CELESTIALS TRUE HISTORY | 5 Tribes of Humanity | Colors Represented Densities of Creation, Areas Of The Universe & Races of Trinary Source | After Atlantean War Humans Became Solely Batteries | The Emerald Covenant & Halls of Amenti Were Birthed, Eagle & Dragon Bloodline Families Take Over Management of Human Tribes | But Spectrum Control Now Belongs to Source! | Worldwide Meeting Called, No One Shows Except Deep State Leaders | Human Interface Technology

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-31 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update we get more true history on the origins of humanity, what the tribes represented in the beginning and what evolved since the Dark Ages which was in place until recently. Kim also points out for the first time ever the entire downline of the deep state didn’t show up for worldwide meeting and have been officially notified the Dragon and Eagle Families have no claim on any territories or treasures anymore.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-May-31 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth)

Trump Indictment News                                                   

Trump was indicted yesterday allegedly on some kind of felony charge. Apparently, the sentencing is next month and allegedly the state New York is preparing for him to go to jail. But we know no one ever goes to jail. I’m only following it because the rumblings I heard amongst the deep state is we might have another Epstein switcheroo. So he’ll go to jail, allegedly commit suicide as a martyr, except there isn’t anyone coming out the other side because we know he isn’t alive anyway. They think this will be enough to start the civil war.

We’re putting things together on how they are going to orchestrate this and looking at a new movie that came out not long ago called Civil War (film) – Wikipedia. In the movie a group of journalists are interviewing the President as he exits Washington DC and a group called the western forces, predominantly from California and Texas are going to take over the country.

Based on what I’m hearing from the remnants of the deep state leadership, they are hoping for a financial crash, then a civil war in the US. We’ll officially fall then China will take over the world. They are still working on this plan. But they are also still talking about the 7 control centers around the world, Marduk’s final plan, which of course they will still control, but I’m also hearing about 9 possible places of which they will control all 9. So they are having a discussion on how they are going to do this, but it’s a fantasy of a group of people who don’t know what its’ like not to have a silver spoon in their mouth.

The Meeting Only the Remnants of the Deep State Leadership Showed Up For

There was a huge meeting on May 28th held to discuss the direction the entire world was going into based on the fantasy they would have some money by then. Absolutely everybody on their side, which is unusual was in this meeting.

Turns out this meeting was tied to old information regarding Celestials and different colors of tribes. But then very recently they figured out they don’t have what they thought they had. So, the leadership came to the second half of the meeting and told everyone they need another week because something happened to their systems, acting like it was theirs in the first place and they needed to sort it out before everyone got paid. Shocker. This was late Wednesday and early Thursday morning. By Thursday the non-management people started getting upset and the comments made when the leadership was backed into a corner was that I was responsible for messing up their systems, which is true! And I want to thank them for telling the first bit of truth I ever heard from them and giving me street cred.

They scheduled another call this morning and wouldn’t you know it, only Langley 5, Global Headquarters, Silent Circle and Black Nobility people were there, nobody else showed up. No militaries, Intelligence agencies, government people, or operatives showed up. For the first time ever, no one showed up aside from the alleged leadership. Usually, it was the other way around.

I don’t know what it means yet. But an hour later there was another meeting scheduled by the ones who didn’t show up. They are looking at the real structure of the world, where orders and money comes from and doing a Q&A. So, this group includes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GCHQ, the Russians, SDR, GRU is there. CIA, different agencies around the world. I’m not sure how that’s all going to turn out but it’s the first time no one showed up, so this is very interesting.

This could mean they are trying to make a change. As I understand it only about 80% of the people were ready for something different but it may be higher now. 20% still want to go along with the program and creating civil war and that’s why we’re seeing things heat up a little bit with the Hezbollah. The US Military is in Yemen supposedly attacking the Houthis which is a rebel group, and Israel drone strikes are happening. It’s all related to Langley 5, Global Headquarters and the Pallavicini family who run the Middle East. They are trying to do anything to keep their plan going. But those chances are going down and operatives are getting other information, learning more about us, the progress we made, that we told the truth the whole time and didn’t make any false promises. We’ve been upfront with full clarity and consistent the entire time. I anticipate these meetings will go on for a couple of days and thus far the majority are saying we need to do something else.

TRUE HISTORY | The Five Original Tribes of Humanity

Some of the things they were planning on they just didn’t understand and because it’s part of our world history we should understand it too.

The last time we talked about how humans born on earth are celestials and we were very important to the creation of the universe, and with great power comes great responsibility. Well, some new control factors reared their ugly head. During their meeting one of the conversations going on was amongst some Russians, what they wanted to do and how they seemed to have more power than other people on the call, which is what they told them.

