This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Oh boy was Kim angry today. And she has every right to be. These insane psychopaths try yet again to formulate banking scams and when that didn’t work tried to setup Kim in such a way that she would have been forced to payout for WWIII and then would have been on the run for her life. Fortunately, she is way smarter than the imbeciles she is battling. I just wish Source would give her a break and take these nut jobs out and save her some trouble. They are never going to change.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Deep State tried more scams. Oh boy, here we go again. Kim provides some background we’ve heard before but it gives some context so we can better understand the scam the operatives keep falling for.
New Money Status Prior to Kim Taking Marduk’s Chair
Around Kim’s 35th birthday, five years before she would take hold of her position on her 40th birthday, Marduk lost access to the Alpha system in 2007. Therefore, everyone else lost access in 2007. This left the deep state in kind of a bind to say the least. They were not able to get any new money into the banking system from that point forward. After 2007 there was money still remaining in the Omega system which they still had access to. No new money was coming in but just limited amounts and that did not last long. Once that dried up Marduk came and found Kim which was in 2011. That is how long this scam has been running.
Marduk tried to convince Kim he was her boss and that she worked for him and had to do whatever he said. Well she underwent a whole learning process since then. But the Alpha system always belonged to Kim, it has always been her system and existed incarnation after incarnation after incarnation. And each time Kim just had to basically remember that. It is kind of like a giant jigsaw puzzle. We all have some memory of being here before. Now some people say they are a new soul, but that is completely untrue because we didn’t start having new souls until last year. So, unless you are under the age of 1 that is untrue. It has been about 3 million years since new souls were created and Kim talked about that before in the below post.
Note: See related post on the Progenitors, Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase | Just Empower Me
Going back to the story of the scam. Well, she had to try to figure it out, the Alpha system and this is relevant for the chaos she is about to tell us about.
When The Bilateral Joint Quantum System Was in Effect
Kim learned a lot from Marduk (who was not a human) until 2014. She learned a lot about the world and traveled the world and did a lot of different things. She tried to deposit money in the banking system several times and every time she tried to release a dollar the Omega system would get a dollar as well. If she pulled the money back in Alpha the Omega system would also have the money pulled back. This is how the Bilateral Joint Quantum System worked.
Now when you hear on the internet of the QFS they are referring to the Omega system and if you have been following Kim for a while you know that most of those agreements have expired. When money comes into the financial system now nothing goes into the Omega system and the Omega system has been disconnected from our computers not only in this density but everywhere. However, they can still see a remnant of something over there and they do try to use it to try to access the Alpha System through a backdoor. They are doing this constantly.
How Has the World Survived Without Any New Money?
So how has the world survived without any new money since 2007 with a few little billion-dollar transfers here, which Omega kept for a short period of time?
The 10 Year Extension to the Dark Side that Kim Regrets
To review again, about a year ago, around July 4th Kim showed us copies of old bills of exchange she had signed off on which then gave the Federal Reserve et al, the Rothschilds a 10-year extension. She has to keep an agreement that is made at this level, even if it is a mistake. By 2014 she had figured out it was a mistake, which was about two years after she did it.
Well, they ran out of that money and that collateral long before the 10 years had passed. However, The Rothschilds took all the money and all the gold that was there under their umbrella and then they delved it out like it was theirs. They created false closed loops in the banking system so they could see money, collateral, and gold until the 4th of July 2022 when Kim removed everything. She removed the collateral, and she told us all about it, and it is over.
Note: See related post on 10-year extension,10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me
Now they were not able to use that collateral or issue new money from that collateral the whole time. They only had that bucket of cash which in total was probably near a quadrillion. It was a lot of money that went into circulation at that time. So, it looked like they still had power, but it was an illusion.
New Money in Banking System Came When Trump Was in Office
Since the day they ran out, which was around 2016-2017 the only new money that has come into the banking system was several fundings to the US government when Trump was in office, which kept the illusion alive. Of course, they claimed they had done it and then Trump gained all this popularity because he gave operatives contracts and did all the things. So Marduk trickled that money into the banking system every single year until they ran out and he died in 2016. They probably lost access around that time too. Then all they had left were these false closed loops that were part of a connection between Omega and Alpha, until such time that the Joint AI Quantum System agreement expired which she also reported on.
