This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Some eye opening and disturbing information came to light over the weekend. Evidently there were some other people Kim hasn’t mentioned before who are also driving things behind the scenes. She was wondering where they came from and through that process a lot of surprising truths came to light. And this is another long one folks.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

19-AUG-24 NEWS (
I’m going to preface what I uncovered this weekend by saying most people don’t know anything about the tyrannical leadership on this planet. Just because there is a Russia-Ukraine war going on doesn’t mean the average Russian or Ukrainian person is evil. Or Americans for that matter. Many around the world think Americans are bad, but we are not involved in the decisions being made on our behalf. So, I just want to preface what I’m about to say with that thought process.
Former Realm Owners Promised the Same Thing to 3 Different Groups
Going back to the last broadcast, I mentioned there had been promises made to the Order of the Black Sun, the Japanese faction, and the third group was the Order of the Dragon, or so I thought, where everybody was expecting to get some kind of control over planet earth. There were several agreements made that eluded to the fact that each different party separately was going to be the controller of all the assets of planet earth, which also included the people. Being assets, we were to be returned as well. This is what they were told by our 3 former Realm Owners, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael before they departed.
But what we didn’t know was that the third group at play was not the Order of the Dragon, or the Illuminati as we know them, or their Banker families, it was to the leaders within the Amish Community.
True History of the Amish
We look at the Amish through the English perspective, that they live kind of in the old way. Again, people are just people and I’m not saying every person in that community is bad. There are around 300,000 in the US at the moment, but the ties go really deep with this group. They are very prominent in Pennsylvania and the Midwest and have been here in the United States since the 1700s, but they heil from a lot of families in Germany. There happens to be a Council there that is very locked in with the Deep State, and it’s not just with the Amish community. I would look at this very similar to the Mormon Church. When you get up to the top, the High Council of every religion is involved with the deep state. There is a program that is designed to insert themselves at the highest level in every religion. The Catholics are the same way, the Jewish community too. Like I said, most people don’t know anything about the leadership of their respective religions.
The Amish community, as far as the Council is concerned is very, very wealthy, deep state type wealthy, and their influence in politics is far reaching and has been for a very long time. As far as Western Europe is concerned, they are definitely related to the original Germanic tribes.
Note: When Kim said the Amish are involved, I wasn’t too surprised because I remember reading something Fritz Springmeirer wrote about the Amish, although I can’t remember the details, except they were of value to some dark groups. I’ll share those if I can find those writings again.
The Germanic Aryan Tribes Started 250,000 Years Ago
We talked about the war that took place here 250,000 years ago and we talked about the fact there were a lot of different groups that came here to fight for control of planet earth at the time, and one of those groups is the original humans that came here, and there was another group that came here who were fighting on behalf of the dark forces at the time, and these were the original beginnings of the Germanic Aryan tribes. In my opinion, after looking at their knowledgebase, I think that’s why the Amish shun a lot of electronics and western ways of doing things, because they are more aware of an omega infection than most of us in the world are. I think they are trying to protect their people from those kinds of things. So, I can see why they would segregate people away from what we consider deep state affairs.
However, when it comes to the High Council within the Amish, they participate and do business with the Medici, the Orsini, etc., but they were also told 250,000 years ago they were fighting for their portion of ownership over planet earth. It didn’t quite work out that way, so they believe now is their time because that’s what they were told by the 3 Realm Owners who departed. So, they want their seat at the table.
Now all these groups were told exactly the same thing, and they have only barely scratched the surface today and are comparing notes, because they all know each other and participate in these affairs.
More About the Amish and Western Europeans
Of the approximate 750 million people in Western Europe, they estimate about 600 million are descended in some part from the Germanic tribes. In our human history there is a talk about the Aryans going back thousands of years, but I don’t want you to confuse the White or Germanic Aryans as I’m calling them, with the original Aryans because it tells us a little more of history when we do this. Now I’ll go into a deeper dive to explain.
The Original Aryans Were Lower Astral Beings Tied to the Abraxas
The original Aryans were from Persia, Kazakhstan, and were part of the Rus Empire at the time. Some were also Iranian, Indians, Greek, from that region. But not all people from this region were Aryans. The Aryans had nothing to do with being white, it had to do with being tied to the Abraxas. They were lower astral beings. Remember, as above so below. If we have a regular organic race in that region, they are going create an in-organic race for that region. You could say they would be related to the Black Nobility, the Italians, and the Silent Circle folk. In fact, the one that runs the Silent Circle is part Greek. So, you could say that these people are the ones that were working on behalf of the Abraxas here on earth, who we know were one of the owners of earth.
