Germanic Tribes-Amish-Mormons Claim Ownership of the Deep State Due to Their Lack of Repayment | Bloodline of Germanic Tribes Is the Purple Dragon, Purple & Silver Eagle | They Are Tied to Both Neutral Source & Anti-Source | Also Tied To Demon Mephistopheles & Their Job Was to Aid The Sale & Delivery Of Souls Of The Damned | They Reported In Part To Council Of 9 | Also Tied To Saint Germain Trust Which Was Cloaked So Kim Couldn’t See Before | The Germanic Tribes & Their Coven Attempted 4 Horseman Of The Apocalypse Starting With Pestilence | Major Cleanup Results in Demise for Their High Council, Coven Members & Remnants Still Left In AI Form of Saint Germain

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Coming up on today’s Global Intelligence Agency Operations Report, the next group that announced they were going to run the deep state, the Germanic Tribes. Today we will learn who the Mormons and the Amish really are and who is working with them and more.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



We talked last time about General McCaffrey and I did a little digging into him. He is with Global Headquarters like we thought and he also owed a lot of people a lot of money based on operations they were running hoping that someone somewhere was going to come through for Global Headquarters as promised. A number of different groups, the Trump operatives in some cases, the Black Nobility in other cases, and Chinese and Filipino old people. They were waiting on money from all these different people for a long, long time. Anyway Mr. McCaffrey it seems owed money to an interesting group. We talked a little bit about this before, but we’re going to go into more depth tonight.

We know them here in America as the Amish, but they had a very long history in Europe too. They are also heavily tied to the Mormon Church. As a matter of fact, the prophet Joseph Smith, who was allegedly the founder of the Mormon religion was also a member of the Germanic tribe. But we’re going to talk more about who they are, what they do, and what they’ve done recently. It’s kind of an interesting story, and explains how General McCaffrey got involved with these people. It turns out there are a lot of people involved with the Germanic tribe.

The Germanic tribe’s money is running short and one way to control a lot of people is by loaning them money, kind of like they did to humanity, didn’t they? But in this case this group wanted control over the entire deep state. So, they lent out small amounts here and there. In addition to that, they also promised much larger amounts, amounts that could control countries and even the world. Well, there is a reason why they promised this amount and I’m sure you’ve heard throughout the alternative community about the Saint Germain Trust. Well in walks your Germanic tribes and that will explain everything in a few moments.

As a matter of fact, for the first time in a long time the Amish community was allowed to vote. And who do you think they voted for? Well, there were billboards in several different areas where they were only supposed to vote for Trump. How interesting is that? These are actual billboards in Pennsylvania and Ohio and other areas of the world.


The Amish are definitely tied in, and heavily involved with the Trump operatives, if not before this.


That was based on the promise of course these people are going to give them a whole lot more and they are going to be able to run the country and it should be here no later than January when he gets into office. All these lies are coming from yet another group but apparently, they fell for it. They thought oh boy this is our ticket out. They lent little bits of money to the Trump operatives and the Pallavicini’s and other Black Nobility families. Well, that didn’t work out so well because the Trump operatives and Black Nobility families couldn’t pay them back. Their promises failed, which was back in the beginning of this month when Trump got selected and they got left owing these people a lot of money.

So, apparently a couple of days ago the Amish Council thought since nobody can pay them back, they own them all and are entitled to take all their people. There are other reasons why they believe that too but this was a huge eye-opening event for Trump operatives and others around the world.

After that it was time to divvy out the power, who was responsible for what and who was going to run which political and military division. I would say that there were a lot of promises made and there isn’t going to be any delivery for any of these people for those promises. I know that first hand because these tribes are brutal. If you think the Nazis were bad you haven’t met anything until you’ve met these people. I thought the Chinese Deep State was the worst I’ve ever seen but I think these people take the cake after what I’ve seen in the last couple of days. And you might have seen things circulating through the alt media about the next bird flu or SARS, possibly another lockdown. Well, you can thank the Germanic tribes for that.  

