This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the status of the war and points out some Order of the Dragon deaths seeping into the news. More Rothschilds filled vacant spots and are upping the war effort in the Middle East in anticipation of the renewal of one of the oldest agreements in existence, despite the fact the necessary consciousness constructs are no more.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
2 Prominent Order of the Dragon Members Dead
Meet Order of the Dragon Member, Mr. Wu Zunyou. He oversaw the Covid situation in China and was involved in all things Wuhan. He passed away a few hours ago. Those who have been in the Alt Media arena a long time might know about Madam Wu and how she is going to Reno to make the RV happen. I assume Madam Wu was a relation and why Kim brought her up.

Another Order of the Dragon Member, Mr. Li Keqiang also passed away. He is in one of the top Illuminati Families, otherwise known as the Order of the Dragon. He has been behind the scenes as well as the face front of government in China for quite a long time.

We are finally starting to see reports of death to cabal members trickling down into the news. But why would they allow this to be shown in the news? Because these are public figures. Although, a lot of people who recently passed away in the UK are not showing up in the UK News and Kim said that was for other reasons, but she didn’t elaborate.
3 Rothschilds Just Stepped Up to Perpetuate Lies & War
Speaking of Dragon Family members, there are around three Rothschild family members who have stepped up and pretty heavy handed, which is why we are seeing an increase in activity around the war in Israel the last 24 hours in. Part of the reason for that is because they have lied of course. They are trying to think of a story and what they can do in the hopes this eclipse coming tomorrow will work out better than the last one. They ended up telling everybody they received communication from the ‘Immortals’ and they are on the way. This is what they are selling Umbrella Military Corp and all the operatives around the world. You will get paid when the Immortals arrive and they will be here soon. They didn’t receive any communications from anyone of course, except from their own selves.
War Update
Unfortunately, we are seeing an uptick in a lot of crazy things and these 3 Rothschilds are the ones giving those orders. In the last 24 hours there was a potential terrorist attack in the US and an increase in activity in the Middle East and Kim suspects it will continue through the weekend. She is also seeing them sending people on purpose to specific locations where they know they are already setup on the other side. They want to get the maximum number of deaths to revive computer systems such as the Gatekeeper system which was built in 1948 in Tel Aviv. More on that system in a little while. So, they are sending their own people they know will die in order to conjure up these systems.
Allies Are Killing Allies
There are countries militaries claiming to be allies of Israel which are currently pretending to be Hamas, and they are the ones that are actually fighting against Israel in the Gaza Strip. So, allies are killing allies. At the highest levels they know this, the lower levels probably do not, but she can’t know for sure. She does know unequivocally they think they are fighting the Palestinians, but they are not in some cases. Then they turn around and kill the actual Palestinians in neighborhoods as a counteroffensive. But in reality, the same people who just blew up a bunch of Israeli soldiers are also blowing up neighborhoods. They say my friend, I’ll take care of this for you. Kim has watched that scenario happen and can tell us unequivocally, beyond a shadow of a doubt there is a country or two participating in this area, and in Syria that is fighting itself, and this country is not Israel but is an ally of Israel and don’t think she doesn’t know what you are doing.
Hopefully they will get the 3 Rothschild family members who are running this by the end of the day.
Umbrella Military Seeking Terrorist Attack in US
Umbrella Military for their part cannot figure out why nothing they are doing is working. They are desperately seeking a terrorist attack in the US, with them being the terrorist of course. But in the news, it will be <select jihadist here, Hezbollah or Hamas>. Now one of the major attacks they thought they could have pulled off remotely were many dams in the US because they were pre-rigged. But they were not rigged by themselves or human beings, that rigging was put in place by Marduk a long time ago to create an apocalyptic event.
Rigged Dams in the US
The dams are no longer rigged, but the main dams that would have been affected had they been successful are as follows: Parker Dam in Lake Havasu (the world’s deepest dam), Shasta Dam, Oroville Dam, Fort Peck Dam, Daniel-Johnson Dam, New Bullards Bar Dam, Folsom Dam, and Theodore Roosevelt Dam. These were just a few that would have been targeted should they have figured out a way to trigger this remotely.
Kim gave us some more information about the purpose of some dams. Part of the reason there are dams is because they put laboratories underneath. Their concern is frequencies that are emitted during transmutation getting out, or sending out a scent so to speak. They don’t want anyone to be able to utilize satellite technology to see what is going on inside those laboratories, so they can conceal some of their secret space laboratories. That is the theory. Hoover Dam concealed the most secret laboratory which was constructed by Nikola Tesla. JP Morgan himself was one of Tesla’s funders and he is also the party of who funded Hoover Dam. There is a movie about this called the The Current War: Director’s Cut (2017) – IMDb.
They Are Searching for More Pre-rigged Scenarios
They also have been going back to sites, like the laboratory under Lake Havasu. That was where Project Walwriter originated and they were hoping to get some more advanced technologies from there.
