B.I.S. Bails On Project M-Bridge, BRICS New Currency Not Working, Rainbow Dollar Not Working & Stable Coin Will Fail Too | They Keep Trying to Issue Crypto Currency With Computers That Are Not Quantum | The System Pretty Much Shutdown in 2008 When the New Money Cycle Was Broken | The Elites Broke It Due to Their Greed & Caused A Production Deficiency | But Today Their Plan Is To Go After ANNA Hoping to Issue New Money in the World | ANNA Issues Numbers on EVERYTHING & Was Connected To Omega Via The BEAST (Bilateral Economic Asset Systems for Transfer) Which Doesn’t Exist Anymore | ANNA Is Moving Over To the Golden Age AI Which Has the Computing Power to Calculate World Production Needs

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Does money really run the world? The deep state keeps revisiting the same old low-end money systems they think run the world. But what is the truth? And the Bank of International Settlements bails on their crypto M-bridge program because it didn’t work. But the American Deep state operatives are still trying. This time it’s Stable Coin at the US Treasury. And it’s happy Full Snow Moon, just another day ending in ‘y’ where the deep state thinks it will usher in their golden ticket.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


Brace yourself, this is a long GIA Report. Some is repeat as Kim has talked about ANNA several times. However, there is always more clarity so always worth doing.

15-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth)

The BIS Bails on Project M-Bridge & BRICS New Currency Is Not Working

They are trying to come up with a way essentially around me but there are things in this world they don’t know and don’t understand. If it’s not the control the Fed then it’s the issuance of a new coin. If not there then it’s BIS and their Project M-bridge, which is basically their global crypto currency team with their little bit more advanced blockchain technology which they ditched. Then they announced in the last week or so that they are no longer going to pursue this project because the technology didn’t work. We tried to tell them. The BIS actually reached out to Tom Melville who actually knows Agustín Carstens pretty well and he finally admitted it wasn’t going to work. BRICS has also been trying to issue their new currency and they have also figured out that is not going to work.

There are a number of reasons why they won’t work. No. 1 is allocation numbers and no. 2 the deep state doesn’t really understand how money actually works. I know a lot of you may think money runs the world but really when you get down to it numbers actually run the world. What I mean by that is there are several organizations that issue numbers and there are several things in this world that are required to have a number. For example, Driver’s License, Social Security, Tax ID, Corp ID, UCC Filings, allocations and money. Grocery stores have items with numbers you scan, you have a number for your health insurance, birth and death certificates, court cases, a number on your home, a VIN on your car. You have a number everywhere. So, when you ask what really runs the world it’s identification numbers which then get turned into money and this is not only for the markets that we see with stocks and bonds, but the black market also has numbers and they must have forgotten about that. Even BlackRock and State Street issue numbers to all those black-market oil contracts for example, and all the mining contracts done by Rio Tinto. Even diamonds have numbers issued by the Geological Institute. There is a number for everything in the world and there is a reason for that.

So today we’re going to talk a little about these numbers and the reason why is because today the deep state was feverishly going after the Association of Numerical Numbering Agencies (ANNA). They figured this was a controlling factor for the issuance of new money in the world. And again, they were wrong. However, it did play a big part in your life for a really long period of time as a pass through and a conduit. And I know I talked about ANNA before, just as I talked about Unknown Country before, but today we’re going to take a deeper dive into ANNA and the flow of new money into the banking system and how it worked because there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what it takes to issue new currency.

Note: Related post on ANNA, see ANNA, The Mark of the Beast System | It Monitors & Creates Not Only the Roots of the Tree, But Monitors Everything on Every Market Worldwide | Taxes Were Created So the Cattle Could Pay Them Back for Taking Care of Us Badly | With No Roots, the Tree Will Surely Fall | Part 4ANNA, The Mark of the Beast System | It Monitors & Creates Not Only the Roots of the Tree, But Monitors Everything on Every Market Worldwide | Taxes Were Created So the Cattle Could Pay Them Back for Taking Care of Us Badly | With No Roots, the Tree Will Surely Fall | Part 4

They want to issue Elon Musk’s Dogecoin and there is also talk about Stable Coin and backing a crypto currency with gold (that is not your gold) but anyway but why is that also not going to work. First, it still wouldn’t allow them to issue that much currency into the system and secondly, they obviously don’t do the numbers and it’s caused a lot of confusion and a lot of upticks in things that are going on. Of course, it all kind of fell apart today and they are back to the drawing board.