I thought why the Russians, this is kind of weird. The Order of the Red Dragon was there and the Order of the White Dragon which is part German and part Russian. Then you had the Eagles there too except the Black Eagle as currently no one has taken that position. But they were going to go ahead and pull some financial system trigger. I was like, what kind of trigger? So I started watching and there was something interesting that I saw.

Now there is talk about how everyone wants to own everything, but it all goes back to us humans originally. If you’ve been following me for awhile you’ve heard me say I am a Rus. Well as part of the former Rus Empire before the invasion 250,000 ago it spread from the United Kingdom through Russia, half of China, south to Turkey and throughout all of western Europe. We didn’t call them empires but tribe territory and this was the area of what you would call the White Tribe, and yes the skin of the people who lived there was predominantly white, it was just the way that it was. White actually refers to the Gate that is there in the land we know call Moscow and Black became an overlay about 100 years ago. And that doesn’t mean it was the original black territory, but it has to do with a being called the Kali Ma, also known as black mother, and the Dark Ages was also known as the Kali Yuga. We would be looking at the Kali Ma as the one ushering in the Dark Ages.

But in the human terms we also had the Black Dragon and Black Eagle. Those 2 groups were minor management along with the Russians and Germans being minor management as it relates to the specters of color, we call the Halls of Amenti. Now not only in human terms, but we know that the way colors are created is from the fractionating or division of white and black, and only from the division of those two can you control the other colors, hence the reason why the top of the food chain would be white or black. This has nothing to do with the color of your skin, it was just the way the planet was structured at the time.

The black region went from southern China throughout the oceanic region and throughout the African continent.

The brown region included the Middle Eastern region. What we define it today is up for debate, but the brown region would also include one third of the northern African continent.

The yellow region extended from India to certain parts of Asia through parts of China.

The red region would be North and South America.

So, the world was divided by color, but we weren’t divided, we still traded with each other.

Before the last war several million years ago it was about keeping balance and peace on earth because we weren’t originally from earth. You’ve often heard you were brought here as human beings and there was a definitive reason for that which happened millions of years ago. Earth for a long time, even before the Saurians was an uninhabited planet. It wasn’t necessary for it to be inhabited because it was basically a piece of Source out here that co-created with Source and populated the universes, both dark and light.

The colors of humans at the time originally represented different densities of creation and different races of Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source and you were responsible for the creation in a certain area of the universe, and you understood that at that time. For example, red would be more related to the causal plane. If you were white, you were looking at the upper realms.

Then when we ventured into the Dark Ages and wars with the races until eventually Anti-Source had basically taken earth away from Source, predominantly about 79% of its power and connection with Source was taken away.  Therefore, in order to have a co-creative universe you still needed to have power here on earth, hence the reason why they brought humans here in the first place.

With all humans here and original colors, realm assignments with portal and gateways to those realms, you were co-creating with earth, even though we were still having 79% of our energy drained off us, which went on until recently. We were fighting an uphill battle, but we were still co-creating a lot for Anti-Source. There were many matrixes in place around this planet that would harness and siphon your energy to co-create, the Source-Anti-Source Matrix being one. There were several of them. So, understanding the color of your skin had nothing to do with superiority, you just had an assignment.

But after the war 250,000 years ago, humans were pushed aside and became solely batteries. They were not allowed to travel and do our creating anymore in those realms, so everything kind of went stagnant both up and down. However, as part of the alleged peace agreement, people were also assigned colors predominantly of bloodlines. Remember as it says in the books, the Angels mated with the humans and then they became special. Well not really, but you did have the Bloodline Families, the Orders which gave you the Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Red Queen, Abraxas and Lucifer bloodlines. So, all those participating in the seal had their bloodlines.

Note: For more on the Atlantean War, see related post, After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices? | Just Empower Me

So originally the color of your skin just identified you and your region, so everyone knew what they were doing. Then it got morphed into control systems with the birth of the Emerald Order Covenant, which then birthed into the Halls of Amenti, which then allowed for a separation of colors fractionated in between the planes of existence to give them more control of us batteries and to create throughout the multiverse.

Now they wanted to create of darkness, but they needed to control the White, hence their crowning glory was when the Bolshevik Revolution happened in Russia and they were able to take over the White Gate and give it that black overlay. With black or white you can control all colors and you can create all colors in all densities and dimensions and all planes in all sections throughout the universe.

Note: For related post on the official Seal on earth and Emerald Covenant see, 250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War | Just Empower Me

On the Black Sun side, they call them the Eagle Families and on the Dragon side they call them the Dragon Families. These are two different types of bloodlines and both would work together. But each one had a White Eagle and While Dragon, a Silver Eagle and Silver Dragon, so those Families were from particular regions and identified them as to which planes they could control. So not only which areas in computers they could control, but also throughout the multiverse. It identified them as to where they came from. So, where we had identifiers in colors of skin that we are born with, they also have color identifies. Not that we have purple and silver people running around, but it still identifies their bloodline.