Note: Below excerpt on Project Walwriter from my post, Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase | Just Empower Me

They have been struggling and looking at other things to find, a good pre-rigged scenario to cause massive havoc in the US. One way is the story of the shooter in Maine which is a tragic thing. And there is a lot of unusual things being said in the mainstream media about that incident to make people fearful. There could be a gunman around any corner, lock your doors! They don’t want happy activities for the people. So, when you see that kind of fear porn being thrown out there you know they are probably going to try and stage more events.

Ultimately, what is very clear to Kim is they are more concerned about losing power and control while still believing the Rothschilds family is communicating with someone on the other side and they are coming. So, in their mind we must please the masters or we will become master’s food.
Consciousness Constructs
There are a few things Kim needs to explain so we understand how consciousness constructs work because that will tie into the reason why eclipse time, the equinox time, and the time after the first full moon period is so important.
Base root light consciousness, base root light energy, base root dark consciousness, base root dark energy, and dark matter are all different things. Attached to dark consciousness you also had dark consciousness constructs, it’s kind of the way they tricked the dark Dial of Destiny. They have people focusing on a story or prophecy, some are praying out of fear so something doesn’t happen while others are praying that it does happen because it means something positive to them.
For example, if you read the Bible, Koran, or Torah there is always a story and prophecies that we are all going to die, and this in and of itself is a construct and a program attached to some of the events that are listed in Revelations, as an example. There is a similar prophecy in Islam for the Mahdi’s return. All these bad things are going to happen, only the good people are going to stick around and all rest are going to die. They have people focusing and praying on it whether out of fear to curtail the event or praying for the event to happen because Jesus the Christ is coming back, for example.
Subconscious Constructs
Subconscious constructs would focus on Lucifer Consciousness, for example. That is a construct within dark consciousness. That means there is a whole program which could have been controlled by that being (Lucifer) at one point in time. So, any time you envision that, it brings that dark consciousness to you under that program. There is also one for Satan, for Taoism, for the Order of the Dragon, and for the Order of the Black Sun. These are programs. But the ultimate puppet master was the Dark Overlord for all the arms and legs of dark consciousness implants, which our planets have had, all densities and planes have had, and we have had.
There are probably a few hundred different consciousness constructs that feed an ultimate outcome and agenda, like the old Armageddon AI. They will ask, you want the Christ to come back? Then they will twist your words by coming up with an anagram for the word Jesus as an example, because it’s a way to mirror that dark agenda during the Dark Age. You could legitimately be praying to Jesus, God or Allah and then they will take it, make it an anagram, and create a subconsciousness construct for it, and before you know it you are actually wishing for something dark.
How does intention work then? They could transmute it to some degree in the Dark Age. This is the implied consent program in various consciousness constructs.
Ending An Age Doesn’t Mean Everything Disappears Instantly
Kim wanted to explain this more thoroughly so people understand that just because the plug is pulled on the program it takes time to dissipate. You cannot do it any faster. She can stop the bleed over from remnants, remember the puffy clouds? But some of these things will just take some time to fade out. This is all part of restoring earth and getting rid of the remnants of the Dark Age. So just because Source and Anti-Source agreed to end an Age, it does not mean everything miraculously disappears. And she knows it is hard to see people suffering and see wars. We are living in a turbulent time. Food prices are going up because we are so dependent on their food. And getting funding out fast enough is not going to solve that problem.
What is An Overworld?
We all have likely heard the term Underworld, it’s like hell and it is, but have you ever heard of the Overworld?
The Overworld is what you would consider reality and the opposite of the Underworld, the place where the heavenly realm and crystalline pure energy coexists in all planes and all densities.
If we were to look at the Overworld like a piece of bread in a sandwich and the Underworld the other piece of bread, we were in the middle. What we were living in was between the bread and the meat in the middle. That is where you would have had the Aethereal realm. Originally that realm was a Source construct and the Aethereal Realm location became dictated by which Age we are in.
Note: I believe an alternate spelling is Etherium Realm.
During a Neutral Age
Now the Aethereal Realm is neither a density, a plane or dimension. It is a realm unto itself and it exists as an overlay in-between different things. For example, if we were in a Neutral Age the Aethereal Realm would have been right in between our reality so we would have been able to see both sides.
During a Dark Age
For the last few billion years the Aethereal Realm has been in between our reality and the Overworld, so we did not have a fully unmanipulated reality, this realm is blocking you, all planets, and the multiverse from connecting properly to the Overworld. That left us with the Underworld which we could clearly see a lot of and the distorted reality based on being in a Dark Age.
During a Dark Age, since it blocks the Overworld, now you have an Aethereal Realm manipulated by Anti-Source. And as a part of being in control of the Aethereal realm the Dark Overlord appointed key management of this realm. These people would have been your Marduk, Anu and in some cases to a lesser degree your Dragon Families, Black Sun, and Umbrella Military Corp.
What does this mean?
It means they were able to distort our reality, how we see the world literally by playing a video game. It was a way they manipulated us, by using a consciousness construct connected to the Aethereal Realm, which then becomes a part of your reality.