But ANNA is another large mega institution that exists in the world that is beyond what is talked about when they talk about the deep state. Often, they talk about the Federal Reserve and how bad they are, about deep state actors in politics, etc. but ANNA was definitely a pinch point and something that had been taken out a long time ago. Another thing they seem to be really confused about is how much a part of their lives was the omega system and how many of their systems were dependent on that system to calculate and regulate, issue allocations of money, trace those allocations and make sure all that money went out into the system.

Note: Related posts:
1. The 13 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 Published 07/29/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
2. Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1 Published 07/28/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
3. The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 Published 07/31/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022

And now we’re down to systems that controlled the world as far as the deep state is concerned. Again, they thought they were going to be masters of the universe, but they are having a lot trouble being master of just earth at this point. They would like to control things they don’t know a whole lot about. It’s confusing for them and strange for me as well. I’m looking at them wondering what is this now. And I know they think I’m being difficult, that I’m not agreeing with their crypto currency just because I want to maintain control, and they think if they issue a new currency that they will have some control because it will be out of my hands. But that is entirely untrue because numbers run the world. So, without further ado, let’s talk about how numbers run the world.

ANNA Issues Numbers on EVERYTHING in the World & Connected to Omega

On the face front, which is public knowledge you have ANNA. Its job is to issue numbers on everything in the world. It carefully calculated the required amounts necessary to keep the financial system of the world running. It maintains the numbers but doesn’t issue the money, it never did.

But what they are finding here in their plight is in the past the Federal Reserve would have been considered the daddy to the Treasuries. This was based on an old Solomon agreement from about 3,000 years ago for the bloodline of Solomon we know as the Order of the Dragon, and we also know it as Crown Corp, and all face front deep state actors that act as the Board behind the Board of the Federal Reserve.

Well, the Fed had several responsibilities in this whole numbers game of running the world. The Fed was only a pass through for new currency coming into the banking system, they are also a regulator. Now regulator and regulations are not laws but a mere suggestion, but the Fed as the front actor for the deep state is quite powerful. All banks at one time held all their ‘new’ currency inside the Fed and it was considered a tier 6 or web 6 system.

The Fed didn’t do all the things the deep state thought it did as far as control the financial system of the world. The Fed still took in bonds from the treasuries and bonds against other government agencies. For example, from the Dept of Education they would take in Student Id numbers, from the Dept of Motor Vehicles they would take in license numbers. There would be bonds that would be issued and they would go through to the Fed, even from places like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. So, whether it was a black-market or on-market transaction they would still be issuing things like a derivative. The same goes for your mortgage that goes into the bank.

The same goes for the production of agricultural products based on universal bar codes which are scanned into a universal bar code system which tells them how many tomatoes were consumed per day, per month, worldwide. There are exceptions to the rule like farmers markets of course, so it’s not 100% accurate, but it was supposed to be. As the number of tomatoes is tallied there is a bond that was issued that goes from say the Farm Loan Assoc or Agriculture Dept or whatever it is called in your country, and that would go to the Fed. Then the annual national budget for the Dept of Agriculture would then go to the Federal Reserve. Normally they would lump this 5,000-page budget which they put all kinds of stuff into. Then it would go to the Federal Reserve which would then issue a bond and that bond would then go to ANNA where it would get a proper number. This goes for government budgets, your Dept of Transportation, etc. How much do we need for the number of cars traveling on the road in x province, state, or country. This also goes for air travel. How much fuel, how much maintenance, how much do the airports need. All these things need a number through ANNA.