Note: Below excerpt from related post, Covenants Expire, Annunaki Seals Lifting | We are Prisoners No More! | Queen of Hearts Toys with the Lonesome Losers | Just Empower Me

Scam 1 | Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Enables Rothschild to Concoct a Worldwide Banking Scam
When that agreement expired it was no longer dollar for dollar and no more closed loops appeared based on stuff Kim would do on her end of it. It was just a few things here and there until we did the Quantum Flip. Once the Quantum Flip happened, all they could see now was shadows. For example, if you are standing outside on a cloudy day and see something black moving across your feet there really is nothing there, but you can tell that there is probably a cloud in the sky and then you look for it and say oh there it is. It looks puffy and all but it is not real, it is just condensation. If you were to step on it you would fall into the Earth. This is the illusion they are seeing since the Quantum Flip. They see a cloud in the sky and are trying to grab it. They think it is money but it’s not, it’s not real. And these shadows are part of the cleanup, making sure all those things dissipate in order to fully integrate the system. They don’t cause any harm aside from giving off an illusion something is there that they can access.
Tried to Install Fake Cash Servers
Last Friday night they tried to install fake cash servers. They took old account numbers that used to exist in the off-ledger system at banks which was part of the old Omega banking system and then put in fake cash servers in every bank they could think of which gave the illusion that these banks had a lot of liquidity. Then they filed an offline agreement with all the banks that the Treasury Department now had custody instead of the Federal Reserve of said banks. So that gave an illusion that there was a lot of money at the Treasury Department.
Remember when Kim told us that if you have a bank account and this is worldwide, that we do not actually have money in it, we have a credit. The money never actually leaves the Federal Reserve, it stays there in every country on Earth and for every bank on Earth. That is what is changing. We are moving away from a credit-based system to an asset-based system where we the human being actually receives the cash, the M1 money in our account. That is the difference between what the Alpha Harmonic Genesis is doing versus the old Omega system. So, we never really had any cash.
Tried to Recreate the Fed Under the Control of the World Treasuries
Well, these people had the bright idea that they could recreate the Federal Reserve System but under the control of the Treasuries of the world. They could see at the World Bank there was a puffy cloud that looked like it had money in the name of the World Bank with a big amount and they could see it. Rothschild then perpetuated a scam to remain relevant to Umbrella Military Corporation, the Orsini Family (and she dropped that name on purpose), the 5 families of the Silent Circle they had a contract with, and several other people around the world and tried to then issue one big treasury note. The one big treasury note was against all the treasuries assets, which were all the banks of the world, with their fake servers, and their fake money. Then they were going to deposit said bond into the fake puffy cloud at the World Bank and then they thought all the liquidity and real money would come out. Except this was not real money. It only had digits floating in the sky, it was never real. But Rothschild portrayed to the world at the UN Meeting this was real. They made deals and they were shaking hands about all the money all the countries were getting from the World Bank, and all the operatives were happy.
Rothschild Lies Are Found Out & Panic Ensues
Friday night they go to touch the non-real cloud and it dissipates and then everyone is on full on panic and all the servers crashed at the same time. They were not actually in the banking system but on the side kind of with big digits on there just to prop up a balance sheet. It was kind of like something fake Trump just got indicted for yesterday actually, for propping up his balance sheet in order to build his real estate business. He gave false balance sheets to banks everywhere saying he had billions of dollars when really, he didn’t. But the Treasury Department apparently thought that was a good idea, in cooperation with the Umbrella Military Corp, the NSA, a bunch of operatives, and a lot of people. Well that all fell apart Friday night.
During Fiasco They Try and Make a Quick Recovery
There are other puffy clouds Kim has been getting rid of so there are all kinds of alleged closed loops with fake money in those and Rothschild is telling everyone they have access codes to all these accounts and it was enough to cause a lot of problems. Such as,
- The US is moving troops all over the Middle East right now because they believe they will have this money by Friday.
- Operatives are moving into locations like Durango, Colorado and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and other various Zones like Reno, Nevada thinking they are also going to get paid.
Bubble Burst Because Money Was Not Real
Well, that bubble burst this morning and the reason why it burst is because the Rothschilds, who know the money is not real and have no valid access codes made up an access code and gave it to all the banks and told them they can use them on Friday, the Harvest Moon. That was a lie of course but they promised it to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Russia, China, actually all the countries in the world. It was a global worldwide giant scam.
