Humanity’s Purpose

Wingnuts Anticipate Dark Queen Mother’s Arrival October 30th in Palestine | Who is Nubit, the Golden Lady? | What is the Great White Out? | How They Planned to Crash the Banking System This Time | Dick Orders More Chemtrails Across the Globe

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 12, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report we find out about the next big event the wingnuts are anticipating involving the Dark Queen Mother, who is the Golden Lady, what is the Great White Out and what it means not only for humanity […]

Wingnuts Anticipate Dark Queen Mother’s Arrival October 30th in Palestine | Who is Nubit, the Golden Lady? | What is the Great White Out? | How They Planned to Crash the Banking System This Time | Dick Orders More Chemtrails Across the Globe Read More »

Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins

This Situation Report from Kim Goguen on April 18, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This update discusses backlash from the dark and dying species, who is the ACIO, and why Earth, Humans, particularly Human DNA is so special. Also, Metatron’s Cube is still dissipating and so are the Treaties and

Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins Read More »

Real Alien (Super Demon Level) Invasion Thwarted | Will There Be a Twist to Agenda 2030 on the Horizon? | Cornered Cabal To Hurl Whatever’s Left in Their Quiver | Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Special News Report Kim Goguen provided on April 12, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This post will provide some background on what the Deep State had going in preparation for the expected blast during the planetary alignment on April 24th. Of course it

Real Alien (Super Demon Level) Invasion Thwarted | Will There Be a Twist to Agenda 2030 on the Horizon? | Cornered Cabal To Hurl Whatever’s Left in Their Quiver | Part 2 Read More »

Humanities Purpose in Creation | This is Truly Profound!

When checking in on the Energetic Synthesis Forum the other night, I noticed a member reported seeing two Suns and wanted to know if this could be real. Did anyone else see two Suns? Is this another trick of the Negative Alien Agenda? The member shared some photos she took and noted others who also

Humanities Purpose in Creation | This is Truly Profound! Read More »

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