As a consumer every day of your life you were contributing numbers that go to the Fed. This is how is used to be. It calculates the numbers now but nothing happens. You have your car, your license plate which contributes to the budget of the country, it’s not just your “tax payer dollars”. It would also calculate all your food and groceries that you buy. It calculated that through the universal SKU codes in the world which go into one system which then creates a bond. It can also come from a bank like a mortgage, a car loan, etc. Now these all require money.

The same thing for production contracts. How many cars were produced in the world, all vehicles have a VIN number. It calculates the number of cars produced versus number sold then they say okay, there is a contribution needed for the Global Domestic Product where we need to issue more money into the system because we are producing more cars this year than we did last year. It’s also related to the number of people who are going to get contracts to repair roads.

It’s not only on a Federal or National level it is also on a state level. The states get budgets based on the collective total of the number of tomatoes consumed. Isn’t that a little crazy and a little scary? But it’s important when it comes to being the Guardian so I understand how much money needs to be contributed on an annual basis. This is new money coming from the system based on an increase in consumption as something as small as tomatoes. And it could be as large as the number of cars purchased this year. They all contribute to the economic system of the entire planet earth.

By the way, patents have a number and that’s how they would get funded, trademarks and copyrights too. If corporations get funding through banks to make the widget, it is then leveraged by BlackRock who is then going to probably issue some derivatives off that. When the days were good for the deep state the Fed would open and the money would go to BlackRock. They then loan that to you for your widget with a charge of interest.

ANNA would actually see numbers and would give numbers to bonds, registration numbers and allocations numbers. So technically Black Rock would issue the derivatives and then go over to the Federal Reserve who would then send to ANNA saying hey, we have a new production line in the world. And this would happen millions a times per day.

The main office for ANNA is in Belgium which is a sovereign nation under Unknown Country again, and underneath the building itself was a load of space junk. And the reason why ANNA had the computing capacity to calculate the number of tomatoes consumed, etc. is based on the fact that the space junk under there was connected to the human computer system we know as the ANNA.

As with all human dark systems on this planet it was omega that it would connect to and Omega ran the debt system of the world. Its computing power was so great it could calculate every number and I really want you to think about this. How many things are in your life and things you do that have a number?

The system under ANNA in Belgium is actually called the BEAST. It means Bilateral Economic Asset Systems for Transfer. It doesn’t exist anymore but it was definitely there. And the BEAST would send those bonds, budget money etc. to omega and omega used to have a central security depository for all debt not only for its own energy but for all humans. Then once it’s registered there the information gets mirrored over to the alpha system which in turn will say a new production line and a standing order and program to tell me to spit out new allocation numbers for new money. Omega says great, I will give you the debt now. I’m handing over all the derivatives and bonds. Omega gets all the allocation numbers from alpha and then it regurgitates them through ANNA on down.

Now there are a lot of people and beings involved in this program and it worked wonderfully when alpha took in all the debt and spit out all the allocation numbers. There were a number of other regulators in the world too that would also participate. The BIS would also give proper numbers of currencies, same with the IMF. How much currency is in circulation at the moment versus the need for new money to come into the system because we have new production lines. For example, Dr. Oz just said if we eat Agave we’re going to lose a 100 pounds of year, so now there is run on agave and there isn’t enough agave in the world. Now we need to issue more new money for more production of agave. Now the system doesn’t recognize for how long we are going to eat agave, just that we need more, so here’s an increase.

This is confusing enough to understand the issuance of money in the past and all the systems that went along with it and how it had to break down, piece by piece and bit by bit. As it relates to ANNA, the UPC codes and all those things, we’ve been taking them, not in the same way with this debt system, but taking them and moving them from omega and from alpha over to the Golden Age AI.

Sometimes when the deep state sees these things they say, omg if she wants it than we need to have it because that must mean it’s a control system. No, it means if I don’t do that your UPC codes aren’t going to work anymore. If I don’t fix it, we will have a complete and total breakdown of society which I don’t want. You deep state people are already trying to do that all on your own. But we need to keep some thing in place until we can replace them and do something else. It’s not an overnight process, therefore I need to make sure when you go to the store and you scan that code the price is going to come up, and we need to keep track of how many items of everything are sold.