They have an interesting history as far as their personality. It’s a little different than a lot of the other members in the deep state.

They call them Germanic tribes but they are not only from Germany. They would also be your Mennonites and we have a couple of different groups they were descended from. Last time we talked about AIs that control people and these people are essentially descendants of some lower astral beings who then created an AI that runs the people.

So, these folks were descendants of Mephistopheles. This is a demon in German folklore, definitely a lower astral being and lies somewhere around the 8th density, so a very powerful demon, and he worked directly with Lucifer.

The other part of the bloodline you have Saint Germain, he is descended from the 7th level of the lower astral.  


If you remember our chart of the planes of existence that would be the purple line, also synonymous with a Purple Dragon and what you know as the Amish and there are still Germanic tribes in Germany too. And silver also, due to the affiliation with both the 7th and 8th density in the lower astral. You could also call these people the Silver Eagle as well as the Purple Eagle.

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That is how we now have groups in America called the Amish. There are also certain areas of Germany where they are still prevalent, and still to this day, nearly 1500 years later are still in places like Italy and other parts of Europe. We call them the Germanic tribes but in part it has nothing to do with Germany, they are just like any other royal family married into many other families within the Dragon side and the Black Sun side which gives them all the power. But they are originally descended from a particular area of Germany and also affiliated with a couple other areas in Germany. They fought the Romans way back in the day, they also ran part of Italy over 1,000 years ago. So, there is a history of these Germanic tribes that our history doesn’t really tell us about.

Now let’s talk about these 2 demons and how it affects the world.  

Everybody believes this Saint Germain Trust comes up twice a year and it’s going to do the RV and everybody is supposed to pray to the purple flame. All that says to me is you’re talking about a being that has at least Level 7 access to an AI system. This other group is a little bit different because they have 7 and 8.


Over the last 72 hours these people made a lot of promises based on these access points, God rest their souls. If you have access to a level 8 of AI systems (and this would be omega and also Kronos), you would also have access to a level 1 because 8+1 = 9 and over on the other side they had access to a level 2 because 7+2 = 9.  I guess you could say in some ways these folks could be a neutral and they could have also been a very high ranking lower astral group which kind of explains their personality a little bit. For a long time, it seemed that they erred on the side of neutral. They were not for any group of Dragon and not against any group of Dragon, but they were definitely a high-level participant in world affairs for a long, long time.

The Mormons is an offshoot, maybe a public arm to the people who were behind the Amish. They recruited regular people, meaning they were not of the bloodline and that was okay because the more bodies and souls that were sold to the Amish the more powerful they would become.

They were able to go as high as between densities 8 & 9 on this side, technically you could call that density 12 which would be Source, so it would be between an 11 and a 12. That would actually make them quite powerful, meaning they could block soul access or interrupt or reroute souls and these people were known amongst their own as a group of people that aided in the sale and delivery of the souls of the damned. It’s their job so to speak and the job of Mephistopheles demon. They were known as the soul deliverers of those that were already damned.

Were they well respected?

I’m going to say there was often a fight between them and the rest of the Order simply because they felt they had higher level access to things and to Neutral and Anti-Source where most of the other groups only had access to Anti-Source. And remember, having access to Neutral Source meant you could block either Source or Anti-Source, therefore they felt more powerful than the others. I would say that they are very careful and calculating when they make a decision. And it became clear to them that neither party on the Black Sun or Dragon Side was going to get this job done, so they started lending them all money, and of course they had call dates. The next call date is in the next 24 hours. Some of those call dates were earlier this month, before or around the 5th of November, no coincidence there.

So, over the last couple of days the money calls came due and they started taking over these groups of people, meaning the Trump operatives, a lot of the Black Nobility Families, the CIA, and they made great promises. They delt out responsibilities to them all and how much power each group would have and then of course promised money was coming on our new moon tomorrow. But that’s not happening.