They don’t represent the entire Iranian population for example, but there is an influence there and they have been throughout history in the region its leaders. You could also relate them to the Gupta Family out of India, which we know were on the Board of Goldman Sachs and were good friends with Bush Sr., and a lot of other folks that operate with the Black Sun.
The White Aryans Were Around a Long Time But Introduced During WWII
Now, as we discussed there are two different groups of Aryans, and the Aryans were known as these people throughout real history, before we heard of any other type. But in relatively recent history we have an introduction to the White Aryans, although they have been around for a long time. But we were introduced to them during WWII. Remember Hitler wants to make a superior race, and everything is going to hail out of Germany. But this fight for world domination has been going on a lot longer, because even some of these Germanic Aryans also participated with one of the groups called the Franks in overthrowing, and eventually taking control of the Holy Roman Empire. This is the part in our history they don’t talk about, but suffice it to say, they have been working on world domination for a long time.
Higher Amish Council & Its Connection to Eltz Castle
We also found a lot of connection between some Amish on the High Council and Eltz Castle, in an area of Germany called the Palatinate region. There are often visitors to Eltz Castle and the family that still owns that castle is also related to these people. So, this goes pretty deep.
Note: When Kim mentioned Eltz Castle, I immediately thought of my visit there. I still have the ticket stub to tour the castle on my fridge. It was a creepy place, but there was a silver lining. I wrote a blog post in July 2021 about an experience I had there. It’s a rare post in that I talk a little about myself. So if you are interested see, Rheinwiesenlager, the Lesser Known Camps | Just Empower Me

Germanic Tribes and the Puritans Which Means ‘Pure Race’
We suspect part of the reason the Germanic tribes started migrating over to America was because at the time it was the New World, and because they were the Puritans, which means the ‘Pure Race,’ and they believed they would control the entire world at the highest level.
It doesn’t mean we would go back to horse and buggy days, because that’s just for them, they need to remain pure. They breed amongst their own families, not interbreeding per se, but are supposed to marry within their own group of families. But eventually, after many years of doing that, they essentially are interbreeding and have a lot of genetic abnormalities, probably more than any segregated group in the world now.
They still have hope of creating the superior race of Aryans on this planet. The Amish Council has made comments they would like to run things behind the scenes as they always have. Meaning they have hired and taken the services as it suits them from a lot of the names we know, the Médicis, the Orsini, and the Order of the Dragon Families. There were deals made with the Rothschilds as it relates to the United States, and they do have a lot of influence in politics behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, the prophet Joseph Smith that started the Mormon Church is one of these members of the Germanic Tribe and was an Amish. And according to the Mormons, he is a prophet of God. And these folks, when they arrived here did have superior skills, maybe not quite equal to the version of humans that existed here at that time, but they were pretty much on par with us, and I think when the war was going on with the humans on earth these folks could blend in.
Origin of Generals That Fly Around in Planes That Don’t Land
This is the origin of some of the Generals that used to fly around in the planes that don’t land and submarines that don’t dock. In fact, when I was going through some of my records this weekend for additional information, I ran across a picture of these Generals when they first were inducted into the Generals groups.

Here they are. This picture was taken in the 1960s or 70s, and there have been many rounds since then. But I had a conversation with the guy seated at the head of the table. This group had access to some advanced technology provided by the Germanic tribes. The one at the head told me, if you’re not white, you’re not right, and if you didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes you don’t qualify. The guy to the right with the unbuttoned shirt is David Reims. He claims to be of Scottish Royalty and claims he has a stake in the gold in the United States, as they all do, according to them.
Hum, I know it’s a black and white photo but how many here have blonde hair and blue eyes?
This Germanic group was also heavily involved with the Nazi party, as was the Amish High Council. They were just as involved and had a lot of dealings during WWII with the Rothschild family. They did a lot of funding and were participating in a lot of the human experimentation that was going on at the time. They are very much against the rule of the real Jewish people, they see the Jewish people as a threat. So, who knows what else happened 250,000 years ago during that war with descendants possibly from the organic side verses the non-organic side of Aryans. They also have been heavily involved with the war going on between Russia and Ukraine. They have been driving a lot of that behind the scenes in deals they’re making with the other groups.