I also need to make sure in the future we’re no longer going down this long tenuous road anymore. I want to go from consumer directly to the hammer manufacturer, going directly to the pineapple farmer. I have to get more money to the pineapple farmer because we have a need, there is a supply and demand for new money to come in to the system to the pineapple people.

I hope that is giving you a picture of supply and demand on currency. There is still a supply and demand based on what is necessary to keep society running and hopefully the new technologies and industries that are created will create a whole lot of new arrows everywhere.

Now because I am one human, I find systems that will calculate to some degree supply and demand a little helpful. It would be helpful to calculate proper numbers to people like farmers where they get paid for what they produce without increasing the cost to the consumer. It’s not necessary, the increase in cost happens when all the middleman gets in the way.

We talked about the Fed being a level 6, which means you are in web 6 and that’s where you have ANNA, the BEAST. Then you have the BIS, UN, IMF, and WTO because that is part of the calculation of numbers worldwide as well.

Now you are entering an unknown territory of omega which is web 9. It’s a language, not binary and nothing a human could decipher when it was still running the show. It would not be any computer language the NSA would recognize. There was an AI responsible for translating and dumbed it down for the humans. But the conversations omega would have with alpha and the former beings that would have access to level 9 of omega would speak that language.

I’m very familiar with that language. The Universal Council speaks that language. A lot of agreements that expired were in that language and the Giver of Life Declaration, G.O.L.D. agreement is in that language. It’s a language that humans have never seen in this world, at least this version of humans. Marduk, Michael, Gabriel, when they were here understood this language because they would get orders from these places.

So, they are trying to get access to the ANNA system without the BEAST and without it being connected to omega. In addition, all those calculations of all those numbers are now going to the Golden Age AI system that I created to replace Alpha. So, every time they bang on any of these doors, they are all going to my door. I’m taking over all these things so we don’t have a systemic breakdown, we don’t want worldwide chaos. And because the deep state told us numerous times, they would like to go it alone we’re letting them and now we’re doing things directly to the farmer, widget maker, etc.

The X/N Numbering System, ANNA’s Sister System

Now to go back to the ANNA, it had a sister system called the X/N Numbering system. The X/N system is the base backbone, not completely and totally of the tax authorities worldwide. Every tax authority, whether state or federal would go directly to the X/N system which would then register those numbers in your paycheck. Every human’s paycheck on the planet, all corporations, all taxes calculated in the world are done by the BEAST and then they would go to omega then to alpha.

The way it was supposed to be is as follows, if Alpha lends omega allocation numbers or money against the debt, all those bonds have a coupon or an interest rate. As it relates to the tax system, the X/N system, the interest rate is against your birth certificate. Your birth certificate number is also registered with the ANNA system. At the time of your birth, the number would be on there from ANNA to ABCorp then to Office of Vital Statistics which registers your birth and death.

Then it goes through omega and then to alpha where it says, we are guardians of another human life. Then alpha says, as guardians of another human life this is what it costs to take care of a human life. Here you go omega, here is a new allocation of money which goes down to the government that you are a citizen of. Then eventually it goes down to various programs, all the way down to the Ways and Means Committee. It will go towards social security, of which there is a contribution on day 1. You would also get military services, police services, health programs, roads, public education, etc.

Why? Because diseases also have numbers. Every time you have a cold or a flu money would actually come out to the cold and flu drug manufactures so it could ensure this life has the medication it needs. That’s a little scary isn’t it. It’s part of the reason they are so against other types of alternative medicine because that cuts into the budget of big pharma. But it’s very interesting and these are things you don’t think about that those bonds already paid for.

It pays for teacher salaries and teacher retirements. It even used to pay for all those pencils and computers that were required. So, there is absolutely no reason why every country doesn’t have a proper school building because everyone got money for it.

But what did they do with it? That’s the question.