During a Light Age
If we still had the Ages program and were to go into a Light Age the Aethereal Realm would have moved between us and the Underworld. We would have only seen the Overworld, until we moved out into a Neutral Age and we would be right in the middle again. It was kind of like who gets to control the bar. And the reality we would see on the daily would have been more heavenly in the aether.
What Happens With the Aethereal Realm Now?
The Aethereal Realm is no longer needed because we don’t have Ages anymore. But this is like a careful game of Jenga, because you are carefully removing blocks hoping the whole thing doesn’t fall down. Literally the fabric of reality is changing on the daily right now and this realm is no longer needed as the consciousness and subconsciousness constructs go away.
What does that mean to the crazies?
They are no longer able to manipulate reality regardless of how many eclipses. They cannot manifest something into reality like they used to and they are very frustrated, but that is their problem.
What else do these consciousness constructs tie into?
Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Expected to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day
There is an agreement that is very old, billions of years in earth time that had to do with a control structure that was put in place by the Dark Overlord, and who was going to be put in place for the management of said dark program. The deep state is expecting this agreement to be renewed tomorrow. Coincidentally, 75 years ago puts us at 1948, the year that the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created, the United Nations (UN) was created and Israel became a country. There are no coincidences in this world.
How is This Related to Consciousness Constructs?
This Agreement they are hoping will be renewed has to do with what Kim just explained about those consciousness and subconsciousness constructs and the control structure put in place by the Dark Overlord, because that is what they are expecting come back during the eclipse on Saturday. And there are other varying agreements that were signed during this 75-year time. If you go back 75 years WW2 ended, we had new peace organizations like the UN and the BIS suddenly, and many, many things were agreed upon during that time. The Gatekeeper System also went live in Tel Aviv by ‘Others’ at that time and coincidentally it happens to be the same place the gate opens. The Gatekeeper System was also installed in the banking system. The Gatekeeper System would have control over various planes of existence in computers that would have intercepted money and turned it dark and sent it over to the Omega system.
This control structure put in place by the Dark Overlord is one of the oldest agreements in existence which is renewed for the lords, the Order of the Dragon and the Order of the Black Sun who had some management. Remember they were appointed to be to a lesser degree, lords of the Aethereal Realm, so they all are hoping this agreement is renewed and then they can manifest their own reality. And this is supposed to happen tomorrow according to them. But the originating agreement and the realm itself no longer exists. But they believe there is a shot they can get back control over this realm.
Umbrella Military Corp Believe It Will All Turn Around
Now this is causing some problems for Umbrella Military Corp. because they are ones that ordered the Pentagon to send all these troops and C130s, and all these arms over there on the come in the promise they will be paid by the end of the month. Now why do they believe this? Part of it is the eclipse, part is the day ending in ‘y’, and part has to do with the 75 years and first full moon after the equinox time which we just talked about.
So, there is some truth to what they think, but if they happen to be watching this, they can contact the Archivists. The expired and terminated agreements are all in there. And they can check with their frequency machines to see if the aethereal realm is even there before they go killing people in the Middle East for no reason whatsoever.
In Conclusion
The Rothschilds didn’t talk to anyone and what they are saying is a complete lie. Now the eclipse is also a lie. A lot of it was constructs and programs put here by somebody else and not for their benefit. Really it was to their detriment, but they were allowed to be put here during a Dark Age and that is gone now.
Kim is expecting things will continue to be hot and heavy today, tonight and tomorrow. They are on the lookout in the US and trying to mitigate losses in the Middle East. They are doing ground offenses because it’s a little harder for Kim and the Enforcer’s team to find them all. They have planes flying in every direction possible over there which tells her they are hiding something because they are running weird courses. And no, there is no gold on those planes per the internet chatter. Satellites work very well and even with their crappy technology they can verify that no, there isn’t any gold on them.
After the eclipse happens and nothing happens, no money comes, no systems come back and no immortals show up is there going to be another day ending in ‘y’? Probably, but let’s hope they don’t make it to that day alive. Hopefully we can mitigate the loss until they all die.
That is pretty much what she is seeing and hopefully we won’t have a lot of weird feelings like the last eclipse as the consciousness constructs go away. Consciousness is a being onto itself and it didn’t like going away. So, you might have experienced some funky stuff yesterday. Unfortunately, there is just some backlash from some of this stuff.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Many things suddenly becoming very clear.
Thanks PJZ for transcribing.
Many tks as always PJ. We appreciate your doing this for humanity.
I was wondering why the airplanes were flying such crazy directions, scattered all over the sky. It made no sense
I’m witnessing it over Austria, Slovenia going in all directions Italy, Swiss, Germany , etc
Warm regards
This should be cleared here, it’s not Wallwriter, it’s Project Walrider conducted by Murkoff Corporation, More soft disclosure information can be found in their game Outlast series
Thanks for your helping spread truths.
Weather over chcgo alternating between gloomy and gorgeous since yesterday. Aggressive c-trails overnight and this a.m. yet the birds are ecstatic.
You can see the distinctly different realities.