This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. This broadcast was quite disturbing to say the least. Darkness was coming back at a rapid rate according the gauge that measures that. Kim was on an expedition which led her to some very disturbing discoveries, the heavy hitters, the demons were back because they had the ability to split themselves and exist autonomously. But they prefer to inhabit a human because they can grow faster that way. Needless to say, Kim and team were working hard on damage control. So you will notice I have downgraded the fake assassination of fake Trump as a topic worth discussing. Frankly I just don’t care. However, Kim did give an extensive account pointing out all the flaws, however, she doesn’t much care either.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

15-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (
Fake Assassination of Fake Trump
Like I said, the first part of the broadcast Kim points out so many flaws with this pathetic movie. We know it’s all staged, Kim has been reporting the chatter over the last several weeks which included plans for an alleged assassination attempt during his Pennsylvania rally. The only thing I am including is the tweet she shared that went out in multiple places, through the Q people, Rumor Mill News, and VAL THOR below, who evidently posts everything about the currency reset. In my opinion this tweet tells us all we need to know. It confirms the Q-Duck Dynasty-SSP evil psychopaths planned and produced this movie to raise money and keep the sheep focused on people who are dead. And when you finish reading this post, which covers the second hour of her Situation Report you too will understand why that was barely worth mentioning. This report is quite disturbing to say the least. There were much bigger problems going on this weekend that we should be cognizant of, at least in my opinion.

The same tweet was sent out on Rumor Mill News. See, (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 15 JULY 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) (
More Dark Matter Started Coming In Than Leaving
Starting Thursday night energetically wise it was probably one of the worse weekends I had in months, at least since a lot of the change overs. On Friday we were seeing another two steps back. Not that anyone got into our system, that’s all safe, but I mean it looked like more dark matter was coming in than going out. When the gauge goes from 98-99% and then goes down to 70%, it tells me either something is about the ‘throw up’ as I call it, or there are some standing orders from the past which starts creating things for the future.
So, I’m watching where these deep state people are going and looking for the consciousness and well, you have to be careful what you wish for. I mean I’m glad it happened, that I found it, but oh boy. Anyway, we had to roll with it.
Suspicious Activity Under the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
The first thing I caught was a lot of people at the Mercantile Exchange in Chicago. It looked like they were doing a maneuver that was similar to an event that had occurred prior to 911. Vans and unmarked cars were going in and out underneath the Mercantile Exchange. Well, this situation identified a potential location where I thought we were going to have another 911 moment. And I’m saying it in case they are still planning on it because there are two more events planned this week and I haven’t quite figured out what they are other than some esoteric things we’ll be talking about in a minute. But they are moving in equipment that had been given to them by the Abraxas for a time. And they thought the ‘big event’ that would happen this week was a financial system takeover and this kind of stuff. I’m beginning to think these SSP Q people running that crazy train aren’t the most stupid people on the planet but they are the evilest, and there is a definitive reason for that.
The Mercantile Exchange led us to a few other locations, to Maine, Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, the National Park in Albania, Medieval tomb stones in Stolac (Stećak necropolis Radimlja), Kazakhstan, Turkestan, Kalispell, Montana, Afghanistan, and Miramar. We went to a lot of grave sites and some of the places these people were there looking for more things and at some places they were not.
Deep State Was Expecting An Event That Hadn’t Happened in 250,000 Years
Underneath these locations (not the Chicago Mercantile Exchange) there was some large machines, and the chatter from the people working in there, most who were scientists, was that this was like an event that hadn’t happened for thousands of years.
Well I’ve since discovered, the last time this happened was 250,000 years ago and it’s what gave the 6 owners of earth an extension of 250,000 years. We were supposed to be out of the Dark Age 250,000 years ago and this repeat event was meant to set us back again.
Relates to The Beings Who Could Do a Consciousness Transfer Which Included Demons
Consciousness transfer isn’t just for consciousness. Some beings in the multiverse were allowed to do a full being split, kind of like a starfish does. If a starfish gets one of its legs cut off it will grow another leg. And from the leg that was cut off it will grow a whole other starfish. Well, there were some beings in the multiverse that had permission to do the same and the same they actually did.
