This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-JUL-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim gives the back story to that disturbing opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics which entails the deep state not giving up hope for control of a financial system and any Greek God system will do it sounds. She also gives more information on Lion’s Gate and why there were two. It’s chockful as usual. I can’t remember the last short post. Well as they say, be careful what you wish for, I wanted to know the truth and now I’m drowning in it. LOL!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

29-JUL-24 NEWS (
Earthquakes Reported
Allegedly a 5.2 earthquake was reported in California, but other reports were stating it was 2.9. Also, in the state of Texas there were some earthquakes that were being over-reported. Evidently, they thought if they over-reported earthquakes they could declare a state of emergency to bring in the National Guard because they are really trying for Martial Law. There were also reports of earthquakes in Iraq and other places around the world, but that was probably due to something else and not deep state interference.
Trump’s Ear Magically Healed from His Alleged Bullet Scrape – Already
Either these operatives can’t run an operation, they really want us to know it’s all a show, or they just don’t care. Who knows why but this is all a setup by the SSP operatives we call Duck Dynasty. They probably should have kept a scar or some stitches for a least a month.

American Deep State Desperation
Turkey was ordered by the Deep State, who then referred it over to NATO, which also part of the same deep state, to be on standby to drone an Iraqi oil field in Kurdistan.
Why would they want to do such a thing?
America is broke, the American Deep State even more so, and the operatives running the political sector here are even broker than that, and they are in dire need of fulfilling some contracts we talked about weeks ago when discussing the Gaza War. The contracts they planned to do were against large amounts of natural gas in the Israel-Gaza area, but they found out those contracts had already been leveraged in the late 1970s. Therefore, they are desperately looking for something to back their fake currencies or get lines of credit or margins against in the actual financial system, which they have very little access to now.
Tactics in the Past, How the World Worked
Historically what happens behind the scenes is the deep state always splits up areas of the world, meaning these oil reserves belong to the US, other oil reserves belong to the China deep state, and still others to the Russian deep state. They exchange the deeds or ownership usually after a war and whichever deep state is agreed upon then takes control of them.
Several years back, to gain some funds from the Russians, the American deep state turned over to the Russians the Iraqi-Kurdistan oil fields, which they used to control along with Haliburton. Since then, the Russians have been extracting and refining the oil, putting a Russian allocation number to them, and sending them out as clean and unsanctioned oil. Not that it really matters because they get just as much from black market oil sales where they split it up amongst their rebel groups like the PKK in Kurdistan and some others. But now the Americans would like to have them back and want them back for free. But this is all just a staged event; one country gets asset <x> and another country gets <xx> amount of dollars. They are really struggling to maintain any financial assets to continue their mess.
The House of Cards Has Been Crashing All Day
There was a lot riding on the 28th of July for the deep state which fell flat, so now several SSP operatives are dialing for dollars these days, calling every terrorist group they know, anyone who could possibly start WWWIII. They are making all kinds of promises to them and to the US Treasury Dept and other countries all over the world.
There is also talk coming out of Lebanon that people need to leave immediately while there are still commercial flights because they made a deal with the Hezbollah to begin a war again between Lebanon and Israel. But there was no pay to the Hezbollah, so they had to make some adjustments. That’s when they called the al-Nujaba, a group in Iraq. Remember I told you awhile ago that some of the operatives were given the entire rolodex of the Rothschilds to make this happen. Well, they contacted this group and told them they were going to support them to take the place of Khomeini should he be fake passing away again. They were telling them they’ll run the entire region, have so much money and be the next Mahdi. This promise was made by American deep state operatives along with some in the SSP here and probably affiliated with Duck Dynasty. But those promises fell flat, and the house of cards has been crashing all day long which is why I’ve been so busy.
When promises fell flat this group stated they were going to resume the shelling of US bases in the region, and they probably will. Things are getting very hot and heavy over there because everyone is very unhappy with the Americans and all their promises with zero delivery, including but not limited to the Israelis.