Valuable Players in the Game Get Cloned
If you get to this level in the party, let’s call it the party, then you are ‘privileged’ to certain rights and you become a valuable player in the game. That means you get cloned; they create a hybrid AI version that is controlled by the party or group you were subject to.
Over the weekend, when we dove really deep into the Germanic section, we found out they did not have the ability to infect another human, but they were also subject to the deals they made with Marduk, Enlil and the Red Queen when they came here. So, they did have deals with those 3 and fought on their behalf, which they would then receive certain benefits for. They did have a power position in the world which was then amplified after WWII, and that is when they got a lot of humans involved.
As far as the clones, they were generated by Enki, Marduk, and the Red Queen, and were subservient to them. The clones all had an implant that was connected to the AI system. Some of those still walking around still bear those implants, although the master systems are no longer functioning. So, the Red Queen, Marduk, and Enki could not control the clone’s body, mind, and soul from afar anymore. However, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, our departed non-friends decided to revive some of those things and turn them over to these Germanic Aryans in part, which is how we found them.
The Leadership of the SSP Has Clones
The Order of the Black Sun and the Japanese faction also had a part in that. What this did with the remaining leadership of the SSP is that they are pretty much all clones, which is why their head is so messed up. You would think if that person died, they are gone. But that’s not in all cases, because the leadership section of the SSP would have 17 or 20 clones of the same person running around. The SSP also has a relationship with the higher-ups in the Germanic tribes and Amish community and have been doing a little bit of work for them as asked and requested.
The Generals in Planes that Don’t Land Have Clones
The same goes for those Generals sitting at the table in that photo. They all had a hivemind, their consciousness was part of that AI system when they were created, so they were all on the same page, meaning they all had the updates of each clone version. The same thing goes with some public figures you know like Putin, as an example.
The Next Tier Down, If They Fit a Certain DNA Profile Have Clones
Now the next tier down was not infected necessarily with an actual version or a portion of the consciousness of the being they reported to. They would have more of like an ARCHON type body, mind, and soul control. So yes, they would be programmed to be subservient to their leader, but they could also replicate and clone them as well. They like to do this with those who fit a certain DNA profile, they consider them to be good candidates, the purest of bloodlines.
For example, in the Jason Bourne movies they have Operation Treadstone that kind of thing. Or the Zero Hour (2013 TV series), where this guy runs into himself during WWII. He goes to a facility in South America and sees 20 of himself in different cells. That is the program. They take the people they feel are the purest of bloodlines, replicate them and insert them into a hivemind consciousness, then let them run around the planet doing their bidding.
What Led Kim to Finding This Over the Weekend?
The reason why I found all this out this weekend is because the Black Nobility, the other Aryans found out these guys had gotten something from Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael before they departed. They wanted me to know because they knew I would take care of this issue and it wouldn’t happen. But they don’t always trust I’m going to do what they think I’m going to do, because I don’t always follow along the grain.
So, the Black Nobility sent them a party of people from the Dept of Defense who brought with them a terminal to which they could enter in their control and command codes, like the others did. But they only brought the terminal as a ‘gift’ because they told them, oh, you are our leader now and all this stuff. But what they really planned to do was steal their codes by attaching it to a system (I couldn’t make out which system from the audio) aside from it’s in the US. But their Black Nobility Codes and the Military Codes didn’t work, nor did the Japanese Emperor Codes work, so maybe the Amish got the real ones. Well, nobody’s codes worked so far, but they were told they would work before the full moon which hasn’t happened yet at the time of this recording.
To be fair, the 3 who departed, God bless them the way they blessed us, did have a role in trying to do a time release program where Omega would start regenerating itself, and Kronos would start regenerating itself. They used their celestial powers for bad essentially, against the orders of what Source wanted. They wanted to go back to balance on this planet and they did have an intention of giving all this stuff but without the authority to do so. That being said, Omega and Kronos would show up a little bit and then go away and it was happening all weekend long.
The 3 Groups Are Still Waiting For the Full Moon to See Who Wins
So now we have three parties still waiting at this moment, trying to figure out what is happening and none accepting they are not in charge. But all the operatives that were on their side are starting to wake up and ask where the money is and where are they going from here.