Some of those beings were Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Anu, Lucifer, and some demons which we will go over in a minute. So there were large pockets of beings without shape or form, which is the best way I can describe it. It has all the characteristics of the being, and does have physical matter to it. If you are sensitive or very connected and might be able to see Tarzakiens, those smokey beings that look like moving shadows, well these things are much more dense and much larger. The Tarzakiens looked the way they looked because they were 8th density lower astral beings, so they were etheric.
In any case, these folks were allowed to do that to some degree, meaning they could occupy multiple spaces at the same time. The only one that was different from that particular group would have been Lucifer.
The Return of the Demons
Lucifer and some other demons, like Baal, Belial, Baphomet, Asmodeus, Andromalius, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astaroth, and Azazael had the ability to split like a starfish. So, we call them demons on the one hand and on the other hand we call them demon-lettes, for lack of a better term because I don’t know what to call them, so demon-lettes would be those demons that grew out of the leg that was cutoff of the starfish. But they grew into an entire demon.
These beings could inhabit a human being. They could inhabit beings anywhere up to the sixth density. They could act alone and not even be in a human, they just don’t grow as fast. So being in a human and having that energy source allows them to grow faster. They of course try to make deals all the time and sometimes people with egos buy it. A person can allow to be inhabited by one of these beings and therefore you become part of ‘it’. It’s like a way to have your very own Baal collective consciousness, so to speak.
Note: Related posts Demons:
1. Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me
2. After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices? | Just Empower Me
3. Historically July 4th is Alien Invasion Day | What is Really Happening in France? Watch Netflix Movie Athena, the Operatives Manual | In Exchange For Returning Kim’s Rod (Star Maker/Star Breaker) & Orb With Light Essence, The Order Wants Kim to Renew Agreement Held in Ancient Cryptex | Not Necessary, Source Can Make More! | More Important is Ensuring Astaroth, the First Anti-life Progenitor in Stasis at Lowest Level is No More! | What 10 Days of Darkness Really Means | Super Moon Positive Update | Fed Deadline Arrived June 30th at Midnight, Asset Seizing Has Begun! | Just Empower Me
It could also inhabit a planet and have influence on the creation or destruction of that planet. It will also have a computer program attached to it for every single soul that it splits off. Now these beings are old and have been around for billions of years, this is not new. Imagine how many little starfish-lettes they made in this timeframe, it’s an awful lot.
Now don’t pass out, but it turns out 25% of the people on this planet have a soul-ette from one of these beings.
Sunny: Omg. Would they know it?
Yes, they would absolutely know it. Remember when we spoke to Agent M and he was talking about his discussions with Mayer Rothschild? He describes what it is like talking to one of these people and it’s almost like talking to two different people. And once you make yourself available to these beings, then the next step is anyone can walk in.
Why Black Magic is Done At Night
The next part that is interesting, and probably is the reason why people think of black magic being done at night or on holidays, which is true to some degree. After sunset the soul can leave the person it’s in and exist out in the world, and that’s when they do their work, and it’s always night somewhere in the world. And they work not for that person they inhabited, but for the demon that sent them into that person. However, they are promised a certain amount of power and control for having this demon up in there.
Agent M’s Experience With Lucifer
So, he said Lucifer doesn’t mean anything to me, this was Agent M of course. He was trying to sell him because it’s all about getting people to buy so that you too can become a starfish-lette. I don’t know what to call these things other than that. But he said his voice immediately changed and he even said, I am Lucifer, and he started to tell him things about himself that nobody would actually know. It’s not like there is an intelligence file on Lucifer. But these are things they try, to hit your button so you go down so to speak. It’s the same thing that I felt with Marduk, what is it that you desire. They are always trying to sell you something and it usually comes in the following flavors. There is control over your own soul and there is also a soul influencing.