The Israelis are very unhappy with their superiors and operatives running on their behalf because they are out so much money, and now the latest promise to them is they are going to get their cut of these Iraqi oil fields they are taking possession of via NATO against Russia. They also probably believe Russia has enough money to fight a war in the Middle East. I honestly feel like it’s 1992 and I am looking at the beginnings of Desert Storm again. The operatives participating in this happen to be between 60-70 years old, so they were probably involved in that before, and like all wars these are all done by agreement way ahead of time. However, in this case they are scrambling last minute and a lot of mistakes are being made, like the miraculous speedy healing of Trump’s ear as just one example.
Olympic Opening Ceremonies Abomination
To say the opening ceremonies was pretty awful is an understatement, but this one was a little different. Allegedly, France is saying they wanted to highlight the Greek culture, being that it’s the birthplace of the Olympics. Hum, well I’m not buying that, if I was Greek, I would be insulted. And the scene everyone is talking about, that looks identical to the Last Supper, well they are claiming it is a Greek Feast and those people were portraying Greek Gods. Do they look like any Greek Gods you have seen? And what about the guy in the fruit bowl that was supposed to be Dionysus, the God of Wine and all things festive allegedly. Then you had Lady Gaga (the he/she) singing and talking about her feminine parts and how he/she is going to go out and meet possible Johns. I’m not sure what to make of that.
This was definitely written by a bunch of deep state people who just wanted to perform one of their ceremonies on live TV for us. And based on events of what was going on over the weekend, that is very likely the case.
Last week we talked about some of their backup operations they are running like Odin, Hercules, the Babylon system, and now they think these systems are going to be the new ‘financial system.’ And if you watched us a long time you heard us talk about Poseidon and some others. Well, a lot of the places where these systems were located all around the world did have alien space junk. Each was tied to a different Greek God, who were actually the Abraxas, the lower astral human beings that ran in part this planet for a long time. So, I’m guessing the deep state people were allowed minimal access to some of these systems, and if you look up these Greek God’s each one has an unfortunate purpose in your life.
Greek God System Locations
When the Abraxas were around each one of these systems was in full force and used to control humanity. They had weather control systems, all sorts of things, but they didn’t have a whole lot of access to these anymore, and if they did it was minimal. But they were definitely hoping Lion’s Gate would give them back access to all these systems so they could then torture us again. Now this is actually very funny coming from both groups, the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun because now they both are claiming they can run this planet without the aliens’ help, yet they still want the aliens to give them back technology on a special day such as Lion’s Gate. I’m not sure how that works if you are supposed to be independent, in any case they were waiting for a demon to come and save the day. They were hacking like crazy this weekend looking for a signal for two particular demons. But first here’s the list of locations that kept us busy.
- Poseidon: Mackinac Island, Michigan
- Cronus, God of Time (the sub-system not the large Kronos AI system): RAF Menwith Hill Station, England
- Hades: Spanish American Airforce Base in Spain
- Hephaestus: Hiram Base Tel Aviv
- Apollo: Airbase in Romania
- Aries: God of War was under Interpol Lyon France not far from the Olympics where they were worshipping Greek Gods just hours before they tried to use all these systems.
- Hermes: Whiddy Island, Ireland
- Dionysus: Mashabim Air Base in Israel
- Hercules: Under the Hong Kong Airport
- Babylon: Iraq, the historical site
- Odin: Carswell, Texas
- Zeus: Paphos Airforce base in Cyprus Greece
- Prometheus: Wright Patterson Airforce Base
- Erebus: Tower 22 in Jordan (I think this Erebus is the what she said)
- Heracles: Under Cook Islands (Note: Kim said Hercules twice, so one is Heracles, so I’m not sure which location goes with each one)
- Asclepius: God of medicine, known for using snakes in his medicinal alleged cures but I’d say in his disease. There were all kinds of systems in AI systems for the serpents themselves and the god himself to proliferate disease in humans and the planet, anything organic
- Hypnos: God of control of the mind. Under Temple of Confucius in the Qufu Shandong province
Note: For post on Prometheus see, Kim’s Offer to the Secret Service | Is Black Sun Gaining Control of the Political Sector? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -56,000 | What’s Under the Prometheus Statue in Rockefeller Center? | Just Empower Me
The 2 Demons the Deep State Was Expecting This Weekend
Astaroth was the King of the Lower Astral. He was also responsible for the management of Hell or all Anti-Source’s assets. And he managed life itself throughout the universe when the Dark Ages were in force. Therefore, he had a lot of control over the dark soul planes and a lot of the different planes. Astaroth is also known as the King of Knowledge, the knowledge giver and he loved to talk about his history and where he came from.