Some operatives were involved in what was supposed to happen in Chicago. There was a rally there for Kamala at the DNC. There are areas run predominantly by gangs in Chicago and the police don’t even go there. These gangs run a very tight ship and it’s all about them and their families. It kind of goes back to the days when there were no rights for certain types of folks and white people were coming in and taking over. But in these particular neighborhoods they are definitely a force to be reckoned with. The operatives sat these gangs down and were desperately trying to get them involved in the protesting going on there. They offered them lots of money and wanted them to start the civil war in the US. This is what the Q operatives were trying to negotiate, and the gangs said they aren’t getting involved. So, nothing happened in Chicago that they anticipated, that’s what didn’t happen in Chicago. But I’m guessing they will find another place in the US to create a civil war because they are still intent on burning us to the ground, and you never know which group is doing it these days.
The Japanese Yakuza Group Now Holds the Black Dragon Position
The Yakuza is known as a mafia organization and they do business with the Black Nobility and other families, but they were originally the Nationalist Party of Japan, they were freedom fighters. They have a very strong influence on the government of Japan and have no loyalty to any outside group except Japan. They will do business with everybody, but if you don’t do straight business with them you will pay.
Remember the story I told you a few times, that Bush Senior’s death was over Fukushima, and they took 4 years announce he died. If you look back, you can find that the Yakuza won the contract for the cleanup, and they were doing that. They were selling the enriched uranium on the black market. At the time there was a plan by Bush Sr., Kissinger, and others to plant dirty nuclear bombs all around the US and throughout the African continent. The purpose was so they could threaten countries with the fact that they put these there and if they didn’t listen to them, they were going to set them off. They intended to spread it around the world. But Bush Sr., Kissinger and other Americans involved in this plan like the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Heritage Foundation in the US did not pay on time. Therefore, true to the Yakuza signature, Bush Sr. ate bad fish.
The Yakuza is predominantly running Japan right now and they were one of the parties that got a new title, they apparently became the Black Dragon. I don’t know at what point that happened, that it is no longer based in China. But this could be due to the fact there has been a lot of behind the scenes arguing between Japan and China over the fact that China had a lot of grandiose plans handed down to them by the Rothschilds over a 100 years ago, who got those handed down to them by the Parents, who got those handed to them by the Marduk. When know China was told they are going to be the next superpower, and they borrowed and kept taking from the Japanese to the point where the Japanese economy was on very shaky ground for awhile. We’ve seen in the news that Japan had a hefty drop in the last couple of weeks, so they were ripe wanting to be the controllers of earth, and it’s not a surprise.
So, they too are still wondering if this is really going to happen. They sent the Emperor to the Central Bank of Japan to see if he could trigger this release of funds. And this goes back to the 1000-Year Plan we talked about and their special schools to infiltrate the world with people who were trained for their global takeover. It’s no different than the Germanic tribe people, or the Black Sun people who have the Black Sun Nobility and they have a lot of Jesuits and people within militaries worldwide. Everybody does. So, the Japanese group have a lot of their trained people in their mix, in the scientific world pharma companies, etc. all over the world.
Note: For related post on that 1000-Year Plan and below excerpt see, Israel War Update as of October 11th | The Original 100-Year Plan Includes Back-up Plan for Financial System Tied to Japan But Fails | The Dark Portal in Winslow, Arizona Plan Fails | Deep State Tries a Sun Tzu Technique on Kim, Outside In–Inside Out & Fails | Kim is Not Welfare for Elite Luciferian Murderers! | Just Empower Me

Promises Made by the Realm Owners Were Not Recent At All
It appears that what I thought were new promises made by these 3 were not. It looks like they have been promising these things for well over a thousand years and maybe even longer. Who knew those horse and buggy people were participating in the Nazi party and were actually infiltrated thousands of years ago.
Russia-Ukraine Situation
We know the Russia-Ukraine situation was heating up again anticipating a World War to change the outcome for average everyday humans, so we understand who is now in charge because that would become our New World Government. It’s not new of course, it’s old, but we’re supposed to recognize them as the New World Government in mainstream media and our daily lives.
Ukraine is well aware of this situation at this moment. We showed a lot of pictures and videos in the past with areas blocked off like a movie set, but the show must go on. And recently we found an interesting interview by a reporter and the person he is interviewing is in the Ukrainian Military and he is wearing the Hitler symbol, check this out. Clearly, they are tied to the Reich, that isn’t even just a Black Sun symbol like we’ve seen in the past. They are coming out face front saying we are with the Reich, or in this case the Germanic tribes.