Demon Baal
You can control souls it says, you can collateralize those souls, you can get other people to sell their souls to us and we will make a deal. In this case, you are probably talking to Baal, the controller of frequency, the controller of the sound of silence. Everybody thinks about these tones for positive and negative and a lot of that would come from Baal. With frequency you can manipulate matter on an etherical level that will eventually influence your physical person. But it’s mainly used for etherical changes in your body. You feel it as a spiritual change sometimes if they are positive frequencies. But this goes in the opposite direction. It was a lot of power to manipulate the way things work in the world because everything has an etherical control, it’s one of the highest planes. You can change someone’s mind and do things like inception.
My last run in with Baal and Baal-lettes was when things started changing, it was Feb of 2020. He was basically telling me all the wars he helped start, all the leaders he tore down, all the changes he made in the world. I felt like I was watching an infomercial because he was offering me all kinds of stuff and I said, no thank you I got this.
But I didn’t really run into the rest of these demons, at least as far as I know until the last 3-4 days. At the same time the Q people were talking about the quantum flip is happening and the increase of dark matter was happening. So, who was doing the increasing and where was it coming from. That was the frustration you were hearing in my voice on Friday.
It turns out all these beings and demons and their consciousness and consciousness-lettes, which many look just like the original because they’ve been up in there so long could infect not only human beings on earth but throughout the multiverse, so it’s a lot of people that had an infection.
Demon Beelzebub
The one I found the most interesting was Beelzebub. His main presence here on earth was in Mount Kuhgrat in Lichtenstein. He actually refers to himself as the ‘Lord of Lords’ and ‘King of Kings’. He called himself the Kingmaker, the controller of Governments and the Dragon Family Members. His sector was the power center. According to him, he was equal to Lucifer in power, and he tried to sell me a lot of stuff. He said you can be the Queen of any country you want. I can give you governments, all you have to do is take this up in your body. I said Oh, No, off you go. This offer was just 24 hours ago and these are some of the interesting conversations that we had.
Demon Azazael
Another one you’ll find interesting is Azazael. He had a few different charges on this planet. He was the controller of knowledge and I know that because when I went to Stonehenge in England where he was, he tried to tell me he would give me knowledge beyond my wildest dreams.
The second thing Azazael controlled was money. In the system there was a program tied to him for what we call money, but it’s really debt, and the more of it you have, the more of a potential connection that you had to Azazael. It was dastardly and these are part of the curses that were on money. Now those banksters on the highest level of course probably have all agreed to this second oath. This is how you got to 25% being infected and we’re talking about your high-level bankers of course, not your tellers or that kind of thing.
So it’s very interesting how demons tried to make a deal, they tried to negotiate.
Demon Mammon
Others tried to fight like Mammon, who happened to be in the ruins of Hatra, Iraq. He promised me he was going to reign in hell and you’re going to get this and that.
Interaction Exchange With These Demons Was Via the Language of the Universe
Sunny: So how was this communicated, this interaction. Was it telepathic?
There is one language that is the base root language for the entire universe. It is a light language. It is a series of frequencies that are spoken. It’s the same language that is spoken by those up near where Source is and it’s the same language they speak all the way down. It’s more of a frequency kind of thing. But if you don’t speak that language then 99% of the time your communications between other races or beings is done telepathically. So even if you are standing face to face 99% is still telepathic. Everybody speaks telepathically. We are probably the only folks in the entire multiverse that do not. Some of us do but most of us here on earth do not, and we have been prevented from doing so probably for that reason.
Main Locations of these Demons Were Found
So we spent most of Saturday and Sunday cleaning up messes where there were little Marduk-lettes, Enki-lettes, Enlil-lettes, Artemis-lettes, and the Abraxas-lettes which were in a few places.
Sunny: Is there still a central being connected to all those?
Yesterday it was all about finding the main locations on earth and we did find the main locations for each of them. Then we found the main locations in the solar system because they were in other locations as well. Then we looked down into the lower astral and then into computer programs because each one had a piece of omega which allowed them to replicate themselves as well as control themselves in all these locations. There was a place for standing orders, not only for the ones that were inhabited but also for the ones that were not inhabited because they too could still make decisions and these things were able to create.
So why did some of the deep state think we were having an event on a certain day and we’d have a change or a flip?
Because they have one of these beings up in them. Just like your fingers talks to your brain and vice-versa. Their being could be up in the 6th density, here on earth, in a little tiny crystal or a soul prism in the middle of space somewhere, anywhere in the multiverse.