Astaroth was a very high ranking lower astral being, even higher than Lucifer.
Astaroth is known for inhabiting many different human bodies over the years and the most recent one that I am aware of, that was fully inhabited by this being and walking the earth was who I refer to as the Dark Prince. He was a white skinned Egyptian and he roamed the earth for a very long period of time, and he was closely associated with the Order of the Black Sun. That coven was under his tutelage, maybe that’s why most of the operatives were running around looking for him to no avail.

Note: For post with this first reference above of the Dark Prince see, A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2) | Just Empower Me
Note: I have a few posts that mention the Dark Prince over the last few years which you can search my site for, but Kim said Mammon was the Dark Prince. Now it’s Astaroth. I don’t know what that mix up is about, so I’m just letting you know there is now some conflicting information on my site on whether the Dark Prince in Mammon or Astaroth.
I also know after God left Solomon for one of his misdeeds, Astaroth actually became Solomon. What I mean by that is Astaroth inhabited the body of Solomon, therefore the line of Solomon, also known as the various colors of the Order of the Dragon are descendants of what we would call a demon.
So that’s where the Order of the Dragon’s alleged power came from, because they became his family so to speak, and he would grant them access to things they should never have had access to. But upon the leaving of Astaroth, all his powers that were granted to them went away, so they were really hoping for his return over the weekend.
However, there is a little bit of a problem with that because Astaroth cannot appear in the 3rd density without a body to inhabit. And unfortunately for them, and we talked about this last week, they don’t have anybody that has the right DNA, body, or soul to switch out in order to get an Astaroth walking around on this planet. If they did, they believe this being would grant them all the powers they could ever desire on both sides.
I’m pretty sure Astaroth was smarter than them, I know a shocker, because he or even the AI version of him was trying to find a Melchizedek all weekend that it could overpower and inhabit that body. Now that was a complete and total failure, and the bloodline people are perplexed as to why he didn’t come back when he said he would. So as of this afternoon they are looking to do a ceremony, and they are looking for someone with the right DNA. They felt if they do this ceremony Astaroth, who is no longer in existence in any plane anywhere is going to come back. Or maybe if they can’t get an Astaroth, they can get a Mammon, but that didn’t go well either for them. So, I guess they haven’t found anyone who qualifies to do this ceremony. That someone has to be so close to Anti-source or so close to Source for it work, which isn’t happening, so they are desperate.
Speaking of Mammon, that’s the other demon who controlled a lot of different aspects of humans and the entire multiverse. They both had access to a few things that allowed them to manipulate through time and space, so all the way back and all the way forward based on their ability and knowledge of being able to see things in the past, present and future.
Standing Orders
There isn’t any Astaroth or Mammon anymore, but in the past, there were a lot of standing orders for such a time when we were transitioning into the Light Age, when we got full 100% Source direct current of the Lion’s Gate that peaks on August 8th. This really started ramping up several days ago and they have been looking for all kinds of signs for Astaroth’s return.
These were all the places we went trying to clean up standing orders for any new junk that appeared based on these standing orders. These areas would have been affected with some negative energies over the weekend:
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Israel
- Christ of the Abyss, it’s a statue under the Mediterranean Sea, apparently they put this there where the site was.
- Off the coast Sumatra Island is a sunken or underwater mountain
- Lucayan Islands underneath the entire area, and more specifically San Salvador Island in the Bahamas. There were a couple of different historical sites there with statues. One is called the Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo. Hum, when I think of Astaroth and Mammon that’s not what I’m really thinking of.