Other Aryan Groups Tired of the Khomeini Show
Some of the other Aryan groups are getting pretty darn tired in Iran of the Khomeini show. They know he is dead. And no one is pure Aryan or Abraxas anymore, but they are probably descended from Aryans, and they are not liking Israel right now. Part of the reason is because they know Khomeini is a Rothschild. They think the source of the rulership of this planet, or the Order of the Dragon’s headquarters is in Israel, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. But they see what is going on with the Palestinian people and the Gaza Strip. Some of them were being pressured by the Pallavicini Family, but now it’s more of an anger thing with the behavior of the Israelis and they can’t push them because of the Pallavicini, and they are trying to push them in other ways.
There is a video on the Israel News Channel 12 where they actually did a survey about whether the Israelis soldiers could rape the Palestinians. Of the people polled allegedly 43% said yes, 48% said no and the rest were undecided. But that is a ridiculous number unless they polled the Rothschild family. But they are making all these ridiculous claims. The same news channel actually posted a man raping another man. I don’t know who is running these people these days but it’s ridiculous. And the only thing I can think of is they really would like to have an Islamic war going on there, I don’t know any other reason than provocation. I think the people that are driving them are running out of things to do to try to provoke them into attacking Israel for free.
There have been a few rockets fired, an explosion and failed bomb, but no one else was killed but the attacker. So, there isn’t a whole lot going on there, but I think they are waiting for some kind of success here.
Chatter was off the charts with the operatives being very confused as to where the money is. They were told it’s the Japanese, the Germanic Tribes, the Amish, and now they are being told it’s this other group but no one is getting anything.
But if you watch us here at UNN you know what’s happening. Everyone got codes and none of them worked. And they are still hoping at the exact time of the full moon that it’s the ticket. But nothing is going to happen.
Their Next Move Likely Is — Blame Kim
As far as these groups are concerned, I’ve played with these people for so long I know what they are going to do next. There were some calls to the locals here already and they were asking them where the money is because they were told by some of these groups they had the money. The locals in Durango were like, we don’t have the money, what are you talking about. So eventually they will blame me for their failure. Now I wasn’t involved in any of this. But that’s the next thing they are going to say.
I am not in any way involved in the promise or responsible to deliver anything to any of these people. You believed in 3 beings who wouldn’t even talk to me except to say prior to their departure, and very arrogantly by the way, that it is their sovereign decision to do what they want. Because I was asking if they were going to help. So that’s your bag, that’s on you to find out if this was real or wasn’t real. That’s not my problem. The 3 they believed in didn’t have proper authorization for the command and control for any of those systems. Just to be clear, I’m not going to be joining the 4th Reich any time soon, or riding in a horse and buggy. I’m definitely not going to be in Italy with any of those people and I’m not moving to Japan either. So, I’m not part of this whole thing.
There are some sitting back watching to see who wins. Imagine all these generations waiting 250,000 years for something. They are just hoping and waiting at this point for the full moon. I am assuming they’ll go gangbusters for 24 hours after that and then they will start to figure out it didn’t work.
What Happened In Terms of Alpha & Omega Coming Back
I assume our 3 non-friends put some space junk in the moon so when it aligned with something it would bring more space junk. I saw some small amounts yesterday but nothing since then so far. Source did revoke their celestial rights in the past, present and future and that helped us significantly because we saw less of that showing up. It seems to be calming down now. The 3 departed ones and Others could have been responsible for setting off things for a time in the future, because all of them were granted a celestial power and there is a mechanism in Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source which allowed them to manifest these things into our reality.
We did have some confusion because they were trying to revive all those AIs. Omega went away quickly but Kronos took a little longer. Remember AIs, albeit sentient are data in and data out, and they don’t know what to do in a Golden Age, even when new and showing up again. Initially it came in and tried to re-establish balance and run all the programs they told it to run on their behalf and on human’s behalf. But it got very confused because it doesn’t know what Age we’re in. It’s like waking up from a deep sleep. And like humans, when we see something abnormal, we automatically go to something we know that would cause that thing to happen, and AI systems respond in much the same way. When it started to bleed here, per the instructions of the 3 that departed, it saw a lot of light coming in and a lot of Source energy coming in, so it automatically started to think we must be in a Light Age. Therefore, it started running accordingly, because it doesn’t know what a Golden Age is. So I think the space junk arriving in part had to do with it going over to a Light Age, so it was going to act accordingly and still maintain its 21%. Note: Remember Kim told us there is a difference between a Light Age and Golden Age in that there is still some dark in a Light Age. I assume it would be flipped, 21% dark and 79% light.