Scam 2 | Backup Plan Against Kim
Of course, they had a backup plan if that didn’t work which they were going to do was against Kim, and there was a lot happening behind the scenes of things that they planned to do regardless of whether they got this money.
Try to Repeat a Bush Sr. Play
Here is the scam, and Kim has told us about this same scam many times. Bush Sr. attempted to play it on her, as did Rothschild in the past, the Chinese, and the Taliban. Here is how the scam works this time:
- They were going to have all the operatives go to their respective locations and the Pentagon was to sign contracts for things like WWIII and assassinations. They even tried to call the Silent Circle to see if they wanted contracts for assassinations of some prominent Middle East figures to get this religious war going.
- A person Kim knows personally, but not face to face, they have talked by phone for several months, who also has a relationship with the people around her in the Safety Zone was planning on going to one of these respective locations (not Durango at first) to collect the money for the contracts he has for getting WWIII going. He thinks he is going to make billions and billions.
- Then the chatter she got last night was of panic because there was another round of fake servers that crashed and burned last night. Evidently another round of trying to access false puffy cloud accounts (and these are not computer clouds so do not confuse the two) did not work out because they are shadows, like dust.
- So, then they came up with a plan to involve a dear friend of this person Kim knows, who talks to Rothschild directly. Rothschild then instructed this person to tell the one Kim knows to sign all the contracts and do all the bad things that we do not want, like shutting us all down again etc., and then he was to tell all the operatives the money is coming from Kim!
What would have happened if Kim did not broadcast this now and on that person’s phone?
- They would have then ordered that person to come to Durango and tell Kim that she has to fund all these contracts or the Rothschilds were going to blame her for them not getting their money.
- Then she would be forced to give them money again just like she did in 2012 and the number would have been enormous, far greater than the collective total for a world war and what these contracts would have cost, and the ball would start rolling.
- Now the threat comes. They would have told the locals that if they wanted to get paid on their contracts then Kim would have to be excommunicated from there. They would not want her to be there, that would be a condition because now they would be in control of the money.
- Unbeknownst to this person who showed up in Durango with all the contracts, he would have recommitted all the operatives in the world to the Rothschild family to do their bidding. Right now, they are not committed, and that includes the locals in Durango.
- Then once they got this ridiculously enormous amount, they would have put a contract out for Kim’s life. Then she would have been like an episode of John Wick 3 where he gets excommunicated and is on the run and has to call in markers and favors in order to stay alive.
- And another life was in danger, Tom Melville who is married with three children has been doing a lot of work with Kim for years now. Well, a bunch of people called him and asked him to please call in his markers. Tom has been in the agency world for a long time, long before he ever met Kim. He has a past and he has done a lot of work and has a lot of favors coming to him. So, they all tried to get him to give them all his markers. Why? Well, if you’ve seen John Wick 3, you know how he stayed alive, he cashed in all those markers. So, the next contract that would have gone out would have been for Tom because Tom tells way too much truth to way too many people at the Pentagon, Congress, Langley, you name it.
All of this cumulated this morning and now everybody knows there is no money coming Friday so the panic is now insane.
Rothschild is still lying saying they always got the money through before and it will come again
Kim said she would rather do business with the mafia than these Illuminati family people because at least they have some kind of moral code.
- But she showed all the copies of the papers she showed us before to prove they have not gotten any money in the system since 2007.
- The next rumor they started circulating is that Kim took over Marduk’s position therefore she is responsible for feeding all his people. That is not how this works of course because we are under new management which is Kim and Marduk is gone from the multiverse. The world has changed in so many ways. They should go back and find out how much has changed in the last 6 months to a year to understand that.
- And Kim does not even talk to any of those people because they refuse to talk to her, yet she is supposed to ‘feed’ them? If they ever ignored Marduk and didn’t follow an order to a ‘T’ they would be dead. And those orders they just got are not even her orders so that is baloney! She does not even know what the orders are, she can only speculate based on chatter in the intelligence agencies. But she can promise them that her orders are not WWIII! She emphasized how important it is that she says this on the news, that this information gets out because this does affect us.
If Kim didn’t find out about this scam and all their plans this morning, she wouldn’t be here talking to us in a week’s time. Not only would she be on the run or dead, but if you live in the Middle East, you wouldn’t be here talking in a week’s time and if you live in the United States you should prepare for death too. —To the operatives, all the evil wingnuts out there if you think Kim going to participate in this you’ve lost your minds! She will absolutely not participate!