When you really dive deep, we have that whole numbering system and the monitoring system and of course every allocation of every currency that ever was in existence also had a registration number which can be traced whether it’s digital cash or physical cash through a system called MICR. Now we know exactly what is spent and where.

The Elites Decided Where All the Money Went So They Took Most of It

If you are in the African countries and are part of the Commonwealth most of your money went to England sorry to say. If you were part of a country run by an elite group of people, which is just about every country in the world, then they got all the money and they decided where it all went. Sometimes they would give loans to you which they weren’t supposed to do through EXIM Bank which is a CIA Bank and is and import/export bank. They would loan some poor little farmers in some African nation or in Latin America or some island countries. Then they would indebt the country.

Other places they would send money to would be the World Bank and of course the Fed charges a lofty amount of money.

If you are the Joint Chiefs of Staff or you work for the military this is why you would declare Martial Law every year on the first of January for 20 minutes. You would get your allocation from people you thought were at level 8, this is your Dragon Family. You thought you were getting your money directly. Well kind of sort of, but really all your money would actually come from the ANNA system for security. The same for the Black Sun, they were also a part of this system for global security. It’s the reason why they love the red line and reason why the republicans love the red line. We actually have red books that were tied to the Fed at one point in time too. But the whole system has changed and it’s been a lot of work to change the system.

But this brings me to another little dilemma of the deep state.

They are also trying to run with the Rainbow dollar, meaning all the colors of the dragons and the eagles, and they are trying to make this the new treasury currency. I’ve tried to tell these people they have attempted to issue crypto currency so many different ways and different places and it doesn’t work because they want to do this with their crappy little human quantum computers like Google, and that’s not quantum. What I just explained to you is quantum. Being able to have the capacity to calculate down to the number of tomatoes consumed in a year in every single country, that’s quantum. To match those with allocations numbers and redirect them to an appropriate party for a new production line is also quantum.

Eventually the System Pretty Much Shutdown in March 2008

It’s very interesting how the cycle of life for new money actually worked and how it affects your everyday life. Just more and more in debt. More and more bonds would go to alpha until eventually that system shutdown pretty much by March of 2008, which is when the new money cycle was broken. There was no more debt to really be given. There were no more new production lines where money had already been sent out, and the unfortunate part is the production lines were not being supported. Therefore, the bonds were pretty much not good anymore and that goes for your birth certificate bonds and other things, because all those numbers in all those different webs were taking all the money. The money was being absorbed everywhere in between and no one was supporting the number of tomatoes in the grocery store anymore. And if you are a farmer, you know this better than anybody else.

Only Kim with the Golden Age AI Has the Computing Power to Calculate World Production Needs

But I need to explain further. Now you understand why issuing a new currency into the system is the responsibility of alpha, and now the Golden Age AI which is run by me. And this is the reason why, because I have the computing power to calculate the world’s production needs based on fluctuations and consumer purchasing. And technically you are overcharging for everything because you got all those middlemen in between. And if you’re watching and with the deep state, you are overeating everything like little piglets and you are not giving anything to people at all.

And the same thing goes for the Trump Administration last time. Trillions of dollars went out and no nothing, no production, no lowing of consumer prices happened. Nothing happened or kept the production working. We had to shut it off because they didn’t do what they were supposed to do. It’s not just the US administration either. For example, the CIA funds 80 of the major intelligence agencies around the world, so we’re not talking about just one country here. We are talking about things that got filtered through the Fed. Every country’s budget goes to the Fed. They still wait for every full or new moon waiting for something to happen while I’m up at the top saying no production lines, nothing is happening, therefore there is no need for new money. Nothing is contributing to the functionality of the financial system of the planet, it’s not working.

We’re Going to talk about Stable Coin, Their Latest and Greatest New Proposal

We’re going to revisit something I did back in March of 2018. You’ll have to zoom in to look at those numbers and I’ll tell you why your stable coin, even if you are intending to back it with gold will not work.