Getting the Main Demon Beings Hopefully Solves the Problem
The theory was if we get the main beings perhaps that will solve the problem with the rest of them. Hopefully that will work. And in the last 12 hours I’ve see a lot of glitching and an enormous amount of backlash, and I mean enormous. Part of the reason why I didn’t sleep last night is because we almost lost Agent M. Then within a couple of hours of that, I started having troubles and I had to go and search out what we were looking for here.
Was there a disturbing feeling for the rest of being-lettes after we found the main being? Well, if I cut your fingers off, your brain is going to be disturbed, your eyes, your body, your neurological system will feel an enormous amount of pain throughout your body. And it wasn’t long after we cut off the main part that everything else started to fight. The little ones of these beings started coming out of the woodwork. Do they have the ability to jump still? Yes, because they are a being onto themselves and they can grow another starfish. They are autonomous, so they can act as a team or they can act alone.
Next Round Involved Cleanup to Return them to Source
The next round started around midnight last night where we now had to clean them up. So, you have to create something so they all go back to Source and let Source sort them out, because it didn’t appear they were going to stop. But the ones that were 100% infected with something or another, meaning they have nothing left of their own soul, they have nothing left of their own being are feeling the most amount of pain. These would be your bloodline Families and your bankers as an example.
There are others here that offer power, that kind of thing and if you read up on these different beings we’re talking about, some control that music. So, it’s no surprise reports that famous people are disappearing. And when their contract was up, they are completely gone. Soul contracts are a real thing. And 3 tried to get me to enter into something with them which is an absolute No from me.
Sunny: over the last few days a few celebrities passed away. Shannon Doherty, Richard Simmons, Dr. Ruth. Do you think this is somehow connected?
You never know with these people. And I’m assuming not everyone in the intelligence agencies were infected. There are some regular people who work there. That being said, they still have those mask making factories, so will they see who needs to still stay around, who is useful to them? There is also the demon Andromalius who was in control of the physical plane. Could he make another person? Could they make them look as if they are same person if they need to keep them around? Maybe, but I don’t know.
Machines Capable of Ripping the Light Fabric of Reality to Create Voids for Darkness
Another interesting thing that happened on Saturday that had to do with many machines that were firing until we found them. You may have felt out of sorts, disconnected, out of reality. I heard a lot of reports around that because these machines are capable of ripping the fabric of reality to create voids in between space in our light fabric of reality, in order to let darkness creep in and then multiply.
The darkness put in there could be controlled by any one of the demons. So, when we say 25% are not people anymore, or they have demons going in and out of a person, 80% of the overall 25% got infected in just the last 24-48 hours by these machines. Therefore, 25% of the population had the fabric of reality separated, hence they were ripe for one of these guys to come in and put an implant in there.
Now things these demons have influence over are the etherical plane, mental plane, etc. Where is the consent one would say? But what is consent? Receiving money? Is that consent? It’s tricky with these demons.
Status of the Trash Removal & Can they Come Back?
We worked hard to reverse that out and get the main beings responsible. Did we get them all? I’m not sure yet. We’re still working on that. But if it is completely gone back to Source and none of its demon-lettes are left out there, I don’t think they will come back, not without the permission of Source. So, I don’t think that’s going to happen because there is no Anti-Source to give permission, their ship has sailed. And trying to trick the trigger to set us back 250,000 years is also not a permitted thing.
It’s been painful, but I guess all in its time.
I want to point out something for you, so you know how they do what they do.
When I was approached by Beelzebub, the song that was playing at the time was Halleluiah, because they try to convince you there is something positive to be gained. It’s not the version of Halleluiah that is positive though, and the interesting part was he was pointing out the fact that billions in the world are talking about him. Of course people think they are singing about Jesus, but we know they invert everything, so when you refer to the King of Kings it means Beelzebub apparently.