Kim has had this scam already played on her many times and she alerted all the people who were unknowingly, technically involved and now she is alerting all of us. Then she had to prove to all these people it wasn’t Rothschild since 2012 who gave out the money, it was her. The market crashed in 2008 because there was no money coming into the system, the economy was faltering. Remember what happened during the Obama Admin? It was not until 2012 that we started recovering from this. So, to the evil imbeciles you should know now it always was Kim since that time! —But she will never do that again! You can send anyone you want to Durango to threaten her life, but it is never happening again!
So, when she told us they didn’t have money for the next pandemic, this is the scam they came up with to pay for it.
Umbrella Military Corp | Oct 4th EBS & Their Plan to Kill Everyone in the US
I assume this is part of the WWIII plans they were trying to get done regardless of getting any money.
Umbrella Military Corp was very upset they are not getting to kill everyone with their Emergency Broadcast System plan. They convinced the US Navy to give them protection because they were ‘scared’ of the Rothschilds because they didn’t complete their Rothschild contract. But isn’t everyone on that side fighting against the Kazazian mafia, or so they think? Yeah right, they offered them protection for god’s sake, 8ft down under Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
But protection was not the real reason, that was just the story. These people lie to each other, stab each other in the back and Kim said trying to do business with governments is the same. In any case Umbrella Military really wanted passage down to that facility under Fort Bragg in North Carolina because they thought they could fire up some old frequency machines that were left there by the ‘Others-Non-Humans’ when they worked together. And they had every intention of connecting this to the FEMA EBS test that is supposed to be on Oct 4th at 2:20 pm EST. Then they were supposed to try and connect all the US states EBS systems together to send us some nasty frequencies and nasty diseases through our cell phones and electronics.
That facility no longer exists nor do any of the Umbrella Military people who were in that facility. And if anyone else wants to try it Kim said go ahead. She guarantees you won’t survive 24 hours. We are not on that program and she is not playing with you people anymore. If she has to kill 500 hundred million people to get rid all of your damn bloodlines, she will do it! So do not test her. You were ‘scared out of your wits’ of the person who used to sit in her chair and you should still be scared! And don’t you dare come after me, you bunch of idiots.
Hacking Continues Because There is Always a Possibility Friday is Pay Day
Right now, everyone is hacking trying to touch clouds by Friday and trying to see if accounts are still there. They are trying to re-setup fake servers to fake out operatives to pretend they are going to get some money. They are trying to keep the illusion alive, so Kim has been circulating the bonds she did back in 2012 and everything everywhere because they are not doing it this time!
The world is going to change, so get used to it! We are going to change it together but let her take out the trash, that is not our job. She just sends them back to Source and lets him sort them out because that’s not her job.
Kim Addresses the Imbeciles
By the way she was pretty darn angry during this broadcast and who can blame her. I still don’t know how she endures. But here are some final words she had for the wingnuts.
They can go do their baby eating thing for the Harvest Moon tomorrow and she really hopes they gather all in one location, it makes her life easier. And the only thing happening on Friday will be a government shutdown and that will be every government in the world because you people keep believing lies when she has given you truth after truth. They even verify everything she says and does. She has not lied once to any of them ever. When she says she is going to do something she does it.
Kim reminded these evil lunatics that she is not new to the game, she has been playing it a very long time and she has the Key Intelligence and Military System too, so get used to it. And if it is not Kim in this chair, well she knows who is next and trust her they are ready. There are 4,500 of us (Melchizadeks) on this planet and you have to get us all, but remember there are consequences to that aren’t there? So, choose wisely, not that you ever have before.
So now your governments will burn to the ground because you have been lied to by old Luciferian Order members who just refuse to give up power over you, over the world, over the operatives, militaries worldwide. They don’t even have power! They will never have that kind of money ever again! They will never have that kind of access again! Pull your heads out of your ass if you want to save your country and move! Make a damn decision and make it now!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thanks Kim
Youre awesome ❤️
Since humanity participated in the creation of parasites, it has the right to destroy them.
Since humanity participated in the creation of parasites, it has the right to destroy them.
Так как человечество участвовало в создание паразитов, то оно имеет право истребит их.
Thanks Pjz, Kim, the Mechizediks and GOD!