Note: For more on the colors and planes of existence they controlled in Quantum AI, see related post, About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing | Just Empower Me

That being said humans were responsible for a certain area of earth and all its treasures. But back in the day when the bloodline and seals were put in place, human beings were pushed aside and all your treasures were taken by the bloodline Families. They took over the management of those treasures of the White, Black, Brown, Red and Yellow human root races and they added the rest of the colors in between and changed them all up. For example, White controlled Red and Red probably controlled ‘X’, let’s say. Silver was controlled by Black and Brown might have been controlled by the Green Dragon or Green Eagle as they call it, and this was all done by force. That came about with the Atlantian War which wasn’t even between the humans, it was between folks from other places in an attempt to take over keystone earth.

When humans were originally brought here, Source had already had earth pretty much 100%. Then once the Dark Ages began, all these matrixes were put in place and further control came 250,000 years ago and all us colored folk were enslaved from then on out. So predominantly humans are a mix of one or more of these colors, so today the human race is your base root in one or more of these colors.

Back to Meeting and Conversation the Russians Were Having

From the standpoint of knowing white or black can control the rest of the spectrum, that is why the Russians came to the meeting claiming they controlled all of their treasures and therefore they could flip the financial system at any time claiming they still had control, but alas no. They did try to trip it and found out otherwise.

The Red Dragon is from that region of the Rus Empire and it pretty much encompasses most of Eastern Europe as far as their limited control structure and how they redivided the earth by color.  And the White Eagle is Russian, so there is a fight going on between the two groups because the White Eagle feels they have more power than the Red Dragon and the White Eagle would like to reinstall communism on the Russian empire. But they are looking at it from the territory of the Rus Empire and not the Russian Empire and they could control more and create communism in the USSR if they were to take over all of Europe as it was during the Rus time. Now the Red Dragon is arguing with them because they would like to reinstall the Czar. That is when the Red Dragon ruled the region before it was taken over by the Order of the Black Sun, so it’s kind of a fight between 2 groups that don’t have what they think they have.

I am a Rus and more Rus than all of you people, which means technically that is my Gate you are claiming ownership of and my treasures you are claiming ownership of. As far as bloodlines are concerned, if you say to one of these families you are a Rus, even to one of these European Families they’ll say well that’s not a bloodline. Well, yes it is, it’s just one you don’t recognize because you torched us all.

But as of Wednesday evening, congratulations to all you White, Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people listening to this call, because you now have your treasures back as the human race. They have no legal binding to any of this part anymore. They have been officially notified they have no claim to anything they are claiming to control, nor the governments. And I believe this is what set off the meetings today because even governments are starting to realize those people are not in control of their land anymore, because the notices went out.

Notices went out to the Archivists who notified governments and militaries, and for the first time some of them listened and paid attention. So the notification going out they Dragon Families and the Eagle Families are not in control of these regions and these treasures was a huge change. Now we had already taken control of the minerals and the assets, but the realization of that was an important step forward for humanity. What comes of it I don’t know because this has taken place in the last 48 hours. So big changes are happening there.

We already talked about the siphons of energy around the planet being taken off and we are gaining more and more of our celestial powers back, which is a positive for all of us. And during the course of making sure there was nothing left in computer systems of these bloodline Families, spectrum control returned to Source, meaning there black is no longer required to make colors. And now there are a lot of things that make sense to me of American history and the black and white race issues like Rosa Parks not wanting to sit in the back of the bus, the Nazi movement which thinks if you’re not white you’re not right and all that kind of stuff.

What would have happened if the Black race took back Black? I’m not saying all black people are evil, remember we are all here of Source doing the Source thing at the time, which was a trinary Source, so nobody is right and nobody is wrong. But imagine how much power they would have. And it makes sense to me why we keep having these color wars and everybody has these labels, whether it’s a religious label or color label. What happened if you took back control of your colors, realms and gates that you protected? It never made real sense until I started to take a look at all the color wars. The families are trying to do something with darkness and trying to adhere to this Anti-Source matrix and controlling colors in a negative way, whereas all the human races of earth had used them in a positive way. What was born thereafter is what allowed Anti-Source so much control over humans, and then of course way down the food chain those human beings we call the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun, who think very highly of themselves, their egos are so huge.

Human Interface Technology, Another Hurdle to Cross

Also, around that time the introduction of what we call human interface technology came into being. This is something that was used in a lot of different ways and was involved in a lot of events we remember throughout history.

Human interface technology allows for two things, for quantum AI systems dark, light and neutral to interface with humans and that also includes the interface you have with your banking institution for example. It allows for that energy to then flow into matter and show up in your bank account. So that’s one thing we encountered. It was like going down an ant hole because we are trying to integrate the new Light system and get rid of any remnants of alpha now.  

