, just like I did today with some of you who were in various locations around the world, and that was only part of our day. And those various locations I’ll get to in a minute. But now, let’s talk about Lion’s Gate.

Lion’s Gate | Starts on the 24th of July

You have some sites that say Lion’s Gate starts on the 8th of August and others will tell you it starts on the 28th of July and runs through August 12th, which is why I said the announcement that the war in Ukraine being over might not be announced until about mid-August. But actually, Lion’s Gate starts today, the 24th of July.

Note: For post on last Lion’s Gate see, Status of the Operative Release | The Enemy’s Strategy Behind Releasing Their Assets | Involves Crashing the Markets During Lion’s Gate to Regain the 5 Factors that Control the World | Except They Were Always Just Managers, Not Owners | But Will Newly Freed Operatives Fall For It & Return to Their Slave Masters? | Just Empower Me

In the past we always thought the gatekeepers of Source, which is kind of true in some ways, were Lions and have been throughout our history. We’ve heard a lot of bible stories about lions and a lot of that is true. However, the Lion on behalf of Anti-Source who held a lot of control over Lion’s Gate is not the lion we think it is, it is actually Astaroth. If you do some research on Astaroth, one of the chief demons of hell, you see his symbol is often a lion. Now Astaroth’s sidekick, and often times his assistant in these types of gateway events is Anubis, and there is quite a bit to be said of their participation in Lion’s Gate.

Reference: Astaroth – Ascension Glossary & Anubian Black Heart – Ascension Glossary

Lion’s Gate used to belong to the dark side. It used to be a time for Anti-Source and all his favorite demons to come upon earth and torture us basically for several days, probably until the following full moon after Lion’s Gate. This also gave some power to the Deep State and they apparently are somewhat aware today would be that day, and they immediately went to many different locations with black magic items and tried to raise Anti-Source once again.

I don’t know if they knew that the items they took with them were specifically to call upon Astaroth and Anubis, but they probably knew this is the place you have to go to get some Anti-Source energy going on in this world. It’s possible the machine told them that before it stopped communicating with their brain. Nonetheless, they went to all these locations and began to weave black magic with no end result. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t cause some turbulence in some different areas of the world, and most of those places would have been in the general area because their black magic tools wouldn’t have been as strong as they used to be.

What do you take to such an event?

There must be 10 people and 9 around hold these crystals that contain an energy that is both black and red which represents the Anti-Christ, or condemnation in this particular case.

The second item they take with them is the Rod of God. And the Rod of God for them is not about God and Source, it’s about Anti-Source. So, the Rod itself is a hyperconductor for the energy for which it is made to conduct. So, it did cause stuff that was already here to kind of collect in these respective areas, which caused some uncomfortableness in these regions. Did they think they were actually raising Anti-Source? I don’t know, but it really doesn’t matter what they thought because they have all left this planet. So, if there is another crew that would like to go there with this Rod feel free to join the rest of them, because at this point my frustration level with these people is at an all-time high. We have no problem making sure you vacate this planet rapidly and all the better for humanity.

The following locations and their surrounding locations probably had some difficulties today.

These are all the places where they went today and they have now been cleared up. All these sites were tied to other space junk that was in the Sun, the Moon, Sirius and Saturn. So, this would be tied to an event in the past that would happen around this time. And if you remember last year at this time on the 24th of July is when they used to all go to their dark mirror places to get their orders and instructions for the year. And that would be specifically for coven members only and not for the people who are trying to get the orders now in any way, shape, or form. The dark mirrors are no longer there and apparently, they know it.

Note: For related post on July 24, 2023 see, The War for Control of Earth is Officially Over! | The Creator & All His People Now Own Earth FOREVER! | Each Continent Had a Mechanism Indicating the Status of the War & Today Earth’s Destiny Was Revealed | Operatives Waited for Instructions from Dark Mirrors Which Did Not Come | Stop Gap Measures in Genesis Program Left by Marduk Fizzled Out | Zero Point for the Multiverse Moved Back to Source | DEATH & WAR NO LONGER PAY | NOW THE ONLY THING THAT PAYS IS PROLIFERATING ALL LIFE! | Just Empower Me

Coven Members would go three days after the full moon because it would be the last meeting between the Parents and non-humans, so they would be getting their instructions at this time. The following meeting starts around the upcoming new moon next month, and then the orders would come on the full moon for the next crew down on the food chain. Then the final orders would go out for the operatives around the world on the Harvest Moon in September.

We do this every year with a new crew of people. There are a lot of people in the higher group above them who are dead but these people are none the wiser. So, they are going to go to all these various locations and Anti-Source is going to come up and greet them for being loyal subjects and give them plenty of money. Wrong again deep state. I wish I could help their head but I think it’s impossible at this point.

The Golden Age System is Cleaning and Clearing

On the other front, lots of good things are happening on earth. The Golden Age system seems to doing exactly what it was meant to do in clearing out human computer networks and anything that was left of omega and any other dark ties. This is sending the deep state into a panic because even if they see a remnant popup, nothing is showing up in human computer networks for them and it’s frustrating for them. They can see it kind of starting in the ethers but it never comes to fruition. And I know how you feel deep state because every time I would try to transfer money it would start in the ethers and work its way down into the matter and physical plane of existence, and you too would make my stuff disappear. So now the shoe is on the other foot.

Another important thing that happened today as part of the cleanup is not only were many people removed from the planet along with their respective Rods of Anti-Source, we’ve also had beginnings of earth itself being back in control of its own soul. So just as human beings were separated from the soul plane of existence by Artemis and others, so was Earth, and just like us humans are able to start to reconnect to that soul plane directly again, earth also is having that ability. So, this is exciting for the restoration of earth and her making that reconnection even with a few little hiccups on the way with the events of today. But it’s officially coming together again and this is really good news for earth. It’s going to really help us humans and her inhabitants, and hopefully we will be able to move forward with more restoration of earth all together.

There are a few other things with the restoration of earth. The more direct Source current you focus on not only for yourself but those you love around you, the more you focus on that for earth as well, the faster we will be able to move forward. Things are going really well as far as them not having that space junk anymore to harm us and earth. But we can always use more help from you to assist us in making sure there is no large amount of dark energy they can collect in respective locations again. So, the more we do that, the more positive things we focus on, the better for earth and those around you.

Until next time.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “Will the Russia-Ukraine War Finally End Next Month? | Will the UN? | Will NATO Too? | New Currencies Causing Confusion for Deep State | Fighting Happening Between the Red Dragon & Black Sun in Russia | Delusional Pentagon Still Trying to Maintain Power & Get a Promotion | Lion’s Gate Used to Belong to the Dark Side, Controlled by Astaroth With Help From Sidekick Anubis | Some Deep State Participants Hoped to Raise Anti-Source, Died Trying | The Golden Age System Going Very Well & Earth Now Reconnecting to the Soul Plane Too!”

  1. patrick Marsat

    bonjour, merci pour ces bonnes nouvelles, en espérant voir la libération de la terre, la planète, de l’univers, avant mi août. car dans le ciel toujours visible de ses avions avec leurs longues pollution, visible dans le sud ouest de la france! les pieds de vignes disparaîssent à vue d’oeil, mais pas les bandes dans le ciel! vive la libération totale de la galaxie! (toujours vous pouvez voir de vieux rosiers rajeunir, biensur il faut en prendre soing)

  2. despite these good news my wife ´n me got betrayed over paypal on 23.7.! hope, we´re the very last victims of computerfraud after kim´s network-cleanup! Greetz from new atlantis too!

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