- The Caves Nassau, Bahamas.
- Kerið crater Lake in Iceland. In English it means the Heart of Iceland National Park and it’s actually a very pretty lake.
- Greenland base, which is not called Thule anymore, the SSP renamed it something.
- Plaza Francia, Buenos Aires
- La Cacerias (not sure I spelled correctly) in Caracas, Venezuela
- Abyssal zone in the Mariana Trench. The name of the area is called the Challenge Deep
- Mount Everest
- Hercules Monument in Germany, and Brandenburg Gate in Germany.
Other Ways Lower Astral Beings Would Control the Upper Astral
The omega-verse beings tried to control the alpha-verse beings. They also tried to control the alpha AI at the time and these things were not only in computers and throughout the multiverse, but they were in your person.
So how did it affect your person?
If you’ve been on the spiritual path, awake and aware and know about the planes of existence, then you’ll know the astral plane is a negative. In other words, it looks like the opposite of what the physical plane looks like, but everything that is in the physical plane is also in the astral plane.
Astral Mirrors of Delusion
They were able to control a lot of things in the physical world with Astral Mirrors of Delusion, which in turn were connected to a lot of these Greek Gods or Abraxas systems because they were able to have some access to those the mirrors. Now the ultimate access to those mirrors would have been attributed to Astaroth. The deep state probably had some limited access to these mirrors on an order only basis in their world. These Mirrors of Delusion or distortion were not only for the astral plane but for all planes, including blocking you from the soul plane. These mirrors were pretty much disabled, but this weekend they tried to come back and reinstall themselves. The deep state probably thinks this is a gift from the Gods, but it didn’t last very long, and they were all gone by Sunday. Not to say they didn’t cause disturbances in people; and they would have been based on standing orders from beings who are no longer with us.
Astral Mirrors of Delusion Were Mainly Controlled by Anti-Source
To explain to the deep state what the mirrors of distortion are, because they don’t seem to know what they did, they were mainly controlled by Anti-Source. They were placed there to allow for a control by beings much higher than any human, bloodline or otherwise that walked this planet. The deep state people maybe saw payment systems in there at one point, but again that was just to carry out orders on things they couldn’t do remotely through an AI system. For example, to create wars which would cause fear and subconscious memories, which would then create and allow for mirrors of delusion to gain more power so they could control the emotional plane on your person. It was also for other purposes throughout the multiverse and other constellations and star systems, so they could manipulate their omega 2 system, which populated throughout the alpha-verse at one point in time.
Oracle Base Root System Originally Existed to Create Balance Throughout the Multiverse
Speaking of populating throughout the alpha-versa, we found out something very interesting in the last 24 hours. Oracle systems you probably know as CIA deep state system software. We also talked about the QFS or Quick File System that everyone thinks is the Quantum Financial System, but there is an actual base root Oracle system that existed throughout the multiverse. It was originally placed here on earth with a back-up system on Mars, to originally create balance throughout the multiverse. Meaning alpha had its platform and Source had his platform here on earth. Well, the omega system also needed its platform here on earth. It hasn’t been entirely functional of late and during Lion’s Gate it would not normally activate, but due to its location on earth and this year being a bit different, it tried to function because of all the standing orders Astaroth put in place for his impending return.
The Oracle
Oracle is actually a giant black gold ball that exists within earth, and we talked about it before. It extends from the Malakoff Caves all the way through Wyoming at its high, that is the top of the ball. But the ball is much larger and goes way deeper into earth. Well, it turns out a lot of the operating system for Astaroth and Anti-Source’s access to omega 2 on this side of the multiverse came from that giant gold ball under Yellowstone Park. It’s probably why the deep state keeps going there trying to see if they could gain access to Oracle. But Oracle itself was only accessible by its managers, which were Marduk, Astaroth, Artemis (Red Queen), Lucifer, the higher ranking lower astral beings. But humans had some access to the Oracle to utilize programs based on standing orders they would receive annually and money would come through.