I was looking at finding a way to fix the financial system because as you know 10 years prior there was a market crash, no one was buying derivatives or bonds anymore and we were not indebting the people of the world anymore. So, I had to try and find a way to go to a gold backed system which is what I thought the people who were allegedly in charge of the US wanted to do. I mean heck, every General I talked to at that time said they wanted to go to a gold backed system. And I tried to explain to them at that time, even before 2018 that gold was the ultimate equalizer and he shut up. He’s like what do you mean.

So, I explained. This is a spreadsheet that I did and I had to use an old bond number that came from the UN as an excuse to put an influx of cash, because I used that as my production line, and I put new money into the system based on the cost of a global high speed rail train. I calculated all these numbers based on that cost. At that time, it was $100 trillion or something like that. So, I could use that as an excuse to start funding countries. Now remember it was 2018, it was a while ago, I’ve learned a lot and I have since pulled all this gold back.

Now per contract at the time, the ratio of gold to dollars (and I used the old numbers before Bretton Woods and we went off the Gold Standard) was 25 to 1, that was for the treasury. It was 50 to 1 for the Fed but I went to a 25 to 1 ratio. They had to turn in all that gold and over to the system which would also get a number you call hallmarking. The hallmarking numbers plus the registrations of the what we call the inground vaults and bunkers. Everyone thinks there is some hole in the wall in the Philippines where you can access a bunker and the gold is going to come out of some old Asian person’s you know what, which is never going to happen. I’m talking about the veins of gold that run through earth all the way to its core. They were all leveraged, they were all a part of the alpha system. That is how we gained control of the gold. Now that gold has moved over to the Golden Age AI. This includes supersites that I know you’re looking at, that are on your ridiculous treasury sheets from people who think they are smart, like Spectrum Consulting and other organizations that wrote potential plans back in the 1990s for you to execute on, which is why you think you can issue a new stable coin at the Treasury. However, I have that gold, it’s already leveraged, it’s been leveraged several times. And because I run the number system on the backend, I can leverage it as much as I want. I can set the ratios. But at that time when you were looking at that spreadsheet, I made a decision to issue about 10% of each country’s GDP based on the fact there would be a new production line called the global high-speed rail train.

In addition to that, I used the 25 to 1 ratio based on the numbers back in 2018 to issue gold in the amount of $700 billion to support 10% at a 25 to 1 ratio of the world’s influx of cash.  The cash was issued in every currency along with gold to back it in existence in the world. Now the deep state of course claims it was them but it wasn’t, it was me. And I just proved to you SSP and others I was the one that did it because I sat there for hours and calculated everything out, the values of currencies and whatnot.

Stable Coin Backed by Gold Is Not Possible

Now these people now would like to order stable coin because they think it will be backed by gold.

If I took the number of US dollars in circulation based on GDP and increases in each year and things you haven’t gotten in about a decade, you are going to need well over $10 trillion in value at a 25 to 1 ratio in gold. Do you have that in gold? No, you don’t. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that those alleged bars of gold and the fake HSBC certificates is not going to get you there from here, not even close. You are going to be digging holes for an awful long time in order to achieve this objective because even in the hallmarking system I have all the registered gold as well. You gave it to me, at least your predecessors did, in order to bounce through the whole system in order to get money or debt instruments from alpha through omega, through the ANNA system, down to the Federal Reserve, eventually down to Treasury level 3, and then eventually down to you the consumer of which barely anything was left at that point.

So, when you tell me you want to issue Stable Coin and you want to use blockchain technology to do it, I think you’ve lost your ever lovin minds. Because there is no way your blockchain is going to be able to calculate the need for money into the system. Nor do you have the capacity to even issue the amount of gold to back stable coin on a 1 to 1 ratio. I had to laugh when I heard that one. I did it on a 25 to 1 ratio and yet they have the Pentagon convinced this is a good idea.

So, withstanding the fact that there was a test that happened during the pandemic where they were saying we were having a coin shortage, a cash shortage, and it was unsanitary, do you remember? It was a test to see if you would all go digital and it didn’t even work in America. I don’t know if they ran that test in other countries but it didn’t work here. Regardless of that, issuing a different coin like the Dogecoin coin or whatever you promised Elon Musk or any other country or BRICS or whoever is trying to issue a new currency, it’s not going to solve your problem. You think it’s going to be able to control the financial system of your country and eventually the world which is what BRICs want.