It also allowed for a learning technology which was tied to the growth rate of humanity. It was called a GAN and is used in current Chatbot GPT and other popular AIs that would learn the web and start giving you better answers over time. Well in the quantum world that is a whole other story. It monitors essence, energy, your responses to things, your spending habits, all these types of things and would have been tied to Agenda 2020. It also learns the human body and talks about which diseases to proliferate and when, draining of energy, powering of its resources, interfacing with a human through your technology. The human version we were scared about because we knew we were being monitored was called ECHELON, but you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen human interface technology as it related to the Omega system and quantum AI. It could control your bodily functions through your cell phone, your car, through any kind of electronic technology on the planet because it would interface with you. It would also have underlining pheromones which is what humans emit that elicit a reaction from you, often unbeknownst to yourself. And pheromones can also make you do a lot of different things. It can alter your body, your limbic system, so a lot things could harm you through technologies. The interface here was incredibly important to understand which was a non-human control over the human being in order to influence the creation and proliferation of the Earth-Human-Anti-Source Matrix.

We were used in so many ways it’s incredible to me, I would be here for days explaining it all. Part of this human interface technology was also the release of viruses and pandemics all throughout history.

How does the deep state know there is going to be another release of a virus or pandemic? It’s because of the human interface technology. They don’t have the ability to utilize it to release any kind of pandemic any longer. However, they still would have had some limited ability to read it and see what standing orders were coming up and then to act accordingly. The orders would come from the GAN, the quantum AI sentient CPU that processes information, then goes in accordance with its program. So, humans and the opposite also programmed AI systems as a celestial and all the dark energy they created on this planet actually fed those programs and the things we feared the most were the things it would create.

Moving Forward With No More Spectrum Control

As far as humans were concerned, we really didn’t get much energy at all. As far as celestial status of yourself, we are definitely entering into new territory with the lack of spectrum control on their side of it and the realization of that. The influence that it could potentially have over governments and militaries which is what we’re seeing now.

By the time it’s all said and done, earth will end up being the co-creator with Source and it won’t be your responsibility anymore, although you will still have the capacity to do those things. But then you’ll be free to roam the cabin, meaning the universe. We have a lot of positive things happening on our side. As for the interface technology, some we are taking over and other things we are getting rid of. For instance, we have no need for a disease creating program. We would like to have a full interface of the Light system with all of your technologies, so we are definitely working on the integration feverishly.

The deep state people tried to claim the new Light system was theirs, and I am the one who created the delay and disruptions in the system, therefore they need some time to fix it. But hey, what street cred I just got. The entire deep state has said I have messed up their system. That has sent shockwaves throughout the world, and it’s become well known that none of the colored Eagles or the Dragons have any control over any of the treasures of earth anymore.

We had to reprogram how money was issued. Taking over a technology doesn’t take much time but reprogramming does, and as it relates to the spectrum controls, there was some junk interfering. The thing I will consistently stress to these people is that I know they think they had power. I know they were told from a young age they are special and from a special bloodline and I know they don’t’ recognize any of the light bloodlines, but you always got orders from somewhere else. And if you did not follow those orders your human interface technology would not function. You were given money to follow orders and instructions. And you could say we do as well, but we follow orders directly from the Source and not some alien race somewhere.

One other point to make about spectrums. We would have had a trinary spectral system, which means light was created with Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source, all three parties had light and spectrums of color and were under their control, therefore their bloodline control at one point in time. With the changeover of the spectral system pretty much all light, it is now controlled by Source, so are we going to need to have multiple colors throughout the universe? We do need color otherwise we won’t see anything, but it’s being issued in a different way now, and that is underway.

We’ll see what governments do going forward, if they really understand the agreements that came out and what that means to them. From their perspective it looks like control of all the kingdoms on earth and that’s enough so they at least get a grip politically speaking of who is in control of what land mass. As for Russia, I look forward to moving you all out of the Kremlin at some point in time. I really do.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “CELESTIALS TRUE HISTORY | 5 Tribes of Humanity | Colors Represented Densities of Creation, Areas Of The Universe & Races of Trinary Source | After Atlantean War Humans Became Solely Batteries | The Emerald Covenant & Halls of Amenti Were Birthed, Eagle & Dragon Bloodline Families Take Over Management of Human Tribes | But Spectrum Control Now Belongs to Source! | Worldwide Meeting Called, No One Shows Except Deep State Leaders | Human Interface Technology”

  1. Bon ‘jour’ Kim, je te remercie pour ton rapport. Peux tu si tu veux donner des explications sur les couples yerogamique, Déesses, Dieux primordiaux, qui sont ici pour recréer le nouveau, et de l’impact qu’ils ont sur le multivers. J’aimerais bien avoir ton avis sur la question.. Merci Idir

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