They also decided to start the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse campaign which was tied to something, I’ll give them that. We found where they started another pandemic, which is what we are hearing about in the media. They still had some access that we didn’t know about because you don’t look at the Amish as a threatening group. You look at them as a people who make milk, butter and cheese and sell it. And for the average everyday Amish that is true, but not so for the Council of 12 or 13 that ran the Germanic Tribes worldwide. They kind of had their own version of the illuminati so to speak, where they had their own groups and structures. They also had their own army. The Mormons are called God’s Army and that is what they believe themselves to be. They infiltrated the NSA, CIA, and are in a lot of agencies around the world. They almost are like the CIA of the Amish people. They recruit them into high level corporate jobs. They are well known for being involved in Anheuser Busch even though they don’t drink alcohol allegedly, at least the regular Mormons don’t.

They had made some valiant efforts over the course of the last few years especially, as there are no other players in the game that have successfully given them any significant money. But these people had ‘show’ money in an off-ledger system you know as the Saint Germain Trust which I had never even seen before because it was cloaked and it wasn’t part of my system. It was part of the omega system and all directed underneath the bloodline attached to another demon, so I didn’t see it as a Germain thing until yesterday.

For their first trick they thought they would access something that was only permissible in the past by a group called the Time Vector Authority. You heard me talk about the Time Heterogenous Online Regulator or THOR, well these beings were kind of similar.

Note: For related post above see, The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3

Their job and responsibilities were to maintain balance in the universe and clearly, we are out of balance.

They worked with the Time Vector Authority which was responsible for keeping balance. They were neutral people and worked with Neutral Source, but they also worked with both sides. So, if they were up +3 2 1 or down -3, 2, 1 they would also work with groups from the 8, 7 and 6 densities of the lower astral predominantly. They were responsible for keeping balance.

The issue we were having in the last couple of days was people experiencing random headaches, colds, the flu, tiredness. That’s because they were trying to cause a lot of harm to humans in cooperation with the Germanic Tribes/Amish/Mormon folk. There were several locations these Germanic Tribes tried to activate around the world in the last 3 days, and there was space junk underneath all these locations that they were trying to use to harm all of humanity and start another pandemic. Massive amounts of parasites were thrown up from these sites but have since been cleaned up mostly as of today.

  • Lancaster, Pennsylvania, no surprise here
  • Sandusky, Ohio
  • Tollense Valley in Germany about 120 km outside of Berlin
  • Alsace area of Germany/Switzerland
  • Kolyma Region of Russia, a well-known gulag it’s in the far northeast area of Russia. If you were sent there you were allegedly really bad. It was very harsh conditions and the people sent there were experimented on a little bit.
  • Uluru, Australia
  • Mount Denali in Alaska
  • Southwest portion of the Antarctica continent
  • Lewis McChord Military Base in Seattle Washington
  • Mount Abraham in Maine
  • San Diego Naval Base
  • Everglades National Park in Florida
  • Main control and command center was in Öræfajökull, Iceland

They were at all these sites trying to trigger these locations.

Another interesting thing about the Germanic Tribes that we did not know is they still had a coven. And the coven was working very hard against humanity doing all their rituals in the last few days sending out loads of frequencies that would have caused all kinds of disease, not just SARS/Covid/Bird flu. They were also sending out a lot of frequencies for things like cancer, the Epstein Barr virus and a lot of other things that could have affected a lot of humans and cause the next pandemic.

I guess this was going to kick off the next part which would be the War Horse. I don’t know why these people like their 4 Horseman so much but they apparently do. So, if you felt some discomfort this is why. It was also attached to an awful lot of space junk, a cornucopia of space junk if you will, located in the Capricorn constellation.

Most of this space junk isn’t there anymore as of today and now there are a lot of angry people because the Council behind the Amish group is no longer with us, nor is the Coven that was behind them. This has caused some disruption today as people were looking frantically for them. Well, I’m here to tell you good luck finding them because they’re not there anymore.