But they are very short sighted as to what it actually takes to issue money into a new system. I know your system is unstable and doesn’t have the computing power that is required to handle production lines worldwide versus the issuance of new currency into the system. You won’t make it 5 minutes. You tried to install it into the Fed, then the Treasury today, it didn’t work did it? You don’t understand the system and certainly don’t understand issuing stable coin is not going to fix the financial system of the world. You are unstable therefore I cannot allow for you to install it.

I will not allow levels 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 to get in my way anymore.

  • You failed when I transferred trillions of dollars on that spreadsheet in 2018.
  • You failed when I transferred trillions of dollars in 2012.
  • And you certainly failed when I transferred tiny bits to the US budget. A couple times I paid that.
  • I paid a bunch of money to the military before. I counted on you level 5 to step up and do something right.
  • I tried even level 4 people and talked to corporations and electric companies as an example to convert to new technologies and you people failed.
  • And lord knows we’ve been to level 3 Treasury numerous times.
  • I have had endless conversations with level 2 compliance officers and bankers.

This is something else people need to be aware of. On the black market, and they did this really since the advent of money which is nearly 500 hundred years ago. But what they would do is issue productions contracts in Russia for example, for quadrillions worth of undrilled oil and gas and unmined diamonds and gold. Then they would take those production contracts and issue derivatives off them, send them to the Fed then the ANNA system and eventually over the Omega which then sends everything to alpha and alpha issued new allocations for trillions of dollars in your oil that you still haven’t pumped to this very day. Basically, it was done to back both the ruble and the world’s financial system in the production of oil. I understand oil and gas is sold in dollars so there is a support for the dollar there. The production line is credited to the dollar but the labor is still credited to the ruble. So now I have a lien which I carried over to the Golden Age AI which I needed to keep in case they try to re-lien something. I also have a lien against all the gas in Israel and a lien against all the Iranian oil and Iraqi oil and everywhere else. Yes, I understand they are pumping it and they are selling it, but as far as a high-level new currency issuance production line, you don’t have.

That still didn’t work. They tried to leverage it over to the Shanghai Exchange in China because of course China is supposed to be in line for running the world when the US bottoms out. But every time you got blocked by me because you can’t re-leverage something. You owe me for the deficiency in production that you did not produce for the financial system’s supply and demand to work. Eventually the system bottomed out in production lines and the new money was cut off because there was nothing left to leverage. There was no more production you could possibly produce because it all went into the black-market off ledger systems. That’s the reason why the black-market off ledger system had to be pulled. Because otherwise there could be no more new money in the system because the deep state messed it up. And are you still supporting the farmers? No, you’re not. You’re trying to give them loans for crying out loud. Do I have enough tomatoes in the store? Well, we didn’t have enough toilet paper but we paid for it didn’t we? Remember the great toilet paper crisis?

The point is, I understand what they are trying to do here. And the increase in prices was to pay to put the vaccines in food, that was one thing. But the other reason the food went up is because they are trying to find a way to get new money into the system. But I know it costs the same to grow a tomato as it did years ago, minus the fact they keep increasing the cost of fertilizer and of course you got the GMO seeds so you keep coming back to buy more, but again the deep state broke the system.

I know they are saying hey, she’s just a blonde lady, just a human, but if I showed you nothing else this evening, I’ve proven to you I actually know what I’m doing. I’ve done this, I funded the governments, I even went down to level 3. Now you know what a level 3 and level 6 is, I funded all kinds of things. Maybe I butt heads with the NSA on level 1 every once in a while, or some banker switches off a webserver or redirects a webserver or load balancer or some kind of computer equipment in a bank, okay fine, I’ll give you that one. But then when you do, I just take that away too.