Demons LOVE When We Celebrate the Death of Any Light Being by Mourning
We talked about this around Easter and we’re going to talk about it again, because in the Islamic world right now they are celebrating a holiday called Ashura, at least the Shiite Muslims do. Basically, its mourning for 40 days, and how they celebrate is almost like shaming or guilt for themselves, for not being there when they murdered the grandchildren of Mohammad. It’s kind of like what the Catholic extremists do when they carry the cross on their back during Easter time to feel the pain of Jesus. These Muslims are doing much the same thing. But these emotions and celebrating the death of a light being of any sort on this planet is basically what is causing some of the major disruption, because the demons and demon-lettes love it.
Now one of the Beelzebub creatures that was in a man also had thousands in different countries all over the Middle East using his power in the worship of death of the light, to propel their black magic and grow the demon-lettes so they could grow fully and inhabit everybody on the planet. And the same thing happens during Easter, a lot of people collectively worship death by mourning or celebrating a death that happened thousands of years ago. Albeit you are sad but you are still focusing your attention on death.
Sunny: Does this tie into the alleged assassination attempt? Because I’m having flashbacks of 911. They take these images and show them constantly and it feels like there is a tie in.
Yes, it’s all connected and I’m going to take this one step deeper so you can understand how you can be manipulated and how you can avoid that.
We Are Reconnecting to the Soul Plane, Hence Events Planned to Keep Your Attention in the 3rd Density
The thing that has been happening for the last couple of weeks is we are reconnecting to the soul plane; we are connecting to our real records. You can access those types of things. So when events happen here in the 3rd density, all your attention goes from doing the wild wonders and amazing things that humans can do, right down to a 3D level. And if you are way down here you can’t be up there at the same time, well most people can’t. And it’s preventing you from accessing all the wonders that are accessible to you and available to you. And it takes all these people walking into a church/temple/mosque away from asking God for the things they want, focusing on the needs of their families and thanking God for all you have, etc. to focusing you on death, for 40 days in some cases.
It’s okay to feel there was a person in history whose life you want to celebrate. That’s different. But mourning every year? I wouldn’t my child to mourn over me, I would want her to celebrate.
Sunny: And when people where a crucifix with Jesus hanging from a cross, that’s pretty rough.
Exactly. Whether you know it or not you’re walking around with a guy who did some pretty cool stuff here, but you’re walking around with him dead. It’s like having a necklace made of a car crash if one of your family members died in a car crash.
It’s really meant to drag you down lower, it keeps you looking in the 3D for what’s to happen next. Crazy things were happening, yes, but everything is okay. You’d be surprised what you personally can achieve when you have a connection to that plane or any of the ones in between, you’ll have a better understanding of yourself and those around you. It’s that connection that will help you understand yourself and your power and the next phase of what is going to happen. So don’t let it drag you down in the hot mess that is out there. And it’s a hot mess out there, everyone is going to be talking about it. This Trump movie is just another martyrdom act and they are just trying to raise some money. But I can’t help but think they might have struck a nerve with veterans, because anyone who has seen someone get shot knows there is not enough blood there. I don’t really care, I looked at it and laughed.
And how unimportant is that hot mess is after finding out about the return of the demons?
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Dear God what next! Round and round we go. What can Kim dream up next to prolong this never-ending saga? If those who oppose her restoration plan are considered legitimate targets, why hasn’t she wiped out the Deep State long ago? She has “other” resources to call on, including the Universal Council. Or has she made it all up?
Now, there is a large-scale internet outage all over the world (mainly in Western countries) and the screen is blue. On Windows. Is this your strategy? I am Japanese. My PC is fine.
Bonjour Pamela, j’aimerais savoir si tu communique avec Kim, car j’aimerais communiquer avec elle, si c’est possible bien sûr. Je suis en France, dans le sud de la France. Si tu veux me répondre tu as mon adresse mail, merci d’avance. Salutations Idir
Bonjour. Ou est ne Kim s’il vous plait et d’ou vient elle. Peut on connaitre sa date de naissance. ?
A t’elle entendu parler des Tvish.. ?Merci.
Bonjour. Ou est nee Kim s’il vous plait et d’ou vient elle. ? Peut-on connaître sa date de naissance. ?
A t’elle entendu parler des Tvish.. ?
nota excusez moi, je ne m’etais pas relu.