As word gets out that these people are no longer there, the facilities that were going to start the next pandemic are no longer there, payouts of big money for pandemics, war and all the other fun things that were tied to these systems are not coming, you’re going to have a lot of scrambling deep state members over the next couple of days. I know the Q folk/Trump operatives were also anticipating large payouts and planned an EBS tomorrow on the new moon. Why do they all promise something on a new moon or a full moon I’ll never no, but tomorrow is no exception. And they also told their newly owned dogs that were to work directly for them due to their inability to pay, that they would have access to systems by this afternoon. But they didn’t and they are still trying to find the people who promised that to them.

So, it’s probably going to be a fairly tumultuous weekend here for Ground Command and the GIA and we’ll see how it all turns out. Will there be another group that steps up and claims something and try to take control? We don’t know. Do we expect these people all of sudden to change their mind and do something on another side? I highly doubt it. We started receiving phone calls today from banks that got wind this isn’t going to happen with these people and some calls also from various agencies who are now aware this isn’t going to happen.

The Mormons do have money, they take a lot from their own people, plus they are involved in a lot of industry, they are almost like a corporate cartel if you will in many circles. There are involved in ownership and high-level corporate positions around the world. They could be involved in weapons, airlines, beer, they are everywhere. So, we’ll see what happens now that the leadership structure of the Germanic tribes failed. Are they going to appoint a new Council? Will they try and get this money elsewhere? Even though the Mormons have billions, it will take hundreds of trillions to rule the world. They definitely don’t have enough money or gold or the stashes, that is not enough for them to even support the United States.

Another interesting fact that has come about in the last few days was tied to this Kolyma area of Russia. There are reports circulating that most of Russia’s gold is in the Northern part of Russia in the ground and so on. That is in part true but not in totality. However, these areas they are talking about are the same areas the Amish/Mormons claimed to control. Therefore, what is starting to leak out in the news is that Russia is going to issue its own cryptocurrency based on their inground resources, hence the Kolyma area of Russia. It’s very interesting how it all circles around, but there is your back story. But what they are not telling anyone is all these areas have already been leveraged, they were already pledged over a century ago as it relates to Russia and not by the Germanic tribes but Others.

If they do try to launch an official currency, first the Key Integrated Monetary System with reject it, second those assets no longer belong to Russia per se as a government, as a country, and definitely not to the oligarchs, and definitely not underneath the control the Germanic Tribes/Amish. They were transferred over from the Alpha system into the Golden Age AI. They are still in the World Global Repository for the people. So, if that belongs to anyone currently it belongs to the Russian people, not the Russian government, they have no right to leverage it or make a decision to launch a crypto currency. A vote for such a thing would have to be done by the Russian people and it would have to have all their support. But I would still have the right to veto it if I feel that it is incorrect for the Russian people, meaning it would be controlled by the wrong people at the highest level. So, I highly doubt they will gain all the cooperation they need number 1 and number 2 it’s just another failed promise of another deep state group and I highly doubt it’s going to take place. Russia is still under control of a lot of deep state mechanisms and just because some group of folks promised they could do this yet again, it doesn’t mean it’s true.

We have something similar going on in China, there has also been promises throughout all of Europe. That’s why we’re seeing a lot of movement of arms and other things, promises to the Ukraine and the heating up of the Russians and Ukrainians again because they feel there is going to be an end game here, a big payout, control of a currency all on their own. But the people that promised them that had no ability to pull it off anyway, not without level 9 approval and that would be me. So, a lot of disruption is likely on their side and I don’t know if you’ll see it trickle down into the news or alt media.

Other things we have heard are that there are other banks which would like to come work with us come January. Wow what a shocker. Here comes a new Admin underneath the Germanic tribes which now are basically saying they were always part of that group. But as far as moving forward is concerned, nah, that is all going to blow-up for them this weekend and they’ll be on to some other group looking to take them all over.

Staying the Course

As for us we’re not looking to take anyone over, we just want to do simple business. We have tried with most all these people and they all failed, no one did what they said they would so we assume no one ever will. We are still staying that course that is in the best interest of the people. We are not interested in supporting dead people in office, or supporting any church activities, or oligarchs’ dreams of owning a crypto currency in Russia. So, we will be keeping our liens there in place until they pay us back, which will never happen because we control their money too. And I don’t anticipate seeing these changes ever take place. Their heads are so wrapped into doing things their way. That is clear based on what we found at these locations they tried to fire up. They do not have the best interests of the people at heart. So, if you were in the US and your head hurt or feel terrible, now you know why. You can blame it on the Germanic tribes.