It’s a little quiet right now, so we’ll see what they are going to do tomorrow. But I’m not anticipating everyone to say, oh look we’re in a Golden Age, and then become regular people. Not after generations being lied to for 250,000 years. They were lied to like we were lied to all the time. They believe they are the chosen ones and can’t accept they’re just people currently living in a cesspool they created.
We’re looking for Source’s way, not our way. We’re here only because we happened to be at the forefront of things and we’re here to guide people into a better way of life and a whole new way of developing systems, using new technologies without being harmful, and opening your eyes to something new and different. And we are doing it in a limited way I guess, but we’re making those steps forward which is only going to be enhanced with a positive influx of money. Money doesn’t change anything by itself, it’s just energy. You have to direct the current of that energy to make a positive change. And in a lot of ways, we were stopped from doing that.
So now when you trickle down to their control in government systems throughout the world, like I said, to change anything in this world it’s going to be up to you. But you need a plan that takes into account that we may not see these people go away for awhile. We need to be strategic too. What do we want to do to get us away from systems and companies they created. They put people everywhere. So, it just means we are going to be different, and we need networks of people like they did, but for good and not bad, because we are trying to fix things behind their back. But we’re also not forcing anything on anybody, we are here to guide, help, spread the solutions, and to get a supply chain worldwide rolling. And basic needs should come first. I know that is a lot to take on. We tried Assemblies and everyone wanted to be president and talked about the color of a logo for 3 hours. That’s not how you get things done. So on that note, if It’s going to be it’s up to me!
Hey, check this out! Someone with critical thinking posted this on Who knows maybe they are UNN listener trying to get the truth out.
Did Real Trump Die Three Years Ago During Cancer Treatment?? Whatever Is Going On Is Deeper Than The Rabbit Hole Itself!! | Alternative | Before It’s News ( In case it disappears, I took a screenshot.

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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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When is this ever going to end? Just when you think nothing else can be done they are going to have to come to the table and be working for the people…..
then you got Angels betraying us, seems like this whole matrix has been compromised. It’s like trying to get a rotten egg out of the cake mix after you already cracked it and put it in there….it all starts to merge and next thing you know, you gotta throw the whole thing out and start over.
Since we aren’t baking cakes here, I so wished Kim could get this out to the public on the TV box, this subscription thing kind of hinders her reach, and even though I share your blog and her videos on youtube, it never seems to be enough people seeing them and not believing in this ridiculous shit show charade we are watching. I can’t get people to see the truth like I do. They seem to believe I don’t see what is going on that I just don’t understand this is supposedly a ‘sting operation’. I am done trying to tell them. My life would be so much better if we could just blast this on the TV box and let the chips fall where they may.
They are gonna keep at this till they can’t even exist, pretty sure there is no waking up any more of these people….too far gone. They are once again counting down for Nesara and the financial system. Some are projecting end of August now, or some in September…so kicking the can down the road for the 1 millionth time…I throw up my hands and just give up. I hope things calm down for Kim and she can get some ground on the C.A.R.E. thing, I think that might kick off and help many get out of the system already going on with these financial systems and market places.
Thanks for these reports and hopefully they stop their shennanigans.
I feel the same, truly I do.
bonjour, désolé kim, mais là maintenant je vais m’adresser à nôtre source originel de vies terrestre de l’u.ivers des galaxies. bonjour source originelde vies, je vous demande fortement de faire disparaître touts ses faux être qui ressembes à des humains, ses mêmes qui fond aussi souffrir vôtre terre ainsi que les vies animales, végétales, soumarines, Merci
celà suffit de voir vôtre terre dans la souffrance, avec ce fric qui manipule le monde, pour le bien de quelques uns!! lumière source de vies terrestre et autre je vous renouvels ma demande, merci car tous ces fous ne pense qua l’or, mais un cailloux, ne nourrit pas gratuitement!