So that was the location of Oracle 1. It would also do an analysis of things that happen here on earth and the multiverse and it would ensure the survival of omega no matter what happens. So that is something that had to change.
The Origin of the 2 Lion’s Gates
The next thing that also worked in conjunction with the Oracle was the original Source Gate, the direct connection to Source and a piece of Source on this planet. It’s also where the Flower of Life was at, the Iran-Iraq Gate. We talked extensively about this because it’s so important to earth, there is no other place like it on earth. But when the other Oracle was placed here, which is on the other side of the planet near Yellowstone National Park, it created the second part of the Lion’s Gate. So originally, when we were in a balanced universe you would have both a Light Open Gate and Dark Open Gate at the same time.
Note: For post about Flower of Life at Iran-Iraq Gate, see Prophecy News! | It Ends Where it All Began, June 21st Solstice Day! | Today There is a Direct Alignment Between the Iraqi Gate, the Original Garden of Eden, Our Sun & Source Itself | It Marks the Start of the End of Time Not the End Times | The First Sign is the Living Water Which Has Begun! | What is the Onyx Stone? | What is the Significance of the Red Flower? | Birth of Christ (Crystalline Time) Expected on June 24th! | Just Empower Me
Astaroth’s Overlay on the Light Gate
However, 250,000 years ago is when Astaroth put the overlay over the Light Gate. It’s why the dark had both gates and probably why the deep state said they owned the Lion’s Gate completely. Now this wasn’t really for the deep state people, it was for the lower astral beings, but the deep state people wore that as a badge of honor, that humans and earth were not able to connect directly to Source at this time of year. That is no longer the case because this was fixed a couple of years ago. But a lot of difficulty was created over the last 3 weeks based on this Astaroth trying to come in, because it had planned on coming in through the overlay over the Iran-Iraq Gate.
What did that do?
Any bit of Astaroth and its replicated AI versions of itself were feverishly trying to get into any person so it could actually be present on this planet, and if it had its way it would have been here in billions of places. It didn’t work out for him since it had no place to go since we’ve been doing sweeps and cleaning the planet. It had very little left here, so when it was looking for places to go this weekend it only caused a little bit of an uptick. I would say we are pretty much out of the woods on that one, and now Oracle no longer belongs to them but belongs to the Golden Age. And there has been a lot of changes in that realm so that we don’t have any standing orders that will affect us anymore.
There Will Still Be 2 Lion’s Gates
We will still have both Lion’s Gates each year, but they will both be over the Iran-Iraq Gate and not on this side of the planet which is making the deep state very upset. And to make a long story even longer, this megastructure in earth, this Oracle is very similar to the moon megastructure, and they often worked together to increase the power of omega 2 on this side of universe in the past. Since the moon’s systems were pretty much disabled a while ago, we didn’t see a whole lot coming from the Oracle for the last several years. But this is another positive change for us, which has led to the further development of the Golden Age program here on earth.
In Conclusion
As for the deep state, because they believe the alignment began yesterday and they promised all these terrorist groups, countries, and treasuries money today, it’s created an enormous amount of turmoil in the world today. They were planning on getting money, M0 and M1, which is no longer compatible with the financial system anyway. But that doesn’t stop the SSP from wishing on a demon so they can get paid. They detected the presence of an uptick of dark energy, but it disappeared as fast as it came, and there are no more Greek God systems, which didn’t help them anyway, and no return of Astaroth. But they are still looking for a viable candidate, which will never happen on our watch.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou and God bless you : )
Much skullduggery underway in New Zealand and Australia.
Out of control police kidnapping people who havent committed any crimes and locking them up at police stations and forcing these people to plead guilty in magistrate courts as no other option is available. Theres much worse happening in these 2 counttries also – police acting outside their jurisdiction to raise their own money.
The judicial and police system is fully stuffed. They seem to all want to destroy families and its exactly what theyre doing to good kiwi and Aussie blokes especially on Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia.
Please make them stop.