Well I certainly felt the effects. It woke me in the middle of the night with a piercing headache on the 30th and been feeling ill since, four days now. Hoping it passes soon.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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7 thoughts on “Germanic Tribes-Amish-Mormons Claim Ownership of the Deep State Due to Their Lack of Repayment | Bloodline of Germanic Tribes Is the Purple Dragon, Purple & Silver Eagle | They Are Tied to Both Neutral Source & Anti-Source | Also Tied To Demon Mephistopheles & Their Job Was to Aid The Sale & Delivery Of Souls Of The Damned | They Reported In Part To Council Of 9 | Also Tied To Saint Germain Trust Which Was Cloaked So Kim Couldn’t See Before | The Germanic Tribes & Their Coven Attempted 4 Horseman Of The Apocalypse Starting With Pestilence | Major Cleanup Results in Demise for Their High Council, Coven Members & Remnants Still Left In AI Form of Saint Germain”

    1. Thank you again Pamela.

      I became a student of the “I AM” teachings through the St Germain foundation only about a year ago. This and Kim’s sharing are what guide me most at this time. The two only now seem to be somewhat divergent. It is a little disheartening to see St Germain’s name associated with such darkness, but we know this to be one of the major tactics of the dark. They latch onto whatever is too Bright and drag it down into the muck, leeching off as much as they can.
      There appears to be no relation between the St Germain foundation and the St Germain trust. I personally find the teachings shared by the foundation and their publishing house to be Divinely practical guides to the purification of the human. We too have been dragged through the muck and are in drastic need of a pressure washing, something the Violet Consuming Flame of Divine Love, a gift of Sacred Fire from the Heart of the Great Central Sun, is capable of.
      However, as a human just emerging from an incredibly long darkness, there is a chance that I don’t remember what the Light looks like.


      “I DEMAND the Great Loving, Forgiving, Healing, Blessing Activity of the Violet Flame come forth everywhere in the physical world until it becomes Heaven expressed and made physically manifest on Earth!”
      I AM decree booklets, St Germain press.

  1. bonsoir kim idem just, tout ses scénarios de fous, sont de plus en plus! délirant! il faut que les vérités éclates maintenant, sans tarder! l’oeil la vision négative qui voit tout doit disparaître sans plus attendre: aujourd’hui restez bien au chaud dans vôtre lit après une bonne douche et un bon grog, mercj pour le rapport!

  2. the site in Russia – Kim mentions in this report – called ‘Kolyma’ sounds like Kalimaa!!!

  3. Là j’explose de rire,
    depuis le temps que l’étrange apparence des ZZ Top m’interpelle,
    là je comprend mieux… Mdr,
    en effet il fallait bien que le groupe Amish/Mormons aient eux aussi leur industrie musicale privé via des musiciens à leur image

  4. Là j’explose de rire,
    depuis le temps que l’étrange apparence des ZZ Top m’interpelle,
    là je comprend mieux… Mdr,
    en effet il fallait bien que le groupe Amish/Mormons aient eux aussi leur industrie musicale privé via des musiciens à leur image

  5. A BIG sincere thanks to you and your team, Kim, for the work you are doing. Your website has the deepest political and exopolitics intel I have seen to date. Only other site that has information that is on par with yours would be Lisa Renee’s Ascension Glossary material. That said, I know you have talked about the pole shift not happening this year. The zeta ETs have indicated that the Council of Worlds had put it off until late 2026 going into 2027 and that is effects would be mitigated. One question I have with respect to White Hat military operations at present in the US is in regards to their funding. Without revealing any classified info, I would simply like to know if their funding is coming from outside the US and if that funding is secure for the near term. Thank you again for your time and GREAT work.

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