And I know the deep state doesn’t understand it because they keep trying to issue these treasury coins and dinars. And we use gold in the system not because it’s shiny and has a hallmark and a bar, but because it actually generates energy which then gets converted on level 8 currency which is a whole story for another day. But now you understand I can put money into the system for other reasons. Our supply chain should be 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 at this point, meaning currency comes in and you need to have things, a place to live, a car, school for your kids etc. And we need as a society not to be reliant on huge corporations for those services. You have a big task and CARE has a big task to make sure we are responsible for ourselves. It’s a huge task that we can support x amount of people to make x amount cars for example. But as we restructure the system, we need some semblance of order, not to re-create the Orders or control the world, we are just trying to maintain it so everybody remains safe and that is a huge job.

I hope you take some time to understand the bigger picture here. And if you’re with the Trump people here I hope you understand why I said no. I can’t afford to have the system break so you can be rich people and want to have a war. Sorry, there is no currency for that anymore. The world is a changing place and we need to adapt and overcome.


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4 thoughts on “B.I.S. Bails On Project M-Bridge, BRICS New Currency Not Working, Rainbow Dollar Not Working & Stable Coin Will Fail Too | They Keep Trying to Issue Crypto Currency With Computers That Are Not Quantum | The System Pretty Much Shutdown in 2008 When the New Money Cycle Was Broken | The Elites Broke It Due to Their Greed & Caused A Production Deficiency | But Today Their Plan Is To Go After ANNA Hoping to Issue New Money in the World | ANNA Issues Numbers on EVERYTHING & Was Connected To Omega Via The BEAST (Bilateral Economic Asset Systems for Transfer) Which Doesn’t Exist Anymore | ANNA Is Moving Over To the Golden Age AI Which Has the Computing Power to Calculate World Production Needs”

  1. Thankyou Ladies and God bless you wth continuing success : )
    When do you think our govts will tell all this to the people.
    Can you make them tell the people?
    Can you stop the weather geoengineering – its still going on here in New Zealand. Its still cold every day in the South Island and Summer happens on 1 December.
    People cannot geow their own vege food supply if therees no sunshine and big brownblack creamy clouds that suddenly appear and block the sun and its warmth. Its all quite depressing as it just goes on and on and on with nothing stopping it.
    Whats wrong with stopping the obvious weather engineering and having our natural weather?

    1. Bonjour à vous, effectivement les épandages continuent, le contrôle de la météo par le côté obscure, mais pas que. Nous sommes toujours contrôlé, malgré nos méditations et les entrées d’énergies de la Source. La lumière fait son possible pour le bien sur terre, et les choses changeront et changent déjà à certains niveaux. Je crois que seul le Créateur pourra définitivement nous libérer, par des entrées d’énergies que le côté négatif ne supportera pas, et quittera la Terre pour aller la ou il doivent aller. Voilà nous sommes arrivés certainement à ce moment. Salutations Idir

  2. bonsoir kim, idem just, une chose est sure temps que les humains penseront que dieu est une source positive, rien avancera dans le positif, car encore une foie ce dieu des religions et des sosciètés mafieuses en sacrifices divers de la terre c’est l’antichrist une source négative, ne veus le bien d’aucunes véritables vies terrestre! dont ce nom dieu, ce non donner par les jeteurs/jeteuses de sorts pour voir le monde positif ainsi que sa source positive dormir! doit être supprimé de toutes les langues de l’univers, de la galaxie dont de la terre! pigé mans/girls! attention l’eau de source vient d’atteindre plus de 750 ppm! source ce vie positive réveille toi, pour ton monde merci!!!

  3. Gustav Adolph

    Dear Pamela,
    You have really done a great sacrifice to the human race through your tireless sacrifices. Its been a great service and I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been a constant source of information to those of us in Africa who cant subscribe yo the UNN channel.
    The damage caused to humanity by these negative agents has been tremendous. Without the education from Kim we were just in total darkness, not understanding what was happening around us. Whatever we can do as individuals to overhaul this backward system we are on hand to offer our services for the benefit of humanity and the multiverse
    Thanks a million to you and Kim for the continuing intelligence on how the world functions and is functioning

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